Silly things you have seen on the RU ladder.

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Pending Approval

Hello people. I'm pretty sure everyone's played on the Rarelyused ladder in the recent or relatively distant past, and I'm pretty sure you've met some really bad players using some really bad sets. Basically, this thread is going to let you vent your "WTF"ness when you see some really retarded Pokemon or set on the ladder. I'm pretty sure most of you have seen at least one of these.

Before we begin, some ground rules:

1) Don't trash niche Pokemon/sets that actually work or sets/Pokemon that are just outclassed: We are aiming for REALLY stupid sets. Don't trash stuff like Shell Smash Gorebyss because Omastar does it better because Gorebyss actually can achieve something. Trash things like e.g. special Emboar (who relies completely on suprise factor). Altaria in general would not be allowed, but something like Hyper Beam + Dragon Rage Altaria is fine. I hope you all have enough discretion to tell what is acceptable and what is not.

2) Don't post too excessively. I'm aware that people generally run into a scrub every 2 games, this does not mean that you need to come in here and record a dumb set every 10 minutes on a fresh post. Generally, if you have a post in the last 5-10 posts, you should be able to just get away with editing your post.

3) Logs are good - The more logs you provide, the more real it feels. That said, DO NOT JUST C/P YOUR ENTIRE BATTLE INTO YOUR POST. We don't need to see the whole thing, just the funny bit.

4) Don't trash individual players - This should be common sense, but this set is not here to let you humiliate newer players. We are here to humiliate bad sets, not people. We've all been there at some point. Show them the courtesy that they deserve. Please have the decency, that if you're posting logs, to censor out usernames if they do pop up.
I've seen some weird stuff on the ladder recently, but the worst had to be Three Fang Steelix. It hits like a limp feather and doesn't even OHKO the things it would carry said moves to eliminate (252+ Atk Steelix Fire Fang vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Escavalier: 224-268 (65.3 - 78.13%) -- guaranteed 2HKO). I don't really like Steelix to begin with, but combine that sub par Attack stat with those weak moves? It goes from a decent wall to a flat out amusing setup opportunity. Out of all the sets I've seen since I started laddering RU, that one stuck with me.
This serves the same purpose as "Don't Use This, Use That" thread. People have already been posting weird stuff on the ladder and suggesting alternatives there.

There are a lot of Pokemon and sets in the usage stats that are ineffective, and we should raise awareness that these sets are not optimal. Furthermore, there are a few Pokemon that don't even deserve to be in the tier because they simply do not work effectively.
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