Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

If the z move slot is taken is Life Orb Tornadus Therian viable?
It's viable and it always has been, but it is not ideal as it dies much quicker, lacks toe one-time nuke of Z-Hurricane, and generally does not play as smoothly as the Z-Hurricane variants. Overall, you can be a nice fast mixed wallbreaker with Regenerator regardless of item and LO is probably the second best option, behind Z-Hurricane, but it is quite a ways behind. I would not advise using it unless it fits very well onto your team, pretty much.
What's the biggest knee jerk thing to switch lando on? I've been thinking about sword dance kartana with adrenaline orb(intimidate rises speed) cause if that thing basically got a dragon dance off it'd be insane once stuff like zapados is gone

Or might there be a better abuser?
What's the biggest knee jerk thing to switch lando on? I've been thinking about sword dance kartana with adrenaline orb(intimidate rises speed) cause if that thing basically got a dragon dance off it'd be insane once stuff like zapados is gone

Or might there be a better abuser?
I mean if you mean knee jerk the way it’s intended, usually people pivot in a Celesteela, Landorus-T of their own, Regenerator Grass types, and stuff like Mega Scizor or Tornadus-T pivot in pretty effortlessly.

If you mean abusing Landorus-T, then it’s a bit harder unless you use generally niche sets like that Kartana set — Landorus-T is as good as it is for a reason and when using U-turn and having utility + coverage moves, it isn’t easy to abuse. With that said, there are a number of things that can come in and take advantage of it — most notably the aforementioned Tornadus-T with Z Hurricane, but also offensive variants of Tapu Bulu, and Kyurem-Black (especially with Roosr for longevity). Honestly, you don’t really need to do this in practice anyway as a well-built team can naturally cripple Landorus-T over time and then take advantage of it being weakened during the later portion of the game.
I just want to make a lando lure that puts their whole team in danger kart was the only thing that came to mind. But I guess bulu and another lando could work. But lando has z moves and both move moves anyhow
I just want to make a lando lure that puts their whole team in danger kart was the only thing that came to mind. But I guess bulu and another lando could work. But lando has z moves and both move moves anyhow
That’s just going back to my point from before — you can’t really abuse Landorus-T to much and that’s part of why it’s so good. You can throw HP Ice in stuff for sure and that’s already done, but beyond that it isn’t easy due to versatility and general effectiveness in a practical sense with U-turn and Intimidate and coverage/utility of its own.

Adrenaline Orb Kartana doesn’t really do a ton either as you only get your speed increased and you have to SD up, so you only beat it if you SD on the switch, it can also pivot out to a bulky grass or actual check like Celesteela or Zapdos, and they have been running HP Fire periodically. This also doesn’t switch into Landorus-T and it doesn’t lure it at all, so much as take advantage of a singular function of it, being Intimindate, so I fail to see how this is fully taking advantage of things, let alone doing it in a practical fashion.
Naganadel is banned from OU, making Blacephalon by default a better attacker in the OU metagame. If you're unsure whether a Pokemon has been banned to Ubers, this page lists all the Ubers by tiering Pokemon that cannot be used in OU.
Thank you this will be helpful
On my blacephalon should I use mind blown, or fire blast
Fire blast is a lower accuracy move but has no recoil, while mind blown has recoil I forget mind blown accuracy

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Thank you this will be helpful
On my blacephalon should I use mind blown, or fire blast
Fire blast is a lower accuracy move but has no recoil, while mind blown has recoil I forget mind blown accuracy
Thank you
I just looked at the recoil damage on mind blown, and that move is terrible
Blacephalon is now in the bad signature move club, not to be confused with the" Pokemon who were going to get a mega, but didn't club
Don't double post on this forum, and avoid useless one-liners.
I want something that can cover for both grass types and steel types. Pinsir gets grass with aerialate, while volcarona does it with fire type. Both can do it with bug, but the only 2 reliable bug moves are mega horn and bug buzz.
For Mega Pinsir, you likely wouldn’t want to run bug coverage on it at all, as it usually doesn’t have room in its set for that. Generally, it’s better to go with the standard set found in the strategy dex on smogon, which I can’t link right now because I’m on mobile. And to cover steel types, I would actually recommend running magnezone if your team has the room for it, as it effectively traps many of the steel types in the tier, allowing for sweepers like mega pinsir that are often stopped by steels such as Celesteela, to effectively sweep.

Hope this helps you, and welcome to smogon!
I have just checked the viability rankings and we note the absence of a number of Borderline. This is the case of:
Xurkitree and again recently
It is understandable that they certainly have no niche in USUM (if they are not even present in the rank C-, it is to tell you how horrible they are in OU gen 7). This is particularly egregious because they have no analysis on Smogon (we still see the important schism of power between the OU and the UU). Are they totally unusable or does a micro-niche exist (at least one moveset)? I guess they are waiting to be retested in UU (because otherwise they are doomed). Or create a specific rank D (as in Uber: OU by technicality but which are strongly discouraged to play)
I have just checked the viability rankings and we note the absence of a number of Borderline. This is the case of:
View attachment 107420Buzzwhole, View attachment 107421Conkeldurr, View attachment 107422Diggersby, View attachment 107423 Gardevoir-Mega, View attachment 107424Porygon-Z, View attachment 107425Staraptor, View attachment 107426Xurkitree and again recently View attachment 107427Breloom
It is understandable that they certainly have no niche in USUM (if they are not even present in the rank C-, it is to tell you how horrible they are in OU gen 7). This is particularly egregious because they have no analysis on Smogon (we still see the important schism of power between the OU and the UU). Are they totally unusable or does a micro-niche exist (at least one moveset)? I guess they are waiting to be retested in UU (because otherwise they are doomed). Or create a specific rank D (as in Uber: OU by technicality but which are strongly discouraged to play)
Their presence in BL doesn't by definition mean they don't have a niche. We tier based on usage, not viability. None of these mons were good enough to reach OU by usage, but that doesn't mean they're unviable. That said, usage and viability are related. If none of them are listed in the viability rankings, it's safe to say their niches are minimal. There isn't a D-tier because the mods didn't want to clog up the Viability Ranking thread with discussion on near-unviable mons. There's been some discussion about Staraptor lately, and to a certain extent Buzzwole, but for the most part these mons don't really have solid niches in the OU meta at the moment.