Smash Bros Media Lounge

Here's something that we have been working on forever! ToastWtfFTW, Haru Akenaga (Akenaga X) and Me, Ok'SsuKa (Ok'SsuKa Senpai) have been making this video in some form or another (we all have or will contribute). It's a tutorial video for Shulk! There are two versions though. One features more of Akenaga X and his clips, one features more of me and my clips. We're working on getting Akenaga X's clips up to HD though and reuploading.

Here's Akenaga X's version!:

Here's my version!:

It wasn't originally designed for two entries, but we had some errors in making the videos so I went renegade and made the superior version (heheh). Hope you enjoy! We plan to release something like Episode 1: the neutral game or something for the first episode for the series of tutorials! Hope you enjoyed watching. It's part of the tutorials that I promised the smash room.
Ok, so I've got 2 new battles (or in this case, 1 battle and 1 part of a battle). I'll be putting them in this here hide tag

Get Gud Abra ;[

That's a Decent Dark Pit SavageYT

And again, I'm sorry for the potatocam
This thread will be updated every month, feel free to share this thread with your friends and let them know of the amazing media we posses of smash bros!!
Okay so

Everyone / France / For Fun Smash / Gaur Plains / Jigglypuff

Wii U users should be able to access one replay by doing that, it's my replay, which pretty shows how you win in For Fun.
Me (Captain Falcon) VS. Yam (Robin) in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS

In this match, I almost performed a Sacred Combo... except I used the Mighty Falcon Punch (which is a lot easier to hit with) instead of the regular Falcon Punch, and the second part of the "combo" is done on-stage instead of off-stage.

The first video was not made by me and does not feature me playing (it was a video I found on GameFAQs many months ago). The second video was made by me and features me playing as Charizard.
I'm back, and I've got some new vids. I'm putting them in this Hide tag so they don't strain loading.
This first one was against a Mega Man:

This second one features a way-too grab-happy ZSS, but it features a graphical glitch involving her jet boots:
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On FG the other day I accidentally created what could quite possibly be the most rage inducing match ever, all 59 seconds of it.

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The Blazing Falcon and The Burning Dragon Eclipse The Moon

You know, I really didn't want to double post, but someone ended up posting a replay of me fighting him on FG.

The replay in question
I can't believe I'm triple posting here, but I went to a Smash Bros Weeklies event in Toronto Called Smash on Tap. I got 5th place there (not bad for my first tournament), and I'm posting a video of 3 of my sets here.

I'd like to mention that this forum doesn't work with Twitch videos, and my first set is at the beginning, while my other 2 sets start at about 2:05:00

PS. Also, Lance, if you see this, can I suggesting looking for weeklies for SSB in your location,and going to at least one. I don't care when this happens, and it usually makes for good matches and videos.
I'd absolutely love to go to them, but the Smash scene is, unfortunately, dead here in Sydney. I have heard that Smash tournaments are hosted in various Universities in my location though, but I don't know when the next one will be.
I'd absolutely love to go to them, but the Smash scene is, unfortunately, dead here in Sydney. I have heard that Smash tournaments are hosted in various Universities in my location though, but I don't know when the next one will be.

Ah, man, that must be annoying. To be fair, any smash event where I am must be in Toronto, and not Hamilton (where my University is, so I spend most of my time at Hamilton), so at bare minimum, it's not too often that I get to go to an event. Especially if I want to take a friend/ family member with me.
So, tonight, my uni hosts a weekly smash bros get-together (it's not too serious, no tourneys either) They mainly Play SSBM and PM, and one of the SSBM-using consoles had the 20XX mod loaded up. Hearing about the fact that you can play as Giga Bowser in that mod, I wanted to try him out. Here are just 2 matches I had using him.

Yeah, I think Giga Bowser has some glaring flaws, but the feeling of playing a normally unplayable boss character against another person makes up for it. (Looking at you, KOF 95 Omega Rugal)