Simple question, but I'm curious as to the response. Why post official procedures for Banning/Suspect testing if you're not going to use them?
Or rather, why did you skip
this portion
I realize that most of the members of the council felt the same way in regards to the Nagandel ban, but I (and maybe others) don't see why that would mean you should handle it any differently than you previously said you would.
The same thing goes for suspect tests on Lando-T and Toxapex, there is clearly enough chatter behind the topic.
It says "If there is enough demand." It doesn't say anything about what the majority of the council feels, but unfortunately that has been used by many as a reply to excuse it away.
Ultimately I'd like to culminate all that with an opinion. I believe the council has been overstepping the boundaries it has set for itself and certain members actively stifle opposing discussion. I would like to address these concerns publically, so that others who may feel the same way can voice their opinions as well. (Without a fear of being pilled on)
Anyway, that's all. Merely curious if the reported increase in transparency will be something that actually occurs.