Six Move Battling

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This could be really interesting for Genesect, seeing as how it wouldn't have to worry about giving up U-turn or a coverage move to make room for a powerful STAB Bug Buzz or HP Ground for Heatran. Maybe something like this?

Genesect @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Download
EVs: 4 Atk / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Naive Nature
- U-turn
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
- Ice Beam
- Bug Buzz
- Hidden Power [Ground]

Oh, and this could be pretty fun as well with Sun support.

Cresselia @ Leftovers
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
- Moonlight
- Reflect
- Light Screen
- Toxic
- Psychic / Psychock
- Ice Beam

Stick it in the Sun and just see what can break it with the appropriate Screen up. Then while the opponent flails wildly in a futile attempt to hurt you, you can just wear them down with Toxic. Psychic or Psyshock would turn Cress into a good check to things like Terrakion, Conkeldurr, and Breloom, and Ice Beam makes it a good answer to Dragons. Speaking of Conkeldurr...

Conkeldurr @ Leftovers
Trait: Guts
EVs: 120 HP / 252 Atk / 136 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Bulk Up
- Drain Punch
- Mach Punch
- Payback
- Ice Punch
- Stone Edge

With the ability to run Payback, Stone Edge, and Ice Punch on the same set, Conkeldurr can get past a lot of its usual counters. For example, Gliscor can handle most Payback variants, but Ice Punch murders it. Jellicent can also take on the Ice Punch versions, but Payback really hurts. Stone Edge would pretty much cover a few things here and there, like Gyarados and Volcarona.
6 is a pretty huge leap as opposed to 5... Bound to see some very broken major threats in here. The metagame becomes centralised around pokemon with good coverage and lots of options. Though I'd also be interested in seeig the opposite direction, 2 or 3 moves. The game becomes a lot simpler and things like Haxorus or Politoed become very strong in comparison to Jirachi, Dragonite, and the like.
Infernape would be able to run a nasty set. With Close Combat, U-Turn, Fire Blast/Overheat, Mach Punch, Stone Edge, and Grass Knot.

Or: Sword Dance, Close Combat, Flare Blitz/Fire Punch, Mach Punch, Stone Edge, Filler (Heck, I would Run Flame Charge, just to get a speed boost on a predicted switch)
On the Genesect set, I would remove U-Turn and replace it with Agility, and then run Timid Nature and a Expert Belt on it. With all those moves it would be able to KO nearly anything that would switch into it.
Reuniclus no longer has to choose between CM and TR.
NOTHING SHALL STAND IN IT'S WAY... As long as Focus Blast hits. Which it never seems to.
Reuniclus @ Life Orb
Quiet Nature
252 Spa/64 Def/192 HP
-Trick Room
-Calm Mind
-Shadow Ball
-Focus Blast
Tyranitar @ Stone Edge/Crunch/Substitute/Focus Punch/Fire Blast/Ice Beam
and Gliscor (Poison Heal) with Taunt/Swords Dance/Substitute/Earthquake/Ice Fang/Substitute.

Bye, Stall. It was nice knowing you.
A cool set for Jirachi would be:

Jirachi @ Leftovers
Timid Nature
252 HP / 4 SAtk / 252 Spe
- Substitute
- Calm Mind
- Wish
- Thunderbolt
- Psyshock
- Hidden Power Ice / Hidden Power Fire / Grass Knot

I know that versions of this set were already posted, but this set has a diference. The main coverage options are Thunderbolt and Psyshock. Thunderbolt gives general coverage, nabing a neutral hit on lots of things with Psyshock. Psyshock defeats special walls like Blissey and Chansey, and Fighting-types.

The difference is the last coverage move. Hidden Power Ice is the recommended option to defeat the boring Ground-type Pokémon that counter the normal set, such as Hippowdon, Gliscor and Landorus. As long as Jirachi is behind a Substitute, Hidden Power Ice should maim them, and Hidden Power Ice provides insurance against Dragon-types if Jirachi doesn't have sufficient boosts. Hidden Power Fire can be used to quickly defeat Steel-types like Ferrothorn for example, which resists both Thunderbolt and Psyshock and can tank even +6 hits of both moves. It also gives insurance in case of Jirachi needs a quick way to defeat Scizor if it doesn't have sufficient boosts. Grass Knot is the last option, that can counter one of the main counters to the normal SubCM set: Quagsire. And also maims Gastrodon and Swampert much more quickly than Psyshock.

It's possible to use both Hidden Power and Grass Knot by dropping Wish, but this isn't recommended as Jirachi loses an important recovery move that can also support its teammates.

Also, a version of the Heatran Weather Trapper:

Heatran @ Air Balloon
Timid Nature
4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spe
- Sunny Day
- Magma Storm
- Solarbeam
- Earth Power
- Hidden Power Ice
- Flamethrower / Fire Blast

This can trap not only weather starters, but can also trap many things. Now that you have six moves, you can run both Earth Power and Hidden Power Ice and trap both dragons and weather starters, and also have a way to defeat opposing Heatran. The six moves also let you use Flamethrower as the last option. It is less powerful than Magma Storm but is much more accurate and useful for late-game cleaning, Fire Blast can also be used for more power but it's still very innacurate, albeit more accurate than Magma Storm, still Flamethrower is the recommended option.

Tyranitar @ Choice Scarf
Jolly Nature
4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Stone Edge
- Crunch
- Pursuit
- Superpower
- Ice Punch
- Fire Punch

With two more moveslots, Scarf Tyranitar can now run Ice Punch and Fire Punch as coverage options. A 2x super effective Ice Punch is as powerful as a neutral Stone Edge, the same applies to Fire Punch, however, both punches are used instead so that Tyranitar doesn't have to rely on the shaky accuracy of Stone Edge. Ice Punch also lets Tyranitar revenge kill Gliscor and non-Choice Scarf and non-Rock Polish Landorus, as well as some dragons that haven't a boost on their Speed. Fire Punch is a better option to use against Ferrothorn than Superpower, because it leaves a larger dent, and is a better option than Superpower in two situations; If you want to stay in, or if the Steel-type in question is neutral to Fighting. It also lets Tyranitar revenge kill weakened Jirachi. Note that even Fire Punch fails to 2HKO Skarmory.
I just wanted to quote this post:
Escavalier @ Choice Band
- Megahorn
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a
- n/a

escavalier dgaf about your six moveslots

Because it made me laugh for a good 5 minutes.

Otherwise, Salamence would become monstrous, being able to run
Fire Fang
all at once. With a Life Orb. The roost it off again. And again. And again.

Also, Gliscor's Stall Set (Protect/Sub/Toxic/EQ) and now give it 2 more coverage moves? Fire Fang/Thunder Fang/U Turn/SD? Just stall til you get a switch and nail the switch.

Landorus @ Life Orb
Stone Edge

Sub, Setup, Phase, Hit EVERYTHING, GG

The Deo-D Red Card is an amazing idea also. Might have a go at that, seeing as I love Stall/Annoying setups.

Edit to Add: Would this remove Choice Specs Chandy/Kyogre from consideration? Or would they get super powered with the extra boost to coverage? I'm already looking at an Alakazam with 6 moves and wondering if I should drop the Life Orb for Specs...20% extra on Alakazam is actually quite sexy, but the ability to choose is good too...
I just wanted to quote this post:

Because it made me laugh for a good 5 minutes.

Otherwise, Salamence would become monstrous, being able to run
Fire Fang
all at once. With a Life Orb. The roost it off again. And again. And again.

Also, Gliscor's Stall Set (Protect/Sub/Toxic/EQ) and now give it 2 more coverage moves? Fire Fang/Thunder Fang/U Turn/SD? Just stall til you get a switch and nail the switch.

Landorus @ Life Orb
Stone Edge

Sub, Setup, Phase, Hit EVERYTHING, GG

The Deo-D Red Card is an amazing idea also. Might have a go at that, seeing as I love Stall/Annoying setups.

Edit to Add: Would this remove Choice Specs Chandy/Kyogre from consideration? Or would they get super powered with the extra boost to coverage? I'm already looking at an Alakazam with 6 moves and wondering if I should drop the Life Orb for Specs...20% extra on Alakazam is actually quite sexy, but the ability to choose is good too...

Choice items are far less popular in this meta, because it kinda removes the versatility of having six moves. Life orb is a better choice, since being able to score the stronger hit via more coverage is better than a boost at the cost of using one move.
Im highly intrested in these things. Back in 4th Gen i created a thread about having 8 Pokemon on a team, but it didnt get much support. Should be fun though.

~Flash Cannon/Hp Ground/Protect

Great coverage, recovery, protection from status...whats not to love?
Okay guys, how about this.'



~Hidden Power Fire


~Draco Meteor



All that coverage AND a recovery move? Yes, please.
Personally, i'd cut T-bolt for dragon pulse, if you're running recover you can stay in indefinitely, and while it can be useful to hit bulky waters harder, it'd be nice to not be forced out if you want to use your STAB. (Well, psyshock, but that carries its own problems.)
Fun fact for everyone - Ice + Fighting + Ground + Dark + Flying + Grass/Electric hits every single type in the game for SE damage.

Tyranitar @Expert Belt
Ice Beam
Aerial Ace

I would like to see that in action :p
Fun fact for everyone - Ice + Fighting + Ground + Dark + Flying + Grass/Electric hits every single type in the game for SE damage.

Tyranitar @Expert Belt
Ice Beam
Aerial Ace

I would like to see that in action :p

Seaking, Quagsire, Forretress, Scizor, Shuckle, Kingdra, Swampert, Sableye, Whiscash, Armaldo, Gastrodon, Spiritomb, Wormadam (Trash Cloak), Seismitoad, Crustle, Escavalier, Galvantula, Durant, Genesect all get at-worst-neutral.
I am really, really impressed with Mew in this meta. Taunt, Stealth Rock, Calm Mind, Roost, Psyshock, Aura Sphere has worked really well for me. Azelf also seems good, with U-Turn, Stealth Rock, Explosion, Psychic, Thunderbolt, Taunt for a more aggressive lead
How do you play 6 move battling now that Debug Mode is not a format on Showdown?
Debug Mode has been renamed Custom Game, but nothing's changed with it.

Seaking, Quagsire, Forretress, Scizor, Shuckle, Kingdra, Swampert, Sableye, Whiscash, Armaldo, Gastrodon, Spiritomb, Wormadam (Trash Cloak), Seismitoad, Crustle, Escavalier, Galvantula, Durant, Genesect all get at-worst-neutral.
He means every type, obviously there are some double types that don't have that many weaknesses.

Interestingly, the only OU mons in your list of what he misses are Bug/Steel.

I'm going to try to cover all OU mons.

Fire + Grass + Ground + Fighting + Ice + Dark.

These cover everything except: Conkeldurr, Gyarados, and Volcarona.

You can replace Fighting with Rock, in which you hit Gyarados and Volcarona, but no longer hit Blissey and Chansey (a strong physical STAB should take out Blissey anyway).

You can replace Grass with Electric, in which case you hit Gyarados but no longer hit Rotom-W and Gastrodon (Rotom-W can still be hit by Ground if you have Mold Breaker or Gravity up).

You can replace Dark with Flying, in which you hit Conkeldurr and Volcarona, but no longer hit Alakazam, Deoxys-D, Reuniclus, and Gengar (Gengar can still be hit by Ground if you have Mold Breaker or Gravity up).

I started from scratch, but ended up with something pretty similar to his list, interestingly enough.
Without having to chose between coverage, priority and dominating Blissey, NP Infernape can sweep teams if you let him set up.

Infernape @ LO
Naive 4 Atk/252 SpA/252 Spe
-Nasty Plot
-Flamethrower/Fire Blast
-Vacuum Wave
-Close Combat
-Grass Knot
-HP Ice
Slaking should fare a lot better in this meta with its coverage healing and stats, the addition of coverage punches for the opponent means it'll be easier to have mummy activate too, it's not really a threat I expect to see or for anyone besides me to use but I thought it was interesting. With the extra coverage on everything I don't think there'll be as many switches especially with a lack of choice, sr will probably go down so even fliers will enjoy it
I still don't know how the metagame would play out in this. In a tournament with this style we all were saying stall tactics would be less used in this play in favor of more capable sweepers, and then some people come in with Blissey and Deoxys-D to ruin everyone's day.
The key to victory in Pokemon battling is to go against the river. Everyone uses special venusaur? Use physical saur. Everyone uses clorophyll and fast mons? Use trick room. Use physical offense in ubers, everyone is worried about special sweepers.
The key to victory in Pokemon battling is to go against the river. Everyone uses special venusaur? Use physical saur. Everyone uses clorophyll and fast mons? Use trick room. Use physical offense in ubers, everyone is worried about special sweepers.

I generally dont see exactly how this makes you have an advantage over your opponent. Sure theres the surprise factor and stuff but these choices are still inferior as the Pokemon could be put to better use (why would you use physical venusaur anyways. I can understand mixed but pure physical?). I do not exactly how this really has a lot to do with 6 Move anyways

Oh and on a side note I plan on doing a Letter on the 6 Move meta sometime in the near future for the OM hub stuff.
Alakazam usually needs the coverage, but now you can try Sub / Calm Mind / Psychic / Focus Blast / Shadow Ball / Encore. Alakazam has a fast Encore which can shut out set-up sweepers, and it can also run SubCM without risking less coverage. You can maybe even add Psyshock instead of Encore, to make Alakazam more able against Blissey and the likes.

This gave me another idea:

Reuniclus (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP/252 SpA/4 SpD
Nature: Modest
-Calm Mind
-Focus Blast
-Shadow Ball
-Trick Room/HP Ice/HP Fire/Energy Ball

And another one:

Tyranitar (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/4 Def
Nature: Adamant/Brave
-Stone Edge
-Aqua Tail

Obviously Pokemon with super-wide movepools such as Tyranitar, Slowking, and of course Mew will greatly benefit from this. One more example:

Salamence (F) @ Life Orb
Ability: Intimidate/Moxie
EVs: 252 Atk/4 SpA/252 Spe
Nature: Naive
-Dragon Claw/Outrage
-Dragon Dance
-Fire Blast/Stone Edge
-Hydro Pump/Stone Edge

Having 6 moveslots makes it much easier for Salamence to go mixed.
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