Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 37 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Heal Ball or Premier Ball

Sorry, already got an offer on those, but I still need the frillish

Not sure what ya mean, but thanks :L

I got harrassed by an admin for doing whatever the heck that is actually. So I'm replying like this to keep that admin off my back. Knowing my luck there's a rule against this too. :p
Posting multiple posts right after another is against the rules because it's a cheap way to get a high post count (or something like that). What you did this time is what you're supposed to :)
Is it just my computer? Whenever I hit to edit something, it pops up this black and white loading thing and then stays like that... I can't edit my thread now. Any solutions?
Yo, I'm looking for flawless Dittos of every nature. I offer jolly flawless JAPANESE Dittos in return. I'm also looking for a female Squirtle with Rain Dish. plz help
As gotten no offers for my last request, gonna try something different.

Competitive/Masuda Method Combo Deal!
  • Field/Human (Lucario)
  • Water 1/Bug (Surkit)
  • MonsterGrass (Turtwig)
  • Mineral/Amp. (Yamask)
  • Water2Dragon (Magikarp)
  • FlyingWater3 (Archen)
  • Fairy (Cottonee)*
What do they have in common? They are all male with perfect IVs in all 6 stats while being English based. I've named them based on the egg groups each one belong too that I need. I use the following above to breed my competitive pokemon. I'd like to take a step further with them, and also use them for the Masuda method as well. If you wish to have them for competitive/masuda, take a look at the requirements to get them below:

  • They can't be English. French, German, Korean, etc is what I need for Masuda method (This means my perfects are English).
  • They all must be male.
  • They all must have perfect IVs in all 6 stats.
  • Trade 7 pokemon for 7 pokemon. No more, and especially no less.
  • Named after their egg groups (Optional).
  • After each trade, I'll be canceling the trade, and having them check by the judge to make sure they are legit to double check it has the perfect 6 IVs each time. Not gonna trade all 7 at once, then find out none are perfect.
Thanks in advance for whoever helps me with this!

*I'm aware it has two egg groups, but only named one of the group that I needed, as I got another one thats also Grass already.
As gotten no offers for my last request, gonna try something different.

Competitive/Masuda Method Combo Deal!
  • Field/Human (Lucario)
  • Water 1/Bug (Surkit)
  • MonsterGrass (Turtwig)
  • Mineral/Amp. (Yamask)
  • Water2Dragon (Magikarp)
  • FlyingWater3 (Archen)
  • Fairy (Cottonee)*
What do they have in common? They are all male with perfect IVs in all 6 stats while being English based. I've named them based on the egg groups each one belong too that I need. I use the following above to breed my competitive pokemon. I'd like to take a step further with them, and also use them for the Masuda method as well. If you wish to have them for competitive/masuda, take a look at the requirements to get them below:

  • They can't be English. French, German, Korean, etc is what I need for Masuda method (This means my perfects are English).
  • They all must be male.
  • They all must have perfect IVs in all 6 stats.
  • Trade 7 pokemon for 7 pokemon. No more, and especially no less.
  • Named after their egg groups (Optional).
  • After each trade, I'll be canceling the trade, and having them check by the judge to make sure they are legit to double check it has the perfect 6 IVs each time. Not gonna trade all 7 at once, then find out none are perfect.
Thanks in advance for whoever helps me with this!

*I'm aware it has two egg groups, but only named one of the group that I needed, as I got another one thats also Grass already.
Just a friendly piece of advice, I think you'll have a hard time finding someone here who will trade 7 for all 7. Most people here are using English games, and many people who aren't don't have seven 6 IV Males of those exact groups to trade around. I could be wrong, but you'll probably have more luck splitting up your offer and searching out people from different countries. Sb4ll4t0 may be a good person to start with.
Hey guys, first time on the site. If i accidentally mess up any forum rules please let me know so i can fix it. I do VGC and OU styled competitive. I'm looking for 5 iv Adamant scyther for a scizor that would know pursuit, bulletpunch, superpower, and u-turn. Some of these are egg moves. If any can get a MALE Adamant Scyther with 5iv and these moves i'd really appreciate it.

I have shiny Blaziken, Kyurem, Reshiram, Zekrom, Thundurus-T, Latias, Celebi, Electivire, Feebas, 6iv Modest Ditto, Immunity Gligar, Porygon, and various mega stones/ items. Many of these Pokemon have good Natures. I'm also looking for (all 5iv) immunity Gligar(impish), Tentacool for rapid spin, Stealth Rock Larvitar, and HA Drtaini, Jolly or Adamant.

If you have any of these or want anything I have, feel free to post an offer/ request. Thanks for any help you guys can offer.

*Edit- I also have Timid Latios and 5iv shiny Timid Charizard Y with Dragonpulse, but they are very special Pokemon obviously. If you have any questions about them, let me know.
---All are legit btw
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