Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 37 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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Got some 5IV Careful Pursuit + Stealth Rock Larvitars. The missing IV is either in HP or one of the Defenses, gomen.

Got 5IV Quiet Overgrow Giga Drain + Leaf Storm Bulbasaurs too. I'd like 5IV Pokemon for these and the 'Tars.

Lots and lots of 3-4 IV Adamant Huge Power Belly Drum + Aqua Jet Marills, 3 IV Naive Sand Veil/Rough Skin Gibles (only males left), 3 IV Naughty Justified Play Rough Absols (though males have 4), and a handful of 3 IV Relaxed Leech Seed + Spikes Ferroseeds. I'd be happy to take 3-4 IV 'mons for these guys.

I can breed Hasty Protean Toxic Spikes Froakies and Timid Frisk Switcheroo Noibats.

I can also acquire Battle Maison items.

I'd like:
  • Adamant Ditto (3/4/5 IV)
  • probably a long shot, but Shiny Quiet Honedge (doesn't need amazing IVs, willing to give lots of things for this)
  • other cool stuff, feel free to offer
oh boy time to breed my UU team~
Searching for someone willing to trade an Icy Snow Vivillion/Scatterbug (preferably 31/x/31/31/31/31 CompoundEyes) as well as someone with the TSVs 1757, 2284, and/or 1298 who would be willing to hatch for me.
Personally on the whole "Kalos" only bit my only complaint is that there are a lot of tutor moves that make certain pokemon useful (and trash without). Sylveon for example just isn't as appealing without heal bell and hyper voice. I dont understand, with all the other things they did to make competitive more casual, why they didnt make tutors passable or include some gen5 tutors in Kalos...
Move Tutors almost always are absent in the initial games of a generation, but are added in the sequel games. They've got to have some reason for us competitive players to buy them ;)

Hopefully we'll have some news on the inevitable Z Version soon...isn't it about that time of year for news?
Move Tutors almost always are absent in the initial games of a generation, but are added in the sequel games. They've got to have some reason for us competitive players to buy them ;)

Hopefully we'll have some news on the inevitable Z Version soon...isn't it about that time of year for news?
It usually takes longer BW2 was the exception.

And they could still entice the competitives, as long as Z offered some new competitive content, since XY's endgame was lacking.

They dont have to give us every Gen5 tutors just a handful...
Speaking of those, what's Tri-Attack Togepi's stance now that it was retyped to flying/fairy type? Is Tri-Attack even useful now?
It probably still be alright with a defensive togetic with serene grace once the lower tiers come out :3 (Da hax XD). Just wont have the damage output it did before, so it wouldnt be too good on a offensive set though.
Speaking of those, what's Tri-Attack Togepi's stance now that it was retyped to flying/fairy type? Is Tri-Attack even useful now?
The only reason that still makes Togep worth resetting is Helping Hand, which makes it really useful in Double (well, more that it is), otherwise lolno.

Regardless, in what Apricorn Ball should i catch this dawg? i can't decide.

I never thought it looked that well with that thing, i'll use it then, thank you!
Your welcome. Glad I could assist you :3

Now, on a completely unrelated note, freaking hate people who don't know about competitive stuff, and then try to say you should lose because of their lack of knowledge. Had a battle on showdown with this guy who apparently didn't know what a focus sash was, and got pissed off when he lost because my azelf lived the knock off with the focus sash and killed his weavile. Then he said I should've lost because I only lived with 1 hp... Yeah, just gonna stop there XD
If anybody has a spare HA Cleffa/Clefairy/Clefable they can give me, that'd be great! I'll give you an Ability Capsule err, or whatever BP Item you want. I just need it for the HA, IV's I can do myself ( Preferably in a Heal Ball but I'm okay with any ball ).
Do they exist in X and Y and are they trade-able?

I think I've been soft-resetting for about two weeks now and still don't have mine. They always seem to get perfect attack when I don't want them to ._.
Had the same issue when trying to catch my Timid Yveltal... so I swaped the nature to Hasty xD
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