Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

One of the ones that is very enjoyable and has helped make the concept of doubling on a switch as well as picking the wincon based on the team you see at team preview would definitely be pokeaim. Dude give content on a normal schedule and does lots of tiers. Definitely a dude I'd direct people to. Here's a link to his channel.
Well ELO-wise it's typically around 1600 and above, but tournament players are really the ones that can throw around their weight

How does one quality for tournaments? And essentially, you are saying that tournament players are usually above top ladder players?
How does one quality for tournaments? And essentially, you are saying that tournament players are usually above top ladder players?
I mean that more in winning/placing consistently in tourneys. To qualify just sign up on the respective sign up thread for a tourney.
And for ladder compared to tournament play, high ladder consists typically of more "gimmicky" strategies such as webs or stall, whereas tournaments give a better sense of the actual meta.
And yes, high level tournament players will usually win against a high ladder player (as the ladder tends to fixate around easy to use/exploit strategies).
Will Marshadow be banned soon? he deals absurd amounts on even full tank Shuckle.

It's still too soon to tell. I mean, only a couple of days have passed. Even Mega Salamence, which was an utterly broken juggernaut, got at least two weeks in the pre-ORAS metagame before getting the banhammer. Besides, most things tend to appear more OP on paper and when they are introduced than how they truly perform in a real battle.

Let's wait to see if the metagame will manage to adapt to the new threat. If not, then the council will do what is needed.
It's still too soon to tell. I mean, only a couple of days have passed. Even Mega Salamence, which was an utterly broken juggernaut, got at least two weeks in the pre-ORAS metagame before getting the banhammer. Besides, most things tend to appear more OP on paper and when they are introduced than how they truly perform in a real battle.

Let's wait to see if the metagame will manage to adapt to the new threat. If not, then the council will do what is needed.

I've faced the little shit like 12 times today in UU and it swept my team every time, even when it wasn't very effective, explain where that can't be determined already.
I've faced the little shit like 12 times today in UU and it swept my team every time, even when it wasn't very effective, explain where that can't be determined already.
UU? Anyhow there's no quick ban as of now. The whole metagame discussion thread was closed because of talk like this
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Marshadow is OU (edit: @ two posts above), and Shuckle isn't weak to fighting but is irrelevant in OU anyway. Any talks of banning Marshadow shouldn't occur anymore as everyone knows it's unhealthy to the metagame, and I'm sure the council will take appropriate action when they feel the need to do so.
I've faced the little shit like 12 times today in UU and it swept my team every time, even when it wasn't very effective, explain where that can't be determined already.
If marshadow is aviable in UU, you need to advise the showdown mods, because it's aviable only in OU
I've faced the little shit like 12 times today in UU and it swept my team every time, even when it wasn't very effective, explain where that can't be determined already.

Are you sure that you had played UU matches? Because this is what appears when I try to build an UU team with Marshadow:

Your team was rejected for the following reasons:
- Marshadow is in OU, which is banned.

So... are you absolutely sure you hadn't played an OU match with UU Pokémon, or something like this? If you are sure, then show a replay to the moderators and they will act accordingly.
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The "official" ou ladder is Gen 6. Do the gen 7 OU, as that is what the focus is on for competitive discussion
This is simply false. For the most part, we have moved past development of gen 6 tiers. Currently we focus on discussion of gen 7 tiers, yes, this is true, but that also means that gen 7 ou is an official ladder. Don't let the "unofficial ladder" and "official ladder" names fool you. The Devs on Showdown don't necessarily focus on small stuff like that.

td;lr Gen 7 OU is an official ladder.
Yeah, its way to early to jump into conclusions. Right now, there's still no time for anyone to be sure wether Marshadow is broken or not. Besides, Shuckle is not only unviable, but also weak to Fighting :/

It's still too soon to tell. I mean, only a couple of days have passed. Even Mega Salamence, which was an utterly broken juggernaut, got at least two weeks in the pre-ORAS metagame before getting the banhammer. Besides, most things tend to appear more OP on paper and when they are introduced than how they truly perform in a real battle.

Let's wait to see if the metagame will manage to adapt to the new threat. If not, then the council will do what is needed.

Dont fuck with the excuse that is too early to tell it has already been three days since its release and well Pokemon Sun and Moon came out in Nov 18 an this happened exactly three days later I will not list all the good qualities marshadow has because everyone know how good he is and how unhealthy to the meta is. I enjoy playing marshadow and dont want it ban because is fun to abuse him and is one of my fav mons but the truth is to be told.
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Dont fuck with the excuse that is too early to tell it has already been three days since its release and well Pokemon Sun and Moon came out in Nov 18 an this happened exactly three days later and yeah zygarde was so broken so as marshadow, I will not list all the good qualities marshadow has because everyone know how good he is and how unhealthy to the meta is. I enjoy playing marshadow and dont want it ban because is fun to abuse him and is one of my fav mons but the truth is to be told.
It's way too early to tell lol. I can say with 100% confidence that every Pokémon has countermeasures and Marshadow is no different. We've yet to discover said countermeasures. For the most part, what we've seen is that most people disagree with keeping Marshadow in the tier, but that includes low end players looking at it on paper and seeing a couple replays and thinking it's broken. Simply, we still have to see how it goes. 3 days is not a lot of time, I can tell you that. Also, Zygarde-Complete is a lot different, the only way to beat it was running an ice type or something with ice moves and the meta severely lacked that then and still does now.
This is simply false. For the most part, we have moved past development of gen 6 tiers. Currently we focus on discussion of gen 7 tiers, yes, this is true, but that also means that gen 7 ou is an official ladder. Don't let the "unofficial ladder" and "official ladder" names fool you. The Devs on Showdown don't necessarily focus on small stuff like that.

td;lr Gen 7 OU is an official ladder.
Hence the "official" in quotes. I am aware of this fact but Pokémon showdown still lists Gen7OU as an unofficial ladder. It was just for clarification on the asker's behalf
I know Zygarde is much different, but marshadow essentially has one of the best typing in the game with an unresisted stab with one being high power and the other discouraging dont speed set up moves, good bulk, a high base power characteristic z move, technician allows it to have a high base power priority, boosted hidden power that allows him to go mixed and a nice 90 base power rock tomb that makes it one of the best scarfers with also having spectral thief for the boosters and hp ice for chomper and zygarde. This thing can run mixed, band, scarf and bulk up z move (also swagger but I havent see much of it) making it that real checks are few in non existant in OU
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