Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

Why is Kyurem-B allowed in OU, but not Ho-oh?
Kyurem-B’s moveset lacks reliable physical STAB moves except for Dragon Claw and it’s only other notable physical move is Fusion Bolt. The majority of its movepool is special, but it doesn’t have enough Special Attack to do great damage in contrast to Kyurem-W. Can’t answer about Ho-oh, though.

edit: even when i snipe i get less likes FeelsBadMan
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Why is Kyurem-B allowed in OU, but not Ho-oh?
Kyurem-B has a major flaw despite that massive attack stat, that it has no physical Ice-type STAB with the exception of its Z-move which is, of course, one-time use. Too boot it has a terrible defensive typing that makes it not too hard to deal with. It's been OU ever since gen 5 and it will likely continue to be. Ho-oh on the other hand would definitely be way too strong for the tier. It has collosal bulk and Regenerator offsets its Stealth Rock weaknesses. Sacred Fire and a potent STAB combo would make it virtually impossible to switch into as well, save a handful of exceptions.
What is the single best way to defeat PexSteela cores?


pokemon like Tapu Koko (which got a lot better after the Zygarde Ban) is able to deal with both of these mons pretty well, since both fear the strong electric terrain boosted STAB options Tapu Koko runs.
Heatran can also reliably deal with both these mons, especially Taunt, Magma Storm and Erath Power Heatran. It is able to Trap Toxapex and makes it that it cant Recover during the process of Epowering it down to death. Heatran also takes nothing from Steelas Heavy Slam at all and the coverage Option which is usually Flamethrower gets soaked up by Trans Flash Fire.
Also Magnezone is a good enemy to both these mons, cause it can Trap Steela. Especially Sub / Specs variants are dangerous for both and Pex cannot wear down Zone with Toxic / T-Spikes due to the Immunity. Also Cele/Pex doesn't like the rise of Rotom Wash recently.
why do people say tapu koko got better after the zygarde ban?
afaik zygarde didnt affect koko since it always lost 1v1 to shuca berry koko unless its screens, and its not like shuca berry was ran only for zyg since having one free turn to damage garchomp and lando is still valuable.

and zygardes departure made ground neutral grasses even more viable now from mons like ferro to amoongus to mega venusaur and even gastro which worried about sub setting on it. rise of scarf lando and garchomp also make volt switching harder

all of these mons of which annoy koko to death, so whats the big deal of saying offensive koko is more viable now?
only thing that comes to mind is tangrowth and bulu dropping in usage which is good but its not like people will suddenly stop using grass types
Can we use the workshop thread 2 times in a row?
you can but only if your first request is already finished!
why do people say tapu koko got better after the zygarde ban?
afaik zygarde didnt affect koko since it always lost 1v1 to shuca berry koko unless its screens, and its not like shuca berry was ran only for zyg since having one free turn to damage garchomp and lando is still valuable.

and zygardes departure made ground neutral grasses even more viable now from mons like ferro to amoongus to mega venusaur and even gastro which worried about sub setting on it. rise of scarf lando and garchomp also make volt switching harder

all of these mons of which annoy koko to death, so whats the big deal of saying offensive koko is more viable now?
only thing that comes to mind is tangrowth and bulu dropping in usage which is good but its not like people will suddenly stop using grass types
its more about the fact that grass-types as a whole aren't as important now as they once were, sure ferrothorn and amoonguss got an uptick and usage and viability, but the drop of specially defensive tapu bulu and tangrowth alone is was so big it makes tapu koko a lot more threatening. if you don't trust me, take the spl usage stats and the snake draft usage stats. add up the percentage of all specially defensive grass-types, for snake you get 63% roughly. for spl around 43% instead. remove about 3% from each to account for choice band tapu bulu and physically defensive tangrowth and you get a whopping decrease of 1/3 of grass-type usage. this is huge for tapu koko, especially tangrowth dropping, because tangrowth was what made choice specs tapu koko so bad, because sure it's volt switch bait but it just shrugs any damage off with regenerator. same applies with amoonguss, but amoonguss's usage is so minimal it barely matters in the grand scheme of things. so yeah that's why i believe tapu koko is better now!
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What kinds of teams does Mega Pinsir fit on? Hyper offense, bulky offense, balanced...? He's always been my favorite mega so I wanna build a team with him.

Also, is Hawlucha still good?
What kinds of teams does Mega Pinsir fit on? Hyper offense, bulky offense, balanced...? He's always been my favorite mega so I wanna build a team with him.

Also, is Hawlucha still good?
Pinsir tends to do best on offenses - hyper and bulky. Hawlucha's okay and can sweep some more offensive teams if their measures (Rotom-W and TankChomp for example) are chipped, but it's pretty inconsistent and can be pretty difficult to fit on a team.
How does one go about using double dance reuniclus+tspikes pex teams? I understand the concept of setting up t spikes so reuni can sweep, but I'm never sure when or how to bring in reuni, as well as how to set up for a reuni sweep.
Pinsir tends to do best on offenses - hyper and bulky. Hawlucha's okay and can sweep some more offensive teams if their measures (Rotom-W and TankChomp for example) are chipped, but it's pretty inconsistent and can be pretty difficult to fit on a team.

Really? That's too bad. I thought he was much better. Though things like Zapdos and Koko are awful to deal with... Thats why I run Stone Edge for the former.
Are Pokemon ranked B in the VR worth using? Like, things like Weavile, Victini, Mega Pinsir, etc?? I have a weird thing where I think anything under B+ is unviable.
Are Pokemon ranked B in the VR worth using? Like, things like Weavile, Victini, Mega Pinsir, etc?? I have a weird thing where I think anything under B+ is unviable.

Everything on the viability rankings is viable to a certain degree. Mons ranked lower are simply more niche and require more team support, but they are certainly worth using on certain teams.
Is it counterproductive to run Knock Off over Scald on Pex?

Context: a balance team I built recently lacks a Knock Off user and Pex is the only member that seems to have room for it. I have several status and another scald user. The set would be Knock, Recover, T-Pikes, Haze. I don't really know if there are mons that you can't wall without Scald (among those that you normally wall 24/7).
Is it counterproductive to run Knock Off over Scald on Pex?

Context: a balance team I built recently lacks a Knock Off user and Pex is the only member that seems to have room for it. I have several status and another scald user. The set would be Knock, Recover, T-Pikes, Haze. I don't really know if there are mons that you can't wall without Scald (among those that you normally wall 24/7).
Nah, it's fine. A lot depends on the team. I would not advise dropping Haze, but Knock Off is like a backslash option on the analysis, behind Scald of course.
Let's say you're an 1850s player playing against a 1600s player on Showdown; under what rankings would those usage stats fall under?
it's actually dependent on a stat called Glicko rather than the ELO, and I'm not exactly sure how that number is calculated.
I like the idea of TR Magearna on a team but I'm not really sure where to put it to be most effective. Like should I aim for BO or more like HO with Mage to catch other HO's off guard? Any teammate recommendations?
I like the idea of TR Magearna on a team but I'm not really sure where to put it to be most effective. Like should I aim for BO or more like HO with Mage to catch other HO's off guard? Any teammate recommendations?
I'd probably aim to use it in conjunction with Spikes support from a Greninja (or Ash Greninja) on bulky-offense. Perhaps pair it with a slower core and then speed control in order to be safe against opposing offensive threats. This is a bit overly general, but I'd say this is the most consistent type of team to fit a sweeping Magearna on, currently (including both TR and SG).