Resource Series 10 Viability Rankings

as much as I am a fan of Shiny Guzzlord I feel like it's just dead weight on the team when you could have better dark types such as goltres. It has almost 0% of usage in the current meta. On second thought it would pair amazingly well with Zacian imo. I have seen goltres with zacian-c alot recently and it's actually a thing with the help of snarl, sucker punch, foul play and air slash. I feel like guzzlord is a cheaper version of goltres and yveltal and would work well in Trick room.

The primary thing Guzzlord has to set itself apart from other dark types in the format is its dragon typing. Key resistances to water and electric allow it to wall Kyogre and Regieleki, both of which are very powerful offensive threats in the metagame at the moment. The resistance to fire is also great as it is able to switch into things like Entei and heat crash from Groudon. It also has access to wide guard as I stated before meaning it can completely nullify damage from things like astral barrage and water spout regardless of how much HP it or its teammate has remaining. The last thing is its ability to function as a win con with iron defense and amnesia, as it walls very common late game cleaner mons like Regieleki and Rillaboom.

I think it has more than enough things to seperate itself from goltres and yvel.
This was all based on early metagame theorymonning but with ~150 games played in the past 72 hrs I can confidently say these suck and I would support dropping to D tier or unranking. No need to keep Pokemon around for the novelty of it.

Disagree with dropping Galarian Zapdos that far. It hard beats 8 of the top 10 unrestricteds listed in the VR, and matches up decently into a 9th in Landorus-I since it's immune to Earth Power. It has useful tech moves such as Taunt, Quick Guard, and Coaching (although I think coaching is pretty terrible) in addition to its 2 strong STABS. It's not super splashable which is why I don't think it should move up, but I also don't think it should drop, at least not that far to C. I do agree with dropping the two redirectors and Kartana though.

Not sure what VR world cup you were watching considering week 1 went up yesterday and the first game was played only a few hours ago. That being said, it's like... fine I guess. I really dislike Suicune if I'm being honest, it's clunky and often a momentum sap because it has no offensive presence but its utility isn't on the level of Whimsicott or Porygon2. It's getting the results which makes it a bit hard to ignore I guess. I think B- is fine for a clunky support Pokemon that only really works in the context of Zacian or Calyrex, maybe Eternatus as well but that's pushing fringe territory.

Suicune may not have the most offensive presence but often times it can be enough into the things you need it to hit, like Incineroar or Entei, unless you need an ohko of course. It's main draw is its immense bulk combined with its access to both damage reduction and speed control. Getting Snarls into big threats such as Calyrex-Shadow and Xerneas allows its teammates to have an easier time removing them. It can have all my friends are dead syndrome at times, I won't deny that. But in my opinion, Suicune is great at stalling your opponents momentum and then kickstarting yours with speed control and/or Helping Hand.
:charizard: The one Pokemon I want to nom publicly is Charizard, probably for C+/C rank :charizard:

Been using it on Groudon sun with a variety of items and the damage calcs are just genuinely insane. Xerneas drops to Fire Blast in sun, Zacian-C drops to Heat Wave, etc. The thing's just absolutely stupid offensively, but it is reliant on sun for the most part and frail so C+ at the absolute highest seems like a nice fit.
Shout to you for telling me this idea. Charizard is insane in sun lmao I tried it on ladder with Venu and Groudon and it destroyed almost everything but I feel like it so reliant on sun to be able to do deal large amount of damage also the accuracy of Heat wave and Fire Blast are so unreliant. I feel like C- or D- are good for it. I feel like it's less pokemon and more like poker lol
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Ended up playing a showdown tournament with Charizard and had a good run with it. I feel like charizard and groudon are underrated asf.

here are some of the replays
Hey guys, yeah I still exist, and I just started playing VGC again recently. Been having a lot of fun with it and I feel I am ready to make my first noms.


Groudon :groudon: B+ -> A

Pretty big jump but I do think Groudon has solidified itself as a big 5 restricted. It's had a solid amount of showings at big tournaments including Wolfe's team which went pretty far in that tour today that I can't remember the name of. LOrb is really consistent and powerful but I've used Band and Soft Sand on Gravity Clops teams which slaps. Ground typing is also really nice in the meta rn, and there are like 0 good grounds. We got Lando-I which albeit is amazing, but is definitely very frail and doesn't fit on every team comp. Lando-T is super niche and is super hard to make a solid set with let alone fit on a team. Basically, no other grounds (though I may give Krookodile a shot because it's got a lot of good stuff going for it, nom for later I guess) are relevant so having Groudon is super nice. Also, Semi-Room Don fucks over the big 4 if played correctly, which you know, is amazing.

Eternatus :eternatus: B- -> B+

Yo, this mon is fucking stupid if you play it right. Imo the only valid set is the cosmic power and hoolyyy fuckk is it unkillable. Get even one Cosmic up and this thing is basically a free win if the other team doesn't have haze or Clear Smog or Taunt (taunt is unreliable, though). Poison/Dragon is pretty nice typing being able to stuff 4 of the big 5 good stuff mons (Ursh-R, Incin, Rilla, and Eleki) along with stuffing out Kyogre and the (less used but still relevant) Ho-Oh. Sludge/DynaCannon and Flamethrower is very nice coverage and most often hits everything for at least neutral, meaning it's pretty easy to wear down the other team. I think it is very close to solidifying its place in the meta, maybe a couple more Tour showings can help it there, but for now, I think it's B+.

Yveltal :yveltal: B- -> D-
Ok so basically if you use this you are throwing. Galarian Moltres is really good and basically is just Yveltal that doesn't take up a restricted slot. Does the same thing, AV set with snarl and sucker punch that is rly good in endgames. Mandibuzz is also popping off recently and it's actually so fire (and better than tal). Imagine Tal ok, give it more bulk, Roost, Tailwind, a powder move immunity, AND it isn't a restricted. Like it's legit a strict upgrade over Yveltal right now, and I just don't think Yveltal should be on any team at the moment. Sorry to my homie Joe the Yveltal fanboy, but it ain't it right now.

Ho-Oh :ho-oh: B -> C+

So Ho-Oh's main niche is being a good counter to Zacian, Groudon, and the grasses, which it does fine, the problem is, it drops to everything around those mons. Your standard Zacian team is, let's just say Zacian, Eleki, RIllaboom, Incin, UrshW, and Lando-I. Sure you are a pretty nice Zacian, Incin, and Rillaboom check, but you just die to everything else around it. Eleki goes zap, Ursh just surging strikes you, and Lando-I often run Rock Slide or Stone Edge coverage, which you know, kills it. Let's look at Groudon now. I would say standard Don is just Zee's team, Groudon Zard (supa fire mon btw) Nihi, Grimmsnarl, P2, and Tsareena. You in theory check Tsareena Zard and Don, which is very cool, buuuutt, Nihilego exists, and also Groudon can run Rock coverage viably, especially on LOrb where SD isn't THAT necessary. So yeah, in theory, checks some very good mons, in practice, nah.

Well, those are my noms for now, happy to be back, gonna do regular noms in a couple of days most likely because I am tired af.
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Gyarados UR -> B-

Hot take, I played a lotta games with assault vest gyarados, and honest it's pretty good if you just keep it away from regieleki, which has been dropping a bit anyway. It does great against both sun and rain teams, walls a good amount of popular mons, and has intimidate. The real good point is the stupid amount of coverage it has. Power whip, ice fang and crunch are really useful current meta and really let it just dismantle weather teams and let it bop calyrex easily and unexpectedly. It can also do some support with icy wind but I prefer ice fang to chunk grass types better.
some calcs:

252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 164 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Gyarados: 79-95 (41.3 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 164 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 63-75 (32.9 - 39.2%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Mystic Water Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 164 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Gyarados in Rain: 63-75 (32.9 - 39.2%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO

252+ Atk Gyarados Power Whip vs. 236 HP / 4 Def Groudon: 110-130 (53.6 - 63.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Gyarados Power Whip vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Kyogre: 160-190 (90.9 - 107.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Gyarados Crunch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Calyrex-Shadow: 236-280 (134 - 159%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Gyarados UR -> B-

Hot take, I played a lotta games with assault vest gyarados, and honest it's pretty good if you just keep it away from regieleki, which has been dropping a bit anyway. It does great against both sun and rain teams, walls a good amount of popular mons, and has intimidate. The real good point is the stupid amount of coverage it has. Power whip, ice fang and crunch are really useful current meta and really let it just dismantle weather teams and let it bop calyrex easily and unexpectedly. It can also do some support with icy wind but I prefer ice fang to chunk grass types better.
some calcs:

252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 164 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Gyarados: 79-95 (41.3 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 164 HP / 0 Def Gyarados: 63-75 (32.9 - 39.2%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO
252 SpA Mystic Water Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 164 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Gyarados in Rain: 63-75 (32.9 - 39.2%) -- 99.9% chance to 3HKO

252+ Atk Gyarados Power Whip vs. 236 HP / 4 Def Groudon: 110-130 (53.6 - 63.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252+ Atk Gyarados Power Whip vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Kyogre: 160-190 (90.9 - 107.9%) -- 50% chance to OHKO
252+ Atk Gyarados Crunch vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Calyrex-Shadow: 236-280 (134 - 159%) -- guaranteed OHKO
100% agree with this and second this. Not much to add other than my approval
Ok .. in a more secure way, I would like to comment on some drops and falls of each pokemon in this format, since I have been using all the restricted and pokemon that they can see, even with this I will put below the ones that go down:

_Ho-oH (B> C): I admit it people, it has improved compared to series 8 ... but the reality is that, beyond beating zacian or pokemon grass ... it is a bit short despite the fact that it has improved. ... he still has the problem that in VGC series 8, he suffers from intimidation, avalanche, even mons who walk at lower levels are getting better things like Lunala and Palkia, and if they say that defensive can do everything, well ... yes and no:
Damage to the:

+1 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 36 Def Ho-Oh: 196-232 (92 - 108.9%) - 50% chance to OHKO

+1 252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 204+ Def Ho-Oh: 318-376 (76.4 - 90.3%) - guaranteed 2HKO (LMAO, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't do anything right now)

252+ Atk Stakataka Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 36 Def Ho-Oh: 220-264 (103.2 - 123.9%) - guaranteed OHKO

-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Stakataka Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 204+ Def Ho-Oh: 504-598 (121.1 - 143.7%) - guaranteed OHKO

the Damaging:

108 Atk Ho-Oh Sacred Fire vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned: 138-164 (82.6 - 98.2%) - guaranteed 2HKO

-1 108 Atk Ho-Oh Sacred Fire vs. 212 HP / 244+ Def Landorus-Therian: 40-48 (20.9 - 25.1%) - 0% chance to 4HKO

108 Atk Ho-Oh Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Kyogre: 102-120 (57.9 - 68.1%) - guaranteed 2HKO

Be careful, with this I am not saying that it is bad mon or anything ... but it still suffers from the same as in vgc series 8, but to a lesser extent ... it is weak to Landorus incarnated with rock slide, the very rare set of Zacian with Wild Charge (Although not common, it is a threat as well), Stakataka, Tornogre, and other physical pokemon such as urshifu rapid stricke.

_Necrozma-DW (D> UR): this is by far the most obvious of all, lousy ability, limited coverage, low speed, weak to calyrex shadow and outclassed by Lunala in all the word .. it has nothing, not worth it nor put it in tier D

_Zygarde (C> D): this one is the same, but not so disappointing, since like ho-oh, it is totally overshadowed by intimidation and burns, if you really managed to max it out with the 100% form, I swear to you There is no more desire, because it depends entirely on the whole team to help it, and worse when you realize that there is amoogus with clear smog or tapufini with Haze, in short, it has no niche, and more because options land is landorus incarnate or groudon if you are looking for a restricted ...

Now they play the ones that should go up:
_Palkia (-C> B): Palkia is a good mon, apart from the fact that he can help to put the trick room, he hits hard thanks to Lustrous Orb, it doesn't matter if you have tapufini with Misty Surge, as long as you have it, he will deal great damage to almost 85% of available dragons, including restricted

252 SpA Lustrous Orb Palkia Spacial Rend vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Reshiram in Misty Terrain: 186-222 (46 - 54.9%) - 61.3% chance to 2HKO

236+ SpA Lustrous Orb Palkia Spacial Rend vs. 184 HP / 28 SpD Eternatus in Misty Terrain: 126-150 (52.9 - 63%) - guaranteed 2HKO

236+ SpA Lustrous Orb Palkia Hydro Pump vs. 236 HP / 4 SpD Groudon in Sun: 146-174 (71.2 - 84.8%) - guaranteed 2HKO
Although there are defenses, such as not having crunch or something to hit acalyrex shadow or lunala, as well as that there are more preferred waters such as tapufini or urshifu, even so this mon is very solid, and that could give you good results (more because I won the tournament World Cup Open last month.

_Lunala (+ C> B): it has something similar to palkia, but the difference is that now without Dynamax it is being used a lot, although calyrex shadow is much better as restricted, there are things that differentiate it, since it has a better arcenal of movements, being the one with power herb and Meteor Beam, increasing its special attack, capable of easily defeating pokemon weak to it such as ho-oh, yveltal or volcarona for example, and although it is true that even that weakness to dark hurts and ghosts, it does not mean that it is bad thanks to its ability:

252 SpA Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 252 HP / 16 SpD Shadow Shield Lunala: 168-200 (68.8 - 81.9%) - guaranteed 2HKO

+1 212+ SpA Lunala Moongeist Beam vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Calyrex-Shadow: 576-676 (327.2 - 384%) - guaranteed OHKO

In addition to being immune to fake out and also likes the support of pokemon dark as incinereor, this helps her to take care of calyrex shadow, and lunala can also attack her companions as an indeede with expanding force, although it is not seen much, but at least I feel like he's giving something to talk about, but because he's one of the few pokemon to learn wide guard, very good movement

-I think there is no truth about the other mons..pokemon like Necrozma Dusk Mane, Reshiram or Calyrex rider Ice, possibly they will obtain more favorable results as they advance, or that they continue to be obstructed by other pokemon that do other things , or that they have something that is not necessary to wear in your team ...

well, I think I have nothing more to tell the truth, all my nominations would be the truth in this format, possibly I will make one when the goal advances for now
Ok .. in a more secure way, I would like to comment on some drops and falls of each pokemon in this format, since I have been using all the restricted and pokemon that they can see, even with this I will put below the ones that go down:

_Ho-oH (B> C): I admit it people, it has improved compared to series 8 ... but the reality is that, beyond beating zacian or pokemon grass ... it is a bit short despite the fact that it has improved. ... he still has the problem that in VGC series 8, he suffers from intimidation, avalanche, even mons who walk at lower levels are getting better things like Lunala and Palkia, and if they say that defensive can do everything, well ... yes and no:
Damage to the:

+1 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 36 Def Ho-Oh: 196-232 (92 - 108.9%) - 50% chance to OHKO

+1 252+ Atk Zacian-Crowned Wild Charge vs. 252 HP / 204+ Def Ho-Oh: 318-376 (76.4 - 90.3%) - guaranteed 2HKO (LMAO, if it weren't for that, I wouldn't do anything right now)

252+ Atk Stakataka Rock Slide vs. 252 HP / 36 Def Ho-Oh: 220-264 (103.2 - 123.9%) - guaranteed OHKO

-1 252+ Atk Life Orb Stakataka Stone Edge vs. 252 HP / 204+ Def Ho-Oh: 504-598 (121.1 - 143.7%) - guaranteed OHKO

the Damaging:

108 Atk Ho-Oh Sacred Fire vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned: 138-164 (82.6 - 98.2%) - guaranteed 2HKO

-1 108 Atk Ho-Oh Sacred Fire vs. 212 HP / 244+ Def Landorus-Therian: 40-48 (20.9 - 25.1%) - 0% chance to 4HKO

108 Atk Ho-Oh Brave Bird vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Kyogre: 102-120 (57.9 - 68.1%) - guaranteed 2HKO

Be careful, with this I am not saying that it is bad mon or anything ... but it still suffers from the same as in vgc series 8, but to a lesser extent ... it is weak to Landorus incarnated with rock slide, the very rare set of Zacian with Wild Charge (Although not common, it is a threat as well), Stakataka, Tornogre, and other physical pokemon such as urshifu rapid stricke.
:ho-oh:The problem with Ho-oh that makes him very difficult to use is despite having good matchups into Zacian-c and Grass-types, is that its threatened by so many common teammates and other Pokemon that make your building with it rather restricted having to cover for so many threats to list a few, Nihilego, Landorus, Urshifu-Rapid-strike, and Stakataka. Ho-oh losing to many common teammates to the Pokemon that its supposed to check make it much less effective than it is on paper. It is also easily slowed down by the main Intimidate Pokemon those being Gyarados, Incineroar, and Landorus-t making it fairly easy to mitigate Ho-oh. I do think Ho-oh is good alongside Gastrodon, but I do not think it should be higher than C+ as is.

EDIT: It does have an amazing Groudon matchup which might give it some more merit, but it still does have the problems I listed.
:ho-oh:The problem with Ho-oh that makes him very difficult to use is despite having good matchups into Zacian-c and Grass-types, is that its threatened by so many common teammates and other Pokemon that make your building with it rather restricted having to cover for so many threats to list a few, Nihilego, Landorus, Urshifu-Rapid-strike, and Stakataka. Ho-oh losing to many common teammates to the Pokemon that its supposed to check make it much less effective than it is on paper. It is also easily slowed down by the main Intimidate Pokemon those being Gyarados, Incineroar, and Landorus-t making it fairly easy to mitigate Ho-oh. I do think Ho-oh is good alongside Gastrodon, but I do not think it should be higher than C+ as is.

EDIT: It does have an amazing Groudon matchup which might give it some more merit, but it still does have the problems I listed.
Just adding a bit regarding Ho-oh, I think it is very difficult to reason to use it while Entei is so much better as a physical Fire-type (Incineroar is more supportive while Entei is more offensive). The Flying-type just pretty much adds a way of dealing with Urahifu-R but as Yourwelcomethanku says , it is still very weak to it. While also costing you your restricted slot, Ho-oh does not offer much support besides being an okay SpD tank. I would agree with Ho-oh being C.

Also yeah, move Entei to A / A-. Huge damage, good support options, can deal with many threats such as Calyrex-S and Zacian-C, while also having an okay matchup against Pokémon like Incineroar and fit well with the majority of more offensive compositions.
Xerneas should be in A-/B+ mostly because of the metagame finding checks to it and playing around the fact Xerneas has sweeping potential. Pokemon like Safety goggles Stakataka, Zacian-C (if you can deal with the volcarona), and Nihilego beats both Xerneas and Volcarona if used. Xerneas is still strong due to having a good matchup against pokemon like Urshifu-rs which keeps it in a decent place at the moment. The decline of numbers in Xerneas allows dragon types to finally show their destructive power includes Palkia and more less notable exceptions. With that being said I would like to put Palkia from C->B+ for being an excellent check to some the top mons with hydro pump while dishing out great damage with dragon stabs. Zacian also doesn't enjoy fighting Palkia.

Urshifu-rs be in a the A tier because of how great its matchup is against many pokemon, but I think Rillaboom is an immense problem to Urshifu-rs which brings pressure to deciding if Urshifu-rs should come to the battle or not. Xerneas does still exist but since Urshifu-rs is versatile and has notable resist I will keep it in the A tier which can be debatable for B+. Stakataka should go up to the A+ tier due to the utility it provides for a team. Rock Slide is useful as long as dishing out huge damage against fast opponents with Gyro Ball and Trick Room can also be of use to the other mons of the team. Wide Guard is an option that is especially useful in this metagame with possibly Body Press instead of Wide Guard which can deal with Incineroar in difficult situations.
The first update! 34 changes are going to be featured here all in all. Rather than sorting by drops and rises like I did in the last Series, I am going to be just grouping them generally by Restricted and Non-Restricted as they would appear on the VR. Apologies for the delay on this one, I have been extremely busy as of late.
Restricted (huge thanks to Namuko Pro for major help with these):
:Zacian-Crowned: A+ -> A
Zacian-C is still the most used restricted, but its win rate has significantly tapered off due to how prepared everyone is for it now. Notably, Landorus-T, Volcarona and Zapdos amongst many many others feature on a lot of teams specifically to be annoying to this Pokemon. With basically every other high rated Restricted being able to go toe-to-toe with Zacian-C, we felt it appropriate to drop down to A.
:Xerneas: A -> A-
Similarly to Zacian-C, Xerneas' initial strength from the start of the meta has started to fade a bit. Even though it's the second highest used Restricted, Calyrex-S and Kyogre have far outperformed it in tournament play. Its matchup against most other Restricteds has proven to be neutral to negative, especially when we talk about Zacian-C, Calyrex-S and Kyogre. Stakataka is also a significant problem for Xerneas that finds its way onto a bunch of teams. The presence of Fake Out, Taunt, opposing speed control, Snarl and many many other options make Xerneas far less effective, and as such it feels right to drop it.
:Eternatus: B- -> B
Eternatus has solidified itself as one of the stronger Restricted Pokemon in the metagame with a smattering of high placements in events. Power Herb + Meteor Beam has proven to be the stronger set, and Eternatus is notable because of how effectively it can wall many of the metagames top Pokemon; with Recover and the boost from Meteor Beam, it can practically 1v4 the common core of Incineroar, Rillaboom, Regieleki, and Urshifu-Rapid-Strike, and also walls other common Pokemon like Mienshao and Volcarona. This leaves many teams with very little options to break through this, so it definitely deserves to rise up.
:Palkia: C- -> B
Palkia is by far the biggest rise of any Restricted, and has shown significant strength since the first couple weeks in the format. It serves as a very effective anti-meta Restricted, with plus matchups into Kyogre and Zacian, but unlike most of the other Restricted Pokemon that target specific matchups Palkia teams are still readily equipped to deal with other top Restricted Pokemon like Calyrex-Shadow and Xerneas. It is also the Pokemon most fitting for Trick Room shells. The only things holding it back are the more recent Play Rough Zacian-C sets as well as the inaccuracy of Spacial Rend and Hydro Pump, but it is still more than worthy to be in B.
:Lunala: C+ -> B-
The last of the Restricted risers, Lunala offers an interesting mix of support and power that other Restricted Pokemon can’t usually provide. With access to both Wide Guard and Trick Room, Lunala can play a strong supportive role, but unlike other support-oriented Restricted Pokemon like Zamazenta the combination of Moongeist Beam and Power Herb Meteor Beam gives Lunala enough power to function as a strong Restricted choice. Obviously, Calyrex-S and the presence of Pokemon aiming to check Calyrex-S hold this back from going any higher than B-.
:Ho-Oh: B -> C+
Ho-Oh’s harsh fall is attributed to both the fact that it wasn’t all that good to begin with, and recent meta developments that have severely worsened its position. Ho-Oh is used specifically to beat Zacian-C and Xerneas, but given that those two have fallen in strength, it's clear as to why this has dropped. Incineroar makes it fairly irrelevant, Kyogre absolutely wipes the floor with it, Urshifu-R is a problem, and it serves to be a free pivot for Regieleki. Does it have potential? Maybe. It's a good check for Grass- and Steel-types (other than Stakataka), but its negative matchups make it so hard to use effectively.
:Calyrex-Ice: C+ -> C-
Calyrex-I’s high rating at the beginning of the format was partially based on the idea that a strong Trick Room team based around it would materialise. There have been a couple attempts, but none that we have been super impressed by. Its negative matchups into the big 4 Restricted Pokemon makes this just so difficult to use right now. The presence of Incineroar, and the Intimidate cycling that’s enabled by Fake Out, Parting Shot and the lack of Dynamax in Series 10 makes it much harder for Calyrex-I to stack attack boosts like it did in Series 8., and as such it has dropped all the way to C-.
:Zygarde: C -> C-
Zygarde depends on being able to consistently set up with Coil or Dragon Dance before transforming to it’s Complete Forme, but with the amount of firepower and Intimidates in Series 10 it’s very rare that Zygarde can actually do this. Consequently, Zygarde hasn’t seen any notable success in the metagame, and unless someone can crack the code and figure out a unique build that can give Zygarde opportunity to set up it’s difficult to see it having much success.
:Reshiram: C- -> D
For Reshiram to be good, you essentially need to be hitting Zacian in the majority of your matchups, since it has a negative or neutral matchup into basically every other restricted that sees meaningful play. Unless Zacian usage rebounds and exceeds its peak from earlier in the meta, Reshiram will be difficult to justify.
:Necrozma-Dawn-Wings: D -> UR
Necrozma-DW is just not that good. Use Calyrex-S or Lunala. Simple.

:Tornadus: A- -> A
Being a staple on basically every Kyogre team, Tornadus has proven to be exceptional in its use and proficiency in handling basically any Grass-type in the meta as well as a few unresisted hits. Prankster Tailwind is completely indispensable and Tornadus deserves to be in A.
:Entei: B+ -> A-
Entei has more than proven itself at this point as a good check to Grass- and Steel-types with its good 115 Attack and immunity to Intimidate and Fake Out. Sacred Fire's burns come into play more often than not, and it can make a great alternative to Incineroar that can act as a more offensive Fire-type.
:Urshifu-Gmax: A- -> B+
Urshifu-S has a few crippling weaknesses with a 4x Fairy weakness, and further weaknesses to Flying and Fighting. It also directly competes with its brother forme for spots on most teams, and is often left out for the Water coverage the other brings. Still a decent choice, but not quite holding on to its A-tier ranking.
:Thundurus: A- -> B+
Thundurus has proven itself decent for a lot of balance teams, with its Prankster Eerie Impulse and Thunder Wave providing great utility for a lot of teams. But with the rise in usage of Indeedee-F, Tapu Lele and Tsareena, more and more teams have answers for the Prankster leading to its drop to B+.
:Ditto: B- -> B
Ditto is every Restricted Pokemon. That should explain a lot on this move.
:Suicune: C+ -> B
Suicune has a great arsenal of utility moves, and its Fake Out immunity twinned with good bulk gives it plenty of opportunities to use its moves. It has proven to be a fair force on a lot of teams that require the speed and damage control it can provide, and definitely deserves coming up.
:Tapu Lele: B- -> B
Tapu Lele is a great Pokemon on Calyrex-S teams mostly, providing a really nice offensive alternative to Indeedee-F. We think that its prowess on such a centralising team means it should move up slightly.
:Gothitelle: B -> B-
Remember when we thought in No Max that this plus Urshifu-S would be busted? We were wrong. Trapping just hasn't been nearly as potent. Still good with good utility moves, but its just a step down from where it has been previously.
:Venusaur: B -> B-
Venusaur is still a good Pokemon, but there's so much hate towards Grass-types in the form of Entei, Incineroar, Volcarona, Tornadus etc. Venusaur's fair reliance on the weather can make it somewhat watered down. Fast Sleep Powder, however, is still really valuable and Venusaur can still check Kyogre, Groudon and the likes.
:Zapdos: C- -> B-
Rocky Helmet Zapdos has sharply changed a lot of our minds on how good this thing is. It provides a great defensive option with good longevity for slower balance teams, while also just being able to handle a bunch of the biggest threats in the meta. Resisting both Behemoth Blade and Close Combat, and chipping Urshifu-R for half if it is hit by a Surging Strikes is really good right now.
:Araquanid: C -> C+
Araquanid is just a decent Pokemon. Water Bubble is really good for its offense, Wide Guard provides many teams that want it, especially Necrozma-DM and Calyrex-I, with methods to overcome some of the bigger restricted Pokemon they would otherwise struggle against.
:Celesteela: B- -> C+
Celesteela just hasn't been as impressive as we would have liked. We believe there to be better offensive options, but its Leech Seed set still holds a good amount of usability in our eyes. Decent bulky Steel, but we'd need to see more for it to come back up from the C-tier.
:Moltres-Galar: C- -> C+
Moltres-G is a fair bit better than we thought it was initially. This thing is capable of taking a few boosts, and punishing with Fiery Wrath and just being a general nuisance with good damage output. Turns out Yveltal-lite is quite good, C+.
:Zapdos-Galar: B -> C+
Just not as good as we first thought. Defiant may still end up getting even better with the recent rise of Gyarados (the vote was made before we decided on where to put Gyarados, hence its omission here.)
:Kartana: B -> C
This has just been underwhelming. There are significantly better options for Grass- and Steel-types, and its Speed tier isn't all that impressive. Good offensive output keeps it in C tier but it's definitely not of the calibre of the likes of Rillaboom, Tsareena or Stakataka, all of which share a type with it.
:Togekiss: B -> C
Togekiss is alright, but it's just not doing much in the current meta. It's STAB Flying-type moves can still be interesting for some of the big Grasses as well as the likes of Urshifu-R, but it has kinda bad weaknesses in Steel, Electric and Rock. Just not the premier redirector it used to be, and dropped to C as such.
:Mandibuzz: UR -> C-
Mandibuzz saw a bunch of usage in VGCPL and World Cup, so we know it has the prowess to be on this list. Lots of great utility with Tailwind, Taunt and Snarl prominently, and a really positive matchup into Calyrex-S make it a great pick. Often paired with Tapu Fini, this thing is capable of taking a Misty Seed boost and getting to perform its role so much more effectively.
:Milotic: C -> C-
Milotic just functions as a fairly decent bulky Water-type that can play long into the game with Recover. With a boost from a Seed, and punishing Intimidate with Competitive, it can turn into both a defensive and offensive monster in the right circumstances.
:Naganadel: UR -> C-
Beast Boost on a Pokemon typically found on Tailwind teams, with a great offensive stat? Yeah, we're down for that. It got a Top 4, and was provably something decent for its matchups into a bunch of common Pokemon.
:Raichu: C -> C-
This thing doesn't really do much right now, but Lightning Rod, Fake Out, Eerie Impulse and Electroweb are all decent moves that could make this thing resurge at some point. C- feels apt for what its doing in the meta.
:Tapu Koko: D -> C-
Tapu Koko is better than D-tier, simply put.
:Weezing-Galar: C -> C-
Not really seeing the most amount of play, but it has an interesting niche on Calyrex-S teams as an out to Urshifu-S while also disrupting every other ability.
:Clefairy: C -> D
See Togekiss, but a lot more extreme. It just kinda sits there not doing much. To D tier with it.
:Crobat: UR -> D
As pointed out in this thread, it has a bunch of interesting stuff with a Fake Out immunity and Tailwind most importantly. We think it has some potential, but we'll need to see some more results for it to potentially stay on the list.

With the conclusion of VGCPL, we'll be voting on this again fairly soon (seriously it has been about 2 weeks since we voted on this set). There may be a couple of outdated points here by now, but this will be rectified in due course.
With Smogon VGC PL ending, I'll make a post on my opinions where I think things stand right now.



:Zacian-Crowned: > A+
:Calyrex-Ice: > C
:Groudon: > A-/A
:Lunala: > B/B+
:Xerneas: > A (a bit on the edge about this one)

I agree with most of the nominations made, but there are a few that I think could see a few more changes.

I heavily disagree with dropping Zacian to A. I think with the new meta shifts Zacian has again found its groove as one of the best restricteds in the format (arguably the best one even), and its power level right now is crazy. Being able to run Play Rough, Swords Dance or Substitute as its 3rd move, it can end up causing a guessing game to the opponent to what set it is, and any one of these sets can be equally problematic to your opponents.

I also disagree with dropping Calyrex-Ice so far down. The new Lurantis / Oranguru teams that have been popping up I think are very decent, and can catch teams unprepared for that matchup very easily.

I think Groudon also should be shifted up to A- or even A and Xerneas should be put back in A. For Groudon, I think it's power level right now is crazy high, and with either CherrimDon or the double starter core, I have been impressed by this mon many and many times. I think it's deserving of a rise. Xerneas on the other hand, I disagree with the drop now primarily because of the rise of Amoonguss and Entei. I think with these two mons, the answers to Xerneas can be answered quite well, and it makes those matchups very playable right now actually. With that, I think it's standing in the metagame has improved a bit, and probably shouldn't be dropped, though I still understand why if it stays in A-.

Lunala I think is also worthy of a rise, I think its really good in the metagame right now as Trick Room has gotten quite strong. With the Power Herb variants, Lunala can take out Incineroar with a powered up Meteor Beam (one of its main checks in Trick Room), and can use the Power Up to cause large amounts of damage with Moongeist Beams. From testing Resu's team, I was only impressed by how good Lunala is. Criminally underrated Pokemon and I think its worthy of a rise.



:Entei: > A
:Amoonguss: > A
:Nihilego: > A-

For Entei and Amoonguss, I think both deserve a rise to A as some of the best Pokemon in the metagame. Entei has seen a major rise in particular due to the rise of it's Scarf set (as popularized as Wolfe), as an amazing counter to Zacian and Calyrex-Shadow. Being one of the best offensive powerhouses in the metagame, it requires little support in order to function and does very well on most teams. Amoonguss on the other hand, is one of the best defensive Pokemon and is probably the best redirector in the format. Spore is a devastating move, and it is almost certainly going to get it down at least once with the right setup. With the right moveset, Amoonguss can solo win a game by itself, and I think its ready for a rise.

Nihilego is another one of these Power Herb Pokemon that can solo win several matchups, such as Xerneas or Eternatus. Even though it does not have a good matchup into top restricteds, it still does fairly well into several goodstuff mons (namely Incineroar, Rillaboom), and can snowball a game with the right setup from it's partners.

:Regieleki: > A
:Tsareena: > A-

Regieleki is the worst of the goodstuff mons, and I still think that to this day. Whenever using goodstuff cores, Regieleki is the most matchup dependant, and although it does very well in those matchups, it is fairly useless in many other matchups, and picking another goodstuff mon for that specific matchup is often times better.

On the end of Tsareena, I always say this "good ability shit moves", and I stand by it today. The only coverage of Tsareena I'm truly impressed by is Triple Axel, and it is not the most reliable move with a 70% chance to hit all 3. I think it should be dropped slightly, but not too much because it's ability is still excellent.

New Nominations:
:Cherrim: > C
:Charizard: > C+
:Oranguru: > C
:Sylveon: > C-

Cherrim and Charizard are Pokemon that propelled the rise of Sun as a very strong archetype. Cherrim is crazy on CherrimDonEntei teams, supporting Groudon and Entei to become monster threats, while Charizard is an amazing abuser of sun with Scarf / Safety Goggles sets, doing massive damage to teams such as Zacian or Calyrex-Shadow, being able to score one shots on both restricteds with Heat Wave or Overheat respectively.

Oranguru is my ladder nemesis, and I swear its a very legit archetype. Unprepared teams will fall to Oranguru archetypes, and its ability to support Calyrex-Ice or Torkoal is insanely good.

Sylveon on the other hand, I have gained respect after seeing it on Resu's Lunala team. Hyper Voice does a good bit of damage to many Pokemon in the metagame, and it just in general does a pretty good job when put into the right situation.
How do people feel about cresselia atm?? Ive been using it as a trick room setter with mental herb and have not yet been disappointed. Maybe its been more of a niche pick but with psychic, ice beam, moonlight and trick room its been able to deal decent damage and tank big hits (essential to not being a one dimensional mon). Dont get me wrong cresselia is not an sweeper :), but ice beam/psychic can deal decent damage to many popular meta picks rn (riilaboom, landorus, urshifu rs) meaning it wont necessarily suffer from all my friends are dead.

252 SpA Kyogre Water Spout (150 BP) vs. 252 HP / 140 SpD Cresselia in Rain: 115-136 (50.6 - 59.9%)
and even
252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 252 HP / 140 SpD Cresselia: 172-203 (75.7 - 89.4%)

maybe its just been outcompeted by better tr setters such as stakataka, mimikyu and porygon2, but after comparing these options, cresselia was able to deal with a variety of restricteds more effectively. It functions similarly to porygon2 but without taking up the eviolite item slot.

I know this list isnt meant to be conclusive or anything but if we are including mons like clefairy and swampert in series 10 d tier, I feel like cresselia has been potentially overlooked.
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Hello been a while since I have done a longer VR post.
:Shedinja: B- to B
Shedinja is not just a lategame win condition its a threat in of itself with its powerful Poltergeist, and OMG ALLY SWITCH.

:Kommo-o: UR to B-
This thing has gotten decent usage and Iron Defense Body Press is a very strong win condition and its specifically excellent into most sun teams sometimes able to win off preview pretty much. Kommo-o has good matchups into many common non restricted Pokemon such as Urshifu-R, Rillaboom, Regieleki, and Incineroar. Iron Defense Body Press Protect and the last moveslot is pretty free my favorite is rock tomb for its ability to hit Volcarona and provide speed control.

:Gyarados: UR to B-
Gyarados has a great defensive typing alongside Intimidate to check many Pokemon such as Zacian-C, Urshifu-R, and Incineroar. It also is able to provide speed control with Icy Wind. Assault Vest seems to be the main set but I have also tried physically defensive Rocky Helmet and it was good

:Moltres-galar: C+ to B-
Solid into sun teams with Foul Play threatening Groudon, and more importantly a great Calyrex-S check on its own. To me it definitely looks more consistent and or better then most of C+ with Celesteela, Araquanid, and Aegislash in the rank.

:Weavile: UR to C+
Fake Out Feint and the ability to outspeed and OHKO landorus, and being the only good fast Ice-type are all great traits. Ice STAB is also good into many other Pokemon such as Yveltal, Groudon, and Rillaboom, Weavile is still frail and really wants to hold a Wide Lens for consistency so no Focus Sash.

:Mandibuzz: C- to C+
Mandibuzz is really good on Groudon teams, its able to check Calyrex-S super well on its own, not being deathly afraid of Mienshao, it can swap into troublesome Grass-types and Landorus which are valuable traits for a sun team and does so while providing the valuable Tailwind.

:Naganadel: C- to C and :Regidrago: from UR to C-
Both of these Pokemon have pretty similar roles on kyogre teams which is slamming Palkia and Eternatus which is a valuable and important role for these teams. Naganadel's poison-typing lends itself to be useful versus Xerneas but Regidrago's stronger offensive presence can be very punishing for unprepared teams.

:Urshifu-gmax: B+ to B- Urshifu isn't bad its just very very hard to justify using over Urshifu-R.

:Kartana: C to D Who uses this and for what? I would also consider most of the C rank and C- Rank to have worthwhile niches and or be better than Kartana.

:Hitmontop: C to C-/D/UR The defensive typing of hitmontop is not nearly as valuable as Incineroar and it also doesn't pivot like Incineroar. Hitmontops main advantages come in its utility movepool and while Wide Guard and Feint are good moves its not really gamebreaking enough to justify it most of the time.


:Zacian-Crowned: > A+
:Groudon: > A-/A
:Calyrex-Ice: > C

:Entei: > A
:Amoonguss: > A
:Nihilego: > A-
:Regieleki: > A

New Nominations:
:Cherrim: > C
:Charizard: > C+
And here are some of Helios's nominations that I agree with confidently except I think Groudon should be A
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:Kartana: C to D Who uses this and for what? I would also consider most of the C rank and C- Rank to have worthwhile niches and or be better than Kartana.
Honestly, I think Kartana should be unranked. Nothing against putting it in C to start the season, but it hasn't been on any successful teams yet and I don't think it will be. If it's not present in the meta and has no unique niche, imo it doesn't need to be ranked.

UR > C- / C

Raikou coming in clutch closing off the Legendary Beasts trio in the VR. Raikou has been experimented with on alot of the WCoP matches and with reason. Raikou has a respectable movepool, with access to good STABs, Scald, Shadow Ball, Snarl, Weather Ball and Bulldoze, alongside its Inner Focus and good special bulk. Raikou serves as a niche answer to threats such as Calyrex-S and Kyogre, being worth mentioning on the VR.
UR -> B
IMO indeedee-m is just as good or better than tapu lele. It's got niches in that fat expanding force damage and having a normal type so that it can deal with calyrex, which lele can't. Access to trick and trick room/imprison are also things it has over lele. It's gotten a good result in getting 2nd in the PC in Ryota Otsubo's team too.

UR -> D
Salazzle has proven to be a unique offensive pivot (and alternative to Incin) with its Oblivious Eject Pack + Overheat set, notably on Jamie Boyt's world cup team. Even without the Focus Sash, it can take the hits it needs to decently well. Resisting Fairy, Steel, Grass, and Fighting types is definitely a cool tech against Zacian or Xerneas, as well as its fast Fake Out. It certainly is niche, but with the right partners this mon can put in work.
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Centiskorch UR -> D

Centiskorch is a mon that has a small niche in the current format, but is overlooked by almost everyone. The ability white smoke means that it cannot be intimidated by incineroar, and it does huge damage to some common restricteds, while eating up their hits. IMO assault vest is the best set, allowing it to eat up hits from caly-s and ohko it with knock of. It can also ohko zacian with flare blitz, although it can't eat behemoth blade too well. It also walls and threatens rilla, threatens both amoongus and tsareena, and does a sizable chunk of damage on anything that doesn't resist it's coverage. It's also decent against xern. Here is the set I'm running:

Centiskorch @ Assault Vest
Ability: White Smoke
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 172 Atk / 84 Def / 0 SpA / 0 SpD / 0 Spe
Adamant Nature
IVs: 31 HP / 31 Atk / 31 Def / 31 SpA / 31 SpD / 31 Spe
- Leech Life
- Flare Blitz
- Power Whip
- Knock Off

Notable calcs:

252 SpA Life Orb Calyrex-Shadow Astral Barrage vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Centiskorch: 87-103 (42 - 49.7%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
(87, 87, 90, 90, 91, 91, 94, 94, 95, 95, 97, 97, 99, 99, 101, 103)

172+ Atk Centiskorch Knock Off (97.5 BP) vs. 4 HP / 0 Def Calyrex-Shadow: 252-300 (143.1 - 170.4%) -- guaranteed OHKO
(252, 256, 260, 264, 264, 268, 272, 276, 276, 280, 284, 288, 288, 292, 296, 300)

+1 252 Atk Zacian-Crowned Behemoth Blade vs. 252 HP / 84 Def Centiskorch: 97-115 (46.8 - 55.5%) -- 75.8% chance to 2HKO
(97, 99, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 114, 115)

172+ Atk Centiskorch Flare Blitz vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Zacian-Crowned: 174-206 (104.1 - 123.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
(174, 176, 180, 180, 182, 186, 186, 188, 192, 192, 194, 198, 198, 200, 204, 206)

172+ Atk Centiskorch Flare Blitz vs. 92 HP / 12 Def Xerneas: 100-118 (46.9 - 55.3%) -- 69.9% chance to 2HKO
(100, 100, 102, 103, 105, 106, 106, 108, 109, 111, 112, 112, 114, 115, 117, 118)

+2 132+ SpA Fairy Aura Xerneas Moonblast vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Assault Vest Centiskorch: 79-93 (38.1 - 44.9%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
(79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 84, 86, 87, 87, 88, 90, 90, 91, 92, 93)

UR > B-
Hey, it's me again! I want to talk about a Pokémon that I love alot and to be honest, has been kinda slept on. I'm talking about Dragapult. First of all, can't get hit by Fake Out because of its Ghost-typing. Second of all, Clear Body makes it a great against Intimidate, Icy Wind / Electroweb and all other sorts of things. Dragon Darts is able to cause great chip damage, and punishing protects. It also has access to U-turn, which is great for repositioning. But what all of this means?

This means Dragapult pressures Rillaboom, Urshifu-R and Incineroar (if not carrying Darkest Lariat / Throat Chop) hard, can also pressure Regieleki well, if leaded with Fake Out pressure, you can fish for a Protect from the opponent and immediately removing a Pokémon from the field. Also, it has good matchup against Restricted Pokémon as well, like Zacian-C and Groudon with its Will-O-Wisp (side note on Zacian-C, due to Zacian-C being a Fairy-type, although not commonly running Fairy-type moves, Dragon Darts is able to secure knockouts easily on Zacian-C's team while it isn't pressured much depending on Zacian-C's set), Calyrex-S with Sucker Punch, and naturally resisting Kyogre's Water Spout.

Yea, this thing is awesome
Sorry if this wordy :)
I will give some more opinions on how I was in these weeks:
-Dragapult (UR> B) I also agree with the opinions of dragapult, it can burn opponents with Will-O-Wisp, paralyze with Thunder Wave, it has a clear body so that the ice wind or electroweeb are not a nuisance and so on to be able to save time, also that it can be physical, special or support, although the variant that I have seen the most was with a focus band or one with screens with Light Clay

-Ferrothorn (C> -B): this mon is perfect in rain gear, especially those of kyogre, it is true that intimidation did not help much, but iIron Barbs and Rocky Helmet, added to useful movements such as body press, power herb o Knock Off, it is true that rillaboom is better with knock off, stakataka with body press and Tsareena with power herb, but Ferrothorn can have all these, added to the fact that with body press he fixes several of his confrontations and as I said, he is a good friend from kyogre, the restricted one of the most used in the meta (even with intimidating companions they can fix the ailment to the fight type)

-Zapdos-G (+ C> -C): the teams that I have seen that use it are very situations and limited, weak to indeede, calyrex shadow, xerneas, tapufini, it is extremely fragile, and although it is true that defiant can put " pressure ", it is not as much as others like bisharp can do, that despite not seeing almost or nothing, it is preferred for not being as fragile as this dark bird

-Talonflame (C> UR): Fake Out ruins his only utility, taunt, better fire pokemon like Entei, and flying like normal Zapdos make him look ridiculous, his role as tailwind is useless compared to what Whimsicott, Pelipper, Tornadus can do and Suicune with better result, just use tornadus

-Lunala (-B> B): I think her situation is more stable than Yveltal's, good trick room moon, wideguard, immune to fake out, Moongeist Beam and Meteor Beam is very varied and serves both to offend, as well as Helping companions in rare space such as stakataka, incineroar or torkoal, an ability that anything but normal will endure as a champion, should definitely be with palkia and eternatus, simple but effective roles.

-Zygarde (-C> UR): Have ... do you want an earth type? landorus or Groudon if it is a restricted, dependency at the end of the team, it depends on the boost, I have not seen absolutely anyone use it, and if it was, I have not seen it give at least "decent results", do not use it and that's it!
-Zapdos-G (+ C> -C):

the teams that I have seen that use it are very situations and limited, weak to indeede, calyrex shadow, xerneas, tapufini, it is extremely fragile, and although it is true that defiant can put " pressure ", it is not as much as others like bisharp can do, that despite not seeing almost or nothing, it is preferred for not being as fragile as this dark bird
I found your argument for Zapdos-G to drop to be fairly poor. Yes its weak to the Pokemon you listed but so is Urshifu-R and its an excellent Pokemon. Bisharp is a poor comparison it isn't even ranked on the VR, nor would I think its particularly good being an Intimidate deterrent that loses to Incineroar and is threatened by Landorus and outside of Defiant they really aren't that similar. Zapdos-Galar's STABs threaten Rillaboom, Incineroar, Amoonguss, Urshifu-R. If you happened to notice those are some of the best Pokemon in the metagame that it is capable of threatening. Given this I'd think that Zapdos-G is better than a good portion of the C- and C ranks. If anything it should probably rise if it gets more experimentation. The main downside to Zapdos-G imo is that if your using Zapdos-G your likely not going to be able to afford Urshifu-R one of the very best Pokemon in the metagame.
Hey, it's me again! I want to talk about a Pokémon that I love alot and to be honest, has been kinda slept on. I'm talking about Dragapult. First of all, can't get hit by Fake Out because of its Ghost-typing. Second of all, Clear Body makes it a great against Intimidate, Icy Wind / Electroweb and all other sorts of things. Dragon Darts is able to cause great chip damage, and punishing protects. It also has access to U-turn, which is great for repositioning. But what all of this means?
this was pretty much dex info, but I would like to say Dragapult is a C tier or B- tier bcus of Payback tsareena and Xerneas
-Zygarde (-C> UR): Have ... do you want an earth type? landorus or Groudon if it is a restricted, dependency at the end of the team, it depends on the boost, I have not seen absolutely anyone use it, and if it was, I have not seen it give at least "decent results", do not use it and that's it!
I found this explanation kinda weak. Zygarde has been used in tournaments and has top cutted. Also, telling others to not use a mon without a good explanation is not a good move