
) but then is left without legitimate or reasonable recourse when a man points out that university enrollment, at least in Canada, is like 60% female and then claim that the genders are equal anyways. Equality be damned, some people will take a win when they can get it and cry their way into a tie when they lose.
At least in the Western nations, women outnumber males from an average of like 54% to 46%. It's natural for universities to have more female enrollment than male enrollment in large scale universities. Of course, the same can be said for technical colleges that often have a 60% or greater proportion of males to females. Ask a man for legitimate reasons in an explanation on that.
good joke

Yeah but women also work better together in teams, and situations where infantry are even required to be used are becoming more and more obsolete every day. If a woman can do everything that is required of men, there is no justification for banning them from the infantry.

This "sexual tension" that people assume will happen is caused by the men, not by the women who want to make a sacrifice for their country.

Yeah, that is the solution. Stop whining! You'll get equal pay for equal work if you just shut your female mouth! Look, men get everything they want and they arent bitching! Look at how the frail, disadvantaged, weak men are just dealing with all of the injustice brought upon them! You really know how to inspire people.

You might not hate women, but your post would suggest that you sure do hate women's rights.

"Feminism" isn't about not wearing a bra and letting your body hair grow. It's about stupid shit like "why do women not make the same amount of money for equal work?", "why are rape victims portrayed as 'asking for it'?", "why is the Prime Minister of Italy seriously suggesting that people hire sexy young women as political candidates for their party?" and "why is female promiscuity irresponsible but male promiscuity is dominance and to be encouraged?"
You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes the military jrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. The infantry are easily one of the most used sections of the army right now. Infantry are most of what the military combats guerilla warfare with. You can't exactly have some Abrams roll in and destroy downton Bahgdad and expect to hit only terrorists or some have f-16's fly in and bomb a couple buildings. It's infantry who have to be on the ground detaining and shooting. The infantry are anything but outdated.

Women are allowed in the military. I would know since i work with them.

Women are banned from the infantry because they cannot do the work the infantry needs done. Combat is no place for a woman. Perhaps there are a few exceptions of women that can handle a SAW, 50 cal, or grenade launcher like a man can or fire an anti tank missile but it has to be extremely rare. The carry of a wounded soldier is always a huge concern. Even ridiculous things like taking a piss, periods, or hair length could factor in. Once exceptions are made then the line is much more susceptible to be moved farther and farther back until the efficiency of the infantry is horrible. I have a hard time believing that in a squad all the male soldiers would let the woman carry equal weight thereby keeping efficiency the same. It's just not practical to allow women in any combat situation.

Of course sexual tension is a concern. I enjoy how you made the sexist statement that all tension would be male caused and further claimed that only noble women wishing to sacrifice for their country would be in combat. No such thing as men wanting to sacrifice. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

You also make the claim that men get everything they want. I find that humorous for the obvious.

I don't know of a job women are doing equal work but obtaining less money as a rule. To me that would be discrimination in the workplace. I doubt you know of one either.

I don't say rape victims are asking for it. I think rape is one of the worst things imaginable. Rape is an absolute terror and scourge. As for promiscuity i hate the men who just take advantage of women and brag about it. It shouldn't happen. I don't really know where the prime minister of italy comes into play either.
At least in the Western nations, women outnumber males from an average of like 54% to 46%. It's natural for universities to have more female enrollment than male enrollment in large scale universities. Of course, the same can be said for technical colleges that often have a 60% or greater proportion of males to females. Ask a man for legitimate reasons in an explanation on that.
60% enrollment with 54% women. Still a 6% discrepency that is consistent, so my point is still valid completely. The whole point of my comment was to demonstrate that people are willing to push for total equality despite obvious physiological differences between genders, but they only do it when they are the ones that aren't getting their way. You really won't be seeing feminists piping off about the inequality of university enrollment numbers because they are on the favorable side of it. It's completely retarded because people use equality as a trojan horse for promoting their own group.
Separate but equal never works. A disadvantaged group must be given advantages to bring them up to the same level as the other group(s). This is why people generally don't bitch about it when women get an advantage because Men have been in the lead since the dawn of time.

I spent my childhood being lectured on how a lot of men are evil and how telling my sister to piss off when I was playing video games was a form of "oppression". Being oh so politically correct gets old fast.

Feminism was needed in the 60's but it's a dead cow that really should have stopped getting beaten a long time ago. Women have fairly equal rights and aside of gender roles that are prevalent in western society women are being treated better than ever. They're living longer and they're doing much more with their lives than previous generations.

So, I really don't see what all the fuss is about.

Deck Knight

Blast Off At The Speed Of Light! That's Right!
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if only there was some way to somehow... shorten a woman's hair. maybe some kind of cutting implement, similar to a knife, perhaps, but... ah, it's a pipe dream

lucky we've got men to rely on, who don't urinate
Perhaps you've never taken anatomy. You either find a time and place to squat or you give your position away to an enemy via the stench of urine in your uniform. The latter choice will end up killing someone.

I am also eternally amused when people start hating on big bad evil men and then proclaim that women are unaffected by sexual tension. What a bunch of chauvinistic, paternalistic crap. Maybe in your world women are never horny , but in mine women merely keep a better pretense of asexuality.

Equal Pay is a straw man, which my point about the uncelebrated Equal Death Day was trying to make subtly.

Men as a group take on more occupational risks, therefore men as a group will have a higher pay when comparing the aggregate sum of all wages and salary in a given time period. The only actual comparison for equal pay is on a job-by-job basis, the aggregate numbers feminists trumpet do not take into account personal choice (women choose lower paying professions and/or work fewer hours than male counterparts), inherent occupational hazards (which increase pay, aka hazard pay), and general industry. Obviously a top-ranking salesperson makes more than a social worker, and physically and mentally riskier work tends to attract men because men are more willing to accept risk and loss of time. It's genetically hardwired.

jrrrrr said:
As akuchi pointed out, this is a blatantly hypocritical paragraph. Sarah Palin was an idiot, an embarrassment to women and conservatives everywhere.
While as a liberal I know you make a life out of feeling embarrassment for others' wrongs, it is not necessary in this instance. A mother of 5 who climbed up the political ladder of her own accord and took down ethics violators in her own party is hardly an idiot or an embarrassment. Don't let the Brahman elitism go to your head jrrr, Massachusetts has no room to talk about idiotic embarrassments. How many house speakers have left in disgrace now (in a row, I might add), five? And the whole Chappaquidick thing? And the brilliant orator that is the Boston Mayor Menino (or even John Kerry ffs)? Please, we're the last state who should be lambasting the elected officials of other states.

Palin did it on her own and even fought her own politically entrenched party to do it. You'd think any reasonable Democrat would praise someone who self-polices their own party, but since she happens not to pray at the altar of abortion and nontraditional marriage, well, that makes it a bit tough to be liked at the groupthink sessions. Then again I may be too kind in assuming reasonable Democrats exist. John F. Kennedy and Scoop Jackson have been ideologically killed and replaced by the moonbattery of Dennis Kucinich and Cynthia McKinney.

"I can see Russia,
That quote was Tina Fey on an SNL skit. So glad you weren't paying attention. So glad you never bothered to read the transcript of the interview rather than the hack editing job.

so I'm more qualified in foreign policy than Obama and Clinton!"
How about sharing continuous and common relations with Canada (as the Alaskan oil pipeline runs through Canada before reaching the contiguous 48 states)? How about being within targeting distance of a Russian missile? But even delving into the argument deeper (as there's a debate questioning whether one can even have "foreign policy experience"), very few people can actually claim foreign policy experience. Obama was an insulated Chicago crackhead and Hillary was a gladhanding first lady. In short the bar was set pretty damn low.

Is Palin perfect? Obviously not. But the suggestion she's an idiot is baseless as an actual argument. It works fine though for people with ideological blinders a mile thick. It's a bog-standard tactic to call high-ranking political opponents idiots. Obviously the people in their state disagreed or else they wouldn't be high-ranking politicians.

"Africa is a country" "there is a special place in hell for women who dont help other women" etc etc etc.
"The Republican Party is run like a plantation, and you know what I'm talking about" ~Hillary Rodham Clinton at a black southern church in a hackneyed southern accent.

"I've traveled around to about 57 states now, with about 3 more to go I think"; "The 1908 Ford Model T gets better gas mileage than SUV's today" ~Barack Obama

Any politician can be thrown towards idiotic quote-a-palooza. That alone is just a sign of the gaffery that comes with being a politician and having your every word in the spotlight. You simply hate Palin because you cannot fathom someone who does not believe is America is a guilty, thoroughly racist, sexist, xenophobic, homophobic, and singularly evil nation as having any intelligence whatsoever.

I don't know why you think akuchi would support Palin when they obviously have huge disagreements on nearly every political issue, is it because they are both women? Then yes, that is sexist.
No, it's because you have to be a deliberately ignorant peon (read: shameless liar) to believe Bristol Palin was covering for her mother's pregnancy while she was pregnant at the time. The feminist sisterhood has had no problem covering for ridiculous scandals as long as you believe "the right things," thus why they reek of spoiled fish. Where was their outrage at the disgusting statements and outright lies about a child's maternity? Nowhere to be found, I'm afraid. Apparently you can call a politicians child appauling, degrading, sexist, and disgusting names, and as long as her mum ain't a lefty it's A-ok for a feminist. You'll excuse every remotely center-right person in the nation of not laughing such a movement off as a dated and worthless anachronism.

I would never ask akuchi to start singing "Go Palin!" in the streets, but it would have been nice if she stepped back and put some thought into the idea that making insinuations about somebody's motherhood and "home burdens" brought on by children should send up feminist red flags, were feminists truly supporters of women. I wasn't pissed that she opposed Palin politically, that's a "big f'in duh," but you can oppose someone politically while recognizing certain lines of attack against them are bigoted, backward, and sexist. That isn't what happened though, the trope was bought hook, line, and sinker. For instance the "Obama is a closet Muslim terrorist" attack from the right during the election was completely idiotic. There were endless reasons to oppose Obama that didn't involve him being a terrorist Manchurian Candidate.

Are you seriously suggesting that Hilary Clinton got to where she is because she was a "quick trick to a congressman"? (apparently bolding "man" makes us more superior)
Name a single thing Hillary Rodham is known for other than being Bill Clinton's wife, other than her newly appointed SecOfState position or as the first Arkansan to be Senator of New York (also thanks to hubby's influence, I might add). Remove Bill Clinton and Hillary Rodham is a nobody. Same with a cavalcade of Dem Senators and Congresspersons who just happened to marry onto someone in power.

Also I know of no lesbians as of yet who have been appointed because they slept with a congresswoman, although there have been a few men promoted to government positions because they "greased the wheels" of a closet case.

To shorten this all into a single statement:

Feminism as currently constituted is sexism. It is nothing more than a tool to advance far-left identity politics. It operates with feigned outrage at even imagined slights of liberal women or feminists icons, but is the loudest booing and trashing section on anyone who does not unquestionably support the extreme left policy goals of the movement, particularly the metrosexualization of men, abortion on demand, and the destruction of marriage and the family.

You might not hate women, but your post would suggest that you sure do hate women's rights.
You mean abortion. Use that word instead of your flowery euphemism. Nobody opposes suffrage, equal opportunity employment or equal pay for equal work at the same job and experience level. Nobody. Thus the only "right" left you could possibly be talking about is that one, and you're damn straight I oppose a thoroughly useless, fertility destroying, and mentally traumatizing monstrosity.

Women are blessed because they can give life, not destroy it. Anyone can destroy life, see: Scott Peterson. Charged with two counts of murder for killing his pregnant wife Lacy. Killing is not a right. Now I'm sure you'll scold me for going off-topic, but please, "women's rights?" Don't waste my time with that bullshit. I have no time for word-parsing euphemists. Unless you can point to me a single "women's right" that people actually dispute other than the one mentioned, please desist in your flowery, meaningless emotional language. Nobody, least of all conservatives, oppose individual rights.
Deck Knight said:
feminism is evil, etc.
I find it interesting (though certainly unsurprising) that you rail against feminism as though (1) you actually know what you are talking about, when you do not, (2) feminism is monolithic, (3) all feminists share certain presumably distasteful personal characteristics, (4) all feminists have the same theoretical aims, (5) you have some idea of what these aims are. Have you ever read anything by or about a feminist author or movement? Simone de Beauvoir? Judith Butler? Gayatri Spivak? Have you even heard of these people? I sincerely doubt it. That you turn this into a rant against Democrats is revealing; your issue is not with feminism per se but with 'liberalism' generally, and anything, despite how ill-informed your notions of what it consists may be, vaguely associated with 'the Left' (also monolithic) is suspect. This hearkens back to points (2), (4) and (5): you seem blissfully unaware that feminism can actually encompass more 'right-wing' perspectives as well, see e.g. 'libertarian feminism'.

AncienRégime said:
...which is exactly the problem.

"Feminism" has just become an easy catchall to shove your favorite cultural ideology into; it's become an ideological big-tent. The problem with big tents is that they tend to collapse in spectacular fashion as they lack stability.
You can say the same thing about any intellectual or political movement: Anarchism, for instance, can take many of the same prefixes and suffixes feminism can; libertarianism has comparable variety; Marxism's variety is endless. All of them splinter into different perspectives and schools, but as long as these are not utterly anathema to each other the movements can still hold contrapuntal and congruous relevance and achieve a fair amount of success.
Scott Petersen should not have been charged with two counts of murder. There was a case a while back (might be the same one) where the man was given a longer sentence for the 'murder of the foetus' than the murder of the actual woman, which made me vaguely ill.

I should add I never seriously believed that Trig was Bristol's child; I thought it was an interesting conspiracy theory, much as I find 9/11 truthers an interesting conspiract theory. I also find the slurs aimed at Bristol for her later pregnancy distasteful at best, however there is a current of feminism that thinks you should not bring Palin's policies on abstinence-only into the debate wheras I disagree and find them relevant.
You also failed to address the hypocrisy in your own post - Palin is a strong, independent woman yet Clinton is just a whore? Insane.
I can't stand Palin, and I am incredibly glad she lost. That does not mean I want to attack her on sexist grounds, and will do my best however abhorrent I find her politics to stick up for her whenever misogynistic slurs are levelled. There's no doubt I could have done more in that regard.
I am also eternally amused when people start hating on big bad evil men and then proclaim that women are unaffected by sexual tension. What a bunch of chauvinistic, paternalistic crap. Maybe in your world women are never horny , but in mine women merely keep a better pretense of asexuality.
yeah, some people seem to think girls are either totally asexual or they are sluts. One of the biggest reason I ever considered to join the army in sweden was because I like men in military suits. :naughty:

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