Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 44 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Great, heal, or luxury. Personally, I think Heal Ball fits the best, especially with its Poison Heal ability.

Looking for a Groudon to touch trade. And is there really any point in SR'ing Ho-Oh since it'll just have Pressure? Might just catch it after I'm done with Terrakion. (which might take awhile)
Nope, non-Regenerator Ho-oh is useless :( (or, completely outclassed).
Great, heal, or luxury. Personally, I think Heal Ball fits the best, especially with its Poison Heal ability.

Looking for a Groudon to touch trade. And is there really any point in SR'ing Ho-Oh since it'll just have Pressure? Might just catch it after I'm done with Terrakion. (which might take awhile)
Nope, non-Regenerator Ho-oh is useless :( (or, completely outclassed).
And you can capture it in HGSS in a Fast Ball, which looks epic for shiny. So yeah I shouldn't be bothered. Thanks for the suggestion though, will go for Heal :)
Great, heal, or luxury. Personally, I think Heal Ball fits the best, especially with its Poison Heal ability.

Looking for a Groudon to touch trade. And is there really any point in SR'ing Ho-Oh since it'll just have Pressure? Might just catch it after I'm done with Terrakion. (which might take awhile)
Don't waste any considerable time SRing it, since it has practically zero trade value. Regenerator Ho-Oh is better competitively, and as Buckert mentioned, there are prettier balls in HGSS that would make a 4th Gen Ho-Oh worth more.
Hey everyone, I know RNGs aren't currently as sexy as SRs, but I have 5 clones of my RNG'd HP Ice Heatran that have been rotting away in my Bank for a while. Would anyone be interested in trading for one of them? I'm mainly looking for other competitive legends. Here's the info, PM or VM me if you're interested:


#485 Heatran
Lv. 68 UT

Nature: Modest
Ability: Flash Fire
IVs: 31/0/30/31/31/31 (HP Ice)
Tutor Moves: Stealth Rock, Dragon Pulse
OT: Tate 24975 (RNG'd on my White 2 cartridge)

Non Redistributable
Keep or toss this Landorus?


I know this seems like an obvious keep, but this is for VGC, so it's gonna lose a point in both Atk and Spe...
Ball recommendations for a shiny stunky? I just encountered one in a horde, unsure whether to go with heal ball or not hm
Keep or toss this Landorus?


I know this seems like an obvious keep, but this is for VGC, so it's gonna lose a point in both Atk and Spe...

I'd Keep it, thanks to Lando-T's awkward base Speed that 30 Spe IV doesn't make too much of a difference outspeeding 'mons in VGC (except mirror matches, which shouldn't be a problem, unless the opposing Lando-T has lolHPIce). Nice Job!

Calm Cresselia

Is this acceptable?
Keep imo, Cress sucks offensively anyway, and that SpA IV is pretty decent.
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Posting here to wonder if anyone wanted to help me out in designing my shop thread, including some art, as well as design and other tips (also, is this the right place? I checked in Smeargle's Studio but couldn't find a thread - if there is something where this should be can someone direct me to it)? Not asking for free, of course. Offering any mon in my shop thread as payment (two if you're really stellar with art, design, etc). Link to my shop thread is in my signature.
Thanks in advance :)
I've noticed on Facebook that Contrary Snivy evo line is tradeable on wifi.

I just want some reassurance that it is still hacked but somehow tradeable. Has it been released and I missed it or am I right that they are still hacks?
Can someone help me transfer a black sludge from my Y to my AS?

Edit: I'll give a lucky egg to whoever helps me... pls. Send me a PM.

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I just got this Latias, Keep or Toss?

Timid - 31 / 7-9 / 31 / 31 / 27-29 / 31

I'm not planning to trade it, I'm planning to use it for myself for Battle Spot/VGC stuff, but idk.
I just got this Latias, Keep or Toss?

Timid - 31 / 7-9 / 31 / 31 / 27-29 / 31

I'm not planning to trade it, I'm planning to use it for myself for Battle Spot/VGC stuff, but idk.
I'd say definite keep if you're using it yourself, especially if the SpD is 29. It could also have some trade value as well (again, if the SpD is 29). What ball?
I just got this Latias, Keep or Toss?

Timid - 31 / 7-9 / 31 / 31 / 27-29 / 31

I'm not planning to trade it, I'm planning to use it for myself for Battle Spot/VGC stuff, but idk.
I'll keep it if you're not planning on trading it and only want to use it competitively.
I'd say definite keep if you're using it yourself, especially if the SpD is 29. It could also have some trade value as well (again, if the SpD is 29). What ball?
It's the one you get forcefully from Steven after defeating Team Aqua mooks in the Southern Island. Guess I'll try finding out if its SpD is 29 with lots of Zincs before keeping it.

Edit: Unfortunately I couldn't find its exact SpD with Zincs without getting broke, but I'm going to keep it; it isn't trade material for me anyway, specially with a boring-but-matching Poké Ball.
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It's the one you get forcefully from Steven after defeating Team Aqua mooks in the Southern Island. Guess I'll try finding out if its SpD is 29 with lots of Zincs before keeping it.

Edit: Unfortunately I couldn't find its exact SpD with Zincs without getting broke, but I'm going to keep it; it isn't trade material for me anyway, specially with a boring-but-matching Poké Ball.
In the future, you can use Super Training instead of Zinc/Protein/etc. to cheaply check IVs. Takes a little more time, but I find it's worth it :) Nice catch though, congrats!
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