Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 49 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Odd/selfish request here. Does anyone have a VGC team to donate? I’ve been playing with some QR codes but haven’t successfully built a team for the new format due to having exhausted my access to legendaries. I just really fancy playing some battle spot but without being able to tailor my legendaries (particularly the restricteds) I’m finding it difficult
Looking for in gen 6:

- a female Shieldon in an Ultra ball
- a female Growlithe in a Love or Level ball
- a female Phanpy in a Moon or Fast ball
I can offer many breedjects for these.

- a Modest or Timid RNG'd Diancie (regular color)
- a RNG'd Rash/Naive Deoxys (regular color)
- both Event Vivillon (RNG, modest or timid
- anyone who can RNG breed me a Naive female Aerodactyl (i'll provide a female parent with the desired ball and egg moves)
I can trade TSV shinies or do breeding projects (in gen 6 or 7) in exchange for these.

Edit: I was taking a look at some of my old gen 6 mons before transferring to USUM and i have a question.
I have a lv 100 Swalot that does not have Venom Drench as egg move. However, i noticed that Venom Drench is part of Swalot's Learnset in gen 7. Will my old Swalot be able to get it via move relearner in gen 7?

And are gen 6 egg moves relearnable in gen 7?
Would anyone who received the Smogon GA of the shiny Groudon be generous enough to give me a clone? Missed it while redepositing my ass off during the first 2 waves lol
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I hope you guys can answer at least one of these questions.

Does hyper training remain in effect in Wifi battles? Does it remain in effect if the Pokemon is traded and then entered in a Wifi battle?
Out of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, which games have mechanics, intended or glitches, that make it easier to obtain certain Pokemon? For example, do they have different Pokemon duplicating glitches, breeding mechanics, shiny Ditto glitch, or Pokemon that are more likely to be shiny?
What's the easiest way to clone Pokemon in Generation 6 in China, with or without third party hacking tools?
What's the easiest way to get every mythical Pokemon without hacking or attending the events? Possibly by using the GTS?
What are all the gift Pokemon, in Emerald or after Generation 4, that are affected by synchronize? I already know that synchronize doesn't affect gift Pokemon in Generation 4.
If I want to soft reset for a jolly Pokemon Channel Jirachi, where do I have to save? What do I have to do each time I soft reset?
In the VC edition of Yellow, is there a glitch that lets me get any Pokemon with any move?
I will try to answer all of your questions to the best of my knowledge and abilities.

Does hyper training remain in effect in Wifi battles? Does it remain in effect if the Pokemon is traded and then entered in a Wifi battle?
Hyper Training is permanent. It cannot be undone by any means. A hyper-trained stat will "act" as if it were 31, but the original Hidden Power type remains.
Out of Gold, Silver, and Crystal, which games have mechanics, intended or glitches, that make it easier to obtain certain Pokemon? For example, do they have different Pokemon duplicating glitches, breeding mechanics, shiny Ditto glitch, or Pokemon that are more likely to be shiny?
In Pokémon Crystal you can pick up the Odd Egg at the daycare. In the international versions of Pokémon Crystal (outside of Japan), there is a 14% chance the hatched Pokémon (Pichu, Cleffa, Igglybuff, Tyroque, Smoochum, Elekid, Magby) will be Shiny (DVs: 2/10/10/10). (Source)
What's the easiest way to clone Pokemon in Generation 6 in China, with or without third party hacking tools?
Unfortunately cloning cannot be done without the use of external tools. While some Pokémon communities allow it, since it does not alter the data and since it incentivizes trades, it is not endorsed by Game Freak by any means. There are ways of using ingame glitches in Gold, Silver, Crystal and Emerald. (Source)
What's the easiest way to get every mythical Pokemon without hacking or attending the events? Possibly by using the GTS?
The "easiest" way to obtain mythical Pokémon is to participate during certain events and official competitions or to trade for them. You will only ever find hacked events on the GTS and on Wonder Trade. The simple reason is that, under normal circumstances, a special ribbon will always prevent a mythical Pokémon from being traded that way, unless the ribbon gets removed via external tools, hence making it illegal.
What are all the gift Pokemon, in Emerald or after Generation 4, that are affected by synchronize? I already know that synchronize doesn't affect gift Pokemon in Generation 4.
Synchronizers affecting the nature of gift Pokémon has been introduced on Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. (Source)
If I want to soft reset for a jolly Pokemon Channel Jirachi, where do I have to save? What do I have to do each time I soft reset?
Apparently you need to beat the entire game all over again to get another shot at receiving the nature you want. (Source)
In the VC edition of Yellow, is there a glitch that lets me get any Pokemon with any move?

There are methods of doing this, but it would take a lot of time to explain these.
Some variations of the Mew Glitch in Red, Blue and Yellow can let you encounter any Pokémon you want. (Source)
Arbitrary Code Execution (ACE) can help with the moves. (Source)
You can find a lot of useful guides on YouTube regarding this topic.
Looking for a kind soul to help me out. My ds got stolen and my hidden ability Tyrogue of course was on the cartridge that was in it. I'd be really grateful for someone to toss me one. Send me a PM if you're willing to help.
How does Smogon clone Pokemon for their giveaways?
We all use third party/external methods to clone Pokemon for the giveaways. Specific methods vary, but discussion of said specifics are, as mentioned, disallowed on the forums; while cloning is allowed, the methods themselves cannot be discussed here.
I will point out, in addition to what Max. Optimizer mentioned, that there is a (very inexact) method in Generation VI that allows one to clone without the use of external devices/hardware. It does, however, require two 3DSes and involves manipulating the trade screen; it is very inexact and prone to failure, though. Aforesaid method does also work in Generation VII, in fact, but using this method gets you trade banned, so it is not a useful method here by any means.
That article only mentions eggs in Generation 7 and isn't clear about how they work in Generation 6.
They don't. The only gifts that Synchronize is able to affect are the non-Mystery Gift ones in Generation VI and VII. As an example, the QR code Magearna.

In any case, eggs have just never been affected by the Synchronize ability in any guise up to this point.
I have a lot of comp breeds that I don't need for trade. LF interesting bank balls. I would also really like a HP Fire Ditto and HP Grass Ditto.

Slowpoke @ Dream Ball
Bold, Regenerator 31/x/31/31/31/31
EMs: Wonder Room, Future Sight, Belly Drum, Belch

3x Charmander @ Moon Ball
Timid, Blaze, 31/x/31/31/31/31
EMs: Ancient Power, Dragon Pulse, Outrage, Dragon Dance
Note: Also have a comp Charmander in a Pokeball. Only EM is Dragon Pulse

Bulbasaur @ Pokeball
Modest, Chlorophyll 31/x/31/31/31/31
EMs: Petal Dance, Ingrain, Giga Drain, Grass Whistle

2x Sandshrew @ Heavy Ball
Jolly, Sand Rush 31/31/31/x/31 or 30/31
EMs: Flail, Counter, Night Slash, Rapid Spin
Note: One Sandshrew is flawless, One has a 30 IV in SpD. Also have 2 more comp Sandshrew but no EMs. One in Heavy Ball and one in Luxury Ball.

2xNidoran Male @ Dream Ball
Timid, Hustle, 31/x/31/31/31/31
EMs: Poison Tail, Iron Tail, Chip Away, Venom Drench

Vulpix-Kanto @ Love Ball
Timid, Drought, 31/x/31/31/31/31
EMs: Heat Wave, Hypnosis, Flare Blitz, Extrasensory
Note: Also have a comp Vulpix in a Pokeball with no EMs

Growlithe @ Fast Ball
Jolly, Flash Fire, 31/31/31/x/31/31
EMs: Burn Up, Close COmbat, Flare Blitz, Morning Sun
Note: Have a 2nd Growlithe with 30 SpD instead of 31

Poliwag @ Friend Ball
Calm, Damp, 31/x/31/31/31/31
EMs: Encore, Haze, Endeavor, Endure

Poliwag @ Lure Ball
Timid, Damp, 31/x/31/31/30/31
EMs: Encore, Haze, Endavor, Refresh

Machop @ Love Ball
Adamant, Guts, 31/31/31/x/31/31
EMs: Knock Off, Bullet Punch, Close Combat, Ice Punch

Magnemite @ Pokeball
Timid, Magnet Pull, 31/x/31/31/31/31

Thank you!!!
Anyone able to gift me a timid Necrozma what with the trade shop being closed for a week or so I’m short this mon and any help is appreciated.
I am looking for a shiny male murkrow, with an adamant nature and the egg moves brave bird, featherdance, psycho shift, and screech. I want to breed one myself but I need a murkrow with those egg moves. I have a few shadow tag gothitas if anyone is interested.
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Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I'm currently trying to beat the Battle Agency and I need some help. If there is anyone who is at grade 45 or higher that would be willing to help me out, it would be highly appreciated!
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I'm currently trying to beat the Battle Agency and I need some help. If there is anyone who is at grade 45 or higher that would be willing to help me out, it would be highly appreciated!
I'm grade 50. I can help you out, but i'll have to check wich mon i have available.
I haven't played in a long time so, i don't remember what i had selected and it might need to be changed. :)
Not sure if this is the right place for this, but I'm currently trying to beat the Battle Agency and I need some help. If there is anyone who is at grade 45 or higher that would be willing to help me out, it would be highly appreciated!

I'm also Grade 50 and willing to help. I currently have a Zapdos with Double Team, Charge Beam, Roost and Ancient Power.
Feel free to leave me a message on my profile in case you're interested and we can schedule a time to meet up at the Festival Plaza.
Anyone wanna help me evolve my Magmar please?
Replaying Ultra Sun and kinda wanna get my last team member fully evolved before going into Pony Island if possible.
Also since I cannot remember if my old sig still works or has the right info, here is my FC and IGN name
3DS FC: 0963-4866-8920 IGN: Haruki
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