Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 34 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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^ this right here. I was so deseprate to get a ditto safari then went to breed took like 5 minutes for an egg. traded kohaku for his dittos, now i get like 7 eggs in 5 minutes
Am i the only one here who doesnt want a ditto safari? ^^ all the dittos catched in there would be your OT... which means terrible long times to give eggs (even with the oval charm). I just uploaded a few spitbacks in the GTS and asked for level 30 Dittos, and via half an hour i got all the IVs with 2-3IV Dittos, which doesnt take a year to give me an egg
Well, I got lucky with a 4IV one that was timid with 31/xx/31/31/31/xx really early on, which helped me immensely with my breeding in the begining. So sometimes if you have luck with the iv's, they can be really good despite the longer time due to same OT
Am i the only one here who doesnt want a ditto safari? ^^ all the dittos catched in there would be your OT... which means terrible long times to give eggs (even with the oval charm). I just uploaded a few spitbacks in the GTS and asked for level 30 Dittos, and via half an hour i got all the IVs with 2-3IV Dittos, which doesnt take a year to give me an egg

Wouldn't it be faster to deal with 20% egg production rate with 6 perfect IV's rather than 50% with 2 IV Ditto from a foreign safari?

Edit: with the idea being to use that hex perfect Ditto for all of your egg laying needs to simplify things.

It just seems like a useful tool to have around.
I wonder, are they in a special ball? :)
They're all in this dark kind of ball - believe they're Luxury Balls.
Am i the only one here who doesnt want a ditto safari? ^^ all the dittos catched in there would be your OT... which means terrible long times to give eggs (even with the oval charm). I just uploaded a few spitbacks in the GTS and asked for level 30 Dittos, and via half an hour i got all the IVs with 2-3IV Dittos, which doesnt take a year to give me an egg
Same. Even though I have access to about 5 Ditto safari's, I'm not too crazy over them and never knew why they're in such high demand.
If anybody has a Prankster Sableye with Recover (Careful preferably but not mandatory) then I will happily trade it for a Jolly Iron Fist Chimchar with Thunder Punch.
Please quote this if you are wanting this deal, this is so I know if I have a deal or not from my alerts.
Wouldn't it be faster to deal with 20% egg production rate with 6 perfect IV's rather than 50% with 2 IV Ditto from a foreign safari?

Edit: with the idea being to use that hex perfect Ditto for all of your egg laying needs to simplify things.

It just seems like a useful tool to have around.
Yeah but if you think youll find a six IV ditto fast, you gonna have a bad time

and generally, once you compledet a few breeding projects/traded a few 5 IVs with others, its really easy to breed your new pokes
I have 12 Pancham with Foul Play and Storm Throw available. They're all 5 IV, some are perfect but the majority are spitbacks. If anyone wants one quote me or leave a message on my profile, they're free!! :]
I'd very much like one if they're still available. Do you have a perfect female, by any chance?
I do have a lot of females, though I'm not sure about perfect ones. I'll add you in a sec if you still want one and trade one over to you.
I wonder, does foul play have any use on it? It got really good attack base already, so cant see it being that good. Also, would you say scrappy or mold breaker is the best ability?
I wonder, does foul play have any use on it? It got really good attack base already, so cant see it being that good. Also, would you say scrappy or mold breaker is the best ability?
Foul Play sucks on it imo, I prefer Crunch over it. As for ability, Iron Fist would be good, but Pangoro doesn't get any good "punching" moves right now, we'll probably have to wait until the sequel to get access to those. Because of that, I'm using Mold Breaker atm which is good since Pangoro 2HKO's Rotom-W with Earthquake.
Foul Play sucks on it imo, I prefer Crunch over it. As for ability, Iron Fist would be good, but Pangoro doesn't get any good "punching" moves right now, we'll probably have to wait until the sequel to get access to those. Because of that, I'm using Mold Breaker atm which is good since Pangoro 2HKO's Rotom-W with Earthquake.
It gets power-up, sky uppercut and hammer arm. That's good enough for me.
Foul Play sucks on it imo, I prefer Crunch over it. As for ability, Iron Fist would be good, but Pangoro doesn't get any good "punching" moves right now, we'll probably have to wait until the sequel to get access to those. Because of that, I'm using Mold Breaker atm which is good since Pangoro 2HKO's Rotom-W with Earthquake.
Ye, I came to that conclusion also when I saw he could get EQ. Who cares if he can hit Aegis with Fighting attacks, if he can just EQ him w/o atk reduction :P
I have a few flawless pokes for trade..
Karrablast- Brave-No Guard-31/31/31/x/31/0 with pursuit, drill run, knock off, megahorn
Magikarp-Impish-Swift Swim- 31/31/31/x/31/31 (restalk gyara ftw)
Litwick-Timid-Infiltrator-31/x/31/31/31/31 with heat wave
Sableye-Bold-31/0/31/x/31/31 with recover (debatable if it's flawless, but it's my baby)
Corphish-Adamant- Adaptability- 31/31/31/x/31/31 with knock off, aquajet, superpower, and ddance
Zangoose-Jolly-Toxic Boost-31/31/31/x/31/31 with night slash, double hit
Cleffa-Bold-Magic Guard-31/x/31/31/31/31 with aromatherapy, wish
and this one is kind of a spitback because of the nature, but I've also got a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Impish Marvel Scale Dratini(female)
lookin for flawless genderless or flawless impish tyrogue with guts or a 4 iv ditto (preferably geared defensively or specially (will give 2 for any of those) or otherwise just interesting particular Regen Tangela and Technician Mr Mime. But I'm always lookin for cool HA pokes, so if you've got something cool (like zangoose..seriously who has a zangoose?) PM me with your offers
I do have a lot of females, though I'm not sure about perfect ones. I'll add you in a sec if you still want one and trade one over to you.
Don't worry about me then; I only am really looking for perfect females and besides, I have plenty of other pokemon I need to breed. I'd rather they go to someone who needs them more than I do
Don't worry about me then; I only am really looking for perfect females and besides, I have plenty of other pokemon I need to breed. I'd rather they go to someone who needs them more than I do
I actually found a few perfect females while looking for one to give to Sunat. Do you still want one?
I have a few flawless pokes for trade..
Karrablast- Brave-No Guard-31/31/31/x/31/0 with pursuit, drill run, knock off, megahorn
Magikarp-Impish-Swift Swim- 31/31/31/x/31/31 (restalk gyara ftw)
Litwick-Timid-Infiltrator-31/x/31/31/31/31 with heat wave
Sableye-Bold-31/0/31/x/31/31 with recover (debatable if it's flawless, but it's my baby)
Corphish-Adamant- Adaptability- 31/31/31/x/31/31 with knock off, aquajet, superpower, and ddance
Zangoose-Jolly-Toxic Boost-31/31/31/x/31/31 with night slash, double hit
Cleffa-Bold-Magic Guard-31/x/31/31/31/31 with aromatherapy, wish
and this one is kind of a spitback because of the nature, but I've also got a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Impish Marvel Scale Dratini(female)
lookin for flawless genderless or flawless impish tyrogue with guts or a 4 iv ditto (preferably geared defensively or specially (will give 2 for any of those) or otherwise just interesting particular Regen Tangela and Technician Mr Mime. But I'm always lookin for cool HA pokes, so if you've got something cool (like zangoose..seriously who has a zangoose?) PM me with your offers
I wonder, are any of them in special balls?
I have a few flawless pokes for trade..
Karrablast- Brave-No Guard-31/31/31/x/31/0 with pursuit, drill run, knock off, megahorn
Magikarp-Impish-Swift Swim- 31/31/31/x/31/31 (restalk gyara ftw)
Litwick-Timid-Infiltrator-31/x/31/31/31/31 with heat wave
Sableye-Bold-31/0/31/x/31/31 with recover (debatable if it's flawless, but it's my baby)
Corphish-Adamant- Adaptability- 31/31/31/x/31/31 with knock off, aquajet, superpower, and ddance
Zangoose-Jolly-Toxic Boost-31/31/31/x/31/31 with night slash, double hit
Cleffa-Bold-Magic Guard-31/x/31/31/31/31 with aromatherapy, wish
and this one is kind of a spitback because of the nature, but I've also got a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Impish Marvel Scale Dratini(female)
lookin for flawless genderless or flawless impish tyrogue with guts or a 4 iv ditto (preferably geared defensively or specially (will give 2 for any of those) or otherwise just interesting particular Regen Tangela and Technician Mr Mime. But I'm always lookin for cool HA pokes, so if you've got something cool (like zangoose..seriously who has a zangoose?) PM me with your offers
I'm interested in a male Corphish if you have any. Interested in a female flawless Pancham w/ Foul Play and Circle Throw?
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