Shoddy Battle, a new D/P simulator

Are there any plans to start a Smogon server until Competitor is out?

This would be a very good idea as there never seems to be space left on the official server. You could run it instead of the netbattle server - once shoddy is finished (94% complete now) there won't be any need for nb anymore.
I've gotta hand it to Colin. It takes some skill to completely crash a Linux computer (forcing a hard reboot), but shoddybattle managed to do it.
Is it just me, or does Hidden Power seem to not be working? I gave Jolteon the IVs that would give it a 70-power Ground HP, but it only did like 15% damage against Heatran (even though it was listed as super effective).

That CAN'T be right.
I've been using the guide from Serebii, but still haven't gotten it right :/

What IVs will give a 70 power Ground / Fighting / Ice HP, then? Because obviously I'm doing SOMETHING wrong.
I've been using the guide from Serebii, but still haven't gotten it right :/

What IVs will give a 70 power Ground / Fighting / Ice HP, then? Because obviously I'm doing SOMETHING wrong.

far too lazy to format this but

[16:44:06] <Teifu> gethp ground
[16:44:07] <RSBot> HP GROUND: 31,31,31,31,30,30
[16:44:12] <Teifu> gethp fighting
[16:44:12] <RSBot> HP FIGHTING: 31,31,30,30,30,30
[16:44:12] <RSBot> HP FIGHTING: 30,30,31,30,30,30
[16:44:14] <Teifu> gethp ice
[16:44:14] <RSBot> HP ICE: 31,31,31,30,31,31
[16:44:14] <RSBot> HP ICE: 31,30,30,31,31,31
Yeah, so, a smogon server would be excellent. I could *try* running it, but I have no idea how to do it, and I'm on a wireless internet connection so it's a bit... tempermental. If anyone else has a solid, strong connection and wants to give it a shot, go ahead.
Well something is up with the move light screen (and therefore, I would guess, reflect also).

Light Screen halves the damage of the first special attack it comes into contact with and none of the ones after (If that same special attack is used again the damage is halved). This effect ends after 5 turns (like it's supposed to).
I've gotta hand it to Colin. It takes some skill to completely crash a Linux computer (forcing a hard reboot), but shoddybattle managed to do it.

I use GNU/Linux as my daily operating system and it has yet to crash for me (I have tested with both Sun's VM and Kaffe+GNU Classpath). Can I ask what happened before it crashed? (As in, what part of the program were you in.) It was probably just a random occurrence unless there is actually a strange underlying problem that would allow this to happen.

I apologise for the inconvenience, but if you remember the order of events I can look into it.
I made my team, then tried to connect to the main server. All the sudden, after I pushed the connect button (after registering), literally EVERYTHING stopped working. This wasn't just an X server crash, I couldn't ctrl+alt+F1 to a shell; my keyboard stopped responding (the capslock/numlock lights refused to light up when the buttons were pushed, etc.). The entire system just hung.

Oh, I was using javaws, and jdk 1.6.0_01
Since I can't reproduce the problem, I don't know for sure, but I suspect the problem was that I had a pretty intensive loop without any yielding to other threads. In theory the time spent in said loop is very small so it should not matter, but it does depend on a connection to the server, so maybe you had some lag or something, which could indeed have caused a crash - very unfortunate, I apologise. I've added in some yielding (and updated the version online), though it is difficult to say if it will actually make a difference.
K, guys, as of tomorrow someone named "Amazing Ampharos" is making a server named "full metagame test" to do guess what. We need all the help we can get, so show up if you can.
Yes, I am. I'll make a full topic about it sometime later tonight probably. I think now is really the time to get this taken care of and do a real full metagame test. Shoddy Battle is a great program that now accurately mimics everything major in DP; we don't even need Competitor for this anymore. It's certainly a way, way better way to make rules than talking about it on IRC.
Looks like most of ShoddyBattle's glitches are gone for good, right? Is it fully playable, or is there any major flaw (like, huh, OKHO having high accuracy)?
EDIT: Damn, the Team Builder doesn't allow me using more than three moves on Yanmega.
With a 31 IV, 252 EV (SpAtt) Jolteon, HP Ground did 46% damage to a Mild Heatran with 31 SpDef and no EVs. According to the damage calc, it should have done 81-96% damage.

Can anyone replicate this bug?
This was a real bug, and it has been fixed.

Note that you can check which bugs are fixed by viewing "Closed" bugs on the bug tracker, though you will not be able to test if they are fixed until we actually reset the server with the new version. Unfortunately, it is a bit impractical to do this for every small fix, so we will reset once a few more things are done as well.
Shoddy Battle is a great program that now accurately mimics everything major in DP; we don't even need Competitor for this anymore.

wow, you're clueless. The feature set and infrastructure ShoddyBattle is built on currently won't even come close to what is planned in Competitor. I'm sort of pissed off, to tell you the truth. Don't ever make another post like that again.

hrrrrrrr no competition please let shoddybattle take the spotlight without a fight
I think he meant using shoddy battle for a full metagame test, not that competitor is obsolete, he wouldn´t dare to say no competitor at all (I hope)

anyway, I´m not using that thing
AA, has it ever come to your mind that there's four people here devoting a grand deal of their free time working on a battle simulator that doesn't have a horrible interface or a million bugs? Has it ever occurred to you that it might seem a LITTLE BIT ungrateful to say

we don't even need Competitor for this anymore.

In other news I'm downloading Shoddybattle as we speak and it has the slowest download I've ever seen in my life, and that's saying something.
You misunderstand what I was saying; Peterko is right. I wasn't saying that Competitor would be useless; I was saying that it wouldn't be essential for this specific purpose. For the purpose of metagame testing, Shoddy Battle is good enough which is all I was trying to say. I had no intention of undermining the worth of Competitor or the value of the investment of those working on it or even saying anything remotely similar to that, and I'm sorry if it seemed like that.

On a somewhat related note, well, this whole affair has just been massively blowing up in my face so I figure I had better go damage control here and wait a while to see if I can find a more favorable way to approach this. I'd prefer testing actually work favorably rather than end up with no one participating and me being stuck arguing with a million people. I get a sense that if I tried to start this now that it would just end in me being yelled at by everyone and nothing of worth being accomplished. I guess everyone else wins; I give up (for now at least). Actually, I'm just going to disappear for a few days and see if this whole affair can blow over. I've spent way too much time today arguing with people, and I seem to be managing to inadvertently upset people I have no intention of upsetting. So yeah, goodbye for a few days and sorry for all the disruption.
It seems a lot better than before, and I can usually make 99% of my teams without being sad that something is missing. Once they add Kings Rock and Iron Orb, I'll be set.
Looks like most of ShoddyBattle's glitches are gone for good, right? Is it fully playable, or is there any major flaw (like, huh, OKHO having high accuracy)?
EDIT: Damn, the Team Builder doesn't allow me using more than three moves on Yanmega.

Happened to me just the other day, well, on my Gyarados.XD

Shoddy is useful for planning out new teams. It saves me alot of time.
OK, the solution to the 3 move problem- you have to switch the species of the pokemon, then switch back. Happened to a bunch of people, but that's how you fix it.
Also, the big test is today. If you feel like it, show up with the most broken teams you can make, there's a dedicated server up now.
AA is absolutly correct in what he is saying, however i can see why chaos and mekkah would be pissed at what he just said. The way he put the idea across was badly worded and also seemed a bit ungrateful.

The fact is because of Shoddybattle the D/P metagame will most likely be fully established by the time competitor is released.Yes there are bugs but the general idea is there and you can predict the areas bugs are affecting and what it would be like without them.

Many people expected Competitor to full establish the early metagame, but the fact is between Wi-Fi and shoddy the early metagame will be already established and therfore yes competitor is now not needed for this.

Competitor is now there to provide a more stable,secure and extravagent simulator for people to battle in the early D/P metagame and provide a basis for whatever the D/P metagame will evolve into.

Will competitor be more stable and offer more features? Yes
Will competitor be the preference once released? Yes
Will competitor fully establish the D/P metagame? No Wi-Fi and shoddybattle will have already done that