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Smogon Premier League Season V Commencement

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[13:03:22] <&Oglemi> !resume
[13:03:22] <+SPLbot> The auction has been resumed.
[13:03:28] <&Oglemi> gr8astard your bid
[13:03:29] <%Ciele> :o
[13:03:30] <@little_gk> gl every1
[13:03:30] <@Funkasaurus> Wolfpack to go.
[13:03:32] <@LonelyNess> dittocrow / gr8astard
[13:03:33] <@Funkasaurus> gl
[13:03:34] <+DMALFOY> !nominate bloo
[13:03:34] <@LonelyNess> nominate a nig
[13:03:35] <+SPLbot> Bloo is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:03:35] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:03:36] <@tennisace> !20
[13:03:36] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 20000
[13:03:38] <@locopoke> !25
[13:03:38] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 25000
[13:03:39] <@Funkasaurus> !26
[13:03:39] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 26000
[13:03:41] <@locopoke> !30
[13:03:42] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 30000
[13:03:42] <%gr8astard> holy shit
[13:03:43] <%gengar> jesus christ
[13:03:43] <@Funkasaurus> !31
[13:03:44] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 31000
[13:03:46] <@locopoke> !32
[13:03:47] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 32000
[13:03:48] <~aldaron> that escalated
[13:03:49] <+Earthworm|Away> i have a better idea
[13:03:50] <%BAIKA> !33
[13:03:50] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 33000
[13:03:53] Hoodedboy [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:03:55] <@little_gk> we were only prepared to bid 30
[13:03:55] <@yondie> holy shit
[13:03:59] <%gr8astard> rofl
[13:03:59] <%macle> holy cow
[13:04:00] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:04:00] <@tennisace> rofl
[13:04:01] <+Earthworm|Away> someone could stream the auction on Twitch.tv With Commentary.
[13:04:01] <@LonelyNess> !33.5
[13:04:01] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 33500
[13:04:04] <%gengar> LOL
[13:04:04] <&McMeghan> !34
[13:04:04] <@Nachos> this is pocket money
[13:04:05] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 34000
[13:04:05] <@falcula> lmfao
[13:04:05] <%gr8astard> FROGS
[13:04:06] <%gr8astard> YES
[13:04:08] <@LonelyNess> !34.5
[13:04:08] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 34500
[13:04:09] <@yondie> FROGS
[13:04:10] <%tab> frog pls
[13:04:13] <@yondie> LOL
[13:04:13] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[13:04:14] <@little_gk> SEND HIM TO THE FROGS
[13:04:14] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:04:14] <%gr8astard> FROGS
[13:04:15] <&McMeghan> !35
[13:04:15] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 35000
[13:04:16] <@Funkasaurus> PLS GOD
[13:04:16] <%Ciele> !35
[13:04:16] <%gengar> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:04:16] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 35000.
[13:04:18] <~aldaron> i want bloo on the frogs so badly
[13:04:19] ficcion [Mibbit@synIRC-1EE8A0E3.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #spl
[13:04:20] FOLGORIO [~Alleneby@Swag.Eos.Bag] has joined #spl
[13:04:20] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:04:20] <+kd24> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:04:22] <+kd24> GO LNM
[13:04:25] <+SPLbot> SOLD: Bloo to The Alpha Ruiners for 35000.
[13:04:25] <@yondie> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:04:26] Punchshroom [Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has joined #spl
[13:04:28] <%gr8astard> NO
[13:04:28] <@LonelyNess> wait
[13:04:28] shakur [Mibbit@synIRC-F03309AC.slkc.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:04:28] <%tab> ugh
[13:04:28] <@LonelyNess> what
[13:04:28] <@tennisace> god damn
[13:04:29] <&blue> YES
[13:04:30] <%macle> nooooo
[13:04:30] <@LonelyNess> what the fuck
[13:04:33] <%Snunch> LN FUCK YOU
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 58500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:04:33] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:04:34] <+Red_Panda> worth
[13:04:35] <@Funkasaurus> GOD
[13:04:35] Dotteh [Dotteh@synIRC-6C5C97A0.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:04:35] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:04:36] <%Stone_Cold22> blue
[13:04:36] <@Funkasaurus> FUCKING
[13:04:37] <@LonelyNess> what the fuck
[13:04:37] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Players:
[13:04:38] <%Stone_Cold22> dont go 1-8
[13:04:39] <@Funkasaurus> WHY
[13:04:39] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Players: bad ass
[13:04:39] <%panamaxis> jesus
[13:04:40] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:04:40] <%Stone_Cold22> ok?
[13:04:41] Cased [~cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #spl
[13:04:42] <@DittoCrow> shut up LonelyNess
[13:04:42] <@LonelyNess> I didn't get to bid
[13:04:42] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / solace / zeb
[13:04:46] <%Solace> bloo lucked out lmao
[13:04:48] viewtifulkye [Mibbit@synIRC-FA74D4BD.dllstx.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:04:51] <@LonelyNess> what in the fuck i didn't get to bid
[13:04:54] steeledges [i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has joined #spl
[13:04:56] <@Nachos> bloo was sweating hard
[13:04:56] <@tennisace> !nominate ]v[ajin_tupacz
[13:04:57] <&McMeghan> ?_,
[13:04:57] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "]v[ajin_tupacz" not found.
[13:04:59] ZenthForbias [~UPP@synIRC-D3FBACFB.hsd1.sc.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:05:00] <+Earthworm|Away> plz elaborate LonelyNess
[13:05:02] <+ZEB> no _
[13:05:02] <@tennisace> how the fuck is his name spelled
[13:05:03] <+Earthworm|Away> did you Lag
[13:05:04] <&Eo> no z
[13:05:05] <@Funkasaurus> just a space
[13:05:08] <@Funkasaurus> no underscore
[13:05:09] <@yondie> no _
[13:05:16] Dotteh [Dotteh@synIRC-6C5C97A0.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:05:16] <@LonelyNess> I typed in !bid 35.5
[13:05:20] <@LonelyNess> and it did not go
[13:05:23] <@Funkasaurus> its !35.5
[13:05:24] <@little_gk> we might as well just reset
[13:05:26] <%Solace> it's just ]v[ajintupacz
[13:05:26] <%Stone_Cold22> liez
[13:05:29] <%negres> reset
[13:05:29] <%negres> reset
[13:05:30] <%tab> yes reset pls
[13:05:30] <%BAIKA> idiot
[13:05:32] <@tennisace> yeah reset
[13:05:33] <@little_gk> it's the first bid
[13:05:33] <@Nachos> reset
[13:05:34] <@LonelyNess> why would I lie
[13:05:34] <@Funkasaurus> RESET Kappa.
[13:05:37] <+kd24> its !35.5
[13:05:38] <%Snunch> its only fair, first player
[13:05:39] <%Solace> lmao
[13:05:40] <%Snunch> should reset
[13:05:41] <+reyscarface> reset please
[13:05:41] <+kd24> i say let LN
[13:05:41] <%BAIKA> why did you type in !bid
[13:05:41] <&Eo> omg lol
[13:05:43] <@yondie> RESET
[13:05:44] <+kd24> put his bid in
[13:05:44] <%BAIKA> retard
[13:05:47] <@yondie> RESET
[13:05:48] <%Stone_Cold22> this ln drama already
[13:05:49] <%Stone_Cold22> LOL
[13:05:49] <+kd24> let LN have him
[13:05:50] <&Eo> first bid drama
[13:05:51] pudgetta [Mibbit@synIRC-17D45F05.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:05:52] <@little_gk> !reset
[13:05:55] <@little_gk> :[
[13:05:58] <%Texas> can confirm i saw the red letters that indicated he was typing
[13:05:59] <&Oglemi> !reset
[13:05:59] <+SPLbot> All details have been reset.
[13:06:00] <%Stone_Cold22> can we move on
[13:06:01] <%Stone_Cold22> ffs
[13:06:02] <%Stone_Cold22> lols
[13:06:02] <+Earthworm|Away> LOL
[13:06:03] <+kd24> YEAHHH
[13:06:03] <%tab> lmao yes
[13:06:03] <+kd24> YES
[13:06:04] <+kd24> YES
[13:06:04] <+kd24> Y ES
[13:06:05] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:06:06] <%negres> ROFL
[13:06:06] <%gr8astard> lmao
[13:06:07] <%Solace> LOL
[13:06:07] <+reyscarface> YES
[13:06:08] <@tennisace> oh my god
[13:06:08] <%panamaxis> what.
[13:06:08] <%BAIKA> are you serious
[13:06:08] <%gr8astard> lgi
[13:06:11] <@Nachos> LMFAO
[13:06:12] <&Oglemi> !showall
[13:06:12] <@tennisace> hahahahahah
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:12] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:06:13] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:13] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:06:13] <&McMeghan> ....
[13:06:14] <&blue> .
[13:06:15] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:06:15] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:06:15] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:06:15] <&Oglemi> gr8
[13:06:16] <%gr8astard> wait
[13:06:16] <@DittoCrow> this is a joke
[13:06:16] <%gr8astard> ....
[13:06:16] <%Stone_Cold22> g_G
[13:06:16] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:06:17] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:06:17] <%panamaxis> wait what
[13:06:17] <%negres> OMG
[13:06:17] <%gengar> lmfao
[13:06:17] <@tennisace> here we go
[13:06:18] <%negres> RETAINERS
[13:06:19] <%Solace> FUCKING GOD
[13:06:19] <%negres> ALL OVER
[13:06:20] <%negres> AGAIN
[13:06:21] <%panamaxis> are you kidding me oglemi
[13:06:24] <%negres> HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAA
[13:06:24] <%BAIKA> can we remove oglemi
[13:06:25] <+workingphil> proof that ln should be a manager forever
[13:06:25] <+DMALFOY> lol
[13:06:25] <&blue> are you serious oglemi
[13:06:26] <%negres> FAIL
[13:06:26] <%Solace> why did we reset
[13:06:26] <+workingphil> ^_^
[13:06:27] Deshfyre [Mibbit@synIRC-143C752D.su.shawcable.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:06:27] <%BAIKA> what the fuck
[13:06:27] <+DMALFOY> lmfao
[13:06:27] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi...
[13:06:28] <&blue> how is that fair
[13:06:30] <%BAIKA> are you retarded
[13:06:31] <%Ciele> this cannot happen oglemi
[13:06:31] <%Solace> if someone cant figure out how to fucking bid
[13:06:34] <%Solace> they dont get the player
[13:06:37] <+reyscarface> yo oglemi
[13:06:38] RooseBolton [Mibbit@synIRC-5687335F.skybroadband.com] has joined #spl
[13:06:38] <%Stone_Cold22> yeah
[13:06:39] <+ZEB> just add bloo back
[13:06:39] <+reyscarface> you reset
[13:06:40] <&blue> oglemi
[13:06:40] <+reyscarface> absolutely everything
[13:06:40] <%Stone_Cold22> i dont see the deal
[13:06:41] <%BAIKA> oglemi is as dumb as ln
[13:06:41] <+reyscarface> ...
[13:06:42] <%Stone_Cold22> jesus christ
[13:06:42] <%panamaxis> oglemi wtf are you doing
[13:06:43] <&blue> you have to be kidding lol
[13:06:44] <@yondie> lets see
[13:06:46] <%Stone_Cold22> fucking oglemi
[13:06:47] <@yondie> how much
[13:06:48] <@yondie> mcmeghan
[13:06:51] verbatim [Mibbit@synIRC-4236811B.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:06:52] <@yondie> really wants bloo
[13:06:52] <&Eo> !showall
[13:06:52] <+Earthworm|Away> calm down
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:53] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:54] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 140000 | Bidders: | Players:
[13:06:54] <%gengar> lmao bloos gonna be a frog
[13:06:54] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 15000 danilo
[13:06:55] <+SPLbot> danilo retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 15000.
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 13000 silentverse
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 10000 marth
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 22000 flcl
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 12000 kingofkongs
[13:06:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 16000 dracomalfoy
[13:06:55] <+SPLbot> silentverse retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 13000.
[13:06:57] <+SPLbot> marth retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 10000.
[13:06:57] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 15000 jorgen
[13:06:57] <+SPLbot> flcl retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 22000.
[13:06:58] <+SPLbot> kingofkongs retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 12000.
[13:06:59] <&Oglemi> !addretainer wol 15000 donkey
[13:06:59] <+SPLbot> dracomalfoy retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 16000.
[13:07:01] <+SPLbot> jorgen retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 15000.
[13:07:01] <&Oglemi> !addcredits wol 5000
[13:07:02] <+SPLbot> donkey retained by The Wifi Wolfpack for 15000.
[13:07:03] <+SPLbot> 5000 credits added to The Wifi Wolfpack.
[13:07:03] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:03] little_gk [~little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com] has set mode +v Oglemi
[13:07:07] <&Oglemi> !addcredits rai 1500
[13:07:07] <+SPLbot> 1500 credits added to The Team Raiders.
[13:07:09] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:11] <&Oglemi> !addretainer ind 15000 bad ass
[13:07:11] <+SPLbot> bad ass retained by The Indie Scooters for 15000.
[13:07:12] <%Stone_Cold22> im shocked lol
[13:07:13] <@Funkasaurus> teach me how to dougie
[13:07:13] <&Oglemi> !addcredits ind 2500
[13:07:13] <+SPLbot> 2500 credits added to The Indie Scooters.
[13:07:15] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:15] <@yondie> Lonelyness i hope you're happy
[13:07:17] <&Oglemi> !addretainer fro 10000 dekzeh
[13:07:18] <+SPLbot> dekzeh retained by The Smog Frogs for 10000.
[13:07:19] <&Oglemi> !addretainer fro 10000 texas cloverleaf
[13:07:19] <+SPLbot> texas cloverleaf retained by The Smog Frogs for 10000.
[13:07:21] <@Funkasaurus> ln you better fucking get him
[13:07:21] <&Oglemi> !addcredits fro -3500
[13:07:22] <%BAIKA> oglemi what the fuck
[13:07:22] <+SPLbot> -3500 credits added to The Smog Frogs.
[13:07:23] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:25] <&Oglemi> !addretainer big 15000 floppy
[13:07:25] <+SPLbot> floppy retained by The Ever Grande BIGs for 15000.
[13:07:26] <@yondie> I hope you can rest easy now LN
[13:07:27] <&Oglemi> !addretainer big 13000 delta 2777
[13:07:28] <+SPLbot> delta 2777 retained by The Ever Grande BIGs for 13000.
[13:07:28] <%Texas> yondie
[13:07:29] <&Oglemi> !addretainer big 12000 alf'
[13:07:30] <+SPLbot> alf' retained by The Ever Grande BIGs for 12000.
[13:07:31] <&Oglemi> !addcredits big 6000
[13:07:31] <%Texas> LN wasnt the one
[13:07:31] <+SPLbot> 6000 credits added to The Ever Grande BIGs.
[13:07:33] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:34] <%Texas> asking to reset
[13:07:37] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 16000 zebraiken
[13:07:37] <+SPLbot> zebraiken retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 16000.
[13:07:39] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 destinyunknown
[13:07:39] <+SPLbot> destinyunknown retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:39] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has joined #spl
[13:07:41] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 royal flush
[13:07:41] <+SPLbot> royal flush retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:43] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 biosci
[13:07:43] <+SPLbot> biosci retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:45] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 13000 tv-rocka
[13:07:45] <+kd24> so ln will put 35.5 on bloo right
[13:07:45] <+SPLbot> tv-rocka retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 13000.
[13:07:46] Laga [~laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has joined #spl
[13:07:47] Foster [~cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[13:07:47] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cir 10000 hot n cold
[13:07:47] <+SPLbot> hot n cold retained by The Circus Maximus Tigers for 10000.
[13:07:49] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir 10000
[13:07:49] <+SPLbot> 10000 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:07:51] <&Oglemi>
[13:07:53] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 10000 shakeitup
[13:07:53] <+SPLbot> shakeitup retained by The Stark Sharks for 10000.
[13:07:55] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 13000 malekith
[13:07:55] <+SPLbot> malekith retained by The Stark Sharks for 13000.
[13:07:57] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 10000 stellar
[13:07:58] <+SPLbot> stellar retained by The Stark Sharks for 10000.
[13:07:59] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 13000 soulwind
[13:07:59] <+SPLbot> soulwind retained by The Stark Sharks for 13000.
[13:08:00] <%BAIKA> god
[13:08:01] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 21500 heist
[13:08:01] <%Ciele> is this really happening
[13:08:01] <+SPLbot> heist retained by The Stark Sharks for 21500.
[13:08:03] <&Oglemi> !addretainer sha 16000 conflict
[13:08:03] <+SPLbot> conflict retained by The Stark Sharks for 16000.
[13:08:04] <+cbb> !bid 40k
[13:08:06] <+kd24> he put !bid lol
[13:08:07] <&Oglemi> !addcredits sha 2000
[13:08:07] <+SPLbot> 2000 credits added to The Stark Sharks.
[13:08:09] <&Oglemi>
[13:08:10] <%Ciele> it would be kinda ridiculous
[13:08:11] <&Oglemi> !addretainer alp 20500 crashingboombang
[13:08:11] <+SPLbot> crashingboombang retained by The Alpha Ruiners for 20500.
[13:08:13] <&Oglemi> !addretainer alp 10000 annoyer
[13:08:13] <+SPLbot> annoyer retained by The Alpha Ruiners for 10000.
[13:08:15] <&Oglemi> !addretainer alp 19000 ojama
[13:08:15] <+SPLbot> ojama retained by The Alpha Ruiners for 19000.
[13:08:17] <&Oglemi> !addcredits alp 3000
[13:08:17] <%Ciele> ln knows how to bid by now
[13:08:17] <+SPLbot> 3000 credits added to The Alpha Ruiners.
[13:08:19] <&Oglemi>
[13:08:21] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 10000 aqualouis
[13:08:21] <+SPLbot> aqualouis retained by The Cryonicles for 10000.
[13:08:23] <&McMeghan> only the first bid and ln already fucks up
[13:08:23] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 10000 picollo
[13:08:23] <+SPLbot> picollo retained by The Cryonicles for 10000.
[13:08:24] <%Ciele> if he messed up it's his own fault
[13:08:25] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 r inanimate
[13:08:26] <+SPLbot> r inanimate retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:27] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 blim
[13:08:28] <+SPLbot> blim retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:28] TIBA [~Tiba@synIRC-B0C6E21B.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #spl
[13:08:29] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 10000 blarajan
[13:08:29] <+SPLbot> blarajan retained by The Cryonicles for 10000.
[13:08:31] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 dragonuser
[13:08:31] <+SPLbot> dragonuser retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:33] <&Oglemi> !addretainer cry 13000 fakes
[13:08:33] <+SPLbot> fakes retained by The Cryonicles for 13000.
[13:08:35] <&Oglemi>
[13:08:39] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 10000 problems
[13:08:39] <%BAIKA> !bid 35
[13:08:39] <+SPLbot> problems retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 10000.
[13:08:41] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 14500 golden sun
[13:08:41] <+SPLbot> golden sun retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 14500.
[13:08:42] <%BAIKA> my bid didn't go through
[13:08:43] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 12000 luckoverskill
[13:08:43] <+SPLbot> luckoverskill retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 12000.
[13:08:45] <%BAIKA> can we start over
[13:08:45] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 14000 199 lives
[13:08:45] <+SPLbot> 199 lives retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 14000.
[13:08:47] <&Oglemi> !addretainer con 11000 Mr.E
[13:08:47] <+SPLbot> Mr.E retained by The Congregation of the Classiest for 11000.
[13:08:49] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con 3500
[13:08:49] <+SPLbot> 3500 credits added to The Congregation of the Classiest.
[13:08:50] Sayonara [Sayonara@quand.la.vie.ne.suffit.pas] has joined #spl
[13:08:53] <&Oglemi> yes when bid starts ln will start with 35.5 on bloo
[13:08:54] KayRey [Mibbit@2CFBEF39.21E859D2.BC5C02E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:08:55] <&Oglemi> if you have access to SPLbot now would be the time to help to add bidders
[13:08:56] <%Texas> once again, LN wasnt the one who asked for rest
[13:08:57] <%BAIKA> god fucking damn
[13:08:57] <&Oglemi> so we can get this shit going
[13:08:59] <%Texas> oglemi
[13:08:59] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol dittocrow
[13:09:00] <+SPLbot> dittocrow added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow
[13:09:00] <%Texas> dont forget
[13:09:01] TIBA [~Tiba@synIRC-B0C6E21B.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #spl
[13:09:03] <%Texas> the errata
[13:09:03] meowses [Mibbit@synIRC-504A4828.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:09:05] <%Texas> to the money
[13:09:09] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol gr8astard
[13:09:09] <+SPLbot> gr8astard added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard
[13:09:11] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol flcl
[13:09:11] <+SPLbot> flcl added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl
[13:09:15] <&Oglemi> !addbidder wol dmalfoy
[13:09:15] <+SPLbot> dmalfoy added to bidders for The Wifi Wolfpack. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:09:16] <@yondie> yondie/snunch
[13:09:19] <&Oglemi> !addbidder rai locopoke
[13:09:19] <+SPLbot> locopoke added to bidders for The Team Raiders. Bidders: locopoke
[13:09:23] ficcion [Mibbit@synIRC-1EE8A0E3.adsl.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:09:24] <@makiri> [10:32:56] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir -1500 [10:33:22] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con -2000
[13:09:25] <&Oglemi> !addbidder rai negres
[13:09:25] <+SPLbot> negres added to bidders for The Team Raiders. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:09:28] <@makiri> this needs to be done
[13:09:28] <&Oglemi> !addbidder ind falcula
[13:09:29] <+SPLbot> falcula added to bidders for The Indie Scooters. Bidders: falcula
[13:09:35] <+kd24> what makiri said
[13:09:41] <@little_gk> yeah we're 1.5k over
[13:09:41] <%gengar> me
[13:09:41] <+reyscarface> <&Oglemi> if you have access to SPLbot now would be the time to help to add bidders
[13:09:43] <+reyscarface> earthworm
[13:09:46] <+reyscarface> took it away from me
[13:09:51] <+reyscarface> tell him to give me it so i can help in case its needed later
[13:09:55] Foster [~cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:10:00] <%BAIKA> can we get a new host
[13:10:05] <%BAIKA> bring back symphony64
[13:10:08] <@Funkasaurus> I guess blue counted his blessings too early
[13:10:08] <@little_gk> #ln2015
[13:10:10] <@locopoke> bring back fabbles
[13:10:15] <&Eo> !addbidder cryo yondie
[13:10:15] <%BAIKA> this is stupid as fuck
[13:10:19] <&Eo> !addbidder cry yondie
[13:10:19] <+SPLbot> yondie added to bidders for The Cryonicles. Bidders: yondie
[13:10:20] RooseBolton [Mibbit@synIRC-5687335F.skybroadband.com] has left #spl
[13:10:24] <%negres> #40kplayerbloo
[13:10:24] <&Eo> !addbidder sha makiri
[13:10:25] <+SPLbot> makiri added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri
[13:10:28] <&Oglemi> !addbidder ind gengar
[13:10:28] <+SPLbot> gengar added to bidders for The Indie Scooters. Bidders: falcula / gengar
[13:10:33] <&Eo> !addbidder cry snunch
[13:10:33] <+SPLbot> snunch added to bidders for The Cryonicles. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:10:34] <@makiri> !addbidder sha panamaxis
[13:10:35] <&McMeghan> so idgi LN bigs correctly till 34.5
[13:10:38] <&McMeghan> then suddenly fucks up?
[13:10:40] <&Oglemi> !addbidder alp mcmeghan
[13:10:41] <+SPLbot> mcmeghan added to bidders for The Alpha Ruiners. Bidders: mcmeghan
[13:10:44] <&Eo> !addbidder sha panamaxis
[13:10:45] <+SPLbot> panamaxis added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis
[13:10:47] <%Solace> add me/tennis/gk/zeb for tigers
[13:10:50] <%negres> watch
[13:10:50] <&Eo> !addbidder cla nachos
[13:10:50] <%Solace> pls and ty
[13:10:53] Rayq [~ray2233@why.read.this] has joined #spl
[13:10:54] <@makiri> !addbidder sha Stellar
[13:10:55] <%negres> LNs gonna go 35.5
[13:10:56] <&McMeghan> its con
[13:10:57] <%negres> ruiners go 36
[13:10:57] <&Eo> !addbidder con nachos
[13:10:58] <&McMeghan> not cla
[13:10:58] <+SPLbot> nachos added to bidders for The Congregation of the Classiest. Bidders: nachos
[13:11:00] <%negres> and then nothing else changes
[13:11:02] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir tennisace
[13:11:03] <+SPLbot> tennisace added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace
[13:11:04] <%Stone_Cold22> you dont have to add me
[13:11:05] <&Eo> mcm you have access too
[13:11:06] <%Stone_Cold22> only nachos bididng
[13:11:07] <+kd24> i think its a bad decision to let it redo mcmeghan but i think its not the worst ever with no one else taken
[13:11:10] <@Funkasaurus> only have me
[13:11:11] <@Nachos> yea
[13:11:11] <&Eo> !addbidder sha stellar
[13:11:12] <+SPLbot> stellar added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar
[13:11:13] <@makiri> !addbidder sha workingphil
[13:11:18] <&Eo> !addbidder sha workingphil
[13:11:18] <+SPLbot> workingphil added to bidders for The Stark Sharks. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:11:23] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir little_gk
[13:11:23] <+SPLbot> little_gk added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk
[13:11:24] <%gr8astard> stone_cold22 is clueless
[13:11:25] <@makiri> ty eo
[13:11:27] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir zeb
[13:11:28] <+SPLbot> zeb added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb
[13:11:28] <@little_gk> c:
[13:11:32] <@Nachos> wait
[13:11:33] <&Oglemi> !addbidder cir solace
[13:11:33] <+SPLbot> solace added to bidders for The Circus Maximus Tigers. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:11:33] <+kd24> did you guys take money away
[13:11:35] <@Nachos> add stone as well
[13:11:35] <+kd24> from con and cir
[13:11:35] <+kd24> yet?
[13:11:36] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi, add me actually
[13:11:39] <&Eo> !addbidder big Funkasaurus
[13:11:39] <+SPLbot> Funkasaurus added to bidders for The Ever Grande BIGs. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:11:40] <%Stone_Cold22> in case he dcs
[13:11:40] <@makiri> no kd24
[13:11:43] <+kd24> eo
[13:11:44] <%BAIKA> seriously
[13:11:45] <+kd24> u need to do that
[13:11:45] <+kd24> as well
[13:11:46] <%BAIKA> remove oglemi
[13:11:46] <@makiri> [11:09:08] <@makiri> [10:32:56] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir -1500 [10:33:22] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con -2000
[13:11:49] <@makiri> eo these 2
[13:11:50] <+kd24> ^
[13:11:53] mib_hbvz73 [Mibbit@synIRC-E86CFAD.as43234.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:11:57] <&Eo> !addcredits cir -1500
[13:11:58] <+SPLbot> -1500 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:11:58] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir -1500
[13:11:58] TheMoist [Mibbit@synIRC-21E782E9.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #spl
[13:11:59] <+SPLbot> -1500 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:12:00] heist [Mibbit@i.am.t] has joined #spl
[13:12:01] <&Oglemi> ugh
[13:12:02] <&Eo> ok
[13:12:02] <@makiri> rofl
[13:12:03] <&Eo> you do it
[13:12:06] <@tennisace> wow
[13:12:09] <@tennisace> rude
[13:12:10] <@little_gk> ;-;
[13:12:11] <@LonelyNess> poor tennisace
[13:12:11] <&Oglemi> !addcredits cir 1500
[13:12:11] <+SPLbot> 1500 credits added to The Circus Maximus Tigers.
[13:12:11] LonelyNess hug
[13:12:21] <@Funkasaurus> was the schedule even made yet
[13:12:25] <&Oglemi> !addcredits con -2000
[13:12:26] <+SPLbot> -2000 credits added to The Congregation of the Classiest.
[13:12:26] Hulavuta [~Hulavuta@wow.mom.wow] has joined #spl
[13:12:28] <&Oglemi> !showall
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:12:28] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 93500 | Bidders: mcmeghan | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama
[13:12:30] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:12:31] goldensun [goldensune@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #spl
[13:12:31] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:12:34] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Bidders: nachos | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:12:36] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players:
[13:12:37] <&McMeghan> !addbidder alp BAIKA
[13:12:37] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar | Players: bad ass
[13:12:40] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Bidders: | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:12:41] <+SPLbot> BAIKA added to bidders for The Alpha Ruiners. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA
[13:12:42] <&McMeghan> !addbidder alp Ciele
[13:12:44] <+SPLbot> Ciele added to bidders for The Alpha Ruiners. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:12:46] <@little_gk> can tigres play bigs week 1 so we can be friends until finals
[13:12:48] <@little_gk> :]
[13:12:51] <@locopoke> add ln as a bidder
[13:12:52] <@LonelyNess> you have to add me Oglemi
[13:12:52] <+kd24> ln's not bidding for the frogs
[13:12:53] <@locopoke> thats kind of important
[13:12:55] <@locopoke> considering why we restarted
[13:12:58] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:12:58] <&Oglemi> !addbidder fro lonelyness
[13:12:58] <+SPLbot> lonelyness added to bidders for The Smog Frogs. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:12:58] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:13:14] <%BAIKA> how does he bid properly until 34.5 and then suddenly eats a dick
[13:13:21] gec [~TAYLORGAN@synIRC-B8FC59AB.range109-154.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye!
[13:13:24] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:13:25] <%gr8astard> much at stake
[13:13:26] <&Oglemi> !showall
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:13:26] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 93500 | Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama
[13:13:26] <%BAIKA> please explain
[13:13:28] <~aldaron> did ln lag or something
[13:13:28] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:13:30] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:13:31] <@Funkasaurus> choking up pressure
[13:13:31] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Bidders: nachos | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:13:34] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[13:13:34] <%negres> lonelyness is like a clumsy frenchmen
[13:13:34] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players:
[13:13:34] <%gr8astard> ^
[13:13:35] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar | Players: bad ass
[13:13:36] <@LonelyNess> where is my incentive to lie lol
[13:13:37] <@LonelyNess> it's not like
[13:13:37] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Bidders: lonelyness | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:13:43] <@LonelyNess> he doesn't have an opportunity to buy him still
[13:13:47] falcula [dawn@malediction.murder] is now known as BKC
[13:13:49] <@LonelyNess> I said it -immediately- after he was sold
[13:13:52] Bedschibaer [Mibbit@synIRC-DCB91FFB.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #spl
[13:13:54] <@BKC> oglemi can you just add me on this name
[13:13:56] <@BKC> itll be easier
[13:14:01] <%negres> BKC
[13:14:02] <&Oglemi> !addbidder ind bkc
[13:14:02] <@Funkasaurus> BKC is gay
[13:14:02] <+SPLbot> bkc added to bidders for The Indie Scooters. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:14:04] <%Stone_Cold22> bkc
[13:14:05] <%negres> congrats ^_^
[13:14:05] little_gk [~little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com] has set mode +v BKC
[13:14:05] <%Stone_Cold22> grats on win
[13:14:06] <&Oglemi> ye
[13:14:06] <%gr8astard> u think u can order people around now
[13:14:07] <%gr8astard> BKC
[13:14:08] <@locopoke> ok
[13:14:08] <%Stone_Cold22> the year of east
[13:14:09] <%BAIKA> this is 100% ln's own fault
[13:14:09] <@BKC> thx stone
[13:14:09] <%Stone_Cold22> y/n?
[13:14:09] <@locopoke> we ready?
[13:14:11] <@BKC> y
[13:14:11] <@BKC> defo
[13:14:12] <&Oglemi> ok we're starting now
[13:14:14] <%BAIKA> for being a mentally challenged person
[13:14:14] <@locopoke> ok
[13:14:14] <@little_gk> ok
[13:14:16] <@tennisace> rdy frdy
[13:14:16] <@locopoke> ln just bid right away
[13:14:18] <%Solace> no more re-dos
[13:14:20] <+kd24> ln bid 35.5
[13:14:22] <%BAIKA> look at those crutches
[13:14:22] <&Oglemi> sorry for the reset I thought it would just remove bids
[13:14:22] <+kd24> right away
[13:14:26] <@LonelyNess> I intend to, kd24
[13:14:27] <&Oglemi> not restart the whole damn thing
[13:14:28] <%gr8astard> might as well
[13:14:31] <@yondie> im bidding 36
[13:14:32] ZEB pet ogles
[13:14:33] <@yondie> take a gamble
[13:14:34] <+kd24> ln i just thought itd be funny
[13:14:35] <@tennisace> ok lets just
[13:14:35] <@yondie> WHO WANTS BLOO MOST
[13:14:35] <@tennisace> go
[13:14:36] <+kd24> if u were like
[13:14:39] <&Oglemi> !start
[13:14:40] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:14:40] <+kd24> u know i talked it over with ym assmen
[13:14:44] <+kd24> and i dont think hes worth it
[13:14:45] <@DittoCrow> !nominate bloo
[13:14:45] <%gr8astard> !nominate blue
[13:14:45] <+SPLbot> Bloo is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:14:45] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:14:46] <&Oglemi> wolfpack nominate bloo
[13:14:46] <+DMALFOY> !nominate bloo
[13:14:48] <@little_gk> !4
[13:14:48] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[13:14:50] <@LonelyNess> !35.5
[13:14:50] <@little_gk> :]
[13:14:51] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 35500
[13:14:55] <%BAIKA> !36
[13:14:55] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 36000
[13:14:56] <%Solace> :)
[13:14:59] <%negres> LOL
[13:15:00] <@LonelyNess> !36.5
[13:15:00] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 36500
[13:15:00] <@locopoke> we did this
[13:15:01] <@locopoke> nvm
[13:15:01] <@yondie> NO
[13:15:02] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:03] <%panamaxis> oh my god
[13:15:03] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:03] <%CTI> rofl
[13:15:05] Aqualouis [Aqualouis@synIRC-3810ABA5.rev.sfr.net] has joined #spl
[13:15:05] <+kd24> !frogs
[13:15:05] <%gr8astard> rofl
[13:15:05] <%negres> LOL
[13:15:06] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:06] <@little_gk> wow
[13:15:06] <%gr8astard> 40k
[13:15:07] <%BAIKA> !37
[13:15:07] <%gr8astard> come on
[13:15:08] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 37000
[13:15:08] <@Funkasaurus> DO IT
[13:15:08] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:15:09] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:09] <+reyscarface> lmfa hes going
[13:15:10] <+reyscarface> fucking hard
[13:15:10] <%negres> #40kplayer
[13:15:10] <+reyscarface> omfg
[13:15:11] <@yondie> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:11] <@Funkasaurus> DO IT
[13:15:11] <@LonelyNess> !37.5
[13:15:12] <%Solace> omg
[13:15:12] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 37500
[13:15:13] <%panamaxis> omfg
[13:15:14] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:15:14] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:14] <%panamaxis> what
[13:15:15] <%negres> #40kplayer
[13:15:16] <%BAIKA> !38
[13:15:16] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 38000
[13:15:17] <@tennisace> help
[13:15:20] <@LonelyNess> !38.5
[13:15:20] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 38500
[13:15:22] <@Funkasaurus> OMG
[13:15:24] <@yondie> wow both these teams REALLY WANT TO SUCK
[13:15:24] <%negres> LOL
[13:15:25] <@BKC> lmfao
[13:15:25] <%BAIKA> !39
[13:15:25] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:26] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 39000
[13:15:26] biggie [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[13:15:28] <%panamaxis> WTF
[13:15:30] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:31] <%panamaxis> stop
[13:15:31] <@locopoke> 40
[13:15:32] <+workingphil> 40k do it
[13:15:32] <@little_gk> wow
[13:15:33] <@Funkasaurus> PLS
[13:15:33] <%negres> #40K PLAYER
[13:15:33] <@LonelyNess> !39.5
[13:15:34] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 39500
[13:15:37] <@little_gk> :O
[13:15:37] <%negres> OH SHIT
[13:15:37] <+workingphil> LOL
[13:15:39] <%CTI> ACHIEVE IT
[13:15:40] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:40] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:15:40] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:15:40] <@tennisace> OH MY GOd
[13:15:40] <%BAIKA> !40
[13:15:41] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 40000
[13:15:41] <+Red_Panda> it's happening
[13:15:42] <@yondie> LET IT HAPPEN
[13:15:43] <%panamaxis> oh
[13:15:43] <@Funkasaurus> omg
[13:15:44] <%panamaxis> my god
[13:15:44] <+kd24> THE RUINERS ARE TANKING
[13:15:45] <@tennisace> OH MY GOD IT HAPPENED
[13:15:46] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:15:46] <%gr8astard> oh my fuck
[13:15:46] <%negres> #40KPLAYER
[13:15:46] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:15:48] <@LonelyNess> =\
[13:15:48] <+workingphil> ln keep on going on
[13:15:49] <@LonelyNess> fine
[13:15:49] <%macle> omg
[13:15:50] <%gr8astard> 40.5 man
[13:15:50] <@LonelyNess> have him
[13:15:51] <+SPLbot> SOLD: Bloo to The Alpha Ruiners for 40000.
[13:15:51] <@Funkasaurus> .
[13:15:52] <%gr8astard> just a push
[13:15:52] <@tennisace> OH MY GOD
[13:15:53] <+cbb> so basically we lost 5k
[13:15:54] <%negres> hahahahhahahahaha
[13:15:54] <@Nachos> LMAO
[13:15:55] <%Snunch> NO
[13:15:55] <+cbb> because ln is retarded
[13:15:55] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:56] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:56] <+Earthworm|Away> #RuinerStrats
[13:15:56] <%gr8astard> LOL
[13:15:57] <@yondie> LOL
[13:15:57] <%negres> LN IS SUCH A NIGGA
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:15:59] <%Texas> that upbid
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:15:59] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:16:00] <@little_gk> TANK4TEDDY
[13:16:01] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:16:04] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Players:
[13:16:04] <%BAIKA> thanks you fucking (BAN ME PLEASE)
[13:16:04] <@Funkasaurus> dank ass plays
[13:16:04] <%gr8astard> such strategy
[13:16:04] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 127500 | Players: bad ass
[13:16:05] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:16:06] heist [Mibbit@i.am.t] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:16:06] Hiwowlol [Mibbit@synIRC-F77B6062.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:16:08] blue [Bloo@lost.in.the.echo] has left #spl
[13:16:08] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:16:08] <%BAIKA> um
[13:16:10] <@little_gk> the plays
[13:16:12] <&McMeghan> i didnt want to bid 40 wow
[13:16:12] <%BAIKA> can we reset
[13:16:13] <@tennisace> !nominate ]v[ajintupacz
[13:16:13] <+SPLbot> ]V[ajinTupacZ is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU
[13:16:14] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[13:16:15] <&McMeghan> cant we restart??????
[13:16:17] <@yondie> !10
[13:16:17] <&McMeghan> !10
[13:16:17] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:16:18] <+workingphil> !7
[13:16:18] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:18] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:18] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:16:18] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:18] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:16:19] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:16:19] <@locopoke> !12
[13:16:20] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[13:16:21] <@BKC> !13
[13:16:22] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 13000
[13:16:22] <@Funkasaurus> !13
[13:16:23] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 13000.
[13:16:23] <@tennisace> !14
[13:16:23] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 14000
[13:16:24] <@locopoke> !15
[13:16:24] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15000
[13:16:25] <@Funkasaurus> !16
[13:16:25] <@BKC> !15.5
[13:16:26] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 16000
[13:16:26] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 16000.
[13:16:28] <%gengar> !17
[13:16:28] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 17000
[13:16:29] <@locopoke> !18
[13:16:29] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 18000
[13:16:36] <@Funkasaurus> !18.5
[13:16:36] <@BKC> !18.5
[13:16:36] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 18500
[13:16:36] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 18500.
[13:16:37] <%gengar> !19
[13:16:37] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 19000
[13:16:37] <@locopoke> !20
[13:16:38] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 20000
[13:16:40] <@Funkasaurus> jesus fuck
[13:16:42] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:16:45] <%BAIKA> thanks for being a massive (BAN ME PLEASE) ln
[13:16:45] <@tennisace> the thirst is real
[13:16:46] <@Funkasaurus> !20.5
[13:16:46] <@BKC> !20.5
[13:16:47] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 20500
[13:16:47] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 20500.
[13:16:50] <@locopoke> !21
[13:16:50] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 21000
[13:16:54] <@Funkasaurus> !21.5
[13:16:54] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 21500
[13:16:56] <@locopoke> !22
[13:16:56] <~aldaron> big majin
[13:16:56] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 22000
[13:17:00] <@little_gk> :@
[13:17:01] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:17:02] <%BAIKA> you have removed all doubts that you are a mentally challenged (BAN ME PLEASE) of the highest quality
[13:17:04] <@BKC> !22.5
[13:17:05] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 22500
[13:17:08] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:17:10] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:17:11] elevator_music [come@me.bro] has joined #spl
[13:17:14] <@tennisace> another 40k plz
[13:17:15] <+SPLbot> SOLD: ]V[ajinTupacZ to The Indie Scooters for 22500.
[13:17:20] <@Funkasaurus> what a god
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:17:23] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:17:24] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:17:26] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:17:28] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 141500 | Players:
[13:17:28] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:17:31] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:17:33] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:17:34] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[13:17:41] <+workingphil> !nom jabbathegriffin
[13:17:43] verbatim [Mibbit@synIRC-4236811B.lightspeed.cicril.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[13:17:45] MrE [MrE@synIRC-D393B164.woh.res.rr.com] has left #spl
[13:17:50] <@makiri> !nominate JabbaTheGriffin
[13:17:50] <+workingphil> !nominate jabbathegriffin
[13:17:50] <+SPLbot> JabbaTheGriffin is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:17:50] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[13:17:53] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:17:54] <&McMeghan> !10
[13:17:54] <@yondie> !4
[13:17:54] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:17:54] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 10000
[13:17:54] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:17:57] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:18:05] <%Solace> omg
[13:18:06] Heysup [~Heysup@synIRC-64D73F3A.wp.shawcable.net] has joined #spl
[13:18:06] <@Funkasaurus> McMeghan going for early bankruptcy
[13:18:12] <@yondie> !10.5
[13:18:13] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10500
[13:18:18] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:18] <@locopoke> !11
[13:18:19] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11000
[13:18:23] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:25] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:18:25] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:18:31] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:32] <@locopoke> !13
[13:18:32] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13000
[13:18:38] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:18:38] <@little_gk> frogs with money in the bank
[13:18:42] <+SPLbot> SOLD: JabbaTheGriffin to The Team Raiders for 13000.
[13:18:48] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@synIRC-6AD0B315.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:18:50] <%negres> a shocking purchase
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:18:50] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:18:51] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:18:52] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:18:55] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 128500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin
[13:18:55] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:18:57] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 116500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf
[13:18:59] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:19:13] <&McMeghan> !nominate reyscarface
[13:19:13] <+SPLbot> reyscarface is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / Doubles
[13:19:13] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[13:19:16] <@tennisace> !10
[13:19:16] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 10000
[13:19:19] <@BKC> !11
[13:19:19] <@locopoke> 11
[13:19:20] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11000
[13:19:20] <@Funkasaurus> !12
[13:19:20] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12000
[13:19:22] <@locopoke> !15
[13:19:22] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15000
[13:19:25] <@Funkasaurus> !16
[13:19:26] SERIAL_KILLA [~PDC_@synIRC-6B8CCB1F.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[13:19:26] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 16000
[13:19:27] imanalt|phone [~imanaltph@this.isnt.a.v.host] has joined #spl
[13:19:27] <@LonelyNess> !20
[13:19:27] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 20000
[13:19:29] <@Funkasaurus> !21
[13:19:30] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 21000
[13:19:32] <@BKC> what the fuck
[13:19:34] <%Snunch> !frogs
[13:19:34] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:36] PDC_ [~PDC_@synIRC-6B8CCB1F.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:19:36] <+cbb> LOL
[13:19:37] <+reyscarface> christ so much
[13:19:37] drcossack [I.h@te.stupid.people] has joined #spl
[13:19:38] <@tennisace> THE THIRST IS REAL
[13:19:38] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:19:40] <@LonelyNess> !22
[13:19:40] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 22000
[13:19:40] <@yondie> i got him for 11k last yea
[13:19:41] <@Nachos> LMAO
[13:19:43] <@yondie> year*
[13:19:44] <+reyscarface> GIMME FROGS
[13:19:44] <@little_gk> wow
[13:19:45] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:19:45] <@yondie> lol
[13:19:49] <+cbb> !frogs
[13:19:49] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:50] <+SPLbot> SOLD: reyscarface to The Smog Frogs for 22000.
[13:19:50] <&McMeghan> !frogs
[13:19:51] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:51] <%panamaxis> LOL
[13:19:53] <%Snunch> YES
[13:19:54] <%macle> .
[13:19:54] <@BKC> lmfao
[13:19:54] <@yondie> LOL
[13:19:54] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:19:54] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:54] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:19:54] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:19:55] <@tennisace> jesus i shoulda traded for his retains when i had the chance
[13:19:55] <%Ciele> LoL
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:19:58] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:19:59] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:20:01] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:20:02] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 128500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin
[13:20:03] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:20:06] <+workingphil> rey didn't want to be retained cause he thought he'd go for too much in retainership fees
[13:20:06] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 94500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface
[13:20:06] <+workingphil> LOL
[13:20:08] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:20:11] PragueKick [CAZZODURO@FREELUCK.DETULLIO] has joined #spl
[13:20:17] <@yondie> !nominate Veteran In Love
[13:20:18] <+SPLbot> Veteran In Love is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:20:18] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[13:20:19] <@Funkasaurus> these nigs trying to go broke
[13:20:20] <%BAIKA> reyfrogface
[13:20:22] <@tennisace> !5
[13:20:22] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:20:23] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:20:24] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:20:25] <@yondie> !5.5
[13:20:25] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:20:25] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[13:20:25] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:20:27] <@tennisace> !7
[13:20:27] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[13:20:30] <@yondie> !7.5
[13:20:31] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 7500
[13:20:35] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:20:35] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:20:43] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:20:44] <@locopoke> !8.5
[13:20:44] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 8500
[13:20:45] <+Red_Panda> VIL_In_Love
[13:20:49] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:20:52] <@yondie> !9
[13:20:52] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[13:20:58] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:20:59] Badabing [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[13:20:59] <@locopoke> !9.5
[13:21:00] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 9500
[13:21:01] Solace [Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has quit IRC: Quit: l8r
[13:21:03] <@Funkasaurus> gl with a dead man
[13:21:05] <@yondie> !10
[13:21:05] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:05] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:21:06] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[13:21:10] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:11] <%negres> !10.5
[13:21:11] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10500
[13:21:11] <@locopoke> !10.5
[13:21:11] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 10500.
[13:21:16] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:18] Solace [Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has joined #spl
[13:21:18] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Solace
[13:21:20] <@yondie> !11
[13:21:20] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11000
[13:21:22] Terraquaza [~cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[13:21:25] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:27] <%negres> !11.5
[13:21:27] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11500
[13:21:32] <@little_gk> i keep forgetting atticus is a raider now
[13:21:32] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:21:37] <+SPLbot> SOLD: Veteran In Love to The Team Raiders for 11500.
[13:21:38] <@yondie> ok have him
[13:21:45] <+SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:21:45] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:21:46] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:21:47] <%negres> thats right yondie
[13:21:48] <+SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:21:50] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 117000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love
[13:21:53] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:21:54] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 94500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface
[13:21:56] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:22:01] Hugendugen [give.it@little.bit.of.vitriol] has joined #spl
[13:22:11] <%gr8astard> funkasaurus why are you alone
[13:22:11] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate iconic
[13:22:12] <+SPLbot> Iconic is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[13:22:12] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[13:22:14] <@tennisace> !5
[13:22:15] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:22:17] <@Funkasaurus> i don't need no man
[13:22:18] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:22:18] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:22:21] <@BKC> !6.5
[13:22:21] <@tennisace> !6.5
[13:22:21] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:22:22] <+SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[13:22:24] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:22:24] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:22:27] elpoeta [Mibbit@6930E5C4.ED5B53AA.6D89A602.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:22:28] <&McMeghan> !8.5
[13:22:28] <+SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 8500
[13:22:30] <@BKC> !9
[13:22:30] <+SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:22:33] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[13:22:33] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[13:22:38] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:22:40] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
[13:22:41] <@locopoke> !10
[13:22:41] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10000
[13:22:44] <@Funkasaurus> !10.5
[13:22:45] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10500
[13:22:47] Nexus [IRC@Its.like.a.birthday.party.where.everyone.wants.to.kill.me] has joined #spl
[13:22:50] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:22:51] <@LonelyNess> !11
[13:22:51] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11000
[13:22:56] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:22:58] <@Funkasaurus> !11.5
[13:22:58] <@locopoke> !11.5
[13:22:58] <+SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11500
[13:22:58] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 11500.
[13:23:00] <@locopoke> !12
[13:23:01] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[13:23:02] iconic [iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has joined #spl
[13:23:03] gjbro [Mibbit@synIRC-EBAAF787.getinternet.no] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:23:05] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:06] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:23:06] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:23:09] <@locopoke> !13
[13:23:09] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13000
[13:23:10] <~aldaron> ln why are you bidding high on the people most likely not to play for you
[13:23:10] <%Stone_Cold22> SEND THIS MAN
[13:23:13] <%Stone_Cold22> TO THE FROGS
[13:23:15] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:15] <~aldaron> this is ~a confusing strategy~
[13:23:15] boudouche [~cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[13:23:18] <@LonelyNess> !13.5
[13:23:18] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13500
[13:23:24] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:24] <@locopoke> !14
[13:23:24] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14000
[13:23:29] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:32] <@LonelyNess> !14.5
[13:23:32] <+SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 14500
[13:23:36] <@Funkasaurus> ribbit
[13:23:37] <+SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:39] <@locopoke> !15
[13:23:40] <+SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15000
[13:23:43] McMeghan [dre@m.catcher] has set mode +o SPLbot
[13:23:44] <@SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:23:49] <@SPLbot> SOLD: Iconic to The Team Raiders for 15000.
[13:23:52] Modestg [Mibbit@5EC6AF92.33CD3DBC.8824BCC.IP] has joined #spl
[13:23:55] FOLGORIO [~Alleneby@Swag.Eos.Bag] has left #spl
[13:23:55] aldaron [~aldaron@indian.six.pack.abs] has set mode +a SPLbot
[13:23:57] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:23:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:23:58] <@Funkasaurus> loco saving another from LN
[13:23:59] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:24:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:24:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 102000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic
[13:24:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:24:06] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 94500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface
[13:24:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[13:24:19] <@Nachos> !nominate aerialace tm40
[13:24:20] <&SPLbot> aerialace TM40 is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[13:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[13:24:23] <&McMeghan> !5
[13:24:24] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:24:24] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[13:24:24] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:24:26] <%gengar> !6
[13:24:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:24:28] <@Nachos> !7
[13:24:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[13:24:30] <@BKC> !7.5
[13:24:31] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[13:24:33] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:24:33] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:24:33] Silvershadow234 [Mibbit@synIRC-1EED0038.as13285.net] has joined #spl
[13:24:36] <%gengar> !8.5
[13:24:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:24:43] <@Funkasaurus> !9
[13:24:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9000
[13:24:45] <@BKC> !9.5
[13:24:45] <@LonelyNess> !10
[13:24:45] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[13:24:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10000
[13:24:49] <@BKC> !10.5
[13:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[13:24:52] <%gr8astard> FROGS
[13:24:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:24:56] <@LonelyNess> !13
[13:24:56] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[13:24:59] <@Funkasaurus> hugo
[13:25:01] <@Funkasaurus> use !frogs
[13:25:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:25:03] <@Funkasaurus> instead
[13:25:04] <@tennisace> !frogs
[13:25:05] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:25:06] <&SPLbot> SOLD: aerialace TM40 to The Smog Frogs for 13000.
[13:25:07] <@yondie> tm40 is only useful on scooters
[13:25:08] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:25:08] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:25:10] <@yondie> lol
[13:25:12] <@Nachos> lol
[13:25:12] <%gr8astard> thank you
[13:25:12] <@yondie> 13k for a fucking dud
[13:25:13] <@yondie> gj
[13:25:14] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:25:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:25:17] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:25:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 102000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic
[13:25:20] <@Funkasaurus> u ghostin yond?
[13:25:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:25:22] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 81500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40
[13:25:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:25:26] <%BAIKA> yes please buy more players that won't play for you
[13:25:28] <%BAIKA> keep going
[13:25:41] <@locopoke> !nominate kd24
[13:25:42] <&SPLbot> kd24 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / GSC OU
[13:25:42] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[13:25:43] <@yondie> ln lineup looking fierce
[13:25:45] <@tennisace> is this a mock draft because some things just dont make sense
[13:25:45] <@Funkasaurus> LOL NO
[13:25:49] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:25:49] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:25:50] <@BKC> !4
[13:25:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[13:25:53] <%Ciele> yeah like the restart
[13:25:59] Frexa [Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has joined #spl
[13:26:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:26:09] <@locopoke> !5
[13:26:09] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 5000
[13:26:10] <+reyscarface> wtf r u talkin about
[13:26:13] <+reyscarface> im so playin
[13:26:13] <+reyscarface> for the frogs
[13:26:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:26:16] <%Stone_Cold22> rey
[13:26:17] <%negres> send this man
[13:26:19] <%Stone_Cold22> ur gonna go 9-0
[13:26:19] <%Stone_Cold22> np
[13:26:20] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kd24 to The Team Raiders for 5000.
[13:26:22] <%negres> YEAHHH
[13:26:25] <%negres> miller
[13:26:26] <+reyscarface> dude stone
[13:26:26] <+kd24> YEAHHHH
[13:26:26] <%negres> in the house
[13:26:27] <+reyscarface> this is the best spl ever
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:26:28] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:26:29] <+reyscarface> look at this
[13:26:30] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:26:32] <@Funkasaurus> THE MILLER IS COMIN HOME
[13:26:32] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:26:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 105000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ
[13:26:35] <%CTI> kd24 is washed up
[13:26:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 81500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40
[13:26:37] <+reyscarface> <~LonelyNess> do what you have to rey
[13:26:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:26:39] <+reyscarface> he just gave me
[13:26:39] <+reyscarface> free reign
[13:26:41] <+reyscarface> over what i can use
[13:26:43] <%gr8astard> it could've been the aa/bloo/rey core
[13:26:44] <+reyscarface> im so pumped
[13:26:45] <@Funkasaurus> oh boy
[13:26:46] Royalty [~cgiirc@nice.new.v.host] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[13:26:54] figaro [Mibbit@2827C41B.B20EC69E.6FF2EFA6.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:26:57] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[13:26:59] <+reyscarface> if any1 has some good ideas of wat to use
[13:27:00] <+reyscarface> lmk pls
[13:27:02] <%Solace> scoots
[13:27:07] <%tab> monofrog
[13:27:09] <@BKC> !nominate rayjay
[13:27:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Player "rayjay" not found.
[13:27:14] <@tennisace> space
[13:27:14] <&McMeghan> it has a space
[13:27:15] <&Oglemi> space
[13:27:15] <+reyscarface> is monofrog in adv possible
[13:27:17] <@BKC> !nominate ray jay
[13:27:17] <&SPLbot> Ray Jay is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[13:27:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[13:27:19] <+reyscarface> o wait dekzeh is in this team
[13:27:21] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:27:21] <@little_gk> !5
[13:27:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[13:27:22] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:27:22] <%tab> just be creative
[13:27:23] <+reyscarface> LMFAO what did they buy me for
[13:27:24] <@BKC> !6.6
[13:27:24] <%tab> with what frogs you use
[13:27:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Only bids that are multiples of 500 are accepted.
[13:27:24] <%BAIKA> !splauction
[13:27:27] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:27:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[13:27:27] <+kd24> lol rey
[13:27:28] <%negres> rey
[13:27:30] <&McMeghan> XY Doubles
[13:27:30] <@Nachos> !6
[13:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[13:27:33] <&McMeghan> you signed up for it
[13:27:33] <%negres> you went for .5k less than majin
[13:27:34] <%negres> xD
[13:27:35] <@BKC> !6.5
[13:27:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:27:40] <@Funkasaurus> xD
[13:27:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:27:43] <%gr8astard> lool
[13:27:45] <+reyscarface> and im not even gonna play my meta LOL
[13:27:45] <@Nachos> !7
[13:27:46] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[13:27:49] <@BKC> !7.5
[13:27:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[13:27:50] rotes [rotation@bout.an.axis] has joined #spl
[13:27:54] <@Nachos> !8
[13:27:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:27:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[13:27:58] <@BKC> !8.5
[13:27:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:28:02] <+reyscarface> ah nvm
[13:28:04] <+reyscarface> dekzeh is playing
[13:28:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:28:05] <+reyscarface> XY OU
[13:28:06] <+reyscarface> im playing ADV.
[13:28:08] <@Nachos> !9
[13:28:08] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 9000
[13:28:13] <@BKC> !9.5
[13:28:13] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:28:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[13:28:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:28:23] TheQuasar [Mibbit@synIRC-AA3DB31A.cust.dsl.teletu.it] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:28:23] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ray Jay to The Indie Scooters for 9500.
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:28:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:28:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:28:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 95500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay
[13:28:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 81500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40
[13:28:41] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:28:47] <@Funkasaurus> here we go
[13:28:49] <@Funkasaurus> lets see it
[13:29:08] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate king
[13:29:11] <@LonelyNess> !nom zfs
[13:29:11] <&McMeghan> make sure to not type !propose {playername}
[13:29:13] <&McMeghan> see
[13:29:14] <&McMeghan> lOL
[13:29:15] <+reyscarface> LMFAO zfs
[13:29:19] <+kd24> zfs
[13:29:20] <+cbb> lmao
[13:29:22] <@Funkasaurus> the plays
[13:29:23] <@yondie> lollll
[13:29:24] <@Nachos> its 'nominate'
[13:29:25] <%Solace> it's nominate
[13:29:26] <%Stone_Cold22> funk
[13:29:26] <@makiri> its nominate
[13:29:26] <%Stone_Cold22> i laughed
[13:29:27] <%Solace> ya
[13:29:27] <@yondie> LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
[13:29:28] <@LonelyNess> !nominate zfs
[13:29:28] <@DittoCrow> wow i thought someone actually nommed king
[13:29:28] <&SPLbot> zfs is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:29:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[13:29:29] <@yondie> ZFS
[13:29:32] <+reyscarface> LOLIN
[13:29:33] <%Ciele> someone should teach ln how to do this
[13:29:34] <@yondie> that is the perfect ln player
[13:29:34] <+reyscarface> SO HARD
[13:29:35] <@yondie> honestly
[13:29:35] <@Funkasaurus> HERE WE GO
[13:29:37] Royalty [Mibbit@nice.new.v.host] has joined #spl
[13:29:37] <%BAIKA> is ln even human
[13:29:45] <+reyscarface> HES GOT HIS GSC PLAYER YO
[13:29:51] <+Red_Panda> !bid 12k
[13:29:53] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:29:58] <&SPLbot> SOLD: zfs to The Smog Frogs for 3000.
[13:30:04] <%negres> 2.5k overpaid
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:30:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:30:08] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:30:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:30:10] <+kd24> atticus
[13:30:11] Solace [Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has set mode -v Red_Panda
[13:30:11] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:30:12] <@Funkasaurus> 3k overpaid
[13:30:13] <+kd24> wat was his farm league
[13:30:13] <@Funkasaurus> more like it
[13:30:14] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 95500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay
[13:30:14] <+kd24> record
[13:30:14] <+kd24> last year
[13:30:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 78500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs
[13:30:16] <+kd24> wasnt it 2-8
[13:30:17] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:30:19] <+kd24> in gsc farm league?
[13:30:19] <%negres> I D K
[13:30:20] <+reyscarface> no
[13:30:21] <@tennisace> i think 0-6 kd
[13:30:21] <@Funkasaurus> Another pick
[13:30:23] <@Funkasaurus> here we go
[13:30:23] <+reyscarface> in spl 2
[13:30:24] <+reyscarface> he was
[13:30:25] <@LonelyNess> !nominate yan[sogeking]
[13:30:26] <&SPLbot> yan[sogeking] is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:30:26] <+reyscarface> 0-6
[13:30:26] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[13:30:30] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:30:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[13:30:30] <@tennisace> n he was 1-5
[13:30:31] <&McMeghan> !frogs
[13:30:32] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:30:36] tab [tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has set mode -b harsha!*@*
[13:30:36] <%BAIKA> zfs went 2-8 in farm
[13:30:38] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:30:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[13:30:45] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:30:46] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:30:46] <%BAIKA> congrats
[13:30:48] harsha [harsha@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has joined #spl
[13:30:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:30:53] <%macle> YES
[13:30:54] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:30:54] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:30:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[13:30:56] <+reyscarface> sogeking so cheap
[13:30:58] <%macle> noo
[13:31:00] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:31:01] <@LonelyNess> !6
[13:31:01] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6000
[13:31:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:31:08] Dunk_ [Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:31:11] <&SPLbot> SOLD: yan[sogeking] to The Smog Frogs for 6000.
[13:31:18] <+kd24> sogeking tears
[13:31:19] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:31:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:31:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:31:22] <%tab> !frogs
[13:31:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:31:22] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:31:25] <%BAIKA> my bid didn't go through
[13:31:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:31:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 95500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay
[13:31:28] <%BAIKA> i wrote in 6.5
[13:31:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 72500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking]
[13:31:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:31:34] <@makiri> restart
[13:31:35] <@Funkasaurus> sogeburgers the frogger
[13:31:36] liberty32 [Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[13:31:36] <%Solace> lol
[13:31:38] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:31:39] <@makiri> i bid 25k
[13:31:44] <+kd24> precedent etc etc
[13:31:47] <@Funkasaurus> I believe it.
[13:31:48] <%BAIKA> i demand a reset
[13:31:49] <+kd24> RESTART THE FROGS
[13:31:51] <@BKC> !nominate Mizuhime
[13:31:51] <&SPLbot> Mizuhime is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:31:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[13:31:53] <&McMeghan> i typed !bid 6.5 :///
[13:31:53] <%BAIKA> we wanted sogeking so bad
[13:31:53] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:31:53] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:31:55] <+reyscarface> OMFG
[13:31:55] <@tennisace> !3.5
[13:31:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[13:31:56] <+reyscarface> TEDDIES
[13:31:57] <%gengar> !4
[13:31:57] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[13:31:58] <@Funkasaurus> THE HOTTEST GRILL
[13:31:58] <%tab> lmao
[13:31:59] <+kd24> rey
[13:32:00] <+kd24> its ur teddies
[13:32:02] <%BAIKA> !4.5
[13:32:02] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4500
[13:32:03] <+reyscarface> ln
[13:32:04] <+reyscarface> i demand
[13:32:07] <+reyscarface> you buy teddies
[13:32:10] <@Funkasaurus> LN cmon
[13:32:10] <+reyscarface> its my play condition.
[13:32:11] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[13:32:14] <@yondie> bkc has a crush
[13:32:16] <@Funkasaurus> watch the !5
[13:32:17] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:32:17] <@yondie> on mizuhime
[13:32:17] <@yondie> ?
[13:32:18] <%gengar> !5
[13:32:18] <@BKC> !5
[13:32:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[13:32:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:32:18] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:32:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:32:21] <@LonelyNess> !5.5
[13:32:21] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5500
[13:32:21] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:32:22] <+reyscarface> YES
[13:32:23] <@BKC> !6
[13:32:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:32:23] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:32:23] <+kd24> PLEASE
[13:32:23] <+reyscarface> GIMME TEDDIES
[13:32:25] <%negres> LOL
[13:32:26] <+kd24> SEND THIS WOMAN
[13:32:26] <@yondie> how much will you spend for your star crossed lover
[13:32:27] <+kd24> TO THE FROGS
[13:32:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:32:29] <@yondie> bkc
[13:32:31] <@LonelyNess> !6.5
[13:32:32] <@DittoCrow> !6.5
[13:32:32] <@Funkasaurus> cmon ln
[13:32:32] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6500
[13:32:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[13:32:33] <+reyscarface> LMFAO
[13:32:34] <@BKC> !7
[13:32:34] <@Funkasaurus> do it for rey
[13:32:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:32:34] <+reyscarface> HES DOIN IT
[13:32:39] <+reyscarface> HES GIVIN ME TEDDIES
[13:32:39] <@LonelyNess> !7.5
[13:32:40] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 7500
[13:32:41] <@BKC> !8
[13:32:42] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8000
[13:32:43] <@little_gk> this is why we got our girl for free
[13:32:43] <+kd24> ln bkc wont allow it to happen
[13:32:44] <@LonelyNess> !8.5
[13:32:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 8500
[13:32:45] <%BAIKA> mizuhime is a girl
[13:32:45] <+reyscarface> omfg im laughing my ass off
[13:32:45] <+kd24> to his girlfriend
[13:32:46] <%gengar> !9
[13:32:46] <%BAIKA> congrats
[13:32:46] <@BKC> !9
[13:32:46] <@DittoCrow> he'll go up to 20
[13:32:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:32:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:32:48] <@DittoCrow> go to 20
[13:32:50] <@LonelyNess> !9.5
[13:32:51] <+kd24> hell go up to 20
[13:32:51] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9500
[13:32:52] <@BKC> !10
[13:32:52] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10000
[13:32:52] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:32:54] <%tab> lmao
[13:32:55] <@Nachos> bkc is willing to go to 16
[13:32:55] <@Funkasaurus> ARE YOU SERIOUS
[13:32:55] <+reyscarface> GIMME TEDDIES
[13:32:56] <&Oglemi> lolling
[13:32:56] <+reyscarface> FFS
[13:32:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:32:57] <@LonelyNess> !10.5
[13:32:58] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10500
[13:33:00] <@yondie> LOL BKC
[13:33:00] <@BKC> !11
[13:33:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11000
[13:33:00] <@yondie> GOD
[13:33:02] <@LonelyNess> !11.5
[13:33:03] <%Stone_Cold22> LOLOL
[13:33:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11500
[13:33:03] <+reyscarface> ROFLING
[13:33:03] <@yondie> KEEP IT IN UR PANTS
[13:33:04] <+reyscarface> SO HARD
[13:33:04] <@DittoCrow> go to 15 ln
[13:33:05] <@BKC> !12
[13:33:05] <%Stone_Cold22> LN MAKING PLAYS
[13:33:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12000
[13:33:06] <%Ciele> *ribbit*
[13:33:06] <+reyscarface> THE TEDDIES
[13:33:06] <%macle> LOL
[13:33:06] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[13:33:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:33:11] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:33:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:33:13] <@BKC> !13
[13:33:13] dunk_ [Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[13:33:14] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 13000
[13:33:14] <+reyscarface> HAHAHAHA
[13:33:15] <@yondie> ln
[13:33:15] <@little_gk> lololololol
[13:33:16] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:33:16] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:33:17] <+reyscarface> GIVE PAPA REY
[13:33:17] <&McMeghan> this is amazing
[13:33:18] <@locopoke> who the fuck is this
[13:33:18] <+reyscarface> SOME TEDDIES
[13:33:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:33:19] <@locopoke> ?
[13:33:19] <@yondie> remember kittenmay
[13:33:19] <@yondie> ?
[13:33:20] <@LonelyNess> !13.5
[13:33:20] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13500
[13:33:21] <@BKC> !14
[13:33:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 14000
[13:33:22] <&Oglemi> the struggle is real
[13:33:23] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:23] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <%negres> austinf all over again
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:24] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:25] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:25] <@yondie> KITTENMAY BEING REPLACED
[13:33:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:33:27] <+kd24> bkc is soooo mad
[13:33:28] <+reyscarface> lmfao ln
[13:33:29] <+reyscarface> i didnt think
[13:33:30] <+reyscarface> ud do this
[13:33:30] apt-get [bianc@is.my.waifu] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[13:33:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Mizuhime to The Indie Scooters for 14000.
[13:33:32] <+reyscarface> WOW
[13:33:33] <@Funkasaurus> 14k for Mizuhime, is this real life
[13:33:33] <@locopoke> rofl
[13:33:33] <@little_gk> yo austinf was fine last year
[13:33:34] <+reyscarface> U NO BUY
[13:33:35] <@yondie> LOL
[13:33:35] <+reyscarface> WTF
[13:33:37] <@little_gk> rofl
[13:33:37] <%tab> 10/10
[13:33:37] <+reyscarface> I REFUSE
[13:33:38] <%negres> BKC
[13:33:39] <+reyscarface> TO PLAY NOW
[13:33:40] <%Stone_Cold22> austinf
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:33:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:33:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 106000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf'
[13:33:41] <+reyscarface> NO TEDDIES
[13:33:42] <%negres> did i teach you nothing
[13:33:43] <%Stone_Cold22> is my fucking boy
[13:33:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:33:43] <+reyscarface> NO PLAY
[13:33:44] <@Funkasaurus> RESTART
[13:33:45] <@BKC> worth it
[13:33:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:33:45] <+kd24> that was perfect upbidding LN
[13:33:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:33:49] <@DittoCrow> could have went way higher guys -.-
[13:33:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 72500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking]
[13:33:51] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:33:52] <@Funkasaurus> its ok rey
[13:33:53] Crux [Crux@literally.human.trash] has joined #spl
[13:33:54] <@Funkasaurus> theres other girls out there
[13:33:55] <@yondie> he's getting his epenis sucked
[13:33:56] <+reyscarface> are there
[13:33:57] <@yondie> ALL DAY
[13:33:58] <+reyscarface> women left
[13:33:58] <@yondie> ERRYDAY
[13:33:59] <@Funkasaurus> other fish in the sea
[13:34:00] <+reyscarface> omfg
[13:34:00] <+reyscarface> skylight
[13:34:01] <+reyscarface> is left
[13:34:03] <+reyscarface> TEDDIES
[13:34:04] Nova_XP [~Nova_XP@synIRC-F1D1EEE6.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:34:05] <@locopoke> !nominate am
[13:34:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Player "am" not found.
[13:34:10] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:34:12] <&McMeghan> 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:34:12] <@yondie> ace matador
[13:34:12] <@locopoke> !nominate 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:34:12] <+cbb> 6a9 ace matador
[13:34:13] <&SPLbot> 6A9 Ace Matador is up for auction. Metagames:
[13:34:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[13:34:14] <@tennisace> !5
[13:34:17] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:34:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:34:26] <@BKC> !6.5
[13:34:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:34:26] <@Funkasaurus> .
[13:34:29] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:34:29] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:34:32] <+workingphil> !8
[13:34:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 8000
[13:34:35] <@Funkasaurus> !9
[13:34:35] <@BKC> !8.5
[13:34:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9000
[13:34:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:34:38] <@BKC> !9.5
[13:34:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[13:34:39] <@Funkasaurus> !10
[13:34:39] <%negres> sharks bidding 25k
[13:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10000
[13:34:40] <%negres> calling it now
[13:34:41] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:34:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:34:43] <@BKC> !10.5
[13:34:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 12000.
[13:34:44] <@Funkasaurus> !14
[13:34:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 14000
[13:34:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:34:49] <@locopoke> !14.5
[13:34:50] <@LonelyNess> !15
[13:34:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14500
[13:34:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15000
[13:34:52] <@Funkasaurus> !16
[13:34:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 16000
[13:34:55] <@locopoke> !16.5
[13:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 16500
[13:34:57] <@Funkasaurus> !17
[13:34:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 17000
[13:35:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:35:03] <@locopoke> !17.5
[13:35:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 17500
[13:35:04] <@Funkasaurus> !18
[13:35:05] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 18000
[13:35:05] <@LonelyNess> !20
[13:35:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 20000
[13:35:07] <@Funkasaurus> !21
[13:35:08] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 21000
[13:35:10] <@locopoke> !21.5
[13:35:10] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 21500
[13:35:12] <@Funkasaurus> !22
[13:35:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 22000
[13:35:15] <%Stone_Cold22> am hasn't played in 2 years
[13:35:16] <%Stone_Cold22> tha fuck
[13:35:17] <@Funkasaurus> ez
[13:35:18] <+workingphil> WTF
[13:35:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:35:19] <@locopoke> !22.5
[13:35:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 22500
[13:35:21] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:35:22] <@Funkasaurus> !23
[13:35:22] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 23000
[13:35:23] <%Texas> he played last year tho
[13:35:24] <+reyscarface> holy mother of shit
[13:35:24] <@yondie> i bet rey
[13:35:25] <~aldaron> why arent sharks bidding on te matador
[13:35:26] Blocko [~Blocko@person.above.me.is.a.nice.person] has left #spl
[13:35:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:35:28] <@yondie> feels really significant now
[13:35:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: 6A9 Ace Matador to The Ever Grande BIGs for 23000.
[13:35:38] <@locopoke> !add fabbles
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:35:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:35:40] little_gk pet funk
[13:35:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:35:42] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:35:43] <%panamaxis> my acey :(
[13:35:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:35:46] <~aldaron> i bet am takes a tourny ban
[13:35:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:35:48] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 72500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking]
[13:35:49] Ernesto [~cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[13:35:49] <~aldaron> calling it now
[13:35:51] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[13:36:02] <@Nachos> !nominate lady bug
[13:36:03] <&SPLbot> Lady Bug is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[13:36:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[13:36:07] <@yondie> !4
[13:36:07] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[13:36:08] Doidaao [Mibbit@synIRC-F06CFBA8.claro.net.br] has joined #spl
[13:36:09] <@tennisace> !5
[13:36:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:36:12] <@Nachos> !8
[13:36:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[13:36:14] <%macle> !6
[13:36:15] <@little_gk> !9
[13:36:15] <@LonelyNess> !13
[13:36:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9000
[13:36:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[13:36:23] <+reyscarface> LMFAO
[13:36:24] <+reyscarface> LADY BUG FROG
[13:36:24] <+cbb> lady_frog
[13:36:27] <+reyscarface> PLS DO IT LN
[13:36:28] <+reyscarface> PLS
[13:36:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:36:29] <%BAIKA> ahahahaha
[13:36:31] <@Funkasaurus> lady frog
[13:36:33] <@tennisace> steal imo
[13:36:33] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Lady Bug to The Smog Frogs for 13000.
[13:36:34] <@yondie> sorry darkrai
[13:36:34] <+reyscarface> YES
[13:36:35] <+reyscarface> HAHAHAHA
[13:36:36] <%negres> lady FROG
[13:36:36] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:36:36] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:36:37] <%BAIKA> this will be an amazing spl
[13:36:38] <@little_gk> !frogs
[13:36:39] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:36:41] apt-get [bianc@is.my.waifu] has joined #spl
[13:36:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:36:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:36:42] <+reyscarface> OMFG THIS IS HILARIOUS
[13:36:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:36:46] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 97000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24
[13:36:48] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:36:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:36:51] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:36:56] <%Stone_Cold22> lady_frog
[13:36:57] <%Stone_Cold22> based
[13:36:59] <@tennisace> no seriously this has to be a mock
[13:37:02] <@tennisace> this cant be real
[13:37:04] <~aldaron> if ln's players actually play for him
[13:37:06] <~aldaron> he has a good team
[13:37:12] <+workingphil> nice if
[13:37:13] <%BAIKA> but they won't
[13:37:14] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate faint
[13:37:14] <&SPLbot> Faint is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / XY LC / Doubles / GSC OU
[13:37:14] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[13:37:17] <%Stone_Cold22> all of his players play 1 match a year
[13:37:19] <@tennisace> !5
[13:37:19] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:37:20] <%BAIKA> you know that aldaron
[13:37:21] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:37:21] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:37:22] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[13:37:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:37:24] Phetto [Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has joined #spl
[13:37:26] Fusx|Mibbit [Mibbit@synIRC-5D08F448.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:37:28] <@Nachos> !8
[13:37:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[13:37:31] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:37:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:37:40] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:37:40] yoshinite [Mibbit@1665772B.A65E83B2.D34694B.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:37:41] <@locopoke> !9
[13:37:42] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 9000
[13:37:43] Ernesto [~cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has joined #spl
[13:37:45] Guest27135 [~cgiirc@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has left #spl
[13:37:47] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:37:48] Caledrith [Mibbit@synIRC-F93C34EA.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:37:52] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Faint to The Team Raiders for 9000.
[13:37:52] Oglemi [~Oglemi@synIRC-ABC9B90C.dhcp.mdsn.wi.charter.com] has set mode +v Hugendugen
[13:37:54] iconic [iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:37:57] george182 [Mibbit@synIRC-E12A9388.host.redstation.co.uk] has joined #spl
[13:37:58] <@tennisace> bargain basement price
[13:37:58] <@locopoke> aight aight
[13:37:59] <@Funkasaurus> farewell faint
[13:38:00] <@Funkasaurus> my love
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:38:00] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:38:01] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:38:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:38:05] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:38:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 81500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime
[13:38:09] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:38:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:38:20] <@yondie> !nominate Dice
[13:38:20] <&SPLbot> Dice is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU / BW2 RU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[13:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[13:38:23] <@BKC> !3.5
[13:38:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[13:38:25] <@Funkasaurus> !0
[13:38:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Invalid bid amount.
[13:38:26] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:38:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:38:28] <%Solace> lol
[13:38:28] <@BKC> !5
[13:38:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[13:38:34] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:38:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:38:37] <@Nachos> !6
[13:38:37] <+workingphil> !6
[13:38:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[13:38:37] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:38:39] <@BKC> !7
[13:38:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:38:40] <@Funkasaurus> Too much now
[13:38:44] <@LonelyNess> !8
[13:38:44] Luuke [Mibbit@synIRC-FE9A9E28.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[13:38:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 8000
[13:38:48] <%tab> yes
[13:38:48] <@BKC> !8.5
[13:38:48] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:38:49] <%tab> plz
[13:38:52] <@LonelyNess> !10
[13:38:52] <@Funkasaurus> frog dice
[13:38:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10000
[13:38:53] <@Funkasaurus> PLEASE
[13:38:54] <+workingphil> dice frog please
[13:38:55] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:38:55] <@BKC> !10.5
[13:38:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[13:38:56] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:38:57] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:38:59] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:39:00] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:39:01] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:39:03] <%macle> .
[13:39:04] <%tab> lmao
[13:39:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:05] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:06] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:39:06] <@BKC> !12.5
[13:39:06] <@tennisace> FROGS GOIN IN
[13:39:06] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:06] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12500
[13:39:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:14] <@LonelyNess> !13
[13:39:14] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:14] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:14] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[13:39:14] <&McMeghan> bkc really wants him
[13:39:15] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:39:17] <%gengar> !13.5
[13:39:17] <@BKC> !13.5
[13:39:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 13500
[13:39:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 13500.
[13:39:18] <&Oglemi> you guys are getting fucking wrecked by ln step it up
[13:39:19] <&Oglemi> jesus
[13:39:22] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:22] <&McMeghan> go for it LN
[13:39:24] <+cbb> ln u can upbid more
[13:39:24] <@Funkasaurus> LN is bullying HARD
[13:39:25] <@LonelyNess> !14
[13:39:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 14000
[13:39:26] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:27] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:27] <@BKC> !14.5
[13:39:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 14500
[13:39:31] <@LonelyNess> !15
[13:39:31] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15000
[13:39:32] <@Funkasaurus> BKC wants his females
[13:39:33] <@BKC> !15.5
[13:39:33] <%gengar> !15.5
[13:39:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 15500
[13:39:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 15500.
[13:39:38] <@LonelyNess> !16.5
[13:39:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 16500
[13:39:40] <+Hugendugen> evan 2.0
[13:39:41] <@BKC> !17
[13:39:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 17000
[13:39:43] <@Funkasaurus> LOL
[13:39:44] <%tab> ._.
[13:39:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:39:47] <@Funkasaurus> KEV STOP
[13:39:47] <@yondie> 17 for dice
[13:39:48] <@Funkasaurus> PLEASE
[13:39:48] <@little_gk> .-.
[13:39:49] Iconic [iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has joined #spl
[13:39:49] Doidaao [Mibbit@synIRC-F06CFBA8.claro.net.br] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:39:50] <@yondie> is this real life
[13:39:50] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Dice to The Indie Scooters for 17000.
[13:39:51] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:39:52] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:39:53] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[13:39:54] <+reyscarface> damn
[13:39:54] Dumbness [Mibbit@synIRC-9B4481BD.lightspeed.wepbfl.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:39:55] MoP [~cgiirc@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #spl
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:39:59] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:40:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 83000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador
[13:40:01] <+reyscarface> <reyscarface> get dice
[13:40:01] <+reyscarface> <reyscarface> keep going
[13:40:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:40:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:40:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 64500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice
[13:40:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:40:09] <+reyscarface> <reyscarface> end at 15
[13:40:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:40:12] Solace [Solace@i.am.a.tiger.and.youre.gonna.hear.me.roar] has set mode +v Red_Panda
[13:40:14] <+reyscarface> he jus went the extra mile
[13:40:14] Caledrith [Mibbit@C342C63.86102A8C.DC4FB661.IP] has joined #spl
[13:40:17] <&McMeghan> !nominate Fuzznip
[13:40:18] <&SPLbot> Fuzznip is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 UU / BW2 NU
[13:40:18] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[13:40:20] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:40:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[13:40:23] <@tennisace> !6
[13:40:24] <@yondie> !5.5
[13:40:24] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[13:40:24] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:40:31] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:40:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:40:38] Nova_XP [~Nova_XP@synIRC-F1D1EEE6.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Client exited
[13:40:39] Triangles [Triangles@synIRC-B34F8985.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has joined #spl
[13:40:44] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:40:45] <@locopoke> !7.5
[13:40:46] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[13:40:46] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:40:47] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:40:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:40:57] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Fuzznip to The Ever Grande BIGs for 8000.
[13:40:58] <@Funkasaurus> STEAL
[13:41:00] Layell [Mibbit@the.theatrical.one] has joined #spl
[13:41:04] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:41:05] <@little_gk> that's actually p okay
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 75000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip
[13:41:07] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:41:08] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:41:09] <%Stone_Cold22> not rlly
[13:41:09] <~aldaron> that is a steal
[13:41:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 64500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice
[13:41:11] <~aldaron> fuzz for 8k
[13:41:11] little_gk pet funk
[13:41:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:41:14] <~aldaron> good bid
[13:41:14] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:41:16] <%Stone_Cold22> naw
[13:41:17] <+workingphil> !nominate masterlcass
[13:41:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Player "masterlcass" not found.
[13:41:21] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:41:22] <&Eo> fuzz is the second best CAP player after dodrio
[13:41:22] <%Stone_Cold22> the legend
[13:41:23] <%Solace> lol
[13:41:23] <+reyscarface> SWEEPAGE TIME
[13:41:23] <@yondie> class*
[13:41:24] TheQuasar [Mibbit@synIRC-AA3DB31A.cust.dsl.teletu.it] has joined #spl
[13:41:28] <@Funkasaurus> oh boy
[13:41:30] <@Nachos> gg
[13:41:31] <@yondie> SWEEPAGE
[13:41:33] <%panamaxis> !nominate masterclass
[13:41:33] <&SPLbot> Masterclass is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[13:41:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[13:41:33] <+workingphil> !nominate masterclass
[13:41:34] <%Stone_Cold22> THE LEGEND
[13:41:36] <%Solace> !3.5
[13:41:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[13:41:39] <+Hugendugen> !frogs
[13:41:39] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:41:41] <~aldaron> ln time to bid
[13:41:42] Fusxfaranto [i.l@ugh.at.life.its.antics.make.for.me.a.giddy.game] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 181 seconds
[13:41:48] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:41:48] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[13:41:50] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:41:52] <%Ciele> lol
[13:41:53] <+reyscarface> LETS GO
[13:41:54] <%tab> lol yes
[13:41:54] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:41:54] <+Hugendugen> leave it
[13:41:54] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:41:54] <+cbb> please
[13:41:56] <@Funkasaurus> REPEAT
[13:41:57] <+Hugendugen> leave it
[13:41:57] <%negres> LOL
[13:41:58] <&McMeghan> Please.
[13:41:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:41:58] <+Hugendugen> leave it
[13:41:59] <%gengar> !6
[13:41:59] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:41:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:41:59] <%macle> .
[13:41:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:42:01] <&Oglemi> amazing
[13:42:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:42:05] Leftiez [~SmogonIRC@DE63D830.3F7DD5BF.1C52D22C.IP] has joined #spl
[13:42:08] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Masterclass to The Indie Scooters for 6000.
[13:42:10] <@tennisace> the self upbid
[13:42:11] <+reyscarface> wtf
[13:42:12] <+reyscarface> sweep for
[13:42:12] <+reyscarface> 6k
[13:42:15] <+reyscarface> thats cheap as shit
[13:42:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:42:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 75000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip
[13:42:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:42:22] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:42:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:42:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:42:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:42:30] <@little_gk> tennis can i make the nom c:
[13:42:32] <@tennisace> sure w/e
[13:42:34] <@little_gk> !nominate Boudouche
[13:42:34] <&SPLbot> Boudouche is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[13:42:34] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[13:42:35] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[13:42:40] <@Funkasaurus> HES A LOSER
[13:42:48] <@Funkasaurus> nah
[13:42:50] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:42:51] <@Funkasaurus> im kidding
[13:42:53] <@BKC> !4
[13:42:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[13:42:56] <@Funkasaurus> !4.5
[13:42:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4500
[13:42:57] <&McMeghan> !4.5
[13:42:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[13:43:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:03] <&McMeghan> !5
[13:43:03] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[13:43:04] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:43:05] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:43:06] <@BKC> !6
[13:43:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:43:10] <@Funkasaurus> !6.5
[13:43:10] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6500
[13:43:11] <&McMeghan> !6.5
[13:43:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[13:43:15] <@BKC> !7
[13:43:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:43:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:21] <@Funkasaurus> !7.5
[13:43:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7500
[13:43:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:43:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Boudouche to The Ever Grande BIGs for 7500.
[13:43:32] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[13:43:36] <~aldaron> damn another steal
[13:43:39] <@Funkasaurus> Deltas practice partner
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:43:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:43:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:43:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:43:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:43:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 59500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug
[13:43:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:43:53] <%gr8astard> !nominate heysup
[13:43:54] <&SPLbot> Heysup is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / ADV OU
[13:43:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:44:01] <%Stone_Cold22> u can have him
[13:44:03] <%Stone_Cold22> xDDD
[13:44:07] <@Funkasaurus> someone just bulyl them
[13:44:07] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[13:44:08] <%Stone_Cold22> how r u btw gr8?
[13:44:09] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:44:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:44:10] Iconic [iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:44:13] <%gr8astard> im good man
[13:44:14] <@LonelyNess> !5
[13:44:15] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[13:44:15] <%Stone_Cold22> nice
[13:44:18] <%Stone_Cold22> hows vagabond?
[13:44:19] <%macle> o god...
[13:44:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:44:24] <%macle> O GOD
[13:44:25] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Heysup to The Smog Frogs for 5000.
[13:44:27] <@Funkasaurus> YES
[13:44:29] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:44:30] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:44:31] <&Oglemi> ah yes
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 58500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:44:34] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:44:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:44:36] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:44:37] <&Oglemi> macle and heysup together again
[13:44:38] Delta2777 [Mibbit@synIRC-BD328FF0.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:44:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:44:39] <%tab> frogs are looking p good
[13:44:40] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:44:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:44:45] <%panamaxis> that's actually kind of a steal
[13:44:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[13:44:50] dunk_ [Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Dunk__)
[13:44:50] <%tab> *ribbit
[13:44:52] <&Oglemi> that's a huge steal
[13:44:53] <%gr8astard> !nominate hawkstar
[13:44:53] <&SPLbot> Hawkstar is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[13:44:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[13:44:54] <@DittoCrow> !nominate elevator music
[13:44:58] <+workingphil> !3.5
[13:44:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:26] <Furai> oh my god
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:27] <Furai> post this
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:29] <Furai> from #littlecup
[13:44:59] <@Funkasaurus> [14:45:30] <Furai> (21:44) <%Heysup> fuk
[13:45:05] Frochtejohgurt [Mibbit@synIRC-96F3D451.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[13:45:06] Dunk_ [Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[13:45:06] w-w [~Karrot@synIRC-9EB77BC6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:45:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:45:23] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Hawkstar to The Stark Sharks for 3500.
[13:45:24] <@DittoCrow> !4
[13:45:29] <@DittoCrow> damn i lagged
[13:45:31] <%Ciele> restart
[13:45:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:45:33] <%Solace> sux
[13:45:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 80000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E
[13:45:34] <+cbb> restart
[13:45:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:45:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:45:39] Electrolyte [ident@sodium.potassium] has joined #spl
[13:45:40] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:45:40] Karrot [~Karrot@synIRC-9EB77BC6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #spl
[13:45:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[13:45:45] <%Stone_Cold22> restart so blue can go for 50k
[13:45:46] <@little_gk> oooh
[13:45:51] <%macle> its ok hawkstar smells
[13:45:54] <@little_gk> hmmmm
[13:45:58] <%Solace> can i make it
[13:45:58] <@little_gk> macle who should i nom
[13:45:59] <%Solace> :>
[13:46:00] <@little_gk> ya
[13:46:01] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[13:46:02] <%macle> uh
[13:46:07] <%macle> biosci
[13:46:11] <@tennisace> hes already ours
[13:46:14] <@little_gk> good move imo
[13:46:16] <%macle> um
[13:46:18] <@Funkasaurus> mooooove
[13:46:22] <%macle> raseri
[13:46:22] <%Solace> !nominate kokoloko
[13:46:22] <%tab> ^
[13:46:23] <&SPLbot> kokoloko is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU
[13:46:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[13:46:25] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:46:26] <@tennisace> lol
[13:46:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:46:26] <@Funkasaurus> why not
[13:46:27] <@yondie> !5
[13:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:46:29] <@Nachos> !7
[13:46:29] <@BKC> !5.5
[13:46:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[13:46:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[13:46:30] <@Funkasaurus> ok
[13:46:31] <@Funkasaurus> im spent
[13:46:33] <@DittoCrow> !8
[13:46:34] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 8000
[13:46:38] <%gengar> !8.5
[13:46:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[13:46:39] <@BKC> !9
[13:46:40] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:46:41] <@LonelyNess> !9
[13:46:42] <@yondie> !9.5
[13:46:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:46:42] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9500
[13:46:43] <@Nachos> !10
[13:46:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 10000
[13:46:44] <@LonelyNess> !11
[13:46:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11000
[13:46:47] <@Nachos> !11.5
[13:46:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 11500
[13:46:52] <@LonelyNess> !12
[13:46:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12000
[13:46:55] <@BKC> !12.5
[13:46:56] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12500
[13:46:58] <@Nachos> !13
[13:46:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 13000
[13:46:59] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[13:47:01] <@Funkasaurus> koko on the frogs
[13:47:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:47:05] <@Funkasaurus> nothing would make me happier
[13:47:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kokoloko to The Congregation of the Classiest for 13000.
[13:47:08] <@Funkasaurus> make me happy ln
[13:47:10] <@Funkasaurus> fuck you ln
[13:47:13] <%Solace> lol
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:47:19] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:47:19] ashausha [Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has joined #spl
[13:47:20] <%Stone_Cold22> we got him 3k cheaper thenr etain
[13:47:20] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:47:22] <%Stone_Cold22> retain*
[13:47:22] <%Stone_Cold22> cool
[13:47:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 58500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass
[13:47:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:47:27] <@Funkasaurus> nice
[13:47:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[13:47:27] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[13:47:28] <@Nachos> welcome back koko.
[13:47:31] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[13:47:34] <+workingphil> !kael nominate
[13:47:37] <@tennisace> rofl
[13:47:37] <+workingphil> !nominate kael
[13:47:38] <@little_gk> lol
[13:47:38] <&SPLbot> kael is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:47:38] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[13:47:39] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:47:40] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:47:40] <@tennisace> !5
[13:47:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:47:43] <%tab> kael :)
[13:47:44] <@locopoke> !5.5
[13:47:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 5500
[13:47:45] <@BKC> !6
[13:47:45] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:47:45] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[13:47:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:47:48] <%Solace> kael =]
[13:47:52] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[13:47:55] <+cbb> =]
[13:48:00] <@Funkasaurus> majin and kael
[13:48:03] <@Funkasaurus> bkc you god
[13:48:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:48:09] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kael to The Indie Scooters for 6000.
[13:48:10] Fakes [Mibbit@synIRC-47D8E7D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #spl
[13:48:14] <+Earthworm|Away> smh ruiners.
[13:48:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:48:17] <%macle> steal
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:48:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:48:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:48:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:48:22] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 88000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint
[13:48:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:48:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:48:27] <%negres> how could the ruiners not take a chance on kael
[13:48:27] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[13:48:28] Pat_Labor [Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Pat_Labor
[13:48:29] <%negres> im gonna cry
[13:48:39] <&McMeghan> !nominate Plus
[13:48:39] <&SPLbot> Plus is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU
[13:48:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[13:48:41] <@tennisace> !5
[13:48:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:48:42] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[13:48:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[13:48:43] Ace_Emerald [~Ace@synIRC-4E377C08.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[13:48:43] <@yondie> !6
[13:48:43] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[13:48:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:48:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:48:45] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:48:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:48:52] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[13:48:57] Badabing [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:49:00] <@locopoke> !7.5
[13:49:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[13:49:02] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[13:49:03] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[13:49:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:08] <@locopoke> !8.5
[13:49:09] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 8500
[13:49:10] <@Funkasaurus> !9
[13:49:11] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9000
[13:49:15] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:17] <@locopoke> !9.5
[13:49:17] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 9500
[13:49:19] <@Funkasaurus> !10
[13:49:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10000
[13:49:24] FunBro [Mibbit@synIRC-261F3F3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[13:49:24] <@tennisace> wow big plus
[13:49:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:25] <@locopoke> !10.5
[13:49:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10500
[13:49:29] <@Funkasaurus> STop
[13:49:30] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:31] <@Funkasaurus> !11
[13:49:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11000
[13:49:32] iKimmy [Mibbit@synIRC-D169EF74.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:49:36] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:37] <@locopoke> !11.5
[13:49:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11500
[13:49:42] <@little_gk> fuzz + plus immo
[13:49:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:45] Frochtejohgurt [Mibbit@synIRC-96F3D451.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:49:45] <@Funkasaurus> !12
[13:49:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12000
[13:49:51] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:49:53] <@locopoke> !12.5
[13:49:53] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12500
[13:49:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:50:00] sirndpt [~sirndpt@synIRC-539C309E.hkcable.com.hk] has joined #spl
[13:50:03] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Plus to The Team Raiders for 12500.
[13:50:08] <@tennisace> poor fuzznip
[13:50:09] <%CTI> you little shit
[13:50:10] little_gk pet funk
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 79500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:50:11] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:50:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:50:12] <%tab> :(
[13:50:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:50:14] <%negres> i swear to god funk
[13:50:15] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 75500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus
[13:50:17] <~aldaron> snippy little shit **
[13:50:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:50:18] <%negres> why do you keep fucking us in the ass
[13:50:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:50:22] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[13:50:22] <~aldaron> please use the right phrase
[13:50:23] <%negres> every bid
[13:50:24] <@Funkasaurus> you're fucking me
[13:50:27] <+kd24> funkasaurus is a mad man
[13:50:29] <+kd24> he must be stopped
[13:50:49] <@yondie> !nominate elevator_music
[13:50:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Player "elevator_music" not found.
[13:50:53] <&McMeghan> space
[13:50:53] <%Solace> no _
[13:50:54] <@yondie> !nominate elevator music
[13:50:54] <&SPLbot> Elevator Music is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[13:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[13:50:55] <&McMeghan> not _
[13:50:56] <@tennisace> !5
[13:50:57] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[13:51:04] <~aldaron> sold
[13:51:10] <@tennisace> cool
[13:51:13] <@little_gk> awesome
[13:51:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:51:21] <@tennisace> nobody's gonna upbid?
[13:51:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Elevator Music to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 5000.
[13:51:25] <@tennisace> lol
[13:51:26] falculafk [falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] has joined #spl
[13:51:26] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o falculafk
[13:51:26] <%Stone_Cold22> u can
[13:51:26] <@tennisace> ok
[13:51:27] <%Solace> ok
[13:51:27] <&Oglemi> WOW
[13:51:29] <@little_gk> FUCK EYAH
[13:51:31] <%Solace> cool
[13:51:32] Fusxfaranto [i.l@ugh.at.life.its.antics.make.for.me.a.giddy.game] has joined #spl
[13:51:33] <+Hugendugen> steal
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:51:33] <&Oglemi> biggest steal
[13:51:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:51:36] <%Stone_Cold22> he played
[13:51:37] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 75500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus
[13:51:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:51:39] <%Stone_Cold22> in 2008
[13:51:41] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:51:41] <%Stone_Cold22> haven't seen him sense
[13:51:42] <%Stone_Cold22> gl!
[13:51:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[13:51:51] <@little_gk> i see em every day stone
[13:51:51] <@little_gk> :]
[13:51:55] <@tennisace> he tried out for us
[13:51:56] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate Eo Ut Mortus
[13:51:56] <&SPLbot> Eo Ut Mortus is up for auction. Metagames:
[13:51:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[13:51:58] <%Stone_Cold22> i see phil every day
[13:52:00] <@yondie> !5
[13:52:00] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:52:00] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:52:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:52:01] <%Stone_Cold22> doesn't mean phils good
[13:52:04] <%Stone_Cold22> LOLXDDD
[13:52:05] <@yondie> !6
[13:52:05] <@locopoke> !6
[13:52:06] <&McMeghan> !6
[13:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:52:07] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[13:52:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[13:52:10] <@yondie> !7
[13:52:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[13:52:11] <@yondie> !8
[13:52:12] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8000
[13:52:13] falculafk [falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] is now known as falcula
[13:52:14] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:52:14] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:52:16] <@yondie> !9
[13:52:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[13:52:17] <@falcula> !6
[13:52:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 9000.
[13:52:19] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[13:52:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[13:52:21] <@yondie> !10
[13:52:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:52:23] IBreakToilets [plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has left #spl
[13:52:23] <+cbb> yea 6 that was gonna go well
[13:52:24] <@Funkasaurus> !1
[13:52:24] <@little_gk> eo the ubers player
[13:52:24] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Invalid bid amount.
[13:52:25] <@Funkasaurus> !11
[13:52:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11000
[13:52:28] BKC [dawn@malediction.murder] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[13:52:28] <@yondie> !11.5
[13:52:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11500
[13:52:29] plus- [plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has joined #spl
[13:52:30] <@Funkasaurus> !12
[13:52:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12000
[13:52:35] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:37] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:52:37] <@locopoke> !12.5
[13:52:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:52:37] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 12500.
[13:52:39] <@Funkasaurus> !13
[13:52:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 13000
[13:52:40] <@yondie> :)
[13:52:44] therealfiremage [~cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[13:52:45] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:45] <@locopoke> !13.5
[13:52:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13500
[13:52:48] <&McMeghan> go LN.
[13:52:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:50] <@Funkasaurus> !14
[13:52:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 14000
[13:52:52] <@locopoke> !14.5
[13:52:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14500
[13:52:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:52:58] <%BAIKA> keep going frogs
[13:52:58] <@LonelyNess> !15
[13:52:59] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15000
[13:53:00] <@locopoke> !15.5
[13:53:00] <%BAIKA> yes
[13:53:00] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 15500
[13:53:01] <%BAIKA> YES
[13:53:05] <%BAIKA> no
[13:53:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:07] <@LonelyNess> !16
[13:53:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 16000
[13:53:08] <&McMeghan> again
[13:53:12] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:53:13] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:53:13] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:13] <@locopoke> !16.5
[13:53:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 16500
[13:53:16] <@LonelyNess> !17
[13:53:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 17000
[13:53:21] <@locopoke> !17.5
[13:53:21] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 17500
[13:53:24] <@LonelyNess> !18
[13:53:24] <@Nachos> !frogs
[13:53:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 18000
[13:53:24] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:53:29] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:30] <@locopoke> !18.5
[13:53:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 18500
[13:53:34] <@LonelyNess> !19
[13:53:34] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 19000
[13:53:37] <%gengar> rofl
[13:53:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:40] <@locopoke> !19.5
[13:53:41] <%BAIKA> hahahaha
[13:53:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 19500
[13:53:43] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[13:53:43] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[13:53:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:53:49] CyberOdin [Mibbit@81E21874.15AFDD27.3657E3FC.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:53:50] <%BAIKA> come on
[13:53:52] propagandhi [~Dice@synIRC-6BE5AEB.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[13:53:52] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Eo Ut Mortus to The Team Raiders for 19500.
[13:53:52] <+reyscarface> lmfao man
[13:53:53] <+reyscarface> frogs are
[13:53:54] <%BAIKA> wtf
[13:53:54] <@falcula> 20 pls
[13:53:54] <%gengar> lmao
[13:53:56] <@tennisace> oh my lord
[13:53:56] <%gengar> eo fucking sucks
[13:53:57] <+reyscarface> fckin pro upbidders
[13:53:59] <+reyscarface> i like this team
[13:53:59] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:53:59] <+reyscarface> its like
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:54:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:54:01] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:54:02] <+reyscarface> the troll team
[13:54:03] <+reyscarface> of the auction
[13:54:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 56000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus
[13:54:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:54:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 54500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup
[13:54:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[13:54:11] <%Ciele> they did a good job upbidding bloo
[13:54:11] <+reyscarface> they jus make pay everyone 10k+
[13:54:27] <@Nachos> !nominate colchonero
[13:54:28] <&SPLbot> Colchonero is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[13:54:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[13:54:31] <@yondie> !5
[13:54:31] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:54:33] <&McMeghan> !5.5
[13:54:34] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5500
[13:54:35] <@yondie> !6
[13:54:35] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:54:36] <@tennisace> !5.5
[13:54:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[13:54:38] <@falcula> !6.5
[13:54:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[13:54:43] <%Solace> !7
[13:54:43] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[13:54:48] <@yondie> !8
[13:54:49] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8000
[13:54:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:54:56] <@Funkasaurus> !8.6
[13:54:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Only bids that are multiples of 500 are accepted.
[13:54:58] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:54:59] <@LonelyNess> !8.5
[13:54:59] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 8500.
[13:55:01] <@yondie> !9
[13:55:01] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[13:55:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:07] <@LonelyNess> !9.5
[13:55:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9500
[13:55:09] <@yondie> !10
[13:55:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 10000
[13:55:15] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:16] <@LonelyNess> !10.5
[13:55:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10500
[13:55:21] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:22] <@yondie> !11
[13:55:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11000
[13:55:27] youngjake93 [~cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #spl
[13:55:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:28] VioletPumpkin [~chatzilla@synIRC-AF7F5EEA.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[13:55:28] <+kd24> dont the frogs
[13:55:29] <@LonelyNess> !11.5
[13:55:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11500
[13:55:29] <+kd24> have zfs
[13:55:34] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:35] <@yondie> !12
[13:55:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 12000
[13:55:37] <+kd24> rey zfs dekzeh colch
[13:55:38] <+reyscarface> zfs is for the trivia
[13:55:40] Pat_Labor [~Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has joined #spl
[13:55:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:41] <%Solace> lol
[13:55:41] <+kd24> they wont have enough old gens
[13:55:42] <@LonelyNess> !12.5
[13:55:43] <+kd24> to go around
[13:55:43] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 12500
[13:55:44] <@little_gk> zfs needs someone to test with kd
[13:55:46] <@yondie> !13
[13:55:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 13000
[13:55:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:55:53] <@LonelyNess> !13.5
[13:55:53] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13500
[13:55:55] <@yondie> !14
[13:55:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 14000
[13:55:59] <@LonelyNess> !14.5
[13:56:00] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 14500
[13:56:01] <@yondie> !15
[13:56:01] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 15000
[13:56:04] <@LonelyNess> !15.5
[13:56:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 15500
[13:56:06] <@yondie> !16
[13:56:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 16000
[13:56:10] <+reyscarface> damn yondies hungry for the GSC
[13:56:10] <@LonelyNess> !18
[13:56:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 18000
[13:56:14] <@yondie> !18.5
[13:56:15] <+reyscarface> hes got picollo but who gives a shit
[13:56:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 18500
[13:56:16] <%BAIKA> can you make an error
[13:56:16] <+cbb> there it is
[13:56:17] <@little_gk> DAMN
[13:56:18] <%BAIKA> so we can start over
[13:56:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:56:21] <%gengar> lmfao
[13:56:21] <@LonelyNess> !20
[13:56:22] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 20000
[13:56:26] <@little_gk> wow
[13:56:26] <+Red_Panda> !reset
[13:56:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:56:30] <@yondie> =/
[13:56:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Colchonero to The Smog Frogs for 20000.
[13:56:32] <+cbb> u got em
[13:56:33] <%BAIKA> what the shit is this
[13:56:34] <%BAIKA> hahahahaha
[13:56:35] <@tennisace> thank you yondie
[13:56:38] <+kd24> the fuck
[13:56:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:56:41] <%Solace> lmao
[13:56:42] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:56:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 56000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus
[13:56:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:56:47] <&Oglemi> amazing
[13:56:48] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 34500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero
[13:56:49] <@little_gk> there's been some A+ upbidding in this draft
[13:56:50] <+Hugendugen> upbidder got upbid
[13:56:51] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[13:56:56] reiku [Mibbit@synIRC-940DEF86.dynamic.jazztel.es] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:57:03] <@locopoke> !nominate marceloDK
[13:57:04] <&SPLbot> MarceloDK is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / ADV OU
[13:57:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[13:57:09] <@Funkasaurus> i almost !4'd there
[13:57:10] <%Ciele> marcyburgers.
[13:57:10] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:57:12] <@falcula> let me have him pls
[13:57:13] <@tennisace> lol
[13:57:15] <@falcula> i love marcelo
[13:57:21] <@Funkasaurus> then bid on him
[13:57:21] <%negres> wtf
[13:57:22] <%Solace> lol
[13:57:24] <&McMeghan> didnt know people actually pay to get cancer
[13:57:26] <%negres> does no one want him
[13:57:29] <@Funkasaurus> 3k for marcy
[13:57:29] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:57:30] <%gengar> no
[13:57:31] <%Ciele> xD
[13:57:33] <%Solace> falcula? ?
[13:57:34] <&Oglemi> lol
[13:57:34] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:57:35] <&SPLbot> SOLD: MarceloDK to The Team Raiders for 3000.
[13:57:35] <+cbb> lmfao
[13:57:36] <%gengar> just bring a luke
[13:57:39] <%gengar> he trembles in fear
[13:57:42] <%BAIKA> steal
[13:57:42] <+Red_Panda> overpaid
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:57:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 67500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche
[13:57:43] <@Funkasaurus> falcula
[13:57:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:57:45] <@Funkasaurus> get on your main
[13:57:46] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[13:57:47] <@Funkasaurus> you goobs
[13:57:49] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:57:51] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 34500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero
[13:57:51] falcula [falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] is now known as BKC
[13:57:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[13:57:54] <@Funkasaurus> the marcy eo core
[13:58:01] <%gengar> !nominate badabing
[13:58:01] <&SPLbot> badabing is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[13:58:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[13:58:03] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[13:58:04] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[13:58:05] <@yondie> !nominate 5
[13:58:09] <@yondie> oops
[13:58:09] <@yondie> lol
[13:58:10] <@yondie> !5
[13:58:11] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[13:58:12] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[13:58:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[13:58:15] <@Funkasaurus> nominate 5
[13:58:16] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[13:58:19] <@yondie> !6
[13:58:19] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[13:58:21] <@Funkasaurus> !6.5
[13:58:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6500
[13:58:23] Iconic [iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has joined #spl
[13:58:25] <%gengar> !7
[13:58:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7000
[13:58:27] <@Funkasaurus> !7.5
[13:58:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7500
[13:58:28] <~aldaron> badabing is the nigga reyscarface got me hyped for
[13:58:29] <~aldaron> in wcop
[13:58:32] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:58:34] <%gengar> !8
[13:58:35] <~aldaron> then he brought the most cookie cutter team smfh
[13:58:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8000
[13:58:36] CTI [it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has quit IRC: Quit:
[13:58:36] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[13:58:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[13:58:37] Alexanderplatz [Mibbit@synIRC-B465F3E3.libero.it] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:58:39] reedlepee [Mibbit@synIRC-F5CA50AD.dhcp-dynamic.fibreop.ns.bellaliant.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:58:40] <@Funkasaurus> john..
[13:58:40] <@BKC> !9
[13:58:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[13:58:42] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[13:58:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[13:58:46] <@Funkasaurus> kev...
[13:58:47] <%gengar> !10
[13:58:47] <@BKC> !10
[13:58:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10000
[13:58:47] Ilusionx [Mibbit@2414312E.C2B8B1D.C6DF181F.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:58:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 10000.
[13:58:50] <@Funkasaurus> !10.5
[13:58:51] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10500
[13:58:51] Cased [~cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[13:58:55] <@Funkasaurus> give me the king
[13:58:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:58:56] biggie [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has left #spl
[13:58:59] Rewer [b@ttle.pls.for.my] has joined #spl
[13:59:00] <@BKC> !11
[13:59:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11000
[13:59:00] steeledges [i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:59:01] <%gengar> !11
[13:59:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 11000.
[13:59:03] <@Funkasaurus> you (BAN ME PLEASE)
[13:59:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:06] <@Funkasaurus> !11.5
[13:59:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 11500
[13:59:07] <%Solace> lol
[13:59:09] bigs [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[13:59:10] Cased [~cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #spl
[13:59:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:13] <@BKC> !12
[13:59:14] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[13:59:14] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12000
[13:59:17] <@little_gk> :o
[13:59:17] <@LonelyNess> who the hell is even up for bid
[13:59:18] <@Nachos> putting the bid before the friendship
[13:59:18] <&Oglemi> amazing
[13:59:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:20] <@Funkasaurus> !12.5
[13:59:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 12500
[13:59:22] <@LonelyNess> I haven't been paying attention
[13:59:22] <%Solace> badabing
[13:59:24] <@LonelyNess> oh ok
[13:59:24] <@Funkasaurus> rude
[13:59:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[13:59:26] <@LonelyNess> carry on
[13:59:30] <&SPLbot> SOLD: badabing to The Ever Grande BIGs for 12500.
[13:59:32] <@Funkasaurus> wutevz
[13:59:32] <~aldaron> upbid ln
[13:59:33] <~aldaron> dammit
[13:59:34] <%gengar> 5 star user
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[13:59:38] TheImmortal [mad@t.i] has quit IRC: Quit: Sleep.
[13:59:38] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[13:59:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[13:59:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[13:59:42] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[13:59:45] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[13:59:47] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 34500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero
[13:59:48] <%Stone_Cold22> <durrr> 06:57 Colchonero i won't play <&TGMDoom> xD <durrr> 06:58 Colchonero i quit
[13:59:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[13:59:52] <&McMeghan> its LN you wouldnt have typed the correct command anyway
[13:59:52] Iconic [iconic@i.worship.krack.each.and.every.day] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[13:59:53] <%Solace> lmao
[13:59:56] <&McMeghan> its ok*
[14:00:01] <%Stone_Cold22> hey solace!
[14:00:03] <%Stone_Cold22> how r u?
[14:00:06] <%Solace> im good
[14:00:07] <%Solace> how areyou :)
[14:00:09] <%Stone_Cold22> sick
[14:00:10] <@LonelyNess> !nominate choicespecs
[14:00:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Player "choicespecs" not found.
[14:00:12] <%Solace> aw
[14:00:14] <&Oglemi> space
[14:00:16] <@Funkasaurus> oh here we go
[14:00:16] <@LonelyNess> !nominate choice specs
[14:00:17] <%Solace> i got my wisdom teeth out yesterday
[14:00:17] <&SPLbot> Choice Specs is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[14:00:17] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:00:18] <@tennisace> !5
[14:00:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[14:00:18] <%Solace> :(
[14:00:20] <+cbb> dog face no space
[14:00:24] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:00:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:00:25] <@LonelyNess> !7
[14:00:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 7000
[14:00:26] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:00:28] <@tennisace> !7.5
[14:00:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7500
[14:00:38] <@LonelyNess> !9
[14:00:38] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9000
[14:00:42] <@tennisace> ok
[14:00:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:00:48] <&Oglemi> the upbid is real
[14:00:48] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Choice Specs to The Smog Frogs for 9000.
[14:00:52] <@LonelyNess> ty
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:00:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:00:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:00:58] <@Funkasaurus> Quite the
[14:00:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:00:59] <@Funkasaurus> Deal
[14:01:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[14:01:03] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[14:01:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 25500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs
[14:01:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness
[14:01:17] youngjake93 [~cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[14:01:29] <@LonelyNess> !nominate -Frexa-
[14:01:29] <&SPLbot> -Frexa- is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:01:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:01:32] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:01:34] <@Funkasaurus> frexa
[14:01:36] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:01:37] <@yondie> ghosted last year
[14:01:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:01:41] <@LonelyNess> !4
[14:01:41] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 4000
[14:01:45] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:01:45] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:01:48] ashausha [Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:01:49] <@LonelyNess> !5
[14:01:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5000
[14:01:51] <+workingphil> frexa :((
[14:01:52] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[14:01:52] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[14:01:56] <@LonelyNess> !6
[14:01:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6000
[14:02:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:02:04] Ajwf [~jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has left #spl
[14:02:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: -Frexa- to The Smog Frogs for 6000.
[14:02:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:02:18] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:02:20] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[14:02:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 52500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael
[14:02:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:02:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:02:33] <@BKC> !nominate Jayde
[14:02:35] <&SPLbot> Jayde is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 NU
[14:02:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:02:39] <@Funkasaurus> damn
[14:02:41] Ajwf [~jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #spl
[14:02:42] <@Funkasaurus> i almost !4'd again
[14:02:43] <~aldaron> plz no one bid
[14:02:44] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:02:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:02:48] <@Nachos> !4
[14:02:48] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:02:50] <+Hugendugen> !2
[14:02:51] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has joined #spl
[14:02:52] <%negres> jayde is worse than cancer in the ass
[14:02:53] <~aldaron> damit now people think he is worth something
[14:02:54] <&Oglemi> lol jayde
[14:02:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:00] <%gengar> !4.5
[14:03:01] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:03:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:03:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:03:03] <@Nachos> !5
[14:03:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[14:03:07] <%negres> omg
[14:03:08] <%Stone_Cold22> sup bkc
[14:03:08] <@Funkasaurus> aldaron says it all
[14:03:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:11] <%gengar> !5.5
[14:03:11] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:03:14] <@Funkasaurus> wtf so much
[14:03:14] <@Nachos> !6
[14:03:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[14:03:16] <%gr8astard> !20
[14:03:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:22] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:03:23] <@yondie> GAYDE
[14:03:23] <%gengar> !6.5
[14:03:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:03:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[14:03:24] <@Funkasaurus> ah hugo
[14:03:24] <@yondie> !gayde
[14:03:26] <@Nachos> !7
[14:03:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[14:03:28] <@yondie> !-99k
[14:03:29] <@Funkasaurus> you can't go over 3k anyways
[14:03:29] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[14:03:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:33] <%gr8astard> ah man
[14:03:33] <@BKC> !7.5
[14:03:33] <%gr8astard> im not storng enuf
[14:03:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[14:03:38] <@yondie> !pussyde
[14:03:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:03:43] <+Red_Panda> what is the name of ctc's alt
[14:03:44] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Jayde to The Indie Scooters for 7500.
[14:03:47] <@Funkasaurus> sick buy yo
[14:03:49] <+cbb> -heisenberg-
[14:03:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:03:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:03:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:03:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:03:57] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 53000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK
[14:03:59] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:03:59] <%Ciele> ctc's alt got banned
[14:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:04:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:04:11] <@locopoke> one second
[14:04:41] <@Funkasaurus> I hear Nails is a bargain
[14:04:46] <+Red_Panda> herd rite
[14:04:49] <@locopoke> !nominate Lavos Spawn
[14:04:49] <&SPLbot> Lavos Spawn is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:04:49] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:04:53] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:04:54] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:04:57] <@Funkasaurus> I AM THE LAVOS SPAWN
[14:05:00] dcae [bo@m.bada.bing.motherfuckers] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by DK_)
[14:05:02] <&Eo> I need the lavos spawn
[14:05:07] <&Eo> who else will I remove ops from
[14:05:09] <+kd24> in my eeeeyeeees
[14:05:09] <+workingphil> !4.5
[14:05:09] <@makiri> !4.5
[14:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4500
[14:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:05:10] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:05:11] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:05:12] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:05:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:05:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:19] <@locopoke> !5.5
[14:05:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 5500
[14:05:22] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:05:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:05:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:28] <@locopoke> !6.5
[14:05:29] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6500
[14:05:31] <@Funkasaurus> what are you gonna do with lavos
[14:05:31] <~aldaron> is lavos even around anymore
[14:05:33] <~aldaron> on irc
[14:05:34] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:35] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:05:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:05:38] <@locopoke> !7.5
[14:05:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[14:05:44] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:05:49] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Lavos Spawn to The Team Raiders for 7500.
[14:05:53] <@Funkasaurus> sry lavos i couldn't get you :(!
[14:05:57] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:05:59] <@LonelyNess> Oglemi
[14:06:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 67000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko
[14:06:01] <@LonelyNess> can you add dekzeh
[14:06:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:06:04] <@LonelyNess> I have to go poop
[14:06:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:06:06] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:06:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:06:11] <&Oglemi> !addbidder fro dekzeh
[14:06:12] <&SPLbot> dekzeh added to bidders for The Smog Frogs. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:06:14] <@LonelyNess> thank you
[14:06:14] Funkasaurus [sierra@hotel.india.echo.lima.delta.shield] has set mode +v DEKZEH
[14:06:17] <@Nachos> !nominate django
[14:06:17] <&SPLbot> Django is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / Doubles
[14:06:18] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:06:23] <@tennisace> the djangler
[14:06:23] <@Funkasaurus> all yours bud
[14:06:26] <@little_gk> DJANGLES
[14:06:28] <@little_gk> :D
[14:06:31] <+Hugendugen> voice of the people
[14:06:32] <+DEKZEH> hello
[14:06:36] <@Funkasaurus> THE PEOPLES VOICE
[14:06:38] <%Solace> djangles >
[14:06:39] <%Solace> :>
[14:06:42] <@tennisace> django chained
[14:06:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:06:43] <@Funkasaurus> 3k for the Djangod
[14:06:47] <@Funkasaurus> what a deal
[14:06:48] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Django to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[14:06:51] <+DEKZEH> nice buy
[14:06:51] <@Funkasaurus> holy shit
[14:06:51] <@Nachos> excellent
[14:06:55] <%panamaxis> wow
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:06:56] <%panamaxis> STEAL
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:06:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 55000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing
[14:06:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:07:00] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:07:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:07:04] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:07:08] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:07:17] <@Funkasaurus> un momento
[14:07:23] <%Solace> we got no time for that funk
[14:07:26] <%Solace> pls be prepared.
[14:07:36] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate BLINGAS
[14:07:37] <&SPLbot> BLINGAS is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[14:07:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:07:42] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:07:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:07:44] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:07:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:07:47] <@tennisace> best doubles player!!
[14:07:49] <@Funkasaurus> HES COMING HOME
[14:07:51] <&McMeghan> !4.5
[14:07:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4500
[14:07:53] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:07:54] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:07:59] <@Funkasaurus> stop
[14:08:02] Arcticblast [this@is.a.vhost] has joined #spl
[14:08:02] <@Funkasaurus> hes my tanner
[14:08:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:08:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: BLINGAS to The Ever Grande BIGs for 5000.
[14:08:09] <+Hugendugen> xoxoTiffany
[14:08:11] <@Funkasaurus> welcome back tanner
[14:08:13] <@little_gk> cutest team bigs
[14:08:14] <+cbb> there are many others like him but this one is yours
[14:08:14] <@little_gk> :o
[14:08:15] <%gengar> big tiff
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 74500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:08:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:08:16] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:08:18] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:08:19] <+kd24> BIG TIFF
[14:08:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:08:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:08:23] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:08:27] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:08:40] Crux [Crux@literally.human.trash] has left #spl
[14:08:42] <@yondie> !nominate raseri
[14:08:43] <&SPLbot> Raseri is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 NU
[14:08:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:08:47] <@tennisace> !5
[14:08:47] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[14:08:58] <@locopoke> 120k
[14:09:05] <@locopoke> |20k
[14:09:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:09:13] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Raseri to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 5000.
[14:09:14] <@little_gk> tennis what are you doing
[14:09:14] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:09:14] <@tennisace> rofl
[14:09:15] <@little_gk> he went 0-3
[14:09:17] <+cbb> oh
[14:09:19] Orch [~Orch@synIRC-76C908E0.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 180 seconds
[14:09:20] <+cbb> guess we gotta restart once again
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 69500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:09:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:09:22] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:09:23] <%Solace> lmao
[14:09:23] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:09:25] <@BKC> damn that was unfair
[14:09:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:09:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:09:27] <@BKC> can i get a reset pls
[14:09:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:09:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:09:34] <@little_gk> nah i'm ok with it
[14:09:37] <@little_gk> i think
[14:09:39] <&McMeghan> !nominate thatsjustpeachy
[14:09:39] <&SPLbot> Thatsjustpeachy is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU
[14:09:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:09:43] <@yondie> !4
[14:09:44] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[14:09:46] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:09:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:09:50] <@yondie> !5
[14:09:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[14:09:52] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:09:52] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:09:54] <@yondie> !6
[14:09:55] <&McMeghan> bkc seeking the V.
[14:09:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[14:10:00] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:10:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:10:02] <@tennisace> !7
[14:10:02] <@yondie> !7
[14:10:02] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[14:10:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[14:10:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:07] <@yondie> !7.5
[14:10:08] <%Stone_Cold22> battle of da east
[14:10:08] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 7500
[14:10:09] <@BKC> !8
[14:10:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8000
[14:10:09] <@tennisace> !8
[14:10:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 8000.
[14:10:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:14] <@yondie> !8.5
[14:10:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8500
[14:10:16] <@BKC> !9
[14:10:17] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9000
[14:10:22] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:24] <&McMeghan> bkc girl power XD
[14:10:25] <@yondie> :p
[14:10:26] <@tennisace> !9.5
[14:10:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9500
[14:10:32] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[14:10:32] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:10:37] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Thatsjustpeachy to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 9500.
[14:10:39] <@little_gk> peaches
[14:10:39] <@little_gk> :D
[14:10:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 60000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:10:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:10:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:10:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:10:55] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:10:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:11:03] dcae [bo@m.bada.bing.motherfuckers] has joined #spl
[14:11:15] <+workingphil> !nominate halloween
[14:11:16] <&SPLbot> Halloween is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU
[14:11:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:11:18] <@tennisace> !5
[14:11:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[14:11:20] Stellar [~Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has quit IRC: Quit:
[14:11:26] <@yondie> !6
[14:11:26] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[14:11:28] <+DMALFOY> .cry
[14:11:29] <@locopoke> !6.5
[14:11:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6500
[14:11:32] <@tennisace> !7
[14:11:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[14:11:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:11:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Halloween to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 7000.
[14:11:50] <+Red_Panda> !reset
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 58000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes
[14:11:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:11:57] <+reyscarface> lol damn halloween for 7
[14:11:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:11:59] <+reyscarface> the king
[14:11:59] Solace smack red_panda
[14:11:59] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:12:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:12:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:12:04] eOut [o.d@duo.u.dodo] has joined #spl
[14:12:04] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao eOut eOut
[14:12:04] <+Red_Panda> :]
[14:12:07] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:12:11] <+reyscarface> did u kno
[14:12:12] <@little_gk> i got it
[14:12:12] <@tennisace> !nominate gary the gengar
[14:12:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "gary the gengar" not found.
[14:12:13] <@little_gk> 1 sec
[14:12:15] <+reyscarface> sogeking beats him consistently
[14:12:16] negres [negres@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has left #spl
[14:12:16] negres [negres@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has joined #spl
[14:12:16] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h negres
[14:12:16] <@little_gk> no spaces
[14:12:17] <+reyscarface> nowadays
[14:12:17] <+ZEB> no spaces
[14:12:17] <+reyscarface> in adv
[14:12:18] <@tennisace> o
[14:12:18] <@Funkasaurus> one word
[14:12:22] <@tennisace> !nominate garythegengar
[14:12:23] <&SPLbot> GaryTheGengar is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:12:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:12:25] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:12:26] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:12:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:12:27] <@Funkasaurus> gary
[14:12:29] <@yondie> !5
[14:12:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[14:12:32] <@tennisace> !5.5
[14:12:32] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:12:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5500
[14:12:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 5500.
[14:12:34] <&McMeghan> !56
[14:12:35] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid exceeds max bid of 26500.
[14:12:38] <%Solace> lol
[14:12:38] <&McMeghan> !6
[14:12:38] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 6000
[14:12:39] <%BAIKA> hahaha
[14:12:39] <+cbb> lol
[14:12:40] <@yondie> !6.5
[14:12:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6500
[14:12:42] <+kd24> too bad it didnthappen earlie
[14:12:43] <@locopoke> !7
[14:12:43] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7000
[14:12:43] <&McMeghan> !7
[14:12:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[14:12:45] <&McMeghan> !7.5
[14:12:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 7500
[14:12:48] <@yondie> !8
[14:12:48] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8000
[14:12:53] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:12:55] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:12:57] <%negres> !8.5
[14:12:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 8500
[14:13:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:13:04] <@yondie> !9
[14:13:05] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 9000
[14:13:08] <+Hugendugen> woah for a sec I thought we were still bidding on bloo
[14:13:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:13:12] <+Hugendugen> with mcmeghan's !56
[14:13:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: GaryTheGengar to The Cryonicles for 9000.
[14:13:21] <@tennisace> lol
[14:13:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:13:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:13:25] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:13:28] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:13:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 45000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde
[14:13:30] <&McMeghan> .!addcredits alp 10000
[14:13:31] dinEOsaur [~TheBest@synIRC-80E64F7E.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has joined #spl
[14:13:31] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao dinEOsaur dinEOsaur
[14:13:31] <&McMeghan> oops
[14:13:31] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:13:34] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:13:35] <@Funkasaurus> wat
[14:13:37] <%gr8astard> !nominate pdc
[14:13:38] <&SPLbot> PDC is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:13:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:13:40] <%Solace> cheater,
[14:13:43] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:13:44] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:13:45] <@Funkasaurus> if i wanted him
[14:13:47] <&McMeghan> !5
[14:13:47] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[14:13:47] <@Funkasaurus> i'd upbid
[14:13:48] <@Funkasaurus> -/
[14:13:49] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[14:13:54] Eo [eo@mort.us] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by dinEOsaur)
[14:13:58] eOut [o.d@duo.u.dodo] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by dinEOsaur)
[14:14:02] dinEOsaur [~TheBest@synIRC-80E64F7E.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] is now known as Eo
[14:14:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:04] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:14:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:14:06] <&McMeghan> !6
[14:14:07] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 6000
[14:14:11] CTI [it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has joined #spl
[14:14:11] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h CTI
[14:14:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:13] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:14:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:14:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:19] <&McMeghan> !7
[14:14:20] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 7000
[14:14:20] <+kd24> question didnt people use audiosurfer being one of the best doubles players as a reason to include
[14:14:22] Laurel [~chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has left #spl
[14:14:23] <+kd24> why is he not on the spreadsheet
[14:14:24] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:26] <@BKC> !7.5
[14:14:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[14:14:29] <+cbb> he withdrew
[14:14:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:14:32] <&Oglemi> irl stuff kd
[14:14:35] <&SPLbot> SOLD: PDC to The Indie Scooters for 7500.
[14:14:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 27000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:14:44] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:14:45] Laurel [~chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[14:14:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:14:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:14:47] <+cbb> retard
[14:14:49] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:14:51] <@Funkasaurus> this person pmed me saying they 6-0ed audiosurfer
[14:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:14:52] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:14:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:14:56] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:14:57] SoulWind [Mibbit@99421DFA.DC86B690.2BE25CD3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:14:57] <+kd24> him withdrawing cut the doubles compettiive playerbase in half
[14:14:59] <%gr8astard> !nominate vinc2612
[14:15:00] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Player "vinc2612" not found.
[14:15:03] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:15:06] <%Solace> lol
[14:15:10] <+cbb> it's vincnumeros
[14:15:11] <&McMeghan> try with a space
[14:15:12] <@tennisace> wasnt vinc retained
[14:15:14] <@Funkasaurus> retained
[14:15:15] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:15:17] <%gr8astard> lol
[14:15:25] <@DittoCrow> not on the spreadsheet :x
[14:15:27] <@DittoCrow> !nominate yee
[14:15:27] <&SPLbot> yee is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU
[14:15:27] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:15:32] <@Funkasaurus> yeezus
[14:15:43] <%gr8astard> yeezeus
[14:15:51] SoulWind [Mibbit@99421DFA.DC86B690.2BE25CD3.IP] has joined #spl
[14:15:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:15:53] <%Ciele> vinc is definitely on the spreadsheet
[14:15:57] <&SPLbot> SOLD: yee to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[14:15:59] <~aldaron> lol really
[14:16:00] <%Ciele> and it is vinc2612
[14:16:01] <~aldaron> yee for 3k
[14:16:02] <@Funkasaurus> is vinc and numeros
[14:16:03] <~aldaron> damn
[14:16:03] <@yondie> sucks
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 53500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo
[14:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:16:06] Erick17 [Mibbit@synIRC-EEC9865F.sub-174-251-176.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:16:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:16:08] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:16:09] <~aldaron> that nigga is the best teammate
[14:16:11] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:16:12] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:16:14] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:16:15] <~aldaron> just sits there all day making teams to test
[14:16:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:16:18] <%Ciele> idk why the nom didn't work
[14:16:19] <@Funkasaurus> aldaron giving some expert analysis
[14:16:21] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[14:16:22] <%Solace> !nominate ginku
[14:16:23] <&SPLbot> Ginku is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU
[14:16:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:16:25] Biosci [~Biosci@scizor.sci.sci.sigh] has joined #spl
[14:16:26] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +v Biosci
[14:16:28] <@yondie> !3.5
[14:16:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[14:16:29] <+cbb> !frogs
[14:16:30] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:16:31] Corkscrew [Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:16:33] <&McMeghan> !4
[14:16:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[14:16:39] <+DEKZEH> i think i should buy
[14:16:40] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:16:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:16:42] <@Funkasaurus> hm
[14:16:42] <@Funkasaurus> i would
[14:16:45] <@Funkasaurus> if i could
[14:16:46] <@Funkasaurus> =/
[14:16:46] <+ZEB> y dek
[14:16:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:16:50] <&McMeghan> !5
[14:16:50] Lavos [~CRUSHIN@synIRC-7E595417.bois.qwest.net] has joined #spl
[14:16:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5000
[14:16:53] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:16:54] Corkscrew [Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #spl
[14:16:54] <@Funkasaurus> Lavos.
[14:16:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:17:00] <@tennisace> u can funk if u just belieb in urself
[14:17:00] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ginku to The Alpha Ruiners for 5000.
[14:17:08] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 49000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar
[14:17:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:17:11] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:17:12] <@LonelyNess> rise to the top you can c-complish it all
[14:17:12] <@Funkasaurus> i can't
[14:17:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:17:14] <@Funkasaurus> BIGs past
[14:17:15] <@Funkasaurus> :(
[14:17:15] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:17:18] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:17:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:17:26] <%panamaxis> !nominate HSA
[14:17:26] <&SPLbot> HSA is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[14:17:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:17:29] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:17:29] <@Funkasaurus> harris
[14:17:31] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:17:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:17:40] <@yondie> !4
[14:17:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[14:17:43] <@Funkasaurus> !4.5
[14:17:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4500
[14:17:51] <@yondie> !5
[14:17:51] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5000
[14:17:54] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[14:17:55] <@Funkasaurus> !5.5
[14:17:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5500
[14:18:00] <@yondie> !6
[14:18:01] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6000
[14:18:05] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:18:10] <&SPLbot> SOLD: HSA to The Cryonicles for 6000.
[14:18:12] <@Funkasaurus> rip harris
[14:18:16] <@yondie> <3
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:18:18] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 43000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA
[14:18:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:18:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 45500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn
[14:18:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:18:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:18:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:18:40] <&McMeghan> !nominate PttP
[14:18:40] <&SPLbot> PttP is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[14:18:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:18:43] <@Funkasaurus> NO
[14:18:47] <@yondie> !3.5
[14:18:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[14:18:49] <%Ciele> dodrio.
[14:18:50] <@Funkasaurus> kacaw
[14:18:52] <+DEKZEH> :]
[14:18:56] <+workingphil> !5
[14:18:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:19:01] <@yondie> !5.5
[14:19:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[14:19:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:19:07] <@locopoke> !6
[14:19:08] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6000
[14:19:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:19:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: PttP to The Team Raiders for 6000.
[14:19:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:19:26] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 43000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA
[14:19:28] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:19:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:19:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:19:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:19:34] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:19:35] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has joined #spl
[14:19:37] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:19:47] <@yondie> !nominate pocket
[14:19:47] <&SPLbot> Pocket is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:19:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:19:50] <&McMeghan> ah!
[14:19:52] <@tennisace> .
[14:19:53] jdarden [~jd@clear.eyes.full.hearts] has joined #spl
[14:19:53] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:19:54] <@locopoke> everyone run
[14:19:55] <%Snunch> ah!
[14:19:55] <&McMeghan> go BKC
[14:19:58] <&McMeghan> i know u want some
[14:19:59] <%gengar> get ur man mcmeghan
[14:20:00] <@yondie> LOL
[14:20:05] <@tennisace> !frogs
[14:20:05] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:20:05] falcula [dawn@malediction.murder] has joined #spl
[14:20:05] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o falcula
[14:20:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:20:15] <+DEKZEH> no
[14:20:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Pocket to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[14:20:18] <@Funkasaurus> sorry for your loss yondie
[14:20:19] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:20:19] <@Funkasaurus> :(
[14:20:22] <+DEKZEH> pocket isnt a good ribbitter
[14:20:22] <%gengar> a Steal
[14:20:24] <+cbb> steal
[14:20:25] <@yondie> sub city
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 53000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:20:25] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:20:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:20:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:20:30] <@yondie> jkjk
[14:20:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:20:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:20:35] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:20:36] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@synIRC-6AD0B315.dsl.chcgil.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[14:20:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:20:38] Badabing [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[14:20:44] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate fiction.
[14:20:45] <&SPLbot> Fiction. is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[14:20:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:20:46] <%Texas> lol why is BIGs not bolded
[14:20:47] <%Texas> o_O
[14:20:48] <@tennisace> !4
[14:20:48] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[14:20:49] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:20:49] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:20:51] <@tennisace> !6
[14:20:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[14:20:53] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:20:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:20:57] <@little_gk> truth
[14:20:58] <@little_gk> ;O;
[14:21:01] <@Funkasaurus> tennis >:(
[14:21:02] <%gengar> 5 star user going here
[14:21:03] <%gengar> get him tennis
[14:21:09] <@Funkasaurus> know your limits.
[14:21:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:21:11] <@little_gk> !7.5
[14:21:11] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7500
[14:21:13] <%Texas> play within it
[14:21:15] <@Funkasaurus> 18
[14:21:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:21:16] Terraquaza [~cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has left #spl
[14:21:21] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[14:21:21] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Fiction. to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 7500.
[14:21:22] <@Funkasaurus> WTF
[14:21:23] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[14:21:24] <%gengar> LOL
[14:21:24] <+reyscarface> get owned
[14:21:25] <%gengar> get fucked
[14:21:25] <%Solace> LOL
[14:21:25] <@little_gk> TRUTH
[14:21:25] <@tennisace> wow
[14:21:26] <@little_gk> MY BABY
[14:21:28] Terraquaza [~cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:21:30] <@Funkasaurus> ok
[14:21:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:21:33] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 64000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django
[14:21:33] <+ZEB> .!reset
[14:21:35] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:21:35] <@LonelyNess> IMO you guys should just do
[14:21:37] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:21:37] <@LonelyNess> a manual auction
[14:21:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:21:41] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:21:46] <&Eo> wtf LN
[14:21:47] <@Funkasaurus> my 1 key got jammed
[14:21:48] <@little_gk> funk i'm sorry but it's destiny
[14:21:49] <@little_gk> ;-;
[14:21:50] BKC [falcula@the.world.fears.my.labor] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 188 seconds
[14:21:52] AFKC [~BKC@blood.fire.death] has joined #spl
[14:21:53] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o AFKC
[14:21:54] <+Hugendugen> !reset
[14:21:55] <@Funkasaurus> well
[14:21:58] <@Nachos> !nominate afro smash
[14:21:58] <&SPLbot> Afro Smash is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[14:21:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:22:02] <@tennisace> 13.5
[14:22:03] <&Eo> why would we go back to manual
[14:22:05] <%Solace> !3.5
[14:22:06] <@tennisace> !3.5
[14:22:06] Foster [~cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[14:22:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[14:22:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:22:08] <@Nachos> !4
[14:22:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:22:11] <%gr8astard> !4.5
[14:22:12] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[14:22:14] <@Nachos> !5
[14:22:14] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[14:22:21] Foster [~cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[14:22:23] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:22:23] <%CTI> We're bein cheated
[14:22:27] <&Oglemi> i legitimately don't even know who afro smash is
[14:22:28] <@Funkasaurus> wutevz
[14:22:28] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Afro Smash to The Congregation of the Classiest for 5000.
[14:22:32] <%Stone_Cold22> cool
[14:22:35] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:22:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 50000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS
[14:22:39] <@Nachos> afro :D
[14:22:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:22:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:22:42] <%Ciele> po player oglemi
[14:22:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:22:46] <%Texas> good buy prolly
[14:22:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:22:49] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:22:54] <&Oglemi> ah po
[14:22:56] <@locopoke> !nominate pi face
[14:22:57] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Player "pi face" not found.
[14:23:01] <%Solace> lol
[14:23:03] <%gengar> lol
[14:23:03] <%Ciele> he didn't sign up
[14:23:04] <%gengar> el gg
[14:23:06] aisasuh [Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has joined #spl
[14:23:08] <&Oglemi> pi face didn't sign up this year
[14:23:11] <@yondie> lmao
[14:23:11] <~aldaron> dam
[14:23:16] <@locopoke> !nominate dotteh
[14:23:16] <&SPLbot> Dotteh is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[14:23:16] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:23:18] <@tennisace> not doin homework
[14:23:19] Bleuwind [Mibbit@56A4195B.1F1F1F15.9C5E4F01.IP] has joined #spl
[14:23:28] <~aldaron> lol @ tennis
[14:23:28] falcula [dawn@malediction.murder] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[14:23:32] <@Funkasaurus> lmao
[14:23:34] <%Ciele> bleuwind :)
[14:23:34] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:23:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:23:40] <%Stone_Cold22> BIG DOTTEH
[14:23:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:23:42] Luis_Suarez [~DaShit@3D65FB63.18D6AE17.29DDB79D.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[14:23:42] <%Stone_Cold22> THE LEGEND
[14:23:42] <@Funkasaurus> BIGS SUPPORTER
[14:23:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Dotteh to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3500.
[14:23:48] <@locopoke> funk
[14:23:48] <@locopoke> smh
[14:23:49] <%Stone_Cold22> 400K
[14:23:50] <%Stone_Cold22> !400K
[14:23:51] <+Hugendugen> lol
[14:23:52] <%Stone_Cold22> FUCK
[14:23:52] <@locopoke> smfh
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:23:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:23:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:23:57] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:23:59] <@locopoke> dot could've had a trophy
[14:23:59] <%negres> LOL
[14:24:00] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 39500 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP
[14:24:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:24:02] <%CTI> Steal
[14:24:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:24:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:24:09] PragueKick [CAZZODURO@FREELUCK.DETULLIO] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[14:24:11] Eo [~TheBest@synIRC-80E64F7E.dhcp.stls.mo.charter.com] has set mode +v Bleuwind
[14:24:12] <@AFKC> !nominate nas
[14:24:15] <%gengar> !nominate nas
[14:24:15] <&SPLbot> Nas is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU / DPP OU
[14:24:15] AFKC [~BKC@blood.fire.death] is now known as BKC
[14:24:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:24:20] <@locopoke> !3.5
[14:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3500
[14:24:25] <%gr8astard> !4
[14:24:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4000
[14:24:26] bigs [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has left #spl
[14:24:27] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:24:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:24:30] <%gr8astard> !5
[14:24:30] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5000
[14:24:33] <%gengar> !5.5
[14:24:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:24:34] <@locopoke> !5.5
[14:24:34] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 5500.
[14:24:36] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:24:36] <@locopoke> !6
[14:24:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:24:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[14:24:38] <@DittoCrow> !10
[14:24:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 10000
[14:24:39] biggie [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[14:24:39] Kingler12345 [Mibbit@BC3388DE.7F56F225.66317FF3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:24:40] <@Funkasaurus> wtf
[14:24:42] <@tennisace> WOW
[14:24:43] <@BKC> !10.5
[14:24:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[14:24:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:24:49] <@locopoke> !11
[14:24:49] <@LonelyNess> !11
[14:24:50] <@DittoCrow> !11
[14:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11000
[14:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 11000.
[14:24:50] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 11000.
[14:24:54] <+Hugendugen> !11
[14:24:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:24:57] <@LonelyNess> !11.5
[14:24:57] <@DittoCrow> !11.5
[14:24:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11500
[14:24:58] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 11500.
[14:25:01] <%Snunch> !frogs
[14:25:02] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:03] <@locopoke> !12
[14:25:04] <@DittoCrow> !12
[14:25:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[14:25:04] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 12000.
[14:25:05] <@BKC> !12
[14:25:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 12000.
[14:25:07] <@BKC> !12.5
[14:25:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 12500
[14:25:09] <@LonelyNess> !13
[14:25:10] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[14:25:10] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 13000
[14:25:15] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:16] <@locopoke> !13.5
[14:25:17] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 13500
[14:25:17] <+Bleuwind> *ribbit*
[14:25:18] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:25:20] <%gr8astard> !20
[14:25:20] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid exceeds max bid of 12000.
[14:25:21] <@BKC> !14
[14:25:21] <&Oglemi> do the frogs even have that much left
[14:25:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 14000
[14:25:23] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[14:25:24] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:25] <@DittoCrow> lool
[14:25:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:27] <@locopoke> !14.5
[14:25:28] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 14500
[14:25:28] <@tennisace> apparently ogles
[14:25:32] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:25:34] <%gr8astard> !frogs
[14:25:34] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:25:35] Nelson [Mibbit@synIRC-576BF64C.reverse.destiny.be] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:25:38] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Nas to The Team Raiders for 14500.
[14:25:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:25:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:25:48] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:25:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:25:51] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:25:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 37500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC
[14:25:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:26:00] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:26:04] <@LonelyNess> !nominate Ace_Emerald
[14:26:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Player "Ace_Emerald" not found.
[14:26:08] <%Texas> no space
[14:26:09] <@tennisace> space
[14:26:10] <&Oglemi> no underscore
[14:26:10] <@LonelyNess> !nominate Ace Emerald
[14:26:10] <&SPLbot> Ace Emerald is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 UU
[14:26:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:26:12] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:26:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:26:14] PragueKick [CAZZODURO@FREELUCK.DETULLIO] has joined #spl
[14:26:15] _Chase_ [~_Chase_@synIRC-4E242C1B.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #spl
[14:26:17] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:26:18] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:26:20] Ravenn [Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[14:26:20] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:26:20] <@DittoCrow> !45
[14:26:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:26:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid exceeds max bid of 12000.
[14:26:21] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@94130958:5BD8B080:D60B0006:IP] has joined #spl
[14:26:22] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:26:23] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:26:24] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:26:26] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:26:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:26:29] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:26:32] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:26:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:26:37] <+Hugendugen> isn't it 6A9 Ace Emerald?
[14:26:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:26:38] <@BKC> !7.5
[14:26:38] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 7500
[14:26:40] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[14:26:40] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[14:26:42] Ernesto [~cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[14:26:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:26:46] <@Funkasaurus> give up
[14:26:47] <%Stone_Cold22> wut
[14:26:49] <@BKC> !8.5
[14:26:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[14:26:54] <@Funkasaurus> hmmm
[14:26:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:26:56] <+Bleuwind> bkc goinghard
[14:26:59] CyberOdin [Mibbit@4F0224AC.F3425DFE.946DEEC5.IP] has joined #spl
[14:27:00] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ace Emerald to The Indie Scooters for 8500.
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:27:08] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:27:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:27:12] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:27:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:27:14] <@BKC> hi bluewind :o
[14:27:15] steeledges [i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has joined #spl
[14:27:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:27:18] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 19500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa-
[14:27:22] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:27:27] <@LonelyNess> !nominate reiku
[14:27:27] <&SPLbot> Reiku is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 NU
[14:27:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:27:37] <@tennisace> :O he plays nu
[14:27:40] <+workingphil> !4
[14:27:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4000
[14:27:47] <&McMeghan> he won the XY OU tour on Pokespain
[14:27:50] <&McMeghan> as well as their BW OU tour
[14:27:50] <%gengar> !4.5
[14:27:50] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:27:51] <@LonelyNess> !4.5
[14:27:51] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:27:55] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:27:57] <@makiri> !5
[14:27:57] <%panamaxis> !5
[14:27:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:27:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:27:58] Phetto [Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has left #spl
[14:28:00] Phetto [Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has joined #spl
[14:28:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:04] <@LonelyNess> !5.5
[14:28:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5500
[14:28:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:10] <@makiri> !6
[14:28:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 6000
[14:28:15] <@LonelyNess> !6.5
[14:28:15] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 6500
[14:28:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:20] <@makiri> !7
[14:28:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 7000
[14:28:25] <@LonelyNess> !8
[14:28:26] <&McMeghan> go for it LN
[14:28:26] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 8000
[14:28:28] Ernesto [~cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has joined #spl
[14:28:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:31] <@makiri> !8.5
[14:28:31] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 8500
[14:28:36] <@LonelyNess> !9
[14:28:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 9000
[14:28:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:44] <@makiri> !9.5
[14:28:45] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 9500
[14:28:49] <@LonelyNess> =\
[14:28:49] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:52] <@LonelyNess> !10
[14:28:52] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 10000
[14:28:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:28:59] <%panamaxis> !0.5
[14:29:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Invalid bid amount.
[14:29:00] <@makiri> !10.5
[14:29:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 10500
[14:29:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:29:06] <@LonelyNess> !11
[14:29:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 11000
[14:29:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:29:16] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Reiku to The Smog Frogs for 11000.
[14:29:21] <&Oglemi> .-.
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 24000 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:29:25] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:29:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:29:28] <@Funkasaurus> damn
[14:29:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:29:29] <@Funkasaurus> big moneys
[14:29:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:29:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:29:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:29:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:29:57] <@BKC> !nominate aim
[14:29:58] <&SPLbot> aim is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:29:58] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:30:00] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:30:01] Badabing [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:30:01] <@Funkasaurus> joey
[14:30:03] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:30:03] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:30:05] <@Funkasaurus> my fren
[14:30:09] <%gengar> !4
[14:30:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:30:10] <+DMALFOY> !4
[14:30:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[14:30:13] <%gr8astard> !4.5
[14:30:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[14:30:17] dcae [bo@m.bada.bing.motherfuckers] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:30:19] <@Funkasaurus> hugo wants joey =]
[14:30:20] <%gengar> !5
[14:30:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[14:30:21] <+DMALFOY> !5.5
[14:30:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5500
[14:30:27] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:30:28] <@DittoCrow> i just want an autograph from shofu
[14:30:30] <%gengar> joey :[
[14:30:32] <&SPLbot> SOLD: aim to The Wifi Wolfpack for 5500.
[14:30:35] <%gr8astard> YES
[14:30:36] <%gr8astard> MY FRIEND
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:30:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:30:40] <%gr8astard> :D
[14:30:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:30:43] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:30:45] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 25000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas
[14:30:46] <@Funkasaurus> :D
[14:30:49] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:30:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:30:54] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:31:03] <@locopoke> !nominate braverius
[14:31:03] <&SPLbot> Braverius is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / Doubles
[14:31:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:31:08] <@Funkasaurus> who
[14:31:09] <@tennisace> !3.5
[14:31:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[14:31:12] <%Texas> zach
[14:31:13] <%negres> he's super brave
[14:31:15] <@makiri> !5
[14:31:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:31:16] <+workingphil> !6
[14:31:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 6000
[14:31:18] <%Solace> lol
[14:31:19] <%Texas> vgc regionals winner
[14:31:19] <%Solace> nice
[14:31:21] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:31:23] <@tennisace> the self upbid
[14:31:23] <+reyscarface> who the fuck
[14:31:24] <%panamaxis> wtf
[14:31:25] <@locopoke> !6.5
[14:31:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 6500
[14:31:26] <%Ciele> phil n_n
[14:31:30] Ace_Emerald [~Ace@synIRC-4E377C08.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Ace_Emerald
[14:31:30] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:32] <+reyscarface> lol dam
[14:31:33] <@makiri> !7
[14:31:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 7000
[14:31:34] <+reyscarface> look at xtra
[14:31:36] <@Funkasaurus> ace has seen Enough
[14:31:37] <@Funkasaurus> h
[14:31:38] <+reyscarface> advertisin on da thread
[14:31:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:39] <@locopoke> !7.5
[14:31:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 7500
[14:31:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:45] <@makiri> !9
[14:31:45] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 9000
[14:31:47] <@little_gk> we have him in our spreadsheet as "biosci's lover"
[14:31:49] <@little_gk> :[
[14:31:49] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:51] <@locopoke> !10
[14:31:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 10000
[14:31:55] <&Oglemi> lol gk
[14:31:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:31:59] <+Biosci> die gk
[14:31:59] <%panamaxis> !10.5
[14:31:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 10500
[14:32:00] <@makiri> 110.5
[14:32:01] <%Solace> how could you separate true love like that :(
[14:32:02] <@locopoke> !11
[14:32:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 11000
[14:32:06] <+ZEB> :'(
[14:32:07] Corkscrew [Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:32:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:32:10] <%panamaxis> !11.5
[14:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 11500
[14:32:14] <@locopoke> !12
[14:32:14] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 12000
[14:32:16] Jorgen [~Jorgen@magic.pain.victory] has joined #spl
[14:32:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:32:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Braverius to The Team Raiders for 12000.
[14:32:27] RODOLPH [RODOLPH@synIRC-9F1B8EF0.home3.cgocable.net] has joined #spl
[14:32:29] <+Biosci> hahahaha
[14:32:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:32:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:32:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:32:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 59000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash
[14:32:37] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:32:40] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:32:43] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:32:45] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:32:47] <%negres> dont laugh at us biosci
[14:32:48] <%macle> ok time to get zach banned
[14:32:54] <%negres> our scouting department is very high on Braverius
[14:32:54] <@Nachos> !nominate tehmexicandewd
[14:32:55] <&SPLbot> TehMexicanDewd is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[14:32:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:32:57] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[14:32:58] <@Funkasaurus> who
[14:32:59] <%negres> lol
[14:33:00] <&Oglemi> ah yes
[14:33:03] <&Oglemi> the mexican
[14:33:03] <+reyscarface> hey
[14:33:04] <@Funkasaurus> is this a rey alt?
[14:33:04] <%macle> artemisa
[14:33:05] <+reyscarface> who this (BAN ME PLEASE)
[14:33:08] <@little_gk> LOL WHAT
[14:33:09] <@tennisace> wat
[14:33:10] <%CTI> Locopoke alt
[14:33:10] <%Solace> lmao
[14:33:12] <+reyscarface> oh lmao its artemisa
[14:33:15] <&Oglemi> nah an old ru player
[14:33:19] <@locopoke> you got me
[14:33:20] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:33:21] <+DMALFOY> !3.5
[14:33:21] <+FLCL> !3.5
[14:33:21] <@DittoCrow> !3.5
[14:33:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[14:33:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:33:23] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:33:25] <@Nachos> !4
[14:33:25] <%panamaxis> lol
[14:33:25] <+reyscarface> ADM
[14:33:26] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:33:27] <&McMeghan> lol
[14:33:28] <+reyscarface> LOOK AT THE WOLFPACK
[14:33:29] <+reyscarface> TRIPLE
[14:33:30] <+reyscarface> FCKIN
[14:33:31] <@DittoCrow> !4.5
[14:33:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[14:33:31] <+reyscarface> THREAT
[14:33:33] <@Funkasaurus> Wolfpack going Ham
[14:33:33] <@Nachos> !5
[14:33:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[14:33:34] <+reyscarface> must be the TEDDIES
[14:33:35] <&McMeghan> wolfpack
[14:33:38] <&McMeghan> they never move alone
[14:33:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:33:39] <%gengar> a Steal
[14:33:43] <@DittoCrow> !5.5
[14:33:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: TehMexicanDewd to The Congregation of the Classiest for 5000.
[14:33:47] <@Nachos> excellent
[14:33:49] Ravenn [Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:33:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:33:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:33:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 46500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh
[14:33:55] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:33:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:34:00] <@little_gk> i haven't seen him around in forever
[14:34:02] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:34:02] <@little_gk> :o
[14:34:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:34:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:34:10] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate go10
[14:34:10] <&SPLbot> Go10 is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / DPP OU
[14:34:10] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:34:21] <&McMeghan> !3.5
[14:34:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3500
[14:34:25] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:34:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:34:30] <@LonelyNess> !4.5
[14:34:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 4500
[14:34:31] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:34:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:34:32] <@BKC> !5
[14:34:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:34:35] <@LonelyNess> !5.5
[14:34:35] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 5500
[14:34:36] <+kd24> !frogs
[14:34:37] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:34:37] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[14:34:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:34:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:34:47] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Go10 to The Ever Grande BIGs for 6000.
[14:34:48] <@Funkasaurus> ok
[14:34:49] <@Funkasaurus> i can deal with this
[14:34:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:34:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:34:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 40500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10
[14:34:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:35:02] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:35:02] Xanxilla [Mibbit@synIRC-831EC920.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[14:35:04] <+workingphil> !5.5
[14:35:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:35:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:35:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:35:11] <@yondie> !nominate psychotic
[14:35:12] <&SPLbot> Psychotic is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 UU
[14:35:12] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:35:20] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:35:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:35:27] <@LonelyNess> !4.5
[14:35:28] <&McMeghan> !4.5
[14:35:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 4500
[14:35:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 4500.
[14:35:30] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:35:30] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:35:31] <&McMeghan> !5
[14:35:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:35:36] <&McMeghan> !5.5
[14:35:37] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 5500
[14:35:38] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:35:38] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:35:38] <@yondie> cockblocked
[14:35:39] <%negres> lol
[14:35:41] Electrolyte [ident@sodium.potassium] has left #spl
[14:35:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:35:43] <@Nachos> !6.5
[14:35:44] <&McMeghan> !6.5
[14:35:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6500
[14:35:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: Bid must be at least 500 above 6500.
[14:35:44] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:35:45] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:35:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:35:50] <%gengar> cmon
[14:35:50] gr8astard [~hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[14:35:51] <&McMeghan> !7.5
[14:35:51] <%gengar> wheres ln
[14:35:51] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 7500
[14:35:52] <@Funkasaurus> !8
[14:35:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8000
[14:35:54] CTC [Mibbit@synIRC-6F33CFBA.lightspeed.sntcca.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[14:35:54] steeledges [i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has left #spl
[14:35:57] <@Funkasaurus> don't tempt him john
[14:35:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:35:58] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[14:36:01] gr8astard [~hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #spl
[14:36:01] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h gr8astard
[14:36:02] <+DMALFOY> !8
[14:36:03] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 8000.
[14:36:03] <%gengar> cmon ln
[14:36:03] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Psychotic to The Ever Grande BIGs for 8000.
[14:36:05] <%gengar> LOL
[14:36:09] <+cbb> malfoy got em
[14:36:11] <+DMALFOY> oops
[14:36:11] steeledges [i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has joined #spl
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:36:11] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:36:12] <+DMALFOY> :(
[14:36:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 32500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic
[14:36:13] <%BAIKA> can we retstart
[14:36:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:36:15] <@Funkasaurus> I almost !9'd
[14:36:17] <@Funkasaurus> Almost
[14:36:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:36:20] <%BAIKA> malfoy didn't get his bid in
[14:36:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:36:23] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:36:24] <%Solace> sux
[14:36:27] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:36:32] Ciele [ciele@top.pomeranian] has set mode +v CTC
[14:36:51] <&McMeghan> !nominate AB2
[14:36:52] <&SPLbot> AB2 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[14:36:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:36:58] <@Funkasaurus> a sweaty boy
[14:36:59] <%gengar> quality user
[14:37:09] bland [bl@nd.boring.dull] has joined #spl
[14:37:14] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:37:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:37:15] <+workingphil> !3.5
[14:37:16] <@Funkasaurus> might as well
[14:37:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[14:37:16] Bedschibaer [Mibbit@synIRC-DCB91FFB.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:37:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:37:22] gr8astard [~hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Quit: gr8astard
[14:37:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: AB2 to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3500.
[14:37:25] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[14:37:28] <@Funkasaurus> nice
[14:37:29] <&Oglemi> wow
[14:37:32] <%gengar> goood buy souf
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:37:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 40000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket
[14:37:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:37:36] Ciele [ciele@top.pomeranian] has set mode +v lamppost
[14:37:38] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:37:39] Brostime [Mibbit@synIRC-18BBC239.bb.online.no] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:37:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:37:41] gr8astard [~hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #spl
[14:37:42] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h gr8astard
[14:37:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:37:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:37:49] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:37:56] <+workingphil> !nominate cyberodin
[14:37:56] <&SPLbot> CyberOdin is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU
[14:37:56] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:38:01] <&Oglemi> ah
[14:38:04] <@yondie> !4
[14:38:04] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[14:38:04] <%gengar> *_*
[14:38:08] <+cbb> *-*
[14:38:08] <&McMeghan> *-*
[14:38:08] <%Ciele> *-*
[14:38:10] <+workingphil> !5
[14:38:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:38:15] DarkPassenger [im.theb@d.guy] has quit IRC: Quit: In This Moment I Am Euphoric
[14:38:20] <@Funkasaurus> odiiiiiiin
[14:38:20] <@yondie> !5.5
[14:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[14:38:23] <+Red_Panda> *¯*
[14:38:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:38:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: CyberOdin to The Cryonicles for 5500.
[14:38:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:38:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:38:42] <+CTC> Ciele :]
[14:38:42] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:38:45] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:38:48] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:38:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:38:54] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 8500 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku
[14:38:57] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:39:02] <%Ciele> ctc :]
[14:39:02] <+lamppost> ctc im going to osu
[14:39:07] <+CTC> damn 5 players for 60% of the budget
[14:39:13] <+CTC> ruiners droppin stax
[14:39:15] <+CTC> lamp!!!
[14:39:16] FOLGORIO [~Alleneby@Swag.Eos.Bag] has joined #spl
[14:39:17] <+CTC> we can kickback
[14:39:18] <+CTC> sometime
[14:39:19] <@tennisace> !nominate [k12] themadchine
[14:39:19] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "[k12] themadchine" not found.
[14:39:20] <%Ciele> blame the restart.
[14:39:21] <@Funkasaurus> ctc
[14:39:22] <@Funkasaurus> hello
[14:39:22] <+lamppost> nice
[14:39:23] <&McMeghan> its k-12
[14:39:25] <%Solace> o
[14:39:33] <%negres> DA MADCHINE
[14:39:34] <&Oglemi> [k12] the madchine
[14:39:35] <+CTC> funk
[14:39:35] <+ZEB> !nominate [k-12] the madchine
[14:39:36] <+CTC> :]
[14:39:36] <&SPLbot> [K-12] The Madchine is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 RU
[14:39:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:39:42] <@tennisace> ty zeb
[14:39:43] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[14:39:44] <@LonelyNess> !3.5
[14:39:44] <%Solace> yaaa zeb u type that name right
[14:39:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3500
[14:39:45] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[14:39:45] Ciele [ciele@top.pomeranian] has set mode +v FOLGORIO
[14:40:00] <+FOLGORIO> mcmeghan even if u reject me i lov u
[14:40:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:40:06] <&McMeghan> =]
[14:40:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: [K-12] The Madchine to The Smog Frogs for 3500.
[14:40:12] <%Ciele> *ribbit*
[14:40:12] <@Funkasaurus> *ribbit*
[14:40:13] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:40:13] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 18500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:40:15] <+FLCL> the frogs have k-12's color
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:40:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:40:16] <%Stone_Cold22> cheap wow
[14:40:16] Raiza [Raiza@synIRC-AFFD2DC6.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #spl
[14:40:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:40:20] <@Funkasaurus> Only fitting
[14:40:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:40:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:40:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:40:28] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:40:31] windsong [Mibbit@synIRC-1273A797.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[14:40:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:40:38] <+CTC> so i heard LN forgot how to type and gayed 5 k out of the ruiners
[14:40:42] <+CTC> eh?
[14:40:44] <+cbb> heard right
[14:40:44] <%Ciele> y
[14:40:44] <@DittoCrow> !nominate prem
[14:40:44] <+cbb> :]
[14:40:45] <&SPLbot> prem is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC
[14:40:45] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:40:47] <@yondie> ln is a good troll
[14:40:50] <+CTC> once a (BAN ME PLEASE) always a (BAN ME PLEASE)
[14:41:02] <+workingphil> !3.5
[14:41:02] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[14:41:05] <+DMALFOY> !4
[14:41:05] <%Ciele> free extra 5k
[14:41:05] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4000
[14:41:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:41:11] <%negres> LC SPECIALIST
[14:41:13] <%negres> plays yugioh too
[14:41:15] <&SPLbot> SOLD: prem to The Wifi Wolfpack for 4000.
[14:41:17] <%BAIKA> 4k for prem
[14:41:18] <%BAIKA> lmao
[14:41:18] <@yondie> hasnt played in like 1 year
[14:41:23] Deinosaur [deinos@ur.blind.as.a.bat] has joined #spl
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 14500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:41:25] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:41:25] <@Funkasaurus> look at the value of LC payers
[14:41:25] <@Funkasaurus> players
[14:41:25] <+CTC> "oomg 4gat 2 tipe letz riisturt"
[14:41:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:41:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:41:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:41:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:41:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:41:40] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[14:41:53] <@DittoCrow> !nominate psychotic
[14:41:53] <&SPLbot> psychotic has already been sold.
[14:41:55] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[14:41:57] <%Solace> lol
[14:41:58] Leftiez [~SmogonIRC@DE63D830.3F7DD5BF.1C52D22C.IP] has left #spl
[14:41:59] <%Solace> gj
[14:42:00] Leftiez [~SmogonIRC@DE63D830.3F7DD5BF.1C52D22C.IP] has joined #spl
[14:42:03] Subject18 [Subject18@Cole.World.No.Yache] has joined #spl
[14:42:05] <@DittoCrow> i haven't been here lol
[14:42:10] <@Funkasaurus> solace
[14:42:10] Diabolikal [Mibbit@synIRC-81B4229.range86-156.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:42:11] <@yondie> stop sucking
[14:42:11] <@little_gk> LOL SOMEONE BOUGHT PREM
[14:42:11] <@DittoCrow> !nominate harsha
[14:42:12] <@little_gk> THAT NIGGA
[14:42:13] <&SPLbot> Harsha is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[14:42:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[14:42:14] <@Funkasaurus> your team has been quick mellow
[14:42:15] <@Nachos> LOL
[14:42:15] <@yondie> hugo take the wheel again
[14:42:18] <@Nachos> harsha.
[14:42:23] <@Funkasaurus> harsha.
[14:42:23] <%Solace> we like to keep calm funk
[14:42:28] <@yondie> ya good idea harsha the guy who logs on once a week
[14:42:30] <%negres> spicy curry
[14:42:31] <%negres> in the house
[14:42:33] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[14:42:34] <@DittoCrow> harsha is a boss
[14:42:37] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:42:40] <@Funkasaurus> Woof
[14:42:42] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Harsha to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[14:42:44] PragueKick [CAZZODURO@FREELUCK.DETULLIO] has quit IRC: Quit:
[14:42:45] <%gengar> awooooo
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 45500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction.
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:42:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:42:52] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:42:56] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:42:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:43:01] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:43:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:43:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[14:43:10] comatthew6 [~com@synIRC-3460DAC6.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[14:43:15] <@tennisace> !nominate kidogo
[14:43:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "kidogo" not found.
[14:43:18] <@tennisace> what
[14:43:19] <@little_gk> u.u
[14:43:20] Deinosaur [deinos@ur.blind.as.a.bat] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
[14:43:21] <%gengar> hes not playing
[14:43:21] <&Oglemi> he dropped out last night
[14:43:21] <@Funkasaurus> rip
[14:43:23] <@tennisace> oh
[14:43:24] <%Solace> lame
[14:43:28] <&Oglemi> soz
[14:43:30] <@yondie> plan = ruined
[14:43:31] <@tennisace> is okey
[14:43:38] GatoDelFuego [best.c@t.of.fire.you.EVER.saw] has joined #spl
[14:43:39] <%Stone_Cold22> alpha ruined!
[14:43:55] <@little_gk> hmmmmmmm
[14:44:02] <%Solace> hm m m m
[14:44:04] <%Ciele> kiDogo
[14:44:10] <&Oglemi> los tigres
[14:44:11] <@Funkasaurus> tigres
[14:44:12] <@Funkasaurus> who necks
[14:44:18] <&Oglemi> smh
[14:44:18] <@Funkasaurus> pls
[14:44:18] <%Solace> we're thinkin
[14:44:18] <+Hugendugen> not doin your homework tennis...
[14:44:21] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:44:27] <@tennisace> i did my damn homework
[14:44:28] <%Solace> !nominate c05ta
[14:44:29] <&SPLbot> C05ta is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[14:44:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[14:44:32] <@Funkasaurus> who
[14:44:33] <+kd24> HERE HE IS
[14:44:36] <@tennisace> someone changed the test
[14:44:38] <&Oglemi> da ladder baws
[14:44:39] <@little_gk> i wanted leftiez
[14:44:39] <&Oglemi> himself
[14:44:40] <@locopoke> its locopoke
[14:44:41] <&McMeghan> he topped the ladder
[14:44:41] <@locopoke> easy
[14:44:42] <&McMeghan> BW
[14:44:42] <@locopoke> its locopoke
[14:44:46] <&McMeghan> and XY too
[14:44:47] <@tennisace> lol
[14:44:50] <+kd24> its loco
[14:44:50] <+kd24> ip check
[14:44:51] <%Solace> yea it's a loco alt
[14:44:53] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:44:55] <@BKC> !3.5
[14:44:56] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[14:44:58] <@tennisace> !4
[14:44:59] <+Hugendugen> get him to post a photo
[14:44:59] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[14:45:02] <+Hugendugen> with his whole family
[14:45:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:45:06] <@locopoke> hugen
[14:45:09] <&SPLbot> SOLD: C05ta to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 4000.
[14:45:10] <@locopoke> he lives in wisconsin
[14:45:11] <@locopoke> ban him
[14:45:17] <%negres> NY ip address
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:45:17] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 34500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin
[14:45:18] <%negres> ban
[14:45:18] DittoCrow [Mibbit@Black.Feather] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:45:18] <@Funkasaurus> no other wisconsin users allowed
[14:45:19] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:45:22] jdarden [~jd@clear.eyes.full.hearts] has quit IRC: Quit:
[14:45:23] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:45:25] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:45:26] <&Oglemi> wisconsin rules
[14:45:27] <@tennisace> oglemi is just a loco alt
[14:45:28] <&Oglemi> gtfo
[14:45:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:45:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:45:31] <&Oglemi> fuk
[14:45:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[14:45:34] <@tennisace> so is birkal
[14:45:40] <&Oglemi> i'd believe that one
[14:45:43] <+workingphil> !nominate cristal
[14:45:44] <&SPLbot> Cristal is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU
[14:45:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[14:45:49] <@yondie> !3.5
[14:45:49] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[14:45:56] youngjake93 [~cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[14:45:56] am [~gammin@synIRC-FDB6509E.as13285.net] has joined #spl
[14:45:57] <&Oglemi> lol since when does cristal play ru
[14:45:59] <&Oglemi> what a troll
[14:46:00] <&McMeghan> !4
[14:46:01] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[14:46:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:46:09] <@yondie> !4.5
[14:46:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[14:46:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:46:15] <%negres> cristal is solid franche
[14:46:19] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Cristal to The Cryonicles for 4500.
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:46:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 30000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal
[14:46:30] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:46:31] <+kd24> sheeet i thought dis was rby crystal
[14:46:33] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:46:36] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:46:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 29000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald
[14:46:42] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:46:43] <@LonelyNess> oglemi
[14:46:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[14:46:46] <@LonelyNess> wisconsin rules!!
[14:46:46] <@LonelyNess> ^5
[14:46:59] <@LonelyNess> i'm going up to green bay in a couple of weeks oglemi
[14:47:04] <@locopoke> ln
[14:47:05] <&Oglemi> n i can't associate with you ne more ln
[14:47:05] windsong [Mibbit@synIRC-1273A797.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:47:06] <@locopoke> come visit me
[14:47:08] <&Oglemi> you've caused too much pain
[14:47:13] <&McMeghan> !nominate Toxzn
[14:47:14] <&SPLbot> Toxzn is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[14:47:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[14:47:17] <@tennisace> !3.5
[14:47:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[14:47:19] <@BKC> !4
[14:47:20] <&Oglemi> who
[14:47:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:47:24] <@tennisace> !4.5
[14:47:24] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4500
[14:47:27] <@BKC> !5
[14:47:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[14:47:31] Kran [Mibbit@66953C24.337A187E.723A7BD4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[14:47:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:47:44] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Toxzn to The Indie Scooters for 5000.
[14:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 30000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal
[14:47:54] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:47:57] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:48:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:48:03] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:48:05] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
[14:48:05] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:48:07] Hulavuta [~Hulavuta@wow.mom.wow] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving.
[14:48:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[14:48:14] <@yondie> !nominate royalty
[14:48:15] <&SPLbot> Royalty is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[14:48:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[14:48:30] aim [~aim@a.o.l] has left #spl
[14:48:37] <@Funkasaurus> if i bid 3.5
[14:48:37] ZoroarkForever [Mibbit@synIRC-7436401A.cmdnnj.east.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[14:48:40] <@Funkasaurus> do i get voice on ps
[14:48:40] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:48:40] aim [~aim@a.o.l] has joined #spl
[14:48:43] aim [~aim@a.o.l] has quit IRC: Quit: aim
[14:48:45] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Royalty to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[14:48:49] <@yondie> srs
[14:48:51] <@yondie> nice
[14:48:52] <&Oglemi> ah good contest
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:48:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:48:55] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 29000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2
[14:48:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:49:00] <+Hugendugen> steal
[14:49:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:49:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:49:07] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:49:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:49:15] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate shoka
[14:49:15] <&SPLbot> Shoka is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU
[14:49:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[14:49:18] <%negres> SHOKA
[14:49:22] <@BKC> !3.5
[14:49:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3500
[14:49:24] <@Funkasaurus> !4
[14:49:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 4000
[14:49:26] aim [~aim@a.o.l] has joined #spl
[14:49:32] <@BKC> !4.5
[14:49:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4500
[14:49:33] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:49:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:49:34] <~aldaron> do the sharks and ruiners have the same people on their lists lol
[14:49:38] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:49:39] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:49:41] <@Funkasaurus> !6
[14:49:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6000
[14:49:45] <@Funkasaurus> :|
[14:49:45] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:49:46] <@BKC> !6.5
[14:49:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6500
[14:49:51] <@BKC> you really want to do this souf
[14:49:52] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:49:56] <@Funkasaurus> !7
[14:49:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7000
[14:49:57] <@Funkasaurus> yes
[14:49:59] youngjake93 [~cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[14:50:02] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:50:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Shoka to The Ever Grande BIGs for 7000.
[14:50:08] Ravenn [Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[14:50:09] <%gengar> lol get fucked souf
[14:50:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:50:16] <@Funkasaurus> you get fucked
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:50:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:50:17] <@yondie> sp66666666
[14:50:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:50:19] <@yondie> DED
[14:50:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 54000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd
[14:50:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:50:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:50:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:50:31] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:50:37] <@Nachos> !nominate zorodark
[14:50:37] <&SPLbot> ZoroDark is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[14:50:38] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:50:44] <%negres> incoming randoms
[14:50:50] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[14:50:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[14:50:53] <@Nachos> !4
[14:50:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[14:50:55] <@tennisace> yeah its about that time negres
[14:51:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:51:04] <+CTC> cbb: we should just tell oglemi to eat a dick instead stupid whorefag
[14:51:06] <+CTC> Oglemi
[14:51:08] <&SPLbot> SOLD: ZoroDark to The Congregation of the Classiest for 4000.
[14:51:09] <+CTC> how does that
[14:51:11] <+Hugendugen> zorodark30
[14:51:13] <%negres> LOL
[14:51:16] <+CTC> make u feel
[14:51:16] <+cbb> LOL
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 55000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:51:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:51:17] <%negres> ruiners gonna hate on oglemi
[14:51:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:51:20] <%negres> all season long
[14:51:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:51:23] <+CTC> :]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
[14:51:23] <&Oglemi> it does not
[14:51:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:51:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:51:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:51:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:51:37] <@locopoke> !nominate gene
[14:51:37] <&SPLbot> gene is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[14:51:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:51:46] <+Hugendugen> GROUNDON
[14:51:50] <+workingphil> !5
[14:51:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 5000
[14:51:55] <&Oglemi> groudon
[14:51:59] <&Oglemi> you uncultured swine
[14:52:01] <+Biosci> BERSERK GENE
[14:52:02] <%Solace> lol
[14:52:03] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:52:06] <@BKC> !5.5
[14:52:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5500
[14:52:12] <@yondie> groudon80
[14:52:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:52:13] <+workingphil> !6
[14:52:14] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 6000
[14:52:15] <%panamaxis> !6
[14:52:15] <+kd24> wow look at all these teams gene wont play for
[14:52:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[14:52:19] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:52:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:52:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: gene to The Stark Sharks for 6000.
[14:52:25] <@Funkasaurus> [15:52:37] <am> you didnt actually buy KG right lol
[14:52:27] <@Funkasaurus> bkc you're such a (BAN ME PLEASE)
[14:52:29] <@Funkasaurus> lmao
[14:52:30] <@tennisace> rofl
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:52:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:52:33] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[14:52:33] <@yondie> did someone buy KG
[14:52:34] <%Solace> lmao
[14:52:34] <+reyscarface> i forgo
[14:52:34] <+reyscarface> t
[14:52:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:52:36] <+reyscarface> kg is in the auction
[14:52:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:52:38] <@BKC> the fk did i do
[14:52:39] <+lamppost> ctc
[14:52:40] <~aldaron> whoa gene for 6k...
[14:52:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:52:43] <+lamppost> which dorms are the best
[14:52:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 24000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn
[14:52:45] <%gengar> lmao its kevin
[14:52:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:52:48] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:53:05] <@BKC> !nominate george182
[14:53:06] <&SPLbot> george182 is up for auction. Metagames: DPP OU
[14:53:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:53:13] <~aldaron> WHO
[14:53:15] <&Oglemi> wtf i've literally
[14:53:18] <@locopoke> its floppy
[14:53:20] <+cbb> number 1 PO dpp ladder
[14:53:21] <+cbb> what a god
[14:53:21] <&Oglemi> never heard of this person
[14:53:23] <@yondie> gorgie
[14:53:24] <+Hugendugen> definitely floppy
[14:53:24] <@yondie> !!!!
[14:53:26] <@yondie> !111111
[14:53:26] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Invalid bid amount.
[14:53:28] <%panamaxis> it's a heist alt
[14:53:28] <%Solace> floppy alt
[14:53:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:53:31] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@94130958:5BD8B080:D60B0006:IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 184 seconds
[14:53:33] <+workingphil> !3.5
[14:53:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[14:53:35] <%negres> george 182
[14:53:36] <@BKC> !4
[14:53:36] <+kd24> gorgie boy
[14:53:36] <%Ciele> he used to play on shoddy ladder iirc :o
[14:53:36] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:53:40] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:53:41] <%negres> its floppy guys
[14:53:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: george182 to The Indie Scooters for 4000.
[14:53:51] <%negres> gorgin
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:53:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:53:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:53:58] <%BAIKA> why do you guys want two floppys
[14:53:59] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:54:02] <%BAIKA> one is bad enough
[14:54:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:54:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 20000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182
[14:54:09] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 5000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine
[14:54:11] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs up to nominate. Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh
[14:54:19] <@LonelyNess> !nominate joim
[14:54:19] <&SPLbot> Joim is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[14:54:20] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs: 3000
[14:54:25] <@tennisace> ah the admin
[14:54:27] <@yondie> admin power
[14:54:31] <+reyscarface> fuk
[14:54:33] <+reyscarface> how am i supposed
[14:54:34] <&McMeghan> and server owner
[14:54:34] <&Oglemi> ah da joim
[14:54:35] <+reyscarface> to ghost this guy
[14:54:36] <+reyscarface> if hes an admin
[14:54:38] <+Hugendugen> he'll make a custom metagame that he can win
[14:54:44] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:54:47] <+reyscarface> o nvm i used to ghost bloo
[14:54:48] <+reyscarface> its all good
[14:54:50] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Joim to The Smog Frogs for 3000.
[14:54:52] <@LonelyNess> aight
[14:54:54] <&Oglemi> rofl amazing
[14:54:57] <@LonelyNess> that's all she wrote
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:54:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:55:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:55:03] <+reyscarface> wait
[14:55:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:55:04] <+reyscarface> joims a girl?
[14:55:05] <+reyscarface> TEDDIES?
[14:55:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:55:08] <@Funkasaurus> n
[14:55:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 20000 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182
[14:55:11] <+reyscarface> wow fuck this auction
[14:55:12] <@Funkasaurus> rey you goober
[14:55:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:55:13] <+reyscarface> we got no teddies
[14:55:15] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[14:55:20] <@yondie> TEDs
[14:55:35] Ajwf [~jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Ajwf
[14:55:45] <@BKC> !nominate karrot
[14:55:46] <&SPLbot> Karrot is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU / GSC OU
[14:55:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[14:55:54] <@Nachos> !3.5
[14:55:54] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3500
[14:55:57] <@BKC> !4
[14:55:58] <%negres> kakkarot
[14:55:58] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 4000
[14:55:58] <+Hugendugen> kakarrot
[14:56:01] <@Nachos> !4.5
[14:56:01] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4500
[14:56:04] <@BKC> !5
[14:56:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 5000
[14:56:05] DarkPassenger [im.theb@d.guy] has joined #spl
[14:56:05] <+workingphil> !5
[14:56:05] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 5000.
[14:56:07] <@Nachos> !5.5
[14:56:08] <@yondie> he better go
[14:56:08] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5500
[14:56:09] <@yondie> for over 9000
[14:56:10] <@BKC> !6
[14:56:11] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 6000
[14:56:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:17] <@Nachos> !8
[14:56:17] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 8000
[14:56:20] <@BKC> !8.5
[14:56:20] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 8500
[14:56:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:27] <@Nachos> !9
[14:56:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 9000
[14:56:30] <@BKC> !9.5
[14:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 9500
[14:56:31] <@Nachos> !10
[14:56:32] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 10000
[14:56:36] <@BKC> !10.5
[14:56:36] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 10500
[14:56:37] <&Oglemi> has karrot even played in like 5 years
[14:56:40] <@Nachos> !11
[14:56:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 11000
[14:56:45] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:46] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@2D9C9DD9:4BEB109F:D60B0006:IP] has joined #spl
[14:56:48] <@BKC> !11.5
[14:56:49] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 11500
[14:56:51] <%negres> he's the last saiyan
[14:56:52] <@yondie> bloo for 40k doe
[14:56:53] <%Stone_Cold22> u can have
[14:56:54] <%Stone_Cold22> lols
[14:56:54] <%negres> making him very valuable
[14:56:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:56:59] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Karrot to The Indie Scooters for 11500.
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:57:08] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:57:10] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:57:11] <%BAIKA> thanks lonelyness
[14:57:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:57:14] <%macle> someone get raichy
[14:57:16] <%macle> ;_;
[14:57:16] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 13000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius
[14:57:19] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[14:57:23] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:57:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[14:57:30] <@locopoke> !nominate nelson
[14:57:31] <&SPLbot> Nelson is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / DPP OU
[14:57:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[14:57:36] Stellar [~Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has joined #spl
[14:57:37] <@little_gk> nelson :o
[14:57:46] <&McMeghan> you wanna buy cancer twice?
[14:57:49] makiri [~eblublubl@ninjas.in.paris] has set mode +v Stellar
[14:57:54] <&Oglemi> tourney ban incoming imo
[14:57:55] <&Oglemi> i can feel it
[14:57:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:57:59] <@little_gk> only if it's prostate
[14:58:01] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Nelson to The Team Raiders for 3000.
[14:58:02] Stellar [~Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has been kicked from #spl by BAIKA [~RAKKA@the.teleporter.she.beacons]: BAIKA
[14:58:05] Stellar [~Stellar@dreams.and.adventures.await] has joined #spl
[14:58:08] <@makiri> fucker
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:58:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:58:12] makiri [~eblublubl@ninjas.in.paris] has set mode +v Stellar
[14:58:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:58:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 50000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark
[14:58:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[14:58:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[14:58:22] atomicllamas [Mibbit@synIRC-5C193C02.mpls.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: stuff
[14:58:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:58:25] <+Red_Panda> it's like a double negative, 2 cancers cancel each other out
[14:58:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[14:58:29] <%Solace> lol
[14:58:29] <+reyscarface> <@Lady_bug> i'm gonna fucking rip your head off sogeking
[14:58:30] <+reyscarface> man
[14:58:31] <+reyscarface> its not even been
[14:58:32] <+reyscarface> an hour
[14:58:34] <@little_gk> lol
[14:58:36] <@makiri> lol
[14:58:36] <&Oglemi> lol
[14:58:36] <@yondie> LOL
[14:58:38] <+Red_Panda> lmao
[14:58:39] <%Solace> it starts already
[14:58:45] <+workingphil> LOL
[14:58:46] <@tennisace> mad@sogeking
[14:58:51] <+Hugendugen> *ribbit*
[14:58:52] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:58:53] <@yondie> darkrai never gets mad
[14:58:53] <@yondie> WTF
[14:58:55] <@Funkasaurus> *ribbit*
[14:58:55] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[14:58:57] <@Nachos> !nominate idiotfrommars
[14:58:58] <&SPLbot> idiotfrommars is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / GSC OU
[14:58:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[14:59:03] <@Funkasaurus> !3.5
[14:59:04] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3500
[14:59:04] <+lamppost> idiot
[14:59:06] <@tennisace> !4
[14:59:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[14:59:08] <@Nachos> !4.5
[14:59:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4500
[14:59:10] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[14:59:11] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[14:59:14] <@Nachos> !5.5
[14:59:14] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5500
[14:59:21] <@Funkasaurus> sorry ifm =/
[14:59:22] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[14:59:27] <&SPLbot> SOLD: idiotfrommars to The Congregation of the Classiest for 5500.
[14:59:34] <%Stone_Cold22> need a LoL player to talk to
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[14:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[14:59:39] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 22000 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka
[14:59:41] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[14:59:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[14:59:47] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[14:59:50] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[14:59:52] Momochuu [~Karina@synIRC-50804DB9.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 182 seconds
[14:59:53] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[14:59:59] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate genesectless
[15:00:00] <&SPLbot> Genesectless is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:00:01] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[15:00:02] <@tennisace> !4
[15:00:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[15:00:03] <@Funkasaurus> !5
[15:00:03] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 5000
[15:00:05] <@tennisace> !6
[15:00:05] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[15:00:09] <@Funkasaurus> !6.5
[15:00:09] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 6500
[15:00:12] <@tennisace> !7
[15:00:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[15:00:13] <@Funkasaurus> !7.5
[15:00:14] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 7500
[15:00:15] <+Red_Panda> genesectless > ifm oO
[15:00:16] <@tennisace> !8
[15:00:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 8000
[15:00:17] <@Funkasaurus> !8.5
[15:00:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 8500
[15:00:19] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[15:00:24] Corkscrew [Mibbit@synIRC-FE575661.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #spl
[15:00:24] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:00:26] <@tennisace> !9
[15:00:26] <%gengar> is amir
[15:00:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9000
[15:00:28] <@Funkasaurus> !9.5
[15:00:28] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 9500
[15:00:29] <@Funkasaurus> is amir
[15:00:32] <@tennisace> !10
[15:00:33] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 10000
[15:00:34] <@BKC> lol souf wtf
[15:00:36] <@Funkasaurus> !10.5
[15:00:37] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 10500
[15:00:39] <@Funkasaurus> tennis >:(
[15:00:40] <@yondie> sp666666666
[15:00:40] Bleuwind [Mibbit@56A4195B.1F1F1F15.9C5E4F01.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:00:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:00:42] <@yondie> u foul
[15:00:43] <@little_gk> v.v
[15:00:47] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Genesectless to The Ever Grande BIGs for 10500.
[15:00:51] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:00:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 27000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty
[15:00:56] <@yondie> reminds me of last years iris bid
[15:00:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:01:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:01:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:01:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:01:09] gene [~feathers@gen.e] has joined #spl
[15:01:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:01:12] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:01:17] <@yondie> !nominate Casekace
[15:01:18] <&SPLbot> CaseKace is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:01:18] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:01:22] <%negres> gene
[15:01:23] <%negres> we failed you
[15:01:26] Ravenn [Mibbit@synIRC-B7C4AA60.sub-174-229-195.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:01:29] <+CTC> LOL
[15:01:29] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
[15:01:32] <+CTC> 3 stacks
[15:01:34] <+CTC> ANDRE
[15:01:37] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:01:37] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:01:43] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:01:45] <@yondie> !4
[15:01:45] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[15:01:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:01:55] <&SPLbot> SOLD: CaseKace to The Cryonicles for 4000.
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 49000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:02:04] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 23000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace
[15:02:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:02:09] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:02:12] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:02:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:02:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:02:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:02:28] BKC [~BKC@blood.fire.death] has set mode +v DICE
[15:02:40] ifm [Mibbit@DD583556.4E023A75.C6F28F2C.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:02:44] <&McMeghan> !nominate make
[15:02:44] <&SPLbot> make is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU
[15:02:45] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:02:49] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:02:49] <@yondie> !3.5
[15:02:50] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:02:50] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[15:02:52] <@yondie> !4
[15:02:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[15:02:55] <@tennisace> !4.5
[15:02:55] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4500
[15:02:56] <+workingphil> !8
[15:02:57] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 8000
[15:02:59] <@yondie> my rosters done i could go 23
[15:03:01] <@yondie> !8.5
[15:03:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8500
[15:03:07] <&Oglemi> phil with the plays
[15:03:07] <@Funkasaurus> bw2
[15:03:07] <@tennisace> lol
[15:03:08] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[15:03:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:11] <+workingphil> !11
[15:03:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 11000
[15:03:14] <@Funkasaurus> lmao
[15:03:14] <@yondie> !11.5
[15:03:14] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 11500
[15:03:17] <+workingphil> !13
[15:03:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 13000
[15:03:20] <@yondie> !13.5
[15:03:21] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 13500
[15:03:21] <%BAIKA> king make
[15:03:22] <%macle> yondie
[15:03:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:27] <+workingphil> !15
[15:03:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 15000
[15:03:27] <%macle> get raichy trade him to me
[15:03:29] <%macle> :(
[15:03:29] <@yondie> !15.5
[15:03:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 15500
[15:03:34] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:34] <+workingphil> !17
[15:03:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 17000
[15:03:35] Blim [Mibbit@66953C24.337A187E.723A7BD4.IP] has joined #spl
[15:03:37] <@yondie> !17.5
[15:03:37] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 17500
[15:03:42] Sinclair [Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:03:42] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:43] <+workingphil> !18
[15:03:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 18000
[15:03:45] <@Funkasaurus> wtf
[15:03:46] <@yondie> have fun
[15:03:48] <@yondie> ;)
[15:03:48] <@tennisace> wow
[15:03:48] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:03:49] <&Oglemi> lolling
[15:03:50] <+cbb> lmao
[15:03:51] <@tennisace> a+
[15:03:53] <&SPLbot> SOLD: make to The Stark Sharks for 18000.
[15:03:54] <%Solace> omg
[15:03:56] <@little_gk> a+
[15:03:56] <%BAIKA> good job yondie
[15:03:58] <%BAIKA> holy fuck hahaha
[15:03:59] <%panamaxis> lol
[15:04:00] <+Red_Panda> worth
[15:04:01] <%panamaxis> good upbidding yondie
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:04:01] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:04:02] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 23000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace
[15:04:02] <%panamaxis> i
[15:04:04] <%Stone_Cold22> im p sure
[15:04:04] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:04:07] <%Stone_Cold22> yondie wanted him too
[15:04:07] <%Stone_Cold22> lol
[15:04:07] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:04:10] <@yondie> nope
[15:04:10] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:04:13] <@yondie> aqua is playing adv
[15:04:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:04:14] TheMantyke [~shnozmast@I.AM.THE.MAN.dot.dot.dot.tyke] has joined #spl
[15:04:16] <%Stone_Cold22> ew
[15:04:16] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:04:18] <+CTC> MANIGGA YONDER
[15:04:20] Blim [Mibbit@66953C24.337A187E.723A7BD4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:04:20] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:04:32] <+workingphil> !nominate xtrashine
[15:04:33] <&SPLbot> xtrashine is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU
[15:04:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:04:33] <+Hugendugen> wait why didnt make just make a new alt
[15:04:36] <@Funkasaurus> here we go
[15:04:37] <&Oglemi> ah yes
[15:04:37] <@yondie> !3.5
[15:04:38] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[15:04:40] <@Funkasaurus> !mimo
[15:04:43] <%gengar> mimoswag
[15:04:49] <+lamppost> mimoswaggggg
[15:04:57] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:05:00] pi_face [~pi_face@5FB547BB.380C4A48.D1D7BC9C.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 184 seconds
[15:05:02] <&SPLbot> SOLD: xtrashine to The Cryonicles for 3500.
[15:05:05] Mylo_Xyloto [~Xylo@synIRC-DF522897.telkomadsl.co.za] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
[15:05:06] <@Funkasaurus> [16:05:32] <@xtra> NOT CRYONICSL
[15:05:06] <@Funkasaurus> [16:05:33] <@xtra> NO
[15:05:06] <@Funkasaurus> [16:05:33] <@xtra> MONMON
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:05:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 19500 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine
[15:05:11] <+Red_Panda> overpaid
[15:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:05:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:05:18] <@yondie> so
[15:05:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:05:20] <@yondie> im putting xtra
[15:05:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:05:23] <@yondie> on the trading block
[15:05:24] <@yondie> 3k
[15:05:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:05:27] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:05:28] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:05:28] <+lamppost> lol
[15:05:38] <@little_gk> mmmm
[15:05:39] <+reyscarface> we will trade youxtra
[15:05:41] <+reyscarface> for the madchine
[15:05:42] <+reyscarface> deal?
[15:05:44] <%Solace> !nominate vinc2612
[15:05:45] <&SPLbot> Vinc2612 is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:05:45] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:05:47] <@yondie> we can talk later
[15:05:55] <@yondie> WTF
[15:05:57] <%gr8astard> lol
[15:05:58] <@yondie> !3.5
[15:05:58] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3500
[15:05:59] <@Funkasaurus> thought he was retained
[15:06:00] <@tennisace> !4
[15:06:00] <+workingphil> !4
[15:06:01] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 4000
[15:06:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:06:01] <%gr8astard> why is he on now
[15:06:02] <+cbb> gr8 italicized him
[15:06:02] BKC [~BKC@blood.fire.death] has set mode +v propagandhi
[15:06:03] <+cbb> so it didnt work
[15:06:03] <@yondie> !4.5
[15:06:04] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4500
[15:06:06] <@tennisace> !5
[15:06:06] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[15:06:06] <%gr8astard> WHAT
[15:06:08] <%Solace> nope
[15:06:08] <@yondie> !5.5
[15:06:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 5500
[15:06:09] <+cbb> loser
[15:06:11] <@tennisace> !6
[15:06:12] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[15:06:15] <@yondie> !6.5
[15:06:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 6500
[15:06:18] <@tennisace> !7
[15:06:18] <%gr8astard> germen
[15:06:18] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[15:06:19] <@yondie> !7.5
[15:06:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 7500
[15:06:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:06:26] <@tennisace> !8
[15:06:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 8000
[15:06:29] <@yondie> !8.5
[15:06:30] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 8500
[15:06:34] DMALFOY [Mibbit@synIRC-EC765EBC.cpece705.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:06:35] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:06:40] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Vinc2612 to The Cryonicles for 8500.
[15:06:44] <@yondie> =]
[15:06:47] <@little_gk> u.u
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 41500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:06:48] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:06:50] <+lamppost> luv vinc
[15:06:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:06:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:06:56] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:06:58] <+lamppost> did austinf sign up
[15:06:59] <+lamppost> or what
[15:07:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:07:02] <+lamppost> 30k
[15:07:02] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:07:03] <%gengar> no lamp
[15:07:03] <@tennisace> naw lamp
[15:07:05] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:07:07] <+lamppost> gay
[15:07:14] <%gr8astard> !nominate sweep
[15:07:14] <&SPLbot> Sweep is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 UU
[15:07:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:07:19] <%Solace> !3.5
[15:07:19] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:07:21] <@tennisace> !5
[15:07:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 5000
[15:07:22] Furai [furai@live.like.a.warrior] has quit IRC: Quit: pls nominate me;;
[15:07:24] <%Solace> tennis.
[15:07:24] <+kd24> masterclass alt
[15:07:26] <@little_gk> tnns plz
[15:07:26] <@tennisace> god damn it solace
[15:07:29] <%gr8astard> !5.5
[15:07:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5500
[15:07:30] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:07:31] <+propagandhi> [16:04] <Texas> hey bkc, i've got a strong BW ouer/xy ouer that we wanted to buy but ran out of money for if you need one later in the draft
[15:07:31] <+propagandhi> [16:04] <BKC> who is it :O
[15:07:31] <+propagandhi> [16:04] <Texas> Sayonara
[15:07:33] <@tennisace> !6
[15:07:34] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 6000
[15:07:36] <+lamppost> LOL
[15:07:37] Pirusl [Mibbit@synIRC-ED62AB3.dynamic.jazztel.es] has left #spl
[15:07:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:07:41] <%gr8astard> !6.5
[15:07:42] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 6500
[15:07:45] <@little_gk> !7
[15:07:45] <@tennisace> !7
[15:07:45] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 7000
[15:07:46] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Bid must be at least 500 above 7000.
[15:07:50] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:07:54] <%gr8astard> !7.5
[15:07:55] <@Funkasaurus> pm sounds familiar.
[15:07:55] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 7500
[15:07:58] <@tennisace> !8
[15:07:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 8000
[15:08:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:08:07] <%gr8astard> !8.5
[15:08:07] <+FLCL> !8.5
[15:08:07] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 8500
[15:08:07] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: Bid must be at least 500 above 8500.
[15:08:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:08:14] <@tennisace> !9
[15:08:14] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 9000
[15:08:14] <+kd24> guys
[15:08:19] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:08:21] <+kd24> u got it mixed up
[15:08:24] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Sweep to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 9000.
[15:08:24] <%gr8astard> lol
[15:08:24] <+kd24> this isnt sweepage
[15:08:29] <+propagandhi> lol
[15:08:30] <@little_gk> OH IT ISN'T
[15:08:31] <%gr8astard> thanks for the info kd
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 11500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 32500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:08:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:08:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:08:36] <@Funkasaurus> valuable info
[15:08:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:08:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:08:41] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Symphonyx64
[15:08:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:08:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:08:49] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:09:03] <%gr8astard> !nominate thunderblunder
[15:09:03] <&SPLbot> ThunderBlunder is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / BW2 UU
[15:09:03] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:09:09] <%gengar> lmao
[15:09:09] pi_face [~pi_face@AEA71638.AFF21A0D.D1D7BC9C.IP] has joined #spl
[15:09:10] <&Oglemi> ah the mitey
[15:09:12] <%gr8astard> i committed a blunder
[15:09:13] <@Funkasaurus> ladder god
[15:09:14] <&Oglemi> thunderblunder
[15:09:19] <+propagandhi> thunderblunder777
[15:09:19] <+propagandhi> :]
[15:09:20] <@Funkasaurus> boost 2 win
[15:09:21] <@Funkasaurus> o.o
[15:09:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:09:33] <&SPLbot> SOLD: ThunderBlunder to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[15:09:36] <@Funkasaurus> the IDM Wolfpack
[15:09:38] <&Oglemi> inb4 wepwn ghosts
[15:09:40] <+cbb> thunderblunder :]]]]]
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 32500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:09:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:09:42] <%Ciele> lol
[15:09:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:09:45] <%Ciele> idm.
[15:09:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:09:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:09:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:09:56] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:09:59] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:10:02] <%Solace> !nominate leftiez
[15:10:03] <&SPLbot> Leftiez is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:10:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:10:05] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:10:09] <@Funkasaurus> guadeloupe
[15:10:09] <+CTC> IDM PAC
[15:10:09] <@little_gk> :]
[15:10:13] <%gengar> guadelope
[15:10:13] <&McMeghan> guadeloupe champion
[15:10:16] <%Solace> :o
[15:10:16] <+CTC> the EAST scooters
[15:10:20] M_X [~MyloX@synIRC-DF522897.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #spl
[15:10:23] <@Funkasaurus> hm
[15:10:26] <@Funkasaurus> McMeghan
[15:10:28] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:10:28] <@Funkasaurus> you have been
[15:10:30] <@Funkasaurus> quiet
[15:10:31] <@Funkasaurus> for a while
[15:10:33] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Leftiez to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:10:35] <%Solace> ok
[15:10:36] choicespecs [Mibbit@synIRC-E2525E8E.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:10:36] <%Solace> cool
[15:10:38] <%negres> really?
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 29500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 31000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:10:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:10:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:10:46] <%gr8astard> mcm trying to recover stall from the damage
[15:10:47] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:10:48] Dotteh [Dotteh@synIRC-6C5C97A0.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #spl
[15:10:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:10:53] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:10:56] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:10:57] <@little_gk> rooners
[15:10:59] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:11:00] <@little_gk> with a lot of $$
[15:11:03] keanu [Mibbit@synIRC-C2CED580.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[15:11:14] <%macle> gk can you buy raichy for me
[15:11:16] <%macle> ;_;
[15:11:23] <@little_gk> my money is getting low
[15:11:33] <@Funkasaurus> *ribbit*
[15:11:39] <%macle> ill give you
[15:11:41] <%macle> 2k now
[15:11:41] <&McMeghan> *ribbit*
[15:11:43] <+workingphil> !nominate arcticblast
[15:11:43] <&SPLbot> Arcticblast is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 NU
[15:11:43] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:11:46] <%macle> then 1k midseason
[15:11:55] fatty [Mibbit@187E1FED.59055CB4.C287A23F.IP] has left #spl
[15:12:02] fatty [Mibbit@187E1FED.59055CB4.C287A23F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:12:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:12:12] <%Solace> where's the 1k coming from?
[15:12:13] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Arcticblast to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[15:12:14] Sweep [Mibbit@synIRC-C2CED580.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 29500 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:12:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:12:22] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:12:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:12:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:12:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:12:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:12:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:12:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:12:43] therealfiremage [~cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:12:51] <%Ciele> nominate earthworm
[15:12:58] <@yondie> nominate sbk
[15:12:59] <@Funkasaurus> perfect opportunity
[15:13:01] <+lamppost> !33k
[15:13:04] <@Funkasaurus> !28
[15:13:08] <@Funkasaurus> damn
[15:13:10] <@Funkasaurus> outbid
[15:13:11] <+FOLGORIO> Lamppost smells poorly.
[15:13:25] <@Funkasaurus> mcmeghan
[15:13:25] <@yondie> it still blows my mind
[15:13:26] <@Funkasaurus> mooove
[15:13:28] <@yondie> that bloo cost 40k
[15:13:28] <%BAIKA> !nominate hantsuki
[15:13:29] <&SPLbot> Hantsuki is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / XY LC / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[15:13:29] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:13:40] <%Ciele> n_n
[15:13:44] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[15:13:45] <+Stellar> hantsuki n_n
[15:13:47] <%Stone_Cold22> hantsuki the boss
[15:13:47] <&Oglemi> hantsuki is a cutie
[15:13:49] <@Funkasaurus> hot grill
[15:13:51] <@yondie> TED
[15:13:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:13:56] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:13:57] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:14:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:14:07] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Hantsuki to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3500.
[15:14:08] <%Solace> ok
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:14:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 11000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612
[15:14:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:14:20] <+workingphil> hantsuki!
[15:14:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:14:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:14:25] <+Earthworm|Away> Steal oO
[15:14:27] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:14:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:14:32] <+FOLGORIO> hey there earthworm ;]
[15:14:33] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:14:33] <~aldaron> the only reason im even actively watching this is because i really want to know who the ruiners get lol
[15:14:39] High_Impulse [Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:14:42] <@little_gk> yeah aldy :O
[15:14:42] <%Stone_Cold22> lmao
[15:14:47] <%negres> 6 bloo ghostees
[15:14:48] <%negres> obviously
[15:15:03] <+reyscarface> aldaron here u go
[15:15:04] <%BAIKA> stfu aldaron
[15:15:05] <@yondie> !nominate fatty
[15:15:05] <+reyscarface> marshall law
[15:15:06] <&SPLbot> fatty is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:15:06] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:15:07] <+reyscarface> fatty
[15:15:08] <+reyscarface> o
[15:15:09] <+reyscarface> nvm
[15:15:11] <+reyscarface> cryos goin hard
[15:15:16] am [~gammin@synIRC-FDB6509E.as13285.net] has left #spl
[15:15:18] <&Oglemi> da fatty
[15:15:24] <@little_gk> fatty for lc or uu
[15:15:26] <&Oglemi> goin for a steal
[15:15:27] <@little_gk> o0
[15:15:29] <+workingphil> !3.5
[15:15:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[15:15:30] <%panamaxis> !3.5
[15:15:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 3500.
[15:15:35] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:15:36] <@yondie> !4
[15:15:36] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 4000
[15:15:39] <%negres> fatman
[15:15:40] <+reyscarface> theyre probably gettin somalia too or smth
[15:15:40] <+Red_Panda> if bloo plays 6 battles per week he's only 40k/6=6.6k per slot
[15:15:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:15:43] <+Red_Panda> worth
[15:15:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: fatty to The Cryonicles for 4000.
[15:15:52] <+Red_Panda> jk bloo sucks he's not worth that much
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:15:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:15:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 11500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless
[15:16:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:16:01] Qwilphish [Mibbit@synIRC-F1880D92.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #spl
[15:16:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:16:06] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:16:08] Ginku [Mibbit@synIRC-5B7A1119.web.vodafone.de] has joined #spl
[15:16:09] MDragon [~androirc@synIRC-E49DB0F0.red-176-83-127.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[15:16:10] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao MDragon MDragon
[15:16:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:16:12] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[15:16:15] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate catcherintherai
[15:16:15] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Player "catcherintherai" not found.
[15:16:19] <%Solace> lol
[15:16:20] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate catcher in the rai
[15:16:20] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: Player "catcher in the rai" not found.
[15:16:22] <@Funkasaurus> wtf
[15:16:24] <@Funkasaurus> wtf was his name
[15:16:25] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:16:29] <%gengar> lol
[15:16:31] <@tennisace> no spaces
[15:16:32] _Chase_ [~_Chase_@synIRC-4E242C1B.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit IRC: Quit: _Chase_
[15:16:32] <+kd24> raichy
[15:16:35] <+kd24> ?
[15:16:35] <%Solace> catcherandtherai
[15:16:38] <@Nachos> melody of the wild dance.
[15:16:39] <@Funkasaurus> oh
[15:16:40] <@yondie> dumbass
[15:16:43] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate catcherandtherai
[15:16:44] <&SPLbot> CatcherAndTheRai is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC
[15:16:44] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[15:16:44] <&Oglemi> lol nachos
[15:16:44] <%Solace> i got u funk
[15:16:44] <+Red_Panda> catcherintheraichy
[15:16:45] <@Funkasaurus> ty mate
[15:16:47] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[15:16:49] <+CTC> in los rye
[15:17:04] <+CTC> in los cut
[15:17:06] <@Funkasaurus> so
[15:17:09] <@Funkasaurus> everyone having a good auction?
[15:17:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:17:12] <%gengar> good buy souf
[15:17:12] MDragon [~androirc@synIRC-E49DB0F0.red-176-83-127.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )
[15:17:14] <+Red_Panda> no
[15:17:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: CatcherAndTheRai to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3000.
[15:17:15] <+Red_Panda> :(
[15:17:21] <&Oglemi> shut up nails
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:17:22] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:17:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:17:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:17:28] <+Earthworm|Away> wow nobody bought Ssin =/
[15:17:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 44500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars
[15:17:29] <@little_gk> yere mate
[15:17:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:17:32] <@little_gk> entertaining auction
[15:17:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:17:35] <&Oglemi> so
[15:17:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:17:38] <&Oglemi> who bidding on dr ciel
[15:17:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos
[15:17:42] <%Solace> lol
[15:17:43] <@Nachos> !nominate chase
[15:17:43] <&SPLbot> Chase is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:17:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:17:47] <+Red_Panda> Oglemi can you !reset
[15:17:52] <&Oglemi> yere
[15:17:58] <+CTC> !nominate Laurel
[15:17:58] <+Red_Panda> LN still doesnt know how to bid right
[15:18:01] <+CTC> !nominate Laurel
[15:18:07] <+CTC> wheres my auth
[15:18:08] <%Ciele> !nominate ctc
[15:18:09] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:18:10] <%Solace> lol
[15:18:12] <%Stone_Cold22> BIG CHASE
[15:18:12] _Chase_ [~_Chase_@synIRC-4E242C1B.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #spl
[15:18:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Chase to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[15:18:18] <+lamppost> YES
[15:18:19] <&Oglemi> big chase
[15:18:19] <%Stone_Cold22> the boss
[15:18:19] <@Nachos> lmao
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:18:22] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:18:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:18:23] <%Stone_Cold22> big fuckin chase niggas
[15:18:25] <%Stone_Cold22> the legend
[15:18:25] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:18:27] <@Nachos> joins, and recieves his cake.
[15:18:28] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 41500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase
[15:18:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 10000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson
[15:18:33] Fakes [Mibbit@synIRC-47D8E7D7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:18:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:18:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:18:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[15:18:43] <%negres> it is time
[15:18:47] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:18:47] <%Solace> o my
[15:18:49] <@tennisace> oh no
[15:18:50] <%negres> this is a man who's been training in the mountains
[15:18:53] <+Hugendugen> did the ruiners managers leave?
[15:18:54] <@little_gk> :O
[15:18:54] <%negres> for 15+ years
[15:18:55] <@LonelyNess> someone nomiate captkirby
[15:18:57] <%Stone_Cold22> Frogs, when i never think your team could get more cancerous, you exceed my expectations
[15:18:58] <%negres> he's done his time
[15:18:58] <@yondie> LOL
[15:18:59] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:19:00] <%negres> and now he's ready
[15:19:06] <+CTC> !nominate jewtrio bundle Laurel + Jason + Ohmachi for 3k
[15:19:06] <%negres> to play on the Smogon Premier League
[15:19:12] <%negres> !nominate ezio
[15:19:13] <&SPLbot> Ezio is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[15:19:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders: 3000
[15:19:16] <&Oglemi> amazing
[15:19:16] <%Stone_Cold22> lolol ctc
[15:19:19] <+kd24> dere he is
[15:19:21] <+kd24> da champ
[15:19:21] <+kd24> da legend
[15:19:23] <+Red_Panda> not owrth it ctc
[15:19:27] <+Red_Panda> worth*
[15:19:31] <+workingphil> hyperbeem?
[15:19:32] <+CTC> 3k for 3
[15:19:33] <+CTC> jews
[15:19:35] <&Oglemi> is he going to try to activity win every round
[15:19:37] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[15:19:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:19:40] <%Stone_Cold22> !3.5
[15:19:43] <+Red_Panda> what would jews know about discounts
[15:19:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ezio to The Team Raiders for 3000.
[15:19:44] <%Stone_Cold22> WHAT
[15:19:45] <%Stone_Cold22> OGLMEI
[15:19:48] <%Stone_Cold22> WHAT THE FUCK MAN
[15:19:49] <+lamppost> reset
[15:19:50] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:19:50] <%negres> lol
[15:19:51] <+lamppost> cmon
[15:19:51] <&McMeghan> redo imo.
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:19:51] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:19:52] <+lamppost> reset
[15:19:52] <@little_gk> oh that's pretty weird
[15:19:52] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:19:54] <%Solace> lol
[15:19:55] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:19:56] <+CTC> why does smogon hate jews
[15:19:57] MikeDecIsHere [Mibbit@synIRC-F48C8E5C.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[15:19:57] <+CTC> fucking nazis
[15:19:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 41500 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase
[15:19:59] <&Eo> FUCK YOU STONE
[15:19:59] <%Stone_Cold22> add me
[15:20:00] <%Ciele> restart the auction
[15:20:01] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:20:02] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi
[15:20:04] <&Eo> I TRUSTED YOU
[15:20:04] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:20:05] <%Stone_Cold22> wtf
[15:20:05] <@yondie> LOL
[15:20:06] <%Stone_Cold22> we told you to
[15:20:07] <%negres> did you reallt want him stone
[15:20:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:20:08] <%Stone_Cold22> ;_;
[15:20:10] <@locopoke> !withdraw
[15:20:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[15:20:15] <@locopoke> how do i withdraw
[15:20:16] <%Stone_Cold22> i teamed w/ him before
[15:20:17] <@locopoke> im out
[15:20:17] <+kd24> how do we get outta here
[15:20:17] <%Stone_Cold22> cool dude
[15:20:18] <%Stone_Cold22> lols
[15:20:19] <+Red_Panda> !reset
[15:20:19] <&Eo> have to wait
[15:20:20] <&McMeghan> you gotta wait for your turn locopoke
[15:20:21] <%Texas> when you're up to nom
[15:20:22] <&Eo> till it comes back again
[15:20:24] <%Solace> u have to wait ur turn
[15:20:25] <@LonelyNess> kd24 you have to wait for your turn
[15:20:27] <+CTC> fuck shakeitup
[15:20:27] <@LonelyNess> err
[15:20:28] <@LonelyNess> locopoke
[15:20:29] <&Oglemi> !addbidder con stone_cold22
[15:20:29] <&SPLbot> stone_cold22 added to bidders for The Congregation of the Classiest. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:20:30] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Symphonyx64
[15:20:31] <+CTC> just throwin that out there
[15:20:32] <%Stone_Cold22> ty
[15:20:34] <@BKC> !nominate soulgazer
[15:20:34] Caledrith [Mibbit@C342C63.86102A8C.DC4FB661.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:20:35] <&SPLbot> Soulgazer is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:20:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[15:20:38] <@tennisace> wow
[15:20:38] <+lamppost> im a bidder too oglemi
[15:20:40] <&Oglemi> soulGAYzer
[15:20:45] <@yondie> hah!
[15:20:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:21:00] Caledrith [Mibbit@synIRC-F93C34EA.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:21:04] <@Nachos> !3.5
[15:21:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3500
[15:21:04] <&Oglemi> n don't lie lamppost plz
[15:21:10] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:21:14] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Soulgazer to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3500.
[15:21:15] <@BKC> !4
[15:21:18] <+lamppost> cmon i have sops in the team chan i must be legit
[15:21:22] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:21:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:21:26] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:21:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 38000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer
[15:21:31] Cased [~cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC
[15:21:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:21:35] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 8500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot
[15:21:37] <+Red_Panda> you have sops in east's chan and didn't do shit in wcop
[15:21:38] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:21:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[15:21:45] <@yondie> OWNED
[15:21:45] <+Earthworm|Away> ....
[15:21:50] <+Earthworm|Away> does ruins rrly have 48.5k
[15:21:53] <+Earthworm|Away> wow
[15:21:53] <%gengar> !nominate blue_eon
[15:21:54] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: Player "blue_eon" not found.
[15:21:57] <+Earthworm|Away> 5 players
[15:21:58] <&Oglemi> space
[15:21:59] <%gengar> !nominate blue eon
[15:22:00] <%Ciele> space
[15:22:00] <&SPLbot> Blue Eon is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 RU / GSC OU
[15:22:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[15:22:00] <+cbb> learn it it's fcking spaces
[15:22:03] badass [fla@f.fy] has quit IRC: Quit: badass
[15:22:04] Honus [~Africanus@come.fly.with.me] has quit IRC: Quit:
[15:22:07] <+FOLGORIO> worm
[15:22:09] <+kd24> u know we're getting to the dumps
[15:22:11] <+kd24> when blue eon
[15:22:12] <@little_gk> blue eon isn't bad
[15:22:13] <+kd24> is being nominated
[15:22:20] <&Oglemi> blue eon is mighty kd shhhh
[15:22:25] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:22:26] <%Ciele> blue eon defeated Earthworm last season
[15:22:29] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Blue Eon to The Indie Scooters for 3000.
[15:22:30] <+FOLGORIO> theyre saving
[15:22:31] <+Earthworm|Away> =/
[15:22:31] <@BKC> earthworm slayer...
[15:22:34] <+FOLGORIO> for out midseason sign up
[15:22:34] kRunsOverU [Mibbit@BE54A2E8.AD97140E.BCDCB55E.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:22:35] <&Oglemi> .rekt
[15:22:37] <%Ciele> sorry Wormling
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:22:38] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:22:39] <+kd24> yeah "he" defeated earthworm
[15:22:40] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:22:41] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:22:44] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 38000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer
[15:22:47] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:22:51] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:22:53] Cased [~cgiirc@synIRC-62C9D31A.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #spl
[15:22:53] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:22:56] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders up to nominate. Bidders: locopoke / negres
[15:22:57] <@locopoke> we out
[15:22:58] <%negres> !withdraw
[15:22:58] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders have withdrawn from the auction.
[15:22:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:23:05] <@tennisace> cya
[15:23:07] <%Solace> bye
[15:23:07] <@locopoke> spent fat stacks on some bomb ass crystal
[15:23:09] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has left #spl
[15:23:10] <&Oglemi> bye raiders peace
[15:23:11] <%gr8astard> !nominate stone_cold55
[15:23:14] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:23:16] <+kd24> we still gonna watch doe
[15:23:16] <@little_gk> thanks for hnc raiders
[15:23:17] <%Stone_Cold22> gr8
[15:23:17] <@little_gk> c:
[15:23:18] <%Stone_Cold22> this ones for u
[15:23:19] <+kd24> we still gonna watch
[15:23:21] <@Nachos> !nominate zodiacthekid
[15:23:22] <&SPLbot> ZodiacTheKid is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 RU
[15:23:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:23:25] <%gr8astard> rofl
[15:23:30] <%Stone_Cold22> go ahead
[15:23:32] <%Stone_Cold22> i know your gonna
[15:23:37] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[15:23:37] negres [negres@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has quit IRC: Quit:
[15:23:38] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[15:23:38] Jayde [~stfu.its.@nana.bread] has quit IRC: Quit: Jayde
[15:23:39] <&McMeghan> lmao
[15:23:39] <@Nachos> !4
[15:23:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 4000
[15:23:43] <%gr8astard> !4.5
[15:23:44] TheMantyke [~shnozmast@I.AM.THE.MAN.dot.dot.dot.tyke] has left #spl
[15:23:44] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4500
[15:23:45] <+CTC> DAVE
[15:23:46] <@Nachos> !5
[15:23:46] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 5000
[15:23:47] <+CTC> U DIRTY FUCK
[15:23:48] <+CTC> LOOOOL
[15:23:49] <%gr8astard> !5.5
[15:23:49] <%Stone_Cold22> LMAO
[15:23:50] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 5500
[15:23:50] <%Stone_Cold22> GG
[15:23:51] <+cbb> JJ :]
[15:23:52] <@Nachos> !6
[15:23:52] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 6000
[15:23:53] <%Stone_Cold22> !6
[15:23:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: Bid must be at least 500 above 6000.
[15:23:56] <+propagandhi> dave
[15:23:56] <+CTC> UPBEEEED
[15:23:57] <+lamppost> !25
[15:23:58] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:23:58] <+propagandhi> you're anass.
[15:24:00] <%gr8astard> !6.5
[15:24:00] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 6500
[15:24:00] <+propagandhi> lol
[15:24:02] <%Stone_Cold22> !7
[15:24:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 7000
[15:24:03] <+cbb> lol
[15:24:04] <+propagandhi> LOL
[15:24:05] <@little_gk> the plays
[15:24:07] <+propagandhi> you asshole
[15:24:07] <+propagandhi> jesus
[15:24:08] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:24:11] <+propagandhi> come on hug
[15:24:12] <&SPLbot> SOLD: ZodiacTheKid to The Congregation of the Classiest for 7000.
[15:24:12] <%gr8astard> enjoy
[15:24:13] <+propagandhi> do it
[15:24:14] <+propagandhi> LOL
[15:24:17] <+propagandhi> gg jj
[15:24:17] <@Nachos> excellent
[15:24:19] <+kd24> hey they had to spend money sometime
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:24:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:24:20] <%Stone_Cold22> I LIKE JJ
[15:24:21] <%Stone_Cold22> ^_^
[15:24:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 8500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai
[15:24:25] <%gr8astard> ;]
[15:24:25] <+CTC> dave lemme make an analogy
[15:24:26] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:24:29] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:24:32] negres [~Fannysmel@bomb.bomb.bomb.buh.bomb.bomb.BOMB.IRAN] has joined #spl
[15:24:32] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h negres
[15:24:32] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:24:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:24:38] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[15:24:42] <+CTC> u have usb drive
[15:24:45] Ginku [Mibbit@synIRC-5B7A1119.web.vodafone.de] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:24:46] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:24:48] <+CTC> but hugo has the documents
[15:25:05] <+CTC> the usb is useless with u!!!!
[15:25:11] <%Solace> Ok.
[15:25:12] <%Stone_Cold22> how is ctc and gr8astard able to talk at the sametime is what im trying to figure out
[15:25:17] Ajwf [~jamesfuda@synIRC-2D8F7491.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has joined #spl
[15:25:19] <+cbb> CTC :]
[15:25:20] <@Funkasaurus> one sec
[15:25:23] Ernesto [~cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:25:24] <@little_gk> funk :D
[15:25:27] <+CTC> LOL took me a sedcond
[15:25:29] <%Solace> funk :>
[15:25:29] <&Oglemi> funk the delayer smh
[15:25:30] <@little_gk> how is your draft going
[15:25:30] <+lamppost> two laptops ambidexterous
[15:25:30] <+CTC> fuck u
[15:25:31] liberty32 [Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:25:32] <+CTC> dave
[15:25:34] <%Stone_Cold22> gg
[15:25:37] <%gr8astard> fuck dave
[15:25:39] <%gr8astard> hes never on
[15:25:41] <+CTC> fuck dave
[15:25:43] <%gr8astard> then he just bullies us
[15:25:44] <%gr8astard> fuck dave
[15:25:47] <+CTC> just a buddlie
[15:25:48] <+Red_Panda> fuck dave
[15:25:50] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate dr ciel
[15:25:50] <+Earthworm|Away> Ssin
[15:25:50] <+CTC> bullie
[15:25:51] <&SPLbot> Dr Ciel is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:25:51] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs: 3000
[15:25:54] <@Funkasaurus> LFG
[15:25:54] <+CTC> THE DR
[15:25:55] <%Solace> lol
[15:25:57] <+CTC> DROP STAX
[15:25:57] <@Nachos> Ah!
[15:25:58] <+CTC> NIGGAS
[15:25:59] <+Red_Panda> ITS HAPPENING
[15:25:59] <&Oglemi> ah finally
[15:26:04] <%gr8astard> Stone_Cold22: sure
[15:26:05] <%gr8astard> [4:28pm] Stone_Cold22: your a good player
[15:26:05] <+CTC> !41k
[15:26:05] <%gr8astard> [4:28pm] Stone_Cold22: but i make my players men
[15:26:06] <%gr8astard> fuck stone cold
[15:26:09] <+Red_Panda> !8
[15:26:11] imanalt|phone [~imanaltph@this.isnt.a.v.host] has quit IRC: Quit: Colloquy for iPhone - http://colloquy.mobi
[15:26:11] Texas|afk [Mibbit@synIRC-CC16B287.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #spl
[15:26:11] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Texas|afk
[15:26:12] <+CTC> invaluable rmts
[15:26:15] <+lamppost> !3.5
[15:26:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:26:17] <@tennisace> oh my god
[15:26:17] <+lamppost> ogleme?
[15:26:18] Ernesto [~cgiirc@synIRC-EFCA1006.telecom.net.ar] has joined #spl
[15:26:20] Texas [Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Texas|afk)
[15:26:21] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Dr Ciel to The Ever Grande BIGs for 3000.
[15:26:21] <+lamppost> oglemi its not owrking
[15:26:23] <+CTC> and irc sext
[15:26:23] <+lamppost> !3.5
[15:26:25] <+lamppost> omg
[15:26:26] <+CTC> to raise team morale
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:26:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 7000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty
[15:26:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:26:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:26:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:26:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:26:43] <@BKC> .............
[15:26:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:26:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:26:52] <@yondie> !nominate p e j e l a g a r t o
[15:26:53] <&SPLbot> P E J E L A G A R T O is up for auction. Metagames: ADV OU
[15:26:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:26:56] <@BKC> oh my god
[15:26:58] <%gengar> peje
[15:26:59] <+lamppost> lmao
[15:27:00] <%gengar> the god
[15:27:03] <%Solace> lol
[15:27:05] <@little_gk> :o
[15:27:13] Furai [furai@live.like.a.warrior] has joined #spl
[15:27:14] <@Funkasaurus> someone
[15:27:17] <@Funkasaurus> how withdraw
[15:27:18] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:27:18] donkey [~asdf@synIRC-14FB02AD.dhcp.asfd.ct.charter.com] has left #spl
[15:27:21] <%BAIKA> thats a steal
[15:27:22] <@Funkasaurus> no quiero jugar mas
[15:27:22] <%BAIKA> damn
[15:27:23] <&SPLbot> SOLD: P E J E L A G A R T O to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[15:27:23] donkey [~asdf@synIRC-14FB02AD.dhcp.asfd.ct.charter.com] has joined #spl
[15:27:23] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:23] <@yondie> i dont fuck around
[15:27:24] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:24] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:25] <+CTC> 13:26 Laurel dr ciel is a dude tho
[15:27:25] <%Solace> when it's your turn you type !withdraw
[15:27:29] <+propagandhi> ask.fm/drciel
[15:27:29] <+CTC> ITS A SCAM
[15:27:30] <@BKC> laurel is a genius
[15:27:31] <@Funkasaurus> fk
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 48500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku
[15:27:31] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:27:33] <+Earthworm|Away> i believe the command is !nominate Ssin
[15:27:34] <@Funkasaurus> i'm right in the middle
[15:27:35] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:27:37] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:27:40] <+CTC> ITS A DUDE
[15:27:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:27:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:27:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:27:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:27:53] <+propagandhi> ask.fm/drciel
[15:27:54] <&Oglemi> ah finally
[15:27:55] <&Oglemi> the ruiners
[15:28:09] Snunch [~Snunch@synIRC-744DBD8F.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Textual IRC Client: www.textualapp.com
[15:28:16] <@tennisace> withdraw imo
[15:28:19] <&McMeghan> h/o
[15:28:23] <+CTC> fuck snunch
[15:28:30] <+CTC> u better quit
[15:28:35] <+CTC> hoe ah bih
[15:28:41] <+propagandhi> hush ctc
[15:28:41] <%CTI> Searchin for scraps
[15:28:54] <@yondie> 4k more niggas
[15:29:04] <&McMeghan> !nominate myzozoa
[15:29:05] <&SPLbot> Myzozoa is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:29:05] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:29:17] <+propagandhi> good nom
[15:29:19] <+propagandhi> mcm
[15:29:21] Scene [Mibbit@1245ED6C.4E543C9B.33345C42.IP] has joined #spl
[15:29:29] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:29:34] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Myzozoa to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[15:29:37] <&Oglemi> amazing
[15:29:43] <+propagandhi> ye that was good
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 28000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:29:43] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:29:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:29:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:29:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:29:55] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:29:58] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:30:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:30:05] Erick17 [Mibbit@synIRC-939A0F33.sub-174-240-64.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[15:30:08] jcm [pk.subb@n.2strong] has joined #spl
[15:30:12] <+workingphil> !nominate whitequeen
[15:30:12] <&SPLbot> WhiteQueen is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[15:30:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:30:15] <%Solace> lol
[15:30:16] <@little_gk> :O
[15:30:17] <%gengar> there he is
[15:30:18] <@tennisace> lol
[15:30:25] <+Red_Panda> overpaid
[15:30:28] <%Solace> lol
[15:30:36] <@tennisace> i3.5
[15:30:37] <&McMeghan> i bet classic will get koko to ban him
[15:30:37] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:30:41] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[15:30:43] Kingmidas [Mibbit@synIRC-F9FBE723.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[15:30:43] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3500
[15:30:46] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:30:51] <%panamaxis> !4
[15:30:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4000
[15:30:52] <+workingphil> !4
[15:30:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:30:53] <@makiri> !4
[15:30:53] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:30:55] <%panamaxis> jesus
[15:30:55] <%gengar> lol
[15:30:55] <+Earthworm|Away> lol
[15:30:56] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:30:56] BAIKA [~RAKKA@the.teleporter.she.beacons] has left #spl
[15:30:56] BAIKA [~RAKKA@the.teleporter.she.beacons] has joined #spl
[15:30:57] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h BAIKA
[15:30:57] <+Stellar> !4
[15:30:57] <+cbb> sharks going hard
[15:30:58] <+Red_Panda> !4
[15:30:58] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Bid must be at least 500 above 4000.
[15:30:59] <%panamaxis> we suck at this
[15:30:59] <%Solace> lol
[15:31:01] <&SPLbot> SOLD: WhiteQueen to The Stark Sharks for 4000.
[15:31:04] <@makiri> !4
[15:31:05] <%Solace> that coordination
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 26000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 24000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:31:09] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:31:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:31:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:31:16] <%Ciele> no marth + whitequeen
[15:31:17] <%Ciele> boo
[15:31:18] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:31:21] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:31:23] <%gr8astard> my plans...
[15:31:24] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:31:27] <+CTC> damn team of (BAN ME PLEASE)
[15:31:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:31:29] <+CTC> whitequeer
[15:31:30] <+CTC> shakeitup
[15:31:31] <%Solace> !nominate raichy
[15:31:31] <&SPLbot> Raichy is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC / BW2 OU / BW2 NU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[15:31:32] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:31:32] <+CTC> damn
[15:31:41] <+DEKZEH> my raichy
[15:31:42] <@Funkasaurus> gooo raichy *-*
[15:31:42] <+DEKZEH> no
[15:31:44] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has left #spl
[15:31:47] badass [fla@f.fy] has joined #spl
[15:31:50] <+DEKZEH> Raichy are u sad u wont be a frogger
[15:31:50] <+DEKZEH> :[
[15:31:56] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:32:02] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Raichy to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:32:02] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:32:05] <%macle> raichy my love
[15:32:05] <@tennisace> okey
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 8500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 23000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 24000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:32:10] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:32:12] Snowflakes [~Snowflake@synIRC-6419D5FF.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #spl
[15:32:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:32:17] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:32:19] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:32:22] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:32:25] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:32:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:32:34] agsttstayst [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:32:36] <%gr8astard> !nominate yusuke
[15:32:36] <&SPLbot> Yusuke is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[15:32:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:32:49] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:32:49] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:32:53] <%gr8astard> !4
[15:32:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 4000
[15:32:58] WaterBomb [Mibbit@synIRC-2DF30FBD.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #spl
[15:33:01] <+lamppost> u mad gr8?
[15:33:01] <%Ciele> wow he's not even idm
[15:33:01] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:33:06] <%gr8astard> lol
[15:33:06] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Yusuke to The Wifi Wolfpack for 4000.
[15:33:09] <+Red_Panda> lold
[15:33:14] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 23000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 24000 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:33:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:33:16] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:33:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:33:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:33:22] Badabing [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[15:33:24] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:33:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:33:30] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:33:33] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:33:49] CTI [it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )
[15:34:00] <%gr8astard> !nominate kevin garrett
[15:34:01] <&SPLbot> Kevin Garrett is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[15:34:01] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:34:03] <@Funkasaurus> ah yes
[15:34:04] <&McMeghan> ouh!
[15:34:04] <%gengar> lmao
[15:34:04] <@little_gk> :O
[15:34:06] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:34:06] <+cbb> it's over
[15:34:07] <@BKC> nice
[15:34:08] <&Oglemi> finally
[15:34:09] <%Solace> ah
[15:34:10] <@tennisace> w0w
[15:34:15] <+workingphil> !3.5
[15:34:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[15:34:17] <+Stellar> much ddos
[15:34:17] <@Funkasaurus> now we're Talking.
[15:34:24] <+Hugendugen> how the mighty have fallen
[15:34:24] <@little_gk> tennis we need more lc players
[15:34:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:34:30] <%Ciele> ah
[15:34:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Kevin Garrett to The Stark Sharks for 3500.
[15:34:31] <+cbb> phil got em
[15:34:33] Lavos [~CRUSHIN@synIRC-7E595417.bois.qwest.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Lavos
[15:34:33] <%Ciele> Kevin_G
[15:34:35] <&McMeghan> lmao
[15:34:35] <@tennisace> idk how many are left
[15:34:38] <@tennisace> is bloo still available
[15:34:38] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 23000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 20500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett
[15:34:39] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:34:39] <&McMeghan> you guys got owned
[15:34:40] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:34:41] <+Red_Panda> they took a risk. will it pay off?
[15:34:43] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:34:46] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:34:49] WaterBomb [Mibbit@synIRC-2DF30FBD.dyn.optonline.net] has left #spl
[15:34:50] srk1214 [Mibbit@869423CC.C9888D2C.734B5B5B.IP] has joined #spl
[15:34:50] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:34:52] <&McMeghan> pls show us #sharks right now
[15:34:52] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:34:52] <%BAIKA> kg ddosed all the other bidders
[15:34:55] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:34:55] <+workingphil> http://pastebin.com/5BjjcwG1
[15:34:58] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:35:00] <%Solace> !nominate sebixxl
[15:35:01] <&SPLbot> sebixxl is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:35:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:35:06] Ezio [Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has left #spl
[15:35:20] <%Solace> no 1??
[15:35:23] <@little_gk> who this be
[15:35:25] <@tennisace> idek
[15:35:26] <+cbb> germans :]
[15:35:26] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:35:30] <+ZEB> :]
[15:35:31] <&SPLbot> SOLD: sebixxl to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:35:32] <%gengar> hy
[15:35:33] <&Oglemi> tigres loading up on the nobodys
[15:35:34] <%Solace> ok
[15:35:35] <%gengar> cbb hy
[15:35:38] <+cbb> hy
[15:35:39] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:35:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:35:39] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 20500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett
[15:35:40] <@Funkasaurus> hy
[15:35:40] <+ZEB> oglemi :'(
[15:35:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:35:42] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:35:42] <@yondie> sebixxl is good
[15:35:44] <@yondie> thats a nice buy
[15:35:45] <%Solace> oglemi is rude af
[15:35:46] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:35:48] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:35:51] <&Oglemi> .trl
[15:35:52] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:35:54] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:35:57] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:36:00] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:36:04] <%Ciele> sebixxl went 2-1 in wcop
[15:36:05] <+Hugendugen> tigers which of your ubers players are you gonna trade to LN?
[15:36:07] <%Ciele> that's as good as laurel
[15:36:15] <+Red_Panda> :o
[15:36:21] Genesectless [Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has joined #spl
[15:36:24] <@Funkasaurus> lol
[15:36:27] <@tennisace> none of them hugen
[15:36:29] <+workingphil> !nominate the wolf
[15:36:30] <&SPLbot> The Wolf is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU
[15:36:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:36:30] <+Stellar> awooo
[15:36:31] <@tennisace> we're gonna buy more
[15:36:33] <@tennisace> WOOF
[15:36:35] <@Nachos> the wolf.
[15:36:36] <&Oglemi> WOOF
[15:36:37] <+Red_Panda> #tactics
[15:36:39] <&McMeghan> ah teddies
[15:36:43] <@LonelyNess> tennisace has moved on from VGC
[15:36:44] <+ZEB> WOOF
[15:36:45] <@LonelyNess> he values ubers
[15:36:47] <@LonelyNess> above all
[15:36:49] <@tennisace> !3.5
[15:36:49] <@little_gk> DA WOOF
[15:36:49] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3500
[15:36:52] <+Red_Panda> duh
[15:36:53] <+workingphil> !4
[15:36:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 4000
[15:36:55] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:36:55] <%BAIKA> snap
[15:36:56] <@Funkasaurus> wolf
[15:36:56] <+Red_Panda> ubers are the strongest
[15:36:58] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[15:36:59] <%BAIKA> do it tigers
[15:36:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:37:00] <%BAIKA> once more
[15:37:02] <@tennisace> naw
[15:37:04] <&SPLbot> SOLD: The Wolf to The Stark Sharks for 4000.
[15:37:06] <@tennisace> u can have her
[15:37:11] <@tennisace> :]
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:37:12] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 45500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa
[15:37:14] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:37:15] <%macle> tennis get briyella
[15:37:17] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:37:20] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:37:23] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:37:26] <@tennisace> o briella is still available?
[15:37:26] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:37:28] mfhoundooom [Mibbit@synIRC-647B2F17.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:37:29] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:37:32] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:37:34] locopoke [i@m.so.black] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 181 seconds
[15:37:42] <&McMeghan> !nominate silvershadow234
[15:37:43] <&SPLbot> Silvershadow234 is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[15:37:43] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:37:46] Audiosurfer [~Audiosurf@2D9C9DD9:4BEB109F:D60B0006:IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Leaving
[15:37:56] <&Oglemi> ah yes good lad
[15:38:05] <+kd24> i cant believe some of these people are worth equally to marcelo
[15:38:06] <+kd24> to you guys
[15:38:07] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:38:11] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:38:13] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Silvershadow234 to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[15:38:16] labyrinthine [Mibbit@synIRC-888BAA8D.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au] has joined #spl
[15:38:19] <&Oglemi> major steal
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:38:21] <@tennisace> are you saying marcelo is worth less than 3k
[15:38:21] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:38:23] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 4000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O
[15:38:27] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:38:29] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:38:30] <&McMeghan> maybe because this tour isnt about getting names but having a good synergy too kd
[15:38:33] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:38:36] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:38:39] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles up to nominate. Bidders: yondie / snunch
[15:38:42] <@yondie> synergy>names
[15:38:42] <+cbb> yea i can't believe this guy is worth as much as mdk either
[15:38:47] <@yondie> !nominate Atomicllamas
[15:38:47] <&SPLbot> atomicllamas is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 RU / BW2 NU
[15:38:47] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles: 3000
[15:38:48] <&Eo> I <3 marcelo
[15:38:49] <+cbb> should have reduced mdks starting bid to 1k
[15:38:51] <&Oglemi> YES
[15:38:51] <@BKC> wtf where is the scooters noms
[15:38:53] <+cbb> to make it fair
[15:38:54] <&Oglemi> ATOMICLLAMAS
[15:38:56] <@tennisace> LLAMAS
[15:38:56] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:38:57] <@tennisace> :D
[15:39:04] <+cbb> bkc it's called snake draft
[15:39:05] <+kd24> mdk = all time great
[15:39:05] <+Red_Panda> llamas n_n
[15:39:08] <@yondie> :)
[15:39:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:39:14] <@Funkasaurus> marcy
[15:39:14] <@Funkasaurus> ._.
[15:39:17] <@LonelyNess> rodan and captkirby
[15:39:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: atomicllamas to The Cryonicles for 3000.
[15:39:18] <@LonelyNess> are still
[15:39:19] <&Oglemi> fucking steal as shit
[15:39:19] <@LonelyNess> available
[15:39:21] <@yondie> !withdraw
[15:39:22] <@LonelyNess> someone buy these men
[15:39:25] <@yondie> :/
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:39:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:39:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:39:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:39:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 31000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid
[15:39:38] <@tennisace> yondie its automatic
[15:39:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:39:39] <+kd24> do the cryos
[15:39:40] steeledges [i.have@no.mouth.and.i.must.scream] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:39:40] <@tennisace> when you cant buy more
[15:39:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:39:41] <+kd24> have 19 players
[15:39:42] <+kd24> lol
[15:39:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:39:46] Snowflakes [~Snowflake@synIRC-6419D5FF.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #spl
[15:39:47] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs up to nominate. Bidders: Funkasaurus
[15:39:48] <@Funkasaurus> later nerds
[15:39:49] <@yondie> we go hard
[15:39:50] <@Funkasaurus> !withdraw
[15:39:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs have withdrawn from the auction.
[15:39:50] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:39:53] badass [fla@f.fy] has quit IRC: Quit: badass
[15:39:54] <@tennisace> cya
[15:39:54] <%Solace> bye funk
[15:39:58] <+lamppost> cya
[15:39:59] choicespecs [Mibbit@synIRC-E2525E8E.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:40:01] <@Funkasaurus> thanks for playing
[15:40:02] <@Funkasaurus> =]
[15:40:10] <+cbb> thx 4 pts
[15:40:10] <+Red_Panda> cya nerds
[15:40:13] <+Red_Panda> yolo out
[15:40:14] Oglemi pet funk
[15:40:15] <@Nachos> !nominate kid buu
[15:40:16] <&SPLbot> Kid Buu is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU
[15:40:16] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:40:18] <&McMeghan> ouh
[15:40:28] <%BAIKA> goku's worst nemesis
[15:40:31] <%BAIKA> but nigga not canon
[15:40:33] <@Funkasaurus> n_n
[15:40:33] <&Oglemi> i've never heard of this person either
[15:40:37] <@Funkasaurus> ah
[15:40:37] <%Stone_Cold22> yo
[15:40:40] <%Stone_Cold22> i make legends
[15:40:40] <%Stone_Cold22> dw about it
[15:40:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:40:41] <@Funkasaurus> the youngest of buus
[15:40:44] <%Stone_Cold22> noone knew dragonuser either
[15:40:45] Oglemi pet stone
[15:40:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Kid Buu to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[15:40:48] <%Stone_Cold22> noone knew ifm
[15:40:50] fitzy [~r@synIRC-6EF63F54.cable.virginm.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
[15:40:51] <%Stone_Cold22> noone knew lamppost
[15:40:51] <&Oglemi> i believe in you stone
[15:40:52] <@Nachos> excellent
[15:40:53] <%Stone_Cold22> I GOT THIS
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:40:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:40:55] brb [Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has joined #spl
[15:40:57] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:40:58] <+Hugendugen> kid buu absorbs his opponents skills every week
[15:41:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:41:01] <+Red_Panda> the world would've been better without anyone knowing dragonuser
[15:41:02] therealfiremage [~cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[15:41:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 28000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu
[15:41:06] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:41:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 5500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon
[15:41:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:41:15] <+CTC> u jusr manipulate selfmade legends
[15:41:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters up to nominate. Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc
[15:41:17] <+CTC> dave
[15:41:21] <+CTC> fuck yo couch
[15:41:22] <@BKC> !nominate liberty32
[15:41:23] <&SPLbot> liberty32 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU
[15:41:23] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters: 3000
[15:41:28] <@Funkasaurus> who
[15:41:28] Make [Mibbit@5540C5C0.8208C947.750E097F.IP] has joined #spl
[15:41:29] <@Funkasaurus> even
[15:41:31] <&Oglemi> who the hell are these people
[15:41:46] <@Funkasaurus> i guess thats what happens
[15:41:47] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:41:52] <@Funkasaurus> when you bid like 13k on your internet wife
[15:41:52] <+Red_Panda> these players are at least as good as oglemi y/n
[15:41:53] <&SPLbot> SOLD: liberty32 to The Indie Scooters for 3000.
[15:41:58] <&Oglemi> y
[15:41:58] little_gk shrug
[15:42:00] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:42:01] <@Funkasaurus> better than ogles
[15:42:01] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:42:02] <@Funkasaurus> imo
[15:42:03] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:42:05] <&Eo> <aisasuh> quote me in spl to mcmeghan
[15:42:05] <&Eo> <aisasuh> marceloDK can beat all of his team in their respective tier
[15:42:06] <&Oglemi> n
[15:42:07] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:42:10] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 28000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu
[15:42:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:42:16] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:42:19] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:42:20] <&Oglemi> lol eo
[15:42:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22
[15:42:24] <%gengar> !withdraw
[15:42:29] <&Oglemi> ggGG
[15:42:38] <+ZEB> only on your turn :[
[15:42:42] <%gengar> :(
[15:42:43] <%Stone_Cold22> !Lord Elyis
[15:42:45] Phetto [Mibbit@synIRC-7FB8F9F0.ip178.fastwebnet.it] has left #spl
[15:42:47] <%Stone_Cold22> !nominate Lord Elyis
[15:42:48] <&SPLbot> Lord Elyis is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[15:42:48] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:42:49] <&Oglemi> your done anyway gengar aren't you
[15:42:53] <%Stone_Cold22> hi gr8
[15:42:55] <%Stone_Cold22> sup?
[15:42:57] <@Nachos> lmao
[15:42:57] <%Stone_Cold22> hows vagabond
[15:43:00] <%Ciele> idm.
[15:43:01] <+cbb> gr8astard :]
[15:43:09] <%gr8astard> :]
[15:43:13] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:43:18] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Lord Elyis to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:43:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 42500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234
[15:43:28] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:43:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:43:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:43:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:43:41] <&Oglemi> man i used to know everyone on the forums
[15:43:42] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:43:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:43:46] <&Oglemi> i'm turning into a cranky old man
[15:43:48] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:43:52] george182 [Mibbit@synIRC-E12A9388.host.redstation.co.uk] has left #spl
[15:44:02] comatthew6 [~com@synIRC-3460DAC6.dyn.optonline.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[15:44:03] <%Ciele> it doesn't help that a lot of these players are from po
[15:44:05] <+lamppost> <nachos> tell oglemi to give lamppost bidding powers i gotta go
[15:44:13] <@Nachos> lmao
[15:44:15] <+Stellar> oglemi http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060929205025/familyguy/images/d/d1/Herbert.JPG
[15:44:18] <%Ciele> you don't get many good new players from smogon anymore
[15:44:23] <+Stellar> p accurate imo
[15:44:25] <+workingphil> manofgod
[15:44:27] <+workingphil> blight?!
[15:44:34] <&Oglemi> rofl stone cold
[15:44:36] <&McMeghan> !nominate Dcae
[15:44:37] <&SPLbot> dcae is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC / BW2 RU
[15:44:37] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:44:38] <+cbb> he deleted his post phil
[15:44:38] <&Oglemi> o stellar
[15:44:39] <+cbb> =\
[15:44:39] <&Eo> !addbidder con lamppost
[15:44:40] <&SPLbot> lamppost added to bidders for The Congregation of the Classiest. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[15:44:42] <@tennisace> ah dcae
[15:44:43] <&Oglemi> very accurate imo
[15:44:44] <@Nachos> LOL
[15:44:46] <@little_gk> dcae isn't bad
[15:44:49] <+cbb> Not Bad
[15:44:55] <%Ciele> free blightbringer
[15:44:57] <@BKC> why has no one bid on
[15:44:59] <+Red_Panda> notbad.jpg
[15:44:59] <@BKC> somalia
[15:44:59] <@BKC> :o
[15:45:00] <+workingphil> !3.5
[15:45:01] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3500
[15:45:03] <%BAIKA> team cancer
[15:45:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:45:07] <&McMeghan> !4
[15:45:07] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[15:45:12] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:45:13] <&Eo> wait was that a fake log lamppost
[15:45:17] <&SPLbot> SOLD: dcae to The Alpha Ruiners for 4000.
[15:45:19] fitzy [~r@synIRC-6EF63F54.cable.virginm.net] has joined #spl
[15:45:19] <+Red_Panda> dcae is worth 1/40 of bloo
[15:45:21] <+Red_Panda> thoughts?
[15:45:23] <+lamppost> no
[15:45:24] <@tennisace> 1/10
[15:45:25] <+lamppost> eo
[15:45:25] <+Red_Panda> 1/10
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 16500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf
[15:45:26] <&McMeghan> 1/10
[15:45:26] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:45:27] <+Red_Panda> i typoed
[15:45:28] <&McMeghan> learn to math
[15:45:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:45:29] <+Red_Panda> :<
[15:45:32] <%BAIKA> idiot
[15:45:32] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:45:35] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:45:37] <+Red_Panda> ;_;
[15:45:38] <@Funkasaurus> did no one get blight
[15:45:39] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:45:42] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:45:45] <&Oglemi> idt blight signed up
[15:45:45] <+Red_Panda> BrightBlinger.
[15:45:45] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:45:46] <&Oglemi> did he
[15:45:46] <%BAIKA> did he even sign up
[15:45:47] <&McMeghan> blight signed off
[15:45:47] <+cbb> funk he deleted his post
[15:45:48] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:45:49] <@Funkasaurus> fk
[15:45:56] <&Oglemi> ah
[15:45:57] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate manofgof
[15:45:59] Mocirano [Mibbit@synIRC-A369765E.cable.virginm.net] has joined #spl
[15:45:59] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate manofgod
[15:46:00] <%Solace> lol
[15:46:03] <&Oglemi> manofGOF
[15:46:04] <+DEKZEH> manofgod
[15:46:13] <%Stone_Cold22> funkasaurus
[15:46:15] <@tennisace> !nominate sharktooth the chomper
[15:46:15] <+workingphil> !nominate lust
[15:46:16] <&SPLbot> LUST is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 OU
[15:46:16] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:46:17] <+Red_Panda> manofgolf
[15:46:20] <%Stone_Cold22> you going for MikeDecIsHere?
[15:46:20] <%Solace> ah
[15:46:21] liberty32 [Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[15:46:23] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: Pce
[15:46:24] <%gengar> lol
[15:46:25] <@Funkasaurus> i withdrew
[15:46:29] <%Stone_Cold22> heard you were a big fan
[15:46:30] <%Stone_Cold22> :(
[15:46:33] <%Stone_Cold22> thought u were a fan
[15:46:34] <&McMeghan> someone upbid them
[15:46:34] <@Funkasaurus> i'll get him mid season y/n
[15:46:35] <&McMeghan> go tigers
[15:46:39] <+ZEB> go mcm
[15:46:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:46:43] <@Funkasaurus> if only wolfpack bid
[15:46:45] Frexa [Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:46:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: LUST to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[15:46:50] <@little_gk> mcm with 38k and won't upbid
[15:46:52] <@little_gk> smh
[15:46:53] <&Oglemi> sneaky sharks imo
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 20000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:46:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:46:57] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:47:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:47:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:47:07] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:47:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:47:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:47:16] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:47:19] Porygon [Mibbit@synIRC-3E34299E.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[15:47:20] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Porygon
[15:47:21] <%Solace> !nominate wushl_
[15:47:21] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Player "wushl_" not found.
[15:47:34] <%Solace> !nominate wushl
[15:47:34] <@little_gk> no _
[15:47:35] <&SPLbot> Wushl is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / BW2 RU
[15:47:35] <+ZEB> no _
[15:47:35] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:47:37] <%Solace> my b
[15:47:40] <@tennisace> there ya go
[15:47:41] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:47:46] <@Funkasaurus> wat
[15:47:47] <%BAIKA> tigers need 30 players
[15:47:50] <@tennisace> ya
[15:47:52] <%BAIKA> let them have it
[15:47:53] <%Solace> mhmm
[15:47:58] <@Funkasaurus> the tiger dynasty
[15:47:58] <@little_gk> why is anyone surprised by our draft
[15:48:00] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:48:01] <@little_gk> we do the same shit
[15:48:03] <@little_gk> every year
[15:48:04] <@tennisace> we're trying to start a cult not a tournament team
[15:48:05] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Wushl to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:48:06] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:48:10] <%Solace> gaga
[15:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 4500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke
[15:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 17000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl
[15:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:48:13] <%Solace> haha***
[15:48:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:48:15] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:48:16] <&Oglemi> wait til late game, get 3k bids like 10 times
[15:48:18] <@Funkasaurus> gk
[15:48:18] <@Funkasaurus> tennis
[15:48:19] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:48:20] <@Funkasaurus> solace
[15:48:21] <@Funkasaurus> tell me
[15:48:22] <@little_gk> funk :}
[15:48:22] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:48:23] <@Funkasaurus> who is this person
[15:48:26] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:48:27] <@little_gk> german
[15:48:29] <%Solace> your mother
[15:48:29] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:48:31] <@little_gk> friends with rocka
[15:48:31] <@tennisace> he's a vgc player
[15:48:31] <@Funkasaurus> hy
[15:48:32] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:48:36] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack up to nominate. Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy
[15:48:36] <+Biosci> he is german vgcer
[15:48:37] <&Oglemi> lol tennis
[15:48:38] <+Red_Panda> Oglemi are you the strategic analyst for CLG by chance?
[15:48:38] <+Hugendugen> !nominate pwnemon
[15:48:40] <%gr8astard> !nominate papai noel
[15:48:43] <@tennisace> we're serious
[15:48:46] <%Solace> she's playing for our team
[15:48:47] <+Red_Panda> hashtag lategame
[15:48:49] <@tennisace> gotta stock up on our vgc
[15:48:49] <&Oglemi> ye nails can't you tell
[15:48:53] Porygon [Mibbit@synIRC-3E34299E.mycingular.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:48:58] Lohgock [~Lohgock@synIRC-10749598.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #spl
[15:49:06] <@Funkasaurus> !nominate papai noel
[15:49:09] <@Funkasaurus> copy pasterino
[15:49:12] <+FLCL> !nominate papai noel
[15:49:13] <&SPLbot> papai noel is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[15:49:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack: 3000
[15:49:35] <+CTC> damn
[15:49:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:49:41] Snunch [~Snunch@synIRC-744DBD8F.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[15:49:42] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Snunch
[15:49:42] Mocirano [Mibbit@synIRC-A369765E.cable.virginm.net] has left #spl
[15:49:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: papai noel to The Wifi Wolfpack for 3000.
[15:49:49] <+Red_Panda> ok snunch is here
[15:49:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:49:51] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 17000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl
[15:49:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:49:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:49:52] <+Red_Panda> now we can start
[15:49:52] <+CTC> wolves stackin up on 3k garbs
[15:49:53] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:49:55] <+CTC> noel
[15:49:55] <%gr8astard> !withdraw
[15:49:56] <+CTC> blunder
[15:49:57] <+CTC> etc
[15:49:57] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:49:58] <+CTC> damn
[15:50:00] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:50:04] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:50:05] Foster [~cgiirc@synIRC-817A4806.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC
[15:50:07] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:50:10] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:50:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[15:50:16] <%Solace> !nominate treecko
[15:50:16] <&SPLbot> Treecko is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY LC
[15:50:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[15:50:20] <@little_gk> treecko :D
[15:50:23] <@tennisace> teko|auay
[15:50:39] <@little_gk> lol fuck we're just wasting money at this point
[15:50:41] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:50:46] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Treecko to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[15:50:47] <&Oglemi> treecko for 3k amazing
[15:50:50] Jorgen [~Jorgen@magic.pain.victory] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 184 seconds
[15:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[15:50:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 13500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST
[15:50:55] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:50:56] <@tennisace> alright we're done
[15:50:57] <@tennisace> w/e
[15:50:57] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:51:00] <@little_gk> welcome to end of draft ogles
[15:51:01] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:51:04] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:51:08] kebabe [Mibbit@synIRC-86A4EEA3.cust.tele2.se] has joined #spl
[15:51:08] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:51:10] <@Funkasaurus> this tiger dynasty
[15:51:11] tab [tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[15:51:11] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:51:12] <@Funkasaurus> holy shit
[15:51:12] <@yondie> steal time
[15:51:14] <+ZEB> where ruiners take 10 players for 3k ea
[15:51:14] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:51:16] badass [fla@f.fy] has joined #spl
[15:51:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[15:51:56] tab [tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has joined #spl
[15:51:56] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h tab
[15:52:07] Erick17 [Mibbit@synIRC-939A0F33.sub-174-240-64.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:52:10] <%BAIKA> sharks?
[15:52:13] <%BAIKA> is anyone alive
[15:52:17] <@tennisace> n
[15:52:18] <+lamppost> !nominate lamppost
[15:52:18] Frizy [im.a.smod@looking.for.someone] has joined #spl
[15:52:18] tab [tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[15:52:20] <@yondie> phil mop pana makiri
[15:52:23] Delta2777 [Mibbit@synIRC-BD328FF0.nwrknj.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[15:52:25] <&Oglemi> probably all passed out
[15:52:25] <@tennisace> asleep at wheel
[15:52:26] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[15:52:26] <&McMeghan> time to nominate some shaddy players guys
[15:52:32] <@Funkasaurus> shaddy.
[15:52:32] <+workingphil> !nominate mcmeghan
[15:52:33] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: Player "mcmeghan" not found.
[15:52:35] <@Funkasaurus> oh
[15:52:36] <%panamaxis> give us a sec
[15:52:36] <@yondie> -d
[15:52:37] <@Funkasaurus> sorry symph
[15:52:38] <+Red_Panda> rekt
[15:52:38] <&Oglemi> lol
[15:52:42] <&McMeghan> wow
[15:52:44] <@Funkasaurus> :(!
[15:52:47] <@little_gk> some1 nominate symph
[15:52:50] <@little_gk> i want him for 4k
[15:53:01] <%BAIKA> why don't you nominate him
[15:53:01] tab [tab@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has joined #spl
[15:53:01] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h tab
[15:53:07] <+workingphil> who's still left?
[15:53:08] <@little_gk> cos sharks up
[15:53:10] Furai [furai@live.like.a.warrior] has left #spl
[15:53:12] <&McMeghan> ToF
[15:53:19] <&McMeghan> or SOMALIA
[15:53:19] Furai [furai@live.like.a.warrior] has joined #spl
[15:53:26] <&McMeghan> SUSANOO91 to be accurate
[15:53:30] <%BAIKA> nails
[15:53:32] <+Red_Panda> hi
[15:53:33] <&Eo> reymedy
[15:53:34] <&Oglemi> gayest namechange
[15:53:35] <&Oglemi> imo
[15:53:39] <+Red_Panda> whats up BAIKA
[15:53:47] <%BAIKA> someone should buy you
[15:53:50] <+Red_Panda> nah
[15:53:51] <&Eo> marshall.law
[15:53:57] <+Red_Panda> im not playing this year
[15:54:01] <+Red_Panda> jk
[15:54:01] <@tennisace> v is left if you're looking for lc
[15:54:04] <+Red_Panda> in
[15:54:04] <@tennisace> and or drugs
[15:54:09] <%gengar> mostly drugs
[15:54:13] <@tennisace> yeah mostly
[15:54:29] <+Red_Panda> well u need drugs in order to watch lc games
[15:54:35] <@tennisace> skylight is left too
[15:54:36] <@tennisace> if you need a female
[15:54:53] <+workingphil> oglemi did you get our pm
[15:54:56] <%BAIKA> can sharks nominate
[15:54:58] <%BAIKA> :(
[15:55:00] <&Oglemi> yes
[15:55:01] Jorgen [~Jorgen@magic.pain.victory] has joined #spl
[15:55:03] <@LonelyNess> oglemi
[15:55:04] <@LonelyNess> did you get mine
[15:55:17] <@tennisace> oglemi did you get my handwritten love letter
[15:55:18] Silvershadow234 [Mibbit@synIRC-1EED0038.as13285.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:55:20] <@tennisace> if so please burn it
[15:55:24] <@LonelyNess> lol
[15:55:25] <&Oglemi> no i didn't ;-;
[15:55:32] <@tennisace> ok good
[15:55:41] <%BAIKA> i'm going to mail a bag full of poop to oglemi
[15:55:46] <%Solace> lol
[15:55:47] <%BAIKA> seriously
[15:55:51] <+workingphil> !nominate furai
[15:55:52] <&SPLbot> Furai is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers / XY LC
[15:55:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[15:55:59] <@Funkasaurus> oh here we go
[15:56:02] <@tennisace> !2.5
[15:56:03] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: Invalid bid amount.
[15:56:08] Kingmidas [Mibbit@synIRC-F9FBE723.nwrknj.east.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:56:11] <&McMeghan> !-50
[15:56:12] <+Red_Panda> !3.5
[15:56:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:56:17] <+Red_Panda> :(
[15:56:19] <@tennisace> can i bid two gold coins
[15:56:22] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Furai to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[15:56:27] <%BAIKA> steal
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 10500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[15:56:30] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 38500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae
[15:56:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:56:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:56:39] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:56:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:56:45] <@LonelyNess> ok ogles
[15:56:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:56:49] <@LonelyNess> make the money transfer
[15:56:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 2000 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:56:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[15:56:55] <%panamaxis> hold on
[15:56:56] <%panamaxis> pause auction
[15:56:59] <&McMeghan> why?
[15:57:01] <%BAIKA> what
[15:57:09] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:09] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:09] <%panamaxis> we need to get credits
[15:57:10] <%panamaxis> from frogs
[15:57:15] <&McMeghan> !pause
[15:57:16] <&SPLbot> The auction has been paused.
[15:57:23] <+DEKZEH> what?
[15:57:29] <+DEKZEH> :]
[15:57:31] <%Ciele> can you trade in the middle of auction?
[15:57:36] <&Eo> it happened last year
[15:57:38] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:38] <&Eo> with frexa
[15:57:38] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:38] <%panamaxis> we did it last year
[15:57:39] <@makiri> yeah
[15:57:39] <%Ciele> :o
[15:57:40] <%panamaxis> for frexa
[15:57:40] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:40] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:41] <@little_gk> !frogs
[15:57:42] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:45] <+Red_Panda> !frogs
[15:57:46] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:47] <%macle> !frogs
[15:57:47] <@Funkasaurus> SEND THIS MAN TO THE FROGS
[15:57:53] <&Oglemi> !addcredits sha 2000
[15:57:54] <&SPLbot> 2000 credits added to The Stark Sharks.
[15:57:56] CTI [it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has joined #spl
[15:57:57] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h CTI
[15:58:01] <&Oglemi> !addcredits fro -2000
[15:58:01] <&SPLbot> -2000 credits added to The Smog Frogs.
[15:58:09] <@makiri> can you move players now
[15:58:11] <@makiri> or no
[15:58:12] <+workingphil> choice specs on sharks; furai on frogs
[15:58:16] <+workingphil> probably not
[15:58:21] <@makiri> k
[15:58:23] <&Oglemi> yea i don't want to touch the bot
[15:58:24] <%Solace> i think u can
[15:58:25] <&Oglemi> but it's gone through
[15:58:30] <@makiri> specs is ours furai frogs
[15:58:32] <@makiri> can resume now
[15:58:34] <%Solace> but it can just be done after
[15:58:35] <&Oglemi> !resume
[15:58:35] <&SPLbot> The auction has been resumed.
[15:58:39] <@tennisace> choice specs + 2k for furai
[15:58:40] <@tennisace> wow
[15:58:41] <&McMeghan> !nominate Laga
[15:58:41] <&SPLbot> Laga is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[15:58:41] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[15:58:48] <@tennisace> turning 9.5k value into 3k
[15:58:50] kebabe [Mibbit@synIRC-86A4EEA3.cust.tele2.se] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[15:58:51] Alf93 [Mibbit@synIRC-9777E1AA.brutele.be] has joined #spl
[15:58:55] <@yondie> who wants xtrashine
[15:58:57] <@yondie> y/n
[15:58:58] <@yondie> ;)
[15:59:05] <@yondie> he lost rap battle hes off the team
[15:59:06] <%Stone_Cold22> !3.5
[15:59:06] therealfiremage [~cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[15:59:06] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:59:06] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3500
[15:59:08] <+Red_Panda> who doesn't want xtra???
[15:59:09] <&McMeghan> !4
[15:59:09] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 4000
[15:59:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[15:59:16] <%Stone_Cold22> Lolz
[15:59:18] <%Stone_Cold22> just wanted to see
[15:59:18] propagandhi [~Dice@synIRC-6BE5AEB.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[15:59:19] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Laga to The Alpha Ruiners for 4000.
[15:59:19] <+Red_Panda> srs question
[15:59:20] <%Stone_Cold22> if u'd bid
[15:59:21] <+lamppost> !30
[15:59:22] <%Stone_Cold22> xDDD
[15:59:26] <&McMeghan> xDD u got me dave
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[15:59:27] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 34500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga
[15:59:28] <%Stone_Cold22> thnx
[15:59:29] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[15:59:31] <%Stone_Cold22> xD
[15:59:33] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[15:59:36] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 25000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis
[15:59:40] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[15:59:43] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[15:59:46] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[15:59:49] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[15:59:51] <+Red_Panda> XB
[15:59:51] <+lamppost> !nominate youngjake93
[15:59:52] <&SPLbot> youngjake93 is up for auction. Metagames: Doubles
[15:59:52] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[15:59:56] <+Red_Panda> XD.GG
[15:59:56] <&McMeghan> lmao
[15:59:59] <@tennisace> lol
[16:00:01] <@Nachos> gg
[16:00:02] <%Solace> who
[16:00:09] <+lamppost> !92
[16:00:10] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: Bid exceeds max bid of 25000.
[16:00:14] <+lamppost> wtf
[16:00:15] <+lamppost> broken bot
[16:00:17] <@tennisace> he's the guy who 6-0'd joim
[16:00:17] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:00:18] <@tennisace> or smth
[16:00:18] <+lamppost> oglemi shit host
[16:00:19] Frexa [Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has joined #spl
[16:00:22] <&SPLbot> SOLD: youngjake93 to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[16:00:25] <%Stone_Cold22> oglemi, can u change the bid cap for minimum fto 4k? since mcmeghan gonna be paying 4k for rest of his bids
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[16:00:30] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 34500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga
[16:00:31] <&McMeghan> shhh
[16:00:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:00:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:00:39] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 22000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93
[16:00:41] lamppost [l@milk.in.first] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:00:43] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:00:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:00:49] <%Stone_Cold22> youngjake going 9-0 i promise.
[16:00:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:00:52] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[16:00:54] <@Funkasaurus> [17:00:53] <@tennisace> he's the guy who 6-0'd joim
[16:00:54] <@Funkasaurus> [17:00:54] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:00:54] <@Funkasaurus> [17:00:55] <@tennisace> or smth
[16:00:56] <+Red_Panda> !nominate bobbyvaporeon
[16:00:59] <@Funkasaurus> he 6-0ed AUDIOSURFER
[16:01:00] <@Funkasaurus> get it right
[16:01:03] <@tennisace> oh audiosurfer
[16:01:04] <@tennisace> SORRY
[16:01:05] <@Funkasaurus> he can't get bobby
[16:01:05] <%Stone_Cold22> !nominate susanoo91
[16:01:06] <&SPLbot> SUSANOO91 is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU
[16:01:06] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest: 3000
[16:01:08] choicespecs [Mibbit@synIRC-E2525E8E.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:01:08] <@Funkasaurus> Oh shit
[16:01:10] <%Stone_Cold22> the legend
[16:01:10] <@Funkasaurus> somalia
[16:01:12] <%Stone_Cold22> SHIT GOT REAL
[16:01:15] <@Nachos> the man, the mountain.
[16:01:17] <@Funkasaurus> venasuarmaster
[16:01:19] Modestg [Mibbit@5EC6AF92.33CD3DBC.8824BCC.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:01:23] <@yondie> malignant
[16:01:27] <%Stone_Cold22> were looking like the 2011 bigs
[16:01:30] <%Stone_Cold22> w/ all these players
[16:01:31] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:01:32] <@Nachos> 18 ppl
[16:01:36] <%panamaxis> o somalia
[16:01:36] <@yondie> i got 19
[16:01:36] <&SPLbot> SOLD: SUSANOO91 to The Congregation of the Classiest for 3000.
[16:01:37] <@yondie> js
[16:01:38] <@Nachos> the china of spl
[16:01:39] <@Nachos> ah
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[16:01:44] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 34500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga
[16:01:46] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:01:50] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:01:53] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:01:57] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:01:59] Aeroblacktyl [Mibbit@synIRC-12FCDDEE.cpe.distributel.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:01:59] Ginku [Mibbit@synIRC-3E17C8F7.web.vodafone.de] has joined #spl
[16:02:00] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:02:03] therealfiremage [~cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[16:02:03] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:02:06] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:03:03] <@yondie> Nigga ruiners
[16:03:10] <&McMeghan> !nominate Andeby
[16:03:11] <&SPLbot> Andeby is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[16:03:11] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:03:20] <+Red_Panda> folg :)
[16:03:28] <@yondie> Allenby
[16:03:30] <@yondie> dumfuk
[16:03:32] <@yondie> GET OUT GOD
[16:03:35] <+Red_Panda> Alleneby
[16:03:35] <%Solace> lol
[16:03:36] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:03:37] <+Red_Panda> dumfuk
[16:03:39] woodchuck [~dubitable@indescribably.above.par] has joined #spl
[16:03:40] <&McMeghan> shut the FUCK up yondie
[16:03:41] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Andeby to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:03:45] <%BAIKA> FUCK
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 12500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai
[16:03:49] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:03:51] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:03:56] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:03:56] <@yondie> yo
[16:03:58] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:03:59] <@yondie> MCM
[16:03:59] <@yondie> U MAD
[16:04:00] <@yondie> ?
[16:04:03] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:04:03] <+Red_Panda> this nigga yondie
[16:04:05] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:04:06] <@yondie> cum at me bro
[16:04:08] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:04:11] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[16:04:12] <+Red_Panda> doesnt even know folg's alt has an extra e
[16:04:16] <+Red_Panda> smh
[16:04:32] <%Ciele> folgorio gsc champion.
[16:04:33] <+workingphil> !nominate al_alchemist
[16:04:34] <&SPLbot> Al_Alchemist is up for auction. Metagames: XY LC
[16:04:34] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[16:04:38] <@little_gk> al
[16:04:38] <@little_gk> :D
[16:04:40] <@tennisace> ah
[16:04:42] <%Solace> al :)
[16:04:48] Furai [furai@live.like.a.warrior] has left #spl
[16:04:49] <%BAIKA> gonna turn himself into gold
[16:04:54] <%BAIKA> cos he's shit
[16:04:57] <%Solace> lol
[16:04:59] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:05:01] <@makiri> shit to gold
[16:05:04] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Al_Alchemist to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[16:05:04] pi_face [~pi_face@AEA71638.AFF21A0D.D1D7BC9C.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 14000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 9500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist
[16:05:12] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:05:14] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:05:18] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:05:21] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:05:25] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:05:28] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:05:31] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:05:34] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[16:05:34] biggie [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has left #spl
[16:05:38] <%Solace> !nominate kland
[16:05:38] <&SPLbot> kland is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / DPP OU / ADV OU / GSC OU
[16:05:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers: 3000
[16:05:49] <%Stone_Cold22> god bless
[16:05:52] goldensun [goldensune@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:05:52] <+cbb> KLAND
[16:05:53] <+Biosci> ah #20
[16:05:56] <%Stone_Cold22> the biggest tool in pokemon history
[16:05:59] <%gr8astard> what a steal
[16:06:03] harsha [harsha@tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab.tab] has quit IRC: Quit: hasta luego
[16:06:04] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:06:05] <+CTC> KLAND
[16:06:08] <@tennisace> does he play vgc
[16:06:09] <&SPLbot> SOLD: kland to The Circus Maximus Tigers for 3000.
[16:06:10] goldensun [gs@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #spl
[16:06:14] <+ZEB> we need more vgcers cmon
[16:06:16] <+CTC> MAKING EVERY 5050 90/10
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 9500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist
[16:06:17] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:06:19] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:06:22] <%gr8astard> ok Stone_cold22 THIS GUY you dont upbid
[16:06:23] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:06:24] <%gr8astard> fuck you
[16:06:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:06:30] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:06:32] <+CTC> FUCK U
[16:06:33] <+CTC> DAVE
[16:06:33] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:06:35] Cicada [~nibeldown@synIRC-D7E45F08.rev.sfr.net] has joined #spl
[16:06:36] <+workingphil> someone buy marshall.law
[16:06:36] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:06:39] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers up to nominate. Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace
[16:06:43] <@tennisace> !withdraw
[16:06:44] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:06:44] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[16:06:44] <@little_gk> !withdraw
[16:06:46] <%Solace> !withdraw
[16:06:49] <@tennisace> late
[16:06:53] tennisace [~gogoat@wake.me.up.before.you.gogoat] has been kicked from #spl by little_gk [~little_gk@synIRC-AAE0F83A.socal.res.rr.com]: little_gk
[16:06:55] tennisace [~gogoat@wake.me.up.before.you.gogoat] has joined #spl
[16:06:55] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +o tennisace
[16:06:57] <%Solace> if anyone would like to discuss trades we can talk :)
[16:06:59] Ginku [Mibbit@synIRC-3E17C8F7.web.vodafone.de] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:06:59] <@tennisace> >:O
[16:07:03] <@little_gk> :l
[16:07:13] <%BAIKA> tigers = frogs from last season
[16:07:16] <@yondie> Marshall :'(
[16:07:17] <%BAIKA> with 14k left
[16:07:23] Triangles [Triangles@synIRC-B34F8985.range81-151.btcentralplus.com] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:07:23] <@tennisace> we had that much last season too
[16:07:29] <%Solace> lol
[16:07:38] <%gengar> damn
[16:07:44] <%gengar> tennis why didnt you get vil
[16:07:49] <@tennisace> we tried!!
[16:07:52] <%Solace> he ded
[16:08:10] eOut [o.d@duo.u.dodo] has joined #spl
[16:08:10] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao eOut eOut
[16:08:12] <&Oglemi> sharks
[16:08:14] jukain [Jukain@thrown.together.never.to.part] has joined #spl
[16:08:18] chieliee [Mibbit@synIRC-10929FC8.speed.planet.nl] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:08:23] chieliee [Mibbit@5D292DC3.5CCEB1C2.1E912289.IP] has joined #spl
[16:08:24] <%BAIKA> sharks being dingdongs
[16:08:26] <%BAIKA> i blame stellar
[16:08:29] <&Oglemi> makiri/phil/stellar
[16:08:41] <@makiri> Stellar is singing a song for us
[16:08:42] <@makiri> 1 sec
[16:08:45] <+workingphil> tfc or law...
[16:08:47] ludicolo [~cgiirc@synIRC-53503530.lightspeed.frokca.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
[16:08:50] <&Oglemi> ah and i'm the gay one
[16:08:54] Erick17 [Mibbit@synIRC-8C9CFFDE.sub-174-234-192.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[16:08:56] <+Stellar> its hard to sing with a penis in your mouth so its taking a while
[16:09:05] M_X [~MyloX@synIRC-DF522897.telkomadsl.co.za] has quit IRC: Quit: Bye
[16:09:06] Osi [this.host@is.UNACCEPTABLE] has joined #spl
[16:09:10] <%panamaxis> damn oglemi
[16:09:14] <%panamaxis> highlighting stellar
[16:09:17] <%panamaxis> but not the actual assman
[16:09:18] <%panamaxis> rude
[16:09:23] <&Oglemi> .rekt
[16:09:26] youngjake93 [~cgiirc@synIRC-ECC0B94D.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:09:30] <&McMeghan> what are we waiting for?
[16:09:31] <+Red_Panda> .donkt
[16:09:51] <+workingphil> !nominate thefourthchaser
[16:09:51] <&SPLbot> TheFourthChaser is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU
[16:09:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks: 3000
[16:09:54] <@yondie> oshi
[16:10:00] <@yondie> upbid mcm
[16:10:01] <@yondie> DO IT
[16:10:02] <%BAIKA> the big guys
[16:10:04] Eo [eo@mort.us] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 183 seconds
[16:10:08] <@yondie> #TimeForChange
[16:10:09] <&McMeghan> yeh.
[16:10:15] Texas [Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has joined #spl
[16:10:16] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Texas
[16:10:16] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:10:21] myzozoa [Mibbit@synIRC-E183A635.lsanca.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[16:10:21] <&SPLbot> SOLD: TheFourthChaser to The Stark Sharks for 3000.
[16:10:25] <%panamaxis> #TimeForChange
[16:10:29] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:10:29] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:10:29] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:10:30] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 31500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby
[16:10:32] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:10:36] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:10:40] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:10:41] <+Biosci> YO TFC
[16:10:44] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:10:46] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:10:49] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:10:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:10:53] Alphonse [~philippe@synIRC-5EFAECE0.mycingular.net] has joined #spl
[16:10:57] MDragon [~androirc@synIRC-E49DB0F0.red-176-83-127.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[16:10:57] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +ao MDragon MDragon
[16:11:04] Texas|afk [Mibbit@synIRC-CC16B287.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:11:11] Laga [~laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has quit IRC: Quit: brb
[16:11:12] <&McMeghan> !nominate -Manaphy--
[16:11:13] <&SPLbot> -Manaphy-- is up for auction. Metagames: XY Ubers
[16:11:13] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:11:20] <@Nachos> ah!
[16:11:28] <@tennisace> ah.
[16:11:35] <+Red_Panda> ah~
[16:11:36] bland [bl@nd.boring.dull] has left #spl
[16:11:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:11:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: -Manaphy-- to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:11:45] Susanoo91 [Mibbit@synIRC-476FF914.hari.cable.virginm.net] has left #spl
[16:11:50] firemage [bl@nd.boring.dull] has joined #spl
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:11:52] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 28500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy--
[16:11:55] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:11:57] <&Oglemi> the fact that his name isn't --manaphy--
[16:11:59] <+ZEB> strong bid
[16:11:59] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:12:01] aisasuh [Mibbit@B59332BE.D77AA99C.7C7216A2.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:12:01] <&Oglemi> irritates me slightly
[16:12:02] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:12:07] <%Stone_Cold22> noone got the great mighty doom :(
[16:12:07] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:12:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:12:11] <%Stone_Cold22> the boss himself
[16:12:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:12:13] brb [Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:12:15] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest up to nominate. Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost
[16:12:22] <@Nachos> !withdraw
[16:12:23] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:12:23] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:12:23] CTI [it.w@s.a.dark.and.horny.night] has quit IRC: Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( http://www.androirc.com )
[16:12:24] <+Red_Panda> no shake is already on the sharks stone
[16:12:28] Picollo [~Picollo86@71786D9D.32AF4D44.6E096FF4.IP] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:12:29] boudouche [~cgiirc@synIRC-E2D13B81.net-89-3-122.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #spl
[16:12:33] <%Stone_Cold22> wut?
[16:12:37] <&Oglemi> retain
[16:12:43] dodrio [dodrio@Trainer.Of.Birds] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:12:44] <%Stone_Cold22> wut?
[16:12:45] <&McMeghan> !nominate Marshall.Law
[16:12:45] <&SPLbot> Marshall.Law is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU / BW2 UU / DPP OU / ADV OU
[16:12:45] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:12:48] <%Solace> lol
[16:12:53] <+Red_Panda> im referring to shakeitup as the great mighty doom
[16:13:00] <&Oglemi> lol
[16:13:01] Dunk_ [Mibbit@synIRC-BAD138B6.red-79-154-102.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:13:02] <&Oglemi> fuk u nails
[16:13:07] <+Red_Panda> n_n
[16:13:11] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:13:16] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Marshall.Law to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:13:18] <@yondie> reymedy
[16:13:19] <@yondie> ?!?!?
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:13:24] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 25500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law
[16:13:27] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:13:31] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:13:33] AB2 [~AB2@synIRC-48F989F9.lightspeed.bcvloh.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: Ping timeout: 185 seconds
[16:13:34] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:13:38] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:13:41] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:13:44] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:13:47] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks up to nominate. Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil
[16:13:53] Ezio [Mibbit@is.love.baby.dont.hurt.me] has joined #spl
[16:13:54] <+workingphil> !withdraw
[16:13:54] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:13:54] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:14:00] <&McMeghan> ok
[16:14:03] <&McMeghan> time to go the mall
[16:14:06] <&McMeghan> of SPL players
[16:14:09] <%Ciele> :o
[16:14:10] <&Oglemi> lol
[16:14:12] <&McMeghan> !nominate Emvee
[16:14:12] <+Red_Panda> :o
[16:14:12] <&SPLbot> Emvee is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / BW2 OU
[16:14:12] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:14:21] <+Stellar> pee
[16:14:25] <@tennisace> you mean like in dead rising
[16:14:34] <@tennisace> where you're in a mall but the only things around are zombies
[16:14:38] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:14:43] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Emvee to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:14:51] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 22500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee
[16:14:54] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:14:58] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:15:01] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:15:05] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:15:09] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:15:12] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:15:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:15:22] <+FLCL> you should just list the players you want
[16:15:29] <+FLCL> :)
[16:15:34] Yusuke [Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:15:36] <&McMeghan> h/o pls
[16:15:39] <&eOut> yeah
[16:15:40] <@yondie> King
[16:15:42] <@yondie> Laurel
[16:15:45] Badabing [Mibbit@synIRC-14E7E999.sub-174-240-39.myvzw.com] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:15:47] Genesectless [Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:15:48] <&McMeghan> !nominate Ripamon
[16:15:48] <&eOut> just !addplayer
[16:15:49] <&SPLbot> Ripamon is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / Doubles / BW2 OU / BW2 UU
[16:15:49] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:15:55] <@little_gk> mcm
[16:15:55] <&eOut> and !addfunds -3
[16:16:00] <@little_gk> i have recieved a request
[16:16:01] <@little_gk> [14:15:35] <Caledrith> Little_gk. you are done nomming, but if you would, it would be awesome if you would advertise me and cork to mcm
[16:16:09] <@little_gk> x.x
[16:16:14] bigs [biggie@gimme.the.loot] has joined #spl
[16:16:14] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:16:16] pi_face [~pi_face@FB816916.A6E7DEF6.D1D7BC9C.IP] has joined #spl
[16:16:19] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Ripamon to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:16:21] <&eOut> oh wait that will mess up the auctionbot output
[16:16:22] <&eOut> ignore me
[16:16:24] Yusuke [Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #spl
[16:16:27] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:16:27] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:16:27] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:16:28] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 19500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon
[16:16:29] <@yondie> corkscrew is good at lc i think
[16:16:30] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:16:34] <+workingphil> get llvallejoll
[16:16:34] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:16:35] <+Red_Panda> i always do eo :)
[16:16:38] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:16:41] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:16:44] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:16:46] <@little_gk> i meant to u.u
[16:16:47] <+Red_Panda> wait fuck
[16:16:47] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:16:50] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:17:05] <+ZEB> when will we see schedule :o
[16:17:14] <%Stone_Cold22> mcmeghan
[16:17:18] <%Stone_Cold22> get ohmachi
[16:17:21] <%Stone_Cold22> 8-1 guarenteed
[16:17:25] <+Red_Panda> #undraftedcrew
[16:17:34] <&McMeghan> !nominate Bryce
[16:17:34] <&SPLbot> Bryce is up for auction. Metagames: XY OU / XY Ubers / BW2 OU
[16:17:34] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:18:00] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:18:00] <@little_gk> bryce :o
[16:18:05] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Bryce to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:18:13] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 16500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce
[16:18:16] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:18:21] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:18:24] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:18:26] Finchinator [~Finchinat@synIRC-415600D0.dyn.optonline.net] has quit IRC: Quit:
[16:18:28] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:18:30] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:18:33] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:18:36] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:19:00] propaGONEdhi [~Dice@synIRC-6BE5AEB.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:19:07] <+workingphil> 16:19 *** Kevin_Garrett joined #sharks 16:19 --- Porygon2 has banned *!*vhost@is.a.competitor 16:19 *** Kevin_Garrett was kicked by Porygon2 (You are not permitted to be on this channel.)
[16:19:10] <+workingphil> some things never change
[16:19:12] DICE [cathy@law.of.converSation.of.energy] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by propaGONEdhi)
[16:19:17] <+Red_Panda> lol
[16:19:21] <@yondie> lmao...
[16:19:31] Luis_Suarez [~DaShit@3D65FB63.18D6AE17.29DDB79D.IP] has joined #spl
[16:19:41] Laga [~laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has joined #spl
[16:19:42] Shindo [Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has left #spl
[16:19:50] <&McMeghan> still thinking
[16:19:55] <+workingphil> get b-lulz
[16:20:11] <%Texas> sayonara~
[16:20:12] chieliee [Mibbit@5D292DC3.5CCEB1C2.1E912289.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:20:15] zdrup15 [Mibbit@synIRC-59D7A672.dsl.telepac.pt] has left #spl
[16:20:22] <@yondie> CORKSCREW
[16:20:22] <@yondie> god
[16:20:25] <%Texas> ssin
[16:20:30] <@yondie> it'd be shameful if no one got him
[16:20:42] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has left #spl
[16:20:43] MoP [~cgiirc@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[16:20:44] Psychotic [Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:20:49] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has joined #spl
[16:20:57] Psychotic [Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:20:58] <&eOut> yondie do you really want to unleash the blarajan slayer on SPL?
[16:21:09] <&eOut> the one who's not me, I mean
[16:21:16] <&McMeghan> h/o still not done guys
[16:21:16] Blue_Eon [Mibbit@synIRC-8D2BCE08.red-83-63-176.staticip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:21:27] labyrinthine [Mibbit@synIRC-888BAA8D.lnse4.lon.bigpond.net.au] has left #spl
[16:21:53] <@LonelyNess> this thing is still going on?
[16:21:54] Pat_Labor [~Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has quit IRC: Connection reset by peer
[16:21:59] <@LonelyNess> jesus how many players is everyone buying
[16:22:03] Pejelagarto [Mibbit@synIRC-E0304752.red-193-153-4.dynamicip.rima-tde.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:22:07] <%Snunch> its just mcm taking forever
[16:22:09] <&Oglemi> it's just ruiners atm
[16:22:15] <&McMeghan> yeh you can all leave
[16:22:21] <@yondie> BUY FARMER
[16:22:26] <&McMeghan> i'm discussing trades atm so might take a little while
[16:22:32] <@yondie> BUY JASON
[16:22:34] liberty32 [Mibbit@synIRC-79A6926B.socal.res.rr.com] has left #spl
[16:22:40] w-w [~Karrot@synIRC-9EB77BC6.hsd1.tx.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:22:41] <@yondie> BUY LAUREAL
[16:22:46] <@yondie> !!
[16:22:46] Pat_Labor [Logan@185ABDB3.B0D6B6DD.CC7B0311.IP] has joined #spl
[16:22:49] <+workingphil> get king
[16:23:00] <+kd24> <&McMeghan> i'm discussing trades atm so might take a little while
[16:23:06] workingphil [Mibbit@synIRC-F73EFB0B.dynamic.ip.windstream.net] has left #spl
[16:23:07] <+kd24> HA
[16:23:21] Laurel [~chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has left #spl
[16:23:29] Bunnelby [W@w.I.suck.at.this.game] has left #spl
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[16:23:36] blunder [Mibbit@synIRC-37CD027B.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:23:38] fatty [Mibbit@187E1FED.59055CB4.C287A23F.IP] has left #spl
[16:23:38] Melee_Teleportwo [W@w.I.suck.at.this.game] has joined #spl
[16:23:44] Laurel [~chaselevi@synIRC-405A1ED7.bstnma.fios.verizon.net] has joined #spl
[16:23:46] gr8astard [~hugoderma@synIRC-63CFB237.dynamic.hinet.net] has quit IRC: Quit: gr8astard
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[16:23:53] Scene [Mibbit@1245ED6C.4E543C9B.33345C42.IP] has left #spl
[16:24:10] Melee_Teleportwo [W@w.I.suck.at.this.game] has left #spl
[16:24:13] <+Red_Panda> ;_;
[16:24:15] <%Stone_Cold22> ohmachi
[16:24:17] <%Stone_Cold22> he went
[16:24:18] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:24:28] <%Stone_Cold22> 3-0 in wcop
[16:24:37] <%Stone_Cold22> decent pick
[16:24:39] plus- [plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has left #spl
[16:24:47] Luuke [Mibbit@synIRC-FE9A9E28.nycmny.fios.verizon.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:24:49] Sayonara [Sayonara@quand.la.vie.ne.suffit.pas] has quit IRC: Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 25.0/20131025151332]
[16:25:31] Arcticblast [this@is.a.vhost] has left #spl
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[16:25:57] FLCL [Mibbit@fooly.cooly.furi.kuri] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:26:15] complete_legitimacy [c_l@why.do.you.do.this.to.me] has left #spl
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[16:27:28] Genesectless [Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has joined #spl
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[16:28:12] flcl [~watashi@fooly.cooly.furi.kuri] has joined #spl
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[16:29:21] Genesectless [Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has left #spl
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[16:29:51] Yusuke [Mibbit@synIRC-247FFCE.nyc.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: NickServ (GHOST command used by Yusuke1)
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[16:30:10] Sweep [Mibbit@synIRC-C2CED580.lightspeed.wlfrct.sbcglobal.net] has left #spl
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[16:32:01] badass [fla@f.fy] has quit IRC: Quit: badass
[16:32:22] <@tennisace> wow
[16:32:25] <@tennisace> such action
[16:32:26] <@tennisace> many bids
[16:32:27] High_Impulse [Mibbit@3122636C.B3D8D14F.83760037.IP] has joined #spl
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[16:32:41] BKC [~BKC@blood.fire.death] is now known as falcula
[16:32:46] Nexus [IRC@Its.like.a.birthday.party.where.everyone.wants.to.kill.me] has left #spl
[16:32:48] <+Red_Panda> guys this isn't funny any more someone bid on me...
[16:32:56] <@LonelyNess> poor nails :(
[16:33:01] <+Red_Panda> ;_;
[16:33:05] TGMDoom [Mibbit@D0D4F806.93DD1D51.45A7EFF7.IP] has joined #spl
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[16:33:15] <@makiri> i think its getting a little long
[16:33:39] <%negres> makiri
[16:33:42] <%negres> feed gene 3 times a day
[16:33:47] <@makiri> lol
[16:33:55] <+kd24> wait
[16:33:57] <+kd24> did this end
[16:34:00] <%negres> no
[16:34:03] <+kd24> or is mcmeghan still trying to sell marshall law
[16:34:04] <@makiri> its been 15 minutes
[16:34:05] <+kd24> and credits to people
[16:34:05] <%negres> meghan is like
[16:34:07] <@makiri> what are they doing
[16:34:07] <+kd24> for their elite players
[16:34:07] <%negres> out and about
[16:34:09] <@makiri> trying players out
[16:34:13] <+kd24> lol
[16:34:15] <%Ciele> we're discussing trades
[16:34:18] <%negres> they're trading bloo to teh frogs for their entire roster
[16:34:18] <%Ciele> before we continue
[16:34:20] <%Ciele> sorry
[16:34:22] <+Red_Panda> i cant believe users like CatcherAndTheRai, prem, and jokoloko were picked over me
[16:34:28] zukai [~cgiirc@synIRC-5578FDEC.range86-148.btcentralplus.com] has joined #spl
[16:34:30] <+Red_Panda> wtf is this
[16:34:42] <@Funkasaurus> LOL NAILS IS MAD
[16:34:43] <+Hugendugen> buy melee_mewtwo imo
[16:34:47] <+kd24> i need to see these trade offers
[16:34:48] <+kd24> from the ruiners
[16:34:49] <&McMeghan> im discussing trades it'll take as long as needed :(
[16:34:51] <+reyscarface> damn
[16:34:53] <+reyscarface> such auctions
[16:34:55] <+reyscarface> wow
[16:34:58] <+kd24> what could u possibly be offering
[16:35:01] <+kd24> u have 4 tradable players
[16:35:05] <+kd24> that u wont be trading
[16:35:06] <+kd24> no matter what
[16:35:09] Laga [~laga@synIRC-3C7D2460.dk.customer.tdc.net] has left #spl
[16:35:11] <%negres> is nails even on a team
[16:35:13] <+kd24> no
[16:35:14] <+Red_Panda> no
[16:35:14] <+kd24> hes not
[16:35:17] <%negres> hahahahahahaha
[16:35:24] <%negres> fucking makiri's post
[16:35:28] <%negres> ruined his pokecarreer
[16:35:29] <%negres> forever
[16:35:36] <+kd24> lol
[16:35:39] <+kd24> niggas did a double take
[16:35:41] <@makiri> lol
[16:35:41] <+kd24> when they saw that
[16:35:47] <+kd24> 2-7 as ru leader??
[16:35:56] <+Red_Panda> ugh i cant even say i have more trophies than you atticus
[16:35:57] <+Red_Panda> bs
[16:36:05] <%negres> not many people can
[16:36:07] <%negres> jajaja
[16:36:25] <+Red_Panda> i mean i have like 1/5 of badass's trophy
[16:36:32] <+Red_Panda> since i built his ru teams in playoffs
[16:36:36] <+Red_Panda> but w/e
[16:36:44] Terraquaza [~cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #spl
[16:36:53] <+kd24> negres
[16:36:58] <+kd24> i think people took digs at our teams
[16:37:01] Stone_Cold22 [Mibbit@9A82ED8A.92B5E971.BF36181E.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:37:05] <+kd24> they said its not about the players but about the synergy
[16:37:09] Shoka [Mibbit@synIRC-5BF4D838.fbx.proxad.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:37:19] Erick17 [Mibbit@synIRC-5AF4FC00.sub-174-240-69.myvzw.com] has joined #spl
[16:37:33] <+kd24> i think it was ruiners when i questioned why they still had like 40k pls set em straight T__T
[16:37:33] <+Hugendugen> all the raiders hate each other
[16:37:37] <+Hugendugen> such terrible synergy
[16:37:39] davidness [Mibbit@233AE290.6E9AF57C.EB9AABD3.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:38:14] Malekith [Mibbit@synIRC-57960641.pool85-49-236.dynamic.orange.es] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:38:27] <@yondie> !showall
[16:38:31] <@yondie> someone do !showall
[16:38:41] <+Earthworm|Away> !showall
[16:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:38:41] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:38:41] <&Oglemi> !showall
[16:38:46] <+Earthworm|Away> LoL
[16:38:46] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 16500 | Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce
[16:38:48] <+kd24> great uve ruiend it
[16:38:49] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:38:51] Oglemi pet worms
[16:39:12] pi_face [~pi_face@FB816916.A6E7DEF6.D1D7BC9C.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Texas [Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] eOut [o.d@duo.u.dodo] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] goldensun [gs@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Frexa [Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Sinclair [Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] aim [~aim@a.o.l] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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[16:39:12] FunBro [Mibbit@synIRC-261F3F3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Aqualouis [Aqualouis@synIRC-3810ABA5.rev.sfr.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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[16:39:12] Shindo [Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Tobes [Tobes@synIRC-3759435D.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Nas [Mibbit@7A1B7AF.8A3E1F45.47D577D2.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Layell [Mibbit@the.theatrical.one] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Psychotic [Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] cbt [blood@lust.mord] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Punchshroom [Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Robert [~Robert@666AC4CA.67577AD5.27877537.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
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[16:39:12] BlueKirby [~bluekirby@its.me.bk] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Andeby [~Andreas@BD9079C0.9E9CED34.659213B9.IP] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Mekkah [~Mekkah@talk.shows.on.mute] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] McMeghan [dre@m.catcher] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Jirachi [~alice@wish.upon.a.star] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Rayq [~ray2233@why.read.this] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] aldaron [~aldaron@indian.six.pack.abs] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] RBG [smogon@every.cave.in.kanto] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:12] Restia [Mibbit@Li.Li.Ana] has quit IRC: NETSPLIT nexus.hub.us.synirc.net moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Bidders: dittocrow / gr8astard / flcl / dmalfoy | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Bidders: tennisace / little_gk / zeb / solace | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:39:13] Terraquaza [~cgiirc@synIRC-CA774344.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF)
[16:39:13] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Bidders: makiri / panamaxis / stellar / workingphil | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:39:15] therealfiremage [~cgiirc@synIRC-F81E9DB7.buffalo.res.rr.com] has quit IRC: Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout)
[16:39:17] <+Hugendugen> lol
[16:39:18] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 16500 | Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce
[16:39:18] <+Red_Panda> rip
[16:39:20] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Bidders: yondie / snunch | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:39:24] <%Solace> lol
[16:39:24] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Bidders: Funkasaurus | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:39:27] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Bidders: nachos / stone_cold22 / lamppost | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:39:31] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Bidders: locopoke / negres | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:39:34] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Bidders: falcula / gengar / bkc | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:39:35] <+Hugendugen> mcmeghan nominates now
[16:39:37] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Bidders: lonelyness / dekzeh | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:39:46] <+kd24> uh is tournament media not in tournaments
[16:39:47] <+kd24> anymore
[16:39:50] <+kd24> i dont se the subforum
[16:40:01] <&Oglemi> no it's there
[16:40:01] Blue_Eon [Mibbit@synIRC-8D2BCE08.red-83-63-176.staticip.rima-tde.net] has joined #spl
[16:40:02] <+kd24> o who am i kidding
[16:40:06] <+kd24> its proly setsunas bitch ass
[16:40:08] <&Oglemi> permissions may be off because of the forum rework
[16:40:09] <+kd24> removing me from yet another subforum
[16:40:12] <+kd24> o
[16:40:14] <&Oglemi> lol or that
[16:40:23] <+reyscarface> yo
[16:40:24] <+reyscarface> wat the fuck
[16:40:25] <+reyscarface> this isnt over?
[16:40:26] <+reyscarface> LOL
[16:40:28] <+kd24> oglemi how do i
[16:40:30] <+kd24> apply for it
[16:40:31] <+kd24> again
[16:40:36] <+kd24> i got to do my auction review
[16:40:38] <&Oglemi> bug user: lady salamence
[16:40:38] <&Oglemi> imo
[16:40:42] <%negres> watch
[16:40:46] <&Oglemi> or tobes
[16:40:52] <%negres> the ruiners are gonna bid on like husk
[16:40:52] <+kd24> last year i predicted tigers and wolfpack
[16:40:54] <+kd24> as the 2 worst teams
[16:40:55] <%negres> when no ones lookin
[16:40:55] <+kd24> of spl
[16:40:59] <&Oglemi> also rey blame mcmeghan he is being a butt as revenge
[16:41:00] <+kd24> and look at what happened
[16:41:06] <+reyscarface> yo wat the fuck
[16:41:07] <%negres> oglemi
[16:41:07] Caledrith [Mibbit@synIRC-F93C34EA.hsd1.ut.comcast.net] has left #spl
[16:41:08] <+reyscarface> is goin on here
[16:41:09] <%negres> you're the host
[16:41:12] <+reyscarface> dude if hes doing this on purpose
[16:41:14] <%negres> put in a time constraint
[16:41:17] <+reyscarface> fuckin do somethin
[16:41:17] <+reyscarface> lol
[16:41:17] Shindo [Mibbit@BEEF58C9.DD38CDE1.254C7FE9.IP] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Psychotic [Mibbit@synIRC-B443D820.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #spl
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[16:41:17] firemage [bl@nd.boring.dull] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Texas [Mibbit@Texas.Smogon] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] eOut [o.d@duo.u.dodo] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] goldensun [gs@synIRC-F541FA69.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Frexa [Mibbit@C9443323.A55DAAB6.B3B92966.IP] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Sinclair [Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] aim [~aim@a.o.l] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] FunBro [Mibbit@synIRC-261F3F3.dsl.pltn13.sbcglobal.net] has joined #spl
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[16:41:17] Aqualouis [Aqualouis@synIRC-3810ABA5.rev.sfr.net] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Rayq [~ray2233@why.read.this] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Punchshroom [Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has joined #spl
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[16:41:17] Restia [Mibbit@Li.Li.Ana] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Tobes [Tobes@synIRC-3759435D.dhcp.embarqhsd.net] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Nas [Mibbit@7A1B7AF.8A3E1F45.47D577D2.IP] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] cbt [blood@lust.mord] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Robert [~Robert@666AC4CA.67577AD5.27877537.IP] has joined #spl
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[16:41:17] BlueKirby [~bluekirby@its.me.bk] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Andeby [~Andreas@BD9079C0.9E9CED34.659213B9.IP] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] McMeghan [dre@m.catcher] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] Jirachi [~alice@wish.upon.a.star] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] RBG [smogon@every.cave.in.kanto] has joined #spl
[16:41:17] moonlight.se.eu.synirc.net [*@*] has set mode +haooqoao Texas eOut eOut little_gk aldaron aldaron McMeghan McMeghan
[16:41:20] <+kd24> there really should be
[16:41:23] <+kd24> a time constraint
[16:41:23] <+kd24> tbh
[16:41:26] <%Texas> much netsplit
[16:41:27] <+kd24> that seems like an overishgt
[16:41:32] Stone_Cold22 [Mibbit@9A82ED8A.92B5E971.BF36181E.IP] has joined #spl
[16:41:33] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h Stone_Cold22
[16:41:33] Sinclair [Mibbit@synIRC-369D4A56.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:41:35] <&McMeghan> who cares at this point zzz
[16:41:39] <%negres> if you dont nominate by the time the timer expires
[16:41:40] <+reyscarface> I do.
[16:41:46] <+reyscarface> you lose 1k
[16:41:48] PragueKick [CAZZODURO@FREELUCK.DETULLIO] has joined #spl
[16:41:48] <%negres> you're forced to draft chomper teh sharptooth
[16:41:52] <%Stone_Cold22> negres
[16:41:53] <&McMeghan> well maybe for next season who knows
[16:41:58] LonelyNess [Mibbit@FOR.THE.BLOOD.TOTEM] has set mode +v TIBA
[16:41:58] Punchshroom [Punchy@Riolu.used.Copycat] has left #spl
[16:42:02] RODOLPH [RODOLPH@synIRC-9F1B8EF0.home3.cgocable.net] has joined #spl
[16:42:06] <%Stone_Cold22> let's marathon breaking bad, once we get to the last episode maybe mcmeghan would have decided
[16:42:08] <%Stone_Cold22> sound ok?
[16:42:22] <%Snunch> at this point mcm could be hosting tryout battles to determine the last few spots
[16:42:30] <%negres> lol
[16:42:31] <+TIBA> rolf
[16:42:32] <%Snunch> i think that's an unfair edge
[16:42:32] <%negres> dyonr
[16:42:33] <&Oglemi> lol
[16:42:33] <&eOut> oh
[16:42:34] <%negres> stone*
[16:42:36] <&eOut> that's a good point snunch
[16:42:36] <&McMeghan> everyone fight, last man standing get the spot
[16:42:39] <%negres> id rather marathon a show ive never seen
[16:42:41] Vileman [Mibbit@synIRC-1595B8A.cm.vtr.net] has quit IRC: Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client
[16:42:43] <+kd24> i swear makiri
[16:42:43] <%negres> what else is there
[16:42:45] <+kd24> just made that joke
[16:42:46] <&eOut> snunchy with the optimal points
[16:42:47] <&Oglemi> mcmeghan can you finish in like the next 2 minutes plz
[16:42:49] jukain [Jukain@thrown.together.never.to.part] has quit IRC: Ping timeout
[16:42:52] <%Snunch> optimal as fuck
[16:42:56] <%Stone_Cold22> orange is the new black
[16:42:59] <%negres> yeah
[16:43:00] <%negres> that seems good
[16:43:04] <%negres> i loved house of cards
[16:43:07] <%negres> and that was a netflix show
[16:43:12] <+Hugendugen> I'm gonna watch gone with the wind
[16:43:19] <%negres> ok there grandpa
[16:43:19] <+Hugendugen> I'll be back in 4 hours
[16:43:24] <&McMeghan> yeh
[16:43:37] Symphonyx64 [~symphonyx@3A849F46.CC580461.F9AFA4E4.IP] has quit IRC: Quit: Symphonyx64
[16:43:58] Osi [this.host@is.UNACCEPTABLE] has left #spl
[16:43:59] iKimmy [Mibbit@synIRC-D169EF74.dhcp.ftwo.tx.charter.com] has joined #spl
[16:44:04] <+Red_Panda> McMeghan just draft me already
[16:44:19] <+DEKZEH> n_n
[16:44:21] <+DEKZEH> i agree
[16:44:33] dodrio [dodrio@Trainer.Of.Birds] has joined #spl
[16:44:57] <+Red_Panda> i will either spam red pandas in the trash talk thread + your team's channel or swear off posting them for this season, whichever you prefer
[16:45:08] amg [Mibbit@synIRC-814CD88B.dyn.optonline.net] has left #spl
[16:45:09] gr8astard [~hugoderma@synIRC-94E68E51.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #spl
[16:45:09] ChanServ [services@services.synirc.net] has set mode +h gr8astard
[16:45:10] <+Red_Panda> i would not make this offer under normal circumstances...
[16:45:13] <+Red_Panda> consider it
[16:46:13] <+reyscarface> hurry the fck up holy chit
[16:46:17] <+reyscarface> just buy fcking laurel
[16:46:18] <+reyscarface> and jason
[16:46:21] plus- [plus@impregnating.the.page.giving.birth.to.thoughts.that.unify] has joined #spl
[16:46:25] <%BAIKA> stfu
[16:46:32] <%BAIKA> frogface
[16:46:41] <+reyscarface> <Laurel> lol my hero
[16:46:41] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[16:46:43] <@little_gk> wait
[16:46:45] <+reyscarface> shit nigguh
[16:46:47] <+reyscarface> im the hero of the damned
[16:46:48] <@little_gk> has nobody gotten laurel
[16:47:13] <&McMeghan> !nominate Nails
[16:47:14] <&SPLbot> Nails is up for auction. Metagames: BW2 RU
[16:47:14] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners: 3000
[16:47:20] <+Red_Panda> n_n
[16:47:23] <@little_gk> :O
[16:47:25] <%gr8astard> !3.5
[16:47:28] Cicada [~nibeldown@synIRC-D7E45F08.rev.sfr.net] has left #spl
[16:47:33] <+cbb> nice withdraw
[16:47:35] <+reyscarface> lmfao
[16:47:35] <+reyscarface> nails
[16:47:38] <%gr8astard> lol
[16:47:39] <&SPLbot> 5 seconds remaining.
[16:47:43] <%gr8astard> i only have 1.5 anyway :[
[16:47:44] <&SPLbot> SOLD: Nails to The Alpha Ruiners for 3000.
[16:47:46] <+cbb> gr8 man pick me up
[16:47:46] <+cbb> :]
[16:47:50] <+Red_Panda> btw the offer i made of swearing off red pandas
[16:47:51] <%gr8astard> is it not too late
[16:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Wifi Wolfpack Credits: 1500 | Players: danilo / silentverse / marth / flcl / kingofkongs / dracomalfoy / jorgen / donkey / yee / aim / prem / Harsha / ThunderBlunder / Yusuke / papai noel
[16:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Circus Maximus Tigers Credits: 11000 | Players: zebraiken / destinyunknown / royal flush / biosci / tv-rocka / hot n cold / Elevator Music / Raseri / Thatsjustpeachy / Halloween / Fiction. / C05ta / Sweep / Leftiez / Hantsuki / Raichy / sebixxl / Wushl / Treecko / kland
[16:47:52] <&SPLbot> The Stark Sharks Credits: 6500 | Players: shakeitup / malekith / stellar / soulwind / heist / conflict / Hawkstar / gene / make / Arcticblast / WhiteQueen / Kevin Garrett / The Wolf / LUST / Furai / Al_Alchemist / TheFourthChaser
[16:47:53] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners Credits: 13500 | Players: crashingboombang / annoyer / ojama / Bloo / Ginku / Myzozoa / Silvershadow234 / dcae / Laga / Andeby / -Manaphy-- / Marshall.Law / Emvee / Ripamon / Bryce / Nails
[16:47:56] <&SPLbot> The Cryonicles Credits: 1000 | Players: aqualouis / picollo / r inanimate / blim / blarajan / dragonuser / fakes / GaryTheGengar / HSA / Pocket / CyberOdin / Cristal / Royalty / CaseKace / xtrashine / Vinc2612 / fatty / P E J E L A G A R T O / atomicllamas
[16:47:57] <%gr8astard> i bet bloo will block the deal
[16:47:58] <+cbb> it is not
[16:47:59] <+Red_Panda> was not serious
[16:48:00] <&SPLbot> The Ever Grande BIGs Credits: 5500 | Players: floppy / delta 2777 / alf' / 6A9 Ace Matador / Fuzznip / Boudouche / badabing / BLINGAS / Dotteh / Go10 / Psychotic / AB2 / Shoka / Genesectless / CatcherAndTheRai / Dr Ciel
[16:48:03] <&SPLbot> The Congregation of the Classiest Credits: 19000 | Players: problems / golden sun / luckoverskill / 199 lives / Mr.E / kokoloko / Django / Afro Smash / TehMexicanDewd / ZoroDark / idiotfrommars / Chase / Soulgazer / ZodiacTheKid / Kid Buu / Lord Elyis / youngjake93 / SUSANOO91
[16:48:04] <+reyscarface> LOL what the fuck
[16:48:07] <&SPLbot> The Team Raiders Credits: 7000 | Players: JabbaTheGriffin / Veteran In Love / Iconic / kd24 / Faint / Plus / Eo Ut Mortus / MarceloDK / Lavos Spawn / PttP / Nas / Braverius / Nelson / Ezio
[16:48:08] <+reyscarface> classiest will reach
[16:48:10] <&SPLbot> The Indie Scooters Credits: 2500 | Players: bad ass / ]V[ajinTupacZ / Ray Jay / Mizuhime / Dice / Masterclass / kael / Jayde / PDC / Ace Emerald / Toxzn / george182 / Karrot / Blue Eon / liberty32
[16:48:11] <+reyscarface> 20+ players
[16:48:13] <+reyscarface> wat the shit
[16:48:13] <&SPLbot> The Smog Frogs Credits: 0 | Players: dekzeh / texas cloverleaf / reyscarface / aerialace TM40 / zfs / yan[sogeking] / Lady Bug / Heysup / Colchonero / Choice Specs / -Frexa- / Reiku / [K-12] The Madchine / Joim
[16:48:15] <%Stone_Cold22> gr8, ill trade u zodiac for jorgen + draco
[16:48:16] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners up to nominate. Bidders: mcmeghan / BAIKA / Ciele
[16:48:16] Huy [~marinesbi@did.my.best.i.have.no.regrets] has left #spl
[16:48:17] <%Stone_Cold22> deal?
[16:48:17] <&McMeghan> oh shit
[16:48:21] <&McMeghan> i forgot classiest could still buy
[16:48:26] <&McMeghan> ah they withdrew
[16:48:27] <%Stone_Cold22> no we can't
[16:48:28] <%Stone_Cold22> we dropped out
[16:48:36] <+reyscarface> lmfao wat
[16:48:41] <&McMeghan> !withdraw
[16:48:42] <&SPLbot> The Alpha Ruiners have withdrawn from the auction.
[16:48:42] <&SPLbot> The auction has officially ended.

if someone wants to parse this for joins/leaves be my guest but idgaf enough
Forgot to add these rules to the OP when I posted it; note that these are probably going to be in effect for all official tournaments from here on out so the same basic procedures for WCoP will apply here for SPL and so on.

On... Sportsmanship

Note the sportsmanship infraction may be used liberally this SPL, and any unsportsmanlike conduct on the forums, in #spl / #pokemon / any of the semiofficial tier channels, or in opposing SPL team channels (I won't infract for you being a dick in your own SPL team channel unless the situation is so extreme I feel I absolutely have to make an exception (consider basically any masterclass interaction ever)), will be grounds for an infraction. We encourage you to play semi-aggressively, but don't be a Masterclass.

~ Aldaron

On... Scheduling Matches

I'm sure plenty of you have come across who to activity drama while scheduling matches. I'm here to reduce the arbitrary element associated with some of these decisions. It is entirely your decision to adhere to these STRONG RECOMMENDATIONS, but note that if you choose not to, I'll most likely ignore any pleading from your end.


Once that week's thread is posted, you have up to 48 hours to contact your opponent ON HIS VM WALL and mention your timezone and exactly what dates, what time ranges you are available, and where you will battle. Note that the default accepted sim and server is the official server on Showdown. You must provide at least 3 different time ranges at least 48 hours from the timestamp of your message, with at least 2 that are 24-hours apart from each other. The minimum and maximum length for 1 time range is 30 minutes, and the minimum difference between the 3 required time ranges is 3 hours. If you give 3 time ranges that stick with this policy, you can give any additional time ranges at any time you please.


Once your opponent has contacted you, you now have up until 72 hours after the week's thread has been posted (NOT after your opponent's message) to respond with times that are good for you. What this means is that if both of you spend the maximum time contacting and responding, you should have back and forth collaboration at a maximum of 72 hours after the round has been posted, with both parties given an additional 24 hours to prepare for the battle should it be scheduled as soon as required. If none of the opponent's proposed time ranges are good for you, you must respond with alternative time ranges.

The first opponent now has X hours to prepare for the battle (if the second opponent agreed to some time) or 24 hours to contact a TD if, for whatever reason, this second set of time ranges does not suit the first opponent. Note this should be an absolute last measure.

Once a time is agreed upon, please make a message on your opponent's VM wall between 10 minutes and 1 second before the agreed upon time and say you are ready to battle and then get to agreed upon location (regardless of whether or not your opponent sends you a response VM). Please protect yourself by making this message, as it makes decisions much easier. You will be required to wait for your opponent for the duration of the time range.

If neither of you contact each other before 48 hours after the thread has been posted, you're both opening yourself up to a potential no contest or substitution. If I look at the situation, I might just determine I'm going to no contest, or whatever based on however I'm feeling at that moment. Don't leave yourself and your team vulnerable to this.

Just because at anytime one of the responders does not respond within the given range does not give you automatic activity win credentials. If they don't contact at all on your VM wall up until 48 hours before the end of the round (note, I'm not going to take irc or sim messages as evidence due to how easily they can be doctored...so if you want to protect yourself, stick to the VM messages), then you obviously have activity win justification. You WILL contact your opponent in a timely manner. However, if they do contact you at all after the suggested response time and before 48 hours before the end of the round, you are required to respond before 24 hours before the end of the round with 2 1-hour time ranges at least 1 hour apart before the end of the round. The opponent, since he did not stick to the proposed response schedule, WILL BE REQUIRED TO PLAY AT ONE OF YOUR NEWLY SUGGESTED TIMES, so you have the advantage here. This obviously puts a bit of an emphasis on the last 48 hours of each round (as is standard operating procedure for most of our official team tournaments anyway), so I will try my best to keep the last 48 hours of the round as close to the majority of the weekend for as much of the world as I can.

If you follow all of these guidelines, you will a.) most likely get your match done with minimal issue or b.) protect yourself and your team from an undue no contest or activity decision. Yes, I hate activity decisions in official tournaments. Yes, I will do my best to prevent activity decisions in the playoffs (the qualifying round is fair game however and I will have no problem issuing an activity call here), but don't push your luck.

Here is an example of how following this would work:

Week 1 thread is posted June 7, 2013 at 12:00 AM. Its deadline is June 14, 2013 at 11:59PM. User A and User B are matched up. User A contacts User B on his VM wall on June 7, at 9:00 PM (47 hours after the thread was posted, so ok), and gives 4 time ranges: June 10, from 7:00-7:30 PM (22 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is only ok so long as at minimum 3 of the other proposed time ranges adhere to the requirements), June 11, from 9:00-9:30 PM (48 hours after the timestamp of his message, which is ok), June 12, from 6:00-6:30 PM (69 hours after timestamp of his message, so ok, but only 21 hours after the earliest time range that is 48 hours after the timestamp), and June 12, from 9:00-9:30 PM (72 hours after the timestamp, so ok, and 24 hours after a legal time range and 3 hours after another legal time range). The June 11 and both June 12 time ranges satisfy the requirements, so User A can propose his first June 10 time range as well. User B responds on June 10, at 8:00 PM (23 hours after User A contacted him, so ok), and picks June 11, at 9:00 PM to battle, which is ok because it is 24 hours after his own response.

You'll note I made most of my response ranges multiples of 24 hours, but also included 24 hours. This means I expect you to be able to check Smogon at least once a day. If that is not feasible, you put yourself at risk.

~ Aldaron

On... Disconnecting and timing out drama

Ah, the big beefcake. I'm going to go ahead and put this out there: we reserve the right to judge any individual match on a case by case basis, regardless of assumed precedence set. If you don't like that, you are welcome to not play. Be aware of this.

Also, to protect yourself as much as possible from DCs and timer issues, play on Showdown (because it has an at least semi reliable system of rejoining after a DC) and make a gentleman's agreement to not hit timer and not be hour-a-move dicks.

That said, here is the main way we will probably handle DCs / timing out:

To handle all DC cases...you're gonna submit your teams before the match. Oglemi, who is not playing nor affiliated with any team, will manage this team submission form. You don't have to submit, but if you do, you protect yourself from the opponent taking a win. If you do DC (and you can't rejoin the battle) and you haven't submitted your team, your opponent will have the right to take the win. Yes, I'll most likely make a judgment call if he is on his last turn with 1 Pokemon at 5% and paralyzed and with you at 6 100% health Pokemon, because the only way to lose this is to misclick multiple times. However, if you're at 6 100% Pokemon and your opponent is at last Pokemon 10% needing to crit flinch you 6 - 12 times for the win, I'll give him the win if you DC and haven't submitted your team.

I know people like Philip7086 will beg me "to use common sense for a judgment call" for all cases and I would normally agree, but I am giving you all a 100% out by allowing you to submit your team. Basically, submit your team, and protect yourself and your team from any and all DCs. It's a simple procedure that removes almost all subjectivity from a decision regarding a DC. Unlike with the scheduling restrictions, all you have to do is submit the team your are using at anytime before the match takes place, and you'll have 100% protected yourself. Read this rule and understand this now before you join the tournament. Since I'm stating this now, I'm basically going to ignore you if you DC, didn't submit a team, and "had a guaranteed win." Expect it. Also note that I'm going to let the PLAYER (not the team), decide whether he is going to take the win or go another route (replay same moves, replay different teams, etc.).

To further ensure no funny business, if, in the case of a DC replay, there is any concern from either party about funny business, both parties have the right to request a screenshot of the current Pokemon's stats in battle. This is irrelevant for Showdown as you can simply rejoin a battle there, but PO allows you to see the currently out Pokemon's stats if you scroll over it with your mouse. Just hit PrntScrn (windows) while scrolling over it if requested by your opponent, preferably with proof that it is a screenshot of that actual battle (consider including the opponent's request in the battle screen in the screenshot).

Regarding time outs, they are a bit more complex, specifically because some timeouts are due to DCs. The best we can do for this scenario is say that there is some number between 1 minute and 2 minutes (which we will not publicize) that we will set as a limit for timing out, and if you timeout with more than that limit time remaining, we'll assume it is a DC, whereas the opposite is a true timeout. A true timeout defaults to a loss, while the DC timeout is prone to the DC rules (did you submit or not).

~ Aldaron

Note that the activity wins procedure isn't going to be as exact as WCoP as I expect most players to be pretty active and there's usually a clear case on activity wins, but the big take away there is use VMs to communicate and you'll be fine.

DCs and timing out is a regular occurrence in SPL, hopefully with this team submission we'll avoid most controversial decisions. I'm still not sure if I'll be taking the PMs just yet as I have enough on my plate atm, but we'll see (I'll PM the managers if it changes).
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