Research SFMT RNG in Sun&Moon

I was able to use Blastoise_x's English version of the guide to get a Timid HP Ice Tapu Koko, so I can vouch that the process is now in a usable state.

The seed verification with the loading clock hands is by far the most difficult, most error-prone, and most time consuming part of the whole thing. If somebody figures out how to check the seed by Pokemon poses instead, then it will turn the whole thing braindead easy with almost no chance for mistakes. It would cut each attempt down to mere minutes, and all you would have to do is hit your correct frame, which is actually the easier part of the process already. If people are still doing research, I think that this should be the next thing in line.
I'm trying for 2 days to get ONLY the seed but i always fail. Only the start or only the end, no matter what it always end with no seed

Edit: i was wrong all the time, now everything fixed. Guide got updated guys, you need to adjust the frames
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Does anybody know if it's possible to rng the second cosmog? Shouldn't it be considered a static encounter as well?
Edit: also what happens if I soft reset? what frame do I start at if, for example, I verify the seed with the clock, press a to enter the game and then soft reset after failing to reach my desired target frame?
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The seed verification with the loading clock hands is by far the most difficult, most error-prone, and most time consuming part of the whole thing.

This is actually not too hard to do. You can use any camera and just record the clock hands and scrub frame by fram (or as close as possible) after turning of Auto Exposure.

But since you say you have done it, could you help clarify when the timings and button presses occur? From the start menu (Continue, Mystery Gift, Live Competition) you press the A button at the same time that you start the EonTimer, but are you supposed to interact with the statue before the 1.5 seconds end, or is it after the second timer ends ie. the target frame numbers timer? In my attempts there is not enough time to interact with the statue before the first timer ends.
I haven't tried recording it, but if nothing else the "time consuming" part would still be true if you need to resort to that.

You press A on the main menu (where your trainer photo is) at the same time that you start EonTimer. The pre-timer, if I'm not mistaken, is supposed to account for the loading time of the game, so that the actual timer can start itself as soon as the game is fully loaded. After adjusting it on my first few attempts, I ended up with a pre-timer value of 2600, using my Old 3DS XL (different systems will likely be different, N3DS will be closer to 1500). You should notice the game music starting right around the time that the pre-timer finishes. In your waiting time, talk to the statue and wait on the textbox where the Tapu says their cry. Press A at the end of the second timer, which will immediately start the battle.
I haven't tried recording it, but if nothing else the "time consuming" part would still be true if you need to resort to that.

You press A on the main menu (where your trainer photo is) at the same time that you start EonTimer. The pre-timer, if I'm not mistaken, is supposed to account for the loading time of the game, so that the actual timer can start itself as soon as the game is fully loaded. After adjusting it on my first few attempts, I ended up with a pre-timer value of 2600, using my Old 3DS XL (different systems will likely be different, N3DS will be closer to 1500). You should notice the game music starting right around the time that the pre-timer finishes. In your waiting time, talk to the statue and wait on the textbox where the Tapu says their cry. Press A at the end of the second timer, which will immediately start the battle.

Do you know when the frames start counting? Is it when the screen goes from black to show everything, is it when the music starts, or is it something else?

Edit: Whoops, I re-read your message and saw that you said when the timer should end, at the start of the music

Edit2: After some testing I found that the music starts nearly perfectly if I set the timer to 1700. Also I am using a New 3DS XL in case someone else wants to know.
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I don't know anything about the internal mechanics to know whether the frames start when the music does or when the screen fades in. If you just ballpark calibrate it then you can fine-tune it after a few attempts. The important part is to remember the ~1 second loading difference between O3DS and N3DS (the guide is written with N3DS in mind, so O3DS users have to remember to set the number higher before starting). I brought up the music because it helps to conceptualize what each of the timers is measuring.
How far do I have to look to see where I hit? I haven't managed to find the frame I landed on for any of the seeds I had.
Having enormous trouble finding my seeds. A lot of the clock hands look very close (ex 0 and 16) and can't reliably hit seeds. Is there another way to verify?

Does anyone know if synchronizes work for stationary pokes, or do they throw your delay/frame out of whack?