Shiny Pokemon Experiences

Ever found a shiny Pokemon

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Tonight in Scarlet I was traveling the Socarrat Trail, filling my Pokedex and my living Paldea dex. I planned to catch Forretress and breed it to get Pineco since those are so hard to find. In a pond I see a Forretress floating so I cruise up on the back of Miraidon, prepared to launch my only party Pokémon, Gael the Gallade. Another Forretress appears right next to the first in a beautiful shiny gold.

My first instinct is to engage, so I throw Gael out. Before I choose a move, I realize this thing might have Explosion. Serebii says he would at this level, and a catching calculator says a Quick Ball would have ~58% chance to catch it turn 1. Not good enough. What to do?

I decide to run away and check my box for anyone with Damp. Some Golduck I had never used was ready to eat candy like Halloween night and prepare for a fight.

I start out with Soak, then rotate between Encore on Gyro Ball, swap to Gallade, then a single False Swipe to get to 60% health. Encore runs out so back comes Golduck. This time I Encore Iron Defense and get worried that the boosts will make things take forever, so I try Hypnosis and miss. I do the sleep cycle attempt again with another miss.

By this point, Gyro Ball is out and the fourth move turns out to be the recoil move Double Edge. In my panic I accidentally Encore Explosion. Luckily I notice the mistake and keep Golduck on the field, wasting time with Amnesia. On the last Encore turn I disable Explosion for some reason, then pull off a False Swipe against +6 Def, doing paltry damage.

With a fear of Explosion, I go back to Golduck, seeing that after some more Encores I have gotten Forretress down to only Double Edge and Explosion remaining, so I just start chucking Ultra Balls hoping one works before recoil claims the elusive treasure. Finally, it works, and I find my fourth shiny of Violet. As a memento, I name the Golduck Oro Real.
Something I did while trying to hatch, and then sandwich hunt, the shiny finizen was constantly scout what the swamrs were for each day I was playing. I never saw the Finizen swarm

Today, twhile booting the game up to do the Inteleon raid, what do I see? Finizen Swarm. And I could have just let it go but no I'm spiteful.


I caught it in a Luxury Ball.

The total amount of time, counting seeing the swarm, going to it, clearing out the 60 finizens, and then climbing up the hill to open/close a picnic before falling back down to check the finiznes before climbing back up and repeating, and then actually capturing it? 29 minutes. Total. That's it. That's the entire time it took to find. All that hell with the eggs, and all thsoe shiny magikarps with the sandwiches, and it just shows up in 29 minutes in a swarm.

Now I'll have one of each for the Home pokedex
I have been hopping between the switch games a lot recently doing dumb nonsense for Home, and happened across a few more shiny Pokemon


To go with my Shiny Sliggoo...a shiny Hisuian Sliggoo! This is the static Alpha spawn, and despite that it took me a while to actually find. I was close enough to hear the shiny sound go off while I was dealing with something else, but not so close that I actually saw it. I had to spend like a solid minute or two just twisting the camera this way and that and scanning the Pokemon in front of me before I heard it again and then finally saw it in the background.
It's one of those "we only changed a specific thing" shinies, which is a little weird, but it does look nicer in game/motion than it does in stills or in Home's renders. I've not evolved it yet but I'll probably get a screenshot of it with my now-a-shiny-Goodra at some point

Meanwhile, in Scarlet


This beauty! When I don't feel like just shoving a bunch of candies down the throats, I head to Area Zero to grind up Pokemon since there's high encounter rates with fully evolved Pokemon that give a lot of EXP. And when I do this, I always hope to stumble into some shiny Pokemon and especially the paradoxes and sure enough I really hit the jackpot with this one. I adore the colors and the shading; it's the same as Volcarona (the other past paradoxes work similarly) but it really pops here and in Area Zero itself. Definitely my favorite of the past paradox shinies
So i've been replaying HGSS recently, as I believe I've mentioned a couple times in a couple other threads.

In this replay, I'm about 30 hours of gameplay in, and i've acquired 3 shinies, one of which being the guaranteed Red Gyarados

The first non-Gyarados shiny was my starter, a Chikorita that took somewhere in the range of 250-300 Soft Resets, really not bad at all

The second, far more stress inducing encounter was a Fearow that appeared in the Safari Zone. I'd decided that I wanted to try and find a shiny Sandshrew in there, the Safari Ball just matches its color scheme rather well, and Sandshrew is a personal favorite. Not even 10 minutes later, I run into this, it breaks out of 3 balls before being caught on the fourth and i almost have myself a heart attack in the process.

My shiny luck, especially without odds boosting, is not normally anywhere near this good. Not gonna complain about it, but it's rather interesting
Safari week was over a month ago at this point, but figured I'd post the two shinies I found!

Was hunting in the Swamp area with a bunch of Blocks in HG and Forest area with no Blocks in SS. Also occasionally hunted in the Great Marsh Platinum and Diamond if I had the energy, even bought a new battery for my old 2DS so I'd have enough consoles. Didn't find any shinies in those two games tho.


Found the Duskull in HG and Bellsprout in SS, ignore the horrible quality of the second pic.

they both fled tho so sad times
Safari week was over a month ago at this point, but figured I'd post the two shinies I found!

Was hunting in the Swamp area with a bunch of Blocks in HG and Forest area with no Blocks in SS. Also occasionally hunted in the Great Marsh Platinum and Diamond if I had the energy, even bought a new battery for my old 2DS so I'd have enough consoles. Didn't find any shinies in those two games tho.

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Found the Duskull in HG and Bellsprout in SS, ignore the horrible quality of the second pic.

they both fled tho so sad times
The plan was: run around to do raids to prep for the Rillaboom raid before bed

but then I noticed an Applin swarm. I like Applin (appletun in particular) a lot, and the green apple shiny is pretty good...and also Applin is really rare and kind of annoying to find otherwise. So I decided to make the msot of this situation, and even made a shiny sandwich especially because I literally only had an hour to work with.

And sure enough...

Got the little dude! I put it in a nest ball (a sandstorm literally came through as I entered battle so False Swipe wasn't a thing I could do lol).

I like Appletun a lot, but I'm not sure I'll evolve it into that. Flapple (who I don't mind) makes the better use of "the apple is the shiny thing" aesthetic.

I've actually had a few other shiny encounters that I thought I posted here, but doesn't seem like it; I'll grab some photos later.

Back when Home dropped, I was doing a lot of running around for evolutions of all my shinies so I could register them properly. But also, there was a Toedscool swarm. I've got issues with the line conceptually, but it's got GREAT shinies so I camped out for a while that afternoon to find it; no sandwiches used, but boy did i set up and then close off the picnics a lot


Caught it in a Heal Ball. I'll spare you all the evolution pictures I took.

after the Sliggoo-H & Slither Wing I posted above, I was still wandering around hatching eggs for my Home Madness and found this jerk

Very pretty bird. UTTER NIGHTMARE to catch:
-I was hatching eggs so they kept going off as I was trying to approach
-there's a bunch of murkrow around so i kept landing in the wrong one
-or flying around to land on it, then getting pushed back, into the wrong one
-it kept running away whenever i ran into something so i almost lost it amid everything else going on
-by the time i finally ran into it, i had to back out and go back in TWICE and the whole affair took 6+ minute to actually capture once in battle because Murkrow has a stupid catch rate

it's a Honchkrow now but god.....

Then, literally like 5 minutes later, I find another pink shiny in the area:

I didn't even know Shiny Heracross was pink! It looks pretty nice, yeah? Was much easier to catch. Seeing them back to back like this was pretty nutty; these weren't swarms or anything it was just them out and about. This is why I like actively roaming the region while hatching stuff, you never know what you might find.

Home Madness actually gave me a few shinies (all from Go, including a Froslass I only noticed was shiny because I was taking inventory and saw the shiny mark), but the one I most adored was....


This Chespin! Chespin's shiny is one of my favorites through the whole line, if hatching eggs wasn't so awful I'd have probably tried to go for it in this game. So needless to say this was much appreciated.


Today was definitely interesting

I was back in Legends arceus to pick up the last few gender differences i just never had and while crusing around and taking out a Golduck i hear the shiny sound...twice? after fiddling with braviary to swing back around towards a Tangela swarm i see

Two of them?! At the same time?? Wild. I was able to catch both with no issue, Tangela are apparently super chill and didn't run away or attack. The first one I'm keeping unevolved and evolved the second one.

Then while wanting to scope around for a Pikachu I look down and saw...

A shiny Kricketune! This was literally like 5 minutes later. I almost flubbed this one since I didn't save before going in with a team that probably would have killed it or made it run away, but thankfully it got in one ball.

Then, tonight, I got it in my head "I guess I could do a college try at getting Antique Sinistea. Wouldn't it be funny if I ran into a shiny before getting an Antique" and I suppose God agreed it would, indeed, be funny

(it was Phony, of course)


I'm being actively mocked at this point
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It genuinely blows my mind that I forgot to talk about this last month. Guess that's what happens when I forgot this thread existed, huh. I'm going to keep this brief so I can go eat dinner when I'm done typing this. I've talked about August 7th plenty before and how I've unofficially coined that day as my yearly "Espeon Day" celebration. As some of you may have tried yourselves, one of the more fun ways to celebrate liking a certain Pokémon is to Shiny Hunt it. Especially for someone who usually doesn't care that much about Shiny Pokémon anymore, I thought the novelty of having a Shiny Espeon caught on August 7th specifically could make for a neat little trophy hunt, of sorts.

Yeah, well, apparently the game thought so too, because after a day that was so rough I legit considered cancelling celebrations going forward, me and a friend were playing together online looking for one of these, and we ended up finding three of them in the span of 25 minutes. And those were just in the spots I checked too- our hunting radius was quite large and I wouldn't be surprised if I missed anything. I ended up catching two and my friend caught the other one. We had a plan involving the Shiny Charm and a picnic to make Espeon spawns much more common, as by this point we were racing against the clock as it was almost midnight and I wanted to have August 7th as the official catch date. But here's the catch- these Espeon weren't Shiny Charm boosted. I have reason to believe that since I was the party host during this particular session, whether or not the Shiny Charm's multiplier applies to encounters visible to all players is dependent on whether or not the party host has the Shiny Charm as opposed to who set up the picnic. This is actually the same reason we didn't hunt in Area Zero where Espeon is more common, either- since I was playing Violet and my friend plays Scarlet, our idea was that if my friend was providing the boosted odds and not myself, a small albeit rare possibility existed that what would have been an Espeon (or a Girafarig or Firagiraf) spawn in Violet could have accidentally been overlapped by a Shiny Scream Tail. I sadly don't have immediate access to our gameplay screenshots, but the whole experience was quite surreal.

TLDR., game really said "You're having a bad August 7th this year, fam? Stand back, I got you"
After running into the gliteratti towards the back half of the DLC I nearly skipped over this little guy

I evovled it today. Swadloon has a good shiny too. Levanny...kind of sucks
Funnily enough I think if I dig around my old games, I have one of these still kicking around. Probably should have just kept it unevolved. Oops!

Also today, I hatched this

now that's a good shiny. Ambipom is also a good shiny. Love these strawberries.
Found a Shiny Slugma at the Crystal Pool!

Funny thing is there was a Koffing Outbreak and I thought I'd look around, knock a few out, see if I get lucky. After a while I turn and right there, next to a red(dish) Slugma, there was a gray one!

Caught it in a Premier Ball as it was the most grayish Poke Ball I had (plus I have like 200 of them...). Thought about evolving it as a gray Magcargo would look cool though didn't know what color the shell would be, so I checked and...

Oh... Well, that shell is nice reddish brown, but WHY did it turn pink? Would have looked cool being a cooled off magma snail, but now it looks like it's made of bubble gum. Which I guess is still interesting, though it doesn't match the Poke Ball its in. Oh well, guess Slugma is remaining a Slugma forever.
Once upon a time I encountered a shiny drifblim in Legends Arceus. I didn't you could save beforehand. It blew up.
Just like the previous two posts, I found a random shiny Riolu.

I swap my shiny Heracross to first. Got her from a swarm and named her Barbie just a day or two ago.

Turn 1
Heracross used False Swipe!
Riolu used Final Gambit!

Trainer fainted! :psycry:
It's too late now, obviously, but fwiw Final Gambit will fail entirely against a Ghost type. My greatest fear is basically running into a shiny that has a self-KO move, but no way to prevent it. Especially if I didn't know they would have one...You both have my condolences. The Legends Arceus one really sucks because you don't get a proper Master Ball either (though if it's at least full health it will survive an explosion).
& FYI for anyone thinking of hunting one, Poltchageist can have Memento in some of the post-game level ranges. Bring something in the back with Taunt!
A while back i was shiny hunting in a chansey outbreak and finally found one after 30 minutes

It then proceeded to use double edge after being false swiped :facepalm:
“Try Not To Be Annoying” Challenge feat. Chansey (LITERALLY IMPOSSIBLE)

for real though why this mon always gotta ruin everything no matter what kind of pokemon player you are
Violet has definitely become my new lucky game. After I returned to it two weeks ago, I have found a total of five new shinies! Two of them were found today, a Maschiff and a Snorunt.





According to my trainer card, I have found a total of 14 shinies on Violet. Don't remember all of them as I traded away several on the GTS, but it's still a lot. At this point, I think Violet is the game where I have found the highest amount of random shinies.
My greatest fear is basically running into a shiny that has a self-KO move, but no way to prevent it.
Shall I bring back up the story of how I caught my shiny Electrode?

…no seriously. Something that really helps (at least in my case) is to switch in a Pokémon weak to one of the shiny’s weaker moves so it’ll prioritize that over booming. Also try catching it at yellow health if at all possible.