Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Looking for an HA female Psyduck in Dive ball and a female Lure/Fast ball Hoppip in gen 6. I can offer tons of breedjects.
Also looking for UM/Moon exclusive Fortune tents/clothes and a male Passimian with egg moves.

Edit: Anyone has a Safari ball female Gastly in gen 6? I really need one.
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I'm looking for someone who can help me clone a very dear Pokemon for me on ORAS. I would prefer if you didn't keep a copy, and can offer some high ived stuff in special balls in Sun/Moon.
I'm looking for someone who can help me clone a very dear Pokemon for me on ORAS. I would prefer if you didn't keep a copy, and can offer some high ived stuff in special balls in Sun/Moon.
Sure, feel free to drop me a PM; if it's only one, it is very simple.
Does anyone here have a Jolly Regigigas with good IVs? It's alright if it's a clone.

Edit: Also looking for Relaxed Spinda with Contrary; IVs don't matter.
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LF: fast ball shroomish
edit: also LF facebook smogon clefable GA

FT: breedjects, other balltism mons, BRs, items, services, other
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Have got 22 Shiny Jolly Spearow (w/ Double Edge - Gen 1-3 only) with random 3 IVs (nicknamed KENYA). Since I have RNG'd a hexflawless version for myself and do not need these, feel free to shoot me a VM with what you've deposited and I'll send you one.
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