sorry to hear, hope you guys can work out this rough patch in your relationshipimagine if i knew that.....
new sv mechs nerfed my sv ghosting capabilities. fuck gf.
- shitrock enjoyer: nothing about this user makes sense. Starting with the username and ending with the "person behind it", supposedly a teenager from Brazil with a perfect english on par with the 10 years of experience it took foreigners like me to master. Manufacturing disconnections during your tournament games can only go so far to make you look like a real third worlder. Not only that but the first SPL games so far have been very clean and showed a great mastery of the tier. Looks like we're celebrating Halloween late.
Judging by how this man played adv ladder for days on alts we all thought were owned by hclat or vapicuno despite his "retired" status in the community at that time. I think he may be onto something.........Today I woke up and felt like doing some schizoposting, therefore he is my list of users most likely to be an alt, unranked:
- D4Repertoire: d4vos is taking SPL by storm with a similarly legendary performance from the least fortunate top player of a few years ago. Currently undefeated unless the opponent is at least 30 years old and ignores the jerk opinion of the GSC viability ranking, D4 shows immaculate plays in his first SPL ever and competes with insane precision. With a 2020 joindate, maining GSC and knocking BKC out of Classic contention after one year on the website, the new SPL sensation is high on the potential alt list.
- crying: crying does a very good job at avoiding attention by being very quiet and walking along the walls of Smogon, averaging 50 lines per week in team chats. However they make up for it by bringing the most unconventional teams and sets known to mankind and getting spectacular wins from them. Ciele's personality coupled with Style's teambuilding has gotten people wondering what's going on.
- shitrock enjoyer: nothing about this user makes sense. Starting with the username and ending with the "person behind it", supposedly a teenager from Brazil with a perfect english on par with the 10 years of experience it took foreigners like me to master. Manufacturing disconnections during your tournament games can only go so far to make you look like a real third worlder. Not only that but the first SPL games so far have been very clean and showed a great mastery of the tier. Looks like we're celebrating Halloween late.
- mncmt: it seems the original owner of the account got over the loss to FlamingVictini in OST final and came back. Yet another pet project from Luthier/Amaranth showing its benefits by absolutely killing the SV field this SPL to the point of jamvad being the lesser known mencemeat.
- Sylvi: the german version of nihilillie was nominated during the auction to the surprise of everyone outside of the Classiest, including every xray wannabe from motherland. Michaelderbeste3 showed okay ORAS performances so far, despite false's complaints and will try to qualify their team against Wolfpack's latest pricefixing success Santu in the last week of SPL. I appreciate the prediction posts, very oldschool by the way.
I feel kinda offended u thot i would be as bad as hclat smh smhJudging by how this man played adv ladder for days on alts we all thought were owned by hclat or vapicuno despite his "retired" status in the community at that time. I think he may be onto something.........
what's with the wonky GSC stats, how does espeon have 16.67% win rate with only three uses and multiple mons with odd usage numbers have 50% win rate![]()
I liked this post a lot and am now on the Sav Bandwagon. Hope to see you kill it in future toursDidnt rly put much thought into this, just tried to talk about how i felt about the whole SPL experience so if anything doesnt make sense or its all over the place especially with my awful english too emm.. my bad
This was my first ever run in SPL and its over. My team unfortunately didnt win or went into semis and part of it had to do with me not doing as good as i was hoping for, i was inconsistent.
Some games i felt like i was going braindead during the games, playing like i have never seen these Pokemons before, others i felt i knew exactly what play im gonna be doing to make progress and win. That alone and some other issues i had in my run (things like tryin to use Stall all week then last day before the game deciding i wanna use something im more comfortable with for ex) ended up not helpin my team enough so it would be the winning team and with me individually have 3 wins and 4 losses.
Now.. i have a big ego, not in a greedy and cocky way usually but i like to think my caps as a player can be as good as an elite player, it could just be that i believe in myself too much and might not actually be true.. either way i also take Pokemons very seriously, I believe that since u are already spendin time on something either its a sport, gym, a game or whatever then u gonna have more fun by actually being good at it. Its like playing league of legends at Bronze elo, im sure u gonna enjoy the games alot more if u were Platinum, Diamond or whatever making good plays vs competent players, thats whats cool about competitions and why i have been competing in tournaments since 2017. I have been able to almost win the last years a couple of money tours making approximately less than 8.5k but im saying almost cuz i never actually won one. Was always gettin the second place rewards, third place rewards etc. I know there was no big money rewards for winning SPL or OST which btw i lost aswell but basically what im tryin to say with all that above is that i took those SPL and OST runs as another L and was quite sad and disappointed about it. I like to believe in myself, sometimes too much, have high expectations and I failed.
Its not all bad tho, even if i didnt win the money tours in first place i still got money. Even tho i didnt win OST or SPL i still had a couple of games i was happy with and had alot of fun playing. I met some incredible people that i would sit here and say kind words about everyone of them individually but it will be cringe and awkward so ill do that privately.
You see tho with the release of Scarlet & Violet i wanted to get involved with SV OU as much as possible cuz i had alot of fun playing with my friends and everything already so i decided to sign up for SPL to do exactly that aswell as take OST more seriously and have fun with them. I even posted that in my sign up post for SPL that im more than down to just help everyone in the team with preparation, not play at all and have fun with the experience, get involved as much as possible with SV in the most competitive team tournament experience of Smogon.
My Managers saw that and gave me the opportunity by draftin me at the minimum cost to their team and im super grateful for that. They welcomed, showed and taught me exactly how they wanted things to go in their team and after a few weeks of interacting with everyones prep in SV they even put me in the SV core to play games too instead of only helping. I originally didnt think they would draft me and i wanted originally to get drafted to play by my already friends in other teams but I cant put in words how great it was being drafted by literally the best players of all time, trully 2 people i look up to ABR and Tony who are not only elite players but absolutely the best managers too. I cant describe how competitive, experienced and almost professionals they were during all this but at the same time they were always there saying the best things possible, exactly what u needed to listen from your managers in both good and bad times. So i wanna thank them both so much for this SPL journey, it was great teaming up and play for ya, would love to do that in the future for sure and even tho i kindof knew them already either from other tournaments or just by playing in the community i now consider them more like friends over just teammates.
Overall even if we as a team and I individually didnt have the results as i was hoping for, im very happy and pleased with how fun and competitive this experience was. I learnt from this alot that imma try to use what i learnt in my next Tournaments. I met some incredible people, some of the best players who also shared the same interest for the SV OU tier or the game in general with me so it was a blast teaming up with each one of them. Now that OST and SPL finished for me im gonna be enjoying myself with the live tournaments ST provides and stay as active as possible, get involved as much as i can with SV OU, post teams, post videos on my channel and do the things i was already enjoying v much.
If you a newer playing reading this who is only laddering and havent decided if u wanna get into Tournaments, my advice is do it. The game becomes so much more fun that even if u dont take it extremely seriously (as you should) its still one of the best and most fun things u can do in Pokemon to interact with people who have the same interest with you and compete in the best team tournament experiences Smogon provides.
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Didnt rly put much thought into this, just tried to talk about how i felt about the whole SPL experience so if anything doesnt make sense or its all over the place especially with my awful english too emm.. my bad
This was my first ever run in SPL and its over. My team unfortunately didnt win or went into semis and part of it had to do with me not doing as good as i was hoping for, i was inconsistent.
Some games i felt like i was going braindead during the games, playing like i have never seen these Pokemons before, others i felt i knew exactly what play im gonna be doing to make progress and win. That alone and some other issues i had in my run (things like tryin to use Stall all week then last day before the game deciding i wanna use something im more comfortable with for ex) ended up not helpin my team enough so it would be the winning team and with me individually have 3 wins and 4 losses.
Now.. i have a big ego, not in a greedy and cocky way usually but i like to think my caps as a player can be as good as an elite player, it could just be that i believe in myself too much and might not actually be true.. either way i also take Pokemons very seriously, I believe that since u are already spendin time on something either its a sport, gym, a game or whatever then u gonna have more fun by actually being good at it. Its like playing league of legends at Bronze elo, im sure u gonna enjoy the games alot more if u were Platinum, Diamond or whatever making good plays vs competent players, thats whats cool about competitions and why i have been competing in tournaments since 2017. I have been able to almost win the last years a couple of money tours making approximately less than 8.5k but im saying almost cuz i never actually won one. Was always gettin the second place rewards, third place rewards etc. I know there was no big money rewards for winning SPL or OST which btw i lost aswell but basically what im tryin to say with all that above is that i took those SPL and OST runs as another L and was quite sad and disappointed about it. I like to believe in myself, sometimes too much, have high expectations and I failed.
Its not all bad tho, even if i didnt win the money tours in first place i still got money. Even tho i didnt win OST or SPL i still had a couple of games i was happy with and had alot of fun playing. I met some incredible people that i would sit here and say kind words about everyone of them individually but it will be cringe and awkward so ill do that privately.
You see tho with the release of Scarlet & Violet i wanted to get involved with SV OU as much as possible cuz i had alot of fun playing with my friends and everything already so i decided to sign up for SPL to do exactly that aswell as take OST more seriously and have fun with them. I even posted that in my sign up post for SPL that im more than down to just help everyone in the team with preparation, not play at all and have fun with the experience, get involved as much as possible with SV in the most competitive team tournament experience of Smogon.
My Managers saw that and gave me the opportunity by draftin me at the minimum cost to their team and im super grateful for that. They welcomed, showed and taught me exactly how they wanted things to go in their team and after a few weeks of interacting with everyones prep in SV they even put me in the SV core to play games too instead of only helping. I originally didnt think they would draft me and i wanted originally to get drafted to play by my already friends in other teams but I cant put in words how great it was being drafted by literally the best players of all time, trully 2 people i look up to ABR and Tony who are not only elite players but absolutely the best managers too. I cant describe how competitive, experienced and almost professionals they were during all this but at the same time they were always there saying the best things possible, exactly what u needed to listen from your managers in both good and bad times. So i wanna thank them both so much for this SPL journey, it was great teaming up and play for ya, would love to do that in the future for sure and even tho i kindof knew them already either from other tournaments or just by playing in the community i now consider them more like friends over just teammates.
Overall even if we as a team and I individually didnt have the results as i was hoping for, im very happy and pleased with how fun and competitive this experience was. I learnt from this alot that imma try to use what i learnt in my next Tournaments. I met some incredible people, some of the best players who also shared the same interest for the SV OU tier or the game in general with me so it was a blast teaming up with each one of them. Now that OST and SPL finished for me im gonna be enjoying myself with the live tournaments ST provides and stay as active as possible, get involved as much as i can with SV OU, post teams, post videos on my channel and do the things i was already enjoying v much.
If you a newer playing reading this who is only laddering and havent decided if u wanna get into Tournaments, my advice is do it. The game becomes so much more fun that even if u dont take it extremely seriously (as you should) its still one of the best and most fun things u can do in Pokemon to interact with people who have the same interest with you and compete in the best team tournament experiences Smogon provides.
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I dont usually tend to say hi back to banned individuals like him or ghostslots like you but if you tryin to put me in a awkward position posting toxic messages of me then simply send me privately something offensive on discord and i can throw at you this x10 times worse. You see, talking shit back to people tryin to insult you i dont think puts me in any awkward position. Me being nice to 99% of the people because they are usually nice to me doesnt mean that ill not be toxic back to people tryin to insult me.
Have fun with it and say hi back to bea, would hella expose his ghost partners so he returns in 20 years but im in good mood.