I am a supporter of this. Makes it simple and unopinionated. 84 BP Focus Blast may seem outclassed but its distribution allows it to be viable on mons like Gengar who can't Aura Sphere. For low chance secondaries I think just add a 10% buff to base power. Or perhaps allow non-whole number stages, so SpD lowered by 0.1 stages is a x0.967 multiplier to SpD.So: do we just change accuracy for base power? Do we get rid of low chance secondaries in exchange for more base power? It's less mod-y, but it's also a bit shit.
I think it's perfectly OK that moves like Hydro Pump become 84 BP and outclassed by Surf. In regular play, moves like Surf, Flamethrower etc are used over their 110 BP counterparts to take luck out of the factor (and more PP etc but that's the main one). So it makes sense that Hydro Pump is not as viable in a luckless game. Sure the meta may end up a bit stally but I'm sure this is inevitable anyway......uhh leaving the stall-vs-skill debate here. If stall becomes too viable then bans can be made.
Overall I see too much emotional attachment to fixing things that shouldn't be fixed. E.g. Minimize should just stay banned (why even bother trying to save it?), and Hydro Pump should remain an inferior Surf. Why do you want to make every move viable anyway?