Oh right, Goofball has won 3 different official tournaments too. Dam.
lol nice you left me out of like 3 categories in part of. I know where I standI realized while typing my shoutout for Atticus that half of my shoutouts basically boil down to "cool guy, great battler" because I didn't get to know so many people on the team well enough, which totally blows. Still, this was an awesome three months and I'm glad to have come along for the ride. I've met a bunch of great players, some old and some new, and definitely learned a lot. It was also fun as hell. We clutched week after week, and even when we lost it was pretty intense. The season had its ups and downs but it was great. And WE FUCKING WON. GO SHARKS
-Tsunami-: literally the worst. Legit though you're a good friend, you battled well, and you were a great testing partner. gj bro
Al_Alchemist: The secret third 11-letter A player... o.o I think it's funny how makiri didn't support adding LC and Doubles to SPL and then you just went and fucking destroyed everyone. Mad props. Also Spritzee is one of my favorite Pokemon and you used it at least once!
Atticus: When midseason rolled around and you and edgar join the team, #sharks got like 100% cooler. You also kicked ass at DPP. Hell, that's basically why I decided to take it up myself (sorry Stone_Cold I keep forgetting about this tutoring thing lol).
Conflict: more like Clutchflict imo. You managed to secure the win repeatedly, getting us through semis and finals (that match was beautiful by the way). You also figured out some stuff I didn't even think of, like when you predicted Skill Swap Cress week 1... You were one of the coolest guys on the team too.
Edgar: Part two of the midseason pickups. You tore it up in Ubers and were cool to talk to.
Hawkstar: AHA, someone I have something else to say about - PA bros! I found a ride to worlds though so I don't have to beg you for one, don't worry. You helped Al out and then clutched when he wasn't around.
Heist: I seem to recall you not being on a whole lot early in the season, and then you suddenly decided to start playing RU, but you pretty much kicked ass all season.
kael: .5k for one of the best players ever? Hell yes.
Kevin Garrett: I remember looking up to you years ago when I had just joined, and it's seriously been an honor playing on the same SPL team as you. DDoS jokes aside, it's been a pleasure, and you wrecked in BW.
LUST: To be honest, I actually originally didn't like you a whole lot early in the season - you came off as kind of abrasive. That changed around midseason though, you're a smart guy who knows what he's doing and you're... usually right when you say stuff lol. Shame we both got lucked this week :(
make: I'd probably have a more detailed shoutout besides "you're awesome at ADV" but honestly I'm bad at foreign languages :(
Stellar: I take back what I said about Shake. You are literally the worst. >:( and that about sums up our relationship right there.
SoulWind: You keep going on about this but don't let this season get you down man, you're an excellent battler. You know what's up in BW and you're a great guy. I better see you in the finals of this Doubles tour too ;)
TheFourthChaser: out of all of the people who used #sharks you're the only one who came out of the season still modding PS. There's gotta be a prize for that. You put in work when you battled and you helped me out immensely in testing and stuff and you're pretty awesome too.
The Wolf: Is there any tier you don't play? You seriously just went in wherever you were needed and managed to pull through. Lower tier master right here
WhiteQueen: Before the season started I was looking forward to trash talking you and then we ended up on the same team and I was like "shit." You ended up being a lot cooler than I gave you credit for though, and even when you didn't play you were enthusiastic. Wouldn't have been the same without you.
LizardMan and Frizy: Not Sharks but always there. Lizard is pro as fuck and Frizy sucks but man you're a good guy.
Lady Bug: Shark at heart <3
panamaxis: Fuck timezones, I could have talked to you more :(
Philip7086: I CAN FINALLY CONNECT TO POKEBATTLE!!!! Unlike too many members of the team I did get to know you a bit better, even if I forget that band you told me about that used your guitar on an album or something.
MoP: You helped literally everyone on the team (even if the team of mine you helped with most never saw the light of day). I won't be Fire weak don't worry :)
makiri: Holy shit where do I begin...? I wouldn't have made it anywhere without you over the past months. You took the time to scout #doubles and ended up picking me (sorry Zach got stolen :o), and you helped me in both teambuilding and battling ability. You didn't get all pissy when Audio DC'd and I hadn't sent in my team, and were fine with it when I asked to be taken out week eight (considering how I played against Blingas I probably wouldn't have played anyway lol).
Other people:
jrp: irl fren :)
Treecko: Smog fren :)
Electrolyte: Smog fren :)
Audiosurfer: Audioblast :] you've basically been my rival as long as Doubles has been around, and although you've almost always come out on top you're right up there with jrp/Treecko/Electrolyte as my best friends on Smogon.
Pocket, Pwnemon, Biosci, R Inanimate, kingofmars, Braverius, Nollan, BLINGAS ♥, and especially Mizuhime, Laga, and Joim: Even if a bunch of you are from VGC, it's been cool playing Doubles in SPL and you guys are all in on it (although some of us never really got to play). To the last four: you helped me test and teambuild a lot and I couldn't have done it without you.
Ash Borer, Lolk (you thought I was bad), Level 51, BlankZero, finally, Shaian, and all the other Doubles people I'm forgetting: WE DA BES
Birkal and verbatim: You two are basically the people ultimately behind everything I've achieved on Smogon and I finally have a chance to properly thank you for it. Thanks guys.
The Immortal and DTC: The two OM mods I haven't given shoutouts to yet :D
The OM guys: keep playing, guys!
PS staff: There's too many of you to count now... I might be retired now but you're all still buds :)
The Showderp crew, especially BLOOD TOTEM and Bedschibaer:
Molk, TROP, dcae, Passion the inspirational, Fusxfaranto, Valentine, ebeast, FLCL, Yilx, and all the other TAONU guys: You all suck, but mostly dcae :)
Laurel and King: I might be in the minority here but I like both of you guys. Keep on truckin'.
blarajan: Neutral shoutout; you got LC and Doubles in SPL but then haxed the hell out of Al_Alchemist. Rude :(
And a blanket shoutout to anyone else I might have forgotten. There's seriously so much more I could say here but I just didn't. Whatever, time to bask in the red glow of this trophy *-*
kael|battle: Malekith
kael|battle: you stay here bro
*** Skywalker quit (Ping timeout: 182 seconds)
Malekith: hi
kael|battle: man
kael|battle: porygon2
kael|battle: what player?
kael|battle: Porygon2 is ?