SG Summer'15 Shiny Rayquaza Code Giveway

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IMO side scrolling games like Contra, Batman and Super Mario made my childhood lol. Back in the day we didn't have fancy graphics and guides were uncommon so it was a great way to spend time with family and friends. Another great game I remember with joy is Shadowgate for NES. English isn't my first language so it was a combined effort to be at the puzzles and the game (eventually). Plus it had great soundtrack
Hey awesome give away! This is my all time fave legendary :)

Anyways! My most influential game for me is Mike Tyson's Punch Out for the NES. When I grew up I spent a lot of time at my grandma's house due to parents having issues, etc. but going over to my grandparents I would always get time in to play Punch Out. The game was a great way for me to release my emotions from home and I got pretty good at it! But the game itself was perfect to me, it was simple, it relied on lots of trial and error, the soundtrack was spot on, the characters were good, and it made you motivated to keep going! :p idk from then on i've been a big gamer and everything I play I base it off Punch Out. Even though the game is fairly linear and quite simple without much story I still think it was perfect :D and I still play it today but sadly i've never beat mike :( haha someday though!
My most influential video game would probably be Shining Force on the old Sega Genesis. It was the first RPG-type game I ever got into, and was the first that I ever beat on my own. I used to watch my dad play when I was really little, and it was something we bonded over. Plus, it got me hooked onto big swords and cool magic :). If there aren't any more codes left, no worries (I didn't count exactly.) Thanks a bunch for this giveaway!
The most influential game for me was Pokemon Platinum ironically. It took me a long time to beat, thanks to being so slow, but it was so fun. Without it I would not be where I am today as a Pokemon fan (probably be a Skylanders fan in that case). RIP my old platinum game thanks to my jerk little sister, who erased it and all my event mons as well as my mons in HG, but I still got a Palkia with Heal Block (ONLY IN Pearl, Diamond, Platinum GAMES FOR THE TRIO TO HAVE THAT MOVE)
Sorry guys, I fell asleep.

I'll give my last code to the first user who posted, provided they have the required 3DS region. If not, I'll go onto the next.

As for the rest of you, I'll get codes when I have the chance. Thanks all for participating!
The most influencial video game I've played is probably Halo 3. It was not just the game itself, but the experience thaat I've had playing it. For me it was the first game where I could have played on the Internet. I met people, learned how to communicate with others. How that's nfluencial is for the first time, I can pkay a game with someone god knows where and still have a blast playing.

Just having that kind of experience would put any 12 years old would put him on a magical journey. That's how Halo 3 influenced me.

Thank you for the giveaway ;)
For me it would have to be Kirby: Tilt n' Tumble. This ancient gbc game (god I feel old, lol) influenced me by teaching me about how games can be innovative; because for it's time the tilting mechanics behind this Kirby game were top-tier in terms of how inventive they were (and really cool for a kid to play with, too!). Other than that, the fact that we could have games that dealt with motion controls all the way back in the pre-2000 era (something like 8 years before the wii came out, lol) is simply mind-blowing. Despite what some people might think, games do teach us some nifty ideas and concepts; for me Kirby Tilt N' Tumble did just that. :)

Thanks for hosting this awesome giveaway!
For me, it would be Need For Speed Underground 2, simply because it's my first video game. From the game, my father often teases me about how to build a custom car well even though he's an engineer. Since then, my father often brought me to racing events where he sometimes worked as a pit manager, so that I can see customization up close, although in the end I didn't grow fond of it lol.

So yeah, thanks for the giveaway :)
For me, it would be Need For Speed Underground 2, simply because it's my first video game. From the game, my father often teases me about how to build a custom car well even though he's an engineer. Since then, my father often brought me to racing events where he sometimes worked as a pit manager, so that I can see customization up close, although in the end I didn't grow fond of it lol.

So yeah, thanks for the giveaway :)
Not sure if your first video game is your most influential, but alright.

Code's on the way.
The most influential game for me is Age of Empires II and its expansions, The Conquerors and The Forgotten. It’s one of the first computer games I have played, and completely conquered me. Thanks to AoE II, I started to love history, and that love is so intense that despite the fact that I don’t do History, my thesis is going to be more focused in history than in law.

I still play AoE II, on steam now, and after all these years, it’s a game I just can’t stop playing. Also, it helped me to grow up my strategies and turn it quicker to create than, not only in AoE II, but in games at all. And, of course, it taught me a lot of things about European medieval and modern civilizations.
The most influential game for me is Age of Empires II and its expansions, The Conquerors and The Forgotten. It’s one of the first computer games I have played, and completely conquered me. Thanks to AoE II, I started to love history, and that love is so intense that despite the fact that I don’t do History, my thesis is going to be more focused in history than in law.

I still play AoE II, on steam now, and after all these years, it’s a game I just can’t stop playing. Also, it helped me to grow up my strategies and turn it quicker to create than, not only in AoE II, but in games at all. And, of course, it taught me a lot of things about European medieval and modern civilizations.
I need to play that someday. Everyone raves on about AoE and how great it is, and maybe I should try it myself.

Your code should be in your inbox in a few.

Only one left.
my most influential game was punch out for nes. it got me into boxing, which got me into kickboxing and mma. im now training to open my own school and my lifes path pretty much came from that!

also, i got to the final boss in first grade, but took me til 5th grade to beat! it was so hard haha
my most influential game was punch out for nes. it got me into boxing, which got me into kickboxing and mma. im now training to open my own school and my lifes path pretty much came from that!

also, i got to the final boss in first grade, but took me til 5th grade to beat! it was so hard haha
Yeah, I can't give you a code. You already received one from another source. Sorry.
My favorite game other than Pokemon is Mortal Kombat. I have been playing since I was six. I've had every version up until the most recent consoles.. As of a few years ago Pokemon is the only game I play. But my friends and I used to actually act out fights and make up our own fatalities. There was actually a time I had every players combos memorized lol
My favorite game other than Pokemon is Mortal Kombat. I have been playing since I was six. I've had every version up until the most recent consoles.. As of a few years ago Pokemon is the only game I play. But my friends and I used to actually act out fights and make up our own fatalities. There was actually a time I had every players combos memorized lol
Never got into MK, and I heard eh things about MKX. I thought that would be a good starting point, but nah.

Code should be there soon.

I'll try to get another round of codes when my schedule permits it. Thanks everyone for participating (again).
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