Smogon Premier League VI - Week 1

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CTC told me he should be on today, i've tried waiting for him til 4am my time, im going to bed now :(

JJ takin notes like
[16:24:47] Bear: I'm on phone for the next few days
[16:24:51] Bear: On camping trip
[16:24:59] Bear: They'll probably sub chimp in
[16:25:03] Bear: What a shame

Classiest manager, if you could sub asap, i would need to play today
lost. i played better, he got luckier. someone post the replay lol

also Joim fix your fucking showdown gsc, leftovers wasnt applying on switches. could have had a 37% vap at the end, received a 25% vap

edit: you had 1 good turn which was when you revealed pursuit. i was going to win until you crit missy, then i was still going to win until you crit lax TWICE. dont even
so yeah newsflash we've confirmed that showdown gsc is still bugged because lefties doesn't apply on post-KO switches

it didn't matter in my game but needless to say, don't play gsc there until it's fixed
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