Shiny Charm and Masuda Method

Wow... xD
Before Shiny Charm I got 7 shinnies in 2,000 eggs.
After Shiny Charm... 0 in 900 so far. Haha.

Pledging 100 at a time. :)

100 - No Shiny
200 - No Shiny
300 - No Shiny
400 - No Shiny
500 - No Shiny
600 - No Shiny
700 - No Shiny
800 - No Shiny
900 - No Shiny
1000 - No Shiny
1100 - No Shiny
1200 - Shiny Fennekin! Modest, 5 perfect IVs!
1300 - Shiny Dratini! Quite, 5 perfect IVs!
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oh, this is still going, then? ive hatched a shiny bulbasaur, but since i thought this was done, i didn't keep track of how many eggs I hatched. will this affect the data? if so, should i take off my egg count and start anew?

going for a riolu now, in the process of hatching 3 boxes full of eggs (90).
I have already hatched a bunch of eggs since I got the Shiny Charm but no Shiny.
I'm going to hatch some 1k eggs and report later.

400 Eggs : 1 Shiny
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Updated Post #503 with my 1st and 2nd Egg batches. Got a Shiny on Egg # 267. Will continue breeding onto my 3rd batch to see if theres another i could get.
Hey guys, I need some advise...
Anyone know what shiny I should hatch based on its cute/cool looks?
I've already got these guys:
updated, swapped from froakies to honedge to try to get a better aegislash, tenth one to pop out was a red sword with six fucking max iv. unfortunately for me, i was breeding for zero speed, meaning it decided to roll 31 on it.

i wanted to help if it's not too late.
i started hatching smeargles yesterday and im at my 6th boxes with no shinies.
still ongoing untill 1000 i believe
Updated the spreadsheet! Hatched a total of 120 eggs for a shiny cottee and got it on egg 114! But only 4 ivs and will keep hatching for another!
>Breeds using MM + 2 6IV parents for hours on end, usually never results in a shiny unless I pour hours, days, or weeks of dedication into hatching a shiny.
>Decides to breed for 6IV parents using Japanese 6IV Ditto, ends up hatching 2IV shiny whenever I don't expect it. -_-

EDIT: I hope my 2IV HP + Sp.Def shiny Timid Roselia doesn't count for this study. Unprecedented shinies always make their way into my game whenever I'm not looking out for one. T_T Why couldn't you have waited a little longer, young one?!
hatching 63rd box of kabutos. updating doc and post #136. i'll be updating this post periodically through the day

I'm not really into the whole "Snot green" shinies, but if it's something I can hatch and continue my pledge I'll do it.

totally agree on the snot green thing but its a nice color flip on the ghost rather than say the gastly line (excluding mega gengar). i'm excited to breed one because my mismagius is female in moon ball :D
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200 eggs total, 100 eggs since the last update and 1 shiny in this last batch bringing me to 1 shiny in 200 eggs.