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Smeargle's Studio General Thread: Spriting and Banners go here!

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Is this still a request thread?

I know this is rather specific but it doesn't sound too difficult: I would love a Zweilous done in vector, black on transparent, either an outline, or silhouette and medium size (approximately the the size of my avatar). I will use it for my avatar and for my personal site (I'll give credit and a link to your art thread at the bottom of every page!) Thanks to whomever is willing to do this for me!

Out of all my sprite work, these are my favorites; not sure they are my best; but they are my favorites. What you guys think? Both of the art and the concept. Also, feel free to PM me ideas for sprite work.

Could somebody make me a picture of weavile using ice shard. It's for my profile pic. No specific background. Whatever you like. If that is too complicated just make me a cool looking weavile. Send me the pic after. Thanks in advance.
Quest: To build an Awesome CAP Pokemon

Ok guys! I was thinking to sprite a pokemon of my own design. But I need your help cause I am no good at this yet... This is what I came up with

Yep, that looks horrible, anyway... I hope you can see the idea, a fat raccoon, A fight between ying and yang, white and black, ghost and normal. Demonic eyes, skeloton ribs, fluffy tail. I call it Skeltky. If you know how to sprite on a mac or through photoshop, please tell me. If you want to draw the CAP pokemon go ahead. And tell me if you don't like the idea, I can take criticism. Thanks guys!

EDIT: I have redone the sprite... I am getting better little by little

Hi! I definitely see a lot of potential in your concept. I do think the sprite itself is a bit small, which really limits the details that you mention. The pose, in my opinion, is a bit awkward and somewhat vague as to what stance it is doing. I think the anatomy itself is one contributing factor to this, as the sprite is somewhat stiff as well. The colors are also another part that could be worked on, as there is no shading going on whatsoever nor a good transition between the colors.

I think you should increase the size and smoothen the line art a bit, then add shading. That's just my personal opinion though... I do think you are off to a great start!


Anyways, I'm back to Paper Mario Pokémon and I need critique on my Rotom-W most specifically. Something about it bugs me - maybe it is the angle it is looking?
Okay, I'm really late-- but that Herabee is just awesome. Kudos!

and this



Starters for an imaginary game going on in my head.
The fire starter's a lion cub, if that's not apparent. Shiny version on the right.
Yes, the color scheme's very boring: don't know where to add a third color.
For the grass starter, I can't decide which design to have. One's too much like Croconaw, the other isn't very grass-type-y.
I can't think of a water starter, either. I want my starters to be like common animal companions featured in fairytales and folklore (lion, dragon etc.)
But I don't know any aquatic animals like that. (not fish, please.)
Dude, those are awesome! I didn't think Croconaw when I saw the grass starter until you mentioned it, so I don't think design is TOO big a problem.

I can't think of any remotely Kraken-like Pokemon. Maybe some kind of squid starter? There's never been a Kelpie-like horse water Pokemon, either, and there's always Capricorn the goat, too.
Ooh, thanks!
I thought kelpies would be a bit tough to do, because horses don't undergo a radical enough growth to warrant a three-stage evo (think Ponyta, Rapidash.) I'll try though.
Yeah, I could make a Kraken line. I was a bit hesitant because the Kraken is antagonistic (starters should represent heroes), but I suppose it's the best option around.
Capricorn sounds like an interesting idea, I'll see what I can make out of it.
Thanks again! :D
ICC: Those are looking nice! If you really wanted a third color, maybe change the belly fur and the eyes/spots above eyes to a different color together?

The grass type doesn't look bad, but I think it could use something else to make it more grass-typey.
Ahh thanks much Zipo!
I changed the cub's belly to white, but I'm not posting it here yet because I wanna complete the full line first. :>
I...honestly don't know what else to do to the grass/dragon. It kind of has grass on its head and tail, plus a leaf design on its belly (the design on the left), but that's it. :(
I'm not a creative person...I'd like suggestions. Thanks.
I think the main problem is that the markings on the grass thing is almost mirroring Croconaw's. See:


They both have their lower jaw and their belly a different color, with markings of the main color on the belly. The fact that the head topping and the tail almost mirror each other doesn't help either. I think you should try changing the markings so they are more unique, and maybe make the tail a little skinnier, though the latter is because I think it would look better.
I'd like to give some critique on your little grass croc ICC. Instead of focusing on the design aspect I'm going to talk about it's anatomy and pixel work.

The main thing I'd like to talk about is it's head. It's very confusing to think about in a 3d space. You can see one prominant nostril on its snout, close to the tip. It gives the appearance that it's head is side on or close to it. The actual head with its eye position tells me that the head is pointing diagonally down towards the viewer. I attempt to show a potential fix for it, but you might have had a more pointy snout in mind. Either way getting the head right is a huge part of any design.

I've also made a load of other small tweaks. The legs feel disattached from the body so I brought it closer. The toes felt uneven so I resized them and so on. These are all suggestions.


Finally, I need to address sel-out, or selective outline. It's the practice of colouring your outline to break it up, like bad antialias, to mix it in better to specific backgrounds. It's generally considered a bad practice if you want your art on many backgrounds and can cause a lot of misplaced pixels. Instead continue to colour your outlines towards the light source.

(It should be noted that some people call colouring your outlines towards the lightsource sel-out as well. I can't keep track of how broad the term is anymore. I should stop using it. Either way, this version is bad.)

Your pixel work is generally good. You've just got to push your skill just a little further to make it shine.
Wow Wyv, you're an ace. You spotted every single pixel I felt unsure about!
I guess I'm guilty for never actually thinking of my sprites as more than 2D. That's a huge lesson for me.

Sel-out was actually taboo in all my spritework until I started observing Joltik and Archeops. Both of these sprites had plenty of them. I thought then that sel-out was a staple of gen V sprites. After reading your comments, I checked it out a bit more and realised that it was only used to produce a rough texture (or something). Another lesson learned :/

All in all, thank you so much, you've been really helpful. One day, I wanna be as good as you :pirate:

Wyv said:
grass croc
That's depressing....it's intended to be a baby dragon. I guess the design really doesn't show it :<
dont we all icc? hahah

so im gonna be spriting all the champs from league of legends. ive got ONE done so far, but thats because yesterday i had no time to do it.


i realize that the body is too small and the head too big for LOL's signature style, so im hoping that its fine hahaha
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