Finals Smogon Premier League XV - Finals [Won by Dragonspiral Tyrants]

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It really feels like the end of an era for me, a long journey that spanned years. Finding the right words will be tough, nonetheless i will try my best. Pokémon has given me a lot over time and SPL i can say was certainly the peak of it. I'm grateful for everything that led me to where i stand today. Starting to ladder casually on po on the off chance of finding Marcoasd, the goat, possibly luck him and run away with it, purely for bragging rights in a gen i never touched before. Falling in love for the tier's simplicity and hyper focus on playing over prep. Starting to do good, developing an ego, improving, beefing with people, making friendships. Getting really good, going 9-1 in POCL, which at the time featured 90% of what was gonna be the SPL pool, proving to myself and others i had it in me to do well. Having a wake up call ending up benched the coming SPL, never being given a real chance because of bias and reacting quite pathetically if i do say so myself.

But eventually, one team broke the stalemate, the SPL X Tyrants gave me shelter and decided to bet on me. I'm sure at the time it was just a matter of getting the rumored "best player" in a very barren pool following the quit or many legends, just a low cost shoot (8k) and see what happens. And this story i never get tired of telling, i wish it will bring hope to anybody to which it resonates with, be it today or tomorrow. My start was awful, by week 4 i was 1-3 and no doubt if we had an rby sub, my story might have ended there and then. Whenever it was bad luck, me not being good enough or both i don't remember. But there is something i do remember, i was swearing to them, my mates, that it was all a ruse, that the real me would burst through. And i do remember very clearly how supportive everyone was, they didn't give up on me, they saw something in the way i played, something that was enough to hope i could win some games for them, more than a sub could anyway. How that season went from there on out, will always have a special place in my heart. As i bonded more with my dear mates in a climate that i can only call magical, it was pure loud joy and dumbassery. So did i grow as a player, i wanted to win so much for them that nothing could get in the way, not an early freeze, not a bad mu, not three crits in a row. My mates were waiting for me to return to them with good news, and i was not gonna betray their trust. That season i never lost ever again, even going as far as to load Exeggutor Tauros Snorlax Articuno Zapdos Cloyster in SPL finals vs fomg, not only a seasoned player but one of my early losses too, something that can only be described as insane hubris and drinking my own koolaid. Despite that, by grit and teeth i won, i felt the best, untouchable even and ended a season that started 1-3 with 8-3. This to say, that as long as you have a shot to redeem yourself, the chance to play the next game, you should stay strong in the face of adverisity, play your heart out, if it's meant to be, magic will ensue.
Either way The finals started 1-0 thanks to that, i had no doubt the Tyrants which legit destroyed everything in their path up until that point had the red in the bag. That great feeling lasted as long as sunday when we racked up a strong lead of 6-3. However, much like a shakespeare's tragedy, they got us. They tied and from there swept the tiebreak, 6-3 to 6-8. This is the closest to heartbroken something online ever gave me. I didn't even want to open the tyrants chat or talk to anyone for a while, it was too good of a season to end like that. In any case, from that i developed a big love for SPL and wonderful friendships that are still my prized treasures to this day (more whitebeard larp to come later) that include but are not limited to Rey, Hogg, Blunder, Marcop, CTC, CBB, Tobes and Roro.
This is why winning SPL was so important to me, i didn't need the red myself. I was more than satisfied with my rby results but i sure as hell needed to see, no, to bring the Tyrants as a franchise and especially Rey and Blunder to the promised land. We joked, butted heads, discussed, planned, tilted, overreacted, baited many people, but in the end, together we won. I wouldn't want it any other way. This went way too long, time to shoutout and wrap it up.

Reyscarface Blunder: I could talk about you two forever and yet it feels almost cheap to, what is there even to say at this point? The goat drafter and the goat entertainer, together in one neat package. Nothing i could say would make you justice, the other mates have already gone at it better than me too. So i will limit myself to this: thank you. For always believing in me, for being loud dumbasses who make every situation 100 times funnier. We have come a long way, from an 8k pick done for the sake of it, to entrusting me the last game of tiebreak. There really is nothing to say, we are the champions, my friends.

Soulwind: Nothing is more reassuring than having SOULWIND as your partner. You know for a fact someone made it as a player when he can load fat 90% of his games, get casually farmed by Rhyperior in a tb and still being talked as a clear favorite for the next one. Jokes aside when the mus aren't unplayable garbage with highest damage dealing mon Toxapex we all know who to trust, the goat.

CTC: The only idiot who can crack and solve a meta of infinite permutations with teras, and still walk into the most obvious ban of all time, perfectly obvlious to it. That being said, you are without a doubt the goat, it's impossible to deny that we could never get this far without your valiant effort for prep and your key wins. The beach prep time paid off in the end.
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Damien: My favorite teammate in a long while, cordial, open to everything, extremely good and perceptive of mistakes, but firm in his belief. If you didn't have the unviable timezone we might have the ultimate being in front of us, crazy. Seriously you played the best finals game by a long shot for our team. The ability to pull hard ass triggers in a finals is very rare, the difference between brave and fool is thin but you ace it perfectly. So proud of you.

Java: You played extremely well and surprised everyone out of the blue, it's undeniable that the pressure got to you later but when it did Ice Fang made no prisoners. These are the makings of a protagonist, make yourself comfortable in pressure games and you will go far indeed in this business.

Luispeikou: Quality and convenience, better call Luis if you need a sub, because the man can play anything well above his price. I won't lie ever since the sharks seasons Luis is one of those guys that always puts a smile on my face because he fills whatever you need and it does so well, keep going man.

Mada: Probably the MVP of the season, the mix of scouts and playing ability is deadly combo, costed peanuts too. You bailed us hard as fuck this season especially vs the Ruiners, thank you so much for your work.

Poek: 2ez, pivotal role in poffs.

AKG: Unfortunate doesn't even begin to describe what happened, started in a new tier that needed to stabilize. Lucked in sm vs a mu you knew exactly how to pry open, and then tablet used Self Destruct for good measure. By the time you were back the team went "momentum" strat otherwise no doubt you found a spot. At least you got the trophy to show for it.

Don Salvatore: I don't know how you feel now, if all is good or you still mull over the season but i can say this for sure. Playoffs weren't fair to you, being thrusted into teams that are far from your comfort zone in a tier you recently shifted to can only go so many ways, the error was mostly ours that we pushed for better mus but either way you live you learn. It was experience in his own right.

CBB: One of the few guys that can go 0-10 but still give you confidence that he knows what to do the last game. It's not easy to come across guys like this but thank goodness, it came clutch full force in the finals. We butted heads way too much so i'm sure you know what i think, that you should return to be more free spirited and embrace the mu variance more, done that your superior playing ability will shine.

Dridri: For mere 3k, you terrorized the pool. I won't lie, there is no need, after week 2 i thought we were in for some rough times but it appears that was the outlier not the other way. You pulled important triggers and imprinted fear onto your enemies, it's the stuff of dreams to get a brave 3k madhouse main.

Pkleech: We played many tests early in the season, and in each and every one of them i was utterly destroyed (harder than anyone else besides maybe CBB in oras), so i know for a fact you are better than this record. The only question is understanding what went wrong and improving further, i will keep an eye curious for the result

Cyberodin: I have no clue what you said half the times, the language barrier is strong but one thing i could tell, you are very energetic which is always good.

Rubyblood: With Conflict migrated, best gsc in the pool? Probably. Incredible early games but a tendency to be too happy to take the easy way out in endgames and worse the odds up, if you fix it you could be crazy consistent no doubt.

Mister Sauce: Victim of being in a team of great players, it was very hard to deny Ruby the gsc slot, and someone had to pay for it. Still you did very well and contribuited to the great cause with early games and late cooking. Sauce.

Anti August: Every little comment and tip we could snatch from you was worth it's weight in gold, so damn reassuring to have not one but two DPP goats on our corner, thank you so much.

Vert: Almost feels cheap to get such a fire help for free but sure why not right? I won't pretend i know much of SV but everything you said ended up right like a prophecy

Jayde: Being the therapist for SW a full season while he had to build around Thundurus-T? The hero we needed.

Tobes: I knew it had to end with you, i won't lie it's been a while since i felt the need to actually discuss my takes with anyone but any excuse was good to bring you along ever since SPL X, i enjoyed very much discussing turns, thanks for your unwavering support, we did it.

As for me, i think this is the end of my journey. I won't make it a 100% statement because quitting for good is hard and afterall i was not supposed to join this one either before Blunder called up, but here we are. But i do think i did everything i wanted to do and then some. This is the most perfect ending i could possibly ask for in addiction to my gradual lose of interest for the game. Won with my first love the Tyrants. Had a tiebreak third game win clutch which i always avoided like the plague even in regular because i absolutely hated the idea of going last and having the game not mattering at all if not straight up deadgamed.
Won my very last game with Jynx Starmie Rhydon, my favorite team. As a nice little easter egg that makes my nerd side thrill, while doing the Whitebeard cosplay my last ever SPL turn turns out to be a Rhydon's Earthquake crit.

Speaking of Whitebeard, i'd like to give some insight that i'm sure some missed. Aside from wanting to change Discord avatar for a while and liking his design he was picked because it rapresented me the most. No, the solution isn't as easy as to call myself the strongest, or i would have gone for Mihawk instead which design i like even more. Much like Whitebeard i'm past my prime but hold my title strong to my chest. Probably i'm still overall the best but the gap with the rest of the world isn't as big as it once was. My best moves have been studied and copied, moves that back in the day were revolutionary and allowed me to comeback from any early opening, including the infamous early freezes. Today are the standard and are used against me, even gof whom i doubt can change a lightbulb knows of them, it's harder and harder to produce memorable comebacks. My ranking fallen down tremendously, for the first time i risked to place second, some people went as far as to give me fifth. My point is, the time is ripe, i had my reign over the tier, it's time for the new guys to shine. Now rby tiebreaks aren't unthinkable blasfemies but legit strats, if not ideal, in SPL X i couldn't convince my team to make it happen, this time around i didn't need to ask in fact i couldn't convince them of otherwise if i wanted to. The level of playing massively stepped up, no longer we will watch a replay of Tiba and wonder if it was played by chatgpt.

If i find the strenght, i would like to make the final rby guide for veterans, like my master Marcoasd once did for the italians back in paraslam meta. My last act of love toward the tier that gave me everything.

it was truly epic to assist to what feels like your last spl season at least as a player (u would make a godly manager), seeing u win it with rey and blunder all of you grinding so much for so long to get the red trophy. Thanks a lot to tony for recommending me, and rey picking me in the end so that i could experience such an emotional moment. ngl i might have shed a tear or several when i saw whitebeard stele.


law of fezandipiti
is a Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Champion
World Defender
Congrats to my brothers, first couple weeks i could already tell the potential was there as usual but seeing yall finally get the red is so satisfying. Shoutout to dridri for popping off, i had no idea who you were but you played some amazing games for someone so new to the scene, it was great to brainstorm with you and big Tim. Cook again for sure. Shoutout basedlord for coming back and showing he can just farm whenever he actually cares, but also for being top 3 funniest people worldwide. Myjava stepped up big time without basedlord too, certified goobsheist

Shoutout to Rey, cbb, blunder and troller, who have played so many times and were in like 5 final tiebreaks, i guess this goes to show you just gotta have life work with things in its own pace. It honestly feels like the final arc of smogon or something. So happy for you guys, never forget the ones who helped you achieve this

Borja you gotta keep farming to achieve that first hall of fame spot before retiring, for g5l

Buen clima the goat

Shoutout to Rubyblood too, i know you were really annoyed things didnt go your way many times this season but you clutched big time in finals, enjoy the trophy man

Im gonna stop here as i wasnt even part of the team, but i just had to write about how these guys really put in work and made sure things were fun while giving it their best(every single teammate won a game), enjoy the trophy and the money


is a Tiering Contributor Alumnuswon the 3rd Official Ladder Tournamentis a defending SPL Championis a Two-Time Past SCL Champion
Big Chungus Winner
Incredible that I was able to clutch the win for the team, originally I wanted to be last because it's the only way I could have thanked my team for my subpar performance and lack of activity throughout the regular season. You guys rock, thanks for putting the trust in me to play in playoffs!

Shoutout to reyscarface for being the best manager of all time. Your dedication and leadership have truly shone throughout every SPL that you've managed, I'm sure. It's a joy to finally see you hoist that trophy after all your hard work over the years. Congratulations on a well-deserved win!

Shoutout to blunder, my dear friend and longtime companion on this journey. From the highs to the lows, we've stuck together and now, after all these years, we've finally made Mike proud won. Thank you for everything, your friendship means the world to me.

A huge congratulations to CrashinBoomBang! Despite the lackluster kebab, your victory in this tournament shines bright. You've shown resilience and skill, and I couldn't be happier for you, my friend.

CTC, you're simply unmatched when it comes to teambuilding AND playing. Your support for every SV slot was invaluable, and it's no doubt a significant factor in our success. Thank you for your dedication and expertise. You can keep the $50 you deserve them king:swole::swole::swole::swole:

Troller, the RBY master, you've proven once again that consistency is key. Your performance in this tournament was outstanding, and I hope you revel in the glory of this well-deserved trophy. Congratulations!

Mada for your unwavering support throughout the entire season. Your contributions both on and off the battlefield were invaluable, and I'm grateful to have had you on our team.

Rubyblood, you've been my rock throughout this journey. We both came through in the clutch during the finals, and your belief in me never wavered. I hope I lived up to your expectations in the end.

Hats off to myjava for showcasing your unmatched skills in SV. Your dominance in that area truly set the stage for our success. Congratulations on a well-deserved victory!

To damien and dridri, witnessing your triumph in the finals was incredibly moving. Your hard work and dedication have been duly rewarded, and I couldn't be happier for you both.
soulwind & luispako, a ver si quedamos algún día, después de ganar esta mierda habrá que hacerlo. LAS CABRAS :swole::swole:

Cyberodin Disfruta de tu trofeo y gracias por todos los momentos geniales que nos has brindado JAJAJAAA estás loco wn pero se aprecia cada comentario

And to AshKetchumGamer, BlazingDark, DonSalvatore, and PkLeech, while I may not have been as active in the chat, I recognize and appreciate the vital roles each of you played in our victory. Thank you for your contributions to the team's success!

Tyrants <3
I'm very bad at writing these things but winning a tournament of this caliber doesn't happen every day so it's an effort to make. First of all I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue playing pokemon after winning the WCOP with Spain, but I had a thorn in my side with this tournament after losing the tiebreak in the final last year so I decided to try again and everything ended well. I want to apologize to my team for not clicking Aqua Jet in my last game at the important moment we were in. I also want to apologize for not being as active in the chat as I would have liked, I read every line in the discord but between work and the language barrier it was a bit complicated, also I think I need to have more confidence in myself when it comes to contribute things in preparation issues, although most of the team is much better than me in that, there are times when I think something that I don't write and later someone from the team has the same perception so I guess I'm not so bad on my way. I'm not going to go on much longer so here go my shoutouts:

reyscarface : I think we had never interacted before this tournament and to be honest I had only heard bad things about you but nothing further from the truth, you are a very good captain, always concerned that everything goes well and for the interests of the team, I am very happy that you finally won this tournament, completely deserved and thank you very much for trusting me.

blunder : Practically since I started playing pokemon I've been watching your videos, I've always been a big fan of yours and I was very excited to play in a team for you. Like reyscarface you are a great captain, you have worked hard to help all the slots and your efforts were also rewarded. Thank you very much to you also for trusting me and I'm glad I was able to contribute to the team to bring you this trophy.

Heroic Troller : We are already old acquaintances from other years in the Sharks and I couldn't be happier. Starting each week knowing that we have a 1-0 lead in a tier like RBY just by seeing you in the lineup feels fucking good. I just want to thank you for the words you always have for me in the DMs and the confidence you give me, I'm also very happy to have been able to contribute some win for a legend like you to get his first trophy, congratulations.

CTC : I only knew you for being a great builder, in fact when I started I was always trying to find your teams on the forums because I loved them but I have also discovered that you are an absolute beast when it comes to the games themselves. It is absolutely crazy the work you have done preparing all the SVs and always helping me to realize my mistakes and to analyze the lines of each combat, if there is someone who deserves this trophy is you. I am very glad to have met you, to know how you work and to have won with your teams, you are one of the very bests without any doubt, congratulations and thank you very much.

Mada : I didn't know you before the tournament but you were probably the biggest surprise for me of the tournament, I still can't believe you weren't drafted first and I can't be happier that you were finally able to come to our team. Your efforts with scouting everyone and your help with preparations are not something that many people have on this site, plus I think you took a big leap forward as a player yourself. I'm sorry I haven't interacted more with you but I hope to see you succeed in other tournaments because you deserve it as the most, congratulations and thank you.

myjava : I knew you from other tournaments and I knew you were a great player, but with this tournament it is more than demonstrated for those who didn't know it. Thank you very much for helping with the preparations and testing when I couldn't do it and for stepping up with the CTC ban, absolute goat. Congratulations and thank you.

DonSalvatore and Ash KetchumGamer : We didn't interact too much in this tournament largely because of me, sorry for that, but you have been super important in the team, I think you didn't quite find yourselves comfortable but you both have brought super important wins, thanks for always adapting to what we need and I'm glad to have been your partner. Congratulations and thank you.

damien the genius : I was very pleasantly surprised in this tournament, I knew you as a player but I think this SPL you have improved a lot, I hope my testing with you has helped you even a little bit. Congratulations for your wins and for playing your best game when we needed it the most, thank you very much.

CrashinBoomBang You have always been one of my references in this game and I always loved watching you play. Even though you didn't have your best tournament in terms of wins in general you won when we needed it most and that's what differentiates a good player from one of the best. I am very glad you won this tournament, thank you very much.

Dridri457 : One of the things I've always liked the most about this game, since when I played or was a manager in tournaments in Spanish forums like pokespain, was to see the progression of little known players throughout the tournaments and I think you are one of those cases. Obviously you were a great individual player as shown by your victory in the DPP Circuit, but seeing your improvement at the level of preparation throughout this tournament is something of which I am very proud. I am confident that you are going to be a great reference of the tier if you continue on this path. Congratulations and thank you very much.

pkThunderbolt and CyberOdin✝ : I know this season of ADV has been very hard for you but you have to hold your heads high, you are both great players and people who know you know it, records are just numbers. I am very happy to have shared a team with you, especially with Odin, whom I have known for a long time and with whom I really wanted to share a team, I respect you a lot and I am sorry I could not talk more with you. Congratulations and thank you very much.

Rubyblood and BlazingDark : I don't think either of you expected to have to play GSC at the beginning of the season but you both did great. Ruby, I know the tournament didn't start out the way you would have liked but you are a great player, thank you so much for the whole tournament and for being able to change your mindset about the game and bounce back. Mister Sauce, thank you very much for always being ready to play where you were needed, for bringing important victories and for helping with the preps, both of you have been key, congratulations and thank you very much.

Poek: Ya hace mucho tiempo que nos conocemos y siempre has sido una absoluta bestia pero siendo completamente sinceros era bastante escéptico con como lo ibas a hacer este torneo ya que en la última wcop que jugamos juntos te había visto bastante quemado del juego y bastante pasota, pero has tryhardeado como un cabronazo para darnos la última win en la última partida jugando de forma espectacular. Enhorabuena, muchas gracias y a ver si es cierto que nos vemos que eres la jodida cabra.

SoulWind : Mi hermano, evidentemente si no es por ti nunca habría estado aquí desde el principio, ya no tengo mucho más que decirte que ando mamándote las bolas todos los días. Muchas gracias y enhorabuena por seguir agrandando tu leyenda, a ver si nos vemos pronto otra vez.

Of course many thanks to all those who have helped us throughout the tournament: Vert , bruno , august , Tobes and all those who have been able to help each of our players privately, you are part of the win.

Thank you so much Tyrants, and as Mr. Briney says: "Ahoy! For you, I'll go out to sea anytime! Now, my friend, where are we bound?"

Speaking of Whitebeard, i'd like to give some insight that i'm sure some missed. Aside from wanting to change Discord avatar for a while and liking his design he was picked because it represented me the most. No, the solution isn't as simple as to call myself the strongest, or i would have gone for Mihawk instead which design i like even more. Much like Whitebeard i am very well past my prime, but still retain my title of "strongest". However the gap with the rest of the world isn't as big as it once was. My best moves have been studied and copied, moves that back in the day were revolutionary and allowed me to comeback from any early disaster, including the infamous early freezes. Today are the standard and are used against me, even gof whom i doubt can successfully change a light bulb knows of them, it's harder and harder to produce memorable comebacks. My ranking fallen down tremendously, for the first time i risked to place second, some people went as far as to give me fifth. Early on i was afraid that they may have been right, that powercreep might have caught up to me and my time as the undisputed king was over. Which is why i feel at peace with myself today. This tournament gave me the closure i needed, for the last time i proved myself the best through sheer facts.
The point is, for long i ruled the tier with an iron fist, it's time for the new guys to shine. Today rby tiebreaks aren't the unthinkable blasfemy but legit strats, if not ideal. In SPL X i could not convince my team to trust rby if i held a gun at their temple, this time around i didn't need to ask in fact i could not have stopped them if i wanted to. The level of playing massively stepped up, no longer we will watch a replay of Tiba and wonder if it was played by chatgpt. To everyone i met on my journey, friend or foe, and to you rby, thanks and farewell.

If i find the strenght, i would like to make the final rby guide for veterans, like my master Marcoasd once did for the italians back in paraslam meta. My last act of love toward the tier that gave me everything.
my guy, ur relationship with rby has made me shed more tears than a break up (havent been in one but ig this is how it feels), one piece protagonist vibes fr, forever a goat in our eyes <3

Grats tyrants on winning, v well deserved, and really happy for blunder to win, a really nice guy who treats everyone w respect and hopes the best for everyone, so glad yall won it


how u doin'?
is a Tiering Contributoris a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Past SPL Champion
World Defender
Incredible that I was able to clutch the win for the team, originally I wanted to be last because it's the only way I could have thanked my team for my subpar performance and lack of activity throughout the regular season. You guys rock, thanks for putting the trust in me to play in playoffs!

Shoutout to reyscarface for being the best manager of all time. Your dedication and leadership have truly shone throughout every SPL that you've managed, I'm sure. It's a joy to finally see you hoist that trophy after all your hard work over the years. Congratulations on a well-deserved win!

Shoutout to blunder, my dear friend and longtime companion on this journey. From the highs to the lows, we've stuck together and now, after all these years, we've finally made Mike proud won. Thank you for everything, your friendship means the world to me.

A huge congratulations to CrashinBoomBang! Despite the lackluster kebab, your victory in this tournament shines bright. You've shown resilience and skill, and I couldn't be happier for you, my friend.

CTC, you're simply unmatched when it comes to teambuilding AND playing. Your support for every SV slot was invaluable, and it's no doubt a significant factor in our success. Thank you for your dedication and expertise. You can keep the $50 you deserve them king:swole::swole::swole::swole:

Troller, the RBY master, you've proven once again that consistency is key. Your performance in this tournament was outstanding, and I hope you revel in the glory of this well-deserved trophy. Congratulations!

Mada for your unwavering support throughout the entire season. Your contributions both on and off the battlefield were invaluable, and I'm grateful to have had you on our team.

Rubyblood, you've been my rock throughout this journey. We both came through in the clutch during the finals, and your belief in me never wavered. I hope I lived up to your expectations in the end.

Hats off to myjava for showcasing your unmatched skills in SV. Your dominance in that area truly set the stage for our success. Congratulations on a well-deserved victory!

To damien and dridri, witnessing your triumph in the finals was incredibly moving. Your hard work and dedication have been duly rewarded, and I couldn't be happier for you both.
soulwind & luispako, a ver si quedamos algún día, después de ganar esta mierda habrá que hacerlo. LAS CABRAS :swole::swole:

Cyberodin Disfruta de tu trofeo y gracias por todos los momentos geniales que nos has brindado JAJAJAAA estás loco wn pero se aprecia cada comentario

And to AshKetchumGamer, BlazingDark, DonSalvatore, and PkLeech, while I may not have been as active in the chat, I recognize and appreciate the vital roles each of you played in our victory. Thank you for your contributions to the team's success!

Tyrants <3
WCOP trophy is coming too, can't wait :swole:
Grats to all my friends on Tyrants, you know who you are. And to all other players/managers on the team too ofc.
Special shoutout to CrashinBoomBang who gave me the chance to start in SPL long time ago and ended up being the greatest rival in my favorite tier I could ever ask for. I find it hard to believe that your journey in this tier is supposed to come to an end now, but I want to thank you for all the passion and innovations you have gifted to this tier. You are the player I've fought most during my official tournament career and I believe that our numerous matchups could hardly have been more epic. Thanks a lot for that brother and grats on your well deserved trophy!
wallahi now I can finally die in peace this was the only thing left in my bucket list I can’t believe it lol despite not being a part of the team it feels like I won this shows the bond we had at tyrants so fkn proud of you my guys I WILL NOT FORGOT AND YOU DID NOT FORGET ME blunder took u a trip to berlin 030 to get my blessings to finally cop that trophy alhamdulillah god is great
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