Shoddy Warstory #1 vs. Wej /\ New to Smogon, New to 4th Gen...

The Storm of Battle...

The beast of the sea, a rampaging tyrant, a lighting quick hound... The goddess of the moon, a bell of the heavens, and a warrior sent hell bound...

Standing before them stood six enemies. Glaring, the six drooled at the battle to come. But most of all, the devilish warrior stood ready to put everything on the line for his comrades... The six opponents quivered in fear.


And so it began.​

Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause
Wej sent out Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Xenaz sent out Leonidas (lvl 100 Gyarados ?).
Gyarados's intimidate cut Infernape's attack!
Infernape used Grass Knot.
Gyarados lost 33% of its health.
Infernape lost 10% of its health.
Gyarados used Dragon Dance.
Gyarados's attack was raised.
Gyarados's speed was raised.
Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gyarados restored 6% of its health.
The leviathan begins dancing in a raging fury, feeling no pain from the petty apes attack. He would continue until he was trule threatened...
Wej switched in Starmie (lvl 100 Starmie).
Gyarados used Dragon Dance.
Gyarados's attack was raised.
Gyarados's speed was raised.
Gyarados's leftovers restored its health a little!
Gyarados restored 6% of its health.
The cowardly monkey flees to a pathetic fish. Preparing for the meal to come, Gyarados must knock out the puny fish before the feast.
Gyarados used Stone Edge.
Starmie lost 99% of its health.
Starmie used Thunderbolt.
It's super effective!
Leonidas lost 79% of its health.
Xenaz's Gyarados fainted.
Starmie's leftovers restored its health a little!
Starmie restored 6% of its health.

His friends in shock and awe, the small fish maintains consciousness, clinging onto its dear life. In retaliation, he fires electric bolts to fry his opponent. He should be grateful that he lived, for if he didn't the battle would have been as good as won.
--- *5-6 Wej*
Xenaz switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Xerxes's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
A sandstorm brewed!
Starmie used Surf.
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 63% of its health.
Tyranitar used Pursuit.
It's super effective!
Starmie lost 7% of its health.
Wej's Starmie fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
An unwise strategic move here, plunging into battle expecting a simple victory. The tyrant takes a whopping amount of damage, whilst accomplishing little. Only to be trapped...
Wej switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).
Dugtrio used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 37% of its health.
Xenaz's Tyranitar fainted.
The sandstorm rages.

And the tyrant falls. It was much too early in the match to try such a daring move... Missing two key warriors, this battle seemed hopeless.
---*4-5 Wej*
Xenaz switched in Bronzong (lvl 100 Bronzong).
Dugtrio used Sucker Punch.
But it failed!
Bronzong used Hypnosis.
Dugtrio fell asleep!
The sandstorm rages.

At last, a smart move. Knowing that Dugtrio is either Choice Banded or Focus Sashed, the commander ordered Bronzong to use Hypnosis. That way, he would either have to switch out due to Choice Band, or use Sucker Punch. Either way, the opponent would be put to rest.
Wej switched in Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Grond used Stealth Rock.
Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
The sandstorm rages.
Infernape is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Infernape lost 6% of its health.
The second part of the one-two punch, I command him to set up Stealth Rock. It is always good to have a layer down, especially so early in the match. Knowing I can survive a flamethrower with the Special Defense training he undertook, I stay in to destroy the ape. If the hellish monkey was able to get past, he would rampage throughout my team.
Infernape used Flamethrower.
It's super effective!
Bronzong lost 71% of its health.
Infernape lost 10% of its health.
Bronzong used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
Infernape lost 70% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Infernape is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Infernape lost 4% of its health.
Wej's Infernape fainted.
Bronzong's leftovers restored its health a little!
Bronzong restored 6% of its health.

And he's down. This was a crucial point in the match, as was the following...
---*4-4 *
Wej switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).
Pointed stones dug into Dugtrio.
Dugtrio lost 6% of its health.
Dugtrio is fast asleep!
Bronzong used Gyro Ball.
Bronzong lost 94% of its health.
Wej's Dugtrio fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Bronzong's leftovers restored its health a little!
Bronzong restored 6% of its health.

Suddenly, the tide of battle had shifted. In a mere four turns, this beast put to sleep an enemy, set hidden rocks around the battlefield, defeated one opponent, and demolished the said sleeping foe. Its job was done.
---*4-3 Xenaz*
Wej switched in Machamp (lvl 100 Machamp ?).
Pointed stones dug into Machamp.
Machamp lost 6% of its health.
Machamp used Dynamicpunch.
Bronzong lost 42% of its health.
Xenaz's Bronzong fainted.
Machamp lost 10% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Machamp is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Machamp lost 6% of its health.
It had served it's purpose, and it was time for him to go. His death would not be in vein...
Xenaz switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).
Jolteon used Substitute.
Jolteon lost 25% of its health.
Jolteon made a substitute!
Machamp used Earthquake.
It's super effective!
The substitute took damage for Hermes!
Jolteon's substitute faded!
The sandstorm rages.
Jolteon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Jolteon lost 6% of its health.
Machamp is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Machamp lost 6% of its health.
Jolteon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Jolteon restored 6% of its health.
Knowing his chances of defeating it in one hit were slim, the speedy dog tries to wear it down from the residual Sand Storm damage. Unfortuanately, this foe is not so naïve and makes an amazing strategic move.
Jolteon used Substitute.
Jolteon lost 25% of its health.
Jolteon made a substitute!
Machamp used Encore.
Jolteon got an encore!
The sandstorm rages.
Jolteon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Jolteon lost 6% of its health.
Jolteon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Jolteon lost 6% of its health.
Jolteon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Jolteon restored 6% of its health.

I could have really beat myself up for that move, but honestly there are not many Machamps carrying Encore. So now, I gotta switch out...
Wej switched in Tyranitar (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?).
Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Pointed stones dug into Tyranitar.
Tyranitar lost 12% of its health.
Xenaz switched in Cresselia (lvl 100 Cresselia ?).
The sandstorm rages.
Cresselia is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cresselia lost 6% of its health.
Tyranitar's leftovers restored its health a little!
Tyranitar restored 6% of its health.
Cresselia's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cresselia restored 6% of its health.
Sadly, his switch in is the complete bane of mine. Fearing that it may be a Tyraniboah, I quickly bring back the goddess of the moon into my lightning quick hound.
Xenaz switched in Jolteon (lvl 100 Jolteon ?).
Tyranitar used Dragon Dance.
Tyranitar's attack was raised.
Tyranitar's speed was raised.
The sandstorm rages.
Jolteon is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Jolteon lost 6% of its health.
Jolteon's leftovers restored its health a little!
Jolteon restored 6% of its health.
Tyranitar's leftovers restored its health a little!
Tyranitar restored 6% of its health.
While the battle is far from over, I have a sigh of relief knowing that it isn't a Tyraniboah. The innocent puppy must make a sacrifice now...
Jolteon used Thunderbolt.
Tyranitar lost 23% of its health.
Tyranitar used Crunch.
Jolteon lost 51% of its health.
Xenaz's Jolteon fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Tyranitar's leftovers restored its health a little!
Tyranitar restored 6% of its health.
He shall be avenged.
---*3-2 Wej*
Xenaz switched in Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Infernape used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Tyranitar lost 83% of its health.
Wej's Tyranitar fainted.
Infernape's defence was lowered.
Infernape's special defence was lowered.
Infernape lost 10% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Infernape is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Infernape lost 6% of its health.

Thus emerges a champion, a legend, who accomplishes the key turning point in this game. With that first kill, he must return to save his strength for a later battle...
Wej switched in Slaking (lvl 100 Slaking ?).
Pointed stones dug into Slaking.
Slaking lost 12% of its health.
Xenaz switched in Cresselia (lvl 100 Cresselia ?).
Slaking used Return.
Cresselia lost 55% of its health.
The sandstorm rages.
Slaking is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Slaking lost 6% of its health.
Cresselia is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cresselia lost 6% of its health.
Cresselia's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cresselia restored 6% of its health.
Seeing the larger primate before him caused the warrior to believe it was in possession of the fabled choice scarf, giving speed to even the slower beasts. But seeing the damage taken by Cresselia, I realize now that it is Choice Banded.
Wej switched in Machamp (lvl 100 Machamp ?).
Pointed stones dug into Machamp.
Machamp lost 6% of its health.
Cresselia used Psychic.
It's super effective!
Machamp lost 59% of its health.
Wej's Machamp fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Cresselia is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Cresselia lost 6% of its health.
Cresselia's leftovers restored its health a little!
Cresselia restored 6% of its health.

Knowing the Slaking couldn't stay in against Cresselia, he had to switch to his last remaining option. With this in mind, the brilliant goddess struck the bulky, brainless foe with a powerful psychic blast. The enemy fell.
---*2-1 Xenaz*
Wej switched in Slaking (lvl 100 Slaking ?).
Pointed stones dug into Slaking.
Slaking lost 12% of its health.
Slaking used Return.
Cresselia lost 45% of its health.
Xenaz's Cresselia fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Slaking is buffetted by the sandstorm!
Slaking lost 6% of its health.
Xenaz switched in Infernape (lvl 100 Infernape ?).
Infernape used Close Combat.
It's super effective!
Slaking lost 63% of its health.
Wej's Slaking fainted.
Xenaz wins!

And so, a hero emerges. Bronzong and Infernape, together in unison, changed the entire flow of the battle. If it were not for them, this entire match could have had a much different ending.

Bronzong for being a beast.
Infernape for being such a god damn warrior and kickin ass and takin names while he's doin it.
To me for catching his Machamp on the switch with Psychic. That was important.
Wej, for making such a great move with Encore. I have a new desire to test that move out myself.

Gyarados not KO'ing Starmie. That was a drag.
Using Tyranitar so brashly. That was major phail.

Thanks for reading! I'd love to hear any and all suggestions, be them for how I spoke in the war story or improvements on my team. Thanks a lot!​
Excellent warstory, quite a roller coaster match, especially for you're first warstory. Awesome commentary, hope to see more battles from you in the future. Is that 1337's team?
Excellent warstory, quite a roller coaster match, especially for you're first warstory. Awesome commentary, hope to see more battles from you in the future. Is that 1337's team?
Hilarious you should mention 1337.. I met him on Shoddy today with the EXACT SAME TEAM AS ME!!! I couldn't believe it. Does he go to Smogon?

Anyways, thanks for the compliments!
SLAKING USE! YES! Cool story. I enjoyed how it was commentated as if it were a real war.

Heh, yea that Slaking put a dent in Cresselia... O.O Thanks for the compliments! I thought people might like the commentary. ^_^
TBH, you had no control over whether you won or not. He should have had DD'd a second time when he was taking only 23% from Jolteon's Thunderbolts. At that, Infernape would not outspeed it to OHKO it.

Also, you didn't have to "predict the Psychic" cause even you stayed in and attack the Slaking, Infernape would have still finished off Slaking+Machamp.

But I'm just nitpicking so don't take it as an insult. =/
I'll have to get another war story in with my Manectric... Jolteon aint' got shit on the real lightning hound. xD

Once I build up my wifi team, hopefully I can spar with some of you guys and make a nice War Story out of it. :D

@guy above me: Heh, well you don't expect me to flat out call my opponent stupid do you? xD And nah, none offense taken. I thought he was going to DD a second time, but I guess he had other plans in mind. And for that "predict the Psychic" bit, I meant that I was sure he was going back to Machamp and Calm Minding wouldn't have been a good option, so I just Psychic'd expecting the switch to Machamp. :-\
Very nice. Well written. Congrats on the win. lol you should have just baited starmie and switched to let SS take care of it. In any case, nice win. =D
Very nice. Well written. Congrats on the win. lol you should have just baited starmie and switched to let SS take care of it. In any case, nice win. =D

That would have been an option, IF he didn't have 7% health left. :( The RNGods were taunting me by letting Starmie live though. [/bitching]
Thanks for all the compliments, but does anyone have suggestions for the team? It's a BulkyGyara, CBTTar, SubPassingJolteon, CMCress, Support Bronzong, and MixApe.
I like ur war story and the way its like a story lol. I laughed whenever u talked about infernape calling him a hellish monkey XD
I helped 1337 doing the teama above haha.

Good commentary, Bronzong made a large difference. But Dugtrio wouldn't have accomplished anything in that. He should have gone into Machamp and Encored the Gyro Ball to force a switch.

You did pretty good, but your opponent wasnt amazing, he made a few poor moves.
He honestly should have DD'd again against Jolteon. You would have either Thunderbolt'd for little damage, or Sub'd so he could break it while you did little damage and THEN finished you off.
Tyranitar could have swept you lol, but went for the KO with Crunch instead of getting another DD in to sweep.

It was ok. 6.5/10
Wej switched in Dugtrio (lvl 100 Dugtrio ?).
Pointed stones dug into Dugtrio.
Dugtrio lost 6% of its health.
Dugtrio is fast asleep!
Bronzong used Gyro Ball.
Bronzong lost 94% of its health.
Wej's Dugtrio fainted.
The sandstorm rages.
Bronzong's leftovers restored its health a little!
Bronzong restored 6% of its health.

How did Bronzong lose 94% health after using Gyro Ball itself???

Nice story btw.