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Finals Smogon Premier League V - FINALS [Won by the Stark Sharks]

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Theme music.

After last season's loss in the semifinals, in a tournament I feel we should've won, I vowed to bring back as many of last years players as possible in a chace for redemption. While a few went either went off to do their own thing (August), didn't want to play (Lizardman) or ended up on other teams (AB2, Lady Bug, Luck, etc), we were able to keep a majority of our important players and bring on some great new ones to fill in holes. The theme of this SPL for the Sharks was redemption and we redeemed ourselves for last year without a shadow of a doubt. Everyone on the team made plays when they mattered. People stepped up when called upon and I feel we were clearly the strongest team from start to finish as proven by our new shiny trophies. We had some ups and downs, including the most embarassing loss in my Pokemon career, but at the end of the day all that matters is getting that red trophy back.

When looking at my last shoutout post in SPL2 I came to the realization that the only constants between then and now are very few. A couple players turned managers (Phil/pana), the longest retainer in SPL (I think? Conflict), and myself (with MoP in the background). Feels good to win with a new set of guys, all of them super deserving and I think speaks volumes of the scouting of our management and retainers over the years to continually find players who fit in the Sharks mindset.

I only believe in doing shoutouts if you won, and since we won I get to post.


panamaxis - I really can't imagine an SPL without you anymore. You and I share a lot of the same opinions regarding players and other decisions so it is super easy to get along with you. You fight hard defending the Sharks and take a super proactive role in everything, from preparing players to trying to set up trades. Your call to draft Atticus may have saved our season when things weren't looking super great. I wouldn't trade you for anyone bro.

Philip7086 - You fulfilled the SPL2 BK role this season. Big name that does fuck all in a management slot and gets a free trophy out of it, you played the system bro congrats. Real talk, always fun to chat with you and hopefully someday we can actually hang out in real life. How is it I've seen TFC like 10 times but you 0.

MoP - The Sharks wouldn't be the Sharks without MoP, from SPL2 to now.

makiri - I have a total of 4 team trophies and played a total of 1 game in getting those 4, come at me people who actually worked for theirs.

Al_alchemist - When we were scouting for LCers, we saw you battling a lot and I sort of came to a rash decision to draft you right away. Boy are we glad we did, you know your tier really well and I honestly feel like you could've been undefeated instead of Blarajan if a couple things went your way. Hope we can hang out someday, not in Fresno though, Fresno sucks.

Malekith - Really glad you decided not to manage, its hard to replace a player of your caliber especially with the 13k you cost. Essentially an autowin every week, and you being one of the final 2 matches to clinch the trophy made me a lot more confident in closing it out.

Heist - Another dude we had to have back regardless of cost for redemption. You're kind of a diva sometimes but you know how to win so you can be the biggest diva you want. I think you are one of the greatest Pokemon players ever and hopefully you or Atticus can bring the OST trophy to the Sharks.

Shake - I refuse to call you by your new name it is so BAD. Just like you this year... I'm kidding of course, you had some bad losses, and after last year the expecations were so high it is hard to live up to. I'm glad you sucked it up and stuck with us, you're a great teammate and your impact is felt beyond just your games.

Atticus - I'm really happy you decided to stop pushing pencils for the CIrAiders and pana talked us into getting you. You absolutely beasted this tournament and I was happy to talk with an old friend again since I haven't really talked to you much in the last couple of years. Get your ass to Mars.

make - Your battle with Bloo was probably the most entertaining battle I had ever seen. That alone was worth the draft price. Glad we got you after all the BS last year. You're still an underrated player somehow and your knowledge about the game is amazing, hope you can stick around during the offseason.

Conflict - I was looking at the SPL2 shoutouts and I said "enjoy the Pokemon retirement and good luck at university pal," yet here you are, still here. I am glad you are still here like a lot of our team, your impact is felt beyond your record and you being the clinching match was appropriate being the last playing player from SPL2 you deserve this man.

Arcticblast - I honestly was at a loss at who to pick when my original picks got taken. I scouted a few doubles players and you were one of the few I was comfortable working with. I could've done more to prepare you for a few weeks, it is super obvious when I put in the extra mile with you, but I also wanted to see you grow as a player. You have potential to be a doubles god, keep working at it.

LUST - I honestly feel sorry for a lot of the shit you put up with. You sucked it up and put the team first and never really complained even though I knew you weren't super happy. We are a better team with you on board and I think you definitely earned this trophy.

Kevin Garrett - Weird turn of events for us. We used to constantly be at eachothers throats but all I can say now is wow. I thought you were going to be total shit after the Phil/pana tests, but somehow you stepped the fuck up and were a huge asset down the stretch. Really glad we took a chance on you even beyond the playing it was nice to get to know you.

TheFourthChaser - Return the sodas. You filled in pretty well when we needed you, but you're also super stubborn, listen to me regarding doubles next time ok? You took a bench spot after the first couple of weeks and never complained, mark of a great teammate. Your help with Arcticblast was also vital when we needed a second opinion regarding things.

Stellar - I think you get a bunch of shit for no reason, you're a lot better player than others give you credit for. When I promised you a manager spot and when Phil decided to be a weiner you sucked it up and played. We're even on being ditched irl though.

Edgar - Good thing your wife ShakeItUp mentioned you otherwise we would still be wasting our time losing in ubers each week. You're a super good dude and a lot better than your record indicates. Also thanks for all the translating when our chat got super Spanish lol.

kael - KAEL PORRA. I am so glad we got you. You worked hard for the team and always put the team first even though you wanted to play more. You always cared about winning first and were a great cheerleader this year. Thank you for having faith in the managers :>.

SoulWind - Everyone has some bad stretches and this SPL was one of the worst, but you continued to stick through it despite all the negativity. I'm glad you were able to step aside a bit later in the season and let some others have a shot in your slot. You were still a tremendous help down the stretch despite not playing.

Hawkstar - I really don't know what to say about you. You helped Al and filled in when he was gone but were otherwise super quiet in chat. I wish you talked more, not just about Pokemon but when we just had chats. Thanks for being on the team and never really complaining about not playing when Al decided to go beast mode. We should league sometime.

The Wolf - Where my money? Pepper Jack doesn't like to wait for his money. How long have you been a Shark, 3 years now? Yet you are still The Wolf, I feel so betrayed. See you at Nats/Worlds!

WhiteQueen - We just sort of landed you in the draft, I'm not sure why but I always liked you. Wish you would stop posting so much but what can I do? I hope you terrorize people with the new trophy though, WhiteQueen with a trophy sounds super entertaining.

ChoiceSpecs - Not sure what else to say other than thanks for turning into Atticus.

gene - I hope you play more top lane Heimers you jerktown. Kidding of course, but the plan to play you in a meta you didn't want to play was stupid and not mine. Sorry it didn't work out, though I'm sure you don't care.


Lizardman - Still wish you decided to play a lot earlier, but down the stretch you were godsend for us. Thanks for all the help and I really wish you could get a trophy for this, if there was anyone not on the roster that deserves one it would be you.

Frizy - I still don't know what you were doing in #sharks but whatever, I assume you did something for pana to fight so much to keep you there. You are a cutie pie though ;).

ium - Thanks for that awesome art, would've been weird if we didn't win. Good thing it doesn't have to go to some kids in Africa.

Mizuhime - SPL is weird sometimes. You asked me one night if I planned on bidding on you so you could potentially escape the Frogs and despite not getting you we kept chatting and I even helped you out with some teams. Glad you messaged me that day. I still hate the Dodgers though.

Zach - Still wish I got you, you were the one that got away (no disrespect to Ablast). Glad you found a loving home though.

Baika/Sk - Thanks for all the support, without you I don't think we could've won. Dedicating this victory to you man.

Zracknel - Thank you for the quick 2014 banner, Sharks Swagger begins with the logo and it still looks amazing after all these years.

Lady Bug - I loved how much you openly rooted for us despite being on the Frogs. You're always my Sand Shark <3 no homo.

SilentVerse - Clutch assistance at the end, I love people who are on board with us and you showed no qualms with helping out. Thanks a bunch.

Theme music for the end.

I wasn't going to say this but I decided I don't give a fuck. A final fuck you to all the haters. You fucking know who you are. I might sound salty as fuck, but hearing the shit talk about the Sharks week in and week out makes us winning all the better. Shitheads trying to hold us down wherever they can cause we're the fucking best. I find a lot of the shit talk hilarious because it seems like all some of you fuckers can do. Run your fucking mouths cause we have a fucking trophy bitches. The ghosting jokes are hilarious because I don't think you understand how much work each Sharks player puts in. When you belittle the best players in this league I see a bunch of bitches running their mouth because they can't show any respect for someone better than them. Don't fuck with my players, they are my family.

Any of you (BAN ME PLEASE)s wanna bring it, fucking bring it, we got a trophy. Now you tell me who won. The Stark Fucking Sharks. This was just like Hamlet, a suspense thriller and we fucking killed it in the end.
YO Biosci

I don't think I could do a shoutout justice, the idea of having a oneliner for any of my teammates is just too lame to do in my head and you all deserve more than that. I fucking love you guys and I'm happy that we had not only a strong team environment but an overall positive one. A special thanks to those who helped out without the incentive of a trophy, some of you put work in that went above and beyond expectations of someone on the team and we couldn't have done it without you. I can't wait for the sharks meetup where Stellar (you're forgiven...this time) shows up.

There's been a soda I've been saving in the fridge since Socal Regionals for this moment and now it is time for me to drink it. STARK SHARKS 2014 LETS FUCKIN GO
I realized while typing my shoutout for Atticus that half of my shoutouts basically boil down to "cool guy, great battler" because I didn't get to know so many people on the team well enough, which totally blows. Still, this was an awesome three months and I'm glad to have come along for the ride. I've met a bunch of great players, some old and some new, and definitely learned a lot. It was also fun as hell. We clutched week after week, and even when we lost it was pretty intense. The season had its ups and downs but it was great. And WE FUCKING WON. GO SHARKS

-Tsunami-: literally the worst. Legit though you're a good friend, you battled well, and you were a great testing partner. gj bro

Al_Alchemist: The secret third 11-letter A player... o.o I think it's funny how makiri didn't support adding LC and Doubles to SPL and then you just went and fucking destroyed everyone. Mad props. Also Spritzee is one of my favorite Pokemon and you used it at least once!

Atticus: When midseason rolled around and you and edgar join the team, #sharks got like 100% cooler. You also kicked ass at DPP. Hell, that's basically why I decided to take it up myself (sorry Stone_Cold I keep forgetting about this tutoring thing lol).

Conflict: more like Clutchflict imo. You managed to secure the win repeatedly, getting us through semis and finals (that match was beautiful by the way). You also figured out some stuff I didn't even think of, like when you predicted Skill Swap Cress week 1... You were one of the coolest guys on the team too.

Edgar: Part two of the midseason pickups. You tore it up in Ubers and were cool to talk to.

Hawkstar: AHA, someone I have something else to say about - PA bros! I found a ride to worlds though so I don't have to beg you for one, don't worry. You helped Al out and then clutched when he wasn't around.

Heist: I seem to recall you not being on a whole lot early in the season, and then you suddenly decided to start playing RU, but you pretty much kicked ass all season.

kael: .5k for one of the best players ever? Hell yes.

Kevin Garrett: I remember looking up to you years ago when I had just joined, and it's seriously been an honor playing on the same SPL team as you. DDoS jokes aside, it's been a pleasure, and you wrecked in BW.

LUST: To be honest, I actually originally didn't like you a whole lot early in the season - you came off as kind of abrasive. That changed around midseason though, you're a smart guy who knows what he's doing and you're... usually right when you say stuff lol. Shame we both got lucked this week :(

make: I'd probably have a more detailed shoutout besides "you're awesome at ADV" but honestly I'm bad at foreign languages :(

Stellar: I take back what I said about Shake. You are literally the worst. >:( and that about sums up our relationship right there.

SoulWind: You keep going on about this but don't let this season get you down man, you're an excellent battler. You know what's up in BW and you're a great guy. I better see you in the finals of this Doubles tour too ;)

TheFourthChaser: out of all of the people who used #sharks you're the only one who came out of the season still modding PS. There's gotta be a prize for that. You put in work when you battled and you helped me out immensely in testing and stuff and you're pretty awesome too.

The Wolf: Is there any tier you don't play? You seriously just went in wherever you were needed and managed to pull through. Lower tier master right here

WhiteQueen: Before the season started I was looking forward to trash talking you and then we ended up on the same team and I was like "shit." You ended up being a lot cooler than I gave you credit for though, and even when you didn't play you were enthusiastic. Wouldn't have been the same without you.

LizardMan and Frizy: Not Sharks but always there. Lizard is pro as fuck and Frizy sucks but man you're a good guy.

Lady Bug: Shark at heart <3

panamaxis: Fuck timezones, I could have talked to you more :(

Philip7086: I CAN FINALLY CONNECT TO POKEBATTLE!!!! Unlike too many members of the team I did get to know you a bit better, even if I forget that band you told me about that used your guitar on an album or something.

MoP: You helped literally everyone on the team (even if the team of mine you helped with most never saw the light of day). I won't be Fire weak don't worry :)

makiri: Holy shit where do I begin...? I wouldn't have made it anywhere without you over the past months. You took the time to scout #doubles and ended up picking me (sorry Zach got stolen :o), and you helped me in both teambuilding and battling ability. You didn't get all pissy when Audio DC'd and I hadn't sent in my team, and were fine with it when I asked to be taken out week eight (considering how I played against Blingas I probably wouldn't have played anyway lol).

Other people:

jrp: irl fren :)

Treecko: Smog fren :)

Electrolyte: Smog fren :)

Audiosurfer: Audioblast :] you've basically been my rival as long as Doubles has been around, and although you've almost always come out on top you're right up there with jrp/Treecko/Electrolyte as my best friends on Smogon.

Pocket, Pwnemon, Biosci, R Inanimate, kingofmars, Braverius, Nollan, BLINGAS ♥, and especially Mizuhime, Laga, and Joim: Even if a bunch of you are from VGC, it's been cool playing Doubles in SPL and you guys are all in on it (although some of us never really got to play). To the last four: you helped me test and teambuild a lot and I couldn't have done it without you.

Ash Borer, Lolk (you thought I was bad), Level 51, BlankZero, finally, Shaian, and all the other Doubles people I'm forgetting: WE DA BES

Birkal and verbatim: You two are basically the people ultimately behind everything I've achieved on Smogon and I finally have a chance to properly thank you for it. Thanks guys.

The Immortal and DTC: The two OM mods I haven't given shoutouts to yet :D

The OM guys: keep playing, guys!

PS staff: There's too many of you to count now... I might be retired now but you're all still buds :)

The Showderp crew, especially BLOOD TOTEM and Bedschibaer:

Molk, TROP, dcae, Passion the inspirational, Fusxfaranto, Valentine, ebeast, FLCL, Yilx, and all the other TAONU guys: You all suck, but mostly dcae :)

Laurel and King: I might be in the minority here but I like both of you guys. Keep on truckin'.

blarajan: Neutral shoutout; you got LC and Doubles in SPL but then haxed the hell out of Al_Alchemist. Rude :(

And a blanket shoutout to anyone else I might have forgotten. There's seriously so much more I could say here but I just didn't. Whatever, time to bask in the red glow of this trophy *-*
lol nice you left me out of like 3 categories in part of. I know where I stand

also heist will win ost then ocn win wcop for the triple trophy :]
I wasn't even expecting to play in this SPL, I just signed up for shits and giggles. Who would bid for me? I was rusty as fuck, my activity was subpar at best, hadn't played any Smogon meta in over a year, didn't do a single tryout and didn't even bother talking with any manager. But somehow Cased managed to convince Cryos to blindly put their trust in me, and for that I'm grateful.

Despite my extreme inactivity at the beginning of my season (my country's timing is amazing) and my antics (like not really discussing with any of you (except cased) about my teams. Or the fact I made at least 12 different teams to play Stellar (I honestly didn't like any of them. I can't teambuild under pressure, apparently), and minutes before the match ended up deciding to use the same stall team I used vs Froggy), you guys believed in me every week. The support you guys gave me was the main reason why I tried my best every match.

We had a really good season, we were seed #1, won 11-1 in semis and almost pulled a comeback in finals. Sucks that we didn't win, but that's life. Personally, the lack of a red trophy doesn't bother me at all, because I enjoyed the shit out of this season and I'm happy that I ended up being a Cryo.

Also I'm happy with my performance. 5-1 record, with 2 convincing playoff wins (4 of 4 playoff wins in SPL. woooooh) is not bad at all. Once again I showed people that you shouldn't underestimate pofags n_n

Shoutouts (I'm gonna keep them simple):
yondie: If I were you, I wouldn't had bid for me. But you took that risk and it worked for both of us. You are a really great manager.

M Dragon: You helped everyone with their teams, you did a fuckload of test matches and you truly are a god in older gens.

Snunch: Snuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunch. I've been considering you one of the best BW UU player since I saw you playing in SPL 3. Glad you were part of the team. The only team I decided to ask you for help you told me to use Sub Aboma over Giga Drain, which was a key Pokemon in my win against koko. Thanks for that!

blarajan: This nigga initially didn't want me in the team smh. I really didn't know what to expect from you before I started hanging out in #Cryos, we had some issues in SPL 4 (tbh the whole situation was amusing to me. I truly am a classless cunt), so I wasn't really looking forwards to get to know you a bit more. You ended up being a chill guy! the coolest thing about your is your bluntness. Oh yeah, your record was pretty o_k.

Blim: I've been "knowing" you for like 3 years, but this is the first time I have actually spoken with you. For me you are easily the strongest player of the team. You are simply the best Ubers player.

@SsasedVictory: You are the reason why I'm here right now. You are a really good NU player, maybe one of these days you'll beat my Floatzel team. You really need to get your shit together in playoff tho, you gotta learn how to focus in important games and give your 100%. Start believing in yourself you shithead, you are an amazing player.

But you made me doubt my Lanturn team, so fuck you :(

Aqualouis: Dude, your level of skills is insane. You are a monster at BW OU, like holy shit.

]V[ajinTupacZ: People talking shit before midseason because you didn't have the best record, then you showed everyone that you are still a beast.

R Inanimate: From 0-4 to 6-5. You wreck

dragonuser: This wasn't your best tournament, but you once showed you are a solid player and a great teammate.

Fakes: I really can't say a lot about you. You are a good player and you did well. The situation with you pre-playoff was a bit annoying, but in the end you came back to us.

CyberOdin: This nigga is the greatest teammate, he always had the most positive attitude. Tu eres tremendo jugador, y fuiste uno de lo mas importantes miembros del equipo *_*

@HSA: You learned how to RU pretty fast and ended with a pretty decent record. You kinda choked in playoffs, which kinda sucks but w/e lol. You are cool as fuck.

Picollo: I know jackshit about GSC, but you seemed like a fairly solid player at that tier. Don't feel bad about losing against Conflict, you played well and did as much as you could to win.

King: Man Jas0n, I sure as fuck didn't want to end in the same team as you lol. But my opinion of you is completely different now. You are such an amazing team player, you were always willing to test and help with others, and you were always extremely supportive. You are extremely underrated and you got a win in playoff which is quite nice. And yeah reyscarface is a (BAN ME PLEASE).

Pocket: You were another amazing teammate and a super nice guy. I didn't mind sitting out week 9 to give you a chance to play and I'm glad that you won that match n_n

Light The Thunder: I don't know much about you, but you won when the team needed you. That alone makes you cool.

atomicllamas: You helped HSA a lot and you seemed like a cool guy!

P E J E L A G A R T O: No offense, but who the fuck is this guy? I assume he's in the team because I saw his name in the stats sheet.

fatty: You helped Blara a fuckton. You definitely were one of the main reasons why he ended with such a great record.

Royalty: You talked shit about me after I lost to Stellar, despite the fact I had won my other 3 matches, so I really can't say anything positive here without feeling like a hypocrite.

@POfags: Good tour bunch of shitheads. Keep showing you niggas can play this game.

@ex-POfags: Glad I got to play and talk with some of you again. I have no hard feeling towards any of you for anything that happened in the past, probably most of you don't care but I just felt like letting you know.

@Everyone who said I'm bad, and that Cryos should had bid for them and not me: Better luck next year

PS: I'm upset that I didn't get to use my TR Endeavor Hail team in this SPL. I wanted to show everyone how cancerous Hail can be.
And yeah reyscarface is a god

As makiri said, the plan this year was just to retain as much of our team from last year as possible and just win (cos our team last year was strong as hell). After our retainers I was pretty confident we would make at least playoffs. After the auction, I was almost certain.

All right time for some corny shoutouts.

So I guess my attempt at subtly scouting you pre-season wasn't quite as subtle as I thought x). But anyway, it's funny how a tier that was basically "just do w/e, buy someone cheap" for us turned into one of our best tiers. Apart from the times when you ignored my advice to not get counterteamed -_____- you were a really solid player for us and I had a lot of confidence in you and the LC tier. On a personal level, you're a really cool guy. I don't think I ever told you this but it was pretty funny seeing you talk normally in #sharks and then I'd tab over to #littlecup and it'd be you smacktalking a bunch of people and just being completely random haha.

As you probably know Zach was our first doubles choice, but I was pleasantly surprised by you. After that first week and the break where we put TFC in, you started doing extemely well and you definitely proved you're a great doubles player. As you said, we didn't talk as much as I did with other team members (probably because of both timezones but also because I'm completely useless at doubles) but despite that I actually had a lot of confidence in you to win every week.

Boss. What can I say? I knew you would be, and you were. So glad I joked about your signup post otherwise or we wouldn't have known you were serious and we would've foregone one of our best players. 6k is kind of a joke (even at midseason) for someone of your calibre (even if you were washed up, but I knew you still had it from watching you XY a bit). Good thing everyone else thought you were washed up (or just didn't care) because you pretty much solved our lineup issues by allowing Heist to perma RU and Tsunami to perma XY. Idk how you even go 6-0 and get into XY semis while just being so relaxed about everything but I guess that just shows what a quality player you are.

The shark veteran. You pretty much always played late and when the series was close I would always think, "Oh it's fine we still have Conflict (and Malekith) left to play, we'll win". You're a great team player, helping test/build with people in a bunch of tiers. I think that's one of the reasons why we were so strong this year (and last year), because of our teams versatility allowing us to all help eachother. You can say that Sharks wouldn't be the same without MoP, but I think the same holds true for you. You're just one player that basically says: SHARK. Solid, reliable, helpful. An all-round great team member.

Ah Edgar. Many an hour was wasted discussing getting you midseason. "What if wolves try and get cash? No, they can't we're good. But what if ruiners try and screw us?" etc etc. Basically our midseason plan was just get edgar and who cares about the rest (Shake would constantly spam "just gotta get Edgar"). Ubers was by far our weakest tier and having you on the team gave me a lot more confidence in us winning weeks. You tested a lot with LUST pre-midseason IIRC which shows how committed you were to our team. And of course you bossed it up by clutching for us in finals. I feel like we wasted some good opportunities to discuss One Piece but maybe in the future we can do that.

Ethan (aka -Tsunami-):
Aka shakeitup. Aka nami. Aka tsu. Anyway... along with LUST you were probably the most active of the sharks, you were always on. It's a good thing the wolves wasted all their cash on retainers so you got stuck with us (hehehe). But yeah, definitely a great team player, willing to play whatever tier is needed to suit the team. Your versatility was definitely a part of how well we did as a team both this year and last year.

"Just gotta get X more wins"
"lol smh"
"uh k"

Hawkstar, we didn't talk much since you're a very quiet guy (at least in the chat) but you did what you needed to and were around for heaps (if not all) of Al's matches which was great. It was really good knowing we had you on the team because if AL was MIA we would've been screwed without you. And you got us an important win vs classiest in the week when Al was busy which was of course great. Having 2 LCers on the team just made me feel more comfortable all season, because I always knew we weren't going to be completely screwed in any substitute situations with another solid LCer in the wings.

Heisty. I think you know this, but you are the player I had the most confidence in. I just pencilled you in as a win every week in my head. I knew you'd deliver and of course you did. I've known you for ages and you pretty much know everything that I would say here, so I'll just say thanks for sticking around this season and being another great shark member. Maybe we can win WCoP together again, who knows...

I LOVE kael. Kael you are just too adorable. When BKC accepted 0.5k for you we thought he was trolling us and we were really suspicious when confirming with Oglemi IIRC ("did BKC PM you about a trade" "was it kael for 0.5k?"). But anyway, that was an insane steal and you were a great team member, getting us some clutch wins, subbing in ADV when make wasn't around and you'd come online and say "who needs test" which is of course great. Having a quality old gens player in the wings if needed was extremely good. And of course, I have to share this quote with the world that Malekith showed me:

kael|battle: Malekith
kael|battle: you stay here bro
*** Skywalker quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
Malekith: hi
kael|battle: man
kael|battle: porygon2
kael|battle: what player?
kael|battle: Porygon2 is ?

Simply amazing. As are you.

Kevin Garrett:
We'd both been around since DPP but we had never really talked much prior to this season. The auction was basically "hey, 3k is wayyy too cheap for KG upbid a little and if we get him, cool, he's a solid player." Even if you were rusty at the start of the season, 3.5k is kind of a joke for a player of your calibre. You clutched for us big-time in the playoffs, I'm guessing the wolves probably regret not upbidding you a little more. Personality-wise you are a very mellow and calming person. You have a way of seeing the big picture of things and are a really good motivator - I can see how you would have been a great comanager on the wolves last season. I'm really glad we ended up getting you this year and it's been nice to talk with you during the season and get to know you better.

Along with Tsunami, you were the most active of the sharks. I would say that you were the best team player on the sharks this year. You played Ubers when we needed you to midseason even though you didn't have much experience in it and didn't really like it. You'd always help build teams for others and were always around to lend a hand. Couldn't have really asked more from you in terms of effort and helping out when and where needed this year.

Boss make. You should have been on our team last year but some .... unfortunate circumstances ... prevented that. Anyway, we got you this year and had a very good record. You're such a hilarious guy, your trashtalk is amazing and I'll never forget that week 1 match vs bloo... unreal. We didn't talk too much because of timezone and language difficulties but I am very glad we had you on our team this year.

Malekith, another great team player. Originally we were going to have you DPP, then half DPP half NU and then you just ended up NUing all season because that was what was best for the team, which really shows how great of a teamplayer and how selfless you are. Same thing with Conflict really, I had supreme confidence in you as one of the more 'senior members' of the sharks, and you'd usually play late and I'd think "We're going to win, Malekith hasn't played yet so we'll be fine." People aren't wrong when they call you MVP, you were an amazing player this year. It's been really good to get to know you better over the last 2 seasons.

I feel like you deserve way more credit than you get. You're a really solid player and the general community should realise that. I always knew we weren't going to have any difficulties with you in terms of scheduling or anything like that. You should've been manager, sorry I stole one of those spots from you. I guess it worked out in the end though? Thanks for not really complaining or anything (at least about me stealing one of those spots) about playing XY and UU when your first option was to manage.

Soulwind my friend. BW is a stupid tier where team matchup dictates too much. You can call it a slump but BW is (imo) one of those tiers where even the best can be in bad positions from the outset. In any case I don't blame you for 'underperforming' (if you want to call it that). You were a great team member both when you were playing and when you weren't. We've now won 2 team tournies together this year, maybe we can win a few more...

TFC, I hope you realise the lengths I went to get you on the team. The end of the auction we had a decision as to either buy you or save money for midseason but I (along with -Tsunami- I think) was just spamming GET TFC, JUST GET HIM, HE'LL HELP IN DOUBLES AND XY. And of course I'm really glad we did. Sub-extraodinaire, never complained about anything. Of course I've known you for a while now and it's always just nice to have friends on the team. I should also thank you for being an insomniac and usually being around when I log on in Aussie-hours, since otherwise I would've been alone with Frizy....

The Wolf:
My favourite bot. I think we talked a bit more than last year but probably not as much as we should have, but we can always fix that in the future. You just belong on the team (if that makes sense) and of course it's always a pleasure to have you around. You never complain, you're always nice and a really positive presence to have around.

Today will forever be remember as a historic day: the day WhiteQueen got a trophy. You kinda went MIA to Bankok during the middle of the season but you came back and were more active near the end of the season which was nice. It was reassuring to have you as a backup in UU, (or even as a starter when we were still screwing around with our lineup - you probably would've played more as a starter if your activity wasn't as questionable as it was around the middle of the season). Enjoy the trophy.

Jon Snow:
You know nothing. You weren't around as much this year as last year, but I understand, you're a working man and you've got your own website that you're working on. Even if you weren't as active as others it was still nice to be involved in a team tourney with you. Of course I love the rest of the management team but last year the main thing I wanted to do was manage a team with you so you're definitely a big part of why I've been as involved with the sharks as I have been over the seasons. So thanks for that.

You deserve this trophy as much as anyone. It's funny how you seem to get the credit when one of the Sharks players wins but never any of the blame when we lose LOL. Anyway, you helped us heaps this year in teambuilding etc. and were basically a manager in all but name. You're definitely a huge part of our victory this year and the fact you helped us all while not even being officially a part of the team is really cool.

You're an amazing manager and an amazing person. Manager-wise you are exceptional at making sure people know what to do, motivating people, making trades and all the other things involved with being a manager. On a personal level you're a really chill guy, so easy to get along with and just have fun with, of course you are a massive part of why I've stuck around with the sharks. I would definitely say you're one of my better smogon friends and I'm sure we'll do more fun things in the future such as WCoP, SPL etc...

Non-Sharky Shoutouts

Thanks for keeping me company during the slow hours I guess?

You offered us a lot of really good DPP help this year and were an excellent cheerleader for us. Maybe next year if you're still around we can buy you and you can play for us officially again.

We didn't really talk but nice to have you supporting us in the final week after we knocked out the wolves.

You helped Atticus a lot afaik so thanks for that.

Lady Bug:
A frog in name, but a shark at heart.

If I missed someone, I apologise, there were a lot of names to get through. It's been a pleasure playing this season with all of you.
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Congrats to the Sharks. A great finals between my former SPL team (of SPL3) and my current team.

Can't really do much in terms of shoutouts. Doesn't really feel like my sort of thing anyways.

I would like to thank my team for sticking with me for all their Doubles battles, even after I had gone 0-4, losing in all sorts of ways, and started to have doubts about whether I should have continued to play as the starting player for Doubles. This leading to me hitting my stride and clawing my way back to eventually hit the positive w/ 6W-5L. Thanks for believing, and allowing me to eventually regain my confidence. Even though I'm sort of detached from being able to give/receive help in terms of practice and advice from the rest of the team, it was still great being with you guys. A special thanks to Pocket for being there for me to spar with and to bounce some ideas off of.

I guess I will do one shoutout to the Smogon Doubles players of SPL. The battles were fun, as long as we weren't taking ~5 minute turns against each other so often. I hope people enjoyed watching the battles as we did playing them.
congrats to the sharks, we gave you a lot of shit after the first week but other than that, you proved once again to be a solid (and rly clever) team with a lot of teamwork and your players definitly came out big this season

gj to the cryo and Aqualouis in particular for your impressive season, better luck next time louis
makiri: one of the nicest guys around. Thanks for taking a chance on me when everyone else thought I was high on trolls lol. I wish I had contributed more victories for the team. And I just want you to know that whenever I play, I always give my best efforts. I would have played that semifinals like it was the most important game in my PokeCareer if we were still fighting for a spot in the finale. Anywho... We did it!!!!!! <3

MOP: sometimes I love you, sometimes I just wanna kick you in the vagina. The sharks experience would not be the same without your brotherly guidance and motherly nagging. You still haven't answered me when I asked whether you were gay or not. We still got unfinished business--winning the WCop too.

panamaxis: I love you, like for real. If I weren't a psychological woman, I'd definitely ask you out. Seeing you flip out was one of this season's highlights lol.

Philip7086:who doesn't love Phil? You got more badges than Kim Kadashian got BBCs. Phil vs all the other teams' assmen = Phil one red trophy - all the other assmen no trophy.

Al_Alchemist: one of the best LC players around. But it's LC, so I'm not gonna brag about you too much. Great to have you on the team.

Arcticblast:it was nice getting to know you. Doubles is not an easy tier to play and you're a boss at it. Thanks for pastebining me your teams even though I had no idea on how to use them and got eliminated around 1.

Atticus: this nigga can play Pokemon. DPP is the most competitive of all the tiers, and you wrecked it. Win that OST trophy too. Spring of Atticus.

Conflict: you're really good at a tier that nobody plays. ;) you're a great all around player. Clutching that huge win makes you the MVP this season. Nice guy and fun to chat too.

Edgar: way to make your debut, with a trophy. I, like most everyone else, was excited when you joined us during midseason. I had no idea who you were or where you came from, but instinctively I knew you were a formidable player. Big win in the finals! Hope to see more of you on Smogon.

Hawkstar:sorry don't know you. Just kidding. Didn't really get a chance to mingle with you this season. You got a win for the team and I went 0-1. Hawkstar>WhiteQueen.

Heist: boss. You definitely deserve this trophy. Good luck in the OST! This will either be the spring of Atticus or the spring of Heist.

kael: the legend himself. ATM40 and sogeking are just inferior versions of you. Long love Brazilian King Kael.

Kevin Garret: who needs the Dalai Lama when you have KG on the team. Reasonable people kinda annoy me, but somehow you make it work. Clutched big time in the semifinals and finals; Lebron should take a lesson from you.

LUST: you're one of my favorite people on here, especially when you raged about hax in the past. You rarely ever bitch about anything anymore on the forums, but that doesn't make you any less lovable.

make: no comprendo what you said 95% of the time, but you is good at ADV and Spanish.

Malekith: my favorite French in the world. I'm really happy that you finally won an official trophy. Your win over Cased was more exciting than watching porn. Well deserved and long overdue for a trophy. Congrats!!!!

Stellar: had you used my team against Hikari, you would have destroyed her ass. After four consecutive years being on the same SPL team, we finally got our trophy. I'm not even at all bitter about you stealing my spot. ;)

SoulWind: like Malekith, I'm really happy that you finally won an official trophy. You've established yourself as one of the great players on Smogon, so this season's SPL record doesn't mean jack. It's not an easy thing to play so well so consistently, making the tours' playoffs like it's nobody's business.

TheFourthChaser: I was in Thailand hanging out with my (BAN ME PLEASE) sisters for three weeks, so I was inactive pre-playoffs. Still not sure why you didn't play more. You were killing it.

-Tsunami-: the term "ShakeItUp!" will haunt me for life. When lust had the game wrapped up, everyone in our channel was hollering that phrase. Then boom, he got critted and lost the match. Utterly terrifying lmao. You're one of the best players around, and at EVERY tiers imaginable. Boss.

The Wolf: I wasn't trying to be funny when I said I thought you were Paul's bot lol. Glad to finally see you play, and you're just an all around great guy to have on the team.

Shout outs to honorable sharks BAIKA, Lady Bug, LizardMan, LuckOverSkill, and Sk.

Shout out to my gay friends
blarajan, Dice, Harsha, Hot N Cold, McMeghan, Nelson, Ojama, Adam

I apologize if I missed anyone. <3
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congrats to sharks, esp The Wolf (even tho u didn't come off the bench and clinch)

people asked for tigres shoutouts so here they are

gk sux, solace is ded, the rest of you were cool :) sux we didn't live up to expectations or whatever but it's pokemon and i don't regret any of the decisions i made. the channel was really lively and fun to be in, which made the losing a lil easier to take i guess. at least we're not last! see y'a
Looks like I'm almost the last one to do some writing, maybe last but not least!

Anyway this has been a thing since last year when we lost in semifinals to Wolfpack, we all felt that we could have won the tourney and we had to prove it once again this year. A lot of old members remained on the team, while new faces showed up this season. I'm extremely satisfied about our team work during all the weeks and how everyone tried to help every member of the team with their teams and battles. I'd like to thank all the managers for picking me up and trusting me again this season, even if I didn't play well through the weeks everyone tried to cheer me up so I'm really grateful about that too :]

makiri: I shall start for the managers since they're the key that made this team work, and as the captain of the team, I can't think of someone better. You're the pillar of Stark Sharks. Your knowledge at the Doubles metagame is incredible and you proved it by helping Arctic every week, perhaps in a tier in which we weren't very strong at since the start. Not only in Doubles, you are the best definition of a captain, always talking to every player to see if everything goes fine, and worrying about the general manager's tasks. Thanks a lot for trusting in me one season and sorry that I didn't do it as you expected, you helped me a lot during my stretch and I'm thankful a lot about that. KING PAUL

Philip7086: You weren't on as much as last year but you made act of presence to chat and help to everyone the most as possible. Not only a great manager and player but a great person. One of the team's oldest members, you clearly knew what was going on the team and worried about everyone in all moment. I must thank you too for talking to me after my streak and for everything in general, it's a pleasure to have managers like you.

panamaxis: I've always had a big respect for you because you're one of the most awesome battlers I've ever seen. It's sad that our timezones are so different because I would have enjoyed to have talked to you a lot more. My point of view is almost the same as yours in every situation. Like every other manager, you tried to cheer me up at my rut in every moment so thanks (as repeated a lot of times :P). You also helped a lot to help to test and building teams and your thoughts are always very important, specially when coming from such a great battler, I hope that in the future we can win more team tourneys and of course keep in touch in #sharks :)

Aeroblacktyl: Ah, MoP. I wonder what Sharks would be without you. You even sacrificed your spot and kept helping everyone every day, every week in the slightiest aspect. You have an insane sight of the game and that was crucial for winning every week, I don't think anyone can compare to you in that aspect, and you're an expert in every existable tier. Without your advice we probably wouldn't have made playoffs. You've taught me pretty good lessons, and I have learnt a lot from you these two years, and I think I can finally understand it. Sorry that I couldn't show you that I deserved to be in this team again, and thanks for everything you advised me of.

-Tsunami-: Seriously. -Tsunami-? What the fuck of a nickname change is that? However I refuse to calling you Tsunami, you'll always be ShakeItUp, that little indian guy that lucks out everyone (because of that name change your luck didn't work this season ;'(). Alright, jokes apart, you proved everyone again that you are an amazing player. You adapted to the team needs and you were there to help everyone to test and building teams. I'm glad you sticked at playing XY OU because you did an impressive job, as well as clutching your playoff games like a champ. big shake comin thluuu *-*

Al_Alchemist: Clearly the underdog of the team. You're a machine at LC and you were always confident about your plays and teams, and that's what I liked the most about you, as well as being a very nice guy overall. I know we didn't get to talk too much, but when we did I enjoyed it. Your record is amazing and you were one of the keys to our success every week, being an almost ensured win in a tier that not much people play is great!!

Arcticblast: Not only a funny guy but an excellent teammate too. You were there every week for playing Doubles (one tier that only makiri knew about in the team), and you made a great run too. With the help of Paul you made brilliant teams together and you were always there supporting us, thanks for everything dude :]

Atticus: DPP GOD. Like seriously, I'm glad that our managers put the eye on you. I knew you weren't playing a lot before SPL, but you proved everyone that they were wrong and made a perfect 6-0 record in the tier that I think is the HARDEST to play. Not only a great player, but I had lots of fun with you in the chat when you talk, and you were always confident to play and just rock everyone. Our team improved a lot with you, allowing Heist to move to RU. Thanks for every moment in the channel, I hope you keep playing in the future and might win OST because you are an amazing player.

Conflict: The most veteran member of the team actively playing. Knowing you since last year it's been a pleasure again to share opinions and thoughts of teams and everything in general in the chat, and you got two important wins in playoffs (also winning the most important game of the tourney). You are a very smart player and you're also very experienced in every metagame, so your help was vital to every member. You were also one of the members that cared the most about me and my rut so I gotta thank you too, one of the most deserving winners *-*

Edgar: I knew you were an IDM member but I didn't have the opportunity to talk to you before SPL, and I'm happy that you decided to join our team. You're one of the best Uber teambuilders I've ever seen and a very solid player, also since you're mexican we can also understand each other in Spanish and that's great. I'm happy to see that what we talked about helped you, you're an excellent dude to talk to and a very friendly guy, always willing to help everybody to test XY OU if necessary. Gracias bro!!

Hawkstar: We didn't talk too much either this season, but you were the only dude that could test with Al and you helped him a lot, so thanks for that!! You're one of the reasons of why we succeded in LC too :P

Heist: Ah, Heist. The other member of OCN along panamaxis. Since our timezones are so apart we can't really talk more than in weekends, but you are one of the best teambuilders and obviously battlers I've ever seen, not only mastering RU since you stopped playing DPP but your knowledge in every metagame allowed you to give advice to everyone too, and you were also pretty confident. I'm glad that you got the trophy since you're one of the most deserving users of it in the community, hope to battle soon again against you like we used to in the past!

kael: kaellllll =]]]]]] The definition of a team spirit is here. You are such a nice and friendly guy, you clutched some wins for us and that proved you are a very good battler, even better that you were a 0.5k steal. Thanks for cheering up everyone, you're lovely :]

Kevin Garrett: Kevin Kevin. Being there since week 1, you were always there if necessary and you also proved that you were not rusty by winning important games. You made an awesome job in playoffs winning both BW games, and I'm happy that my spot went to you, because you proved you can be a beast. You have a cool philosophy of the game and your team work is pretty good too, glad I could help a bit to you in your games!

LUST: Ah, mostwanted. We've known each other for a lot of time, and we're still very good friends. I wish our season could have been better since we lost more than expected and overall had not good luck. But you were offering to test for everyone every week, and that's the most valuable thing for a teammate. Glad you also got the trophy bro :]

make: bebesote *-* o make 30 cm. Realmente me alegro de que te unieras a nuestro equipo cuando Male te habló. Has desmotrado ser de los mejores jugadores ADV del mundo y un genial compañero de equipo. Me alegro un montón por ti y de que disfrutaras jugando como siempre me has dicho. Conseguiste muchas victorias importantes en todo el torneo y estoy contento de que lo hicieras, incluso tu récord podría ser mejor si tuvieras algo de mejor suerte. Espero que haya podido ayudarte en lo mejor posible cuando me pedías de testear, y no solo jugador sino que eres alguien genial y muy nice para hablar *-* Este torneo es nuestro segundo torneo en equipo juntos que hemos ganado, espero que si tienes ganas vuelvas otra vez el año que viene y que igual podamos compartir equipo de nuevo. Gracias también por enseñarme tantas cosas de ADV; espero que sigas dando todo el mambo por ahí en el futuro *-*

Malekith: Oh well. The person I know better in the team. You have proved this season the monster of a player you are in a tier that you don't play a lot, but always brought a bunch of interesting ideas and helped everyone to test. You're one of the best players in the world and if it wasn't me, you were the user that I wanted to have an official tournament win the most, because you deserve it after all this years. I promise you that when I get to my best level again, we're gonna rock in the Smogon World Cup together. I'm very happy to have shared team with you for two years, since you're one of the persons I talk the most to. Get some motivation and play more official tourneys! The first one has come, but more are awaiting for you.

Stellar: Nicest dude on the team *-----* Seriously Stellar, I love you with all my heart. You have a lot of XY knowledge but also managed to play great in BW2 UU, and you're a pretty funny user too. I'm very satisfied that I got to know you more deeply, because you're awesome *-*

TheFourthChaser: Clutch Chaser. Always there if anyone had to sub in to clutch some wins. You were a pretty valuable member in the team and you also helped everyone, wish that could have talked more because you're a really nice guy :P

The Wolf: wolfiee *-* One of the kindest users in the team, always being there to play if necessary, you don't know how great was the moment when you absolutely smashed Dunk, I'll never forget it. Thanks for being such a cool person in the team, and a very nice girl :)

WhiteQueen: Big Queen! Even though you didn't play much this year you always helped us and that was awesome. I think that all the community needs to understand you in a better way, because you're deeply a very funny guy and a really good player. Should try something else than hail though :PP

As for my closing words, want to say thanks to a bunch of bros, starting with Masterclass, Ojama and McMeghan. You helped me to test a lot during the season and I'm very grateful for that. I Wish that our teams could have faced on playoffs though, you guys were both on great teams. Also massive thanks to people that have always supported me and the team, like #beastaroonis, #scoots like BKC or Dice, Spanish bros like Colchonero and reiku , and all the IDM CREW (specially gr8astard CTC and CrashinBoomBang ), you guys are fantastic.

Now that I finalized shoutouts gotta say that congrats to cryos for making such an impressive run, you guys played like champs and are pretty deserving winners, I would be happy if it was you who won instead of us too.

Thanks to everyone and see you next year, I hope!
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