Shiny Pokemon Experiences

Ever found a shiny Pokemon

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Just yesterday got my "10th Wormhole shiny" legend and decided to display here the 10 pokes I soft-reset during the course of these two months.
Started resetting one week after the game had launched(pretty much after I finished most of the other stuff in-game like side quests and so on).
It is my first big scale shiny hunt and oh boy it was tiring but worth it a lot. Here they are chronologically displayed :

1. Premier Ball Celesteela "Friede"(Careful 31/31/x/31/x/x)
2. Beast Ball Suicune "Fujin"(Modest 31/x/31/x/31/31)
3. Premier Ball Guzzlord "Mammon"(Brave x/x/31/31/x/31)
4. Love Ball Kyogre "Kujiratori"(Modest x/31/31/x/31/x)
5. Moon Ball Cresselia "Cygnus"(Bold x/x/31/31/31/x)
6. Moon Ball Zekrom "ZE"(Adamant 31/x/30/31/31/x)
7. Premier Ball Yveltal "Vedfolnir"(Naive x/31/31/31/x/31)
8. Moon Ball Giratina "Amphiptere"(Modest 31/x/31/31/x/x)
9. Fast Ball Landorus "Tohil"(Jolly 31/x/31/x/31/31)
10. Moon Ball Cobalion "Athos"(Jolly x/31/x/x/31/31)

The toughest one surprisingly is also my best catch, beast Ball Suicune which went north of 2000 resets but got rewarded with 4 perfect IVs in the right places and decent hidden power(electric). Second best catch was Yveltal with 4 perfect IVs too.
The easiest one was Zekrom with a mere 70 resets :)

Normally I plan to get all the wormhole legends in their shiny forms(bar those that need mandatory hidden powers).

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I remember my first Shiny ever was a Shiny Seedot in my Pokémon Ruby version, back when I was just walking in the tall grass looking for a random Pokémon to train, safe to say it was a very low level one but I also had weak Pokémon to not kill it so was an easy catch :D

Then in my HeartGold I found a Shiny Spinarak while doing EV training, a Shiny Ponyta at Mt. Silver and a Shiny Hoothoot!

Speaking about other people's experiences, my brother told me about this guy who was just barely starting his Pokémon game and the first Pokémon he encountered was a Shiny lol...unfortunately (and I don't know how) he had no Pokéballs so...Rip.
I remember my first Shiny ever was a Shiny Seedot in my Pokémon Ruby version, back when I was just walking in the tall grass looking for a random Pokémon to train, safe to say it was a very low level one but I also had weak Pokémon to not kill it so was an easy catch :D

Then in my HeartGold I found a Shiny Spinarak while doing EV training, a Shiny Ponyta at Mt. Silver and a Shiny Hoothoot!

Speaking about other people's experiences, my brother told me about this guy who was just barely starting his Pokémon game and the first Pokémon he encountered was a Shiny lol...unfortunately (and I don't know how) he had no Pokéballs so...Rip.
The games rarely give you your starting Poke Balls right away. I'm sure many a shiny hunter can attest to the horror stories of SR'ing for a shiny starter only for the game to taunt them with a shiny Poochyena, Zigzagoon, or Starly just after they've picked their starter.
For the forced alolan exeggutor encounter in SM my brother had his as a shiny first try. In addition he had already caught a shiny pelliper and ditto on his run too.
So, here I am with another shiny, this time it is Rayquaza in my US. I soft-reseted this thing for ages. I´ve been prepared, with supply of Luxury Balls (the best ball for the black dragon, in my opinion), synchronizing Abra (adamant, tough I would be happy with Jolly too), Breloom with spore, Decidueye with False Swipe... Why I am telling you of this preparations? You find out later.
I started SRing about a two weeks ago. It took a few days, but finally the luck was upon me. First turn, I use RotoCatch. Rayquaazal Espeeds my Abra. Just as I planned. Then, knowing Rayquaaza has Rest, I send out Decidueye. Afraid of critting it, I use F-Swipe. It does little. And I mean, very little. Rayquaza DDances. This is why I chose Decidueye - her only physical attack is Extremespeed, which decidueye is immune to, so her buffs don´t matter to me. The plan now is buffing Decidueye with RotoBoosts, so he can put Ray to 1 HP in one or two turns. Plan is, let Ray use Rest, and whe she is asleep, False Swipe her and throw a ball. Well, it took all six boosts for Decidueye to two-shot Ray with False Swipe. Needles to say, plan worked. Rayquaza was asleep, with 1 HP. I threw a Luxury Ball. It caught on the first try! Yay!... or not? I checked its nature - Serious. Ray, are you trolling me? What have the synchronizers against me? First Modest Ho-oh, then Naive Suicune, now Serious Rayquaza? But I decided i won´t give up my dream of viable competitive shiny Ray. So, with heavy heart, i soft reseted over it.
Then, for the next week and half (and yes, I spend two weekends full softreseting), I tried my luck. And today, it finally showed. I was like "ok, here we go again, what crappy nature this will have?". Again, Roto Catch first turn. Rayquaza... Rests? Hey, this wasn´t the plan! You were supposed to kill Abra! Well, ok. Next turn, I throw a Luxury ball, hoping that Ray will KO Abra and I will be able to proceed. I throw a ball. It shakes and... catches Ray??? I mean, I know it has catch rate 45 and I used Roto Catch, but still, it is level 60, with no status and full healt! This is some serious level of trolling, I am telling you! After all this I went through last time, after all that carefull planing I put into this project, are you seriously telling me that that´s how it ends? No epic struggle with capture in the last ball? Nothing? Well, you evidentely wanted to join me, Ray, and I am happy for that. I will take good care of you... that is if you have the right nature.
Anyway, after watching Abra get crapton of levels (was at level 1) and evolution (well, she deserved it), I checked the summary screen. Puting my hand over the top screen, I slowly rise it to reveal stats. Speed - unaffected by nature. Defense and Special defense, the same. I am starting to hope. It looks like adamant, but I rather check... yes, adamant! Took long enought, but I finally, finally it came through! Next, I checked it´s IVs. Her charakteristic was Alert to sounds, which was promising. Now for the rest... the results are follows: 7/22/19/31/31/31. Not too shabby for a shiny, tough I would rather had that Special Attack IV in Attack and that Attack in HP, but still, nothing a little training and few bottle cups wont fix.
Now I am in process of EVtraining her. Also trying to think of suitable nickname. I was watching Milo Murphy´s Law, when I caught her.
First wormhole shiny while trying to get to the Ultra Crater, and... it's Stunfisk. Probably Relaxed, as that was the Abra's nature. I'm... unsure how I feel about it, honestly. Would have rather gotten to the Ultra Crater and get a Relaxed Celesteela, but the warp ride seems to want to be especially stingy on rarity 3 white wormholes... (the only one I encountered so far landed me in the Ultra Plant)
First wormhole shiny while trying to get to the Ultra Crater, and... it's Stunfisk. Probably Relaxed, as that was the Abra's nature. I'm... unsure how I feel about it, honestly. Would have rather gotten to the Ultra Crater and get a Relaxed Celesteela, but the warp ride seems to want to be especially stingy on rarity 3 white wormholes... (the only one I encountered so far landed me in the Ultra Plant)

AFAIK only Nihilego and Guzzlord are more rare than other Ultra Beasts, and since the result is random, there's no reason to go for such rare white wormholes.

(By only going to the first white wormhole I found, I got all UBs bar Nihilego -and Guzzlord as I got it through a Rarity 3 wormhole-)
AFAIK only Nihilego and Guzzlord are more rare than other Ultra Beasts, and since the result is random, there's no reason to go for such rare white wormholes.

(By only going to the first white wormhole I found, I got all UBs bar Nihilego -and Guzzlord as I got it through a Rarity 3 wormhole-)
Nihilego is like the most common one. Bulbapedia also says the Ultra Crater is usually found through rarity 3 white wormholes, though that's definitely not the "end all, be all" of Pokemon game stuff.

Certainly seems to be the case as I just stumbled on the Ultra Crater via a rarity 2 wormhole ~4000 light-years in. I'll stop here unless this first Celesteela turns out to be shiny while aiming for that Relaxed nature that isn't that useful with any of the legendary Pokemon. No need to derail the thread further.
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Started playing VC Crystal in its release and like one hour ago got my shiny Celebi after around 1000 resets which is super lucky and awesome. Thought it would take way more than that considering you have to deposit the GS ball each resets meaning like 10-15 seconds more than usual coupled with Celebi's descend from the sky sequence but yeah super lucky as I said :)

Will go for Timid since my good friend Max. Optimizer(currently resetting) will go for the other useful nature Bold.

My favorite poke Suicune is next , hopefully I get lucky again :D
I decided to hunt for a Shiny in Gen IV (SoulSilver) for a taste of those 1/8192 odds, and in just 3,375 Soft Resets, this green cat appeared. I normally don't have the times for things like this but I was able to do it on the side of assignments and other junk and it went by relatively fast. Psyched to have it. (Named it Roswell in honor of a TV show I really like.)

After 11 long days of soft-resetting I finally got my shiny Celebi (definitely my longest hunt so far):

[#251 - Max. Optimizer's ❝Sakiko❞]
❝the Great Friend❞
Illustration: © Sephirona (2020)

OT: Chris\24381 (Crystal) ‹

IVs: 31/31/31/HT(26)/31/31 - Bold\Natural Cure (Ø)
Ut: Curse, Sweet Scent, Detect, Nightmare
Ev'd: Curse, Recover, Giga Drain, Thunder Wave
[252 HP / 88 Def / 148 SpD / 20 Spe]

I caught this Pokémon with a Master Ball at the Ilex Forest shrine on my Pokémon Crystal version for the Virtual Console.
Since ball types are not retained in Generation 1 and 2 games, its ball became a regular Pokéball after transferring it to Generation 7 via Poké Transport.
The Celebi from the Virtual Console version of Pokémon Crystal is the only legal Celebi that can be shiny.
The Celebi from the Virtual Console version of Crystal is also the only legal Celebi that has access to the moves Curse, Sweet Scent, Detect, and Nightmare (TM03, TM12, TM43, and TM50 in Pokémon Crystal).
This Pokémon was soft-reset manually: this means that no tools (such as e.g. PKMN-NTR bots or Lua scripts) or glitches were involved in the hunt for this Pokémon.
I started soft-resetting on the 28th of January 2018 and I finally encountered the shiny Celebi on the 7th of February 2018 at 1:18 p.m after soft-resetting for 11 days.
The odds of encountering a shiny Pokémon are 1/8192 in Generation 2 games.
I referred to this ❝Exp. Points ↔ Nature❞ table (courtesy of TheMantyke) to assure a Bold nature for it.
I finished the Alola Ribbon Master on the 7th of February 2018.

Sakiko (written: 咲子 or 紗己子) is a feminine Japanese given name, composed of the two Japanese words 咲 (saki) meaning ❝blossom❞ and 子 (ko) meaning ❝child❞.

This Celebi has a lot of special meaning, considering the fact that I would get into a relationship with my lovely girlfriend Sephirona exactly 2 years after encountering Sakiko. This special meaning was additionally solidified by Sephirona drawing a custom artwork of Sakiko for my 28th birthday on the 12th of May 2020.

If you wish to see proof in the form of screenshots, please click on the following links:
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After 11 long days of soft-resetting I finally got my shiny Celebi (definitely my longest hunt so far):

{#251 - Max. Optimizer's Sakiko}

IVs: 31/31/31/HT(26)/31/31 - Bold\Natural Cure (Ø) - Chris\24381 ‹

Ut: Curse, Sweet Scent, Detect, Nightmare
Ev'd: Thunder Wave, Recover, U-turn, Giga Drain
[252 HP / 88 Def / 148 SpD / 22 Spe]
I caught this Pokémon with a Master Ball at the Ilex Forest shrine on my Pokémon Crystal version for the Virtual Console.
Since ball types are not retained in Generation 1 and 2 games, its ball became a regular Pokéball after transferring it to Generation 7 via Poké Transport.
The Celebi from the Virtual Console version of Pokémon Crystal is the only legal Celebi that can be shiny.
The Celebi from the Virtual Console version of Crystal is also the only legal Celebi that has access to the moves Curse, Sweet Scent, Detect and Nightmare (TM03, TM12, TM43 and TM50 in Pokémon Crystal).
This Pokémon was soft-reset manually: this means that no tools (such as e.g. PKMN-NTR bots or Lua scripts) or glitches were involved in the hunt for this Pokémon.
I started soft-resetting on the 28th of January 2018 and I finally encountered the shiny Celebi on the 7th of February 2018 at 13:18 p.m after soft-resetting for 11 days.
The odds of encountering a shiny Pokémon are 1/8192 in Generation 2 games.
I referred to this "Exp. Points ↔ Nature" table (courtesy of TheMantyke) to assure a Bold nature for it.
I finished the Alola Ribbon Master on the 7th of February 2018.

Sakiko (written: 咲子 or 紗己子) is a feminine Japanese given name, composed of the two Japanese words 咲 (saki) meaning "blossom" and 子 (ko) meaning "child".

If you wish to see proof in the form of screenshots, please click on the following links:

So a VC Celebi has 5 guaranteed perfect IVs like Mew? That's neat.
After almost 7 days of soft-resetting, I was able to encounter and catch this beauty:

This is actually the second shiny Latias I managed to encounter, but the Synchronizer failed the first time around and I ended up with a Hasty nature.
Luckily the Synchronizer worked the second time around and it ended up having the Timid nature that I was aiming for.
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So many might not remember but in the Pokemon Rumble for the original Wii, shinies existed. Was the only game in the Rumble series to feature shinies, which was kinda disappointing. Nevertheless, I spent some time trying to find one for a little to see if I could have luck in the game like I used to. Wound up finding this fella. (Odds are pretty much confirmed to be 1/8192 like the Generation 2-5 shiny odds.)

I am attempting to catch shiny Timid Latios. And let me tell you, it´s the worst shiny hunt I ever had. I started about 3 weeks ago, bringing with me Timid synchronizing Abra. Lo and behold, I find shiny very quickly. After catching, I check his nature... Jolly. Ugh. Fine. Soft Reset and continue. The next day, I find another one. This time... Hasty. Come on! But I push on. No shiny for almost 3 weeks, with me SRing at least hour or two each day. Yesterday, it finally showed. I caught him. It´s nature... Jolly! What are the odds? This hunt is driving me crazy, so send me some extra luck, please. And patience. I really, really need it.

Edit. Found another one. This time it´s Bashful. Aren´t Synchronizers supposed to have 50 % chance of influencing the nature? It´s the fourth one and synchronizer didn´t work even once! I am seriously thinking of keeping this one, because this hunt seems impossible and I already have Timid non-shiny 31/30/31/31/31/31 from ORAS (no hacks, just pure luck) for battles.
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Had a funny experience when I started RNG abuse in about 2009/2010. I was searching for a flawless spread on a Gen IV stationary without regards to shininess, since my ID/SID didn't have any good spreads - I don't know if ID abuse was implemented in RNG Reporter at that time! Anyway I found a spread and was scrolling through the frames and saw a !!! on one frame. It was unintentional and it has the same probability of happening as if I were playing in-game so imo it counts :-p
Today I am proud to announce a birth of a Gastly. What? That´s nothing special? Nothing to brag about? Well, you see, this little girl has different color than other Gastlys (which was given since I post this in this thread), but she is also super strong! What do I mean by that? Well, her nature is Timid (yay for Everstone) and her IVs are 31/31/31/31/31/31! Yep, shiny 6IV Gastly. I know that shiny Gengar is pretty meh (honestly, what exactly IS the difference?), but shiny Mega Gengar is different story. My plan is to train her, evolve her and use her in battles.
Now, I need suggestions for a nickname fit for this beauty.
Just yesterday I was strolling through the same patch of grass I always stroll through to get to the chansey bushes in Poni Wilds, only to find not one, but two Shiny Gumshoos. Thankfully not as an SOS encounter, so no need to kill one just to catch another. Instead, I ran into one, caught it, then I headed to the chansey bushes, found no chansey, then I stumbled upon another one in the same patch of grass as I was heading back into the entrance to Poni Meadow to reset the bushes.

Needless to say these are complete ass competitively, both with horrible IVs and a modest/quirky nature on them. Basically the definition of a trophy shiny. No clue what to do with them...
my first shiny Pokemon was Riolu I was sosing Riolu for a Lucario and as I was trying to catch it the shiny Riolu SOS in a Lucario and I almost killed the Riolu for the Lucario but I'm so glad I didn't and it was even timid and had five IVs my second shiny was lillipup also in Pokemon Moon I was trying to get open the Eevee egg because I didn't in the storyline and then I stumbled into some grass and encounter it I had no reaction cuz it was like one am then I bred a shiny Eevee which I was going to evolve into Umbreon but accidentally evolved it into Sylveon my fourth Shiny was the last one before I lost Pokemon Moon was a shiny Meowth I was looking for some smeargles I was obsessed that smeargle can learn every move at the time and I was in the car with my dad when I got it and I screamed shiny meowth and I got in trouble after I lost Pokemon Moon I got Pokemon Sun the only one I got before I got Pokemon Ultra Moon was shiny Fletchling which I evolved into a Talonflame and then in Pokemon Ultra Moon i sosed for shiny Psyduck and got it and then later that day i sosed for shiny alolan Raticate and got it after that I got the shiny charm in Pokemon Sun finally and then I started doing my shiny hunting there first one I got with the shiny charm was a shiny Cubone and then a couple of days later i sosed for shiny Pichu the the most recent one I got was a random encounter shiny makuhita ironically I was looking for some smeargles again lol and I started playing Pokemon at the beginning of 2017 some nice luck huh lol
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