Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 51 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

Where should I look if I want a Masuda ditto for Sword? I don’t really care about the IVs on it, just want the shiny boost. I haven’t used Smogon for WiFi before.
Hello. I am looking for a shiny own tempo rockruff or shiny dusk form lycanroc with egg moves and/or a shiny squirtle with egg moves, however I want the shiny own tempo rockruff more and I am willing to trade a shiny treecko and shiny rowlet for either of those. I want to trade in ultra moon or ultra sun as I do not have a switch nor scarlet/violet. Thank you for hearing me out.
This is my first time looking into this - would this be the forum to go to if I just finally finished playing Moon and I want to ask for help to finish my dex?
Hey, I had a question. Is there any way for me to get a Zeraora in SWSH legitimately (Through trading, I’d assume) or can it not be traded? It’s my favourite pokemon but I’ve consistently been unlucky enough to miss the distributions ever since USUM.
Hey, I had a question. Is there any way for me to get a Zeraora in SWSH legitimately (Through trading, I’d assume) or can it not be traded? It’s my favourite pokemon but I’ve consistently been unlucky enough to miss the distributions ever since USUM.
SWSH has no problems with trades, so long as you can find someone to trade with there's no issues.
Yup! Ask for what you need and if someone can help you. They will respond back :)

Awesome! I don't know how easy it is to get the other two starters (I have Rowlet), but I'm hoping to get the Sun exclusives (Cottonee, etc.) as well as evolve mons (Haunter, Machoke, etc.)
Hi!! im currently seeking with people that can trade with me to help me complete my pokedex, or just play the Union circle together For the PALDEAN pokedex!

right now I only have 346 pokemon, and I’m having trouble to find some! (I’ll do the legendaries)

im also questioning, how do I get a miraidon?
im also questioning, how do I get a miraidon?

If you’re a Scarlet player, you’ll have to trade for it. For Violet, you can toggle the ridable Miraidon between an active party member and its riding form, but you can also catch a second one within the Area Zero lab (both of them post-game)
If you’re a Scarlet player, you’ll have to trade for it. For Violet, you can toggle the ridable Miraidon between an active party member and its riding form, but you can also catch a second one within the Area Zero lab (both of them post-game)
Thank you! I’m actually a scarlet player so yeah
Already asked on discord, to have it in more places LF Ability Patch(es,) or an HA Phantump. For multiple patches, or 1 and the HA mon(in plain poke ball grass tera, not ghost, please,) can trade any 1 shiny I have(bar Garg, Clod, or traded Dondozo.) For just 1 patch, or the Phantump alone, some legendary should suffice. Also have various mons from tera raids can trade.

EDIT: Found HA Trevenant in a raid.
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I am playing a Generation VI game, and I would like to trade for a Froakie with the Protean Ability. In return, I can trade a LV. 1 Male Chespin with
the Overgrow Ability or a LV.1 Male Fennekin with the Blaze Ability.
Hi! It's been a while since the last time that I've been around these parts, but here goes.

LF a Raging Bolt and a Gouging Fire - preferably in a fancy/matching Poké Ball. I can offer anything from my ages-old trade thread, but if you're interested in something else (i.e old gen stuff, breeding requests, Shinies, etc), we can work something out.
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Hi! It's been a while since the last time that I've been around these parts, but here goes.

LF a Raging Bolt and a Gouging Fire - preferably in a fancy/matching Poké Ball. I can offer anything from my ages-old trade thread, but if you're interested in something else (i.e old gen stuff, breeding requests, Shinies, etc), we can work something out.
Hi Albus! You can have a clone of mine if you want. Check my trade thread here in the Wi-Fi section, so you can choose which ball you want.

Oh and you can have them for free. :)

Edit: DM me here or find me in the Smogon Wi-Fi discord channel.
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I am playing a Generation VI game, and I would like to trade for a Yveltal. In return, I can trade a Xerneas, Zygarde, Mewtwo or almost any Pokemon in any of Kalos' Pokedexes. I would also like to immediately reverse the trade; I am only interested in Yveltal's Pokedex entry.
Is it possible to clone Mythicals? I’d assume so, the glitches would essentially be the same no matter what Pokemon it was affecting, correct?
Hey, suggested this idea on Discord and was told to put it here.

Would people be interested in a thread for 3ds friend codes, with 3ds online shutting down in a few weeks? It would give people one last chance to do stuff in Gens 6 and 7 that require two people. This would include: unlocking specific Friend Safari mons, trading Vivillon forms, and helping finish pokedexes via trade evos and version exclusives.

Also should note that while the thread would focus on Pokemon games, I'm sure there's other 3ds games that also benefit from more friends.
Would people be interested in a thread for 3ds friend codes, with 3ds online shutting down in a few weeks? It would give people one last chance to do stuff in Gens 6 and 7 that require two people. This would include: unlocking specific Friend Safari mons, trading Vivillon forms, and helping finish pokedexes via trade evos and version exclusives.

I would be interested in such a thread.
Hello! I need somebody to help trade My Pokemon back to Me and/or willing to Trade Me a Huntail! Huntail is the ONLY Pokemon I need left to Complete My National Dex on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond!

I have the Clampearl and w/DeepSeaTooth,

Lets Trade!
Whoever Responds I'll Provide a
Link Code for Trading, and IGN.
I can trade a few others as well.


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Hello! I need somebody to help trade My Pokemon back to Me and/or willing to Trade Me a Huntail! Huntail is the ONLY Pokemon I need left to Complete My National Dex on Pokemon Brilliant Diamond!

I have the Clampearl and w/DeepSeaTooth,

Lets Trade!
Whoever Responds I'll Provide a
Link Code for Trading, and IGN.
I can trade a few others as well.
If you head over to the wifi Discord (link is on the first page) there should be someone around that will be able to help.