Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

The standard AV Bulu spread at the moment is this:

Tapu Bulu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 60 Atk / 56 SpD / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Horn Leech
- Wood Hammer
- Superpower
- Nature's Madness

I looked on Smogon at the Set Details and it says that the speed is for Adamant Tyranitar, yet you can outspeed the current CB Tyranitar set (only runs 176 Speed so you live a +1 Buginium Z from Volcarona) with only 68 EVs in speed (leaves you at 203 speed btw). If I was to use that instead and pump the rest into SpDef / Def, do I miss out on outspeeding any other relevant mons? Only mon I can think of is defensive Landorus, which isn't that consequential bc 1. You beat Lando 1v1 anyway and 2. You often want to hit the mon they're U-Turning into rather than Lando. Thanks in advance.

Edit: After consulting the speed tiers thread, the only relevant mons I've found are Rotom-W and Modest Magnezone. You guys think it's worth it? I'll put the exhaustive list in a tab.

222 / Scizor (Mega), Tapu Bulu / 75 / Neutral / 144 / 0
222 / Landorus-Therian / 91 / Neutral / 16 / 0
222 / Rotom-Wash / 86 / Neutral / 56 / 0
222 / Venusaur (Mega) / 80 / Neutral / 108 / 0
221 / Celesteela, Tyranitar / 61 / Neutral / 252 / 0
219 / Magnezone / 60 / Neutral / 252 / 0
218 / Azumarill / 50 / +Spe / 252 / 0
218 / Victini / 100 / +Spe / 252 / -1
209 / Venusaur (Mega) / 80 / Neutral / 52 / 0
209 / Crawdaunt / 55 / Neutral / 252 / 0
208 / Rotom-Wash / 86 / Neutral / 0 / 0
207 / Marowak (Alola) / 45 / +Spe / 252 / 0
206 / Cresselia, Suicune, Tapu Fini / 85 / Neutral / 0 / 0
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The standard AV Bulu spread at the moment is this:

Tapu Bulu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 60 Atk / 56 SpD / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Horn Leech
- Wood Hammer
- Superpower
- Nature's Madness

I looked on Smogon at the Set Details and it says that the speed is for Adamant Tyranitar, yet you can outspeed the current CB Tyranitar set (only runs 176 Speed so you live a +1 Buginium Z from Volcarona) with only 68 EVs in speed (leaves you at 203 speed btw). If I was to use that instead and pump the rest into SpDef / Def, do I miss out on outspeeding any other relevant mons? Only mon I can think of is defensive Landorus, which isn't that consequential bc 1. You beat Lando 1v1 anyway and 2. You often want to hit the mon they're U-Turning into rather than Lando. Thanks in advance.

Edit: After consulting the speed tiers thread, the only relevant mons I've found are Rotom-W and Modest Magnezone. You guys think it's worth it? I'll put the exhaustive list in a tab.

222 / Scizor (Mega), Tapu Bulu / 75 / Neutral / 144 / 0
222 / Landorus-Therian / 91 / Neutral / 16 / 0
222 / Rotom-Wash / 86 / Neutral / 56 / 0
222 / Venusaur (Mega) / 80 / Neutral / 108 / 0
221 / Celesteela, Tyranitar / 61 / Neutral / 252 / 0
219 / Magnezone / 60 / Neutral / 252 / 0
218 / Azumarill / 50 / +Spe / 252 / 0
218 / Victini / 100 / +Spe / 252 / -1
209 / Venusaur (Mega) / 80 / Neutral / 52 / 0
209 / Crawdaunt / 55 / Neutral / 252 / 0
208 / Rotom-Wash / 86 / Neutral / 0 / 0
207 / Marowak (Alola) / 45 / +Spe / 252 / 0
206 / Cresselia, Suicune, Tapu Fini / 85 / Neutral / 0 / 0

Yes I created the following spread with my buddy ET3RN4M a couple months ago, for this exact reason (also helps with specs lele psyshock)

Tapu Bulu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Atk / 36 Def / 76 SpD / 68 Spe
Impish Nature
Yes I created the following spread with my buddy ET3RN4M a couple months ago, for this exact reason (also helps with specs lele psyshock)

Tapu Bulu @ Assault Vest
Ability: Grassy Surge
EVs: 248 HP / 80 Atk / 36 Def / 76 SpD / 68 Spe
Impish Nature
Yeah I edited the post from pump it into spdef to spdef / def bc i dont like how specs 2hkos with psyshock ty for the spread :]
But, it's not what happened on this replay. Did you take a look on it?
How does Pokemon Showdown choose who wins points and who loses points?

If you have higher elo than your opponent then you lose points, if you have lower elo you gain points. Since if two players tie their skill is equal* their scores should move closer to each other to reflect that. I admit to not knowing what happens if both players have an exactly equal rating.

*not necessarily actually equal skill
Ok, so Spikes is frequently run on Specs Ash Greninja to chip down bulky Grass types. Thing is, shouldn't Ice Beam do this better?
Ok, so Spikes is frequently run on Specs Ash Greninja to chip down bulky Grass types. Thing is, shouldn't Ice Beam do this better?
Spikes isn't just run for that reason. It's to punish switches, which Greninja forces a lot of. The best counter play to Ninja is to switch to Pex or some AV user to prevent transformation, which is a pain to get locked into Ice Beam against; particularly Magearna for example. Spikes, especially at 3 layers, can put a large number of mons in range of Water Shuriken and can generate momentum by forcing the opponent to Defog. Spikes is, imo, mandatory on Greninja, unless you have another user already, even then it is still an option.
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Spikes also allows Greninja to punish Toxapex, which generally is passive enough to give it numerous free turns to set them up, and heavily cuts down on its ability to check Greninja, as spikes punish the frequent switching that Toxapex does. Additionally, note that because of the threat that Battle Bond "Mega-Evolving" poses, the opponent is often forced to switch directly into their Greninja answer every single time it comes out, allowing it to effectively rack up spikes damage.

This is in addition to supporting the rest of its team.
So Mamoswine is OU now (as well as Torn-T, which I feel it earned). How do most of you feel about one person able to influence tiering like this? And what do you predict will happen to Mamoswine next drops/rises?
So Mamoswine is OU now (as well as Torn-T, which I feel it earned). How do most of you feel about one person able to influence tiering like this? And what do you predict will happen to Mamoswine next drops/rises?
Mamoswine was OU last gen and still has plenty of viability in this gen. 130 Attack powering probably the best STAB combo in the tier (the only relevant resists being Rotom-W and Araquanid), plus some set flexibility. Mamo could conceivably stick around.

If there's any anger at Pokeaim's tier manipulation, it would be over Ambipom, a mon that was notorious for being tiered too high last gen and even after gaining Tail Slap this gen is mediocre at best.