Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 33 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE)

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Chadtherest00 :
Up for trade
Fennekin timid magician
Frillish calm water absorb
Starky adamant keen eye
Cottonee impish/bold prankster
Froakie timid protean
Honedge brave no guard
Abra timid magic guard
Eevee modest anticipation
Rotom modest levitate
Treecko adamant overgrow
Shroomish adamant poison heal

Looking for fossil pokemon, starters, shineys


I propose a Tyrunt 31/31/31/*/31/31 adamant with four eggmoves for your eevee.
Up for trade
Fennekin timid magician
Frillish calm water absorb
Starky adamant keen eye
Cottonee impish/bold prankster
Froakie timid protean
Honedge brave no guard
Abra timid magic guard
Eevee modest anticipation
Rotom modest levitate
Treecko adamant overgrow
Shroomish adamant poison heal

Looking for fossil pokemon, starters, shineys

I have a mudkip for cottonee
Giving these things away with more to come as soon as they're all out: (updated)

Limit one per person. If I've given you stuff in the past, please give others a chance to get something they don't have. Not asking for anything valuable in return, but PP Up's would be nice :].

Make sure to already have my F/C already added before asking for anything, otherwise you might get skipped! Also, please make sure to quote me or leave a message on my profile page, they're easier than PM's :)
What ball is fletchling in? If nonstandard I'll take it
Giving these things away with more to come as soon as they're all out: (updated)

Limit one per person. If I've given you stuff in the past, please give others a chance to get something they don't have. Not asking for anything valuable in return, but PP Up's would be nice :].

Make sure to already have my F/C already added before asking for anything, otherwise you might get skipped! Also, please make sure to quote me or leave a message on my profile page, they're easier than PM's :)
can i have a feebas plz?
I have frillish

Male with 31/x/31/31/31/0 ? I have Yveltal, Thundurus and Tornadus or Totodile (31/31/31/x/31/31 and 2 EM, Adamant), Roselia (31/x/31/31/31/31 and Gigadrain), Kangaskhan (31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly) Flabébé (Orange, Modest 31/x/31/31/31/31) and Magnemite (31/x/31/31/31/0 Quiet) and Larvitar (31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly and Dragon Dance)
Looking for a Shiny Competitive Skarmory.

Trading the following for one:

Shiny, 6IV Adamant, Banette W/Banettite

Shiny, Perfect 5IV, Timid, Froslass

FC: 5000-3204-0786 IGN: Miku
Looking for someone to port over some pocket monsters for me, or for anyone who has a female version of:
Level Ball Growlithe
Moon Ball Machop
Level Ball Growlithe
Dream Ball HA Eevee (IVs don't matter at all)
Heal Ball Feebas
Friend Ball Yanma (Ability doesn't matter)
Fast Ball Magby
Quick Ball HA Carvanha
Level Ball Kangaskhan

Don't care about natures or IVs but please tell me their abilities.
CMT if you're interested in trading.
Looking for a Manaphy just him to complete dex, help me please.

My poke list: Darkrai Shiny 6 ivs, 2 types of HP Fire shiny Froakies, Arceus 6 ivs, Rayquaze Shiny 6 ivs, Groudon 5 ivs, Victini 6 ivs, Latias shiny 6 ivs, Xerneas 5 ivs, Mew Shiny 6 ivs, Jirachi 6 ivs, Lugia Shiny 6 ivs, Latios Shiny 6 ivs, Aegislash Shiny 6 ivs, Noivern Shiny 6 ivs, Sylveon shiny 5 ivs, Gengar Shiny 5 ivs, Suicune Shiny 0 ivs, Delphox Shiny 6 ivs, Fenekin shiny 5 ivs, Chespin Shiny 6 ivs, Froakie shiny 5 ivs, Bulbasaur shiny 5 ivs, Rotom shiny 5 ivs, Entei Shiny 6 ivs, Blaziken Shiny 5ivs, Hawlucha Shiny 4 ivs, Klefki Shiny 5 ivs, Magikarp Shiny 5 ivs, Talonflame Shiny 5 ivs, Tyrunt shiny 5 ivs, Greninja Shiny 5 ivs, amaura shiny 5 ivs, Florges Shiny 5 ivs, Reuniclus shiny 5 ivs, Rotom Shiny 5 ivs, Gardevoir shiny 5 ivs, Gliscor shiny 5 ivs, Crobat shiny 5 ivs, Charizard X shiny 5 ivs, Charizard Y shiny 5 ivs, Metagross shiny 5 ivs, Swinub shiny 5 ivs, Meloeta 6 ivs, Scizor shiny 5 ivs, Dragonite shiny 5 ivs, Garchomp shiny 5 ivs, Tyranitar shiny 5 ivs, Meowstick shiny 5 ivs, Stariu shiny 5 ivs, Medicham Shiny 5 ivs, Azumaril shiny 6 ivs, Garchomp Shiny 5 ivs, Heliosk Shiny HP Ice 5 ivs, Ditto 5 ivs - atk, Ditto 5 ivs - spatk, Ditto 6 ivs japanese.

IGN: Iago Wolf
FC: 4382-2093-5686
Looking for a shiny, female, Mawile !
Preferably nameable * U *

I would like to keep one, but also am looking to borrow one for my friend and my pokedex
(this means that I would need to borrow it for a few days, I will let you hold onto one of my shinies for collateral, of course !)
Looking for No Guard (becomes Overcoat) Karrablast with Drill run, Knock off, Megahorn and Pursuit. Please send me a PM if you have it and I'll give you an offer. Thanks :)
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