Metagame SCL I Doubles OU Discussion [$50 + Discord Nitro Prize]

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[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA] - :|
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN] - my personal highlight of the week for doubles
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric
vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats
vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric
vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily
vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO] - My real prediction for this game is fran being too busy listening to Prinz's rants about pokemon unite instead of doing actual prep

[TER] Actuarily [45] vs [55] Spurrific [BRE] - Really exciting matchup, great to see bandit's first shot at a big team tournament as well as justin coming back in officials after his good campaign in snake 3. Even though bandit is still unproven I think they have the most upset potential out of anybody else in the bottom half of the pool, they're not afraid to pull the trigger even when the situation looks dire and they got a pretty unique take on the meta that might give them an advantage over other players. That being said I think justin is just an amazing player if he can find the right footing and motivation, I had him pretty high in my personal rankings so I'm still going to give him the edge but I wouldn't be surprised to see bandit come out on top of this one, gonna be a close game.

[FOX] Memoric [51] vs [49] Mishimono [ISL] - Closest game of the week, the only thing I know is that I am for sure not confident with this prediction, especially since it involves memoric caring about his game. I'm probably very wrong but I'm just going to assume he does. Building prowess is going to be the deciding factor here in my opinion, both players are obviously really good but I see mishi's builds as kind of exploitable and something I believe the foxes' doubles core is very much capable of taking advantage of. Could really go either way but I think memoric is gonna show up with some crazy team and catch mishi off guard.

[GIB] Paraplegic [40] vs [60] stax [SPA] - I'm not totally sure where stax stands yet as I've seen nothing from him in no-dynamax meta but he's been great in the past so I don't think he should have many issues getting back in shape, as long as the motivation is there, of course. On the other hand, I still have to see more from para's building and play, especially at this stage. However I do think that if there's one point in the season where para has the biggest shot to beat stax it's probably right now, I wouldn't be shocked if he's able to capitalise on stax still being unfamiliar with SS and get the win off a great team matchup, which is probably less likely to happen in a completely new metagame after the recent kartana ban. I also think nerves are a big part of the game and stax has showed he's able to consistently show up and win matches so I'm going to predict him to take this.

[PLA] Z Strats [0] vs [100] Qwello Lee [DYN] - Z Strats being probably a starter pick shows how the quality of dou players goes down year by year. Absolute wash.
TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily
vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats
vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO] - Easily the most one-sided matchup of the week, difficult to see a lone Fran coming out on top of a well supported Nails.
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE] - Experience vs recent form. Actuarily has some interesting builds which could give an advantage, but I'd still bet on Spurrific's track record, especially with the presence of a support option to help return to form.
[FOX] Memoric vs Mishimono [ISL] - I think Memo is arguably the better player, and definitely has the better teambuilding abilities on his side. Mishi could totally pull out a win, but teambuilding gives Foxes the edge.
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA] - Week 1 is the best time to face stax while he adjusts to the meta, his opponent being Para means it's not as simple as an easy bold against though. stax is certainly the favourite here, but I'll bet on Para since this might be the best time to do so, especially if he can catch stax off guard with something new in the builder.
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN] - Highlight match, Qwello beat Z Strats 2-0 in OSDT top 8, but I'm still going with Z Strats. On the basis of the format being bo1, I think Z Strats + emma can better navigate the new meta to find an edge in the teambuilder.
[TMS] Nails vs Frania [SHO]
[TER] Actuarily vs Spurrific [BRE]
[FOX] Memoric
vs Mishimono [ISL]
[GIB] Paraplegic vs stax [SPA]
[PLA] Z Strats vs Qwello Lee [DYN]
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