Resource Simple Questions, Simple Answers Thread (read the op before posting a thread)

this should work
Doublade @ Eviolite
Ability: No Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def
Impish Nature
IVs: 30 Atk
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Rock Slide

While this is a cool counterpick some of these mons u mentioned AND medicham as an added bonus, It does not deal with kartana due to the addition of knock off, same goes for scizor as scizor commonly runs knock off to cripple common switchins like pex/steela/skarm

in general tho id advise u to use physdef steela or zapdos instead cause theyre not matchup reliant like doub and generally useful against every team (which doublade can be commonly deadweight)
Doublade has like 40 spa never use hidden power on it
While this is a cool counterpick some of these mons u mentioned AND medicham as an added bonus, It does not deal with kartana due to the addition of knock off, same goes for scizor as scizor commonly runs knock off to cripple common switchins like pex/steela/skarm

in general tho id advise u to use physdef steela or zapdos instead cause theyre not matchup reliant like doub and generally useful against every team (which doublade can be commonly deadweight)
Doublade has like 40 spa never use hidden power on it
No, actually, it couldn’t.

Celesteela does the trick to an extent, but Skarmory is the best Pokemon for the job - likely a Counter variant Kakimori

yeah but he asked for something else than Zapdos so i made him a list of mons that can take on at least variants of those mons as Kartana and Scizor dont always run Knock. And i mentioned Skarm b4 but SD Kartana can break that so i just wrote in other stuff that came into my mind. Also Doublade takes 2 Knock Off easy and can revenge with HP Fire. (not saying this is viable but he asked for it lol)

+2 252 Atk Kartana All-Out Pummeling (175 BP) vs. 248 HP / 252+ Def Skarmory: 277-327 (83.1 - 98.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
0 SpA Doublade Hidden Power Fire vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Kartana: 224-264 (86.4 - 101.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock
252 Atk Kartana Knock Off vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Doublade: 100-118 (31 - 36.6%) -- 64.2% chance to 3HKO

edit to Kakimori: ik but u asked for it so i just made a list of mons lol :(
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I haven't been using Skarmory because HJK does nasty damage to it even with max defenses and the threat of Magnezone is real. Probably Zapdos is the best thing out there...I really need to find another Defogger, though.

Astoria, the problem with Doublade is that offensive teams can switch out of it repeatedly and wear it down until it's low enough to sweep. Skarmory and Zapdos have reliable recovery to keep themselves high enough to prevent a sweep, which is why they're the premiere checks to physical flying spam.
What hard-counters M-Pinsir, Hawlucha, Kartana, and M-Scizor besides Zapdos?

Also are there any places around here I can bump heads with a decently high-ranked player (1700+) about teambuilding other than making a full RMT?
Landorus-T with HP Fire would work best, unless you already have Landorus-T on your team and can’t fit in HP Fire.
What hard-counters M-Pinsir, Hawlucha, Kartana, and M-Scizor besides Zapdos?

Also are there any places around here I can bump heads with a decently high-ranked player (1700+) about teambuilding other than making a full RMT?
The closest you're gonna get is physically defensive Celesteela but even that gets boned by Hawlucha if you get outplayed. Also the RMT room on showdown is a pretty good place to go for team help (as long as you know which people to listen to and which people not to listen to) because there's a lot of knowledgeable raters there.
Do Fire/Water/Grass cores still hold up in the current meta? A lot of my teams have them and I’m not too sure of the results
Do Fire/Water/Grass cores still hold up in the current meta? A lot of my teams have them and I’m not too sure of the results
Generally, it’s best to try and build the most optimal team possible given what you have on the table and not aim to specifically have a FWG core. Sometimes, they naturally pop up given how common Pokemon like Tapu Bulu, Heatran, and Toxapex are, but I would say not to explicitly try to integrate them into teams.
Can anyone give me an example of a set or mon that sort of appeared out of nowhere and became viable mid gen? Like something out of the creative/underrated thread that shook up the meta. Is Physical Z Koko a good example?

I frequently build with lower tier/heat sets trying to strike gold, mostly exploring Z-moves.
Can anyone give me an example of a set or mon that sort of appeared out of nowhere and became viable mid gen? Like something out of the creative/underrated thread that shook up the meta. Is Physical Z Koko a good example?
Some of these mons would be Mega Camerupt, Hawlucha, and Reuniclus, they'd never been popular but at a certain time they started to see incredible usage.

E: Sniped :J
I think that Hawlucha is good example of that, if not the best
I remember seeing an rmt a really long time ago of a guy who made it to 1900 w Lucha Koko, like in May and it wasn’t a rain team. I wonder if his team was the first?

I think the creative thread is my favorite thread in the whole site, shame it’s so slow.
I don't know if you mean the current gen, but in XY Will-o-Wisp defensive Mega-Charizard-X appeared out of nowhere and started tearing up its regular counters. It had mostly been run as a bulky DD sweeper until then.

Back when Aegislash was in OU, it developed a horribly annoying SubToxic set that was quoted as one of the rationales for banning it (the pokemon that took on regular Aegislash would lose to the Toxic version). From what I can see, Toxic is pretty common on it now in Ubers, but that wasn't always the case.

Back in BW, there was a Leftovers SubDD sweeper Gyarados set that ran Fly so it could get past Ferrothorn. Nice bonus was extra Leftovers turns while in the air. I believe it was Sub/DD/Fly/Waterfall.

Back when Eviolite first came out, it took people a bit of time to clue into Eviolite Chansey being better than Blissey.

Shit, I remember when SpDef TTar was a huge innovation. I remember discussing it as a batshit crazy theory back in DP, and by BW it had become more or less standard (alongside Scarf) as a check to the newly introduced Flying spam.

Choice Band Ferrothorn was a thing and its Gyro Balls really hurt.

If you're looking to develop your own creative set, the best place to start is by scouring the movepool and stats of the pokemon in question and seeing if there are any alternative applications. Can a normally bulky Pokemon go offensive? Are there moves normally not being run that can give you a leg up on a potential counter or improve some matchups? Something I ran into recently that cleaned my clock was Assault Vest Hoopa-U. Shit took like 35% from my Gengar's Never-Ending Nightmare and one-shot me.
Why is Mewtwo Ubers?
Mewtwo is considered a powerful legendary for a reason. On its own, it demolishes the whole metagame, with little to no pokemon able to retaliate against it powerful psychic moves and amazing coverage, as well as the fact that it has an insane speed tier, allowing it to speed tie Koko, and is only barely slower than Ash Greninja. It goes without saying that Mewtwo is still too much for any pokemon to handle in OU, and is therefore Ubers.

Edit: Greninja'd
Hi! I've been seeing that some scarfed Pokémon at -1 Speed have +1/-1 speed from its base, why is that a thing? Thanks in advance :)