Facility Seasonal Event: Pratik2007 & Shadowpea (vs The Conquering Northern King)

Glacial Lance, Solar Blade (Snorlax), Megahorn (Volkraken)

Wave 4, Round 5

Icarus :choice band: Choice Band
HP: 28/100, EN: 27/100, Stats: [14]/6/6/6/[250], Typing: Fire, Abilities: Pressure / Inner Focus
Role: Aggressor, Status: No combo, -1 SpA (1 turn)
Venus :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 17/95, EN: 19/100, Stats: 4/7/7/7/60, Typing: Fairy, Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
Role: Supporter, Status: 0 Recoveries, Impressed marker, +1 SpD (5 turns), Faked marker

Totoro :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 44/115, EN: 27/100, Stats: 8/7/4/8/[17], Typing: Normal, Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Role: Protector, Status: Stockpile (2), +3 Atk (8 turns), +3 Def (8 turns), -1 Spe (3 turns), 3 Chills, 1 Recovery
Flaming Cheeto :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 43/95, EN: 10/100, Stats: 3/6/[17]/7/95, Typing: Water / Fire, Abilities: Analytic / Infiltrator / Pressure
Role: Aggressor, Status: OK
Field: Clear
Field: Sunny (2 rounds)​
The Northern King's Nightmarish Noel Return!
The Northern King
HP: 452/919, Stats: 12/11/6/9/50, Typing: Psychic / Ice, Abilities: As One
Status: -2 Atk (1 turn)
Field: Stealth Rock​
:entei: > :volkraken: > :clefable: > :calyrex-ice: > :snorlax:

Snorlax lowered its head!
Snorlax's Defense rose! (+3 Def, next 8 turns)

Entei used Flame Wheel! (-4 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 13 (No), Burn (1, d10): 1 (Yes)
((6 + 3 + (14 - 11) + 3)*1.5)*3 => 68
The Northern King was burned! (Burn)
(Entei's Special Attack stage returned to normal!)

Volkraken used Chill! (-1 Chill)
Volkraken recovered EN! (+12 EN)

Clefable used Charm! (-8 EN)
Calyrex's Attack sharply fell! (-3 Atk, next 4 turns)

The Northern King used Glacial Lance!
(Icarus the Entei)
Crit (1, d24): 1 (Yes)
(12 + 3 + 3 + (6 - 6))*0.75 + ((-3) - 0)*3 => 5
(Venus the Clefable)
Crit (1, d24): 18 (No)
(12 + 3 + (6 - 7))*1 + ((-3) - 0)*3 = 5
(Totoro the Snorlax)
Crit (1, d24): 2 (No)
(12 + 3 + (6 - 7))*1 + ((-3) - 5)*3 => 1
(Flaming Cheeto the Volkraken)
Crit (1, d24): 3 (No)
(12 + 3 + (6 - 6))*0.5 + ((-3) - 0)*3 => 1
The Northern King used Solar Blade on Snorlax!
Crit (1, d24): 15 (No)
(13 + (6 - 7))*1 + ((-3) - 5)*3 = 1
The Northern King used Megahorn on Volkraken!
Miss (18 - 20, d20): 15 (No), Crit (1, d24): 3 (No)
(12 + (6 - 6))*0.75 + ((-3) - 0)*3 => 1

Snorlax used Skull Bash! (-8 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 8 (No)
(13 + 3 + (8 - 11))*1 + (3 - 0)*4 = 25

Snorlax's Leftovers! (+2 HP)

:calyrex-ice::flame orb:
The Northern King was hurt by its burn! (-2 HP)

:spheal: Round Summary :spheal:
:entei: HP: -5
:entei: EN: -5
:clefable: HP: -5
:clefable: EN: -8
:snorlax: HP: -1-1+2 = -0
:snorlax: EN: -8
:volkraken: HP: -1-1 = -2
:volkraken: EN: +12
:calyrex-ice: HP: -68-25-2 = -95
Icarus :choice band: Choice Band
HP: 23/100, EN: 22/100, Stats: [14]/6/6/6/[250], Typing: Fire, Abilities: Pressure / Inner Focus
Role: Aggressor, Status: No combo
Venus :life orb: Life Orb
HP: 12/95, EN: 11/100, Stats: 4/7/7/7/60, Typing: Fairy, Abilities: Cute Charm / Magic Guard / Unaware
Role: Supporter, Status: 0 Recoveries, Impressed marker, +1 SpD (4 turns), Faked marker

Totoro :leftovers: Leftovers
HP: 44/115, EN: 19/100, Stats: 8/7/4/8/[17], Typing: Normal, Abilities: Immunity / Thick Fat / Gluttony
Role: Protector, Status: Stockpile (2), +3 Atk (7 turns), +3 Def (7 turns), -1 Spe (2 turns), 3 Chills, 1 Recovery
Flaming Cheeto :choice specs: Choice Specs
HP: 41/95, EN: 22/100, Stats: 3/6/[17]/7/95, Typing: Water / Fire, Abilities: Analytic / Infiltrator / Pressure
Role: Aggressor, Status: 4 Chills
Field: Clear
Field: Sunny (1 round)​
The Northern King's Nightmarish Noel Return!
The Northern King
HP: 357/919, Stats: 12/11/6/9/50, Typing: Psychic / Ice, Abilities: As One
Status: -3 Atk (1 turn), Burned
Field: Stealth Rock​
"end me already please"

The Northern King awaits your next move...
Novax and shadowpea to order.
Last edited:
Unfortunately, the battle went on for too long, and the Northern King melted...

3/4 Waves completed. Thank you for playing!

:spheal: Rewards :spheal:
Novax shadowpea :delibird:Delibird Lv4 OR 8 :amulet coin:RC, 1x :journal:Adventure rules, 1x :light clay:Light Clay, 1x:rage-candybar: Rage Candy Bar, 1x :power anklet:Power Anklet, 1x :power band:Power Band, 1x :power belt:Power Belt, 1x :power bracer:Power Bracer, 1x :power lens:Power Lens, :glastrier:Glastrier Lv3 OR 12 :rare candy:TC, 1x :choice scarf:Choice Scarf, 1x :metronome:Metronome, 1x :punching glove:Punching Glove
Doduodrio +15 RC, +18 JC, 1 :star piece:Star Piece​