Pokémon Shiftry

:shiftry: Shiftry :shiftry:
Type: Grass / Dark
Base Stats: 90 HP / 100 Atk / 60 Def / 90 Sp.Atk / 60 Sp.Def / 80 Speed (480 BST)
Abilities: Chlorophyll | Wind Rider | Pickpocket (Hidden Ability)

1Air Cutter
1Sunny Day
Move ReminderWhirlwind
Move ReminderTackle
Move ReminderAbsorb
Move ReminderMega Drain
Move ReminderGrowth
Move ReminderRazor Leaf
Move ReminderHarden
Move ReminderExplosion
Move ReminderRollout
Move ReminderSwagger
Move ReminderSynthesis
Move ReminderBeat Up
Move ReminderFake Out
Move ReminderTorment
Move ReminderAstonish
Move ReminderExtrasensory
Move ReminderSucker Punch
EvolutionLeaf Blade
TM001Take Down
TM006Scary Face
TM012Low Kick
TM017Confuse Ray
TM022Chilling Water
TM027Aerial Ace
TM033Magical Leaf
TM034Icy Wind
TM036Rock Tomb
TM039Low Sweep
TM040Air Cutter
TM049Sunny Day
TM050Rain Dance
TM056Bullet Seed
TM057False Swipe
TM058Brick Break
TM062Foul Play
TM065Air Slash
TM066Body Slam
TM070Sleep Talk
TM071Seed Bomb
TM081Grass Knot
TM086Rock Slide
TM088Swords Dance
TM091Toxic Spikes
TM094Dark Pulse
TM111Giga Drain
TM114Shadow Ball
TM118Heat Wave
TM119Energy Ball
TM137Grassy Terrain
TM140Nasty Plot
TM152Giga Impact
TM158Focus Blast
TM159Leaf Storm
TM163Hyper Beam
TM168Solar Beam
TM171Tera Blast
TM181Knock Off
TM184Vacuum Wave
TM190Solar Blade
TM193Weather Ball
TM194Grassy Glide
TM199Lash Out
Take Down
Leech Seed
Quick Attack
Worry Seed
Night Slash

Notable Moves:
Physical: Brick Break, Explosion, Fake Out, Foul Play, Knock Off, Leaf Blade, Low Kick, Rock Slide, Sucker Punch, Trailblaze, Solar Blade
Special: Air Slash, Dark Pulse, Energy Ball, Focus Blast, Grass Knot, Leaf Storm, Shadow Ball, Tera Blast, Weather Ball
Status: Defog, Swords Dance, Synthesis, Tailwind, Taunt, Toxic Spikes, Growth

Notable Changes from Previous Gens:
  • Wind Rider: Definitely one of the biggest Changes Shiftry received was its new second Ability. Not only does Wind Rider replace the comparatively less useful ability Early Bird, but Wind Rider is also a good ability for Shiftry in itself, by protecting it from a good chunk of super-effective Moves. It also makes Tailwind a considerable option, by boosting both of its best stats even further.
  • TM 190 Solar Blade: As Solar Blade was added as a TM in the DLC, Shiftry once again has access to that Move for Chlorophyll Builds, which speaking off...
  • Past Paradox Pokémon: The Past Paradox Mons of SV like Sunny Weather just as much as Chlorophyll Shiftry does. With this new importance of Sunny Weather, Chlorophyll Shiftry has received an indirect boost through better conditions, though how much it will be affected remains to be seen, as a lot of Paradox Mons might prefer to use :booster_energy:Booster Energy.
  • TM 193 Weather Ball: Weather Ball makes an interesting addition to Chlorophyll Shiftry's Arsenal. While it probably won't find much use, as it is a Special Move, it does play into the Weather-based Advantage mentioned before.
  • Terastalization: Naturally, Terastalization is a huge change to the Game, and Shiftry has a few Tera Options to its name. Probably not the biggest win for Shiftry, but it could lead to some interesting strategies.
  • TM 020 Trailblaze: Trailblaze is a decent move, allowing the user to boost their Speed while still dealing Damage. Naturally, Shiftry can benefit from it.

  • Varied Movepool: Shiftry has a variety of moves aiding it's Playstyle, and with it's comparatively decent Sp. Atk stat, it could even use it's variety of Special Moves. In general, it's moves give it a decent array of Type Coverage, with Rock Slide in particular dealing with some of it's Weaknesses. Foul Play, Grass Knot and Low Kick are Wall-Breaking Options as well, leaning into it's Sweeping Playstyle. It also has a variety of Setup moves, and could theoretically even use Explosion as well as Toxic Spikes and/or Taunt as a Lead. Defog makes it a potential Choice as offensive Defogger. Lastly, having STAB Knock Off is also a very valuable tool. Overall, Shiftry's Movepool gives it a variety of tools, allowing for varied builds.
  • Tailwind/Wind Rider: Tailwind, in combination with Wind Rider gives Shiftry a unique Niche, raising the Speed of any Allies for 4 turns, while furthering its own game plan. Despite that, it has to be seen if that ability will prove better than Chlorophyll, as the Setup for Chlorophyll can be done by other Mons, and Growth provides a better Attack Boost during Sun.
  • Solar Blade: Solar Blade is a powerful Option for Chlorophyll Shiftry, as it naturally plays well with it's Sun-based Playstyle.
  • Poor Defensive Typing: While Grass/Dark has some good resistances in Ghost, Ground, Dark and of course it's Psychic Immunity, with 7 Weaknesses, its defensive typing does have its issues. Fairy and Fighting in particular can be very devastating with :iron_valiant:Iron Valiant around, though Fire, Flying and Ice are also noticeable weaknesses. (Flying is somewhat mitigated by Wind Rider, though) It's 4x Weakness to Bug, while probably not the biggest issue, is also not neglectable thanks to U-Turn in particular. And only being Neutral to Steel is particularly devastating with :kingambit:Kingambit and :gholdengo:Gholdengo in OU, especially with Shiftry's lackluster Bulk. Speaking off...
  • Below Average Stats: While Shiftry has decent options to boost its Attack and Speed, that doesn't change the fact that these stats are still below average. Add to that its pretty miserable bulk, and you have a Glass Cannon at best, and just Glass at worst. It needs setup to get it's Speed and Attack high enough, but it likely won't live long enough to really reach that point.
  • Over-reliance on Weather: Chlorophyll Shiftry is going to be very reliant on Weather, so Weather Setters like :tyranitar:Tyranitar and :politoed:Politoed can easily disrupt Shiftry's Gameplan
  • Meowscarada: :meowscarada:Meowscarada does pretty much everything Shiftry would want to do, but better. The only exception may be Tailwind, but I doubt that's enough to establish Shiftry as a worthwhile alternative.

Tera Potential:
  • Tera Grass: Sometimes the easiest Solution is one of the Best. By boosting it's already decent STAB, Chlorophyll Shiftry has an easier time sweeping, while also removing some of the bigger weaknesses it had through Dark.
  • Tera Dark: In a very similar vein, Tera Dark is a decent option to improve it's Dark STAB, and to lose a lot of the Weaknesses that come with Grass. The presence of :iron_valiant:Iron Valiant and :great_tusk:Great Tusk makes Tera Grass the better Option, but Tera Dark can better deal with :heatran:Heatran and :iron_moth:Iron Moth.
  • Tera Ghost: Anti-Spinner Option for Hazard Lead builds. Probably not your main Tera Mon, but can be used if needed. The least useful Option, to be honest, but not bad
  • Summary: Shiftry has some decent Tera Options, but it might not be the best choice as your main Tera Mon. Still, it might be able to take advantage of the new mechanic, and it could easily exploit it to become a better Sweeper. It's lacking bulk will make Defensive Tera less worthwhile though.

:life-orb:Wind Rider Sweeper:shiftry:
Shiftry @ Life Orb
Ability: Wind Rider
Tera Type: Grass / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
- Tailwind
- Leaf Blade / Trailblaze
- Knock Off / Sucker Punch
- Low Kick / Foul Play

This is a simple build, using Tailwind in combination with Wind Rider to set up. Foul Play and Low Kick are both Wall-Breaking Tools, and Sucker Punch and Trailblaze are good Options if you don't have time to use Tailwind. Using an Adamant Nature is preferable to kill more reliably, but a Jolly Nature can be used to make setting up Tailwind easier.
:life-orb:Chlorophyll Sweeper:shiftry:
Shiftry @ Life Orb
Ability: Chlorophyll
Tera Type: Grass / Dark
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
- Growth
- Solar Blade
- Knock Off / Trailblaze
- Low Kick / Foul Play / Weather Ball

It's pretty much the same build Shiftry had in SwSh RU, just with some more options. Growth and Solar Blade obviously play into the Sun-based Gameplan, Trailblaze can be used to set up Shiftry's Speed once the Sun is gone. Low Kick and Foul Play are again Wall Breaking options. Weather Ball is another Weather option, though Solar Blade is clearly the superior Option. A Jolly Nature isn't as useful for this build, as Shiftry should already enter the Field with the Speed Bonus of Chlorophyll.
:focus-sash:Explosion Lead:shiftry:
Shiftry @ Focus Sash
Ability: Wind Rider
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature

- Toxic Spikes
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp
- Explosion

This is a pretty unusual build, and very experimental. But by using Shiftry's decent Attack stat, it makes for a surprise Explosion Lead. It's biggest issue is its lack of better setting moves, so it is probably not your best option, however, Taunt can be used to disrupt the opposing Support Mons. With Explosion, Shiftry can create a dent in your Opponent's Team once it is done setting up. A Jolly Nature and a :focus-sash:Focus Sash should guarantee that Shiftry always gets one turn to explode, while Wind Rider buys Shiftry more time by protecting it from some super-effective Moves.

Conclussion: While Shiftry has some potential as a Physical Sweeper, it will have a hard time carving out a Niche for itself, and will likely settle in lower Tiers. It has a varied Movepool, and Wind Rider gives it some security against Flying types, as well as a powerful option in Tailwind. Despite that, its tools don't make up for the lackluster stat-line, neither having the Speed to be a proper Sweeper, nor having the Bulk to be more of a Wall. Shiftry is definitely stronger than in previous Gens, but it's still unlikely that it will establish itself in OU. :meowscarada:Meowscarada in particular will push Shiftry out of any Niche it could realistically have, being a better alternative in most regards.

Well, this was certainly a learning experience. This was the first time I wrote an analysis on a Pokémon like this, and I hope that, despite my inexperience, this is good enough of an Analysis to start off this discussion. If there are any issues, feel free to let me know and I'll try to fix it.

"[...]Weather Setters like :tyranitar:Tyranitar and *checks notes* :politoed:Politoed? Didn't see that one coming lol"
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I actually think that the explosion set probably also wants tailwind as an alternative (probably to T spikes). Setting up tailwind, getting 1.5x attack from windrider, then getting a near guaranteed explosion at that increased attack (assuming you play around ghost types, of course) could be a pretty devastating suicide lead start, since it then gives you at least a couple of turns to make use of the double speed.

I really wish gamefreak would make tailwind start on the next turn (or make it work like trick room where the user has negative priority) so that its length could be unshackled from how busted it can be in doubles, but I know that will never happen >.>
I was actually thinking about that as well, using Tailwind to boost Explosion. There is also the possibility to have a Physically mixed Shiftry, by giving it most of the Tailwind Sweep Set, but replacing the Low Kick/Foul Play with Explosion...

Though, all experiments in that direction didn't turn out so well, because, in the End I would rather like to have anything on an OU Team that isn't Shiftry lol
I was actually thinking about that as well, using Tailwind to boost Explosion. There is also the possibility to have a Physically mixed Shiftry, by giving it most of the Tailwind Sweep Set, but replacing the Low Kick/Foul Play with Explosion...

Though, all experiments in that direction didn't turn out so well, because, in the End I would rather like to have anything on an OU Team that isn't Shiftry lol
Yeah, it definitely isn't going to have a notable niche in OU, though I do think the suicide tailwind lead will be pretty scary in one of the lower tiers, so long as it's one where there aren't too many ghosts running around.
A small correction though you wrote 248 HP EVs on the explosion set and said it can take advantage of its HP. Explosion doesnt scale with HP it scales with attack
A small correction though you wrote 248 HP EVs on the explosion set and said it can take advantage of its HP. Explosion doesnt scale with HP it scales with attack
I gave it more HP to give it more longevity, though, in hindsight that didn't get me too far. I'll change that in the original post.

The idea was that, since Shiftry's HP was not terrible, it might be able to use it to stay in as a lead for a bit. I probably worded it poorly, besides, experimentation showed me that it didn't quite work out.