Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 47 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Can someone help me trade evolve a Mon really quick?
Yeah, my FC is 0619-7798-4218.
Dream Ball Lapras is legal. This list could come in handy for checking ball legality in the future.

And to answer your question of where Dream Balls come from: They're from dream world back in gen 5, Dream world was shut down along with a while ago, though. So you can't get new Dream Ball Pokemon with regular means (aside from those who are still available in Dream Radar), only trade the remains of what was caught before it was shut down.
Thank You ! :)
I have to imagine that retailers (most notably, Gamestop) are paying them to distribute these things exclusively in their stores, in order to drum up business. Pokemon players are forced to go "I don't even know if one of those stores is nearby me" and then they go online, look it up, and find one, which they'd never have done otherwise. Suddenly that person knows where the nearest Gamestop is, and how to get there.
Looking for a female dream ball Fineon!
Also i dont know if this is the right place to ask but would an modest with swim swift lumineon work on the offensive even though it has atrocious spatk?
Also, I'm SRing a keldeo, and run into an interesting predicament. should I keep or throw away this IV spread:
31 13 30 31 31 27

Definite toss, Speed should always be optimal, especially for Keldeo. Naive nature with a low attack IV is also nothing to brag about, since if you're not taking advantage of the physical attack, a Naive Nature Keldeo basically corresponds to a Timid one with an Sp.D IV of 9. And it's not like Keldeo really ever needs to use its Physical attack, since it's so low and has Secret Sword to deal with Special walls that aren't immune/heavily resistant to it.
Currently looking for the following:

  • Careful Lance's Dragonite (Barrier event). Any IVs will be accepted. CMT for offers.
  • HA Treecko in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Torchic in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Mudkip in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Turtwig in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Chimchar in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Piplup in a Luxury Ball
CMT for offers
Currently looking for the following:

  • Careful Lance's Dragonite (Barrier event). Any IVs will be accepted. CMT for offers.
  • HA Treecko in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Torchic in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Mudkip in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Turtwig in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Chimchar in a Luxury Ball
  • HA Piplup in a Luxury Ball
CMT for offers
Sorry but those HA starters are only in pokeballs for now. Hopefully gen 7 will fix that.

31/x/31/20-23/31/31 :Timid

Flawless or bust??
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