[13:03:22] <&Oglemi> !resume
[13:03:22] <+SPLbot> The auction has been resumed.
[13:03:28] <&Oglemi> gr8astard your bid
[13:03:29] <%Ciele> :o
[13:03:30] <@little_gk> gl every1
[13:03:30] <@Funkasaurus> Wolfpack to go.
[13:03:32] <@LonelyNess> dittocrow / gr8astard
[13:03:33] <@Funkasaurus> gl
[13:03:34] <+DMALFOY> !nominate bloo
[13:03:34] <@LonelyNess> nominate a nig
[13:03:35] <+SPLbot> Bloo is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:03:35] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:03:36] <@tennisace> !20
[13:03:36] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 20000
[13:03:38] <@locopoke> !25
[13:03:38] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 25000
[13:03:39] <@Funkasaurus> !26
[13:03:39] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 26000
[13:03:41] <@locopoke> !30
[13:03:42] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 30000
[13:03:42] <%gr8astard> holy shit
[13:03:43] <%gengar> jesus christ
[13:03:43] <@Funkasaurus> !31
[13:03:44] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 31000
[13:03:46] <@locopoke> !32
[13:03:47] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 32000
[13:03:48] <~aldaron> that escalated
[13:03:49] <+Earthworm|Away> i have a better idea
[13:03:50] <%BAIKA> !33
[13:03:50] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 33000
[13:03:53] Hoodedboy [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:03:55] <@little_gk> we were only prepared to bid 30
[13:03:55] <@yondie> holy shit
[13:03:59] <%gr8astard> rofl
[13:03:59] <%macle> holy cow
[13:04:00] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:04:00] <@tennisace> rofl
[13:04:01] <+Earthworm|Away> someone could stream the auction on Twitch.tv With Commentary.
[13:04:01] <@LonelyNess> !33.5
[13:04:01] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 33500
[13:04:04] <%gengar> LOL
[13:04:04] <&McMeghan> !34
[13:04:04] <@Nachos> this is pocket money
[13:04:05] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 34000
[13:04:05] <@falcula> lmfao
[13:04:05] <%gr8astard> FROGS
[13:04:06] <%gr8astard> YES
[13:04:08] <@LonelyNess> !34.5
[13:04:08] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 34500
[13:04:09] <@yondie> FROGS
[13:04:10] <%tab> frog pls
[13:04:13] <@yondie> LOL
[13:04:13] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[13:04:14] <@little_gk> SEND HIM TO THE FROGS
[13:04:14] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:04:14] <%gr8astard> FROGS
[13:04:15] <&McMeghan> !35
[13:04:15] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 35000
[13:04:16] <@Funkasaurus> PLS GOD
[13:04:16] <%Ciele> !35
[13:04:16] <%gengar> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:04:16] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 35000.
[13:04:18] <~aldaron> i want bloo on the frogs so badly
[13:04:19] ficcion [
Mibbit@synIRC-1EE8A0E3.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #spl
[13:04:20] FOLGORIO [~
Alleneby@Swag.Eos.Bag] has joined #spl
[13:04:20] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:04:20] <+kd24> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:04:22] <+kd24> GO LNM
[13:04:25] <+SPLbot> SOLD: Bloo to The Alpha Ruiners for 35000.
[13:04:25] <@yondie> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:04:26] Punchshroom [
Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has joined #spl
[13:04:28] <%gr8astard> NO
[13:04:28] <@LonelyNess> wait
[13:04:28] shakur [
Mibbit@synIRC-F03309AC.slkc.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:04:28] <%tab> ugh
[13:04:28] <@LonelyNess> what
[13:04:28] <@tennisace> god damn
[13:04:29] <&blue> YES
[13:04:30] <%macle> nooooo
[13:04:30] <@LonelyNess> what the fuck
[13:04:33] <%Snunch> LN FUCK YOU
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 58500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:04:34] <+Red_Panda> worth
[13:04:35] <@Funkasaurus> GOD
[13:04:35] Dotteh [
Dotteh@synIRC-6C5C97A0.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:04:35] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:04:36] <%Stone_Cold22> blue
[13:04:36] <@Funkasaurus> FUCKING
[13:04:37] <@LonelyNess> what the fuck
[13:04:37] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Players:
[13:04:38] <%Stone_Cold22> dont go 1-8
[13:04:39] <@Funkasaurus> WHY
[13:04:39] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Players: bad ass
[13:04:39] <%panamaxis> jesus
[13:04:40] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:04:40] <%Stone_Cold22> ok?
[13:04:41] Cased [~
cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #spl
[13:04:42] <@DittoCrow> shut up LonelyNess
[13:04:42] <@LonelyNess> I didn't get to bid
[13:04:42] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / solace / zeb
[13:04:46] <%Solace> bloo lucked out lmao
[13:04:48] viewtifulkye [
Mibbit@synIRC-FA74D4BD.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:04:51] <@LonelyNess> what in the fuck i didn't get to bid
[13:04:54] steeledges [
i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has joined #spl
[13:04:56] <@Nachos> bloo was sweating hard
[13:04:56] <@tennisace> !nominate ]v[ajin_tupacz
[13:04:57] <&McMeghan> ?_,
[13:04:57] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "]v[ajin_tupacz" not found.
[13:04:59] ZenthForbias [~
UPP@synIRC-D3FBACFB.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:05:00] <+Earthworm|Away> plz elaborate LonelyNess
[13:05:02] <+ZEB> no _
[13:05:02] <@tennisace> how the fuck is his name spelled
[13:05:03] <+Earthworm|Away> did you Lag
[13:05:04] <&Eo> no z
[13:05:05] <@Funkasaurus> just a space
[13:05:08] <@Funkasaurus> no underscore
[13:05:09] <@yondie> no _
[13:05:16] Dotteh [
Dotteh@synIRC-6C5C97A0.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:05:16] <@LonelyNess> I typed in !bid 35.5
[13:05:20] <@LonelyNess> and it did not go
[13:05:23] <@Funkasaurus> its !35.5
[13:05:24] <@little_gk> we might as well just reset
[13:05:26] <%Solace> it's just ]v[ajintupacz
[13:05:26] <%Stone_Cold22> liez
[13:05:29] <%negres> reset
[13:05:29] <%negres> reset
[13:05:30] <%tab> yes reset pls
[13:05:30] <%BAIKA> idiot
[13:05:32] <@tennisace> yeah reset
[13:05:33] <@little_gk> it's the first bid
[13:05:33] <@Nachos> reset
[13:05:34] <@LonelyNess> why would I lie
[13:05:34] <@Funkasaurus> RESET Kappa.
[13:05:37] <+kd24> its !35.5
[13:05:38] <%Snunch> its only fair, first player
[13:05:39] <%Solace> lmao
[13:05:40] <%Snunch> should reset
[13:05:41] <+reyscarface> reset please
[13:05:41] <+kd24> i say let LN
[13:05:41] <%BAIKA> why did you type in !bid
[13:05:41] <&Eo> omg lol
[13:05:43] <@yondie> RESET
[13:05:44] <+kd24> put his bid in
[13:05:44] <%BAIKA> retard
[13:05:47] <@yondie> RESET
[13:05:48] <%Stone_Cold22> this ln drama already
[13:05:49] <%Stone_Cold22> LOL
[13:05:49] <+kd24> let LN have him
[13:05:50] <&Eo> first bid drama
[13:05:51] pudgetta [
Mibbit@synIRC-17D45F05.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:05:52] <@little_gk> !reset
[13:05:55] <@little_gk> :[
[13:05:58] <%Texas> can confirm i saw the red letters that indicated he was typing
[13:05:59] <&Oglemi> !reset
[13:05:59] <+SPLbot> All details have been reset.
[13:06:00] <%Stone_Cold22> can we move on
[13:06:01] <%Stone_Cold22> ffs
[13:06:02] <%Stone_Cold22> lols
[13:06:02] <+Earthworm|Away> LOL
[13:06:03] <+kd24> YEAHHH
[13:06:03] <%tab> lmao yes
[13:06:03] <+kd24> YES
[13:06:04] <+kd24> YES
[13:06:04] <+kd24> Y ES
[13:06:05] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:06:06] <%negres> ROFL
[13:06:06] <%gr8astard> lmao
[13:06:07] <%Solace> LOL
[13:06:07] <+reyscarface> YES
[13:06:08] <@tennisace> oh my god
[13:06:08] <%panamaxis> what.
[13:06:08] <%BAIKA> are you serious
[13:06:08] <%gr8astard> lgi
[13:06:11] <@Nachos> LMFAO
[13:06:12] <&Oglemi> !showall
[13:06:12] <@tennisace> hahahahahah
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:06:13] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:13] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:06:13] <&McMeghan> ....
[13:06:14] <&blue> .
[13:06:15] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:06:15] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:06:15] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:06:15] <&Oglemi> gr8
[13:06:16] <%gr8astard> wait
[13:06:16] <@DittoCrow> this is a joke
[13:06:16] <%gr8astard> ....
[13:06:16] <%Stone_Cold22> g_G
[13:06:16] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:06:17] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:06:17] <%panamaxis> wait what
[13:06:17] <%negres> OMG
[13:06:17] <%gengar> lmfao
[13:06:17] <@tennisace> here we go
[13:06:18] <%negres> RETAINERS
[13:06:19] <%Solace> FUCKING GOD
[13:06:19] <%negres> ALL OVER
[13:06:20] <%negres> AGAIN
[13:06:21] <%panamaxis> are you kidding me oglemi
[13:06:24] <%negres> HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA
[13:06:24] <%BAIKA> can we remove oglemi
[13:06:25] <+workingphil> proof that ln should be a manager forever
[13:06:25] <+DMALFOY> lol
[13:06:25] <&blue> are you serious oglemi
[13:06:26] <%negres> FAIL
[13:06:26] <%Solace> why did we reset
[13:06:26] <+workingphil> ^_^
[13:06:27] Deshfyre [
Mibbit@synIRC-143C752D.su.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:06:27] <%BAIKA> what the fuck
[13:06:27] <+DMALFOY> lmfao
[13:06:27] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi...
[13:06:28] <&blue> how is that fair
[13:06:30] <%BAIKA> are you retarded
[13:06:31] <%Ciele> this cannot happen oglemi
[13:06:31] <%Solace> if someone cant figure out how to fucking bid
[13:06:34] <%Solace> they dont get the player
[13:06:37] <+reyscarface> yo oglemi
[13:06:38] RooseBolton [
Mibbit@synIRC-5687335F.skybroadband.com] has joined #spl
[13:06:38] <%Stone_Cold22> yeah
[13:06:39] <+ZEB> just add bloo back
[13:06:39] <+reyscarface> you reset
[13:06:40] <&blue> oglemi
[13:06:40] <+reyscarface> absolutely everything
[13:06:40] <%Stone_Cold22> i dont see the deal
[13:06:41] <%BAIKA> oglemi is as dumb as ln
[13:06:41] <+reyscarface> ...
[13:06:42] <%Stone_Cold22> jesus christ
[13:06:42] <%panamaxis> oglemi wtf are you doing
[13:06:43] <&blue> you have to be kidding lol
[13:06:44] <@yondie> lets see
[13:06:46] <%Stone_Cold22> fucking oglemi
[13:06:47] <@yondie> how much
[13:06:48] <@yondie> mcmeghan
[13:06:51] verbatim [
Mibbit@synIRC-4236811B.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:06:52] <@yondie> really wants bloo
[13:06:52] <&Eo> !showall
[13:06:52] <+Earthworm|Away> calm down
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:54] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:54] <%gengar> lmao bloos gonna be a frog
[13:06:54] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 15000 danilo
[13:06:55] <+SPLbot> danilo retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 15000.
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 13000 silentverse
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 10000 marth
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 22000 flcl
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 12000 kingofkongs
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 16000 dracomalfoy
[13:06:55] <+SPLbot> silentverse retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 13000.
[13:06:57] <+SPLbot> marth retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 10000.
[13:06:57] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 15000 jorgen
[13:06:57] <+SPLbot> flcl retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 22000.
[13:06:58] <+SPLbot> kingofkongs retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 12000.
[13:06:59] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 15000 donkey
[13:06:59] <+SPLbot> dracomalfoy retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 16000.
[13:07:01] <+SPLbot> jorgen retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 15000.
[13:07:01] <&Oglemi> !addcredits wol 5000
[13:07:02] <+SPLbot> donkey retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 15000.
[13:07:03] <+SPLbot> 5000 credits added to The Wifi Wolfpack.
[13:07:03] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:03] little_gk [~
little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com] has set mode +v Oglemi
[13:07:07] <&Oglemi> !addcredits rai 1500
[13:07:07] <+SPLbot> 1500 credits added to The Team Raiders.
[13:07:09] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:11] <&Oglemi> !addretainer ind 15000 bad ass
[13:07:11] <+SPLbot> bad ass retained by The Indie Scooters for 15000.
[13:07:12] <%Stone_Cold22> im shocked lol
[13:07:13] <@Funkasaurus> teach me how to dougie
[13:07:13] <&Oglemi> !addcredits ind 2500
[13:07:13] <+SPLbot> 2500 credits added to The Indie Scooters.
[13:07:15] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:15] <@yondie> Lonelyness i hope you're happy
[13:07:17] <&Oglemi> !addretainer fro 10000 dekzeh
[13:07:18] <+SPLbot> dekzeh retained by The Smog Frogs for 10000.
[13:07:19] <&Oglemi> !addretainer fro 10000 texas cloverleaf
[13:07:19] <+SPLbot> texas cloverleaf retained by The Smog Frogs for 10000.
[13:07:21] <@Funkasaurus> ln you better fucking get him
[13:07:21] <&Oglemi> !addcredits fro -3500
[13:07:22] <%BAIKA> oglemi what the fuck
[13:07:22] <+SPLbot> -3500 credits added to The Smog Frogs.
[13:07:23] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:25] <&Oglemi> !addretainer big 15000 floppy
[13:07:25] <+SPLbot> floppy retained by The Ever Grande BIGs for 15000.
[13:07:26] <@yondie> I hope you can rest easy now LN
[13:07:27] <&Oglemi> !addretainer big 13000 delta 2777
[13:07:28] <+SPLbot> delta 2777 retained by The Ever Grande BIGs for 13000.
[13:07:28] <%Texas> yondie
[13:07:29] <&Oglemi> !addretainer big 12000 alf'
[13:07:30] <+SPLbot> alf' retained by The Ever Grande BIGs for 12000.
[13:07:31] <&Oglemi> !addcredits big 6000
[13:07:31] <%Texas> LN wasnt the one
[13:07:31] <+SPLbot> 6000 credits added to The Ever Grande BIGs.
[13:07:33] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:34] <%Texas> asking to reset
[13:07:37] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 16000 zebraiken
[13:07:37] <+SPLbot> zebraiken retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 16000.
[13:07:39] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 destinyunknown
[13:07:39] <+SPLbot> destinyunknown retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:39] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has joined #spl
[13:07:41] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 royal flush
[13:07:41] <+SPLbot> royal flush retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:43] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 biosci
[13:07:43] <+SPLbot> biosci retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:45] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 13000 tv-rocka
[13:07:45] <+kd24> so ln will put 35.5 on bloo right
[13:07:45] <+SPLbot> tv-rocka retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 13000.
[13:07:46] Laga [~
laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has joined #spl
[13:07:47] Foster [~
cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[13:07:47] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 hot n cold
[13:07:47] <+SPLbot> hot n cold retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:49] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir 10000
[13:07:49] <+SPLbot> 10000 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:07:51] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:53] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 10000 shakeitup
[13:07:53] <+SPLbot> shakeitup retained by The Stark Sharks for 10000.
[13:07:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 13000 malekith
[13:07:55] <+SPLbot> malekith retained by The Stark Sharks for 13000.
[13:07:57] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 10000 stellar
[13:07:58] <+SPLbot> stellar retained by The Stark Sharks for 10000.
[13:07:59] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 13000 soulwind
[13:07:59] <+SPLbot> soulwind retained by The Stark Sharks for 13000.
[13:08:00] <%BAIKA> god
[13:08:01] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 21500 heist
[13:08:01] <%Ciele> is this really happening
[13:08:01] <+SPLbot> heist retained by The Stark Sharks for 21500.
[13:08:03] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 16000 conflict
[13:08:03] <+SPLbot> conflict retained by The Stark Sharks for 16000.
[13:08:04] <+cbb> !bid 40k
[13:08:06] <+kd24> he put !bid lol
[13:08:07] <&Oglemi> !addcredits sha 2000
[13:08:07] <+SPLbot> 2000 credits added to The Stark Sharks.
[13:08:09] <&Oglemi>
[13:08:10] <%Ciele> it would be kinda ridiculous
[13:08:11] <&Oglemi> !addretainer alp 20500 crashingboombang
[13:08:11] <+SPLbot> crashingboombang retained by The Alpha Ruiners for 20500.
[13:08:13] <&Oglemi> !addretainer alp 10000 annoyer
[13:08:13] <+SPLbot> annoyer retained by The Alpha Ruiners for 10000.
[13:08:15] <&Oglemi> !addretainer alp 19000 ojama
[13:08:15] <+SPLbot> ojama retained by The Alpha Ruiners for 19000.
[13:08:17] <&Oglemi> !addcredits alp 3000
[13:08:17] <%Ciele> ln knows how to bid by now
[13:08:17] <+SPLbot> 3000 credits added to The Alpha Ruiners.
[13:08:19] <&Oglemi>
[13:08:21] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 10000 aqualouis
[13:08:21] <+SPLbot> aqualouis retained by The Cryonicles for 10000.
[13:08:23] <&McMeghan> only the first bid and ln already fucks up
[13:08:23] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 10000 picollo
[13:08:23] <+SPLbot> picollo retained by The Cryonicles for 10000.
[13:08:24] <%Ciele> if he messed up it's his own fault
[13:08:25] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 r inanimate
[13:08:26] <+SPLbot> r inanimate retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:27] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 blim
[13:08:28] <+SPLbot> blim retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:28] TIBA [~
Tiba@synIRC-B0C6E21B.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #spl
[13:08:29] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 10000 blarajan
[13:08:29] <+SPLbot> blarajan retained by The Cryonicles for 10000.
[13:08:31] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 dragonuser
[13:08:31] <+SPLbot> dragonuser retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:33] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 fakes
[13:08:33] <+SPLbot> fakes retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:35] <&Oglemi>
[13:08:39] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 10000 problems
[13:08:39] <%BAIKA> !bid 35
[13:08:39] <+SPLbot> problems retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 10000.
[13:08:41] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 14500 golden sun
[13:08:41] <+SPLbot> golden sun retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 14500.
[13:08:42] <%BAIKA> my bid didn't go through
[13:08:43] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 12000 luckoverskill
[13:08:43] <+SPLbot> luckoverskill retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 12000.
[13:08:45] <%BAIKA> can we start over
[13:08:45] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 14000 199 lives
[13:08:45] <+SPLbot> 199 lives retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 14000.
[13:08:47] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 11000 Mr.E
[13:08:47] <+SPLbot> Mr.E retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 11000.
[13:08:49] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con 3500
[13:08:49] <+SPLbot> 3500 credits added to The Congregation of the Classiest.
[13:08:50] Sayonara [
Sayonara@quand.la.vie.ne.suffit.pas] has joined #spl
[13:08:53] <&Oglemi> yes when bid starts ln will start with 35.5 on bloo
[13:08:54] KayRey [Mibbit@2CFBEF39.21E859D2.BC5C02E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:08:55] <&Oglemi> if you have access to SPLbot now would be the time to help to add bidders
[13:08:56] <%Texas> once again, LN wasnt the one who asked for rest
[13:08:57] <%BAIKA> god fucking damn
[13:08:57] <&Oglemi> so we can get this shit going
[13:08:59] <%Texas> oglemi
[13:08:59] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol dittocrow
[13:09:00] <+SPLbot> dittocrow added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow
[13:09:00] <%Texas> dont forget
[13:09:01] TIBA [~
Tiba@synIRC-B0C6E21B.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #spl
[13:09:03] <%Texas> the errata
[13:09:03] meowses [
Mibbit@synIRC-504A4828.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:09:05] <%Texas> to the money
[13:09:09] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol gr8astard
[13:09:09] <+SPLbot> gr8astard added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard
[13:09:11] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol flcl
[13:09:11] <+SPLbot> flcl added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl
[13:09:15] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol dmalfoy
[13:09:15] <+SPLbot> dmalfoy added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:09:16] <@yondie> yondie/snunch
[13:09:19] <&Oglemi> !addbidder rai locopoke
[13:09:19] <+SPLbot> locopoke added to bidders for The Team Raiders. Bidders: locopoke
[13:09:23] ficcion [
Mibbit@synIRC-1EE8A0E3.adsl.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:09:24] <@makiri> [10:32:56] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir -1500 [10:33:22] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con -2000
[13:09:25] <&Oglemi> !addbidder rai negres
[13:09:25] <+SPLbot> negres added to bidders for The Team Raiders. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:09:28] <@makiri> this needs to be done
[13:09:28] <&Oglemi> !addbidder ind falcula
[13:09:29] <+SPLbot> falcula added to bidders for The Indie Scooters. Bidders: falcula
[13:09:35] <+kd24> what makiri said
[13:09:41] <@little_gk> yeah we're 1.5k over
[13:09:41] <%gengar> me
[13:09:41] <+reyscarface> <&Oglemi> if you have access to SPLbot now would be the time to help to add bidders
[13:09:43] <+reyscarface> earthworm
[13:09:46] <+reyscarface> took it away from me
[13:09:51] <+reyscarface> tell him to give me it so i can help in case its needed later
[13:09:55] Foster [~
cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:10:00] <%BAIKA> can we get a new host
[13:10:05] <%BAIKA> bring back symphony64
[13:10:08] <@Funkasaurus> I guess blue counted his blessings too early
[13:10:08] <@little_gk> #ln2015
[13:10:10] <@locopoke> bring back fabbles
[13:10:15] <&Eo> !addbidder cryo yondie
[13:10:15] <%BAIKA> this is stupid as fuck
[13:10:19] <&Eo> !addbidder cry yondie
[13:10:19] <+SPLbot> yondie added to bidders for The Cryonicles. Bidders: yondie
[13:10:20] RooseBolton [
Mibbit@synIRC-5687335F.skybroadband.com] has left #spl
[13:10:24] <%negres> #40kplayerbloo
[13:10:24] <&Eo> !addbidder sha makiri
[13:10:25] <+SPLbot> makiri added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri
[13:10:28] <&Oglemi> !addbidder ind gengar
[13:10:28] <+SPLbot> gengar added to bidders for The Indie Scooters. Bidders: falcula / gengar
[13:10:33] <&Eo> !addbidder cry snunch
[13:10:33] <+SPLbot> snunch added to bidders for The Cryonicles. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:10:34] <@makiri> !addbidder sha panamaxis
[13:10:35] <&McMeghan> so idgi LN bigs correctly till 34.5
[13:10:38] <&McMeghan> then suddenly fucks up?
[13:10:40] <&Oglemi> !addbidder alp mcmeghan
[13:10:41] <+SPLbot> mcmeghan added to bidders for The Alpha Ruiners. Bidders: mcmeghan
[13:10:44] <&Eo> !addbidder sha panamaxis
[13:10:45] <+SPLbot> panamaxis added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis
[13:10:47] <%Solace> add me/tennis/gk/zeb for tigers
[13:10:50] <%negres> watch
[13:10:50] <&Eo> !addbidder cla nachos
[13:10:50] <%Solace> pls and ty
[13:10:53] Rayq [~
ray2233@why.read.this] has joined #spl
[13:10:54] <@makiri> !addbidder sha Stellar
[13:10:55] <%negres> LNs gonna go 35.5
[13:10:56] <&McMeghan> its con
[13:10:57] <%negres> ruiners go 36
[13:10:57] <&Eo> !addbidder con nachos
[13:10:58] <&McMeghan> not cla
[13:10:58] <+SPLbot> nachos added to bidders for The Congregation of the Classiest. Bidders: nachos
[13:11:00] <%negres> and then nothing else changes
[13:11:02] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir tennisace
[13:11:03] <+SPLbot> tennisace added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace
[13:11:04] <%Stone_Cold22> you dont have to add me
[13:11:05] <&Eo> mcm you have access too
[13:11:06] <%Stone_Cold22> only nachos bididng
[13:11:07] <+kd24> i think its a bad decision to let it redo mcmeghan but i think its not the worst ever with no one else taken
[13:11:10] <@Funkasaurus> only have me
[13:11:11] <@Nachos> yea
[13:11:11] <&Eo> !addbidder sha stellar
[13:11:12] <+SPLbot> stellar added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar
[13:11:13] <@makiri> !addbidder sha workingphil
[13:11:18] <&Eo> !addbidder sha workingphil
[13:11:18] <+SPLbot> workingphil added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:11:23] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir little_gk
[13:11:23] <+SPLbot> little_gk added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk
[13:11:24] <%gr8astard> stone_cold22 is clueless
[13:11:25] <@makiri> ty eo
[13:11:27] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir zeb
[13:11:28] <+SPLbot> zeb added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb
[13:11:28] <@little_gk> c:
[13:11:32] <@Nachos> wait
[13:11:33] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir solace
[13:11:33] <+SPLbot> solace added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:11:33] <+kd24> did you guys take money away
[13:11:35] <@Nachos> add stone as well
[13:11:35] <+kd24> from con and cir
[13:11:35] <+kd24> yet?
[13:11:36] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi, add me actually
[13:11:39] <&Eo> !addbidder big Funkasaurus
[13:11:39] <+SPLbot> Funkasaurus added to bidders for The Ever Grande BIGs. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:11:40] <%Stone_Cold22> in case he dcs
[13:11:40] <@makiri> no kd24
[13:11:43] <+kd24> eo
[13:11:44] <%BAIKA> seriously
[13:11:45] <+kd24> u need to do that
[13:11:45] <+kd24> as well
[13:11:46] <%BAIKA> remove oglemi
[13:11:46] <@makiri> [11:09:08] <@makiri> [10:32:56] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir -1500 [10:33:22] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con -2000
[13:11:49] <@makiri> eo these 2
[13:11:50] <+kd24> ^
[13:11:53] mib_hbvz73 [
Mibbit@synIRC-E86CFAD.as43234.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:11:57] <&Eo> !addcredits cir -1500
[13:11:58] <+SPLbot> -1500 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:11:58] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir -1500
[13:11:58] TheMoist [
Mibbit@synIRC-21E782E9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #spl
[13:11:59] <+SPLbot> -1500 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:12:00] heist [
Mibbit@i.am.t] has joined #spl
[13:12:01] <&Oglemi> ugh
[13:12:02] <&Eo> ok
[13:12:02] <@makiri> rofl
[13:12:03] <&Eo> you do it
[13:12:06] <@tennisace> wow
[13:12:09] <@tennisace> rude
[13:12:10] <@little_gk> ;-;
[13:12:11] <@LonelyNess> poor tennisace
[13:12:11] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir 1500
[13:12:11] <+SPLbot> 1500 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:12:11] LonelyNess hug
[13:12:21] <@Funkasaurus> was the schedule even made yet
[13:12:25] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con -2000
[13:12:26] <+SPLbot> -2000 credits added to The Congregation of the Classiest.
[13:12:26] Hulavuta [~
Hulavuta@wow.mom.wow] has joined #spl
[13:12:28] <&Oglemi> !showall
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 93500 | Bidders: mcmeghan | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama
[13:12:30] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:12:31] goldensun [
goldensune@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #spl
[13:12:31] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:12:34] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Bidders: nachos | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:12:36] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players:
[13:12:37] <&McMeghan> !addbidder alp BAIKA
[13:12:37] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar | Players: bad ass
[13:12:40] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Bidders: | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:12:41] <+SPLbot> BAIKA added to bidders for The Alpha Ruiners. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA
[13:12:42] <&McMeghan> !addbidder alp Ciele
[13:12:44] <+SPLbot> Ciele added to bidders for The Alpha Ruiners. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:12:46] <@little_gk> can tigres play bigs week 1 so we can be friends until finals
[13:12:48] <@little_gk> :]
[13:12:51] <@locopoke> add ln as a bidder
[13:12:52] <@LonelyNess> you have to add me Oglemi
[13:12:52] <+kd24> ln's not bidding for the frogs
[13:12:53] <@locopoke> thats kind of important
[13:12:55] <@locopoke> considering why we restarted
[13:12:58] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:12:58] <&Oglemi> !addbidder fro lonelyness
[13:12:58] <+SPLbot> lonelyness added to bidders for The Smog Frogs. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:12:58] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:13:14] <%BAIKA> how does he bid properly until 34.5 and then suddenly eats a dick
[13:13:21] gec [~
TAYLORGAN@synIRC-B8FC59AB.range109-154.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye!
[13:13:24] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:13:25] <%gr8astard> much at stake
[13:13:26] <&Oglemi> !showall
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 93500 | Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama
[13:13:26] <%BAIKA> please explain
[13:13:28] <~aldaron> did ln lag or something
[13:13:28] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:13:30] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:13:31] <@Funkasaurus> choking up pressure
[13:13:31] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Bidders: nachos | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:13:34] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[13:13:34] <%negres> lonelyness is like a clumsy frenchmen
[13:13:34] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players:
[13:13:34] <%gr8astard> ^
[13:13:35] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar | Players: bad ass
[13:13:36] <@LonelyNess> where is my incentive to lie lol
[13:13:37] <@LonelyNess> it's not like
[13:13:37] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Bidders: lonelyness | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:13:43] <@LonelyNess> he doesn't have an opportunity to buy him still
[13:13:47] falcula [
dawn@malediction.murder] is now known as BKC
[13:13:49] <@LonelyNess> I said it -immediately- after he was sold
[13:13:52] Bedschibaer [
Mibbit@synIRC-DCB91FFB.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #spl
[13:13:54] <@BKC> oglemi can you just add me on this name
[13:13:56] <@BKC> itll be easier
[13:14:01] <%negres> BKC
[13:14:02] <&Oglemi> !addbidder ind bkc
[13:14:02] <@Funkasaurus> BKC is gay
[13:14:02] <+SPLbot> bkc added to bidders for The Indie Scooters. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:14:04] <%Stone_Cold22> bkc
[13:14:05] <%negres> congrats ^_^
[13:14:05] little_gk [~
little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com] has set mode +v BKC
[13:14:05] <%Stone_Cold22> grats on win
[13:14:06] <&Oglemi> ye
[13:14:06] <%gr8astard> u think u can order people around now
[13:14:07] <%gr8astard> BKC
[13:14:08] <@locopoke> ok
[13:14:08] <%Stone_Cold22> the year of east
[13:14:09] <%BAIKA> this is 100% ln's own fault
[13:14:09] <@BKC> thx stone
[13:14:09] <%Stone_Cold22> y/n?
[13:14:09] <@locopoke> we ready?
[13:14:11] <@BKC> y
[13:14:11] <@BKC> defo
[13:14:12] <&Oglemi> ok we're starting now
[13:14:14] <%BAIKA> for being a mentally challenged person
[13:14:14] <@locopoke> ok
[13:14:14] <@little_gk> ok
[13:14:16] <@tennisace> rdy frdy
[13:14:16] <@locopoke> ln just bid right away
[13:14:18] <%Solace> no more re-dos
[13:14:20] <+kd24> ln bid 35.5
[13:14:22] <%BAIKA> look at those crutches
[13:14:22] <&Oglemi> sorry for the reset I thought it would just remove bids
[13:14:22] <+kd24> right away
[13:14:26] <@LonelyNess> I intend to, kd24
[13:14:27] <&Oglemi> not restart the whole damn thing
[13:14:28] <%gr8astard> might as well
[13:14:31] <@yondie> im bidding 36
[13:14:32] ZEB pet ogles
[13:14:33] <@yondie> take a gamble
[13:14:34] <+kd24> ln i just thought itd be funny
[13:14:35] <@tennisace> ok lets just
[13:14:35] <@yondie> WHO WANTS BLOO MOST
[13:14:35] <@tennisace> go
[13:14:36] <+kd24> if u were like
[13:14:39] <&Oglemi> !start
[13:14:40] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:14:40] <+kd24> u know i talked it over with ym assmen
[13:14:44] <+kd24> and i dont think hes worth it
[13:14:45] <@DittoCrow> !nominate bloo
[13:14:45] <%gr8astard> !nominate blue
[13:14:45] <+SPLbot> Bloo is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:14:45] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:14:46] <&Oglemi> wolfpack nominate bloo
[13:14:46] <+DMALFOY> !nominate bloo
[13:14:48] <@little_gk> !4
[13:14:48] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[13:14:50] <@LonelyNess> !35.5
[13:14:50] <@little_gk> :]
[13:14:51] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 35500
[13:14:55] <%BAIKA> !36
[13:14:55] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 36000
[13:14:56] <%Solace> :)
[13:14:59] <%negres> LOL
[13:15:00] <@LonelyNess> !36.5
[13:15:00] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 36500
[13:15:00] <@locopoke> we did this
[13:15:01] <@locopoke> nvm
[13:15:01] <@yondie> NO
[13:15:02] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:03] <%panamaxis> oh my god
[13:15:03] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:03] <%CTI> rofl
[13:15:05] Aqualouis [
Aqualouis@synIRC-3810ABA5.rev.sfr.net] has joined #spl
[13:15:05] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:15:05] <%gr8astard> rofl
[13:15:05] <%negres> LOL
[13:15:06] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:06] <@little_gk> wow
[13:15:06] <%gr8astard> 40k
[13:15:07] <%BAIKA> !37
[13:15:07] <%gr8astard> come on
[13:15:08] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 37000
[13:15:08] <@Funkasaurus> DO IT
[13:15:08] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:15:09] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:09] <+reyscarface> lmfa hes going
[13:15:10] <+reyscarface> fucking hard
[13:15:10] <%negres> #40kplayer
[13:15:10] <+reyscarface> omfg
[13:15:11] <@yondie> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:11] <@Funkasaurus> DO IT
[13:15:11] <@LonelyNess> !37.5
[13:15:12] <%Solace> omg
[13:15:12] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 37500
[13:15:13] <%panamaxis> omfg
[13:15:14] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:15:14] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:14] <%panamaxis> what
[13:15:15] <%negres> #40kplayer
[13:15:16] <%BAIKA> !38
[13:15:16] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 38000
[13:15:17] <@tennisace> help
[13:15:20] <@LonelyNess> !38.5
[13:15:20] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 38500
[13:15:22] <@Funkasaurus> OMG
[13:15:24] <@yondie> wow both these teams REALLY WANT TO SUCK
[13:15:24] <%negres> LOL
[13:15:25] <@BKC> lmfao
[13:15:25] <%BAIKA> !39
[13:15:25] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:26] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 39000
[13:15:26] biggie [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[13:15:28] <%panamaxis> WTF
[13:15:30] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:31] <%panamaxis> stop
[13:15:31] <@locopoke> 40
[13:15:32] <+workingphil> 40k do it
[13:15:32] <@little_gk> wow
[13:15:33] <@Funkasaurus> PLS
[13:15:33] <%negres> #40K PLAYER
[13:15:33] <@LonelyNess> !39.5
[13:15:34] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 39500
[13:15:37] <@little_gk> :O
[13:15:37] <%negres> OH SHIT
[13:15:37] <+workingphil> LOL
[13:15:39] <%CTI> ACHIEVE IT
[13:15:40] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:40] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:15:40] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:40] <@tennisace> OH MY GOd
[13:15:40] <%BAIKA> !40
[13:15:41] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 40000
[13:15:41] <+Red_Panda> it's happening
[13:15:42] <@yondie> LET IT HAPPEN
[13:15:43] <%panamaxis> oh
[13:15:43] <@Funkasaurus> omg
[13:15:44] <%panamaxis> my god
[13:15:44] <+kd24> THE RUINERS ARE TANKING
[13:15:45] <@tennisace> OH MY GOD IT HAPPENED
[13:15:46] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:46] <%gr8astard> oh my fuck
[13:15:46] <%negres> #40KPLAYER
[13:15:46] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:15:48] <@LonelyNess> =\
[13:15:48] <+workingphil> ln keep on going on
[13:15:49] <@LonelyNess> fine
[13:15:49] <%macle> omg
[13:15:50] <%gr8astard> 40.5 man
[13:15:50] <@LonelyNess> have him
[13:15:51] <+SPLbot> SOLD: Bloo to The Alpha Ruiners for 40000.
[13:15:51] <@Funkasaurus> .
[13:15:52] <%gr8astard> just a push
[13:15:52] <@tennisace> OH MY GOD
[13:15:53] <+cbb> so basically we lost 5k
[13:15:54] <%negres> hahahahhahahahaha
[13:15:54] <@Nachos> LMAO
[13:15:55] <%Snunch> NO
[13:15:55] <+cbb> because ln is retarded
[13:15:55] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:56] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:56] <+Earthworm|Away> #RuinerStrats
[13:15:56] <%gr8astard> LOL
[13:15:57] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:57] <%negres> LN IS SUCH A NIGGA
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:15:59] <%Texas> that upbid
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:16:00] <@little_gk> TANK4TEDDY
[13:16:01] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:16:04] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Players:
[13:16:04] <%BAIKA> thanks you fucking (BAN ME PLEASE)
[13:16:04] <@Funkasaurus> dank ass plays
[13:16:04] <%gr8astard> such strategy
[13:16:04] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Players: bad ass
[13:16:05] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:16:06] heist [
Mibbit@i.am.t] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:16:06] Hiwowlol [
Mibbit@synIRC-F77B6062.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:16:08] blue [
Bloo@lost.in.the.echo] has left #spl
[13:16:08] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:16:08] <%BAIKA> um
[13:16:10] <@little_gk> the plays
[13:16:12] <&McMeghan> i didnt want to bid 40 wow
[13:16:12] <%BAIKA> can we reset
[13:16:13] <@tennisace> !nominate ]v[ajintupacz
[13:16:13] <+SPLbot> ]V[ajinTupacZ is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU
[13:16:14] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[13:16:15] <&McMeghan> cant we restart??????
[13:16:17] <@yondie> !10
[13:16:17] <&McMeghan> !10
[13:16:17] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:16:18] <+workingphil> !7
[13:16:18] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:18] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:18] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:16:18] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:18] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:16:19] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:19] <@locopoke> !12
[13:16:20] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[13:16:21] <@BKC> !13
[13:16:22] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 13000
[13:16:22] <@Funkasaurus> !13
[13:16:23] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 13000.
[13:16:23] <@tennisace> !14
[13:16:23] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 14000
[13:16:24] <@locopoke> !15
[13:16:24] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15000
[13:16:25] <@Funkasaurus> !16
[13:16:25] <@BKC> !15.5
[13:16:26] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 16000
[13:16:26] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 16000.
[13:16:28] <%gengar> !17
[13:16:28] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 17000
[13:16:29] <@locopoke> !18
[13:16:29] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 18000
[13:16:36] <@Funkasaurus> !18.5
[13:16:36] <@BKC> !18.5
[13:16:36] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 18500
[13:16:36] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 18500.
[13:16:37] <%gengar> !19
[13:16:37] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 19000
[13:16:37] <@locopoke> !20
[13:16:38] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 20000
[13:16:40] <@Funkasaurus> jesus fuck
[13:16:42] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:16:45] <%BAIKA> thanks for being a massive (BAN ME PLEASE) ln
[13:16:45] <@tennisace> the thirst is real
[13:16:46] <@Funkasaurus> !20.5
[13:16:46] <@BKC> !20.5
[13:16:47] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 20500
[13:16:47] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 20500.
[13:16:50] <@locopoke> !21
[13:16:50] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 21000
[13:16:54] <@Funkasaurus> !21.5
[13:16:54] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 21500
[13:16:56] <@locopoke> !22
[13:16:56] <~aldaron> big majin
[13:16:56] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 22000
[13:17:00] <@little_gk> :@
[13:17:01] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:17:02] <%BAIKA> you have removed all doubts that you are a mentally challenged (BAN ME PLEASE) of the highest quality
[13:17:04] <@BKC> !22.5
[13:17:05] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 22500
[13:17:08] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:17:10] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:17:11] elevator_music [
come@me.bro] has joined #spl
[13:17:14] <@tennisace> another 40k plz
[13:17:15] <+SPLbot> SOLD: ]V[ajinTupacZ to The Indie Scooters for 22500.
[13:17:20] <@Funkasaurus> what a god
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:17:24] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:17:26] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:17:28] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Players:
[13:17:28] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:17:31] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:17:33] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:17:34] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[13:17:41] <+workingphil> !nom jabbathegriffin
[13:17:43] verbatim [
Mibbit@synIRC-4236811B.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[13:17:45] MrE [
MrE@synIRC-D393B164.woh.res.rr.com] has left #spl
[13:17:50] <@makiri> !nominate JabbaTheGriffin
[13:17:50] <+workingphil> !nominate jabbathegriffin
[13:17:50] <+SPLbot> JabbaTheGriffin is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:17:50] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[13:17:53] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:17:54] <&McMeghan> !10
[13:17:54] <@yondie> !4
[13:17:54] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:17:54] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 10000
[13:17:54] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:17:57] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:18:05] <%Solace> omg
[13:18:06] Heysup [~
Heysup@synIRC-64D73F3A.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #spl
[13:18:06] <@Funkasaurus> McMeghan going for early bankruptcy
[13:18:12] <@yondie> !10.5
[13:18:13] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10500
[13:18:18] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:18] <@locopoke> !11
[13:18:19] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11000
[13:18:23] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:25] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:18:25] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:18:31] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:32] <@locopoke> !13
[13:18:32] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13000
[13:18:38] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:38] <@little_gk> frogs with money in the bank
[13:18:42] <+SPLbot> SOLD: JabbaTheGriffin to The Team Raiders for 13000.
[13:18:48] Audiosurfer [~
Audiosurf@synIRC-6AD0B315.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:18:50] <%negres> a shocking purchase
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:18:51] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:18:52] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:18:55] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 128500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin
[13:18:55] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:18:57] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:18:59] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:19:13] <&McMeghan> !nominate reyscarface
[13:19:13] <+SPLbot> reyscarface is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / Doubles
[13:19:13] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[13:19:16] <@tennisace> !10
[13:19:16] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 10000
[13:19:19] <@BKC> !11
[13:19:19] <@locopoke> 11
[13:19:20] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11000
[13:19:20] <@Funkasaurus> !12
[13:19:20] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12000
[13:19:22] <@locopoke> !15
[13:19:22] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15000
[13:19:25] <@Funkasaurus> !16
[13:19:26] SERIAL_KILLA [~
PDC_@synIRC-6B8CCB1F.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[13:19:26] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 16000
[13:19:27] imanalt|phone [~
imanaltph@this.isnt.a.v.host] has joined #spl
[13:19:27] <@LonelyNess> !20
[13:19:27] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 20000
[13:19:29] <@Funkasaurus> !21
[13:19:30] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 21000
[13:19:32] <@BKC> what the fuck
[13:19:34] <%Snunch> !frogs
[13:19:34] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:36] PDC_ [~
PDC_@synIRC-6B8CCB1F.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:19:36] <+cbb> LOL
[13:19:37] <+reyscarface> christ so much
[13:19:37] drcossack [
I.h@te.stupid.people] has joined #spl
[13:19:38] <@tennisace> THE THIRST IS REAL
[13:19:38] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:19:40] <@LonelyNess> !22
[13:19:40] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 22000
[13:19:40] <@yondie> i got him for 11k last yea
[13:19:41] <@Nachos> LMAO
[13:19:43] <@yondie> year*
[13:19:44] <+reyscarface> GIMME FROGS
[13:19:44] <@little_gk> wow
[13:19:45] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:19:45] <@yondie> lol
[13:19:49] <+cbb> !frogs
[13:19:49] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:50] <+SPLbot> SOLD: reyscarface to The Smog Frogs for 22000.
[13:19:50] <&McMeghan> !frogs
[13:19:51] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:51] <%panamaxis> LOL
[13:19:53] <%Snunch> YES
[13:19:54] <%macle> .
[13:19:54] <@BKC> lmfao
[13:19:54] <@yondie> LOL
[13:19:54] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:19:54] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:54] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:19:54] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:55] <@tennisace> jesus i shoulda traded for his retains when i had the chance
[13:19:55] <%Ciele> LoL
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:19:59] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:20:01] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:20:02] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 128500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin
[13:20:03] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:20:06] <+workingphil> rey didn't want to be retained cause he thought he'd go for too much in retainership fees
[13:20:06] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 94500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface
[13:20:06] <+workingphil> LOL
[13:20:08] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:20:11] PragueKick [
[13:20:17] <@yondie> !nominate Veteran In Love
[13:20:18] <+SPLbot> Veteran In Love is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:20:18] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[13:20:19] <@Funkasaurus> these nigs trying to go broke
[13:20:20] <%BAIKA> reyfrogface
[13:20:22] <@tennisace> !5
[13:20:22] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:20:23] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:20:24] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:20:25] <@yondie> !5.5
[13:20:25] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:20:25] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[13:20:25] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:20:27] <@tennisace> !7
[13:20:27] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[13:20:30] <@yondie> !7.5
[13:20:31] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 7500
[13:20:35] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:20:35] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:20:43] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:20:44] <@locopoke> !8.5
[13:20:44] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 8500
[13:20:45] <+Red_Panda> VIL_In_Love
[13:20:49] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:20:52] <@yondie> !9
[13:20:52] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[13:20:58] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:20:59] Badabing [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[13:20:59] <@locopoke> !9.5
[13:21:00] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 9500
[13:21:01] Solace [
Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has quit IRC: Quit: l8r
[13:21:03] <@Funkasaurus> gl with a dead man
[13:21:05] <@yondie> !10
[13:21:05] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:05] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:21:06] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[13:21:10] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:11] <%negres> !10.5
[13:21:11] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10500
[13:21:11] <@locopoke> !10.5
[13:21:11] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 10500.
[13:21:16] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:18] Solace [
Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has joined #spl
[13:21:18] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Solace
[13:21:20] <@yondie> !11
[13:21:20] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11000
[13:21:22] Terraquaza [~
cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[13:21:25] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:27] <%negres> !11.5
[13:21:27] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11500
[13:21:32] <@little_gk> i keep forgetting atticus is a raider now
[13:21:32] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:37] <+SPLbot> SOLD: Veteran In Love to The Team Raiders for 11500.
[13:21:38] <@yondie> ok have him
[13:21:45] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:21:45] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:21:47] <%negres> thats right yondie
[13:21:48] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:21:50] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 117000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love
[13:21:53] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:21:54] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 94500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface
[13:21:56] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:22:01] Hugendugen [
give.it@little.bit.of.vitriol] has joined #spl
[13:22:11] <%gr8astard> funkasaurus why are you alone
[13:22:11] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate iconic
[13:22:12] <+SPLbot> Iconic is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[13:22:12] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[13:22:14] <@tennisace> !5
[13:22:15] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:22:17] <@Funkasaurus> i don't need no man
[13:22:18] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:22:18] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:22:21] <@BKC> !6.5
[13:22:21] <@tennisace> !6.5
[13:22:21] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:22:22] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[13:22:24] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:22:24] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:22:27] elpoeta [
Mibbit@6930E5C4.ED5B53AA.6D89A602.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:22:28] <&McMeghan> !8.5
[13:22:28] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 8500
[13:22:30] <@BKC> !9
[13:22:30] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:22:33] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[13:22:33] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[13:22:38] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:22:40] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
[13:22:41] <@locopoke> !10
[13:22:41] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10000
[13:22:44] <@Funkasaurus> !10.5
[13:22:45] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10500
[13:22:47] Nexus [
IRC@Its.like.a.birthday.party.where.everyone.wants.to.kill.me] has joined #spl
[13:22:50] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:22:51] <@LonelyNess> !11
[13:22:51] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11000
[13:22:56] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:22:58] <@Funkasaurus> !11.5
[13:22:58] <@locopoke> !11.5
[13:22:58] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11500
[13:22:58] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 11500.
[13:23:00] <@locopoke> !12
[13:23:01] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[13:23:02] iconic [
iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has joined #spl
[13:23:03] gjbro [
Mibbit@synIRC-EBAAF787.getinternet.no] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:23:05] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:06] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:23:06] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:23:09] <@locopoke> !13
[13:23:09] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13000
[13:23:10] <~aldaron> ln why are you bidding high on the people most likely not to play for you
[13:23:10] <%Stone_Cold22> SEND THIS MAN
[13:23:13] <%Stone_Cold22> TO THE FROGS
[13:23:15] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:15] <~aldaron> this is ~a confusing strategy~
[13:23:15] boudouche [~
cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[13:23:18] <@LonelyNess> !13.5
[13:23:18] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13500
[13:23:24] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:24] <@locopoke> !14
[13:23:24] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14000
[13:23:29] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:32] <@LonelyNess> !14.5
[13:23:32] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 14500
[13:23:36] <@Funkasaurus> ribbit
[13:23:37] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:39] <@locopoke> !15
[13:23:40] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15000
[13:23:43] McMeghan [
dre@m.catcher] has set mode +o SPLbot
[13:23:44] <@SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:49] <@SPLbot> SOLD: Iconic to The Team Raiders for 15000.
[13:23:52] Modestg [Mibbit@5EC6AF92.33CD3DBC.8824BCC.IP] has joined #spl
[13:23:55] FOLGORIO [~
Alleneby@Swag.Eos.Bag] has left #spl
[13:23:55] aldaron [~
aldaron@indian.six.pack.abs] has set mode +a SPLbot
[13:23:57] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:23:58] <@Funkasaurus> loco saving another from LN
[13:23:59] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:24:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:24:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 102000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic
[13:24:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:24:06] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 94500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface
[13:24:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[13:24:19] <@Nachos> !nominate aerialace tm40
[13:24:20] <&SPLbot> aerialace TM40 is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[13:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[13:24:23] <&McMeghan> !5
[13:24:24] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:24:24] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[13:24:24] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:24:26] <%gengar> !6
[13:24:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:24:28] <@Nachos> !7
[13:24:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[13:24:30] <@BKC> !7.5
[13:24:31] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[13:24:33] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:24:33] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:24:33] Silvershadow234 [
Mibbit@synIRC-1EED0038.as13285.net] has joined #spl
[13:24:36] <%gengar> !8.5
[13:24:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:24:43] <@Funkasaurus> !9
[13:24:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9000
[13:24:45] <@BKC> !9.5
[13:24:45] <@LonelyNess> !10
[13:24:45] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[13:24:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10000
[13:24:49] <@BKC> !10.5
[13:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[13:24:52] <%gr8astard> FROGS
[13:24:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:24:56] <@LonelyNess> !13
[13:24:56] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[13:24:59] <@Funkasaurus> hugo
[13:25:01] <@Funkasaurus> use !frogs
[13:25:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:25:03] <@Funkasaurus> instead
[13:25:04] <@tennisace> !frogs
[13:25:05] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:25:06] <&SPLbot> SOLD: aerialace TM40 to The Smog Frogs for 13000.
[13:25:07] <@yondie> tm40 is only useful on scooters
[13:25:08] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:25:08] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:25:10] <@yondie> lol
[13:25:12] <@Nachos> lol
[13:25:12] <%gr8astard> thank you
[13:25:12] <@yondie> 13k for a fucking dud
[13:25:13] <@yondie> gj
[13:25:14] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:25:17] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:25:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 102000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic
[13:25:20] <@Funkasaurus> u ghostin yond?
[13:25:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:25:22] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 81500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40
[13:25:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:25:26] <%BAIKA> yes please buy more players that won't play for you
[13:25:28] <%BAIKA> keep going
[13:25:41] <@locopoke> !nominate kd24
[13:25:42] <&SPLbot> kd24 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / GSC OU
[13:25:42] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[13:25:43] <@yondie> ln lineup looking fierce
[13:25:45] <@tennisace> is this a mock draft because some things just dont make sense
[13:25:45] <@Funkasaurus> LOL NO
[13:25:49] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:25:49] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:25:50] <@BKC> !4
[13:25:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[13:25:53] <%Ciele> yeah like the restart
[13:25:59] Frexa [
Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has joined #spl
[13:26:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:26:09] <@locopoke> !5
[13:26:09] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 5000
[13:26:10] <+reyscarface> wtf r u talkin about
[13:26:13] <+reyscarface> im so playin
[13:26:13] <+reyscarface> for the frogs
[13:26:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:26:16] <%Stone_Cold22> rey
[13:26:17] <%negres> send this man
[13:26:19] <%Stone_Cold22> ur gonna go 9-0
[13:26:19] <%Stone_Cold22> np
[13:26:20] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kd24 to The Team Raiders for 5000.
[13:26:22] <%negres> YEAHHH
[13:26:25] <%negres> miller
[13:26:26] <+reyscarface> dude stone
[13:26:26] <+kd24> YEAHHHH
[13:26:26] <%negres> in the house
[13:26:27] <+reyscarface> this is the best spl ever
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:26:29] <+reyscarface> look at this
[13:26:30] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:26:32] <@Funkasaurus> THE MILLER IS COMIN HOME
[13:26:32] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:26:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:26:35] <%CTI> kd24 is washed up
[13:26:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 81500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40
[13:26:37] <+reyscarface> <~LonelyNess> do what you have to rey
[13:26:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:26:39] <+reyscarface> he just gave me
[13:26:39] <+reyscarface> free reign
[13:26:41] <+reyscarface> over what i can use
[13:26:43] <%gr8astard> it could've been the aa/bloo/rey core
[13:26:44] <+reyscarface> im so pumped
[13:26:45] <@Funkasaurus> oh boy
[13:26:46] Royalty [~
cgiirc@nice.new.v.host] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[13:26:54] figaro [
Mibbit@2827C41B.B20EC69E.6FF2EFA6.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:26:57] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[13:26:59] <+reyscarface> if any1 has some good ideas of wat to use
[13:27:00] <+reyscarface> lmk pls
[13:27:02] <%Solace> scoots
[13:27:07] <%tab> monofrog
[13:27:09] <@BKC> !nominate rayjay
[13:27:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Player "rayjay" not found.
[13:27:14] <@tennisace> space
[13:27:14] <&McMeghan> it has a space
[13:27:15] <&Oglemi> space
[13:27:15] <+reyscarface> is monofrog in adv possible
[13:27:17] <@BKC> !nominate ray jay
[13:27:17] <&SPLbot> Ray Jay is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[13:27:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[13:27:19] <+reyscarface> o wait dekzeh is in this team
[13:27:21] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:27:21] <@little_gk> !5
[13:27:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[13:27:22] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:27:22] <%tab> just be creative
[13:27:23] <+reyscarface> LMFAO what did they buy me for
[13:27:24] <@BKC> !6.6
[13:27:24] <%tab> with what frogs you use
[13:27:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Only bids that are multiples of 500 are accepted.
[13:27:24] <%BAIKA> !splauction
[13:27:27] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:27:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[13:27:27] <+kd24> lol rey
[13:27:28] <%negres> rey
[13:27:30] <&McMeghan> XY Doubles
[13:27:30] <@Nachos> !6
[13:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[13:27:33] <&McMeghan> you signed up for it
[13:27:33] <%negres> you went for .5k less than majin
[13:27:34] <%negres> xD
[13:27:35] <@BKC> !6.5
[13:27:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:27:40] <@Funkasaurus> xD
[13:27:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:27:43] <%gr8astard> lool
[13:27:45] <+reyscarface> and im not even gonna play my meta LOL
[13:27:45] <@Nachos> !7
[13:27:46] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[13:27:49] <@BKC> !7.5
[13:27:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[13:27:50] rotes [
rotation@bout.an.axis] has joined #spl
[13:27:54] <@Nachos> !8
[13:27:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:27:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[13:27:58] <@BKC> !8.5
[13:27:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:28:02] <+reyscarface> ah nvm
[13:28:04] <+reyscarface> dekzeh is playing
[13:28:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:28:05] <+reyscarface> XY OU
[13:28:06] <+reyscarface> im playing ADV.
[13:28:08] <@Nachos> !9
[13:28:08] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 9000
[13:28:13] <@BKC> !9.5
[13:28:13] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:28:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[13:28:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:28:23] TheQuasar [
Mibbit@synIRC-AA3DB31A.cust.dsl.teletu.it] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:28:23] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ray Jay to The Indie Scooters for 9500.
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:28:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:28:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:28:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 95500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay
[13:28:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 81500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40
[13:28:41] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:28:47] <@Funkasaurus> here we go
[13:28:49] <@Funkasaurus> lets see it
[13:29:08] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate king
[13:29:11] <@LonelyNess> !nom zfs
[13:29:11] <&McMeghan> make sure to not type !propose {playername}
[13:29:13] <&McMeghan> see
[13:29:14] <&McMeghan> lOL
[13:29:15] <+reyscarface> LMFAO zfs
[13:29:19] <+kd24> zfs
[13:29:20] <+cbb> lmao
[13:29:22] <@Funkasaurus> the plays
[13:29:23] <@yondie> lollll
[13:29:24] <@Nachos> its 'nominate'
[13:29:25] <%Solace> it's nominate
[13:29:26] <%Stone_Cold22> funk
[13:29:26] <@makiri> its nominate
[13:29:26] <%Stone_Cold22> i laughed
[13:29:27] <%Solace> ya
[13:29:27] <@yondie> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[13:29:28] <@LonelyNess> !nominate zfs
[13:29:28] <@DittoCrow> wow i thought someone actually nommed king
[13:29:28] <&SPLbot> zfs is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:29:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[13:29:29] <@yondie> ZFS
[13:29:32] <+reyscarface> LOLIN
[13:29:33] <%Ciele> someone should teach ln how to do this
[13:29:34] <@yondie> that is the perfect ln player
[13:29:34] <+reyscarface> SO HARD
[13:29:35] <@yondie> honestly
[13:29:35] <@Funkasaurus> HERE WE GO
[13:29:37] Royalty [
Mibbit@nice.new.v.host] has joined #spl
[13:29:37] <%BAIKA> is ln even human
[13:29:45] <+reyscarface> HES GOT HIS GSC PLAYER YO
[13:29:51] <+Red_Panda> !bid 12k
[13:29:53] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:29:58] <&SPLbot> SOLD: zfs to The Smog Frogs for 3000.
[13:30:04] <%negres> 2.5k overpaid
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:30:08] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:30:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:30:10] <+kd24> atticus
[13:30:11] Solace [
Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has set mode -v Red_Panda
[13:30:11] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:30:12] <@Funkasaurus> 3k overpaid
[13:30:13] <+kd24> wat was his farm league
[13:30:13] <@Funkasaurus> more like it
[13:30:14] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 95500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay
[13:30:14] <+kd24> record
[13:30:14] <+kd24> last year
[13:30:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 78500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs
[13:30:16] <+kd24> wasnt it 2-8
[13:30:17] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:30:19] <+kd24> in gsc farm league?
[13:30:19] <%negres> I D K
[13:30:20] <+reyscarface> no
[13:30:21] <@tennisace> i think 0-6 kd
[13:30:21] <@Funkasaurus> Another pick
[13:30:23] <@Funkasaurus> here we go
[13:30:23] <+reyscarface> in spl 2
[13:30:24] <+reyscarface> he was
[13:30:25] <@LonelyNess> !nominate yan[sogeking]
[13:30:26] <&SPLbot> yan[sogeking] is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:30:26] <+reyscarface> 0-6
[13:30:26] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[13:30:30] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:30:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[13:30:30] <@tennisace> n he was 1-5
[13:30:31] <&McMeghan> !frogs
[13:30:32] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:30:36] tab [
tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has set mode -b harsha!*@*
[13:30:36] <%BAIKA> zfs went 2-8 in farm
[13:30:38] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:30:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[13:30:45] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:30:46] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:30:46] <%BAIKA> congrats
[13:30:48] harsha [
harsha@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has joined #spl
[13:30:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:30:53] <%macle> YES
[13:30:54] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:30:54] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:30:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[13:30:56] <+reyscarface> sogeking so cheap
[13:30:58] <%macle> noo
[13:31:00] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:31:01] <@LonelyNess> !6
[13:31:01] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6000
[13:31:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:31:08] Dunk_ [
Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:31:11] <&SPLbot> SOLD: yan[sogeking] to The Smog Frogs for 6000.
[13:31:18] <+kd24> sogeking tears
[13:31:19] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:31:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:31:22] <%tab> !frogs
[13:31:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:31:22] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:31:25] <%BAIKA> my bid didn't go through
[13:31:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:31:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 95500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay
[13:31:28] <%BAIKA> i wrote in 6.5
[13:31:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 72500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking]
[13:31:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:31:34] <@makiri> restart
[13:31:35] <@Funkasaurus> sogeburgers the frogger
[13:31:36] liberty32 [
Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[13:31:36] <%Solace> lol
[13:31:38] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:31:39] <@makiri> i bid 25k
[13:31:44] <+kd24> precedent etc etc
[13:31:47] <@Funkasaurus> I believe it.
[13:31:48] <%BAIKA> i demand a reset
[13:31:49] <+kd24> RESTART THE FROGS
[13:31:51] <@BKC> !nominate Mizuhime
[13:31:51] <&SPLbot> Mizuhime is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:31:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[13:31:53] <&McMeghan> i typed !bid 6.5 :///
[13:31:53] <%BAIKA> we wanted sogeking so bad
[13:31:53] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:31:53] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:31:55] <+reyscarface> OMFG
[13:31:55] <@tennisace> !3.5
[13:31:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[13:31:56] <+reyscarface> TEDDIES
[13:31:57] <%gengar> !4
[13:31:57] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[13:31:58] <@Funkasaurus> THE HOTTEST GRILL
[13:31:58] <%tab> lmao
[13:31:59] <+kd24> rey
[13:32:00] <+kd24> its ur teddies
[13:32:02] <%BAIKA> !4.5
[13:32:02] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4500
[13:32:03] <+reyscarface> ln
[13:32:04] <+reyscarface> i demand
[13:32:07] <+reyscarface> you buy teddies
[13:32:10] <@Funkasaurus> LN cmon
[13:32:10] <+reyscarface> its my play condition.
[13:32:11] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[13:32:14] <@yondie> bkc has a crush
[13:32:16] <@Funkasaurus> watch the !5
[13:32:17] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:32:17] <@yondie> on mizuhime
[13:32:17] <@yondie> ?
[13:32:18] <%gengar> !5
[13:32:18] <@BKC> !5
[13:32:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[13:32:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:32:18] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:32:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:32:21] <@LonelyNess> !5.5
[13:32:21] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5500
[13:32:21] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:32:22] <+reyscarface> YES
[13:32:23] <@BKC> !6
[13:32:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:32:23] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:32:23] <+kd24> PLEASE
[13:32:23] <+reyscarface> GIMME TEDDIES
[13:32:25] <%negres> LOL
[13:32:26] <+kd24> SEND THIS WOMAN
[13:32:26] <@yondie> how much will you spend for your star crossed lover
[13:32:27] <+kd24> TO THE FROGS
[13:32:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:32:29] <@yondie> bkc
[13:32:31] <@LonelyNess> !6.5
[13:32:32] <@DittoCrow> !6.5
[13:32:32] <@Funkasaurus> cmon ln
[13:32:32] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6500
[13:32:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[13:32:33] <+reyscarface> LMFAO
[13:32:34] <@BKC> !7
[13:32:34] <@Funkasaurus> do it for rey
[13:32:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:32:34] <+reyscarface> HES DOIN IT
[13:32:39] <+reyscarface> HES GIVIN ME TEDDIES
[13:32:39] <@LonelyNess> !7.5
[13:32:40] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 7500
[13:32:41] <@BKC> !8
[13:32:42] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8000
[13:32:43] <@little_gk> this is why we got our girl for free
[13:32:43] <+kd24> ln bkc wont allow it to happen
[13:32:44] <@LonelyNess> !8.5
[13:32:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 8500
[13:32:45] <%BAIKA> mizuhime is a girl
[13:32:45] <+reyscarface> omfg im laughing my ass off
[13:32:45] <+kd24> to his girlfriend
[13:32:46] <%gengar> !9
[13:32:46] <%BAIKA> congrats
[13:32:46] <@BKC> !9
[13:32:46] <@DittoCrow> he'll go up to 20
[13:32:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:32:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:32:48] <@DittoCrow> go to 20
[13:32:50] <@LonelyNess> !9.5
[13:32:51] <+kd24> hell go up to 20
[13:32:51] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9500
[13:32:52] <@BKC> !10
[13:32:52] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10000
[13:32:52] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:32:54] <%tab> lmao
[13:32:55] <@Nachos> bkc is willing to go to 16
[13:32:55] <@Funkasaurus> ARE YOU SERIOUS
[13:32:55] <+reyscarface> GIMME TEDDIES
[13:32:56] <&Oglemi> lolling
[13:32:56] <+reyscarface> FFS
[13:32:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:32:57] <@LonelyNess> !10.5
[13:32:58] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10500
[13:33:00] <@yondie> LOL BKC
[13:33:00] <@BKC> !11
[13:33:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11000
[13:33:00] <@yondie> GOD
[13:33:02] <@LonelyNess> !11.5
[13:33:03] <%Stone_Cold22> LOLOL
[13:33:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11500
[13:33:03] <+reyscarface> ROFLING
[13:33:03] <@yondie> KEEP IT IN UR PANTS
[13:33:04] <+reyscarface> SO HARD
[13:33:04] <@DittoCrow> go to 15 ln
[13:33:05] <@BKC> !12
[13:33:05] <%Stone_Cold22> LN MAKING PLAYS
[13:33:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12000
[13:33:06] <%Ciele> *ribbit*
[13:33:06] <+reyscarface> THE TEDDIES
[13:33:06] <%macle> LOL
[13:33:06] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[13:33:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:33:11] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:33:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:33:13] <@BKC> !13
[13:33:13] dunk_ [
Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[13:33:14] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 13000
[13:33:14] <+reyscarface> HAHAHAHA
[13:33:15] <@yondie> ln
[13:33:15] <@little_gk> lololololol
[13:33:16] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:33:16] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:33:17] <+reyscarface> GIVE PAPA REY
[13:33:17] <&McMeghan> this is amazing
[13:33:18] <@locopoke> who the fuck is this
[13:33:18] <+reyscarface> SOME TEDDIES
[13:33:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:33:19] <@locopoke> ?
[13:33:19] <@yondie> remember kittenmay
[13:33:19] <@yondie> ?
[13:33:20] <@LonelyNess> !13.5
[13:33:20] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13500
[13:33:21] <@BKC> !14
[13:33:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 14000
[13:33:22] <&Oglemi> the struggle is real
[13:33:23] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:23] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <%negres> austinf all over again
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:25] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:25] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:33:27] <+kd24> bkc is soooo mad
[13:33:28] <+reyscarface> lmfao ln
[13:33:29] <+reyscarface> i didnt think
[13:33:30] <+reyscarface> ud do this
[13:33:30] apt-get [
bianc@is.my.waifu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:33:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Mizuhime to The Indie Scooters for 14000.
[13:33:32] <+reyscarface> WOW
[13:33:33] <@Funkasaurus> 14k for Mizuhime, is this real life
[13:33:33] <@locopoke> rofl
[13:33:33] <@little_gk> yo austinf was fine last year
[13:33:34] <+reyscarface> U NO BUY
[13:33:35] <@yondie> LOL
[13:33:35] <+reyscarface> WTF
[13:33:37] <@little_gk> rofl
[13:33:37] <%tab> 10/10
[13:33:37] <+reyscarface> I REFUSE
[13:33:38] <%negres> BKC
[13:33:39] <+reyscarface> TO PLAY NOW
[13:33:40] <%Stone_Cold22> austinf
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:33:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:33:41] <+reyscarface> NO TEDDIES
[13:33:42] <%negres> did i teach you nothing
[13:33:43] <%Stone_Cold22> is my fucking boy
[13:33:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:33:43] <+reyscarface> NO PLAY
[13:33:44] <@Funkasaurus> RESTART
[13:33:45] <@BKC> worth it
[13:33:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:33:45] <+kd24> that was perfect upbidding LN
[13:33:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:33:49] <@DittoCrow> could have went way higher guys -.-
[13:33:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 72500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking]
[13:33:51] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:33:52] <@Funkasaurus> its ok rey
[13:33:53] Crux [
Crux@literally.human.trash] has joined #spl
[13:33:54] <@Funkasaurus> theres other girls out there
[13:33:55] <@yondie> he's getting his epenis sucked
[13:33:56] <+reyscarface> are there
[13:33:57] <@yondie> ALL DAY
[13:33:58] <+reyscarface> women left
[13:33:58] <@yondie> ERRYDAY
[13:33:59] <@Funkasaurus> other fish in the sea
[13:34:00] <+reyscarface> omfg
[13:34:00] <+reyscarface> skylight
[13:34:01] <+reyscarface> is left
[13:34:03] <+reyscarface> TEDDIES
[13:34:04] Nova_XP [~
Nova_XP@synIRC-F1D1EEE6.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:34:05] <@locopoke> !nominate am
[13:34:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Player "am" not found.
[13:34:10] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:34:12] <&McMeghan> 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:34:12] <@yondie> ace matador
[13:34:12] <@locopoke> !nominate 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:34:12] <+cbb> 6a9 ace matador
[13:34:13] <&SPLbot> 6A9 Ace Matador is up for auction. Metagames:
[13:34:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[13:34:14] <@tennisace> !5
[13:34:17] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:34:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:34:26] <@BKC> !6.5
[13:34:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:34:26] <@Funkasaurus> .
[13:34:29] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:34:29] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:34:32] <+workingphil> !8
[13:34:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 8000
[13:34:35] <@Funkasaurus> !9
[13:34:35] <@BKC> !8.5
[13:34:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9000
[13:34:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:34:38] <@BKC> !9.5
[13:34:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[13:34:39] <@Funkasaurus> !10
[13:34:39] <%negres> sharks bidding 25k
[13:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10000
[13:34:40] <%negres> calling it now
[13:34:41] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:34:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:34:43] <@BKC> !10.5
[13:34:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 12000.
[13:34:44] <@Funkasaurus> !14
[13:34:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 14000
[13:34:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:34:49] <@locopoke> !14.5
[13:34:50] <@LonelyNess> !15
[13:34:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14500
[13:34:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15000
[13:34:52] <@Funkasaurus> !16
[13:34:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 16000
[13:34:55] <@locopoke> !16.5
[13:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 16500
[13:34:57] <@Funkasaurus> !17
[13:34:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 17000
[13:35:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:35:03] <@locopoke> !17.5
[13:35:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 17500
[13:35:04] <@Funkasaurus> !18
[13:35:05] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 18000
[13:35:05] <@LonelyNess> !20
[13:35:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 20000
[13:35:07] <@Funkasaurus> !21
[13:35:08] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 21000
[13:35:10] <@locopoke> !21.5
[13:35:10] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 21500
[13:35:12] <@Funkasaurus> !22
[13:35:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 22000
[13:35:15] <%Stone_Cold22> am hasn't played in 2 years
[13:35:16] <%Stone_Cold22> tha fuck
[13:35:17] <@Funkasaurus> ez
[13:35:18] <+workingphil> WTF
[13:35:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:35:19] <@locopoke> !22.5
[13:35:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 22500
[13:35:21] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:35:22] <@Funkasaurus> !23
[13:35:22] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 23000
[13:35:23] <%Texas> he played last year tho
[13:35:24] <+reyscarface> holy mother of shit
[13:35:24] <@yondie> i bet rey
[13:35:25] <~aldaron> why arent sharks bidding on te matador
[13:35:26] Blocko [~
Blocko@person.above.me.is.a.nice.person] has left #spl
[13:35:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:35:28] <@yondie> feels really significant now
[13:35:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: 6A9 Ace Matador to The Ever Grande BIGs for 23000.
[13:35:38] <@locopoke> !add fabbles
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:35:40] little_gk pet funk
[13:35:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:35:42] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:35:43] <%panamaxis> my acey :(
[13:35:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:35:46] <~aldaron> i bet am takes a tourny ban
[13:35:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:35:48] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 72500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking]
[13:35:49] Ernesto [~
cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[13:35:49] <~aldaron> calling it now
[13:35:51] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[13:36:02] <@Nachos> !nominate lady bug
[13:36:03] <&SPLbot> Lady Bug is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[13:36:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[13:36:07] <@yondie> !4
[13:36:07] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[13:36:08] Doidaao [
Mibbit@synIRC-F06CFBA8.claro.net.br] has joined #spl
[13:36:09] <@tennisace> !5
[13:36:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:36:12] <@Nachos> !8
[13:36:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[13:36:14] <%macle> !6
[13:36:15] <@little_gk> !9
[13:36:15] <@LonelyNess> !13
[13:36:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9000
[13:36:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[13:36:23] <+reyscarface> LMFAO
[13:36:24] <+reyscarface> LADY BUG FROG
[13:36:24] <+cbb> lady_frog
[13:36:27] <+reyscarface> PLS DO IT LN
[13:36:28] <+reyscarface> PLS
[13:36:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:36:29] <%BAIKA> ahahahaha
[13:36:31] <@Funkasaurus> lady frog
[13:36:33] <@tennisace> steal imo
[13:36:33] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Lady Bug to The Smog Frogs for 13000.
[13:36:34] <@yondie> sorry darkrai
[13:36:34] <+reyscarface> YES
[13:36:35] <+reyscarface> HAHAHAHA
[13:36:36] <%negres> lady FROG
[13:36:36] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:36:36] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:36:37] <%BAIKA> this will be an amazing spl
[13:36:38] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:36:39] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:36:41] apt-get [
bianc@is.my.waifu] has joined #spl
[13:36:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:36:42] <+reyscarface> OMFG THIS IS HILARIOUS
[13:36:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:36:46] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:36:48] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:36:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:36:51] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:36:56] <%Stone_Cold22> lady_frog
[13:36:57] <%Stone_Cold22> based
[13:36:59] <@tennisace> no seriously this has to be a mock
[13:37:02] <@tennisace> this cant be real
[13:37:04] <~aldaron> if ln's players actually play for him
[13:37:06] <~aldaron> he has a good team
[13:37:12] <+workingphil> nice if
[13:37:13] <%BAIKA> but they won't
[13:37:14] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate faint
[13:37:14] <&SPLbot> Faint is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / XY LC / Doubles / GSC OU
[13:37:14] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[13:37:17] <%Stone_Cold22> all of his players play 1 match a year
[13:37:19] <@tennisace> !5
[13:37:19] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:37:20] <%BAIKA> you know that aldaron
[13:37:21] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:37:21] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:37:22] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:37:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:37:24] Phetto [
Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has joined #spl
[13:37:26] Fusx|Mibbit [
Mibbit@synIRC-5D08F448.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:37:28] <@Nachos> !8
[13:37:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[13:37:31] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:37:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:37:40] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:37:40] yoshinite [
Mibbit@1665772B.A65E83B2.D34694B.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:37:41] <@locopoke> !9
[13:37:42] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 9000
[13:37:43] Ernesto [~
cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has joined #spl
[13:37:45] Guest27135 [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has left #spl
[13:37:47] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:37:48] Caledrith [
Mibbit@synIRC-F93C34EA.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:37:52] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Faint to The Team Raiders for 9000.
[13:37:52] Oglemi [~
Oglemi@synIRC-ABC9B90C.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has set mode +v Hugendugen
[13:37:54] iconic [
iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:37:57] george182 [
Mibbit@synIRC-E12A9388.host.redstation.co.uk] has joined #spl
[13:37:58] <@tennisace> bargain basement price
[13:37:58] <@locopoke> aight aight
[13:37:59] <@Funkasaurus> farewell faint
[13:38:00] <@Funkasaurus> my love
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:38:01] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:38:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:38:05] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:38:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:38:09] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:38:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:38:20] <@yondie> !nominate Dice
[13:38:20] <&SPLbot> Dice is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU / BW2 RU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[13:38:23] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:38:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[13:38:25] <@Funkasaurus> !0
[13:38:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Invalid bid amount.
[13:38:26] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:38:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:38:28] <%Solace> lol
[13:38:28] <@BKC> !5
[13:38:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[13:38:34] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:38:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:38:37] <@Nachos> !6
[13:38:37] <+workingphil> !6
[13:38:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[13:38:37] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:38:39] <@BKC> !7
[13:38:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:38:40] <@Funkasaurus> Too much now
[13:38:44] <@LonelyNess> !8
[13:38:44] Luuke [
Mibbit@synIRC-FE9A9E28.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[13:38:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 8000
[13:38:48] <%tab> yes
[13:38:48] <@BKC> !8.5
[13:38:48] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:38:49] <%tab> plz
[13:38:52] <@LonelyNess> !10
[13:38:52] <@Funkasaurus> frog dice
[13:38:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10000
[13:38:53] <@Funkasaurus> PLEASE
[13:38:54] <+workingphil> dice frog please
[13:38:55] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:38:55] <@BKC> !10.5
[13:38:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[13:38:56] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:38:57] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:38:59] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:39:00] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:39:01] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:39:03] <%macle> .
[13:39:04] <%tab> lmao
[13:39:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:05] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:06] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:39:06] <@BKC> !12.5
[13:39:06] <@tennisace> FROGS GOIN IN
[13:39:06] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:06] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12500
[13:39:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:14] <@LonelyNess> !13
[13:39:14] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:14] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:14] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[13:39:14] <&McMeghan> bkc really wants him
[13:39:15] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:39:17] <%gengar> !13.5
[13:39:17] <@BKC> !13.5
[13:39:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 13500
[13:39:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 13500.
[13:39:18] <&Oglemi> you guys are getting fucking wrecked by ln step it up
[13:39:19] <&Oglemi> jesus
[13:39:22] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:22] <&McMeghan> go for it LN
[13:39:24] <+cbb> ln u can upbid more
[13:39:24] <@Funkasaurus> LN is bullying HARD
[13:39:25] <@LonelyNess> !14
[13:39:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 14000
[13:39:26] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:27] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:27] <@BKC> !14.5
[13:39:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 14500
[13:39:31] <@LonelyNess> !15
[13:39:31] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15000
[13:39:32] <@Funkasaurus> BKC wants his females
[13:39:33] <@BKC> !15.5
[13:39:33] <%gengar> !15.5
[13:39:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 15500
[13:39:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 15500.
[13:39:38] <@LonelyNess> !16.5
[13:39:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 16500
[13:39:40] <+Hugendugen> evan 2.0
[13:39:41] <@BKC> !17
[13:39:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 17000
[13:39:43] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:39:44] <%tab> ._.
[13:39:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:47] <@Funkasaurus> KEV STOP
[13:39:47] <@yondie> 17 for dice
[13:39:48] <@Funkasaurus> PLEASE
[13:39:48] <@little_gk> .-.
[13:39:49] Iconic [
iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has joined #spl
[13:39:49] Doidaao [
Mibbit@synIRC-F06CFBA8.claro.net.br] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:39:50] <@yondie> is this real life
[13:39:50] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Dice to The Indie Scooters for 17000.
[13:39:51] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:52] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:53] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:39:54] <+reyscarface> damn
[13:39:54] Dumbness [
Mibbit@synIRC-9B4481BD.lightspeed.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:39:55] MoP [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #spl
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:40:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:40:01] <+reyscarface> <reyscarface> get dice
[13:40:01] <+reyscarface> <reyscarface> keep going
[13:40:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:40:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:40:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 64500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice
[13:40:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:40:09] <+reyscarface> <reyscarface> end at 15
[13:40:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:40:12] Solace [
Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has set mode +v Red_Panda
[13:40:14] <+reyscarface> he jus went the extra mile
[13:40:14] Caledrith [Mibbit@C342C63.86102A8C.DC4FB661.IP] has joined #spl
[13:40:17] <&McMeghan> !nominate Fuzznip
[13:40:18] <&SPLbot> Fuzznip is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 UU / BW2 NU
[13:40:18] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[13:40:20] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:40:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[13:40:23] <@tennisace> !6
[13:40:24] <@yondie> !5.5
[13:40:24] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[13:40:24] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:40:31] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:40:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:40:38] Nova_XP [~
Nova_XP@synIRC-F1D1EEE6.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited
[13:40:39] Triangles [
Triangles@synIRC-B34F8985.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #spl
[13:40:44] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:40:45] <@locopoke> !7.5
[13:40:46] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[13:40:46] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:40:47] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:40:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:40:57] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Fuzznip to The Ever Grande BIGs for 8000.
[13:40:58] <@Funkasaurus> STEAL
[13:41:00] Layell [
Mibbit@the.theatrical.one] has joined #spl
[13:41:04] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:41:05] <@little_gk> that's actually p okay
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 75000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip
[13:41:07] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:41:08] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:41:09] <%Stone_Cold22> not rlly
[13:41:09] <~aldaron> that is a steal
[13:41:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 64500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice
[13:41:11] <~aldaron> fuzz for 8k
[13:41:11] little_gk pet funk
[13:41:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:41:14] <~aldaron> good bid
[13:41:14] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:41:16] <%Stone_Cold22> naw
[13:41:17] <+workingphil> !nominate masterlcass
[13:41:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Player "masterlcass" not found.
[13:41:21] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:41:22] <&Eo> fuzz is the second best CAP player after dodrio
[13:41:22] <%Stone_Cold22> the legend
[13:41:23] <%Solace> lol
[13:41:23] <+reyscarface> SWEEPAGE TIME
[13:41:23] <@yondie> class*
[13:41:24] TheQuasar [
Mibbit@synIRC-AA3DB31A.cust.dsl.teletu.it] has joined #spl
[13:41:28] <@Funkasaurus> oh boy
[13:41:30] <@Nachos> gg
[13:41:31] <@yondie> SWEEPAGE
[13:41:33] <%panamaxis> !nominate masterclass
[13:41:33] <&SPLbot> Masterclass is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[13:41:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[13:41:33] <+workingphil> !nominate masterclass
[13:41:34] <%Stone_Cold22> THE LEGEND
[13:41:36] <%Solace> !3.5
[13:41:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[13:41:39] <+Hugendugen> !frogs
[13:41:39] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:41:41] <~aldaron> ln time to bid
[13:41:42] Fusxfaranto [
i.l@ugh.at.life.its.antics.make.for.me.a.giddy.game] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 181 seconds
[13:41:48] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:41:48] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[13:41:50] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:41:52] <%Ciele> lol
[13:41:53] <+reyscarface> LETS GO
[13:41:54] <%tab> lol yes
[13:41:54] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:41:54] <+Hugendugen> leave it
[13:41:54] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:41:54] <+cbb> please
[13:41:56] <@Funkasaurus> REPEAT
[13:41:57] <+Hugendugen> leave it
[13:41:57] <%negres> LOL
[13:41:58] <&McMeghan> Please.
[13:41:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:41:58] <+Hugendugen> leave it
[13:41:59] <%gengar> !6
[13:41:59] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:41:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:41:59] <%macle> .
[13:41:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:42:01] <&Oglemi> amazing
[13:42:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:42:05] Leftiez [~SmogonIRC@DE63D830.3F7DD5BF.1C52D22C.IP] has joined #spl
[13:42:08] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Masterclass to The Indie Scooters for 6000.
[13:42:10] <@tennisace> the self upbid
[13:42:11] <+reyscarface> wtf
[13:42:12] <+reyscarface> sweep for
[13:42:12] <+reyscarface> 6k
[13:42:15] <+reyscarface> thats cheap as shit
[13:42:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 75000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip
[13:42:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:42:22] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:42:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:42:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:42:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:42:30] <@little_gk> tennis can i make the nom c:
[13:42:32] <@tennisace> sure w/e
[13:42:34] <@little_gk> !nominate Boudouche
[13:42:34] <&SPLbot> Boudouche is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[13:42:34] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[13:42:35] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[13:42:40] <@Funkasaurus> HES A LOSER
[13:42:48] <@Funkasaurus> nah
[13:42:50] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:42:51] <@Funkasaurus> im kidding
[13:42:53] <@BKC> !4
[13:42:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[13:42:56] <@Funkasaurus> !4.5
[13:42:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4500
[13:42:57] <&McMeghan> !4.5
[13:42:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[13:43:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:03] <&McMeghan> !5
[13:43:03] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[13:43:04] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:43:05] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:43:06] <@BKC> !6
[13:43:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:43:10] <@Funkasaurus> !6.5
[13:43:10] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6500
[13:43:11] <&McMeghan> !6.5
[13:43:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[13:43:15] <@BKC> !7
[13:43:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:43:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:21] <@Funkasaurus> !7.5
[13:43:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7500
[13:43:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Boudouche to The Ever Grande BIGs for 7500.
[13:43:32] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[13:43:36] <~aldaron> damn another steal
[13:43:39] <@Funkasaurus> Deltas practice partner
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:43:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:43:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:43:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:43:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:43:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:43:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:43:53] <%gr8astard> !nominate heysup
[13:43:54] <&SPLbot> Heysup is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / ADV OU
[13:43:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:44:01] <%Stone_Cold22> u can have him
[13:44:03] <%Stone_Cold22> xDDD
[13:44:07] <@Funkasaurus> someone just bulyl them
[13:44:07] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[13:44:08] <%Stone_Cold22> how r u btw gr8?
[13:44:09] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:44:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:44:10] Iconic [
iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:44:13] <%gr8astard> im good man
[13:44:14] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:44:15] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[13:44:15] <%Stone_Cold22> nice
[13:44:18] <%Stone_Cold22> hows vagabond?
[13:44:19] <%macle> o god...
[13:44:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:44:24] <%macle> O GOD
[13:44:25] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Heysup to The Smog Frogs for 5000.
[13:44:27] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:44:29] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:44:30] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:44:31] <&Oglemi> ah yes
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:44:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:44:36] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:44:37] <&Oglemi> macle and heysup together again
[13:44:38] Delta2777 [
Mibbit@synIRC-BD328FF0.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:44:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:44:39] <%tab> frogs are looking p good
[13:44:40] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:44:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:44:45] <%panamaxis> that's actually kind of a steal
[13:44:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:44:50] dunk_ [
Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Dunk__)
[13:44:50] <%tab> *ribbit
[13:44:52] <&Oglemi> that's a huge steal
[13:44:53] <%gr8astard> !nominate hawkstar
[13:44:53] <&SPLbot> Hawkstar is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[13:44:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:44:54] <@DittoCrow> !nominate elevator music
[13:44:58] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:44:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:26] <Furai> oh my god
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:27] <Furai> post this
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:29] <Furai> from #littlecup
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:30] <Furai> (21:44) <%Heysup> fuk
[13:45:05] Frochtejohgurt [
Mibbit@synIRC-96F3D451.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[13:45:06] Dunk_ [
Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[13:45:06] w-w [~
Karrot@synIRC-9EB77BC6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:45:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:45:23] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Hawkstar to The Stark Sharks for 3500.
[13:45:24] <@DittoCrow> !4
[13:45:29] <@DittoCrow> damn i lagged
[13:45:31] <%Ciele> restart
[13:45:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:45:33] <%Solace> sux
[13:45:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:45:34] <+cbb> restart
[13:45:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:45:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:45:39] Electrolyte [
ident@sodium.potassium] has joined #spl
[13:45:40] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:45:40] Karrot [~
Karrot@synIRC-9EB77BC6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #spl
[13:45:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:45:45] <%Stone_Cold22> restart so blue can go for 50k
[13:45:46] <@little_gk> oooh
[13:45:51] <%macle> its ok hawkstar smells
[13:45:54] <@little_gk> hmmmm
[13:45:58] <%Solace> can i make it
[13:45:58] <@little_gk> macle who should i nom
[13:45:59] <%Solace> :>
[13:46:00] <@little_gk> ya
[13:46:01] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[13:46:02] <%macle> uh
[13:46:07] <%macle> biosci
[13:46:11] <@tennisace> hes already ours
[13:46:14] <@little_gk> good move imo
[13:46:16] <%macle> um
[13:46:18] <@Funkasaurus> mooooove
[13:46:22] <%macle> raseri
[13:46:22] <%Solace> !nominate kokoloko
[13:46:22] <%tab> ^
[13:46:23] <&SPLbot> kokoloko is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU
[13:46:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[13:46:25] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:46:26] <@tennisace> lol
[13:46:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:46:26] <@Funkasaurus> why not
[13:46:27] <@yondie> !5
[13:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:46:29] <@Nachos> !7
[13:46:29] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:46:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[13:46:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[13:46:30] <@Funkasaurus> ok
[13:46:31] <@Funkasaurus> im spent
[13:46:33] <@DittoCrow> !8
[13:46:34] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 8000
[13:46:38] <%gengar> !8.5
[13:46:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:46:39] <@BKC> !9
[13:46:40] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:46:41] <@LonelyNess> !9
[13:46:42] <@yondie> !9.5
[13:46:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:46:42] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9500
[13:46:43] <@Nachos> !10
[13:46:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 10000
[13:46:44] <@LonelyNess> !11
[13:46:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11000
[13:46:47] <@Nachos> !11.5
[13:46:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 11500
[13:46:52] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:46:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:46:55] <@BKC> !12.5
[13:46:56] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12500
[13:46:58] <@Nachos> !13
[13:46:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 13000
[13:46:59] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[13:47:01] <@Funkasaurus> koko on the frogs
[13:47:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:47:05] <@Funkasaurus> nothing would make me happier
[13:47:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kokoloko to The Congregation of the Classiest for 13000.
[13:47:08] <@Funkasaurus> make me happy ln
[13:47:10] <@Funkasaurus> fuck you ln
[13:47:13] <%Solace> lol
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:47:19] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:47:19] ashausha [
Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has joined #spl
[13:47:20] <%Stone_Cold22> we got him 3k cheaper thenr etain
[13:47:20] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:47:22] <%Stone_Cold22> retain*
[13:47:22] <%Stone_Cold22> cool
[13:47:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:47:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:47:27] <@Funkasaurus> nice
[13:47:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:47:27] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[13:47:28] <@Nachos> welcome back koko.
[13:47:31] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[13:47:34] <+workingphil> !kael nominate
[13:47:37] <@tennisace> rofl
[13:47:37] <+workingphil> !nominate kael
[13:47:38] <@little_gk> lol
[13:47:38] <&SPLbot> kael is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:47:38] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[13:47:39] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:47:40] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:47:40] <@tennisace> !5
[13:47:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:47:43] <%tab> kael :)
[13:47:44] <@locopoke> !5.5
[13:47:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 5500
[13:47:45] <@BKC> !6
[13:47:45] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:47:45] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:47:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:47:48] <%Solace> kael =]
[13:47:52] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[13:47:55] <+cbb> =]
[13:48:00] <@Funkasaurus> majin and kael
[13:48:03] <@Funkasaurus> bkc you god
[13:48:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:48:09] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kael to The Indie Scooters for 6000.
[13:48:10] Fakes [
Mibbit@synIRC-47D8E7D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #spl
[13:48:14] <+Earthworm|Away> smh ruiners.
[13:48:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:48:17] <%macle> steal
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:48:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:48:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:48:22] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:48:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:48:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:48:27] <%negres> how could the ruiners not take a chance on kael
[13:48:27] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:48:28] Pat_Labor [
Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Pat_Labor
[13:48:29] <%negres> im gonna cry
[13:48:39] <&McMeghan> !nominate Plus
[13:48:39] <&SPLbot> Plus is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU
[13:48:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[13:48:41] <@tennisace> !5
[13:48:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:48:42] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:48:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:48:43] Ace_Emerald [~
Ace@synIRC-4E377C08.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[13:48:43] <@yondie> !6
[13:48:43] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:48:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:48:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:48:45] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:48:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:48:52] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[13:48:57] Badabing [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:49:00] <@locopoke> !7.5
[13:49:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[13:49:02] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:49:03] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:49:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:08] <@locopoke> !8.5
[13:49:09] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 8500
[13:49:10] <@Funkasaurus> !9
[13:49:11] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9000
[13:49:15] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:17] <@locopoke> !9.5
[13:49:17] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 9500
[13:49:19] <@Funkasaurus> !10
[13:49:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10000
[13:49:24] FunBro [
Mibbit@synIRC-261F3F3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:49:24] <@tennisace> wow big plus
[13:49:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:25] <@locopoke> !10.5
[13:49:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10500
[13:49:29] <@Funkasaurus> STop
[13:49:30] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:31] <@Funkasaurus> !11
[13:49:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11000
[13:49:32] iKimmy [
Mibbit@synIRC-D169EF74.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:49:36] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:37] <@locopoke> !11.5
[13:49:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11500
[13:49:42] <@little_gk> fuzz + plus immo
[13:49:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:45] Frochtejohgurt [
Mibbit@synIRC-96F3D451.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:49:45] <@Funkasaurus> !12
[13:49:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12000
[13:49:51] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:53] <@locopoke> !12.5
[13:49:53] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12500
[13:49:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:50:00] sirndpt [~
sirndpt@synIRC-539C309E.hkcable.com.hk] has joined #spl
[13:50:03] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Plus to The Team Raiders for 12500.
[13:50:08] <@tennisace> poor fuzznip
[13:50:09] <%CTI> you little shit
[13:50:10] little_gk pet funk
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:50:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:50:12] <%tab> :(
[13:50:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:50:14] <%negres> i swear to god funk
[13:50:15] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 75500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus
[13:50:17] <~aldaron> snippy little shit **
[13:50:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:50:18] <%negres> why do you keep fucking us in the ass
[13:50:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:50:22] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:50:22] <~aldaron> please use the right phrase
[13:50:23] <%negres> every bid
[13:50:24] <@Funkasaurus> you're fucking me
[13:50:27] <+kd24> funkasaurus is a mad man
[13:50:29] <+kd24> he must be stopped
[13:50:49] <@yondie> !nominate elevator_music
[13:50:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Player "elevator_music" not found.
[13:50:53] <&McMeghan> space
[13:50:53] <%Solace> no _
[13:50:54] <@yondie> !nominate elevator music
[13:50:54] <&SPLbot> Elevator Music is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[13:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[13:50:55] <&McMeghan> not _
[13:50:56] <@tennisace> !5
[13:50:57] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:51:04] <~aldaron> sold
[13:51:10] <@tennisace> cool
[13:51:13] <@little_gk> awesome
[13:51:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:51:21] <@tennisace> nobody's gonna upbid?
[13:51:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Elevator Music to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 5000.
[13:51:25] <@tennisace> lol
[13:51:26] falculafk [
falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] has joined #spl
[13:51:26] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o falculafk
[13:51:26] <%Stone_Cold22> u can
[13:51:26] <@tennisace> ok
[13:51:27] <%Solace> ok
[13:51:27] <&Oglemi> WOW
[13:51:29] <@little_gk> FUCK EYAH
[13:51:31] <%Solace> cool
[13:51:32] Fusxfaranto [
i.l@ugh.at.life.its.antics.make.for.me.a.giddy.game] has joined #spl
[13:51:33] <+Hugendugen> steal
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:51:33] <&Oglemi> biggest steal
[13:51:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:51:36] <%Stone_Cold22> he played
[13:51:37] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 75500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus
[13:51:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:51:39] <%Stone_Cold22> in 2008
[13:51:41] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:51:41] <%Stone_Cold22> haven't seen him sense
[13:51:42] <%Stone_Cold22> gl!
[13:51:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:51:51] <@little_gk> i see em every day stone
[13:51:51] <@little_gk> :]
[13:51:55] <@tennisace> he tried out for us
[13:51:56] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate Eo Ut Mortus
[13:51:56] <&SPLbot> Eo Ut Mortus is up for auction. Metagames:
[13:51:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[13:51:58] <%Stone_Cold22> i see phil every day
[13:52:00] <@yondie> !5
[13:52:00] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:52:00] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:52:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:52:01] <%Stone_Cold22> doesn't mean phils good
[13:52:04] <%Stone_Cold22> LOLXDDD
[13:52:05] <@yondie> !6
[13:52:05] <@locopoke> !6
[13:52:06] <&McMeghan> !6
[13:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:52:07] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:52:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:52:10] <@yondie> !7
[13:52:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[13:52:11] <@yondie> !8
[13:52:12] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8000
[13:52:13] falculafk [
falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] is now known as falcula
[13:52:14] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:52:14] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:52:16] <@yondie> !9
[13:52:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[13:52:17] <@falcula> !6
[13:52:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:52:19] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[13:52:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[13:52:21] <@yondie> !10
[13:52:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:52:23] IBreakToilets [
plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has left #spl
[13:52:23] <+cbb> yea 6 that was gonna go well
[13:52:24] <@Funkasaurus> !1
[13:52:24] <@little_gk> eo the ubers player
[13:52:24] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Invalid bid amount.
[13:52:25] <@Funkasaurus> !11
[13:52:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11000
[13:52:28] BKC [
dawn@malediction.murder] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[13:52:28] <@yondie> !11.5
[13:52:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11500
[13:52:29] plus- [
plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has joined #spl
[13:52:30] <@Funkasaurus> !12
[13:52:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12000
[13:52:35] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:37] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:52:37] <@locopoke> !12.5
[13:52:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:52:37] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 12500.
[13:52:39] <@Funkasaurus> !13
[13:52:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 13000
[13:52:40] <@yondie> :)
[13:52:44] therealfiremage [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[13:52:45] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:45] <@locopoke> !13.5
[13:52:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13500
[13:52:48] <&McMeghan> go LN.
[13:52:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:50] <@Funkasaurus> !14
[13:52:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 14000
[13:52:52] <@locopoke> !14.5
[13:52:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14500
[13:52:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:58] <%BAIKA> keep going frogs
[13:52:58] <@LonelyNess> !15
[13:52:59] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15000
[13:53:00] <@locopoke> !15.5
[13:53:00] <%BAIKA> yes
[13:53:00] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15500
[13:53:01] <%BAIKA> YES
[13:53:05] <%BAIKA> no
[13:53:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:07] <@LonelyNess> !16
[13:53:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 16000
[13:53:08] <&McMeghan> again
[13:53:12] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:53:13] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:53:13] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:13] <@locopoke> !16.5
[13:53:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 16500
[13:53:16] <@LonelyNess> !17
[13:53:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 17000
[13:53:21] <@locopoke> !17.5
[13:53:21] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 17500
[13:53:24] <@LonelyNess> !18
[13:53:24] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:53:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 18000
[13:53:24] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:53:29] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:30] <@locopoke> !18.5
[13:53:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 18500
[13:53:34] <@LonelyNess> !19
[13:53:34] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 19000
[13:53:37] <%gengar> rofl
[13:53:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:40] <@locopoke> !19.5
[13:53:41] <%BAIKA> hahahaha
[13:53:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 19500
[13:53:43] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:53:43] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:53:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:49] CyberOdin [Mibbit@81E21874.15AFDD27.3657E3FC.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:53:50] <%BAIKA> come on
[13:53:52] propagandhi [~
Dice@synIRC-6BE5AEB.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:53:52] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Eo Ut Mortus to The Team Raiders for 19500.
[13:53:52] <+reyscarface> lmfao man
[13:53:53] <+reyscarface> frogs are
[13:53:54] <%BAIKA> wtf
[13:53:54] <@falcula> 20 pls
[13:53:54] <%gengar> lmao
[13:53:56] <@tennisace> oh my lord
[13:53:56] <%gengar> eo fucking sucks
[13:53:57] <+reyscarface> fckin pro upbidders
[13:53:59] <+reyscarface> i like this team
[13:53:59] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:53:59] <+reyscarface> its like
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:54:01] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:54:02] <+reyscarface> the troll team
[13:54:03] <+reyscarface> of the auction
[13:54:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 56000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus
[13:54:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:54:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:54:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[13:54:11] <%Ciele> they did a good job upbidding bloo
[13:54:11] <+reyscarface> they jus make pay everyone 10k+
[13:54:27] <@Nachos> !nominate colchonero
[13:54:28] <&SPLbot> Colchonero is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:54:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[13:54:31] <@yondie> !5
[13:54:31] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:54:33] <&McMeghan> !5.5
[13:54:34] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5500
[13:54:35] <@yondie> !6
[13:54:35] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:54:36] <@tennisace> !5.5
[13:54:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:54:38] <@falcula> !6.5
[13:54:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:54:43] <%Solace> !7
[13:54:43] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[13:54:48] <@yondie> !8
[13:54:49] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8000
[13:54:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:54:56] <@Funkasaurus> !8.6
[13:54:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Only bids that are multiples of 500 are accepted.
[13:54:58] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:54:59] <@LonelyNess> !8.5
[13:54:59] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 8500.
[13:55:01] <@yondie> !9
[13:55:01] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[13:55:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:07] <@LonelyNess> !9.5
[13:55:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9500
[13:55:09] <@yondie> !10
[13:55:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:55:15] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:16] <@LonelyNess> !10.5
[13:55:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10500
[13:55:21] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:22] <@yondie> !11
[13:55:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11000
[13:55:27] youngjake93 [~
cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #spl
[13:55:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:28] VioletPumpkin [~
chatzilla@synIRC-AF7F5EEA.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[13:55:28] <+kd24> dont the frogs
[13:55:29] <@LonelyNess> !11.5
[13:55:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11500
[13:55:29] <+kd24> have zfs
[13:55:34] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:35] <@yondie> !12
[13:55:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 12000
[13:55:37] <+kd24> rey zfs dekzeh colch
[13:55:38] <+reyscarface> zfs is for the trivia
[13:55:40] Pat_Labor [~
Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has joined #spl
[13:55:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:41] <%Solace> lol
[13:55:41] <+kd24> they wont have enough old gens
[13:55:42] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:55:43] <+kd24> to go around
[13:55:43] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:55:44] <@little_gk> zfs needs someone to test with kd
[13:55:46] <@yondie> !13
[13:55:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 13000
[13:55:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:53] <@LonelyNess> !13.5
[13:55:53] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13500
[13:55:55] <@yondie> !14
[13:55:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 14000
[13:55:59] <@LonelyNess> !14.5
[13:56:00] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 14500
[13:56:01] <@yondie> !15
[13:56:01] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 15000
[13:56:04] <@LonelyNess> !15.5
[13:56:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15500
[13:56:06] <@yondie> !16
[13:56:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 16000
[13:56:10] <+reyscarface> damn yondies hungry for the GSC
[13:56:10] <@LonelyNess> !18
[13:56:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 18000
[13:56:14] <@yondie> !18.5
[13:56:15] <+reyscarface> hes got picollo but who gives a shit
[13:56:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 18500
[13:56:16] <%BAIKA> can you make an error
[13:56:16] <+cbb> there it is
[13:56:17] <@little_gk> DAMN
[13:56:18] <%BAIKA> so we can start over
[13:56:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:56:21] <%gengar> lmfao
[13:56:21] <@LonelyNess> !20
[13:56:22] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 20000
[13:56:26] <@little_gk> wow
[13:56:26] <+Red_Panda> !reset
[13:56:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:56:30] <@yondie> =/
[13:56:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Colchonero to The Smog Frogs for 20000.
[13:56:32] <+cbb> u got em
[13:56:33] <%BAIKA> what the shit is this
[13:56:34] <%BAIKA> hahahahaha
[13:56:35] <@tennisace> thank you yondie
[13:56:38] <+kd24> the fuck
[13:56:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:56:41] <%Solace> lmao
[13:56:42] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:56:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 56000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus
[13:56:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:56:47] <&Oglemi> amazing
[13:56:48] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 34500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero
[13:56:49] <@little_gk> there's been some A+ upbidding in this draft
[13:56:50] <+Hugendugen> upbidder got upbid
[13:56:51] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:56:56] reiku [
Mibbit@synIRC-940DEF86.dynamic.jazztel.es] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:57:03] <@locopoke> !nominate marceloDK
[13:57:04] <&SPLbot> MarceloDK is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / ADV OU
[13:57:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[13:57:09] <@Funkasaurus> i almost !4'd there
[13:57:10] <%Ciele> marcyburgers.
[13:57:10] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:57:12] <@falcula> let me have him pls
[13:57:13] <@tennisace> lol
[13:57:15] <@falcula> i love marcelo
[13:57:21] <@Funkasaurus> then bid on him
[13:57:21] <%negres> wtf
[13:57:22] <%Solace> lol
[13:57:24] <&McMeghan> didnt know people actually pay to get cancer
[13:57:26] <%negres> does no one want him
[13:57:29] <@Funkasaurus> 3k for marcy
[13:57:29] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:57:30] <%gengar> no
[13:57:31] <%Ciele> xD
[13:57:33] <%Solace> falcula? ?
[13:57:34] <&Oglemi> lol
[13:57:34] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:57:35] <&SPLbot> SOLD: MarceloDK to The Team Raiders for 3000.
[13:57:35] <+cbb> lmfao
[13:57:36] <%gengar> just bring a luke
[13:57:39] <%gengar> he trembles in fear
[13:57:42] <%BAIKA> steal
[13:57:42] <+Red_Panda> overpaid
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:57:43] <@Funkasaurus> falcula
[13:57:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:57:45] <@Funkasaurus> get on your main
[13:57:46] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[13:57:47] <@Funkasaurus> you goobs
[13:57:49] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:57:51] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 34500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero
[13:57:51] falcula [
falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] is now known as BKC
[13:57:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:57:54] <@Funkasaurus> the marcy eo core
[13:58:01] <%gengar> !nominate badabing
[13:58:01] <&SPLbot> badabing is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[13:58:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[13:58:03] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:58:04] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:58:05] <@yondie> !nominate 5
[13:58:09] <@yondie> oops
[13:58:09] <@yondie> lol
[13:58:10] <@yondie> !5
[13:58:11] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:58:12] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:58:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:58:15] <@Funkasaurus> nominate 5
[13:58:16] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:58:19] <@yondie> !6
[13:58:19] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:58:21] <@Funkasaurus> !6.5
[13:58:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6500
[13:58:23] Iconic [
iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has joined #spl
[13:58:25] <%gengar> !7
[13:58:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:58:27] <@Funkasaurus> !7.5
[13:58:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7500
[13:58:28] <~aldaron> badabing is the nigga reyscarface got me hyped for
[13:58:29] <~aldaron> in wcop
[13:58:32] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:58:34] <%gengar> !8
[13:58:35] <~aldaron> then he brought the most cookie cutter team smfh
[13:58:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8000
[13:58:36] CTI [
it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has quit IRC: Quit:
[13:58:36] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:58:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:58:37] Alexanderplatz [
Mibbit@synIRC-B465F3E3.libero.it] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:58:39] reedlepee [
Mibbit@synIRC-F5CA50AD.dhcp-dynamic.fibreop.ns.bellaliant.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:58:40] <@Funkasaurus> john..
[13:58:40] <@BKC> !9
[13:58:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:58:42] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[13:58:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[13:58:46] <@Funkasaurus> kev...
[13:58:47] <%gengar> !10
[13:58:47] <@BKC> !10
[13:58:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10000
[13:58:47] Ilusionx [
Mibbit@2414312E.C2B8B1D.C6DF181F.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:58:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:58:50] <@Funkasaurus> !10.5
[13:58:51] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10500
[13:58:51] Cased [~
cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[13:58:55] <@Funkasaurus> give me the king
[13:58:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:58:56] biggie [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has left #spl
[13:58:59] Rewer [
b@ttle.pls.for.my] has joined #spl
[13:59:00] <@BKC> !11
[13:59:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11000
[13:59:00] steeledges [
i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[13:59:01] <%gengar> !11
[13:59:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 11000.
[13:59:03] <@Funkasaurus> you (BAN ME PLEASE)
[13:59:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:06] <@Funkasaurus> !11.5
[13:59:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11500
[13:59:07] <%Solace> lol
[13:59:09] bigs [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[13:59:10] Cased [~
cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #spl
[13:59:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:13] <@BKC> !12
[13:59:14] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[13:59:14] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12000
[13:59:17] <@little_gk> :o
[13:59:17] <@LonelyNess> who the hell is even up for bid
[13:59:18] <@Nachos> putting the bid before the friendship
[13:59:18] <&Oglemi> amazing
[13:59:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:20] <@Funkasaurus> !12.5
[13:59:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12500
[13:59:22] <@LonelyNess> I haven't been paying attention
[13:59:22] <%Solace> badabing
[13:59:24] <@LonelyNess> oh ok
[13:59:24] <@Funkasaurus> rude
[13:59:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:26] <@LonelyNess> carry on
[13:59:30] <&SPLbot> SOLD: badabing to The Ever Grande BIGs for 12500.
[13:59:32] <@Funkasaurus> wutevz
[13:59:32] <~aldaron> upbid ln
[13:59:33] <~aldaron> dammit
[13:59:34] <%gengar> 5 star user
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:59:38] TheImmortal [
mad@t.i] has quit IRC: Quit: Sleep.
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:59:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[13:59:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:59:42] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[13:59:45] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:59:47] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 34500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero
[13:59:48] <%Stone_Cold22> <durrr> 06:57 Colchonero i won't play <&TGMDoom> xD <durrr> 06:58 Colchonero i quit
[13:59:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:59:52] <&McMeghan> its LN you wouldnt have typed the correct command anyway
[13:59:52] Iconic [
iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:59:53] <%Solace> lmao
[13:59:56] <&McMeghan> its ok*
[14:00:01] <%Stone_Cold22> hey solace!
[14:00:03] <%Stone_Cold22> how r u?
[14:00:06] <%Solace> im good
[14:00:07] <%Solace> how areyou :)
[14:00:09] <%Stone_Cold22> sick
[14:00:10] <@LonelyNess> !nominate choicespecs
[14:00:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Player "choicespecs" not found.
[14:00:12] <%Solace> aw
[14:00:14] <&Oglemi> space
[14:00:16] <@Funkasaurus> oh here we go
[14:00:16] <@LonelyNess> !nominate choice specs
[14:00:17] <%Solace> i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday
[14:00:17] <&SPLbot> Choice Specs is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[14:00:17] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:00:18] <@tennisace> !5
[14:00:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[14:00:18] <%Solace> :(
[14:00:20] <+cbb> dog face no space
[14:00:24] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:00:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:00:25] <@LonelyNess> !7
[14:00:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 7000
[14:00:26] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:00:28] <@tennisace> !7.5
[14:00:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7500
[14:00:38] <@LonelyNess> !9
[14:00:38] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9000
[14:00:42] <@tennisace> ok
[14:00:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:00:48] <&Oglemi> the upbid is real
[14:00:48] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Choice Specs to The Smog Frogs for 9000.
[14:00:52] <@LonelyNess> ty
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:00:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:00:58] <@Funkasaurus> Quite the
[14:00:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:00:59] <@Funkasaurus> Deal
[14:01:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[14:01:03] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[14:01:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 25500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs
[14:01:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[14:01:17] youngjake93 [~
cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[14:01:29] <@LonelyNess> !nominate -Frexa-
[14:01:29] <&SPLbot> -Frexa- is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:01:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:01:32] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:01:34] <@Funkasaurus> frexa
[14:01:36] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:01:37] <@yondie> ghosted last year
[14:01:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:01:41] <@LonelyNess> !4
[14:01:41] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 4000
[14:01:45] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:01:45] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:01:48] ashausha [
Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:01:49] <@LonelyNess> !5
[14:01:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[14:01:51] <+workingphil> frexa :((
[14:01:52] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[14:01:52] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[14:01:56] <@LonelyNess> !6
[14:01:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6000
[14:02:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:02:04] Ajwf [~
jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has left #spl
[14:02:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: -Frexa- to The Smog Frogs for 6000.
[14:02:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:02:18] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:02:20] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[14:02:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[14:02:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:02:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:02:33] <@BKC> !nominate Jayde
[14:02:35] <&SPLbot> Jayde is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 NU
[14:02:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:02:39] <@Funkasaurus> damn
[14:02:41] Ajwf [~
jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #spl
[14:02:42] <@Funkasaurus> i almost !4'd again
[14:02:43] <~aldaron> plz no one bid
[14:02:44] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:02:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:02:48] <@Nachos> !4
[14:02:48] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:02:50] <+Hugendugen> !2
[14:02:51] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has joined #spl
[14:02:52] <%negres> jayde is worse than cancer in the ass
[14:02:53] <~aldaron> damit now people think he is worth something
[14:02:54] <&Oglemi> lol jayde
[14:02:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:00] <%gengar> !4.5
[14:03:01] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:03:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:03:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:03:03] <@Nachos> !5
[14:03:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[14:03:07] <%negres> omg
[14:03:08] <%Stone_Cold22> sup bkc
[14:03:08] <@Funkasaurus> aldaron says it all
[14:03:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:11] <%gengar> !5.5
[14:03:11] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:03:14] <@Funkasaurus> wtf so much
[14:03:14] <@Nachos> !6
[14:03:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[14:03:16] <%gr8astard> !20
[14:03:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:22] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:03:23] <@yondie> GAYDE
[14:03:23] <%gengar> !6.5
[14:03:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:03:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[14:03:24] <@Funkasaurus> ah hugo
[14:03:24] <@yondie> !gayde
[14:03:26] <@Nachos> !7
[14:03:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[14:03:28] <@yondie> !-99k
[14:03:29] <@Funkasaurus> you can't go over 3k anyways
[14:03:29] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[14:03:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:33] <%gr8astard> ah man
[14:03:33] <@BKC> !7.5
[14:03:33] <%gr8astard> im not storng enuf
[14:03:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[14:03:38] <@yondie> !pussyde
[14:03:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:43] <+Red_Panda> what is the name of ctc's alt
[14:03:44] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Jayde to The Indie Scooters for 7500.
[14:03:47] <@Funkasaurus> sick buy yo
[14:03:49] <+cbb> -heisenberg-
[14:03:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:03:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:03:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:03:57] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[14:03:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:03:59] <%Ciele> ctc's alt got banned
[14:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:04:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:04:11] <@locopoke> one second
[14:04:41] <@Funkasaurus> I hear Nails is a bargain
[14:04:46] <+Red_Panda> herd rite
[14:04:49] <@locopoke> !nominate Lavos Spawn
[14:04:49] <&SPLbot> Lavos Spawn is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:04:49] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:04:53] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:04:54] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:04:57] <@Funkasaurus> I AM THE LAVOS SPAWN
[14:05:00] dcae [
bo@m.bada.bing.motherfuckers] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by DK_)
[14:05:02] <&Eo> I need the lavos spawn
[14:05:07] <&Eo> who else will I remove ops from
[14:05:09] <+kd24> in my eeeeyeeees
[14:05:09] <+workingphil> !4.5
[14:05:09] <@makiri> !4.5
[14:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4500
[14:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:05:10] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:05:11] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:05:12] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:05:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:05:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:19] <@locopoke> !5.5
[14:05:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 5500
[14:05:22] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:05:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:05:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:28] <@locopoke> !6.5
[14:05:29] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6500
[14:05:31] <@Funkasaurus> what are you gonna do with lavos
[14:05:31] <~aldaron> is lavos even around anymore
[14:05:33] <~aldaron> on irc
[14:05:34] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:35] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:05:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:05:38] <@locopoke> !7.5
[14:05:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[14:05:44] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:49] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Lavos Spawn to The Team Raiders for 7500.
[14:05:53] <@Funkasaurus> sry lavos i couldn't get you :(!
[14:05:57] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:05:59] <@LonelyNess> Oglemi
[14:06:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:06:01] <@LonelyNess> can you add dekzeh
[14:06:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:06:04] <@LonelyNess> I have to go poop
[14:06:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:06:06] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:06:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:06:11] <&Oglemi> !addbidder fro dekzeh
[14:06:12] <&SPLbot> dekzeh added to bidders for The Smog Frogs. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:06:14] <@LonelyNess> thank you
[14:06:14] Funkasaurus [
sierra@hotel.india.echo.lima.delta.shield] has set mode +v DEKZEH
[14:06:17] <@Nachos> !nominate django
[14:06:17] <&SPLbot> Django is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / Doubles
[14:06:18] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:06:23] <@tennisace> the djangler
[14:06:23] <@Funkasaurus> all yours bud
[14:06:26] <@little_gk> DJANGLES
[14:06:28] <@little_gk> :D
[14:06:31] <+Hugendugen> voice of the people
[14:06:32] <+DEKZEH> hello
[14:06:36] <@Funkasaurus> THE PEOPLES VOICE
[14:06:38] <%Solace> djangles >
[14:06:39] <%Solace> :>
[14:06:42] <@tennisace> django chained
[14:06:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:06:43] <@Funkasaurus> 3k for the Djangod
[14:06:47] <@Funkasaurus> what a deal
[14:06:48] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Django to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[14:06:51] <+DEKZEH> nice buy
[14:06:51] <@Funkasaurus> holy shit
[14:06:51] <@Nachos> excellent
[14:06:55] <%panamaxis> wow
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:06:56] <%panamaxis> STEAL
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:06:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:06:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:07:00] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:07:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:07:04] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:07:08] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:07:17] <@Funkasaurus> un momento
[14:07:23] <%Solace> we got no time for that funk
[14:07:26] <%Solace> pls be prepared.
[14:07:36] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate BLINGAS
[14:07:37] <&SPLbot> BLINGAS is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[14:07:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:07:42] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:07:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:07:44] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:07:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:07:47] <@tennisace> best doubles player!!
[14:07:49] <@Funkasaurus> HES COMING HOME
[14:07:51] <&McMeghan> !4.5
[14:07:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4500
[14:07:53] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:07:54] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:07:59] <@Funkasaurus> stop
[14:08:02] Arcticblast [
this@is.a.vhost] has joined #spl
[14:08:02] <@Funkasaurus> hes my tanner
[14:08:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:08:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: BLINGAS to The Ever Grande BIGs for 5000.
[14:08:09] <+Hugendugen> xoxoTiffany
[14:08:11] <@Funkasaurus> welcome back tanner
[14:08:13] <@little_gk> cutest team bigs
[14:08:14] <+cbb> there are many others like him but this one is yours
[14:08:14] <@little_gk> :o
[14:08:15] <%gengar> big tiff
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:08:16] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:08:18] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:08:19] <+kd24> BIG TIFF
[14:08:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:08:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:08:23] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:08:27] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:08:40] Crux [
Crux@literally.human.trash] has left #spl
[14:08:42] <@yondie> !nominate raseri
[14:08:43] <&SPLbot> Raseri is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 NU
[14:08:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:08:47] <@tennisace> !5
[14:08:47] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[14:08:58] <@locopoke> 120k
[14:09:05] <@locopoke> |20k
[14:09:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:09:13] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Raseri to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 5000.
[14:09:14] <@little_gk> tennis what are you doing
[14:09:14] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:09:14] <@tennisace> rofl
[14:09:15] <@little_gk> he went 0-3
[14:09:17] <+cbb> oh
[14:09:19] Orch [~
Orch@synIRC-76C908E0.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 180 seconds
[14:09:20] <+cbb> guess we gotta restart once again
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 69500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:09:22] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:09:23] <%Solace> lmao
[14:09:23] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:09:25] <@BKC> damn that was unfair
[14:09:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:09:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:09:27] <@BKC> can i get a reset pls
[14:09:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:09:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:09:34] <@little_gk> nah i'm ok with it
[14:09:37] <@little_gk> i think
[14:09:39] <&McMeghan> !nominate thatsjustpeachy
[14:09:39] <&SPLbot> Thatsjustpeachy is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU
[14:09:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:09:43] <@yondie> !4
[14:09:44] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[14:09:46] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:09:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:09:50] <@yondie> !5
[14:09:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[14:09:52] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:09:52] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:09:54] <@yondie> !6
[14:09:55] <&McMeghan> bkc seeking the V.
[14:09:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[14:10:00] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:10:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:10:02] <@tennisace> !7
[14:10:02] <@yondie> !7
[14:10:02] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[14:10:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[14:10:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:07] <@yondie> !7.5
[14:10:08] <%Stone_Cold22> battle of da east
[14:10:08] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 7500
[14:10:09] <@BKC> !8
[14:10:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8000
[14:10:09] <@tennisace> !8
[14:10:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 8000.
[14:10:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:14] <@yondie> !8.5
[14:10:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8500
[14:10:16] <@BKC> !9
[14:10:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[14:10:22] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:24] <&McMeghan> bkc girl power XD
[14:10:25] <@yondie> :p
[14:10:26] <@tennisace> !9.5
[14:10:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9500
[14:10:32] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[14:10:32] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:37] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Thatsjustpeachy to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 9500.
[14:10:39] <@little_gk> peaches
[14:10:39] <@little_gk> :D
[14:10:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 60000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:10:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:10:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:10:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:10:55] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:10:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:11:03] dcae [
bo@m.bada.bing.motherfuckers] has joined #spl
[14:11:15] <+workingphil> !nominate halloween
[14:11:16] <&SPLbot> Halloween is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU
[14:11:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:11:18] <@tennisace> !5
[14:11:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[14:11:20] Stellar [~
Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has quit IRC: Quit:
[14:11:26] <@yondie> !6
[14:11:26] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[14:11:28] <+DMALFOY> .cry
[14:11:29] <@locopoke> !6.5
[14:11:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6500
[14:11:32] <@tennisace> !7
[14:11:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[14:11:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:11:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Halloween to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 7000.
[14:11:50] <+Red_Panda> !reset
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:11:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:11:57] <+reyscarface> lol damn halloween for 7
[14:11:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:11:59] <+reyscarface> the king
[14:11:59] Solace smack red_panda
[14:11:59] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:12:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:12:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:12:04] eOut [
o.d@duo.u.dodo] has joined #spl
[14:12:04] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao eOut eOut
[14:12:04] <+Red_Panda> :]
[14:12:07] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:12:11] <+reyscarface> did u kno
[14:12:12] <@little_gk> i got it
[14:12:12] <@tennisace> !nominate gary the gengar
[14:12:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "gary the gengar" not found.
[14:12:13] <@little_gk> 1 sec
[14:12:15] <+reyscarface> sogeking beats him consistently
[14:12:16] negres [
negres@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has left #spl
[14:12:16] negres [
negres@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has joined #spl
[14:12:16] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h negres
[14:12:16] <@little_gk> no spaces
[14:12:17] <+reyscarface> nowadays
[14:12:17] <+ZEB> no spaces
[14:12:17] <+reyscarface> in adv
[14:12:18] <@tennisace> o
[14:12:18] <@Funkasaurus> one word
[14:12:22] <@tennisace> !nominate garythegengar
[14:12:23] <&SPLbot> GaryTheGengar is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:12:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:12:25] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:12:26] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:12:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:12:27] <@Funkasaurus> gary
[14:12:29] <@yondie> !5
[14:12:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[14:12:32] <@tennisace> !5.5
[14:12:32] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:12:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5500
[14:12:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 5500.
[14:12:34] <&McMeghan> !56
[14:12:35] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid exceeds max bid of 26500.
[14:12:38] <%Solace> lol
[14:12:38] <&McMeghan> !6
[14:12:38] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 6000
[14:12:39] <%BAIKA> hahaha
[14:12:39] <+cbb> lol
[14:12:40] <@yondie> !6.5
[14:12:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6500
[14:12:42] <+kd24> too bad it didnthappen earlie
[14:12:43] <@locopoke> !7
[14:12:43] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7000
[14:12:43] <&McMeghan> !7
[14:12:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[14:12:45] <&McMeghan> !7.5
[14:12:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 7500
[14:12:48] <@yondie> !8
[14:12:48] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8000
[14:12:53] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:12:55] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:12:57] <%negres> !8.5
[14:12:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 8500
[14:13:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:13:04] <@yondie> !9
[14:13:05] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[14:13:08] <+Hugendugen> woah for a sec I thought we were still bidding on bloo
[14:13:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:13:12] <+Hugendugen> with mcmeghan's !56
[14:13:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: GaryTheGengar to The Cryonicles for 9000.
[14:13:21] <@tennisace> lol
[14:13:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:13:25] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:13:28] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:13:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:13:30] <&McMeghan> .!addcredits alp 10000
[14:13:31] dinEOsaur [~
TheBest@synIRC-80E64F7E.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #spl
[14:13:31] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao dinEOsaur dinEOsaur
[14:13:31] <&McMeghan> oops
[14:13:31] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:13:34] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:13:35] <@Funkasaurus> wat
[14:13:37] <%gr8astard> !nominate pdc
[14:13:38] <&SPLbot> PDC is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:13:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:13:40] <%Solace> cheater,
[14:13:43] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:13:44] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:13:45] <@Funkasaurus> if i wanted him
[14:13:47] <&McMeghan> !5
[14:13:47] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[14:13:47] <@Funkasaurus> i'd upbid
[14:13:48] <@Funkasaurus> -/
[14:13:49] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[14:13:54] Eo [
eo@mort.us] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by dinEOsaur)
[14:13:58] eOut [
o.d@duo.u.dodo] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by dinEOsaur)
[14:14:02] dinEOsaur [~
TheBest@synIRC-80E64F7E.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] is now known as Eo
[14:14:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:04] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:14:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:14:06] <&McMeghan> !6
[14:14:07] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 6000
[14:14:11] CTI [
it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has joined #spl
[14:14:11] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h CTI
[14:14:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:13] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:14:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:14:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:19] <&McMeghan> !7
[14:14:20] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 7000
[14:14:20] <+kd24> question didnt people use audiosurfer being one of the best doubles players as a reason to include
[14:14:22] Laurel [~
chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has left #spl
[14:14:23] <+kd24> why is he not on the spreadsheet
[14:14:24] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:26] <@BKC> !7.5
[14:14:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[14:14:29] <+cbb> he withdrew
[14:14:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:32] <&Oglemi> irl stuff kd
[14:14:35] <&SPLbot> SOLD: PDC to The Indie Scooters for 7500.
[14:14:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:14:45] Laurel [~
chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[14:14:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:14:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:14:47] <+cbb> retard
[14:14:49] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:14:51] <@Funkasaurus> this person pmed me saying they 6-0ed audiosurfer
[14:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:14:52] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:14:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:14:56] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:14:57] SoulWind [
Mibbit@99421DFA.DC86B690.2BE25CD3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:14:57] <+kd24> him withdrawing cut the doubles compettiive playerbase in half
[14:14:59] <%gr8astard> !nominate vinc2612
[14:15:00] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Player "vinc2612" not found.
[14:15:03] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:15:06] <%Solace> lol
[14:15:10] <+cbb> it's vincnumeros
[14:15:11] <&McMeghan> try with a space
[14:15:12] <@tennisace> wasnt vinc retained
[14:15:14] <@Funkasaurus> retained
[14:15:15] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:15:17] <%gr8astard> lol
[14:15:25] <@DittoCrow> not on the spreadsheet :x
[14:15:27] <@DittoCrow> !nominate yee
[14:15:27] <&SPLbot> yee is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU
[14:15:27] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:15:32] <@Funkasaurus> yeezus
[14:15:43] <%gr8astard> yeezeus
[14:15:51] SoulWind [
Mibbit@99421DFA.DC86B690.2BE25CD3.IP] has joined #spl
[14:15:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:15:53] <%Ciele> vinc is definitely on the spreadsheet
[14:15:57] <&SPLbot> SOLD: yee to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[14:15:59] <~aldaron> lol really
[14:16:00] <%Ciele> and it is vinc2612
[14:16:01] <~aldaron> yee for 3k
[14:16:02] <@Funkasaurus> is vinc and numeros
[14:16:03] <~aldaron> damn
[14:16:03] <@yondie> sucks
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:16:06] Erick17 [
Mibbit@synIRC-EEC9865F.sub-174-251-176.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:16:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:16:08] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:16:09] <~aldaron> that nigga is the best teammate
[14:16:11] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:16:12] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:16:14] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:16:15] <~aldaron> just sits there all day making teams to test
[14:16:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:16:18] <%Ciele> idk why the nom didn't work
[14:16:19] <@Funkasaurus> aldaron giving some expert analysis
[14:16:21] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[14:16:22] <%Solace> !nominate ginku
[14:16:23] <&SPLbot> Ginku is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU
[14:16:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:16:25] Biosci [~
Biosci@scizor.sci.sci.sigh] has joined #spl
[14:16:26] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +v Biosci
[14:16:28] <@yondie> !3.5
[14:16:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[14:16:29] <+cbb> !frogs
[14:16:30] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:16:31] Corkscrew [
Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:16:33] <&McMeghan> !4
[14:16:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[14:16:39] <+DEKZEH> i think i should buy
[14:16:40] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:16:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:16:42] <@Funkasaurus> hm
[14:16:42] <@Funkasaurus> i would
[14:16:45] <@Funkasaurus> if i could
[14:16:46] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[14:16:46] <+ZEB> y dek
[14:16:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:16:50] <&McMeghan> !5
[14:16:50] Lavos [~
CRUSHIN@synIRC-7E595417.bois.qwest.net] has joined #spl
[14:16:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[14:16:53] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:16:54] Corkscrew [
Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #spl
[14:16:54] <@Funkasaurus> Lavos.
[14:16:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:17:00] <@tennisace> u can funk if u just belieb in urself
[14:17:00] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ginku to The Alpha Ruiners for 5000.
[14:17:08] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:17:11] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:17:12] <@LonelyNess> rise to the top you can c-complish it all
[14:17:12] <@Funkasaurus> i can't
[14:17:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:17:14] <@Funkasaurus> BIGs past
[14:17:15] <@Funkasaurus> :(
[14:17:15] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:17:18] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:17:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:17:26] <%panamaxis> !nominate HSA
[14:17:26] <&SPLbot> HSA is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[14:17:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:17:29] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:17:29] <@Funkasaurus> harris
[14:17:31] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:17:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:17:40] <@yondie> !4
[14:17:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[14:17:43] <@Funkasaurus> !4.5
[14:17:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4500
[14:17:51] <@yondie> !5
[14:17:51] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[14:17:54] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[14:17:55] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[14:17:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[14:18:00] <@yondie> !6
[14:18:01] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[14:18:05] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:18:10] <&SPLbot> SOLD: HSA to The Cryonicles for 6000.
[14:18:12] <@Funkasaurus> rip harris
[14:18:16] <@yondie> <3
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 43000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA
[14:18:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:18:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:18:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:18:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:18:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:18:40] <&McMeghan> !nominate PttP
[14:18:40] <&SPLbot> PttP is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[14:18:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:18:43] <@Funkasaurus> NO
[14:18:47] <@yondie> !3.5
[14:18:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[14:18:49] <%Ciele> dodrio.
[14:18:50] <@Funkasaurus> kacaw
[14:18:52] <+DEKZEH> :]
[14:18:56] <+workingphil> !5
[14:18:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:19:01] <@yondie> !5.5
[14:19:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[14:19:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:19:07] <@locopoke> !6
[14:19:08] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6000
[14:19:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:19:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: PttP to The Team Raiders for 6000.
[14:19:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 43000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA
[14:19:28] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:19:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:19:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:19:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:19:34] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:19:35] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has joined #spl
[14:19:37] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:19:47] <@yondie> !nominate pocket
[14:19:47] <&SPLbot> Pocket is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:19:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:19:50] <&McMeghan> ah!
[14:19:52] <@tennisace> .
[14:19:53] jdarden [~
jd@clear.eyes.full.hearts] has joined #spl
[14:19:53] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:19:54] <@locopoke> everyone run
[14:19:55] <%Snunch> ah!
[14:19:55] <&McMeghan> go BKC
[14:19:58] <&McMeghan> i know u want some
[14:19:59] <%gengar> get ur man mcmeghan
[14:20:00] <@yondie> LOL
[14:20:05] <@tennisace> !frogs
[14:20:05] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:20:05] falcula [
dawn@malediction.murder] has joined #spl
[14:20:05] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o falcula
[14:20:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:20:15] <+DEKZEH> no
[14:20:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Pocket to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[14:20:18] <@Funkasaurus> sorry for your loss yondie
[14:20:19] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:20:19] <@Funkasaurus> :(
[14:20:22] <+DEKZEH> pocket isnt a good ribbitter
[14:20:22] <%gengar> a Steal
[14:20:24] <+cbb> steal
[14:20:25] <@yondie> sub city
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:20:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:20:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:20:30] <@yondie> jkjk
[14:20:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:20:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:20:35] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:20:36] Audiosurfer [~
Audiosurf@synIRC-6AD0B315.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[14:20:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:20:38] Badabing [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[14:20:44] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate fiction.
[14:20:45] <&SPLbot> Fiction. is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[14:20:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:20:46] <%Texas> lol why is BIGs not bolded
[14:20:47] <%Texas> o_O
[14:20:48] <@tennisace> !4
[14:20:48] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[14:20:49] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:20:49] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:20:51] <@tennisace> !6
[14:20:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[14:20:53] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:20:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:20:57] <@little_gk> truth
[14:20:58] <@little_gk> ;O;
[14:21:01] <@Funkasaurus> tennis >:(
[14:21:02] <%gengar> 5 star user going here
[14:21:03] <%gengar> get him tennis
[14:21:09] <@Funkasaurus> know your limits.
[14:21:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:21:11] <@little_gk> !7.5
[14:21:11] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7500
[14:21:13] <%Texas> play within it
[14:21:15] <@Funkasaurus> 18
[14:21:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:21:16] Terraquaza [~
cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #spl
[14:21:21] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[14:21:21] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Fiction. to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 7500.
[14:21:22] <@Funkasaurus> WTF
[14:21:23] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[14:21:24] <%gengar> LOL
[14:21:24] <+reyscarface> get owned
[14:21:25] <%gengar> get fucked
[14:21:25] <%Solace> LOL
[14:21:25] <@little_gk> TRUTH
[14:21:25] <@tennisace> wow
[14:21:26] <@little_gk> MY BABY
[14:21:28] Terraquaza [~
cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:21:30] <@Funkasaurus> ok
[14:21:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:21:33] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:21:33] <+ZEB> .!reset
[14:21:35] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:21:35] <@LonelyNess> IMO you guys should just do
[14:21:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:21:37] <@LonelyNess> a manual auction
[14:21:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:21:41] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:21:46] <&Eo> wtf LN
[14:21:47] <@Funkasaurus> my 1 key got jammed
[14:21:48] <@little_gk> funk i'm sorry but it's destiny
[14:21:49] <@little_gk> ;-;
[14:21:50] BKC [
falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 188 seconds
[14:21:52] AFKC [~
BKC@blood.fire.death] has joined #spl
[14:21:53] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o AFKC
[14:21:54] <+Hugendugen> !reset
[14:21:55] <@Funkasaurus> well
[14:21:58] <@Nachos> !nominate afro smash
[14:21:58] <&SPLbot> Afro Smash is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[14:21:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:22:02] <@tennisace> 13.5
[14:22:03] <&Eo> why would we go back to manual
[14:22:05] <%Solace> !3.5
[14:22:06] <@tennisace> !3.5
[14:22:06] Foster [~
cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[14:22:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[14:22:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:22:08] <@Nachos> !4
[14:22:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:22:11] <%gr8astard> !4.5
[14:22:12] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[14:22:14] <@Nachos> !5
[14:22:14] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[14:22:21] Foster [~
cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[14:22:23] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:22:23] <%CTI> We're bein cheated
[14:22:27] <&Oglemi> i legitimately don't even know who afro smash is
[14:22:28] <@Funkasaurus> wutevz
[14:22:28] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Afro Smash to The Congregation of the Classiest for 5000.
[14:22:32] <%Stone_Cold22> cool
[14:22:35] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:22:39] <@Nachos> afro :D
[14:22:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:22:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:22:42] <%Ciele> po player oglemi
[14:22:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:22:46] <%Texas> good buy prolly
[14:22:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:22:49] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:22:54] <&Oglemi> ah po
[14:22:56] <@locopoke> !nominate pi face
[14:22:57] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Player "pi face" not found.
[14:23:01] <%Solace> lol
[14:23:03] <%gengar> lol
[14:23:03] <%Ciele> he didn't sign up
[14:23:04] <%gengar> el gg
[14:23:06] aisasuh [
Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has joined #spl
[14:23:08] <&Oglemi> pi face didn't sign up this year
[14:23:11] <@yondie> lmao
[14:23:11] <~aldaron> dam
[14:23:16] <@locopoke> !nominate dotteh
[14:23:16] <&SPLbot> Dotteh is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[14:23:16] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:23:18] <@tennisace> not doin homework
[14:23:19] Bleuwind [Mibbit@56A4195B.1F1F1F15.9C5E4F01.IP] has joined #spl
[14:23:28] <~aldaron> lol @ tennis
[14:23:28] falcula [
dawn@malediction.murder] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[14:23:32] <@Funkasaurus> lmao
[14:23:34] <%Ciele> bleuwind :)
[14:23:34] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:23:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:23:40] <%Stone_Cold22> BIG DOTTEH
[14:23:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:23:42] Luis_Suarez [~DaShit@3D65FB63.18D6AE17.29DDB79D.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[14:23:42] <%Stone_Cold22> THE LEGEND
[14:23:42] <@Funkasaurus> BIGS SUPPORTER
[14:23:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Dotteh to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3500.
[14:23:48] <@locopoke> funk
[14:23:48] <@locopoke> smh
[14:23:49] <%Stone_Cold22> 400K
[14:23:50] <%Stone_Cold22> !400K
[14:23:51] <+Hugendugen> lol
[14:23:52] <%Stone_Cold22> FUCK
[14:23:52] <@locopoke> smfh
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:23:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:23:57] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:23:59] <@locopoke> dot could've had a trophy
[14:23:59] <%negres> LOL
[14:24:00] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:24:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:24:02] <%CTI> Steal
[14:24:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:24:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:24:09] PragueKick [
CAZZODURO@FREELUCK.DETULLIO] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[14:24:11] Eo [~
TheBest@synIRC-80E64F7E.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has set mode +v Bleuwind
[14:24:12] <@AFKC> !nominate nas
[14:24:15] <%gengar> !nominate nas
[14:24:15] <&SPLbot> Nas is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU / DPP OU
[14:24:15] AFKC [~
BKC@blood.fire.death] is now known as BKC
[14:24:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:24:20] <@locopoke> !3.5
[14:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3500
[14:24:25] <%gr8astard> !4
[14:24:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4000
[14:24:26] bigs [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has left #spl
[14:24:27] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:24:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:24:30] <%gr8astard> !5
[14:24:30] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5000
[14:24:33] <%gengar> !5.5
[14:24:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:24:34] <@locopoke> !5.5
[14:24:34] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 5500.
[14:24:36] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:24:36] <@locopoke> !6
[14:24:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:24:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[14:24:38] <@DittoCrow> !10
[14:24:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 10000
[14:24:39] biggie [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[14:24:39] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:24:40] <@Funkasaurus> wtf
[14:24:42] <@tennisace> WOW
[14:24:43] <@BKC> !10.5
[14:24:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[14:24:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:24:49] <@locopoke> !11
[14:24:49] <@LonelyNess> !11
[14:24:50] <@DittoCrow> !11
[14:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11000
[14:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 11000.
[14:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 11000.
[14:24:54] <+Hugendugen> !11
[14:24:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:24:57] <@LonelyNess> !11.5
[14:24:57] <@DittoCrow> !11.5
[14:24:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11500
[14:24:58] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 11500.
[14:25:01] <%Snunch> !frogs
[14:25:02] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:03] <@locopoke> !12
[14:25:04] <@DittoCrow> !12
[14:25:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[14:25:04] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 12000.
[14:25:05] <@BKC> !12
[14:25:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 12000.
[14:25:07] <@BKC> !12.5
[14:25:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12500
[14:25:09] <@LonelyNess> !13
[14:25:10] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[14:25:10] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[14:25:15] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:16] <@locopoke> !13.5
[14:25:17] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13500
[14:25:17] <+Bleuwind> *ribbit*
[14:25:18] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:25:20] <%gr8astard> !20
[14:25:20] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid exceeds max bid of 12000.
[14:25:21] <@BKC> !14
[14:25:21] <&Oglemi> do the frogs even have that much left
[14:25:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 14000
[14:25:23] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[14:25:24] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:25] <@DittoCrow> lool
[14:25:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:27] <@locopoke> !14.5
[14:25:28] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14500
[14:25:28] <@tennisace> apparently ogles
[14:25:32] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:34] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[14:25:34] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:35] Nelson [
Mibbit@synIRC-576BF64C.reverse.destiny.be] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:25:38] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Nas to The Team Raiders for 14500.
[14:25:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:25:48] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:25:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:25:51] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:25:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:25:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:26:00] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:26:04] <@LonelyNess> !nominate Ace_Emerald
[14:26:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Player "Ace_Emerald" not found.
[14:26:08] <%Texas> no space
[14:26:09] <@tennisace> space
[14:26:10] <&Oglemi> no underscore
[14:26:10] <@LonelyNess> !nominate Ace Emerald
[14:26:10] <&SPLbot> Ace Emerald is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 UU
[14:26:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:26:12] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:26:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:26:14] PragueKick [
[14:26:15] _Chase_ [~
_Chase_@synIRC-4E242C1B.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #spl
[14:26:17] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:26:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:26:20] Ravenn [
Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[14:26:20] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:26:20] <@DittoCrow> !45
[14:26:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:26:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid exceeds max bid of 12000.
[14:26:21] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@94130958:5BD8B080:D60B0006:IP] has joined #spl
[14:26:22] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:26:23] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:26:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:26:26] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:26:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:26:29] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:26:32] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:26:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:26:37] <+Hugendugen> isn't it 6A9 Ace Emerald?
[14:26:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:26:38] <@BKC> !7.5
[14:26:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[14:26:40] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[14:26:40] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[14:26:42] Ernesto [~
cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[14:26:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:26:46] <@Funkasaurus> give up
[14:26:47] <%Stone_Cold22> wut
[14:26:49] <@BKC> !8.5
[14:26:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[14:26:54] <@Funkasaurus> hmmm
[14:26:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:26:56] <+Bleuwind> bkc goinghard
[14:26:59] CyberOdin [
Mibbit@4F0224AC.F3425DFE.946DEEC5.IP] has joined #spl
[14:27:00] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ace Emerald to The Indie Scooters for 8500.
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:27:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:27:12] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:27:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:27:14] <@BKC> hi bluewind :o
[14:27:15] steeledges [
i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has joined #spl
[14:27:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:27:18] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:27:22] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:27:27] <@LonelyNess> !nominate reiku
[14:27:27] <&SPLbot> Reiku is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 NU
[14:27:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:27:37] <@tennisace> :O he plays nu
[14:27:40] <+workingphil> !4
[14:27:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4000
[14:27:47] <&McMeghan> he won the XY OU tour on Pokespain
[14:27:50] <&McMeghan> as well as their BW OU tour
[14:27:50] <%gengar> !4.5
[14:27:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:27:51] <@LonelyNess> !4.5
[14:27:51] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:27:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:27:57] <@makiri> !5
[14:27:57] <%panamaxis> !5
[14:27:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:27:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:27:58] Phetto [
Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has left #spl
[14:28:00] Phetto [
Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has joined #spl
[14:28:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:04] <@LonelyNess> !5.5
[14:28:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5500
[14:28:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:10] <@makiri> !6
[14:28:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 6000
[14:28:15] <@LonelyNess> !6.5
[14:28:15] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6500
[14:28:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:20] <@makiri> !7
[14:28:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 7000
[14:28:25] <@LonelyNess> !8
[14:28:26] <&McMeghan> go for it LN
[14:28:26] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 8000
[14:28:28] Ernesto [~
cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has joined #spl
[14:28:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:31] <@makiri> !8.5
[14:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 8500
[14:28:36] <@LonelyNess> !9
[14:28:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9000
[14:28:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:44] <@makiri> !9.5
[14:28:45] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 9500
[14:28:49] <@LonelyNess> =\
[14:28:49] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:52] <@LonelyNess> !10
[14:28:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10000
[14:28:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:59] <%panamaxis> !0.5
[14:29:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Invalid bid amount.
[14:29:00] <@makiri> !10.5
[14:29:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 10500
[14:29:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:29:06] <@LonelyNess> !11
[14:29:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11000
[14:29:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:29:16] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Reiku to The Smog Frogs for 11000.
[14:29:21] <&Oglemi> .-.
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:29:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:29:28] <@Funkasaurus> damn
[14:29:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:29:29] <@Funkasaurus> big moneys
[14:29:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:29:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:29:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:29:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:29:57] <@BKC> !nominate aim
[14:29:58] <&SPLbot> aim is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:29:58] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:30:00] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:30:01] Badabing [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[14:30:01] <@Funkasaurus> joey
[14:30:03] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:30:03] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:30:05] <@Funkasaurus> my fren
[14:30:09] <%gengar> !4
[14:30:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:30:10] <+DMALFOY> !4
[14:30:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[14:30:13] <%gr8astard> !4.5
[14:30:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[14:30:17] dcae [
bo@m.bada.bing.motherfuckers] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[14:30:19] <@Funkasaurus> hugo wants joey =]
[14:30:20] <%gengar> !5
[14:30:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[14:30:21] <+DMALFOY> !5.5
[14:30:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5500
[14:30:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:30:28] <@DittoCrow> i just want an autograph from shofu
[14:30:30] <%gengar> joey :[
[14:30:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: aim to The Wifi Wolfpack for 5500.
[14:30:35] <%gr8astard> YES
[14:30:36] <%gr8astard> MY FRIEND
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:30:40] <%gr8astard> :D
[14:30:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:30:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:30:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:30:46] <@Funkasaurus> :D
[14:30:49] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:30:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:30:54] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:31:03] <@locopoke> !nominate braverius
[14:31:03] <&SPLbot> Braverius is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / Doubles
[14:31:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:31:08] <@Funkasaurus> who
[14:31:09] <@tennisace> !3.5
[14:31:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[14:31:12] <%Texas> zach
[14:31:13] <%negres> he's super brave
[14:31:15] <@makiri> !5
[14:31:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:31:16] <+workingphil> !6
[14:31:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 6000
[14:31:18] <%Solace> lol
[14:31:19] <%Texas> vgc regionals winner
[14:31:19] <%Solace> nice
[14:31:21] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:31:23] <@tennisace> the self upbid
[14:31:23] <+reyscarface> who the fuck
[14:31:24] <%panamaxis> wtf
[14:31:25] <@locopoke> !6.5
[14:31:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6500
[14:31:26] <%Ciele> phil n_n
[14:31:30] Ace_Emerald [~
Ace@synIRC-4E377C08.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Ace_Emerald
[14:31:30] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:32] <+reyscarface> lol dam
[14:31:33] <@makiri> !7
[14:31:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 7000
[14:31:34] <+reyscarface> look at xtra
[14:31:36] <@Funkasaurus> ace has seen Enough
[14:31:37] <@Funkasaurus> h
[14:31:38] <+reyscarface> advertisin on da thread
[14:31:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:39] <@locopoke> !7.5
[14:31:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[14:31:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:45] <@makiri> !9
[14:31:45] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 9000
[14:31:47] <@little_gk> we have him in our spreadsheet as "biosci's lover"
[14:31:49] <@little_gk> :[
[14:31:49] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:51] <@locopoke> !10
[14:31:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10000
[14:31:55] <&Oglemi> lol gk
[14:31:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:59] <+Biosci> die gk
[14:31:59] <%panamaxis> !10.5
[14:31:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 10500
[14:32:00] <@makiri> 110.5
[14:32:01] <%Solace> how could you separate true love like that :(
[14:32:02] <@locopoke> !11
[14:32:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11000
[14:32:06] <+ZEB> :'(
[14:32:07] Corkscrew [
Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:32:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:32:10] <%panamaxis> !11.5
[14:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 11500
[14:32:14] <@locopoke> !12
[14:32:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[14:32:16] Jorgen [~
Jorgen@magic.pain.victory] has joined #spl
[14:32:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:32:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Braverius to The Team Raiders for 12000.
[14:32:27] RODOLPH [
RODOLPH@synIRC-9F1B8EF0.home3.cgocable.net] has joined #spl
[14:32:29] <+Biosci> hahahaha
[14:32:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:32:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:32:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:32:37] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:32:40] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:32:43] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:32:45] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:32:47] <%negres> dont laugh at us biosci
[14:32:48] <%macle> ok time to get zach banned
[14:32:54] <%negres> our scouting department is very high on Braverius
[14:32:54] <@Nachos> !nominate tehmexicandewd
[14:32:55] <&SPLbot> TehMexicanDewd is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[14:32:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:32:57] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:32:58] <@Funkasaurus> who
[14:32:59] <%negres> lol
[14:33:00] <&Oglemi> ah yes
[14:33:03] <&Oglemi> the mexican
[14:33:03] <+reyscarface> hey
[14:33:04] <@Funkasaurus> is this a rey alt?
[14:33:04] <%macle> artemisa
[14:33:05] <+reyscarface> who this (BAN ME PLEASE)
[14:33:08] <@little_gk> LOL WHAT
[14:33:09] <@tennisace> wat
[14:33:10] <%CTI> Locopoke alt
[14:33:10] <%Solace> lmao
[14:33:12] <+reyscarface> oh lmao its artemisa
[14:33:15] <&Oglemi> nah an old ru player
[14:33:19] <@locopoke> you got me
[14:33:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:33:21] <+DMALFOY> !3.5
[14:33:21] <+FLCL> !3.5
[14:33:21] <@DittoCrow> !3.5
[14:33:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[14:33:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:33:23] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:33:25] <@Nachos> !4
[14:33:25] <%panamaxis> lol
[14:33:25] <+reyscarface> ADM
[14:33:26] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:33:27] <&McMeghan> lol
[14:33:28] <+reyscarface> LOOK AT THE WOLFPACK
[14:33:29] <+reyscarface> TRIPLE
[14:33:30] <+reyscarface> FCKIN
[14:33:31] <@DittoCrow> !4.5
[14:33:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[14:33:31] <+reyscarface> THREAT
[14:33:33] <@Funkasaurus> Wolfpack going Ham
[14:33:33] <@Nachos> !5
[14:33:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[14:33:34] <+reyscarface> must be the TEDDIES
[14:33:35] <&McMeghan> wolfpack
[14:33:38] <&McMeghan> they never move alone
[14:33:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:33:39] <%gengar> a Steal
[14:33:43] <@DittoCrow> !5.5
[14:33:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: TehMexicanDewd to The Congregation of the Classiest for 5000.
[14:33:47] <@Nachos> excellent
[14:33:49] Ravenn [
Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[14:33:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:33:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:33:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:33:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:34:00] <@little_gk> i haven't seen him around in forever
[14:34:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:34:02] <@little_gk> :o
[14:34:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:34:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:34:10] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate go10
[14:34:10] <&SPLbot> Go10 is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / DPP OU
[14:34:10] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:34:21] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:34:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:34:25] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:34:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:34:30] <@LonelyNess> !4.5
[14:34:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 4500
[14:34:31] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:34:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:34:32] <@BKC> !5
[14:34:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:34:35] <@LonelyNess> !5.5
[14:34:35] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5500
[14:34:36] <+kd24> !frogs
[14:34:37] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:34:37] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:34:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:34:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:34:47] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Go10 to The Ever Grande BIGs for 6000.
[14:34:48] <@Funkasaurus> ok
[14:34:49] <@Funkasaurus> i can deal with this
[14:34:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:34:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 40500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10
[14:34:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:35:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:35:02] Xanxilla [
Mibbit@synIRC-831EC920.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[14:35:04] <+workingphil> !5.5
[14:35:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:35:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:35:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:35:11] <@yondie> !nominate psychotic
[14:35:12] <&SPLbot> Psychotic is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 UU
[14:35:12] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:35:20] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:35:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:35:27] <@LonelyNess> !4.5
[14:35:28] <&McMeghan> !4.5
[14:35:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 4500
[14:35:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:35:30] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:35:30] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:35:31] <&McMeghan> !5
[14:35:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:35:36] <&McMeghan> !5.5
[14:35:37] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5500
[14:35:38] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:35:38] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:35:38] <@yondie> cockblocked
[14:35:39] <%negres> lol
[14:35:41] Electrolyte [
ident@sodium.potassium] has left #spl
[14:35:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:35:43] <@Nachos> !6.5
[14:35:44] <&McMeghan> !6.5
[14:35:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6500
[14:35:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[14:35:44] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:35:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:35:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:35:50] <%gengar> cmon
[14:35:50] gr8astard [~
hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[14:35:51] <&McMeghan> !7.5
[14:35:51] <%gengar> wheres ln
[14:35:51] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 7500
[14:35:52] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[14:35:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[14:35:54] CTC [
Mibbit@synIRC-6F33CFBA.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[14:35:54] steeledges [
i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has left #spl
[14:35:57] <@Funkasaurus> don't tempt him john
[14:35:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:35:58] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[14:36:01] gr8astard [~
hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #spl
[14:36:01] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h gr8astard
[14:36:02] <+DMALFOY> !8
[14:36:03] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 8000.
[14:36:03] <%gengar> cmon ln
[14:36:03] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Psychotic to The Ever Grande BIGs for 8000.
[14:36:05] <%gengar> LOL
[14:36:09] <+cbb> malfoy got em
[14:36:11] <+DMALFOY> oops
[14:36:11] steeledges [
i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has joined #spl
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:36:12] <+DMALFOY> :(
[14:36:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 32500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic
[14:36:13] <%BAIKA> can we retstart
[14:36:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:36:15] <@Funkasaurus> I almost !9'd
[14:36:17] <@Funkasaurus> Almost
[14:36:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:36:20] <%BAIKA> malfoy didn't get his bid in
[14:36:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:36:23] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:36:24] <%Solace> sux
[14:36:27] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:36:32] Ciele [
ciele@top.pomeranian] has set mode +v CTC
[14:36:51] <&McMeghan> !nominate AB2
[14:36:52] <&SPLbot> AB2 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:36:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:36:58] <@Funkasaurus> a sweaty boy
[14:36:59] <%gengar> quality user
[14:37:09] bland [
bl@nd.boring.dull] has joined #spl
[14:37:14] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:37:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:37:15] <+workingphil> !3.5
[14:37:16] <@Funkasaurus> might as well
[14:37:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:37:16] Bedschibaer [
Mibbit@synIRC-DCB91FFB.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:37:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:37:22] gr8astard [~
hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Quit: gr8astard
[14:37:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: AB2 to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3500.
[14:37:25] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:37:28] <@Funkasaurus> nice
[14:37:29] <&Oglemi> wow
[14:37:32] <%gengar> goood buy souf
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:37:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:37:36] Ciele [
ciele@top.pomeranian] has set mode +v lamppost
[14:37:38] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:37:39] Brostime [
Mibbit@synIRC-18BBC239.bb.online.no] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:37:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:37:41] gr8astard [~
hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #spl
[14:37:42] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h gr8astard
[14:37:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:37:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:37:49] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:37:56] <+workingphil> !nominate cyberodin
[14:37:56] <&SPLbot> CyberOdin is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU
[14:37:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:38:01] <&Oglemi> ah
[14:38:04] <@yondie> !4
[14:38:04] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[14:38:04] <%gengar> *_*
[14:38:08] <+cbb> *-*
[14:38:08] <&McMeghan> *-*
[14:38:08] <%Ciele> *-*
[14:38:10] <+workingphil> !5
[14:38:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:38:15] DarkPassenger [
im.theb@d.guy] has quit IRC: Quit: In This Moment I Am Euphoric
[14:38:20] <@Funkasaurus> odiiiiiiin
[14:38:20] <@yondie> !5.5
[14:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[14:38:23] <+Red_Panda> *¯*
[14:38:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:38:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: CyberOdin to The Cryonicles for 5500.
[14:38:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:38:42] <+CTC> Ciele :]
[14:38:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:38:45] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:38:48] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:38:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:38:54] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:38:57] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:39:02] <%Ciele> ctc :]
[14:39:02] <+lamppost> ctc im going to osu
[14:39:07] <+CTC> damn 5 players for 60% of the budget
[14:39:13] <+CTC> ruiners droppin stax
[14:39:15] <+CTC> lamp!!!
[14:39:16] FOLGORIO [~
Alleneby@Swag.Eos.Bag] has joined #spl
[14:39:17] <+CTC> we can kickback
[14:39:18] <+CTC> sometime
[14:39:19] <@tennisace> !nominate [k12] themadchine
[14:39:19] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "[k12] themadchine" not found.
[14:39:20] <%Ciele> blame the restart.
[14:39:21] <@Funkasaurus> ctc
[14:39:22] <@Funkasaurus> hello
[14:39:22] <+lamppost> nice
[14:39:23] <&McMeghan> its k-12
[14:39:25] <%Solace> o
[14:39:33] <%negres> DA MADCHINE
[14:39:34] <&Oglemi> [k12] the madchine
[14:39:35] <+CTC> funk
[14:39:35] <+ZEB> !nominate [k-12] the madchine
[14:39:36] <+CTC> :]
[14:39:36] <&SPLbot> [K-12] The Madchine is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 RU
[14:39:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:39:42] <@tennisace> ty zeb
[14:39:43] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[14:39:44] <@LonelyNess> !3.5
[14:39:44] <%Solace> yaaa zeb u type that name right
[14:39:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3500
[14:39:45] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[14:39:45] Ciele [
ciele@top.pomeranian] has set mode +v FOLGORIO
[14:40:00] <+FOLGORIO> mcmeghan even if u reject me i lov u
[14:40:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:40:06] <&McMeghan> =]
[14:40:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: [K-12] The Madchine to The Smog Frogs for 3500.
[14:40:12] <%Ciele> *ribbit*
[14:40:12] <@Funkasaurus> *ribbit*
[14:40:13] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:40:13] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:40:15] <+FLCL> the frogs have k-12's color
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:40:16] <%Stone_Cold22> cheap wow
[14:40:16] Raiza [
Raiza@synIRC-AFFD2DC6.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #spl
[14:40:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:40:20] <@Funkasaurus> Only fitting
[14:40:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:40:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:40:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:40:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:40:31] windsong [
Mibbit@synIRC-1273A797.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[14:40:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:40:38] <+CTC> so i heard LN forgot how to type and gayed 5 k out of the ruiners
[14:40:42] <+CTC> eh?
[14:40:44] <+cbb> heard right
[14:40:44] <%Ciele> y
[14:40:44] <@DittoCrow> !nominate prem
[14:40:44] <+cbb> :]
[14:40:45] <&SPLbot> prem is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC
[14:40:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:40:47] <@yondie> ln is a good troll
[14:40:50] <+CTC> once a (BAN ME PLEASE) always a (BAN ME PLEASE)
[14:41:02] <+workingphil> !3.5
[14:41:02] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[14:41:05] <+DMALFOY> !4
[14:41:05] <%Ciele> free extra 5k
[14:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4000
[14:41:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:41:11] <%negres> LC SPECIALIST
[14:41:13] <%negres> plays yugioh too
[14:41:15] <&SPLbot> SOLD: prem to The Wifi Wolfpack for 4000.
[14:41:17] <%BAIKA> 4k for prem
[14:41:18] <%BAIKA> lmao
[14:41:18] <@yondie> hasnt played in like 1 year
[14:41:23] Deinosaur [
deinos@ur.blind.as.a.bat] has joined #spl
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 14500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:41:25] <@Funkasaurus> look at the value of LC payers
[14:41:25] <@Funkasaurus> players
[14:41:25] <+CTC> "oomg 4gat 2 tipe letz riisturt"
[14:41:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:41:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:41:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:41:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:41:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:41:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:41:53] <@DittoCrow> !nominate psychotic
[14:41:53] <&SPLbot> psychotic has already been sold.
[14:41:55] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[14:41:57] <%Solace> lol
[14:41:58] Leftiez [~SmogonIRC@DE63D830.3F7DD5BF.1C52D22C.IP] has left #spl
[14:41:59] <%Solace> gj
[14:42:00] Leftiez [~SmogonIRC@DE63D830.3F7DD5BF.1C52D22C.IP] has joined #spl
[14:42:03] Subject18 [
Subject18@Cole.World.No.Yache] has joined #spl
[14:42:05] <@DittoCrow> i haven't been here lol
[14:42:10] <@Funkasaurus> solace
[14:42:10] Diabolikal [
Mibbit@synIRC-81B4229.range86-156.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:42:11] <@yondie> stop sucking
[14:42:11] <@little_gk> LOL SOMEONE BOUGHT PREM
[14:42:11] <@DittoCrow> !nominate harsha
[14:42:12] <@little_gk> THAT NIGGA
[14:42:13] <&SPLbot> Harsha is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[14:42:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:42:14] <@Funkasaurus> your team has been quick mellow
[14:42:15] <@Nachos> LOL
[14:42:15] <@yondie> hugo take the wheel again
[14:42:18] <@Nachos> harsha.
[14:42:23] <@Funkasaurus> harsha.
[14:42:23] <%Solace> we like to keep calm funk
[14:42:28] <@yondie> ya good idea harsha the guy who logs on once a week
[14:42:30] <%negres> spicy curry
[14:42:31] <%negres> in the house
[14:42:33] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[14:42:34] <@DittoCrow> harsha is a boss
[14:42:37] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:42:40] <@Funkasaurus> Woof
[14:42:42] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Harsha to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[14:42:44] PragueKick [
[14:42:45] <%gengar> awooooo
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:42:52] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:42:56] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:42:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:43:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:43:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:43:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:43:10] comatthew6 [~
com@synIRC-3460DAC6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[14:43:15] <@tennisace> !nominate kidogo
[14:43:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "kidogo" not found.
[14:43:18] <@tennisace> what
[14:43:19] <@little_gk> u.u
[14:43:20] Deinosaur [
deinos@ur.blind.as.a.bat] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
[14:43:21] <%gengar> hes not playing
[14:43:21] <&Oglemi> he dropped out last night
[14:43:21] <@Funkasaurus> rip
[14:43:23] <@tennisace> oh
[14:43:24] <%Solace> lame
[14:43:28] <&Oglemi> soz
[14:43:30] <@yondie> plan = ruined
[14:43:31] <@tennisace> is okey
[14:43:38] GatoDelFuego [
best.c@t.of.fire.you.EVER.saw] has joined #spl
[14:43:39] <%Stone_Cold22> alpha ruined!
[14:43:55] <@little_gk> hmmmmmmm
[14:44:02] <%Solace> hm m m m
[14:44:04] <%Ciele> kiDogo
[14:44:10] <&Oglemi> los tigres
[14:44:11] <@Funkasaurus> tigres
[14:44:12] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[14:44:18] <&Oglemi> smh
[14:44:18] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[14:44:18] <%Solace> we're thinkin
[14:44:18] <+Hugendugen> not doin your homework tennis...
[14:44:21] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:44:27] <@tennisace> i did my damn homework
[14:44:28] <%Solace> !nominate c05ta
[14:44:29] <&SPLbot> C05ta is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[14:44:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:44:32] <@Funkasaurus> who
[14:44:33] <+kd24> HERE HE IS
[14:44:36] <@tennisace> someone changed the test
[14:44:38] <&Oglemi> da ladder baws
[14:44:39] <@little_gk> i wanted leftiez
[14:44:39] <&Oglemi> himself
[14:44:40] <@locopoke> its locopoke
[14:44:41] <&McMeghan> he topped the ladder
[14:44:41] <@locopoke> easy
[14:44:42] <&McMeghan> BW
[14:44:42] <@locopoke> its locopoke
[14:44:46] <&McMeghan> and XY too
[14:44:47] <@tennisace> lol
[14:44:50] <+kd24> its loco
[14:44:50] <+kd24> ip check
[14:44:51] <%Solace> yea it's a loco alt
[14:44:53] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:44:55] <@BKC> !3.5
[14:44:56] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[14:44:58] <@tennisace> !4
[14:44:59] <+Hugendugen> get him to post a photo
[14:44:59] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[14:45:02] <+Hugendugen> with his whole family
[14:45:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:45:06] <@locopoke> hugen
[14:45:09] <&SPLbot> SOLD: C05ta to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 4000.
[14:45:10] <@locopoke> he lives in wisconsin
[14:45:11] <@locopoke> ban him
[14:45:17] <%negres> NY ip address
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:45:18] <%negres> ban
[14:45:18] DittoCrow [
Mibbit@Black.Feather] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:45:18] <@Funkasaurus> no other wisconsin users allowed
[14:45:19] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:45:22] jdarden [~
jd@clear.eyes.full.hearts] has quit IRC: Quit:
[14:45:23] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:45:25] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:45:26] <&Oglemi> wisconsin rules
[14:45:27] <@tennisace> oglemi is just a loco alt
[14:45:28] <&Oglemi> gtfo
[14:45:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:45:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:45:31] <&Oglemi> fuk
[14:45:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:45:34] <@tennisace> so is birkal
[14:45:40] <&Oglemi> i'd believe that one
[14:45:43] <+workingphil> !nominate cristal
[14:45:44] <&SPLbot> Cristal is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU
[14:45:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:45:49] <@yondie> !3.5
[14:45:49] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[14:45:56] youngjake93 [~
cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[14:45:56] am [~
gammin@synIRC-FDB6509E.as13285.net] has joined #spl
[14:45:57] <&Oglemi> lol since when does cristal play ru
[14:45:59] <&Oglemi> what a troll
[14:46:00] <&McMeghan> !4
[14:46:01] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[14:46:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:46:09] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:46:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:46:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:46:15] <%negres> cristal is solid franche
[14:46:19] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Cristal to The Cryonicles for 4500.
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 30000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal
[14:46:30] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:46:31] <+kd24> sheeet i thought dis was rby crystal
[14:46:33] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:46:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:46:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:46:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:46:43] <@LonelyNess> oglemi
[14:46:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:46:46] <@LonelyNess> wisconsin rules!!
[14:46:46] <@LonelyNess> ^5
[14:46:59] <@LonelyNess> i'm going up to green bay in a couple of weeks oglemi
[14:47:04] <@locopoke> ln
[14:47:05] <&Oglemi> n i can't associate with you ne more ln
[14:47:05] windsong [
Mibbit@synIRC-1273A797.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:47:06] <@locopoke> come visit me
[14:47:08] <&Oglemi> you've caused too much pain
[14:47:13] <&McMeghan> !nominate Toxzn
[14:47:14] <&SPLbot> Toxzn is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[14:47:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:47:17] <@tennisace> !3.5
[14:47:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[14:47:19] <@BKC> !4
[14:47:20] <&Oglemi> who
[14:47:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:47:24] <@tennisace> !4.5
[14:47:24] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4500
[14:47:27] <@BKC> !5
[14:47:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[14:47:31] Kran [Mibbit@66953C24.337A187E.723A7BD4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:47:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:47:44] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Toxzn to The Indie Scooters for 5000.
[14:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 30000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal
[14:47:54] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:47:57] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:48:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:48:03] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:48:05] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
[14:48:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:48:07] Hulavuta [~
Hulavuta@wow.mom.wow] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving.
[14:48:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:48:14] <@yondie> !nominate royalty
[14:48:15] <&SPLbot> Royalty is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[14:48:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:48:30] aim [~
aim@a.o.l] has left #spl
[14:48:37] <@Funkasaurus> if i bid 3.5
[14:48:37] ZoroarkForever [
Mibbit@synIRC-7436401A.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[14:48:40] <@Funkasaurus> do i get voice on ps
[14:48:40] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:48:40] aim [~
aim@a.o.l] has joined #spl
[14:48:43] aim [~
aim@a.o.l] has quit IRC: Quit: aim
[14:48:45] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Royalty to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[14:48:49] <@yondie> srs
[14:48:51] <@yondie> nice
[14:48:52] <&Oglemi> ah good contest
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:48:55] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:48:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:49:00] <+Hugendugen> steal
[14:49:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:49:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:49:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:49:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:49:15] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate shoka
[14:49:15] <&SPLbot> Shoka is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU
[14:49:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:49:18] <%negres> SHOKA
[14:49:22] <@BKC> !3.5
[14:49:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[14:49:24] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:49:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:49:26] aim [~
aim@a.o.l] has joined #spl
[14:49:32] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:49:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:49:33] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:49:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:49:34] <~aldaron> do the sharks and ruiners have the same people on their lists lol
[14:49:38] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:49:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:49:41] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:49:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:49:45] <@Funkasaurus> :|
[14:49:45] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:49:46] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:49:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:49:51] <@BKC> you really want to do this souf
[14:49:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:49:56] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:49:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:49:57] <@Funkasaurus> yes
[14:49:59] youngjake93 [~
cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[14:50:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:50:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Shoka to The Ever Grande BIGs for 7000.
[14:50:08] Ravenn [
Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[14:50:09] <%gengar> lol get fucked souf
[14:50:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:50:16] <@Funkasaurus> you get fucked
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:50:17] <@yondie> sp66666666
[14:50:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:50:19] <@yondie> DED
[14:50:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:50:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:50:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:50:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:50:31] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:50:37] <@Nachos> !nominate zorodark
[14:50:37] <&SPLbot> ZoroDark is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[14:50:38] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:50:44] <%negres> incoming randoms
[14:50:50] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[14:50:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[14:50:53] <@Nachos> !4
[14:50:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:50:55] <@tennisace> yeah its about that time negres
[14:51:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:51:04] <+CTC> cbb: we should just tell oglemi to eat a dick instead stupid whorefag
[14:51:06] <+CTC> Oglemi
[14:51:08] <&SPLbot> SOLD: ZoroDark to The Congregation of the Classiest for 4000.
[14:51:09] <+CTC> how does that
[14:51:11] <+Hugendugen> zorodark30
[14:51:13] <%negres> LOL
[14:51:16] <+CTC> make u feel
[14:51:16] <+cbb> LOL
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:51:17] <%negres> ruiners gonna hate on oglemi
[14:51:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:51:20] <%negres> all season long
[14:51:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:51:23] <+CTC> :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
[14:51:23] <&Oglemi> it does not
[14:51:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:51:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:51:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:51:37] <@locopoke> !nominate gene
[14:51:37] <&SPLbot> gene is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[14:51:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:51:46] <+Hugendugen> GROUNDON
[14:51:50] <+workingphil> !5
[14:51:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:51:55] <&Oglemi> groudon
[14:51:59] <&Oglemi> you uncultured swine
[14:52:01] <+Biosci> BERSERK GENE
[14:52:02] <%Solace> lol
[14:52:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:52:06] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:52:12] <@yondie> groudon80
[14:52:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:52:13] <+workingphil> !6
[14:52:14] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 6000
[14:52:15] <%panamaxis> !6
[14:52:15] <+kd24> wow look at all these teams gene wont play for
[14:52:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[14:52:19] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:52:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:52:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: gene to The Stark Sharks for 6000.
[14:52:25] <@Funkasaurus> [15:52:37] <am> you didnt actually buy KG right lol
[14:52:27] <@Funkasaurus> bkc you're such a (BAN ME PLEASE)
[14:52:29] <@Funkasaurus> lmao
[14:52:30] <@tennisace> rofl
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:52:33] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[14:52:33] <@yondie> did someone buy KG
[14:52:34] <%Solace> lmao
[14:52:34] <+reyscarface> i forgo
[14:52:34] <+reyscarface> t
[14:52:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:52:36] <+reyscarface> kg is in the auction
[14:52:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:52:38] <@BKC> the fk did i do
[14:52:39] <+lamppost> ctc
[14:52:40] <~aldaron> whoa gene for 6k...
[14:52:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:52:43] <+lamppost> which dorms are the best
[14:52:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:52:45] <%gengar> lmao its kevin
[14:52:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:52:48] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:53:05] <@BKC> !nominate george182
[14:53:06] <&SPLbot> george182 is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[14:53:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:53:13] <~aldaron> WHO
[14:53:15] <&Oglemi> wtf i've literally
[14:53:18] <@locopoke> its floppy
[14:53:20] <+cbb> number 1 PO dpp ladder
[14:53:21] <+cbb> what a god
[14:53:21] <&Oglemi> never heard of this person
[14:53:23] <@yondie> gorgie
[14:53:24] <+Hugendugen> definitely floppy
[14:53:24] <@yondie> !!!!
[14:53:26] <@yondie> !111111
[14:53:26] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Invalid bid amount.
[14:53:28] <%panamaxis> it's a heist alt
[14:53:28] <%Solace> floppy alt
[14:53:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:53:31] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@94130958:5BD8B080:D60B0006:IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 184 seconds
[14:53:33] <+workingphil> !3.5
[14:53:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[14:53:35] <%negres> george 182
[14:53:36] <@BKC> !4
[14:53:36] <+kd24> gorgie boy
[14:53:36] <%Ciele> he used to play on shoddy ladder iirc :o
[14:53:36] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:53:40] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:53:41] <%negres> its floppy guys
[14:53:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: george182 to The Indie Scooters for 4000.
[14:53:51] <%negres> gorgin
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:53:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:53:58] <%BAIKA> why do you guys want two floppys
[14:53:59] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:54:02] <%BAIKA> one is bad enough
[14:54:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:54:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 20000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182
[14:54:09] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:54:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:54:19] <@LonelyNess> !nominate joim
[14:54:19] <&SPLbot> Joim is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[14:54:20] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:54:25] <@tennisace> ah the admin
[14:54:27] <@yondie> admin power
[14:54:31] <+reyscarface> fuk
[14:54:33] <+reyscarface> how am i supposed
[14:54:34] <&McMeghan> and server owner
[14:54:34] <&Oglemi> ah da joim
[14:54:35] <+reyscarface> to ghost this guy
[14:54:36] <+reyscarface> if hes an admin
[14:54:38] <+Hugendugen> he'll make a custom metagame that he can win
[14:54:44] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:54:47] <+reyscarface> o nvm i used to ghost bloo
[14:54:48] <+reyscarface> its all good
[14:54:50] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Joim to The Smog Frogs for 3000.
[14:54:52] <@LonelyNess> aight
[14:54:54] <&Oglemi> rofl amazing
[14:54:57] <@LonelyNess> that's all she wrote
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:55:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:55:03] <+reyscarface> wait
[14:55:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:55:04] <+reyscarface> joims a girl?
[14:55:05] <+reyscarface> TEDDIES?
[14:55:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:55:08] <@Funkasaurus> n
[14:55:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 20000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182
[14:55:11] <+reyscarface> wow fuck this auction
[14:55:12] <@Funkasaurus> rey you goober
[14:55:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:55:13] <+reyscarface> we got no teddies
[14:55:15] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:55:20] <@yondie> TEDs
[14:55:35] Ajwf [~
jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Ajwf
[14:55:45] <@BKC> !nominate karrot
[14:55:46] <&SPLbot> Karrot is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:55:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:55:54] <@Nachos> !3.5
[14:55:54] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3500
[14:55:57] <@BKC> !4
[14:55:58] <%negres> kakkarot
[14:55:58] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:55:58] <+Hugendugen> kakarrot
[14:56:01] <@Nachos> !4.5
[14:56:01] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4500
[14:56:04] <@BKC> !5
[14:56:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[14:56:05] DarkPassenger [
im.theb@d.guy] has joined #spl
[14:56:05] <+workingphil> !5
[14:56:05] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:56:07] <@Nachos> !5.5
[14:56:08] <@yondie> he better go
[14:56:08] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5500
[14:56:09] <@yondie> for over 9000
[14:56:10] <@BKC> !6
[14:56:11] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[14:56:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:17] <@Nachos> !8
[14:56:17] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[14:56:20] <@BKC> !8.5
[14:56:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[14:56:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:27] <@Nachos> !9
[14:56:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 9000
[14:56:30] <@BKC> !9.5
[14:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[14:56:31] <@Nachos> !10
[14:56:32] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 10000
[14:56:36] <@BKC> !10.5
[14:56:36] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[14:56:37] <&Oglemi> has karrot even played in like 5 years
[14:56:40] <@Nachos> !11
[14:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 11000
[14:56:45] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:46] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@2D9C9DD9:4BEB109F:D60B0006:IP] has joined #spl
[14:56:48] <@BKC> !11.5
[14:56:49] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11500
[14:56:51] <%negres> he's the last saiyan
[14:56:52] <@yondie> bloo for 40k doe
[14:56:53] <%Stone_Cold22> u can have
[14:56:54] <%Stone_Cold22> lols
[14:56:54] <%negres> making him very valuable
[14:56:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:59] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Karrot to The Indie Scooters for 11500.
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:57:10] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:57:11] <%BAIKA> thanks lonelyness
[14:57:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:57:14] <%macle> someone get raichy
[14:57:16] <%macle> ;_;
[14:57:16] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:57:19] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[14:57:23] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:57:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:57:30] <@locopoke> !nominate nelson
[14:57:31] <&SPLbot> Nelson is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / DPP OU
[14:57:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:57:36] Stellar [~
Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has joined #spl
[14:57:37] <@little_gk> nelson :o
[14:57:46] <&McMeghan> you wanna buy cancer twice?
[14:57:49] makiri [~
eblublubl@ninjas.in.paris] has set mode +v Stellar
[14:57:54] <&Oglemi> tourney ban incoming imo
[14:57:55] <&Oglemi> i can feel it
[14:57:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:57:59] <@little_gk> only if it's prostate
[14:58:01] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Nelson to The Team Raiders for 3000.
[14:58:02] Stellar [~
Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has been kicked from #spl by BAIKA [~
RAKKA@the.teleporter.she.beacons]: BAIKA
[14:58:05] Stellar [~
Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has joined #spl
[14:58:08] <@makiri> fucker
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:58:12] makiri [~
eblublubl@ninjas.in.paris] has set mode +v Stellar
[14:58:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:58:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:58:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[14:58:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[14:58:22] atomicllamas [
Mibbit@synIRC-5C193C02.mpls.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: stuff
[14:58:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:58:25] <+Red_Panda> it's like a double negative, 2 cancers cancel each other out
[14:58:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:58:29] <%Solace> lol
[14:58:29] <+reyscarface> <@Lady_bug> i'm gonna fucking rip your head off sogeking
[14:58:30] <+reyscarface> man
[14:58:31] <+reyscarface> its not even been
[14:58:32] <+reyscarface> an hour
[14:58:34] <@little_gk> lol
[14:58:36] <@makiri> lol
[14:58:36] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:58:36] <@yondie> LOL
[14:58:38] <+Red_Panda> lmao
[14:58:39] <%Solace> it starts already
[14:58:45] <+workingphil> LOL
[14:58:46] <@tennisace> mad@sogeking
[14:58:51] <+Hugendugen> *ribbit*
[14:58:52] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:58:53] <@yondie> darkrai never gets mad
[14:58:53] <@yondie> WTF
[14:58:55] <@Funkasaurus> *ribbit*
[14:58:55] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:58:57] <@Nachos> !nominate idiotfrommars
[14:58:58] <&SPLbot> idiotfrommars is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / GSC OU
[14:58:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:59:03] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:59:04] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:59:04] <+lamppost> idiot
[14:59:06] <@tennisace> !4
[14:59:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[14:59:08] <@Nachos> !4.5
[14:59:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4500
[14:59:10] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:59:11] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:59:14] <@Nachos> !5.5
[14:59:14] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5500
[14:59:21] <@Funkasaurus> sorry ifm =/
[14:59:22] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:59:27] <&SPLbot> SOLD: idiotfrommars to The Congregation of the Classiest for 5500.
[14:59:34] <%Stone_Cold22> need a LoL player to talk to
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:59:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:59:41] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[14:59:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[14:59:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[14:59:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:59:52] Momochuu [~
Karina@synIRC-50804DB9.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 182 seconds
[14:59:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:59:59] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate genesectless
[15:00:00] <&SPLbot> Genesectless is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:00:01] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[15:00:02] <@tennisace> !4
[15:00:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[15:00:03] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[15:00:03] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[15:00:05] <@tennisace> !6
[15:00:05] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[15:00:09] <@Funkasaurus> !6.5
[15:00:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6500
[15:00:12] <@tennisace> !7
[15:00:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[15:00:13] <@Funkasaurus> !7.5
[15:00:14] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7500
[15:00:15] <+Red_Panda> genesectless > ifm oO
[15:00:16] <@tennisace> !8
[15:00:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 8000
[15:00:17] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[15:00:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[15:00:19] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[15:00:24] Corkscrew [
Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #spl
[15:00:24] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:00:26] <@tennisace> !9
[15:00:26] <%gengar> is amir
[15:00:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9000
[15:00:28] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[15:00:28] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[15:00:29] <@Funkasaurus> is amir
[15:00:32] <@tennisace> !10
[15:00:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 10000
[15:00:34] <@BKC> lol souf wtf
[15:00:36] <@Funkasaurus> !10.5
[15:00:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10500
[15:00:39] <@Funkasaurus> tennis >:(
[15:00:40] <@yondie> sp666666666
[15:00:40] Bleuwind [Mibbit@56A4195B.1F1F1F15.9C5E4F01.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:00:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:00:42] <@yondie> u foul
[15:00:43] <@little_gk> v.v
[15:00:47] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Genesectless to The Ever Grande BIGs for 10500.
[15:00:51] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[15:00:56] <@yondie> reminds me of last years iris bid
[15:00:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:01:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:01:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:01:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:01:09] gene [~
feathers@gen.e] has joined #spl
[15:01:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:01:12] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:01:17] <@yondie> !nominate Casekace
[15:01:18] <&SPLbot> CaseKace is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:01:18] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:01:22] <%negres> gene
[15:01:23] <%negres> we failed you
[15:01:26] Ravenn [
Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:01:29] <+CTC> LOL
[15:01:29] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
[15:01:32] <+CTC> 3 stacks
[15:01:34] <+CTC> ANDRE
[15:01:37] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:01:37] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:01:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:01:45] <@yondie> !4
[15:01:45] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[15:01:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:01:55] <&SPLbot> SOLD: CaseKace to The Cryonicles for 4000.
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 23000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace
[15:02:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:02:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:02:12] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:02:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:02:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:02:28] BKC [~
BKC@blood.fire.death] has set mode +v DICE
[15:02:40] ifm [Mibbit@DD583556.4E023A75.C6F28F2C.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:02:44] <&McMeghan> !nominate make
[15:02:44] <&SPLbot> make is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU
[15:02:45] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:02:49] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:02:49] <@yondie> !3.5
[15:02:50] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:02:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[15:02:52] <@yondie> !4
[15:02:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[15:02:55] <@tennisace> !4.5
[15:02:55] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4500
[15:02:56] <+workingphil> !8
[15:02:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 8000
[15:02:59] <@yondie> my rosters done i could go 23
[15:03:01] <@yondie> !8.5
[15:03:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8500
[15:03:07] <&Oglemi> phil with the plays
[15:03:07] <@Funkasaurus> bw2
[15:03:07] <@tennisace> lol
[15:03:08] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[15:03:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:11] <+workingphil> !11
[15:03:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 11000
[15:03:14] <@Funkasaurus> lmao
[15:03:14] <@yondie> !11.5
[15:03:14] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11500
[15:03:17] <+workingphil> !13
[15:03:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 13000
[15:03:20] <@yondie> !13.5
[15:03:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 13500
[15:03:21] <%BAIKA> king make
[15:03:22] <%macle> yondie
[15:03:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:27] <+workingphil> !15
[15:03:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 15000
[15:03:27] <%macle> get raichy trade him to me
[15:03:29] <%macle> :(
[15:03:29] <@yondie> !15.5
[15:03:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 15500
[15:03:34] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:34] <+workingphil> !17
[15:03:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 17000
[15:03:35] Blim [Mibbit@66953C24.337A187E.723A7BD4.IP] has joined #spl
[15:03:37] <@yondie> !17.5
[15:03:37] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 17500
[15:03:42] Sinclair [
Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:03:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:43] <+workingphil> !18
[15:03:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 18000
[15:03:45] <@Funkasaurus> wtf
[15:03:46] <@yondie> have fun
[15:03:48] <@yondie> ;)
[15:03:48] <@tennisace> wow
[15:03:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:49] <&Oglemi> lolling
[15:03:50] <+cbb> lmao
[15:03:51] <@tennisace> a+
[15:03:53] <&SPLbot> SOLD: make to The Stark Sharks for 18000.
[15:03:54] <%Solace> omg
[15:03:56] <@little_gk> a+
[15:03:56] <%BAIKA> good job yondie
[15:03:58] <%BAIKA> holy fuck hahaha
[15:03:59] <%panamaxis> lol
[15:04:00] <+Red_Panda> worth
[15:04:01] <%panamaxis> good upbidding yondie
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:04:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 23000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace
[15:04:02] <%panamaxis> i
[15:04:04] <%Stone_Cold22> im p sure
[15:04:04] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:04:07] <%Stone_Cold22> yondie wanted him too
[15:04:07] <%Stone_Cold22> lol
[15:04:07] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:04:10] <@yondie> nope
[15:04:10] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:04:13] <@yondie> aqua is playing adv
[15:04:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:04:14] TheMantyke [~
shnozmast@I.AM.THE.MAN.dot.dot.dot.tyke] has joined #spl
[15:04:16] <%Stone_Cold22> ew
[15:04:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:04:18] <+CTC> MANIGGA YONDER
[15:04:20] Blim [Mibbit@66953C24.337A187E.723A7BD4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:04:20] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:04:32] <+workingphil> !nominate xtrashine
[15:04:33] <&SPLbot> xtrashine is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU
[15:04:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:04:33] <+Hugendugen> wait why didnt make just make a new alt
[15:04:36] <@Funkasaurus> here we go
[15:04:37] <&Oglemi> ah yes
[15:04:37] <@yondie> !3.5
[15:04:38] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[15:04:40] <@Funkasaurus> !mimo
[15:04:43] <%gengar> mimoswag
[15:04:49] <+lamppost> mimoswaggggg
[15:04:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:05:00] pi_face [~pi_face@5FB547BB.380C4A48.D1D7BC9C.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 184 seconds
[15:05:02] <&SPLbot> SOLD: xtrashine to The Cryonicles for 3500.
[15:05:05] Mylo_Xyloto [~
Xylo@synIRC-DF522897.telkomadsl.co.za] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
[15:05:06] <@Funkasaurus> [16:05:32] <@xtra> NOT CRYONICSL
[15:05:06] <@Funkasaurus> [16:05:33] <@xtra> NO
[15:05:06] <@Funkasaurus> [16:05:33] <@xtra> MONMON
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 19500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine
[15:05:11] <+Red_Panda> overpaid
[15:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:05:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:05:18] <@yondie> so
[15:05:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:05:20] <@yondie> im putting xtra
[15:05:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:05:23] <@yondie> on the trading block
[15:05:24] <@yondie> 3k
[15:05:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:05:27] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:05:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:05:28] <+lamppost> lol
[15:05:38] <@little_gk> mmmm
[15:05:39] <+reyscarface> we will trade youxtra
[15:05:41] <+reyscarface> for the madchine
[15:05:42] <+reyscarface> deal?
[15:05:44] <%Solace> !nominate vinc2612
[15:05:45] <&SPLbot> Vinc2612 is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:05:45] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:05:47] <@yondie> we can talk later
[15:05:55] <@yondie> WTF
[15:05:57] <%gr8astard> lol
[15:05:58] <@yondie> !3.5
[15:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[15:05:59] <@Funkasaurus> thought he was retained
[15:06:00] <@tennisace> !4
[15:06:00] <+workingphil> !4
[15:06:01] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[15:06:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:06:01] <%gr8astard> why is he on now
[15:06:02] <+cbb> gr8 italicized him
[15:06:02] BKC [~
BKC@blood.fire.death] has set mode +v propagandhi
[15:06:03] <+cbb> so it didnt work
[15:06:03] <@yondie> !4.5
[15:06:04] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[15:06:06] <@tennisace> !5
[15:06:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[15:06:06] <%gr8astard> WHAT
[15:06:08] <%Solace> nope
[15:06:08] <@yondie> !5.5
[15:06:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[15:06:09] <+cbb> loser
[15:06:11] <@tennisace> !6
[15:06:12] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[15:06:15] <@yondie> !6.5
[15:06:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6500
[15:06:18] <@tennisace> !7
[15:06:18] <%gr8astard> germen
[15:06:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[15:06:19] <@yondie> !7.5
[15:06:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 7500
[15:06:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:06:26] <@tennisace> !8
[15:06:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 8000
[15:06:29] <@yondie> !8.5
[15:06:30] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8500
[15:06:34] DMALFOY [
Mibbit@synIRC-EC765EBC.cpece705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:06:35] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:06:40] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Vinc2612 to The Cryonicles for 8500.
[15:06:44] <@yondie> =]
[15:06:47] <@little_gk> u.u
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:06:50] <+lamppost> luv vinc
[15:06:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:06:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:06:58] <+lamppost> did austinf sign up
[15:06:59] <+lamppost> or what
[15:07:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:07:02] <+lamppost> 30k
[15:07:02] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:07:03] <%gengar> no lamp
[15:07:03] <@tennisace> naw lamp
[15:07:05] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:07:07] <+lamppost> gay
[15:07:14] <%gr8astard> !nominate sweep
[15:07:14] <&SPLbot> Sweep is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 UU
[15:07:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:07:19] <%Solace> !3.5
[15:07:19] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:07:21] <@tennisace> !5
[15:07:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[15:07:22] Furai [
furai@live.like.a.warrior] has quit IRC: Quit: pls nominate me;;
[15:07:24] <%Solace> tennis.
[15:07:24] <+kd24> masterclass alt
[15:07:26] <@little_gk> tnns plz
[15:07:26] <@tennisace> god damn it solace
[15:07:29] <%gr8astard> !5.5
[15:07:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5500
[15:07:30] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:07:31] <+propagandhi> [16:04] <Texas> hey bkc, i've got a strong BW ouer/xy ouer that we wanted to buy but ran out of money for if you need one later in the draft
[15:07:31] <+propagandhi> [16:04] <BKC> who is it :O
[15:07:31] <+propagandhi> [16:04] <Texas> Sayonara
[15:07:33] <@tennisace> !6
[15:07:34] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[15:07:36] <+lamppost> LOL
[15:07:37] Pirusl [
Mibbit@synIRC-ED62AB3.dynamic.jazztel.es] has left #spl
[15:07:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:07:41] <%gr8astard> !6.5
[15:07:42] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 6500
[15:07:45] <@little_gk> !7
[15:07:45] <@tennisace> !7
[15:07:45] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[15:07:46] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[15:07:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:07:54] <%gr8astard> !7.5
[15:07:55] <@Funkasaurus> pm sounds familiar.
[15:07:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 7500
[15:07:58] <@tennisace> !8
[15:07:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 8000
[15:08:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:08:07] <%gr8astard> !8.5
[15:08:07] <+FLCL> !8.5
[15:08:07] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 8500
[15:08:07] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 8500.
[15:08:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:08:14] <@tennisace> !9
[15:08:14] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9000
[15:08:14] <+kd24> guys
[15:08:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:08:21] <+kd24> u got it mixed up
[15:08:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Sweep to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 9000.
[15:08:24] <%gr8astard> lol
[15:08:24] <+kd24> this isnt sweepage
[15:08:29] <+propagandhi> lol
[15:08:30] <@little_gk> OH IT ISN'T
[15:08:31] <%gr8astard> thanks for the info kd
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 32500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:08:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:08:36] <@Funkasaurus> valuable info
[15:08:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:08:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:08:41] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Symphonyx64
[15:08:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:08:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:08:49] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:09:03] <%gr8astard> !nominate thunderblunder
[15:09:03] <&SPLbot> ThunderBlunder is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / BW2 UU
[15:09:03] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:09:09] <%gengar> lmao
[15:09:09] pi_face [~
pi_face@AEA71638.AFF21A0D.D1D7BC9C.IP] has joined #spl
[15:09:10] <&Oglemi> ah the mitey
[15:09:12] <%gr8astard> i committed a blunder
[15:09:13] <@Funkasaurus> ladder god
[15:09:14] <&Oglemi> thunderblunder
[15:09:19] <+propagandhi> thunderblunder777
[15:09:19] <+propagandhi> :]
[15:09:20] <@Funkasaurus> boost 2 win
[15:09:21] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[15:09:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:09:33] <&SPLbot> SOLD: ThunderBlunder to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[15:09:36] <@Funkasaurus> the IDM Wolfpack
[15:09:38] <&Oglemi> inb4 wepwn ghosts
[15:09:40] <+cbb> thunderblunder :]]]]]
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 32500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:09:42] <%Ciele> lol
[15:09:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:09:45] <%Ciele> idm.
[15:09:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:09:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:09:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:09:56] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:09:59] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:10:02] <%Solace> !nominate leftiez
[15:10:03] <&SPLbot> Leftiez is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:10:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:10:05] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:10:09] <@Funkasaurus> guadeloupe
[15:10:09] <+CTC> IDM PAC
[15:10:09] <@little_gk> :]
[15:10:13] <%gengar> guadelope
[15:10:13] <&McMeghan> guadeloupe champion
[15:10:16] <%Solace> :o
[15:10:16] <+CTC> the EAST scooters
[15:10:20] M_X [~
MyloX@synIRC-DF522897.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #spl
[15:10:23] <@Funkasaurus> hm
[15:10:26] <@Funkasaurus> McMeghan
[15:10:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:10:28] <@Funkasaurus> you have been
[15:10:30] <@Funkasaurus> quiet
[15:10:31] <@Funkasaurus> for a while
[15:10:33] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Leftiez to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:10:35] <%Solace> ok
[15:10:36] choicespecs [
Mibbit@synIRC-E2525E8E.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:10:36] <%Solace> cool
[15:10:38] <%negres> really?
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 29500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:10:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:10:46] <%gr8astard> mcm trying to recover stall from the damage
[15:10:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:10:48] Dotteh [
Dotteh@synIRC-6C5C97A0.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #spl
[15:10:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:10:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:10:56] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:10:57] <@little_gk> rooners
[15:10:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:11:00] <@little_gk> with a lot of $$
[15:11:03] keanu [
Mibbit@synIRC-C2CED580.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[15:11:14] <%macle> gk can you buy raichy for me
[15:11:16] <%macle> ;_;
[15:11:23] <@little_gk> my money is getting low
[15:11:33] <@Funkasaurus> *ribbit*
[15:11:39] <%macle> ill give you
[15:11:41] <%macle> 2k now
[15:11:41] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[15:11:43] <+workingphil> !nominate arcticblast
[15:11:43] <&SPLbot> Arcticblast is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 NU
[15:11:43] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:11:46] <%macle> then 1k midseason
[15:11:55] fatty [Mibbit@187E1FED.59055CB4.C287A23F.IP] has left #spl
[15:12:02] fatty [Mibbit@187E1FED.59055CB4.C287A23F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:12:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:12:12] <%Solace> where's the 1k coming from?
[15:12:13] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Arcticblast to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[15:12:14] Sweep [
Mibbit@synIRC-C2CED580.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 29500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:12:22] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:12:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:12:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:12:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:12:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:12:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:12:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:12:43] therealfiremage [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:12:51] <%Ciele> nominate earthworm
[15:12:58] <@yondie> nominate sbk
[15:12:59] <@Funkasaurus> perfect opportunity
[15:13:01] <+lamppost> !33k
[15:13:04] <@Funkasaurus> !28
[15:13:08] <@Funkasaurus> damn
[15:13:10] <@Funkasaurus> outbid
[15:13:11] <+FOLGORIO> Lamppost smells poorly.
[15:13:25] <@Funkasaurus> mcmeghan
[15:13:25] <@yondie> it still blows my mind
[15:13:26] <@Funkasaurus> mooove
[15:13:28] <@yondie> that bloo cost 40k
[15:13:28] <%BAIKA> !nominate hantsuki
[15:13:29] <&SPLbot> Hantsuki is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[15:13:29] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:13:40] <%Ciele> n_n
[15:13:44] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[15:13:45] <+Stellar> hantsuki n_n
[15:13:47] <%Stone_Cold22> hantsuki the boss
[15:13:47] <&Oglemi> hantsuki is a cutie
[15:13:49] <@Funkasaurus> hot grill
[15:13:51] <@yondie> TED
[15:13:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:13:56] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:13:57] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:14:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:14:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Hantsuki to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3500.
[15:14:08] <%Solace> ok
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:14:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:14:20] <+workingphil> hantsuki!
[15:14:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:14:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:14:25] <+Earthworm|Away> Steal oO
[15:14:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:14:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:14:32] <+FOLGORIO> hey there earthworm ;]
[15:14:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:14:33] <~aldaron> the only reason im even actively watching this is because i really want to know who the ruiners get lol
[15:14:39] High_Impulse [
Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:14:42] <@little_gk> yeah aldy :O
[15:14:42] <%Stone_Cold22> lmao
[15:14:47] <%negres> 6 bloo ghostees
[15:14:48] <%negres> obviously
[15:15:03] <+reyscarface> aldaron here u go
[15:15:04] <%BAIKA> stfu aldaron
[15:15:05] <@yondie> !nominate fatty
[15:15:05] <+reyscarface> marshall law
[15:15:06] <&SPLbot> fatty is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:15:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:15:07] <+reyscarface> fatty
[15:15:08] <+reyscarface> o
[15:15:09] <+reyscarface> nvm
[15:15:11] <+reyscarface> cryos goin hard
[15:15:16] am [~
gammin@synIRC-FDB6509E.as13285.net] has left #spl
[15:15:18] <&Oglemi> da fatty
[15:15:24] <@little_gk> fatty for lc or uu
[15:15:26] <&Oglemi> goin for a steal
[15:15:27] <@little_gk> o0
[15:15:29] <+workingphil> !3.5
[15:15:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[15:15:30] <%panamaxis> !3.5
[15:15:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[15:15:35] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:15:36] <@yondie> !4
[15:15:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[15:15:39] <%negres> fatman
[15:15:40] <+reyscarface> theyre probably gettin somalia too or smth
[15:15:40] <+Red_Panda> if bloo plays 6 battles per week he's only 40k/6=6.6k per slot
[15:15:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:15:43] <+Red_Panda> worth
[15:15:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: fatty to The Cryonicles for 4000.
[15:15:52] <+Red_Panda> jk bloo sucks he's not worth that much
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:15:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:16:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:16:01] Qwilphish [
Mibbit@synIRC-F1880D92.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #spl
[15:16:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:16:08] Ginku [
Mibbit@synIRC-5B7A1119.web.vodafone.de] has joined #spl
[15:16:09] MDragon [~
androirc@synIRC-E49DB0F0.red-176-83-127.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[15:16:10] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao MDragon MDragon
[15:16:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:16:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[15:16:15] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate catcherintherai
[15:16:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Player "catcherintherai" not found.
[15:16:19] <%Solace> lol
[15:16:20] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate catcher in the rai
[15:16:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Player "catcher in the rai" not found.
[15:16:22] <@Funkasaurus> wtf
[15:16:24] <@Funkasaurus> wtf was his name
[15:16:25] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:16:29] <%gengar> lol
[15:16:31] <@tennisace> no spaces
[15:16:32] _Chase_ [~
_Chase_@synIRC-4E242C1B.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit IRC: Quit: _Chase_
[15:16:32] <+kd24> raichy
[15:16:35] <+kd24> ?
[15:16:35] <%Solace> catcherandtherai
[15:16:38] <@Nachos> melody of the wild dance.
[15:16:39] <@Funkasaurus> oh
[15:16:40] <@yondie> dumbass
[15:16:43] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate catcherandtherai
[15:16:44] <&SPLbot> CatcherAndTheRai is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC
[15:16:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[15:16:44] <&Oglemi> lol nachos
[15:16:44] <%Solace> i got u funk
[15:16:44] <+Red_Panda> catcherintheraichy
[15:16:45] <@Funkasaurus> ty mate
[15:16:47] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[15:16:49] <+CTC> in los rye
[15:17:04] <+CTC> in los cut
[15:17:06] <@Funkasaurus> so
[15:17:09] <@Funkasaurus> everyone having a good auction?
[15:17:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:17:12] <%gengar> good buy souf
[15:17:12] MDragon [~
androirc@synIRC-E49DB0F0.red-176-83-127.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client (
http://www.androirc.com )
[15:17:14] <+Red_Panda> no
[15:17:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: CatcherAndTheRai to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3000.
[15:17:15] <+Red_Panda> :(
[15:17:21] <&Oglemi> shut up nails
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:17:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:17:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:17:28] <+Earthworm|Away> wow nobody bought Ssin =/
[15:17:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:17:29] <@little_gk> yere mate
[15:17:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:17:32] <@little_gk> entertaining auction
[15:17:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:17:35] <&Oglemi> so
[15:17:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:17:38] <&Oglemi> who bidding on dr ciel
[15:17:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[15:17:42] <%Solace> lol
[15:17:43] <@Nachos> !nominate chase
[15:17:43] <&SPLbot> Chase is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:17:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:17:47] <+Red_Panda> Oglemi can you !reset
[15:17:52] <&Oglemi> yere
[15:17:58] <+CTC> !nominate Laurel
[15:17:58] <+Red_Panda> LN still doesnt know how to bid right
[15:18:01] <+CTC> !nominate Laurel
[15:18:07] <+CTC> wheres my auth
[15:18:08] <%Ciele> !nominate ctc
[15:18:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:18:10] <%Solace> lol
[15:18:12] <%Stone_Cold22> BIG CHASE
[15:18:12] _Chase_ [~
_Chase_@synIRC-4E242C1B.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #spl
[15:18:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Chase to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[15:18:18] <+lamppost> YES
[15:18:19] <&Oglemi> big chase
[15:18:19] <%Stone_Cold22> the boss
[15:18:19] <@Nachos> lmao
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:18:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:18:23] <%Stone_Cold22> big fuckin chase niggas
[15:18:25] <%Stone_Cold22> the legend
[15:18:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:18:27] <@Nachos> joins, and recieves his cake.
[15:18:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 41500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase
[15:18:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:18:33] Fakes [
Mibbit@synIRC-47D8E7D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:18:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:18:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:18:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[15:18:43] <%negres> it is time
[15:18:47] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:18:47] <%Solace> o my
[15:18:49] <@tennisace> oh no
[15:18:50] <%negres> this is a man who's been training in the mountains
[15:18:53] <+Hugendugen> did the ruiners managers leave?
[15:18:54] <@little_gk> :O
[15:18:54] <%negres> for 15+ years
[15:18:55] <@LonelyNess> someone nomiate captkirby
[15:18:57] <%Stone_Cold22> Frogs, when i never think your team could get more cancerous, you exceed my expectations
[15:18:58] <%negres> he's done his time
[15:18:58] <@yondie> LOL
[15:18:59] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:19:00] <%negres> and now he's ready
[15:19:06] <+CTC> !nominate jewtrio bundle Laurel + Jason + Ohmachi for 3k
[15:19:06] <%negres> to play on the Smogon Premier League
[15:19:12] <%negres> !nominate ezio
[15:19:13] <&SPLbot> Ezio is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[15:19:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[15:19:16] <&Oglemi> amazing
[15:19:16] <%Stone_Cold22> lolol ctc
[15:19:19] <+kd24> dere he is
[15:19:21] <+kd24> da champ
[15:19:21] <+kd24> da legend
[15:19:23] <+Red_Panda> not owrth it ctc
[15:19:27] <+Red_Panda> worth*
[15:19:31] <+workingphil> hyperbeem?
[15:19:32] <+CTC> 3k for 3
[15:19:33] <+CTC> jews
[15:19:35] <&Oglemi> is he going to try to activity win every round
[15:19:37] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[15:19:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:19:40] <%Stone_Cold22> !3.5
[15:19:43] <+Red_Panda> what would jews know about discounts
[15:19:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ezio to The Team Raiders for 3000.
[15:19:44] <%Stone_Cold22> WHAT
[15:19:45] <%Stone_Cold22> OGLMEI
[15:19:48] <%Stone_Cold22> WHAT THE FUCK MAN
[15:19:49] <+lamppost> reset
[15:19:50] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:19:50] <%negres> lol
[15:19:51] <+lamppost> cmon
[15:19:51] <&McMeghan> redo imo.
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:19:52] <+lamppost> reset
[15:19:52] <@little_gk> oh that's pretty weird
[15:19:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:19:54] <%Solace> lol
[15:19:55] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:19:56] <+CTC> why does smogon hate jews
[15:19:57] MikeDecIsHere [
Mibbit@synIRC-F48C8E5C.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[15:19:57] <+CTC> fucking nazis
[15:19:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 41500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase
[15:19:59] <&Eo> FUCK YOU STONE
[15:19:59] <%Stone_Cold22> add me
[15:20:00] <%Ciele> restart the auction
[15:20:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:20:02] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi
[15:20:04] <&Eo> I TRUSTED YOU
[15:20:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:20:05] <%Stone_Cold22> wtf
[15:20:05] <@yondie> LOL
[15:20:06] <%Stone_Cold22> we told you to
[15:20:07] <%negres> did you reallt want him stone
[15:20:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:20:08] <%Stone_Cold22> ;_;
[15:20:10] <@locopoke> !withdraw
[15:20:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[15:20:15] <@locopoke> how do i withdraw
[15:20:16] <%Stone_Cold22> i teamed w/ him before
[15:20:17] <@locopoke> im out
[15:20:17] <+kd24> how do we get outta here
[15:20:17] <%Stone_Cold22> cool dude
[15:20:18] <%Stone_Cold22> lols
[15:20:19] <+Red_Panda> !reset
[15:20:19] <&Eo> have to wait
[15:20:20] <&McMeghan> you gotta wait for your turn locopoke
[15:20:21] <%Texas> when you're up to nom
[15:20:22] <&Eo> till it comes back again
[15:20:24] <%Solace> u have to wait ur turn
[15:20:25] <@LonelyNess> kd24 you have to wait for your turn
[15:20:27] <+CTC> fuck shakeitup
[15:20:27] <@LonelyNess> err
[15:20:28] <@LonelyNess> locopoke
[15:20:29] <&Oglemi> !addbidder con stone_cold22
[15:20:29] <&SPLbot> stone_cold22 added to bidders for The Congregation of the Classiest. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:20:30] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Symphonyx64
[15:20:31] <+CTC> just throwin that out there
[15:20:32] <%Stone_Cold22> ty
[15:20:34] <@BKC> !nominate soulgazer
[15:20:34] Caledrith [Mibbit@C342C63.86102A8C.DC4FB661.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:20:35] <&SPLbot> Soulgazer is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:20:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[15:20:38] <@tennisace> wow
[15:20:38] <+lamppost> im a bidder too oglemi
[15:20:40] <&Oglemi> soulGAYzer
[15:20:45] <@yondie> hah!
[15:20:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:21:00] Caledrith [
Mibbit@synIRC-F93C34EA.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:21:04] <@Nachos> !3.5
[15:21:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3500
[15:21:04] <&Oglemi> n don't lie lamppost plz
[15:21:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:21:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Soulgazer to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3500.
[15:21:15] <@BKC> !4
[15:21:18] <+lamppost> cmon i have sops in the team chan i must be legit
[15:21:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:21:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 38000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer
[15:21:31] Cased [~
cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC
[15:21:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:21:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:21:37] <+Red_Panda> you have sops in east's chan and didn't do shit in wcop
[15:21:38] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:21:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[15:21:45] <@yondie> OWNED
[15:21:45] <+Earthworm|Away> ....
[15:21:50] <+Earthworm|Away> does ruins rrly have 48.5k
[15:21:53] <+Earthworm|Away> wow
[15:21:53] <%gengar> !nominate blue_eon
[15:21:54] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Player "blue_eon" not found.
[15:21:57] <+Earthworm|Away> 5 players
[15:21:58] <&Oglemi> space
[15:21:59] <%gengar> !nominate blue eon
[15:22:00] <%Ciele> space
[15:22:00] <&SPLbot> Blue Eon is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 RU / GSC OU
[15:22:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[15:22:00] <+cbb> learn it it's fcking spaces
[15:22:03] badass [
fla@f.fy] has quit IRC: Quit: badass
[15:22:04] Honus [~
Africanus@come.fly.with.me] has quit IRC: Quit:
[15:22:07] <+FOLGORIO> worm
[15:22:09] <+kd24> u know we're getting to the dumps
[15:22:11] <+kd24> when blue eon
[15:22:12] <@little_gk> blue eon isn't bad
[15:22:13] <+kd24> is being nominated
[15:22:20] <&Oglemi> blue eon is mighty kd shhhh
[15:22:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:22:26] <%Ciele> blue eon defeated Earthworm last season
[15:22:29] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Blue Eon to The Indie Scooters for 3000.
[15:22:30] <+FOLGORIO> theyre saving
[15:22:31] <+Earthworm|Away> =/
[15:22:31] <@BKC> earthworm slayer...
[15:22:34] <+FOLGORIO> for out midseason sign up
[15:22:34] kRunsOverU [
Mibbit@BE54A2E8.AD97140E.BCDCB55E.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:22:35] <&Oglemi> .rekt
[15:22:37] <%Ciele> sorry Wormling
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:22:39] <+kd24> yeah "he" defeated earthworm
[15:22:40] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:22:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:22:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 38000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer
[15:22:47] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:22:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:22:53] Cased [~
cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #spl
[15:22:53] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:22:56] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[15:22:57] <@locopoke> we out
[15:22:58] <%negres> !withdraw
[15:22:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders have withdrawn from the auction.
[15:22:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:23:05] <@tennisace> cya
[15:23:07] <%Solace> bye
[15:23:07] <@locopoke> spent fat stacks on some bomb ass crystal
[15:23:09] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has left #spl
[15:23:10] <&Oglemi> bye raiders peace
[15:23:11] <%gr8astard> !nominate stone_cold55
[15:23:14] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:23:16] <+kd24> we still gonna watch doe
[15:23:16] <@little_gk> thanks for hnc raiders
[15:23:17] <%Stone_Cold22> gr8
[15:23:17] <@little_gk> c:
[15:23:18] <%Stone_Cold22> this ones for u
[15:23:19] <+kd24> we still gonna watch
[15:23:21] <@Nachos> !nominate zodiacthekid
[15:23:22] <&SPLbot> ZodiacTheKid is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 RU
[15:23:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:23:25] <%gr8astard> rofl
[15:23:30] <%Stone_Cold22> go ahead
[15:23:32] <%Stone_Cold22> i know your gonna
[15:23:37] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[15:23:37] negres [
negres@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has quit IRC: Quit:
[15:23:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[15:23:38] Jayde [~
stfu.its.@nana.bread] has quit IRC: Quit: Jayde
[15:23:39] <&McMeghan> lmao
[15:23:39] <@Nachos> !4
[15:23:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[15:23:43] <%gr8astard> !4.5
[15:23:44] TheMantyke [~
shnozmast@I.AM.THE.MAN.dot.dot.dot.tyke] has left #spl
[15:23:44] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[15:23:45] <+CTC> DAVE
[15:23:46] <@Nachos> !5
[15:23:46] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[15:23:47] <+CTC> U DIRTY FUCK
[15:23:48] <+CTC> LOOOOL
[15:23:49] <%gr8astard> !5.5
[15:23:49] <%Stone_Cold22> LMAO
[15:23:50] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5500
[15:23:50] <%Stone_Cold22> GG
[15:23:51] <+cbb> JJ :]
[15:23:52] <@Nachos> !6
[15:23:52] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[15:23:53] <%Stone_Cold22> !6
[15:23:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[15:23:56] <+propagandhi> dave
[15:23:56] <+CTC> UPBEEEED
[15:23:57] <+lamppost> !25
[15:23:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:23:58] <+propagandhi> you're anass.
[15:24:00] <%gr8astard> !6.5
[15:24:00] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 6500
[15:24:00] <+propagandhi> lol
[15:24:02] <%Stone_Cold22> !7
[15:24:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[15:24:03] <+cbb> lol
[15:24:04] <+propagandhi> LOL
[15:24:05] <@little_gk> the plays
[15:24:07] <+propagandhi> you asshole
[15:24:07] <+propagandhi> jesus
[15:24:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:24:11] <+propagandhi> come on hug
[15:24:12] <&SPLbot> SOLD: ZodiacTheKid to The Congregation of the Classiest for 7000.
[15:24:12] <%gr8astard> enjoy
[15:24:13] <+propagandhi> do it
[15:24:14] <+propagandhi> LOL
[15:24:17] <+propagandhi> gg jj
[15:24:17] <@Nachos> excellent
[15:24:19] <+kd24> hey they had to spend money sometime
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:24:20] <%Stone_Cold22> I LIKE JJ
[15:24:21] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[15:24:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:24:25] <%gr8astard> ;]
[15:24:25] <+CTC> dave lemme make an analogy
[15:24:26] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:24:29] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:24:32] negres [~
Fannysmel@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has joined #spl
[15:24:32] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h negres
[15:24:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:24:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:24:38] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[15:24:42] <+CTC> u have usb drive
[15:24:45] Ginku [
Mibbit@synIRC-5B7A1119.web.vodafone.de] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:24:46] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:24:48] <+CTC> but hugo has the documents
[15:25:05] <+CTC> the usb is useless with u!!!!
[15:25:11] <%Solace> Ok.
[15:25:12] <%Stone_Cold22> how is ctc and gr8astard able to talk at the sametime is what im trying to figure out
[15:25:17] Ajwf [~
jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #spl
[15:25:19] <+cbb> CTC :]
[15:25:20] <@Funkasaurus> one sec
[15:25:23] Ernesto [~
cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:25:24] <@little_gk> funk :D
[15:25:27] <+CTC> LOL took me a sedcond
[15:25:29] <%Solace> funk :>
[15:25:29] <&Oglemi> funk the delayer smh
[15:25:30] <@little_gk> how is your draft going
[15:25:30] <+lamppost> two laptops ambidexterous
[15:25:30] <+CTC> fuck u
[15:25:31] liberty32 [
Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:25:32] <+CTC> dave
[15:25:34] <%Stone_Cold22> gg
[15:25:37] <%gr8astard> fuck dave
[15:25:39] <%gr8astard> hes never on
[15:25:41] <+CTC> fuck dave
[15:25:43] <%gr8astard> then he just bullies us
[15:25:44] <%gr8astard> fuck dave
[15:25:47] <+CTC> just a buddlie
[15:25:48] <+Red_Panda> fuck dave
[15:25:50] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate dr ciel
[15:25:50] <+Earthworm|Away> Ssin
[15:25:50] <+CTC> bullie
[15:25:51] <&SPLbot> Dr Ciel is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:25:51] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[15:25:54] <@Funkasaurus> LFG
[15:25:54] <+CTC> THE DR
[15:25:55] <%Solace> lol
[15:25:57] <+CTC> DROP STAX
[15:25:57] <@Nachos> Ah!
[15:25:58] <+CTC> NIGGAS
[15:25:59] <+Red_Panda> ITS HAPPENING
[15:25:59] <&Oglemi> ah finally
[15:26:04] <%gr8astard> Stone_Cold22: sure
[15:26:05] <%gr8astard> [4:28pm] Stone_Cold22: your a good player
[15:26:05] <+CTC> !41k
[15:26:05] <%gr8astard> [4:28pm] Stone_Cold22: but i make my players men
[15:26:06] <%gr8astard> fuck stone cold
[15:26:09] <+Red_Panda> !8
[15:26:11] imanalt|phone [~
imanaltph@this.isnt.a.v.host] has quit IRC: Quit: Colloquy for iPhone -
[15:26:11] Texas|afk [
Mibbit@synIRC-CC16B287.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #spl
[15:26:11] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Texas|afk
[15:26:12] <+CTC> invaluable rmts
[15:26:15] <+lamppost> !3.5
[15:26:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:26:17] <@tennisace> oh my god
[15:26:17] <+lamppost> ogleme?
[15:26:18] Ernesto [~
cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has joined #spl
[15:26:20] Texas [
Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Texas|afk)
[15:26:21] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Dr Ciel to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3000.
[15:26:21] <+lamppost> oglemi its not owrking
[15:26:23] <+CTC> and irc sext
[15:26:23] <+lamppost> !3.5
[15:26:25] <+lamppost> omg
[15:26:26] <+CTC> to raise team morale
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:26:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:26:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:26:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:26:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:26:43] <@BKC> .............
[15:26:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:26:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:26:52] <@yondie> !nominate p e j e l a g a r t o
[15:26:53] <&SPLbot> P E J E L A G A R T O is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU
[15:26:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:26:56] <@BKC> oh my god
[15:26:58] <%gengar> peje
[15:26:59] <+lamppost> lmao
[15:27:00] <%gengar> the god
[15:27:03] <%Solace> lol
[15:27:05] <@little_gk> :o
[15:27:13] Furai [
furai@live.like.a.warrior] has joined #spl
[15:27:14] <@Funkasaurus> someone
[15:27:17] <@Funkasaurus> how withdraw
[15:27:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:27:18] donkey [~
asdf@synIRC-14FB02AD.dhcp.asfd.ct.charter.com] has left #spl
[15:27:21] <%BAIKA> thats a steal
[15:27:22] <@Funkasaurus> no quiero jugar mas
[15:27:22] <%BAIKA> damn
[15:27:23] <&SPLbot> SOLD: P E J E L A G A R T O to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[15:27:23] donkey [~
asdf@synIRC-14FB02AD.dhcp.asfd.ct.charter.com] has joined #spl
[15:27:23] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:23] <@yondie> i dont fuck around
[15:27:24] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:24] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:25] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:25] <%Solace> when it's your turn you type !withdraw
[15:27:29] <+propagandhi> ask.fm/drciel
[15:27:29] <+CTC> ITS A SCAM
[15:27:30] <@BKC> laurel is a genius
[15:27:31] <@Funkasaurus> fk
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:27:33] <+Earthworm|Away> i believe the command is !nominate Ssin
[15:27:34] <@Funkasaurus> i'm right in the middle
[15:27:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:27:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:27:40] <+CTC> ITS A DUDE
[15:27:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:27:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:27:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:27:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:27:53] <+propagandhi> ask.fm/drciel
[15:27:54] <&Oglemi> ah finally
[15:27:55] <&Oglemi> the ruiners
[15:28:09] Snunch [~
Snunch@synIRC-744DBD8F.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Textual IRC Client:
[15:28:16] <@tennisace> withdraw imo
[15:28:19] <&McMeghan> h/o
[15:28:23] <+CTC> fuck snunch
[15:28:30] <+CTC> u better quit
[15:28:35] <+CTC> hoe ah bih
[15:28:41] <+propagandhi> hush ctc
[15:28:41] <%CTI> Searchin for scraps
[15:28:54] <@yondie> 4k more niggas
[15:29:04] <&McMeghan> !nominate myzozoa
[15:29:05] <&SPLbot> Myzozoa is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:29:05] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:29:17] <+propagandhi> good nom
[15:29:19] <+propagandhi> mcm
[15:29:21] Scene [Mibbit@1245ED6C.4E543C9B.33345C42.IP] has joined #spl
[15:29:29] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:29:34] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Myzozoa to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[15:29:37] <&Oglemi> amazing
[15:29:43] <+propagandhi> ye that was good
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:29:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:29:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:29:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:29:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:29:58] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:30:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:30:05] Erick17 [
Mibbit@synIRC-939A0F33.sub-174-240-64.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[15:30:08] jcm [pk.subb@n.2strong] has joined #spl
[15:30:12] <+workingphil> !nominate whitequeen
[15:30:12] <&SPLbot> WhiteQueen is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[15:30:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:30:15] <%Solace> lol
[15:30:16] <@little_gk> :O
[15:30:17] <%gengar> there he is
[15:30:18] <@tennisace> lol
[15:30:25] <+Red_Panda> overpaid
[15:30:28] <%Solace> lol
[15:30:36] <@tennisace> i3.5
[15:30:37] <&McMeghan> i bet classic will get koko to ban him
[15:30:37] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:30:41] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[15:30:43] Kingmidas [
Mibbit@synIRC-F9FBE723.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[15:30:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[15:30:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:30:51] <%panamaxis> !4
[15:30:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4000
[15:30:52] <+workingphil> !4
[15:30:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:30:53] <@makiri> !4
[15:30:53] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:30:55] <%panamaxis> jesus
[15:30:55] <%gengar> lol
[15:30:55] <+Earthworm|Away> lol
[15:30:56] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:30:56] BAIKA [~
RAKKA@the.teleporter.she.beacons] has left #spl
[15:30:56] BAIKA [~
RAKKA@the.teleporter.she.beacons] has joined #spl
[15:30:57] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h BAIKA
[15:30:57] <+Stellar> !4
[15:30:57] <+cbb> sharks going hard
[15:30:58] <+Red_Panda> !4
[15:30:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:30:59] <%panamaxis> we suck at this
[15:30:59] <%Solace> lol
[15:31:01] <&SPLbot> SOLD: WhiteQueen to The Stark Sharks for 4000.
[15:31:04] <@makiri> !4
[15:31:05] <%Solace> that coordination
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 24000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:31:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:31:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:31:16] <%Ciele> no marth + whitequeen
[15:31:17] <%Ciele> boo
[15:31:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:31:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:31:23] <%gr8astard> my plans...
[15:31:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:31:27] <+CTC> damn team of (BAN ME PLEASE)
[15:31:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:31:29] <+CTC> whitequeer
[15:31:30] <+CTC> shakeitup
[15:31:31] <%Solace> !nominate raichy
[15:31:31] <&SPLbot> Raichy is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[15:31:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:31:32] <+CTC> damn
[15:31:41] <+DEKZEH> my raichy
[15:31:42] <@Funkasaurus> gooo raichy *-*
[15:31:42] <+DEKZEH> no
[15:31:44] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has left #spl
[15:31:47] badass [
fla@f.fy] has joined #spl
[15:31:50] <+DEKZEH> Raichy are u sad u wont be a frogger
[15:31:50] <+DEKZEH> :[
[15:31:56] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:32:02] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Raichy to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:32:02] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:32:05] <%macle> raichy my love
[15:32:05] <@tennisace> okey
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 23000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 24000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:32:12] Snowflakes [~
Snowflake@synIRC-6419D5FF.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #spl
[15:32:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:32:17] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:32:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:32:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:32:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:32:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:32:34] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:32:36] <%gr8astard> !nominate yusuke
[15:32:36] <&SPLbot> Yusuke is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[15:32:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:32:49] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:32:49] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:32:53] <%gr8astard> !4
[15:32:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4000
[15:32:58] WaterBomb [
Mibbit@synIRC-2DF30FBD.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[15:33:01] <+lamppost> u mad gr8?
[15:33:01] <%Ciele> wow he's not even idm
[15:33:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:33:06] <%gr8astard> lol
[15:33:06] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Yusuke to The Wifi Wolfpack for 4000.
[15:33:09] <+Red_Panda> lold
[15:33:14] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 23000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 24000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:33:16] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:33:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:33:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:33:22] Badabing [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[15:33:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:33:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:33:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:33:33] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:33:49] CTI [
it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client (
http://www.androirc.com )
[15:34:00] <%gr8astard> !nominate kevin garrett
[15:34:01] <&SPLbot> Kevin Garrett is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:34:01] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:34:03] <@Funkasaurus> ah yes
[15:34:04] <&McMeghan> ouh!
[15:34:04] <%gengar> lmao
[15:34:04] <@little_gk> :O
[15:34:06] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:34:06] <+cbb> it's over
[15:34:07] <@BKC> nice
[15:34:08] <&Oglemi> finally
[15:34:09] <%Solace> ah
[15:34:10] <@tennisace> w0w
[15:34:15] <+workingphil> !3.5
[15:34:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[15:34:17] <+Stellar> much ddos
[15:34:17] <@Funkasaurus> now we're Talking.
[15:34:24] <+Hugendugen> how the mighty have fallen
[15:34:24] <@little_gk> tennis we need more lc players
[15:34:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:34:30] <%Ciele> ah
[15:34:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Kevin Garrett to The Stark Sharks for 3500.
[15:34:31] <+cbb> phil got em
[15:34:33] Lavos [~
CRUSHIN@synIRC-7E595417.bois.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Lavos
[15:34:33] <%Ciele> Kevin_G
[15:34:35] <&McMeghan> lmao
[15:34:35] <@tennisace> idk how many are left
[15:34:38] <@tennisace> is bloo still available
[15:34:38] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 23000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 20500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:34:39] <&McMeghan> you guys got owned
[15:34:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:34:41] <+Red_Panda> they took a risk. will it pay off?
[15:34:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:34:46] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:34:49] WaterBomb [
Mibbit@synIRC-2DF30FBD.dyn.optonline.net] has left #spl
[15:34:50] srk1214 [
Mibbit@869423CC.C9888D2C.734B5B5B.IP] has joined #spl
[15:34:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:34:52] <&McMeghan> pls show us #sharks right now
[15:34:52] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:34:52] <%BAIKA> kg ddosed all the other bidders
[15:34:55] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:34:55] <+workingphil>
[15:34:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:35:00] <%Solace> !nominate sebixxl
[15:35:01] <&SPLbot> sebixxl is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:35:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:35:06] Ezio [
Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has left #spl
[15:35:20] <%Solace> no 1??
[15:35:23] <@little_gk> who this be
[15:35:25] <@tennisace> idek
[15:35:26] <+cbb> germans :]
[15:35:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:35:30] <+ZEB> :]
[15:35:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: sebixxl to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:35:32] <%gengar> hy
[15:35:33] <&Oglemi> tigres loading up on the nobodys
[15:35:34] <%Solace> ok
[15:35:35] <%gengar> cbb hy
[15:35:38] <+cbb> hy
[15:35:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:35:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:35:39] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 20500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett
[15:35:40] <@Funkasaurus> hy
[15:35:40] <+ZEB> oglemi :'(
[15:35:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:35:42] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:35:42] <@yondie> sebixxl is good
[15:35:44] <@yondie> thats a nice buy
[15:35:45] <%Solace> oglemi is rude af
[15:35:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:35:48] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:35:51] <&Oglemi> .trl
[15:35:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:35:54] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:35:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:36:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:36:04] <%Ciele> sebixxl went 2-1 in wcop
[15:36:05] <+Hugendugen> tigers which of your ubers players are you gonna trade to LN?
[15:36:07] <%Ciele> that's as good as laurel
[15:36:15] <+Red_Panda> :o
[15:36:21] Genesectless [
Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has joined #spl
[15:36:24] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[15:36:27] <@tennisace> none of them hugen
[15:36:29] <+workingphil> !nominate the wolf
[15:36:30] <&SPLbot> The Wolf is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU
[15:36:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:36:30] <+Stellar> awooo
[15:36:31] <@tennisace> we're gonna buy more
[15:36:33] <@tennisace> WOOF
[15:36:35] <@Nachos> the wolf.
[15:36:36] <&Oglemi> WOOF
[15:36:37] <+Red_Panda> #tactics
[15:36:39] <&McMeghan> ah teddies
[15:36:43] <@LonelyNess> tennisace has moved on from VGC
[15:36:44] <+ZEB> WOOF
[15:36:45] <@LonelyNess> he values ubers
[15:36:47] <@LonelyNess> above all
[15:36:49] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:36:49] <@little_gk> DA WOOF
[15:36:49] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:36:52] <+Red_Panda> duh
[15:36:53] <+workingphil> !4
[15:36:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4000
[15:36:55] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:36:55] <%BAIKA> snap
[15:36:56] <@Funkasaurus> wolf
[15:36:56] <+Red_Panda> ubers are the strongest
[15:36:58] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[15:36:59] <%BAIKA> do it tigers
[15:36:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:37:00] <%BAIKA> once more
[15:37:02] <@tennisace> naw
[15:37:04] <&SPLbot> SOLD: The Wolf to The Stark Sharks for 4000.
[15:37:06] <@tennisace> u can have her
[15:37:11] <@tennisace> :]
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:37:14] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:37:15] <%macle> tennis get briyella
[15:37:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:37:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:37:23] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:37:26] <@tennisace> o briella is still available?
[15:37:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:37:28] mfhoundooom [
Mibbit@synIRC-647B2F17.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:37:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:37:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:37:34] locopoke [
i@m.so.black] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 181 seconds
[15:37:42] <&McMeghan> !nominate silvershadow234
[15:37:43] <&SPLbot> Silvershadow234 is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[15:37:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:37:46] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@2D9C9DD9:4BEB109F:D60B0006:IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
[15:37:56] <&Oglemi> ah yes good lad
[15:38:05] <+kd24> i cant believe some of these people are worth equally to marcelo
[15:38:06] <+kd24> to you guys
[15:38:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:38:11] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:38:13] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Silvershadow234 to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[15:38:16] labyrinthine [
Mibbit@synIRC-888BAA8D.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au] has joined #spl
[15:38:19] <&Oglemi> major steal
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:38:21] <@tennisace> are you saying marcelo is worth less than 3k
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:38:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:38:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:38:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:38:30] <&McMeghan> maybe because this tour isnt about getting names but having a good synergy too kd
[15:38:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:38:36] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:38:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:38:42] <@yondie> synergy>names
[15:38:42] <+cbb> yea i can't believe this guy is worth as much as mdk either
[15:38:47] <@yondie> !nominate Atomicllamas
[15:38:47] <&SPLbot> atomicllamas is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:38:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:38:48] <&Eo> I <3 marcelo
[15:38:49] <+cbb> should have reduced mdks starting bid to 1k
[15:38:51] <&Oglemi> YES
[15:38:51] <@BKC> wtf where is the scooters noms
[15:38:53] <+cbb> to make it fair
[15:38:54] <&Oglemi> ATOMICLLAMAS
[15:38:56] <@tennisace> LLAMAS
[15:38:56] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:38:57] <@tennisace> :D
[15:39:04] <+cbb> bkc it's called snake draft
[15:39:05] <+kd24> mdk = all time great
[15:39:05] <+Red_Panda> llamas n_n
[15:39:08] <@yondie> :)
[15:39:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:39:14] <@Funkasaurus> marcy
[15:39:14] <@Funkasaurus> ._.
[15:39:17] <@LonelyNess> rodan and captkirby
[15:39:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: atomicllamas to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[15:39:18] <@LonelyNess> are still
[15:39:19] <&Oglemi> fucking steal as shit
[15:39:19] <@LonelyNess> available
[15:39:21] <@yondie> !withdraw
[15:39:22] <@LonelyNess> someone buy these men
[15:39:25] <@yondie> :/
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:39:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:39:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:39:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:39:38] <@tennisace> yondie its automatic
[15:39:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:39:39] <+kd24> do the cryos
[15:39:40] steeledges [
i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:39:40] <@tennisace> when you cant buy more
[15:39:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:39:41] <+kd24> have 19 players
[15:39:42] <+kd24> lol
[15:39:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:39:46] Snowflakes [~
Snowflake@synIRC-6419D5FF.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #spl
[15:39:47] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[15:39:48] <@Funkasaurus> later nerds
[15:39:49] <@yondie> we go hard
[15:39:50] <@Funkasaurus> !withdraw
[15:39:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs have withdrawn from the auction.
[15:39:50] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:39:53] badass [
fla@f.fy] has quit IRC: Quit: badass
[15:39:54] <@tennisace> cya
[15:39:54] <%Solace> bye funk
[15:39:58] <+lamppost> cya
[15:39:59] choicespecs [
Mibbit@synIRC-E2525E8E.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:40:01] <@Funkasaurus> thanks for playing
[15:40:02] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[15:40:10] <+cbb> thx 4 pts
[15:40:10] <+Red_Panda> cya nerds
[15:40:13] <+Red_Panda> yolo out
[15:40:14] Oglemi pet funk
[15:40:15] <@Nachos> !nominate kid buu
[15:40:16] <&SPLbot> Kid Buu is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU
[15:40:16] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:40:18] <&McMeghan> ouh
[15:40:28] <%BAIKA> goku's worst nemesis
[15:40:31] <%BAIKA> but nigga not canon
[15:40:33] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[15:40:33] <&Oglemi> i've never heard of this person either
[15:40:37] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:40:37] <%Stone_Cold22> yo
[15:40:40] <%Stone_Cold22> i make legends
[15:40:40] <%Stone_Cold22> dw about it
[15:40:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:40:41] <@Funkasaurus> the youngest of buus
[15:40:44] <%Stone_Cold22> noone knew dragonuser either
[15:40:45] Oglemi pet stone
[15:40:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Kid Buu to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[15:40:48] <%Stone_Cold22> noone knew ifm
[15:40:50] fitzy [~
r@synIRC-6EF63F54.cable.virginm.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
[15:40:51] <%Stone_Cold22> noone knew lamppost
[15:40:51] <&Oglemi> i believe in you stone
[15:40:52] <@Nachos> excellent
[15:40:53] <%Stone_Cold22> I GOT THIS
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:40:55] brb [
Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has joined #spl
[15:40:57] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:40:58] <+Hugendugen> kid buu absorbs his opponents skills every week
[15:41:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:41:01] <+Red_Panda> the world would've been better without anyone knowing dragonuser
[15:41:02] therealfiremage [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[15:41:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 28000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu
[15:41:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:41:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:41:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:41:15] <+CTC> u jusr manipulate selfmade legends
[15:41:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[15:41:17] <+CTC> dave
[15:41:21] <+CTC> fuck yo couch
[15:41:22] <@BKC> !nominate liberty32
[15:41:23] <&SPLbot> liberty32 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:41:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[15:41:28] <@Funkasaurus> who
[15:41:28] Make [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:41:29] <@Funkasaurus> even
[15:41:31] <&Oglemi> who the hell are these people
[15:41:46] <@Funkasaurus> i guess thats what happens
[15:41:47] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:41:52] <@Funkasaurus> when you bid like 13k on your internet wife
[15:41:52] <+Red_Panda> these players are at least as good as oglemi y/n
[15:41:53] <&SPLbot> SOLD: liberty32 to The Indie Scooters for 3000.
[15:41:58] <&Oglemi> y
[15:41:58] little_gk shrug
[15:42:00] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:42:01] <@Funkasaurus> better than ogles
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:42:02] <@Funkasaurus> imo
[15:42:03] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:42:05] <&Eo> <aisasuh> quote me in spl to mcmeghan
[15:42:05] <&Eo> <aisasuh> marceloDK can beat all of his team in their respective tier
[15:42:06] <&Oglemi> n
[15:42:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:42:10] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 28000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu
[15:42:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:42:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:42:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:42:20] <&Oglemi> lol eo
[15:42:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:42:24] <%gengar> !withdraw
[15:42:29] <&Oglemi> ggGG
[15:42:38] <+ZEB> only on your turn :[
[15:42:42] <%gengar> :(
[15:42:43] <%Stone_Cold22> !Lord Elyis
[15:42:45] Phetto [
Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has left #spl
[15:42:47] <%Stone_Cold22> !nominate Lord Elyis
[15:42:48] <&SPLbot> Lord Elyis is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[15:42:48] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:42:49] <&Oglemi> your done anyway gengar aren't you
[15:42:53] <%Stone_Cold22> hi gr8
[15:42:55] <%Stone_Cold22> sup?
[15:42:57] <@Nachos> lmao
[15:42:57] <%Stone_Cold22> hows vagabond
[15:43:00] <%Ciele> idm.
[15:43:01] <+cbb> gr8astard :]
[15:43:09] <%gr8astard> :]
[15:43:13] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:43:18] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Lord Elyis to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:43:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:43:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:43:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:43:41] <&Oglemi> man i used to know everyone on the forums
[15:43:42] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:43:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:43:46] <&Oglemi> i'm turning into a cranky old man
[15:43:48] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:43:52] george182 [
Mibbit@synIRC-E12A9388.host.redstation.co.uk] has left #spl
[15:44:02] comatthew6 [~
com@synIRC-3460DAC6.dyn.optonline.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[15:44:03] <%Ciele> it doesn't help that a lot of these players are from po
[15:44:05] <+lamppost> <nachos> tell oglemi to give lamppost bidding powers i gotta go
[15:44:13] <@Nachos> lmao
[15:44:15] <+Stellar> oglemi
[15:44:18] <%Ciele> you don't get many good new players from smogon anymore
[15:44:23] <+Stellar> p accurate imo
[15:44:25] <+workingphil> manofgod
[15:44:27] <+workingphil> blight?!
[15:44:34] <&Oglemi> rofl stone cold
[15:44:36] <&McMeghan> !nominate Dcae
[15:44:37] <&SPLbot> dcae is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 RU
[15:44:37] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:44:38] <+cbb> he deleted his post phil
[15:44:38] <&Oglemi> o stellar
[15:44:39] <+cbb> =\
[15:44:39] <&Eo> !addbidder con lamppost
[15:44:40] <&SPLbot> lamppost added to bidders for The Congregation of the Classiest. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[15:44:42] <@tennisace> ah dcae
[15:44:43] <&Oglemi> very accurate imo
[15:44:44] <@Nachos> LOL
[15:44:46] <@little_gk> dcae isn't bad
[15:44:49] <+cbb> Not Bad
[15:44:55] <%Ciele> free blightbringer
[15:44:57] <@BKC> why has no one bid on
[15:44:59] <+Red_Panda> notbad.jpg
[15:44:59] <@BKC> somalia
[15:44:59] <@BKC> :o
[15:45:00] <+workingphil> !3.5
[15:45:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[15:45:03] <%BAIKA> team cancer
[15:45:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:45:07] <&McMeghan> !4
[15:45:07] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[15:45:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:45:13] <&Eo> wait was that a fake log lamppost
[15:45:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: dcae to The Alpha Ruiners for 4000.
[15:45:19] fitzy [~
r@synIRC-6EF63F54.cable.virginm.net] has joined #spl
[15:45:19] <+Red_Panda> dcae is worth 1/40 of bloo
[15:45:21] <+Red_Panda> thoughts?
[15:45:23] <+lamppost> no
[15:45:24] <@tennisace> 1/10
[15:45:25] <+lamppost> eo
[15:45:25] <+Red_Panda> 1/10
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:45:26] <&McMeghan> 1/10
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:45:27] <+Red_Panda> i typoed
[15:45:28] <&McMeghan> learn to math
[15:45:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:45:29] <+Red_Panda> :<
[15:45:32] <%BAIKA> idiot
[15:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:45:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:45:37] <+Red_Panda> ;_;
[15:45:38] <@Funkasaurus> did no one get blight
[15:45:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:45:42] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:45:45] <&Oglemi> idt blight signed up
[15:45:45] <+Red_Panda> BrightBlinger.
[15:45:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:45:46] <&Oglemi> did he
[15:45:46] <%BAIKA> did he even sign up
[15:45:47] <&McMeghan> blight signed off
[15:45:47] <+cbb> funk he deleted his post
[15:45:48] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:45:49] <@Funkasaurus> fk
[15:45:56] <&Oglemi> ah
[15:45:57] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate manofgof
[15:45:59] Mocirano [
Mibbit@synIRC-A369765E.cable.virginm.net] has joined #spl
[15:45:59] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate manofgod
[15:46:00] <%Solace> lol
[15:46:03] <&Oglemi> manofGOF
[15:46:04] <+DEKZEH> manofgod
[15:46:13] <%Stone_Cold22> funkasaurus
[15:46:15] <@tennisace> !nominate sharktooth the chomper
[15:46:15] <+workingphil> !nominate lust
[15:46:16] <&SPLbot> LUST is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU
[15:46:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:46:17] <+Red_Panda> manofgolf
[15:46:20] <%Stone_Cold22> you going for MikeDecIsHere?
[15:46:20] <%Solace> ah
[15:46:21] liberty32 [
Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[15:46:23] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:46:24] <%gengar> lol
[15:46:25] <@Funkasaurus> i withdrew
[15:46:29] <%Stone_Cold22> heard you were a big fan
[15:46:30] <%Stone_Cold22> :(
[15:46:33] <%Stone_Cold22> thought u were a fan
[15:46:34] <&McMeghan> someone upbid them
[15:46:34] <@Funkasaurus> i'll get him mid season y/n
[15:46:35] <&McMeghan> go tigers
[15:46:39] <+ZEB> go mcm
[15:46:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:46:43] <@Funkasaurus> if only wolfpack bid
[15:46:45] Frexa [
Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:46:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: LUST to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[15:46:50] <@little_gk> mcm with 38k and won't upbid
[15:46:52] <@little_gk> smh
[15:46:53] <&Oglemi> sneaky sharks imo
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:46:57] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:47:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:47:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:47:07] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:47:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:47:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:47:19] Porygon [
Mibbit@synIRC-3E34299E.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:47:20] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Porygon
[15:47:21] <%Solace> !nominate wushl_
[15:47:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "wushl_" not found.
[15:47:34] <%Solace> !nominate wushl
[15:47:34] <@little_gk> no _
[15:47:35] <&SPLbot> Wushl is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[15:47:35] <+ZEB> no _
[15:47:35] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:47:37] <%Solace> my b
[15:47:40] <@tennisace> there ya go
[15:47:41] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:47:46] <@Funkasaurus> wat
[15:47:47] <%BAIKA> tigers need 30 players
[15:47:50] <@tennisace> ya
[15:47:52] <%BAIKA> let them have it
[15:47:53] <%Solace> mhmm
[15:47:58] <@Funkasaurus> the tiger dynasty
[15:47:58] <@little_gk> why is anyone surprised by our draft
[15:48:00] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:48:01] <@little_gk> we do the same shit
[15:48:03] <@little_gk> every year
[15:48:04] <@tennisace> we're trying to start a cult not a tournament team
[15:48:05] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Wushl to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:48:06] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:48:10] <%Solace> gaga
[15:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 17000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl
[15:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:48:13] <%Solace> haha***
[15:48:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:48:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:48:16] <&Oglemi> wait til late game, get 3k bids like 10 times
[15:48:18] <@Funkasaurus> gk
[15:48:18] <@Funkasaurus> tennis
[15:48:19] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:48:20] <@Funkasaurus> solace
[15:48:21] <@Funkasaurus> tell me
[15:48:22] <@little_gk> funk :}
[15:48:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:48:23] <@Funkasaurus> who is this person
[15:48:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:48:27] <@little_gk> german
[15:48:29] <%Solace> your mother
[15:48:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:48:31] <@little_gk> friends with rocka
[15:48:31] <@tennisace> he's a vgc player
[15:48:31] <@Funkasaurus> hy
[15:48:32] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:48:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:48:36] <+Biosci> he is german vgcer
[15:48:37] <&Oglemi> lol tennis
[15:48:38] <+Red_Panda> Oglemi are you the strategic analyst for CLG by chance?
[15:48:38] <+Hugendugen> !nominate pwnemon
[15:48:40] <%gr8astard> !nominate papai noel
[15:48:43] <@tennisace> we're serious
[15:48:46] <%Solace> she's playing for our team
[15:48:47] <+Red_Panda> hashtag lategame
[15:48:49] <@tennisace> gotta stock up on our vgc
[15:48:49] <&Oglemi> ye nails can't you tell
[15:48:53] Porygon [
Mibbit@synIRC-3E34299E.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:48:58] Lohgock [~
Lohgock@synIRC-10749598.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #spl
[15:49:06] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate papai noel
[15:49:09] <@Funkasaurus> copy pasterino
[15:49:12] <+FLCL> !nominate papai noel
[15:49:13] <&SPLbot> papai noel is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[15:49:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:49:35] <+CTC> damn
[15:49:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:49:41] Snunch [~
Snunch@synIRC-744DBD8F.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:49:42] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Snunch
[15:49:42] Mocirano [
Mibbit@synIRC-A369765E.cable.virginm.net] has left #spl
[15:49:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: papai noel to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[15:49:49] <+Red_Panda> ok snunch is here
[15:49:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:49:51] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 17000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl
[15:49:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:49:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:49:52] <+Red_Panda> now we can start
[15:49:52] <+CTC> wolves stackin up on 3k garbs
[15:49:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:49:55] <+CTC> noel
[15:49:55] <%gr8astard> !withdraw
[15:49:56] <+CTC> blunder
[15:49:57] <+CTC> etc
[15:49:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:49:58] <+CTC> damn
[15:50:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:50:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:50:05] Foster [~
cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC
[15:50:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:50:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:50:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:50:16] <%Solace> !nominate treecko
[15:50:16] <&SPLbot> Treecko is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC
[15:50:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:50:20] <@little_gk> treecko :D
[15:50:23] <@tennisace> teko|auay
[15:50:39] <@little_gk> lol fuck we're just wasting money at this point
[15:50:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:50:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Treecko to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:50:47] <&Oglemi> treecko for 3k amazing
[15:50:50] Jorgen [~
Jorgen@magic.pain.victory] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 184 seconds
[15:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[15:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:50:55] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:50:56] <@tennisace> alright we're done
[15:50:57] <@tennisace> w/e
[15:50:57] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:51:00] <@little_gk> welcome to end of draft ogles
[15:51:01] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:51:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:51:08] kebabe [
Mibbit@synIRC-86A4EEA3.cust.tele2.se] has joined #spl
[15:51:08] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:51:10] <@Funkasaurus> this tiger dynasty
[15:51:11] tab [
tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[15:51:11] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:51:12] <@Funkasaurus> holy shit
[15:51:12] <@yondie> steal time
[15:51:14] <+ZEB> where ruiners take 10 players for 3k ea
[15:51:14] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:51:16] badass [
fla@f.fy] has joined #spl
[15:51:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:51:56] tab [
tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has joined #spl
[15:51:56] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h tab
[15:52:07] Erick17 [
Mibbit@synIRC-939A0F33.sub-174-240-64.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:52:10] <%BAIKA> sharks?
[15:52:13] <%BAIKA> is anyone alive
[15:52:17] <@tennisace> n
[15:52:18] <+lamppost> !nominate lamppost
[15:52:18] Frizy [
im.a.smod@looking.for.someone] has joined #spl
[15:52:18] tab [
tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[15:52:20] <@yondie> phil mop pana makiri
[15:52:23] Delta2777 [
Mibbit@synIRC-BD328FF0.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[15:52:25] <&Oglemi> probably all passed out
[15:52:25] <@tennisace> asleep at wheel
[15:52:26] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[15:52:26] <&McMeghan> time to nominate some shaddy players guys
[15:52:32] <@Funkasaurus> shaddy.
[15:52:32] <+workingphil> !nominate mcmeghan
[15:52:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Player "mcmeghan" not found.
[15:52:35] <@Funkasaurus> oh
[15:52:36] <%panamaxis> give us a sec
[15:52:36] <@yondie> -d
[15:52:37] <@Funkasaurus> sorry symph
[15:52:38] <+Red_Panda> rekt
[15:52:38] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:52:42] <&McMeghan> wow
[15:52:44] <@Funkasaurus> :(!
[15:52:47] <@little_gk> some1 nominate symph
[15:52:50] <@little_gk> i want him for 4k
[15:53:01] <%BAIKA> why don't you nominate him
[15:53:01] tab [
tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has joined #spl
[15:53:01] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h tab
[15:53:07] <+workingphil> who's still left?
[15:53:08] <@little_gk> cos sharks up
[15:53:10] Furai [
furai@live.like.a.warrior] has left #spl
[15:53:12] <&McMeghan> ToF
[15:53:19] <&McMeghan> or SOMALIA
[15:53:19] Furai [
furai@live.like.a.warrior] has joined #spl
[15:53:26] <&McMeghan> SUSANOO91 to be accurate
[15:53:30] <%BAIKA> nails
[15:53:32] <+Red_Panda> hi
[15:53:33] <&Eo> reymedy
[15:53:34] <&Oglemi> gayest namechange
[15:53:35] <&Oglemi> imo
[15:53:39] <+Red_Panda> whats up BAIKA
[15:53:47] <%BAIKA> someone should buy you
[15:53:50] <+Red_Panda> nah
[15:53:51] <&Eo> marshall.law
[15:53:57] <+Red_Panda> im not playing this year
[15:54:01] <+Red_Panda> jk
[15:54:01] <@tennisace> v is left if you're looking for lc
[15:54:04] <+Red_Panda> in
[15:54:04] <@tennisace> and or drugs
[15:54:09] <%gengar> mostly drugs
[15:54:13] <@tennisace> yeah mostly
[15:54:29] <+Red_Panda> well u need drugs in order to watch lc games
[15:54:35] <@tennisace> skylight is left too
[15:54:36] <@tennisace> if you need a female
[15:54:53] <+workingphil> oglemi did you get our pm
[15:54:56] <%BAIKA> can sharks nominate
[15:54:58] <%BAIKA> :(
[15:55:00] <&Oglemi> yes
[15:55:01] Jorgen [~
Jorgen@magic.pain.victory] has joined #spl
[15:55:03] <@LonelyNess> oglemi
[15:55:04] <@LonelyNess> did you get mine
[15:55:17] <@tennisace> oglemi did you get my handwritten love letter
[15:55:18] Silvershadow234 [
Mibbit@synIRC-1EED0038.as13285.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:55:20] <@tennisace> if so please burn it
[15:55:24] <@LonelyNess> lol
[15:55:25] <&Oglemi> no i didn't ;-;
[15:55:32] <@tennisace> ok good
[15:55:41] <%BAIKA> i'm going to mail a bag full of poop to oglemi
[15:55:46] <%Solace> lol
[15:55:47] <%BAIKA> seriously
[15:55:51] <+workingphil> !nominate furai
[15:55:52] <&SPLbot> Furai is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / XY LC
[15:55:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:55:59] <@Funkasaurus> oh here we go
[15:56:02] <@tennisace> !2.5
[15:56:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Invalid bid amount.
[15:56:08] Kingmidas [
Mibbit@synIRC-F9FBE723.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[15:56:11] <&McMeghan> !-50
[15:56:12] <+Red_Panda> !3.5
[15:56:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:56:17] <+Red_Panda> :(
[15:56:19] <@tennisace> can i bid two gold coins
[15:56:22] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Furai to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[15:56:27] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 10500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:56:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:56:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:56:39] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:56:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:56:45] <@LonelyNess> ok ogles
[15:56:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:56:49] <@LonelyNess> make the money transfer
[15:56:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:56:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:56:55] <%panamaxis> hold on
[15:56:56] <%panamaxis> pause auction
[15:56:59] <&McMeghan> why?
[15:57:01] <%BAIKA> what
[15:57:09] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:09] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:09] <%panamaxis> we need to get credits
[15:57:10] <%panamaxis> from frogs
[15:57:15] <&McMeghan> !pause
[15:57:16] <&SPLbot> The auction has been paused.
[15:57:23] <+DEKZEH> what?
[15:57:29] <+DEKZEH> :]
[15:57:31] <%Ciele> can you trade in the middle of auction?
[15:57:36] <&Eo> it happened last year
[15:57:38] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:38] <&Eo> with frexa
[15:57:38] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:38] <%panamaxis> we did it last year
[15:57:39] <@makiri> yeah
[15:57:39] <%Ciele> :o
[15:57:40] <%panamaxis> for frexa
[15:57:40] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:40] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:41] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:42] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:45] <+Red_Panda> !frogs
[15:57:46] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:47] <%macle> !frogs
[15:57:47] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:53] <&Oglemi> !addcredits sha 2000
[15:57:54] <&SPLbot> 2000 credits added to The Stark Sharks.
[15:57:56] CTI [
it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has joined #spl
[15:57:57] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h CTI
[15:58:01] <&Oglemi> !addcredits fro -2000
[15:58:01] <&SPLbot> -2000 credits added to The Smog Frogs.
[15:58:09] <@makiri> can you move players now
[15:58:11] <@makiri> or no
[15:58:12] <+workingphil> choice specs on sharks; furai on frogs
[15:58:16] <+workingphil> probably not
[15:58:21] <@makiri> k
[15:58:23] <&Oglemi> yea i don't want to touch the bot
[15:58:24] <%Solace> i think u can
[15:58:25] <&Oglemi> but it's gone through
[15:58:30] <@makiri> specs is ours furai frogs
[15:58:32] <@makiri> can resume now
[15:58:34] <%Solace> but it can just be done after
[15:58:35] <&Oglemi> !resume
[15:58:35] <&SPLbot> The auction has been resumed.
[15:58:39] <@tennisace> choice specs + 2k for furai
[15:58:40] <@tennisace> wow
[15:58:41] <&McMeghan> !nominate Laga
[15:58:41] <&SPLbot> Laga is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[15:58:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:58:48] <@tennisace> turning 9.5k value into 3k
[15:58:50] kebabe [
Mibbit@synIRC-86A4EEA3.cust.tele2.se] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:58:51] Alf93 [
Mibbit@synIRC-9777E1AA.brutele.be] has joined #spl
[15:58:55] <@yondie> who wants xtrashine
[15:58:57] <@yondie> y/n
[15:58:58] <@yondie> ;)
[15:59:05] <@yondie> he lost rap battle hes off the team
[15:59:06] <%Stone_Cold22> !3.5
[15:59:06] therealfiremage [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:59:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:59:06] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3500
[15:59:08] <+Red_Panda> who doesn't want xtra???
[15:59:09] <&McMeghan> !4
[15:59:09] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[15:59:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:59:16] <%Stone_Cold22> Lolz
[15:59:18] <%Stone_Cold22> just wanted to see
[15:59:18] propagandhi [~
Dice@synIRC-6BE5AEB.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[15:59:19] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Laga to The Alpha Ruiners for 4000.
[15:59:19] <+Red_Panda> srs question
[15:59:20] <%Stone_Cold22> if u'd bid
[15:59:21] <+lamppost> !30
[15:59:22] <%Stone_Cold22> xDDD
[15:59:26] <&McMeghan> xDD u got me dave
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 34500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga
[15:59:28] <%Stone_Cold22> thnx
[15:59:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:59:31] <%Stone_Cold22> xD
[15:59:33] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:59:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:59:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:59:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:59:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[15:59:51] <+Red_Panda> XB
[15:59:51] <+lamppost> !nominate youngjake93
[15:59:52] <&SPLbot> youngjake93 is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[15:59:52] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:59:56] <+Red_Panda> XD.GG
[15:59:56] <&McMeghan> lmao
[15:59:59] <@tennisace> lol
[16:00:01] <@Nachos> gg
[16:00:02] <%Solace> who
[16:00:09] <+lamppost> !92
[16:00:10] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: Bid exceeds max bid of 25000.
[16:00:14] <+lamppost> wtf
[16:00:15] <+lamppost> broken bot
[16:00:17] <@tennisace> he's the guy who 6-0'd joim
[16:00:17] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:00:18] <@tennisace> or smth
[16:00:18] <+lamppost> oglemi shit host
[16:00:19] Frexa [
Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has joined #spl
[16:00:22] <&SPLbot> SOLD: youngjake93 to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[16:00:25] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi, can u change the bid cap for minimum fto 4k? since mcmeghan gonna be paying 4k for rest of his bids
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 34500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga
[16:00:31] <&McMeghan> shhh
[16:00:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:00:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:00:39] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 22000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93
[16:00:41] lamppost [
l@milk.in.first] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:00:43] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:00:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:00:49] <%Stone_Cold22> youngjake going 9-0 i promise.
[16:00:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:00:52] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[16:00:54] <@Funkasaurus> [17:00:53] <@tennisace> he's the guy who 6-0'd joim
[16:00:54] <@Funkasaurus> [17:00:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:00:54] <@Funkasaurus> [17:00:55] <@tennisace> or smth
[16:00:56] <+Red_Panda> !nominate bobbyvaporeon
[16:00:59] <@Funkasaurus> he 6-0ed AUDIOSURFER
[16:01:00] <@Funkasaurus> get it right
[16:01:03] <@tennisace> oh audiosurfer
[16:01:04] <@tennisace> SORRY
[16:01:05] <@Funkasaurus> he can't get bobby
[16:01:05] <%Stone_Cold22> !nominate susanoo91
[16:01:06] <&SPLbot> SUSANOO91 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU
[16:01:06] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[16:01:08] choicespecs [
Mibbit@synIRC-E2525E8E.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:01:08] <@Funkasaurus> Oh shit
[16:01:10] <%Stone_Cold22> the legend
[16:01:10] <@Funkasaurus> somalia
[16:01:12] <%Stone_Cold22> SHIT GOT REAL
[16:01:15] <@Nachos> the man, the mountain.
[16:01:17] <@Funkasaurus> venasuarmaster
[16:01:19] Modestg [Mibbit@5EC6AF92.33CD3DBC.8824BCC.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:01:23] <@yondie> malignant
[16:01:27] <%Stone_Cold22> were looking like the 2011 bigs
[16:01:30] <%Stone_Cold22> w/ all these players
[16:01:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:01:32] <@Nachos> 18 ppl
[16:01:36] <%panamaxis> o somalia
[16:01:36] <@yondie> i got 19
[16:01:36] <&SPLbot> SOLD: SUSANOO91 to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[16:01:37] <@yondie> js
[16:01:38] <@Nachos> the china of spl
[16:01:39] <@Nachos> ah
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 34500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga
[16:01:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:01:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:01:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:01:57] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:01:59] Aeroblacktyl [
Mibbit@synIRC-12FCDDEE.cpe.distributel.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:01:59] Ginku [
Mibbit@synIRC-3E17C8F7.web.vodafone.de] has joined #spl
[16:02:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:02:03] therealfiremage [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[16:02:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:02:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:03:03] <@yondie> Nigga ruiners
[16:03:10] <&McMeghan> !nominate Andeby
[16:03:11] <&SPLbot> Andeby is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[16:03:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:03:20] <+Red_Panda> folg :)
[16:03:28] <@yondie> Allenby
[16:03:30] <@yondie> dumfuk
[16:03:32] <@yondie> GET OUT GOD
[16:03:35] <+Red_Panda> Alleneby
[16:03:35] <%Solace> lol
[16:03:36] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:03:37] <+Red_Panda> dumfuk
[16:03:39] woodchuck [~
dubitable@indescribably.above.par] has joined #spl
[16:03:40] <&McMeghan> shut the FUCK up yondie
[16:03:41] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Andeby to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:03:45] <%BAIKA> FUCK
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:03:51] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:03:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:03:56] <@yondie> yo
[16:03:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:03:59] <@yondie> MCM
[16:03:59] <@yondie> U MAD
[16:04:00] <@yondie> ?
[16:04:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:04:03] <+Red_Panda> this nigga yondie
[16:04:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:04:06] <@yondie> cum at me bro
[16:04:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:04:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[16:04:12] <+Red_Panda> doesnt even know folg's alt has an extra e
[16:04:16] <+Red_Panda> smh
[16:04:32] <%Ciele> folgorio gsc champion.
[16:04:33] <+workingphil> !nominate al_alchemist
[16:04:34] <&SPLbot> Al_Alchemist is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[16:04:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[16:04:38] <@little_gk> al
[16:04:38] <@little_gk> :D
[16:04:40] <@tennisace> ah
[16:04:42] <%Solace> al :)
[16:04:48] Furai [
furai@live.like.a.warrior] has left #spl
[16:04:49] <%BAIKA> gonna turn himself into gold
[16:04:54] <%BAIKA> cos he's shit
[16:04:57] <%Solace> lol
[16:04:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:05:01] <@makiri> shit to gold
[16:05:04] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Al_Alchemist to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[16:05:04] pi_face [~
pi_face@AEA71638.AFF21A0D.D1D7BC9C.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 9500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:05:14] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:05:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:05:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:05:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:05:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:05:31] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:05:34] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[16:05:34] biggie [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has left #spl
[16:05:38] <%Solace> !nominate kland
[16:05:38] <&SPLbot> kland is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[16:05:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[16:05:49] <%Stone_Cold22> god bless
[16:05:52] goldensun [
goldensune@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:05:52] <+cbb> KLAND
[16:05:53] <+Biosci> ah #20
[16:05:56] <%Stone_Cold22> the biggest tool in pokemon history
[16:05:59] <%gr8astard> what a steal
[16:06:03] harsha [
harsha@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has quit IRC: Quit: hasta luego
[16:06:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:06:05] <+CTC> KLAND
[16:06:08] <@tennisace> does he play vgc
[16:06:09] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kland to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[16:06:10] goldensun [
gs@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #spl
[16:06:14] <+ZEB> we need more vgcers cmon
[16:06:16] <+CTC> MAKING EVERY 5050 90/10
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 9500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:06:19] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:06:22] <%gr8astard> ok Stone_cold22 THIS GUY you dont upbid
[16:06:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:06:24] <%gr8astard> fuck you
[16:06:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:06:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:06:32] <+CTC> FUCK U
[16:06:33] <+CTC> DAVE
[16:06:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:06:35] Cicada [~
nibeldown@synIRC-D7E45F08.rev.sfr.net] has joined #spl
[16:06:36] <+workingphil> someone buy marshall.law
[16:06:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:06:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[16:06:43] <@tennisace> !withdraw
[16:06:44] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:06:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[16:06:44] <@little_gk> !withdraw
[16:06:46] <%Solace> !withdraw
[16:06:49] <@tennisace> late
[16:06:53] tennisace [~
gogoat@wake.me.up.before.you.gogoat] has been kicked from #spl by little_gk [~
little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com]: little_gk
[16:06:55] tennisace [~
gogoat@wake.me.up.before.you.gogoat] has joined #spl
[16:06:55] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o tennisace
[16:06:57] <%Solace> if anyone would like to discuss trades we can talk :)
[16:06:59] Ginku [
Mibbit@synIRC-3E17C8F7.web.vodafone.de] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:06:59] <@tennisace> >:O
[16:07:03] <@little_gk> :l
[16:07:13] <%BAIKA> tigers = frogs from last season
[16:07:16] <@yondie> Marshall :'(
[16:07:17] <%BAIKA> with 14k left
[16:07:23] Triangles [
Triangles@synIRC-B34F8985.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:07:23] <@tennisace> we had that much last season too
[16:07:29] <%Solace> lol
[16:07:38] <%gengar> damn
[16:07:44] <%gengar> tennis why didnt you get vil
[16:07:49] <@tennisace> we tried!!
[16:07:52] <%Solace> he ded
[16:08:10] eOut [
o.d@duo.u.dodo] has joined #spl
[16:08:10] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao eOut eOut
[16:08:12] <&Oglemi> sharks
[16:08:14] jukain [
Jukain@thrown.together.never.to.part] has joined #spl
[16:08:18] chieliee [
Mibbit@synIRC-10929FC8.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:08:23] chieliee [Mibbit@5D292DC3.5CCEB1C2.1E912289.IP] has joined #spl
[16:08:24] <%BAIKA> sharks being dingdongs
[16:08:26] <%BAIKA> i blame stellar
[16:08:29] <&Oglemi> makiri/phil/stellar
[16:08:41] <@makiri> Stellar is singing a song for us
[16:08:42] <@makiri> 1 sec
[16:08:45] <+workingphil> tfc or law...
[16:08:47] ludicolo [~
cgiirc@synIRC-53503530.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[16:08:50] <&Oglemi> ah and i'm the gay one
[16:08:54] Erick17 [
Mibbit@synIRC-8C9CFFDE.sub-174-234-192.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[16:08:56] <+Stellar> its hard to sing with a penis in your mouth so its taking a while
[16:09:05] M_X [~
MyloX@synIRC-DF522897.telkomadsl.co.za] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
[16:09:06] Osi [
this.host@is.UNACCEPTABLE] has joined #spl
[16:09:10] <%panamaxis> damn oglemi
[16:09:14] <%panamaxis> highlighting stellar
[16:09:17] <%panamaxis> but not the actual assman
[16:09:18] <%panamaxis> rude
[16:09:23] <&Oglemi> .rekt
[16:09:26] youngjake93 [~
cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:09:30] <&McMeghan> what are we waiting for?
[16:09:31] <+Red_Panda> .donkt
[16:09:51] <+workingphil> !nominate thefourthchaser
[16:09:51] <&SPLbot> TheFourthChaser is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU
[16:09:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[16:09:54] <@yondie> oshi
[16:10:00] <@yondie> upbid mcm
[16:10:01] <@yondie> DO IT
[16:10:02] <%BAIKA> the big guys
[16:10:04] Eo [
eo@mort.us] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[16:10:08] <@yondie> #TimeForChange
[16:10:09] <&McMeghan> yeh.
[16:10:15] Texas [
Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has joined #spl
[16:10:16] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Texas
[16:10:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:10:21] myzozoa [
Mibbit@synIRC-E183A635.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[16:10:21] <&SPLbot> SOLD: TheFourthChaser to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[16:10:25] <%panamaxis> #TimeForChange
[16:10:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:10:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:10:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:10:30] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:10:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:10:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:10:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:10:41] <+Biosci> YO TFC
[16:10:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:10:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:10:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:10:53] Alphonse [~
philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[16:10:57] MDragon [~
androirc@synIRC-E49DB0F0.red-176-83-127.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[16:10:57] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao MDragon MDragon
[16:11:04] Texas|afk [
Mibbit@synIRC-CC16B287.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:11:11] Laga [~
laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has quit IRC: Quit: brb
[16:11:12] <&McMeghan> !nominate -Manaphy--
[16:11:13] <&SPLbot> -Manaphy-- is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers
[16:11:13] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:11:20] <@Nachos> ah!
[16:11:28] <@tennisace> ah.
[16:11:35] <+Red_Panda> ah~
[16:11:36] bland [
bl@nd.boring.dull] has left #spl
[16:11:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:11:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: -Manaphy-- to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:11:45] Susanoo91 [
Mibbit@synIRC-476FF914.hari.cable.virginm.net] has left #spl
[16:11:50] firemage [
bl@nd.boring.dull] has joined #spl
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 28500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy--
[16:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:11:57] <&Oglemi> the fact that his name isn't --manaphy--
[16:11:59] <+ZEB> strong bid
[16:11:59] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:12:01] aisasuh [
Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:12:01] <&Oglemi> irritates me slightly
[16:12:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:12:07] <%Stone_Cold22> noone got the great mighty doom :(
[16:12:07] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:12:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:12:11] <%Stone_Cold22> the boss himself
[16:12:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:12:13] brb [
Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:12:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[16:12:22] <@Nachos> !withdraw
[16:12:23] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:12:23] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:12:23] CTI [
it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client (
http://www.androirc.com )
[16:12:24] <+Red_Panda> no shake is already on the sharks stone
[16:12:28] Picollo [~Picollo86@71786D9D.32AF4D44.6E096FF4.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:12:29] boudouche [~
cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #spl
[16:12:33] <%Stone_Cold22> wut?
[16:12:37] <&Oglemi> retain
[16:12:43] dodrio [
dodrio@Trainer.Of.Birds] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:12:44] <%Stone_Cold22> wut?
[16:12:45] <&McMeghan> !nominate Marshall.Law
[16:12:45] <&SPLbot> Marshall.Law is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[16:12:45] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:12:48] <%Solace> lol
[16:12:53] <+Red_Panda> im referring to shakeitup as the great mighty doom
[16:13:00] <&Oglemi> lol
[16:13:01] Dunk_ [
Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:13:02] <&Oglemi> fuk u nails
[16:13:07] <+Red_Panda> n_n
[16:13:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:13:16] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Marshall.Law to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:13:18] <@yondie> reymedy
[16:13:19] <@yondie> ?!?!?
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 25500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law
[16:13:27] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:13:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:13:33] AB2 [~
AB2@synIRC-48F989F9.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 185 seconds
[16:13:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:13:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:13:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:13:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:13:47] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[16:13:53] Ezio [
Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has joined #spl
[16:13:54] <+workingphil> !withdraw
[16:13:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:13:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:14:00] <&McMeghan> ok
[16:14:03] <&McMeghan> time to go the mall
[16:14:06] <&McMeghan> of SPL players
[16:14:09] <%Ciele> :o
[16:14:10] <&Oglemi> lol
[16:14:12] <&McMeghan> !nominate Emvee
[16:14:12] <+Red_Panda> :o
[16:14:12] <&SPLbot> Emvee is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[16:14:12] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:14:21] <+Stellar> pee
[16:14:25] <@tennisace> you mean like in dead rising
[16:14:34] <@tennisace> where you're in a mall but the only things around are zombies
[16:14:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:14:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Emvee to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 22500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee
[16:14:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:14:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:15:01] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:15:05] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:15:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:15:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:15:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:15:22] <+FLCL> you should just list the players you want
[16:15:29] <+FLCL> :)
[16:15:34] Yusuke [
Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:15:36] <&McMeghan> h/o pls
[16:15:39] <&eOut> yeah
[16:15:40] <@yondie> King
[16:15:42] <@yondie> Laurel
[16:15:45] Badabing [
Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:15:47] Genesectless [
Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:15:48] <&McMeghan> !nominate Ripamon
[16:15:48] <&eOut> just !addplayer
[16:15:49] <&SPLbot> Ripamon is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU
[16:15:49] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:15:55] <@little_gk> mcm
[16:15:55] <&eOut> and !addfunds -3
[16:16:00] <@little_gk> i have recieved a request
[16:16:01] <@little_gk> [14:15:35] <Caledrith> Little_gk. you are done nomming, but if you would, it would be awesome if you would advertise me and cork to mcm
[16:16:09] <@little_gk> x.x
[16:16:14] bigs [
biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[16:16:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:16:16] pi_face [~
pi_face@FB816916.A6E7DEF6.D1D7BC9C.IP] has joined #spl
[16:16:19] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ripamon to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:16:21] <&eOut> oh wait that will mess up the auctionbot output
[16:16:22] <&eOut> ignore me
[16:16:24] Yusuke [
Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[16:16:27] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:16:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:16:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:16:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 19500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon
[16:16:29] <@yondie> corkscrew is good at lc i think
[16:16:30] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:16:34] <+workingphil> get llvallejoll
[16:16:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:16:35] <+Red_Panda> i always do eo :)
[16:16:38] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:16:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:16:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:16:46] <@little_gk> i meant to u.u
[16:16:47] <+Red_Panda> wait fuck
[16:16:47] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:16:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:17:05] <+ZEB> when will we see schedule :o
[16:17:14] <%Stone_Cold22> mcmeghan
[16:17:18] <%Stone_Cold22> get ohmachi
[16:17:21] <%Stone_Cold22> 8-1 guarenteed
[16:17:25] <+Red_Panda> #undraftedcrew
[16:17:34] <&McMeghan> !nominate Bryce
[16:17:34] <&SPLbot> Bryce is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[16:17:34] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:18:00] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:18:00] <@little_gk> bryce :o
[16:18:05] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Bryce to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 16500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce
[16:18:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:18:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:18:24] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:18:26] Finchinator [~
Finchinat@synIRC-415600D0.dyn.optonline.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:18:28] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:18:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:18:33] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:18:36] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:19:00] propaGONEdhi [~
Dice@synIRC-6BE5AEB.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:19:07] <+workingphil> 16:19 *** Kevin_Garrett joined #sharks 16:19 --- Porygon2 has banned *!*
vhost@is.a.competitor 16:19 *** Kevin_Garrett was kicked by Porygon2 (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)
[16:19:10] <+workingphil> some things never change
[16:19:12] DICE [
cathy@law.of.converSation.of.energy] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by propaGONEdhi)
[16:19:17] <+Red_Panda> lol
[16:19:21] <@yondie> lmao...
[16:19:31] Luis_Suarez [~DaShit@3D65FB63.18D6AE17.29DDB79D.IP] has joined #spl
[16:19:41] Laga [~
laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has joined #spl
[16:19:42] Shindo [
Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has left #spl
[16:19:50] <&McMeghan> still thinking
[16:19:55] <+workingphil> get b-lulz
[16:20:11] <%Texas> sayonara~
[16:20:12] chieliee [Mibbit@5D292DC3.5CCEB1C2.1E912289.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:20:15] zdrup15 [
Mibbit@synIRC-59D7A672.dsl.telepac.pt] has left #spl
[16:20:22] <@yondie> CORKSCREW
[16:20:22] <@yondie> god
[16:20:25] <%Texas> ssin
[16:20:30] <@yondie> it'd be shameful if no one got him
[16:20:42] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has left #spl
[16:20:43] MoP [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[16:20:44] Psychotic [
Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:20:49] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[16:20:57] Psychotic [
Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:20:58] <&eOut> yondie do you really want to unleash the blarajan slayer on SPL?
[16:21:09] <&eOut> the one who's not me, I mean
[16:21:16] <&McMeghan> h/o still not done guys
[16:21:16] Blue_Eon [
Mibbit@synIRC-8D2BCE08.red-83-63-176.staticip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:21:27] labyrinthine [
Mibbit@synIRC-888BAA8D.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au] has left #spl
[16:21:53] <@LonelyNess> this thing is still going on?
[16:21:54] Pat_Labor [~
Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[16:21:59] <@LonelyNess> jesus how many players is everyone buying
[16:22:03] Pejelagarto [
Mibbit@synIRC-E0304752.red-193-153-4.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:22:07] <%Snunch> its just mcm taking forever
[16:22:09] <&Oglemi> it's just ruiners atm
[16:22:15] <&McMeghan> yeh you can all leave
[16:22:21] <@yondie> BUY FARMER
[16:22:26] <&McMeghan> i'm discussing trades atm so might take a little while
[16:22:32] <@yondie> BUY JASON
[16:22:34] liberty32 [
Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has left #spl
[16:22:40] w-w [~
Karrot@synIRC-9EB77BC6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:22:41] <@yondie> BUY LAUREAL
[16:22:46] <@yondie> !!
[16:22:46] Pat_Labor [
Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has joined #spl
[16:22:49] <+workingphil> get king
[16:23:00] <+kd24> <&McMeghan> i'm discussing trades atm so might take a little while
[16:23:06] workingphil [
Mibbit@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has left #spl
[16:23:07] <+kd24> HA
[16:23:21] Laurel [~
chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has left #spl
[16:23:29] Bunnelby [
W@w.I.suck.at.this.game] has left #spl
[16:23:29] cherubagent [
has@achieved.true.unagi] has left #spl
[16:23:36] blunder [
Mibbit@synIRC-37CD027B.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:23:38] fatty [Mibbit@187E1FED.59055CB4.C287A23F.IP] has left #spl
[16:23:38] Melee_Teleportwo [
W@w.I.suck.at.this.game] has joined #spl
[16:23:44] Laurel [~
chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
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hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Quit: gr8astard
[16:23:52] cherubagent [
has@achieved.true.unagi] has joined #spl
[16:23:53] Scene [Mibbit@1245ED6C.4E543C9B.33345C42.IP] has left #spl
[16:24:10] Melee_Teleportwo [
W@w.I.suck.at.this.game] has left #spl
[16:24:13] <+Red_Panda> ;_;
[16:24:15] <%Stone_Cold22> ohmachi
[16:24:17] <%Stone_Cold22> he went
[16:24:18] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:24:28] <%Stone_Cold22> 3-0 in wcop
[16:24:37] <%Stone_Cold22> decent pick
[16:24:39] plus- [
plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has left #spl
[16:24:47] Luuke [
Mibbit@synIRC-FE9A9E28.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:24:49] Sayonara [
Sayonara@quand.la.vie.ne.suffit.pas] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 25.0/20131025151332]
[16:25:31] Arcticblast [
this@is.a.vhost] has left #spl
[16:25:38] GreenCore [Mibbit@99C2EEAB.4809855C.2D61EA1D.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:25:57] FLCL [
Mibbit@fooly.cooly.furi.kuri] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:26:15] complete_legitimacy [
c_l@why.do.you.do.this.to.me] has left #spl
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Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has joined #spl
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[16:27:28] Genesectless [
Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-7C9BAF4D.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:28:12] flcl [~
watashi@fooly.cooly.furi.kuri] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-EE715150.hlrn.qwest.net] has left #spl
[16:28:23] Picollo [~Picollo86@2C5B4DC0.8CD84332.6E096FF4.IP] has joined #spl
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toshimelon@synIRC-A28F28A4.dhcp.trcy.mi.charter.com] has joined #spl
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come@me.bro] has left #spl
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cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC
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Mibbit@synIRC-7436401A.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:29:21] Genesectless [
Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has left #spl
[16:29:23] TehMexicandewd [~
AndChat43@synIRC-5FD7C60F.dhcp.dntn.tx.charter.com] has left #spl
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cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
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cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-8C9CFFDE.sub-174-234-192.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:29:51] Yusuke [
Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Yusuke1)
[16:29:59] boudouche [~
cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC
[16:30:10] Sweep [
Mibbit@synIRC-C2CED580.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[16:30:47] GreenCore [Mibbit@99C2EEAB.4809855C.2D61EA1D.IP] has joined #spl
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Africanus@synIRC-A8C8BA71.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #spl
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fla@f.fy] has quit IRC: Quit: badass
[16:32:22] <@tennisace> wow
[16:32:25] <@tennisace> such action
[16:32:26] <@tennisace> many bids
[16:32:27] High_Impulse [
Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has joined #spl
[16:32:33] Tsunami [
Multi@I.see.you.fap] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:32:41] BKC [~
BKC@blood.fire.death] is now known as falcula
[16:32:46] Nexus [
IRC@Its.like.a.birthday.party.where.everyone.wants.to.kill.me] has left #spl
[16:32:48] <+Red_Panda> guys this isn't funny any more someone bid on me...
[16:32:56] <@LonelyNess> poor nails :(
[16:33:01] <+Red_Panda> ;_;
[16:33:05] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
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byao321@synIRC-5099EACA.dyn.optonline.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:33:15] <@makiri> i think its getting a little long
[16:33:39] <%negres> makiri
[16:33:42] <%negres> feed gene 3 times a day
[16:33:47] <@makiri> lol
[16:33:55] <+kd24> wait
[16:33:57] <+kd24> did this end
[16:34:00] <%negres> no
[16:34:03] <+kd24> or is mcmeghan still trying to sell marshall law
[16:34:04] <@makiri> its been 15 minutes
[16:34:05] <+kd24> and credits to people
[16:34:05] <%negres> meghan is like
[16:34:07] <@makiri> what are they doing
[16:34:07] <+kd24> for their elite players
[16:34:07] <%negres> out and about
[16:34:09] <@makiri> trying players out
[16:34:13] <+kd24> lol
[16:34:15] <%Ciele> we're discussing trades
[16:34:18] <%negres> they're trading bloo to teh frogs for their entire roster
[16:34:18] <%Ciele> before we continue
[16:34:20] <%Ciele> sorry
[16:34:22] <+Red_Panda> i cant believe users like CatcherAndTheRai, prem, and jokoloko were picked over me
[16:34:28] zukai [~
cgiirc@synIRC-5578FDEC.range86-148.btcentralplus.com] has joined #spl
[16:34:30] <+Red_Panda> wtf is this
[16:34:42] <@Funkasaurus> LOL NAILS IS MAD
[16:34:43] <+Hugendugen> buy melee_mewtwo imo
[16:34:47] <+kd24> i need to see these trade offers
[16:34:48] <+kd24> from the ruiners
[16:34:49] <&McMeghan> im discussing trades it'll take as long as needed :(
[16:34:51] <+reyscarface> damn
[16:34:53] <+reyscarface> such auctions
[16:34:55] <+reyscarface> wow
[16:34:58] <+kd24> what could u possibly be offering
[16:35:01] <+kd24> u have 4 tradable players
[16:35:05] <+kd24> that u wont be trading
[16:35:06] <+kd24> no matter what
[16:35:09] Laga [~
laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has left #spl
[16:35:11] <%negres> is nails even on a team
[16:35:13] <+kd24> no
[16:35:14] <+Red_Panda> no
[16:35:14] <+kd24> hes not
[16:35:17] <%negres> hahahahahahaha
[16:35:24] <%negres> fucking makiri's post
[16:35:28] <%negres> ruined his pokecarreer
[16:35:29] <%negres> forever
[16:35:36] <+kd24> lol
[16:35:39] <+kd24> niggas did a double take
[16:35:41] <@makiri> lol
[16:35:41] <+kd24> when they saw that
[16:35:47] <+kd24> 2-7 as ru leader??
[16:35:56] <+Red_Panda> ugh i cant even say i have more trophies than you atticus
[16:35:57] <+Red_Panda> bs
[16:36:05] <%negres> not many people can
[16:36:07] <%negres> jajaja
[16:36:25] <+Red_Panda> i mean i have like 1/5 of badass's trophy
[16:36:32] <+Red_Panda> since i built his ru teams in playoffs
[16:36:36] <+Red_Panda> but w/e
[16:36:44] Terraquaza [~
cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[16:36:53] <+kd24> negres
[16:36:58] <+kd24> i think people took digs at our teams
[16:37:01] Stone_Cold22 [Mibbit@9A82ED8A.92B5E971.BF36181E.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:37:05] <+kd24> they said its not about the players but about the synergy
[16:37:09] Shoka [
Mibbit@synIRC-5BF4D838.fbx.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:37:19] Erick17 [
Mibbit@synIRC-5AF4FC00.sub-174-240-69.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[16:37:33] <+kd24> i think it was ruiners when i questioned why they still had like 40k pls set em straight T__T
[16:37:33] <+Hugendugen> all the raiders hate each other
[16:37:37] <+Hugendugen> such terrible synergy
[16:37:39] davidness [Mibbit@233AE290.6E9AF57C.EB9AABD3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:38:14] Malekith [
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[16:38:27] <@yondie> !showall
[16:38:31] <@yondie> someone do !showall
[16:38:41] <+Earthworm|Away> !showall
[16:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:38:41] <&Oglemi> !showall
[16:38:46] <+Earthworm|Away> LoL
[16:38:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 16500 | Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce
[16:38:48] <+kd24> great uve ruiend it
[16:38:49] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:38:51] Oglemi pet worms
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pi_face@FB816916.A6E7DEF6.D1D7BC9C.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Texas [
Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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o.d@duo.u.dodo] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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gs@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Sinclair [
Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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aim@a.o.l] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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bl@nd.boring.dull] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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RODOLPH@synIRC-9F1B8EF0.home3.cgocable.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] FunBro [
Mibbit@synIRC-261F3F3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Aqualouis@synIRC-3810ABA5.rev.sfr.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Tobes@synIRC-3759435D.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Nas [Mibbit@7A1B7AF.8A3E1F45.47D577D2.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Layell [
Mibbit@the.theatrical.one] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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blood@lust.mord] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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bluekirby@its.me.bk] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Mekkah@talk.shows.on.mute] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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dre@m.catcher] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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alice@wish.upon.a.star] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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ray2233@why.read.this] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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aldaron@indian.six.pack.abs] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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smogon@every.cave.in.kanto] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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Mibbit@Li.Li.Ana] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:39:13] Terraquaza [~
cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:39:15] therealfiremage [~
cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[16:39:17] <+Hugendugen> lol
[16:39:18] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 16500 | Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce
[16:39:18] <+Red_Panda> rip
[16:39:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:39:24] <%Solace> lol
[16:39:24] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:39:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:39:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:39:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:39:35] <+Hugendugen> mcmeghan nominates now
[16:39:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:39:46] <+kd24> uh is tournament media not in tournaments
[16:39:47] <+kd24> anymore
[16:39:50] <+kd24> i dont se the subforum
[16:40:01] <&Oglemi> no it's there
[16:40:01] Blue_Eon [
Mibbit@synIRC-8D2BCE08.red-83-63-176.staticip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[16:40:02] <+kd24> o who am i kidding
[16:40:06] <+kd24> its proly setsunas bitch ass
[16:40:08] <&Oglemi> permissions may be off because of the forum rework
[16:40:09] <+kd24> removing me from yet another subforum
[16:40:12] <+kd24> o
[16:40:14] <&Oglemi> lol or that
[16:40:23] <+reyscarface> yo
[16:40:24] <+reyscarface> wat the fuck
[16:40:25] <+reyscarface> this isnt over?
[16:40:26] <+reyscarface> LOL
[16:40:28] <+kd24> oglemi how do i
[16:40:30] <+kd24> apply for it
[16:40:31] <+kd24> again
[16:40:36] <+kd24> i got to do my auction review
[16:40:38] <&Oglemi> bug user: lady salamence
[16:40:38] <&Oglemi> imo
[16:40:42] <%negres> watch
[16:40:46] <&Oglemi> or tobes
[16:40:52] <%negres> the ruiners are gonna bid on like husk
[16:40:52] <+kd24> last year i predicted tigers and wolfpack
[16:40:54] <+kd24> as the 2 worst teams
[16:40:55] <%negres> when no ones lookin
[16:40:55] <+kd24> of spl
[16:40:59] <&Oglemi> also rey blame mcmeghan he is being a butt as revenge
[16:41:00] <+kd24> and look at what happened
[16:41:06] <+reyscarface> yo wat the fuck
[16:41:07] <%negres> oglemi
[16:41:07] Caledrith [
Mibbit@synIRC-F93C34EA.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:41:08] <+reyscarface> is goin on here
[16:41:09] <%negres> you're the host
[16:41:12] <+reyscarface> dude if hes doing this on purpose
[16:41:14] <%negres> put in a time constraint
[16:41:17] <+reyscarface> fuckin do somethin
[16:41:17] <+reyscarface> lol
[16:41:17] Shindo [
Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
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pi_face@FB816916.A6E7DEF6.D1D7BC9C.IP] has joined #spl
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bl@nd.boring.dull] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has joined #spl
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o.d@duo.u.dodo] has joined #spl
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gs@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #spl
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aim@a.o.l] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-261F3F3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@the.theatrical.one] has joined #spl
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Aqualouis@synIRC-3810ABA5.rev.sfr.net] has joined #spl
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ray2233@why.read.this] has joined #spl
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Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has joined #spl
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little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
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aldaron@indian.six.pack.abs] has joined #spl
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Mekkah@talk.shows.on.mute] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@Li.Li.Ana] has joined #spl
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Tobes@synIRC-3759435D.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #spl
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blood@lust.mord] has joined #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-834CD7B.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #spl
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bluekirby@its.me.bk] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Andeby [~Andreas@BD9079C0.9E9CED34.659213B9.IP] has joined #spl
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dre@m.catcher] has joined #spl
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alice@wish.upon.a.star] has joined #spl
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smogon@every.cave.in.kanto] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net [*@*] has set mode +haooqoao Texas eOut eOut little_gk aldaron aldaron McMeghan McMeghan
[16:41:20] <+kd24> there really should be
[16:41:23] <+kd24> a time constraint
[16:41:23] <+kd24> tbh
[16:41:26] <%Texas> much netsplit
[16:41:27] <+kd24> that seems like an overishgt
[16:41:32] Stone_Cold22 [Mibbit@9A82ED8A.92B5E971.BF36181E.IP] has joined #spl
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services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Stone_Cold22
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Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:41:35] <&McMeghan> who cares at this point zzz
[16:41:39] <%negres> if you dont nominate by the time the timer expires
[16:41:40] <+reyscarface> I do.
[16:41:46] <+reyscarface> you lose 1k
[16:41:48] PragueKick [
[16:41:48] <%negres> you're forced to draft chomper teh sharptooth
[16:41:52] <%Stone_Cold22> negres
[16:41:53] <&McMeghan> well maybe for next season who knows
[16:41:58] LonelyNess [
Mibbit@FOR.THE.BLOOD.TOTEM] has set mode +v TIBA
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Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has left #spl
[16:42:02] RODOLPH [
RODOLPH@synIRC-9F1B8EF0.home3.cgocable.net] has joined #spl
[16:42:06] <%Stone_Cold22> let's marathon breaking bad, once we get to the last episode maybe mcmeghan would have decided
[16:42:08] <%Stone_Cold22> sound ok?
[16:42:22] <%Snunch> at this point mcm could be hosting tryout battles to determine the last few spots
[16:42:30] <%negres> lol
[16:42:31] <+TIBA> rolf
[16:42:32] <%Snunch> i think that's an unfair edge
[16:42:32] <%negres> dyonr
[16:42:33] <&Oglemi> lol
[16:42:33] <&eOut> oh
[16:42:34] <%negres> stone*
[16:42:36] <&eOut> that's a good point snunch
[16:42:36] <&McMeghan> everyone fight, last man standing get the spot
[16:42:39] <%negres> id rather marathon a show ive never seen
[16:42:41] Vileman [
Mibbit@synIRC-1595B8A.cm.vtr.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
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[16:42:43] <+kd24> i swear makiri
[16:42:43] <%negres> what else is there
[16:42:45] <+kd24> just made that joke
[16:42:46] <&eOut> snunchy with the optimal points
[16:42:47] <&Oglemi> mcmeghan can you finish in like the next 2 minutes plz
[16:42:49] jukain [
Jukain@thrown.together.never.to.part] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:42:52] <%Snunch> optimal as fuck
[16:42:56] <%Stone_Cold22> orange is the new black
[16:42:59] <%negres> yeah
[16:43:00] <%negres> that seems good
[16:43:04] <%negres> i loved house of cards
[16:43:07] <%negres> and that was a netflix show
[16:43:12] <+Hugendugen> I'm gonna watch gone with the wind
[16:43:19] <%negres> ok there grandpa
[16:43:19] <+Hugendugen> I'll be back in 4 hours
[16:43:24] <&McMeghan> yeh
[16:43:37] Symphonyx64 [~
symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Symphonyx64
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this.host@is.UNACCEPTABLE] has left #spl
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Mibbit@synIRC-D169EF74.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #spl
[16:44:04] <+Red_Panda> McMeghan just draft me already
[16:44:19] <+DEKZEH> n_n
[16:44:21] <+DEKZEH> i agree
[16:44:33] dodrio [
dodrio@Trainer.Of.Birds] has joined #spl
[16:44:57] <+Red_Panda> i will either spam red pandas in the trash talk thread + your team's channel or swear off posting them for this season, whichever you prefer
[16:45:08] amg [
Mibbit@synIRC-814CD88B.dyn.optonline.net] has left #spl
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hugoderma@synIRC-94E68E51.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #spl
[16:45:09] ChanServ [
services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h gr8astard
[16:45:10] <+Red_Panda> i would not make this offer under normal circumstances...
[16:45:13] <+Red_Panda> consider it
[16:46:13] <+reyscarface> hurry the fck up holy chit
[16:46:17] <+reyscarface> just buy fcking laurel
[16:46:18] <+reyscarface> and jason
[16:46:21] plus- [
plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has joined #spl
[16:46:25] <%BAIKA> stfu
[16:46:32] <%BAIKA> frogface
[16:46:41] <+reyscarface> <Laurel> lol my hero
[16:46:41] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[16:46:43] <@little_gk> wait
[16:46:45] <+reyscarface> shit nigguh
[16:46:47] <+reyscarface> im the hero of the damned
[16:46:48] <@little_gk> has nobody gotten laurel
[16:47:13] <&McMeghan> !nominate Nails
[16:47:14] <&SPLbot> Nails is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU
[16:47:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:47:20] <+Red_Panda> n_n
[16:47:23] <@little_gk> :O
[16:47:25] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[16:47:28] Cicada [~
nibeldown@synIRC-D7E45F08.rev.sfr.net] has left #spl
[16:47:33] <+cbb> nice withdraw
[16:47:35] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[16:47:35] <+reyscarface> nails
[16:47:38] <%gr8astard> lol
[16:47:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:47:43] <%gr8astard> i only have 1.5 anyway :[
[16:47:44] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Nails to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:47:46] <+cbb> gr8 man pick me up
[16:47:46] <+cbb> :]
[16:47:50] <+Red_Panda> btw the offer i made of swearing off red pandas
[16:47:51] <%gr8astard> is it not too late
[16:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 13500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce / Nails
[16:47:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:47:57] <%gr8astard> i bet bloo will block the deal
[16:47:58] <+cbb> it is not
[16:47:59] <+Red_Panda> was not serious
[16:48:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:48:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:48:04] <+reyscarface> LOL what the fuck
[16:48:07] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:48:08] <+reyscarface> classiest will reach
[16:48:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:48:11] <+reyscarface> 20+ players
[16:48:13] <+reyscarface> wat the shit
[16:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:48:15] <%Stone_Cold22> gr8, ill trade u zodiac for jorgen + draco
[16:48:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:48:16] Huy [~
marinesbi@did.my.best.i.have.no.regrets] has left #spl
[16:48:17] <%Stone_Cold22> deal?
[16:48:17] <&McMeghan> oh shit
[16:48:21] <&McMeghan> i forgot classiest could still buy
[16:48:26] <&McMeghan> ah they withdrew
[16:48:27] <%Stone_Cold22> no we can't
[16:48:28] <%Stone_Cold22> we dropped out
[16:48:36] <+reyscarface> lmfao wat
[16:48:41] <&McMeghan> !withdraw
[16:48:42] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:48:42] <&SPLbot> The auction has officially ended.