Scavengers Ladder Cycles

Ran a fish on Thursday 8/11 at 7PM Eastern using the twist!

1st place: Computerwizard8800 [05:30].
2nd place: Menace02 [05:33].
3rd place: hu tao sweat [07:59].
4th place: yeet dab xd [08:30].
5th place: toxic boosted [29:10].

1. In Sun and Moon, one trainer of this class uses a model with a Z-ring even though he cannot use any Z-moves (exclude trainers in battle facilities.) | Black Belt
2. Using this attack increases the damage of the user’s Belt attack by 20 next turn. | Sniffle
3. The names of these pokemon are fully contained in the names of belt items. (alpha.) | Machamp, Shiftry, Starmie, Swalot

huge ty to turtalkatthing and PartMan for QCing!
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Hosting the tiniest possible odyssey for tomorrow Sunday, August 14th at 8pm PST/11pm EST!
Thanks to cwiz and part for QC'ing!

Used the Time Trial twist so no hints were provided, so a very big congrats to the finishers!
1st place: Teutonic✠Squire [27:21].
2nd place: br otorterra [43:49].
3rd place: yeet dab xd [55:01].
1) Do /scavenge start to begin [start]
2) A certain Pokemon has been seen battling Froslass on two different occasions in the anime. Name the Pokemon, followed by the move involved in both fights. [Abomasnow, Blizzard]
3) A certain Pokemon is the only one to hold a certain TM when being transferred from Gen 1 to Gen 2. Name the Pokemon, followed by the move the TM contains. [Abra, Psych Up]
4) Two Pokemon have 120 more Base Speed than their pre-evolution. Name the slower one followed by its current signature move. [Accelgor, Water Shuriken]
5) Name the Pokemon that gains the most base speed by Mega-Evolving, followed by its former signature move. [Beedrill, Twineedle]
6) An anime character who shares their name with a mainline game Champion owns only one Pokemon. Name the Pokemon followed by its known move. [Beheeyem, Energy Ball]
7) A certain Pokemon has its own official animated short released on January of this year. Name the Pokemon, followed by the move it uses to close out its final battle. [Bidoof, Rollout]
8) A certain LC Pokemon shares the same height as both of its evolutions. Name the Pokemon, followed by the only move it gets via level-up. [Blipbug, Struggle Bug]
9) Name the Pokemon with the highest unique catch rate, followed by the mainline move it only knows in the TCG. [Corphish, Flail]
10) Using /viewhunt and following the pattern of the Pokemon answers (ignore the moves), find the answer to this question. Next, recreate the pattern on said Pokemon's moves, skipping any potential gaps. Answer with the Pokemon followed by the moves in order. [Corvisquire, Agility, Facade, Sand Attack, Snore]
When looking at the answers for Questions 2 thru 9, you can take the first letter of the first answer (Abomasnow), which would be "a", and then the second letter of the second answer (Abra), which would be "b", all the way to the eighth letter of the eighth answer (Corphish), which would be "h". You may also notice that the answers are in alphabetical order and continue from the last Pokemon in the pattern, or Abomasnow would be both the first and second answer. Thus, you can determine that the next answer must be the nearest alphabetically after Corphish and have the letter "i" in its ninth spot. This happens to be Corvisquire. You can then apply the same pattern to Corvisquire's moves, having to skip a move with "b" as its second letter, giving you the final answer! Incidentally, there are no Pokemon or moves with "j" as their tenth letter.
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This cycle flew by like august of wind, and it blew in our next top 3! Or.. our last top 3?

We have a tie for first place! Both our newest voice, Blazeofvictory and splendid driver Teutonic✠Squire managed to get first place with 231 points!
And already rounding out our top three: Third place is great Trivia staff member yeet dab xd, with 185 points!

3yeet dab xd185
18dot Comfey39
19arcavee ◐_<36
21Soft Flex35
23hu tao sweat29
34toxic boosted19
37Chris ☭ tmas??17
37Purple Gummi17
42Tapler ❀14
46Qui-Gon the Flygon13
51tl the legend??12
53BlueFins ° ͜つ °11
53PikachuSean ^~^11
55Hielito fresco9
57Lady Monita8
60linnea gaming7
72Pepsi Man 25
80Gwynt ^-^4
80a pple~sauce?thing4
87Lucas Ranger~3
99ShinyTurtlez ツ2
99The Benz Mafia2
115very large nuts1
115Meteor Beam1
115notcollintan ∑1
115Painter Espeon1
115Gumbearball ?1
115God evening1
115Flying Pichu1

Like last cycle, our twist is Time Trial: Placements for all official hunts will be sorted by the time it takes to finish the hunt, not from the start of the hunt. During these officials no extra hints will be given.

And as you may have read already, Blazeofvictory is Scavengers' newest voice! A hearty congratz to them.

Begin your next operation: Reaching the top of the next cycle. Who will be the one to succeed? It could very well be you!
As it turns out, Smogon posts have a 65k character limit, so it seems every few parts of our lovely Pokeradar Pearl will be getting their own posts.

Link to prior parts:

Part 3a was successfully hosted on August 20, at 11:00 CST.
The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [43:35].
2nd place: blazeofvictory [47:45].
3rd place: Menace02 [49:05].
4th place: Teutonic✠Squire! [51:45].
5th place: Mystiphox [02:37:13].
Consolation Prize: Sabby60>!!> [02:47:20]

1) 73. Welcome back to Part 3 of Pokeradar Pearl! As a general note, use alphabetical order if a question has multiple answers and PS formatting for Pokemon names. To recap, the team is here: EVs and IVs are not known. Part 2 ended with Zeiol deciding to not rush collecting the gym badges and take his journey more slowly, exploring each area more carefully, and spending more time at Hearthome as his team recovers from recent events. A short walk to Solaceon later, Paleo and Mareep are put back into the daycare. Zeiol's current party consists of Houndoom, Kirlia, Hoppip, Nincada, Nidorino and Stantler. He takes this moment to realize that all of them seem to have been cured from the Pokerus, but as he checked his PC, and noticed that his lowest leveled Pokemon seemed to be infected with it still! What Pokemon was this? [sentret]
2) 74. As he's resting, Zeiol cultivates some of the berries he found while traveling to pass the time. He realizes that the soil seems to dry out really often, and wishes it would stay moist a bit longer so that he'd have to water it less. He thinks back to his visit with the Berry Master and realizes that he could've bought something that would do just this task.What is it? [damp mulch]
3) 75. The berries continually growing, Zeiol decides to pay a visit to the Pokemon News Press in town. There, he notices a brochure recommending the perfect gift for an impatient trainer, which suits his rival Tinston. What is this gift? [quickball]
4) 76. The layout of Solaceon is quite strange the more Zeiol explores it, having to jump off multiple ledges to access certain parts of the town. After obtaining a Seal Case from one of these houses, he feels it's fine to start adventuring again. With Solaceon Town nearby, Zeiol returns to Route 209 and challenges the nearby trainers whose Pokemon are somehow able to use Leech Life against his Nincada. Assuming the VS Seeker was not used, what are all the Pokemon he could have been battling? [bonsly cleffa mimejr]
5) 77. With even more time to spare, Zeiol now looks through his bag to evaluate how useful each item is. He noticed a strange item in his bag, and wasn't sure what it did. He gave it to Stantler, who was now at Level 17 and around half its total HP. A surprising observation was seen; upon Stantler landing a Stomp against a Chansey, a Pokemon he hadn't seen before, Stantler regained 12 HP. What is the maximum damage Stantler could have dealt to this Chansey? [103]
6) 78. The Shell Bell's properties mystify Zeiol, as he forgets to check on the other items. He decides to ask the Daycare Couple if they know any more about it, as they seemed knowledgeable. The Day-Care man hears a mention of Chansey and interrupts Zeiol to narrate, "Ah, Chansey? Back in my day, you'd be lucky to find it in the Safari Zone, let alone capture it, but even here in Sinnoh, it's not all that common. Finding it is lucky, and you'd be even luckier if you pay attention to what it's holding. Normally most Chansey hold an Oval Stone, but some Chansey hold something very slightly different, a Lucky Egg. So I hear you ask, what does this do? Rumor has it, it makes your luck as good as a Chansey's! Hahaha! Well, it's certainly something valuable if it's that rare, aye?", he jovially says. Zeiol realizes he might not get answers about the Shell Bell here, but this story gives him an idea. Perhaps he can combine the Pokeradar with all he's learnt so far to get one of these Lucky Eggs. To ensure that he only encounters Pokemon in patches of Pokeradar-rustling grass, Zeiol acquires multiple of this item. [repel]
7) 79. After some time, Zeiol is able to get his hands on a Lucky Egg from the fourth chained Chansey he encounters, and carefully examines it. It didn't seem all that special, but he held the Daycare couple in high esteem after how well they raised Paleo and Mareep, and decided to try his luck at finding more. As he did this, the appearance of a Bonsly broke the chain, and since he was also running low on Repels, he decided that just one was enough. Upon staking out the nearby areas, Zeiol seemed to sense an atmosphere similar to where he met Cheryl. These two currently accessible locations share their music with that of Eterna Forest. [losttower solaceonruins]
8) 80. The Solaceon Ruins are explored first, amidst the maze of ledges, but Zeiol had no clue that another labyrinth awaited him. Zeiol opts to take the newly-evolved Skiploom, Kirlia, Nidorino, Stantler and Houndoom. The central mural seems to depict odd writing, but he had no clue how to decipher it, and proceeded deeper in. Exploring a bit further led Zeiol to encountering Unown, a strange Pokemon with a Hidden Power. Dead end after dead end, Zeiol was thankful he remembered the route he entered from, or the ruins would truly be inescapable. Before he started exploration, Stantler was given the Exp. Share, as it wanted to observe the ruins more than battle. Houndoom is able to take out a lot of Unown, depletes all of its Bite PP and eventually levels up. Assuming Houndoom has not been in a battle before entering the ruins, it sees these two stats rise the most during the level up. [attack specialattack / atk spa / atk spatk]
9) 81. At the end of a series of twists and turns, he reaches a chamber with no more descending stairs and four items. By now, he's realized that the Unown encountered along the way represent a letter, and concludes that this is as far as the ruins go. Picking up the items, he decides to spend some more time training his team there. This is the only letter of Unown found in the final chamber. [d]
10) 82. As Zeiol continues training, he encounters a very strong Unown, dealing major damage to his team with some timely critical hits. One of Zeiol's party Pokemon is immune to its Hidden Power, while another is weak to it. What are the possible types this Hidden Power could be? [ghost ground psychic]
11) 83. After trying the Pokeradar in the Ruins to no avail, Zeiol finishes up his training. He uses an Escape Rope to return to Solaceon Town, and heads back to the Pokemon Center for a rest. He chooses to put Slowpoke in the daycare, replacing Paleo, and is quite surprised with how much stronger it's gotten. After more relaxation, he decides to ascend the Lost Tower. Zeiol was in for quite a challenge, as the one of the trainers he battled was able to knock out Skiploom in a single hit, and the attack wasn't even a critical hit or super-effective! The opponent's Pokemon hadn't inflicted any damage in quite a few turns so he felt he was safe, even though Bullet Seed kept hitting twice. What made the knock out even more shocking, was that no stat modifiers were in play. What move was used to OHKO Skiploom from full HP? [furycutter]
12) 84. Resolving to pay more attention to battles, Zeiol heals up his team and resumes the ascent. He came across a trainer who used a single Cleffa in battle, morose that Team Galactic had stolen their Pokemon. The aforementioned trainer had a picture of this Pokemon on their outfit. [gyarados]
13) 85. A tiring climb to the top later, Zeiol acquires the Strength HM from the elder. He descends the tower, challenging any trainers who he didn't battle while climbing. A curious thing happens as he's in one such trainer battle. On the first turn, he notices that Skiploom moves before the trainer's Pokemon, while on the second turn, it moves before Skiploom despite no use of priority or leveling up. Zeiol has no clue what to make of this strange happenstance; but this was due to a speed tie, as both the trainer's Pokemon and Skiploom shared the same speed stat of 39. Skiploom could have been battling one of two Pokemon in the Lost Tower for this scenario to occur. What are they? [Murkrow Ponyta]
14) 86. Both explorations completed, Zeiol takes stock of the berries he's grown. He seems to be missing one of the basic berries - the Rawst Berry. A quick trip to the Berry Master later, Zeiol headed to this previous location to obtain a Rawst Berry from a plant. [route206]
15) 87. Anticipating a long trip, Zeiol returns to the daycare to check on Mareep and is surprised at how much it's grown, as it's at Level 27, almost ready to evolve. Paleo replaces Mareep in the daycare, who's glad to be back on the team. After stocking up on plenty of Repels, he heads to Route 206. The berries are found in no time, and the cave seems ominous. It's pitch-black as he enters, only being able to see a short distance around him. Wondering how to see better, he ponders at the mouth of the cave. He remembers an advertisement on TV for the TM for Flash, which does exactly this. However, he recalls it to be sold at Veilstone's Department Store, and decides not to go there yet. He also recalled soon after that ad, a certain trainer was seen using their Pikachu to briefly illuminate caves in Kanto, without the need for Flash. What moves could it have used to do this? [thunder thunderbolt]
16) 88. Sadly, Mareep knew neither Thunder or Thunderbolt, so Zeiol decided to take the gamble and proceed anyway, while trying to remember the path he took. The layout of the cave seemed strange, almost as if it was sealing something. He's once again astonished by the trainers, as a Magnitude 7, then 10 from one's Geodude dealt hefty damage, fainting Nidorino. Another's Bronzor using Imprison was able to seal away one move from both of Zeiol's Pokemon. What Pokemon was Zeiol currently battling with? [kirlia stantler]
17) 89. Closest to the trainers he just battled, Zeiol found this item. [tinymushroom]
18) 90. As Zeiol proceeds further and further into the cave, it seems even more inescapable, and he grows a bit worried. He decides to head back after reaching the next dead end, while he still remembers the route he took. At the next dead end however, he found a small girl who seemed lost and worried. She introduced herself as Mira, and requested help in reaching the exit, to which Zeiol gladly agreed, putting aside his own fear to reassure her. However after a point, Zeiol wasn't sure where to proceed. He ended up battling even more trainers along the way, and one such trainer's name seemed familiar, almost as if they had gone on a sTori. It didn't seem like they used a Totodile, unfortunately. What Pokemon did this trainer use? [beautifly silcoon]
19) 91. Zeiol realized he hadn't prepared enough, as he ran all out of Repels with the exit nowhere in sight. Despite that, he didn't seem to be encountering too many Pokemon, only around half as many as he'd expected. What Pokemon was he leading with? [stantler]
20) 92. He realizes that this is probably one of the other things Bebe mentioned all the way back in Hearthome, and was thankful. With the encounters reduced in numbers, and upon Mira's suggestion to follow the walls, they were able to reach the exit. With a cheery thanks, Mira left the cave while Zeiol decided to teleport back to Solaceon for some rest. As he's resting, he checks on his Pokemon in the PC and realizes that Nincada, still at Level 19, hasn't seen much action in a while and decides to spend more time with it. Zeiol goes into the Solaceon Ruins, with a relaxing atmosphere, only taking Nincada, Houndoom and Kirlia. Nincada seems to share a fascination for the strange writings on the wall. As it knocks out an Unown blocking the path, it begins to evolve into Ninjask. However, Zeiol senses something strange as the evolution concludes. Sure enough, he's got a new Pokemon in his party, Shedinja. Very confused, he sends both it and Ninjask out. After some observation, he notices that Shedinja didn't have anywhere near Ninjask's acrobatic speed, but it did have slightly different stats and properties, including the Ghost type. It seemed to still retain its memories as a Nincada, which made Zeiol breathe a sigh of relief. Wondering if this too was an effect of the Unown, Zeiol left the ruins. At this point, Zeiol had the chance for his Shedinja to learn some moves that it wouldn’t be able to learn upon evolution in any mainline game after Gen 4. What are all these moves? [doubleteam furycutter screech]
21) 93. Zeiol heads north to Route 210. There, he sees that the route is much larger than he thought it was, and the extra-tall grass exuded a primal aura. "Man, I really didn't look around here my first time through, did I? I don't think I ever would have explored this place if I dashed to Veilstone the first time around, probably.", he thought to himself. As he tries to proceed north, he notices his path is blocked. What Pokemon species is acting as a roadblock? [psyduck]
22) 94. Seeing no way to get past the Psyduck, and not having confidence in his ability to jump over all of them, Zeiol enters the nearby "Cafe Cabin", a place whose products were held in high regard by the Solaceon locals, though all of them seemed to have an annoyed tone when talking of it. Upon entering, he was immediately challenged to battle by a Waitress! Zeiol realizes the reason for everyone's annoyance towards the cafe, as the other cafe patrons also challenge him to battle. Finally, Zeiol's a bit tired from the trainer gauntlet, as he inquires about what the cafe sells. Upon hearing that they only sell Moomoo Milk, Zeiol checked his bag and realized that the milk was more cost-effective than Potions, for how much it healed. Feeling it'd be good to keep his team energized, Zeiol decides to spend exactly a quarter of his money buying milk. If he bought 26 Moomoo Milks, how much money did Zeiol have before he bought anything at the cafe? [52000]
23) 95. After over 20 questions in what definitely felt like an anime filler arc, Zeiol charts a course for Veilstone after a relaxing time at the cafe. Though, he did wish they sold milk by the dozen. The journey through Route 215 is much more manageable the second time around as well, as his team's in high spirits. This time when he enters Veilstone, it feels like a whole new experience. Not quite the metropolis Hearthome or Jubilife were, but a massive settlement in its own right. Like Solaceon, it had a very strange structure, with varying elevations. At the centre of the city, he found a sign and realized why the city looked the way it did. What does the sign describe Veilstone as? [hewn from rock]
24) 96. Next to the sign, an enthusiastic Battle Girl tells Zeiol about Veilstone's game corner, and how she got a TM as a prize from there. This seemed very intriguing to Zeiol, so after a quick stop at the Pokemon Center, he headed there. The game corner's atmosphere was electric, and Zeiol felt hyped to even be in such a place with the energetic music. Upon talking to the main clerk, he realized that he needed a Coin Case to play, but a helpful man there told him where to find one, at a nearby house. A few minutes later, Zeiol is back with a Coin case and ready to game. Assuming Zeiol's money did not change after purchasing the 26 Moomoo Milks, how many coins could he buy if he spent all his money? [1950]
25) 97. Of course, Zeiol decides to play it safe on advice from the same helpful man, and buys 200 coins to start with. He's given the advice to look out for a Clefairy, and that one appearing spells good luck. Before he starts, another passerby reminds him to beware of the red moon, because it makes Clefairy tired. Zeiol is able to get a Clefairy on his fifth reel, but has no clue why it's considered lucky, as he continues to lose coins. As he's down to 160, he rolls triple 7's and he's overjoyed; that's the first jackpot in quite a while. Before Zeiol does anything else, Zeiol notices this number next to the Clefairy, possibly indicating the number of bonuses left in the current round. [15]
26) 98. On his third bonus round, he sees the red moon that the passerby had mentioned. He decided to ignore Clefairy while the moon was red, and this was the right choice. The bonus rounds kept continuing, as did Zeiol's coin stock. The game was quite suspense filled, with timing the slots at the right point as well as paying attention to Clefairy. As the number of bonus rounds climbed, Zeiol drew attention from the crowd, with them cheering him on. As he starts his 9th round, a passerby shouts "If you round can get just one more bonus, you get a big prize! Go for it!". Unfortunately for Zeiol, the Clefairy retreats into its Safari Ball at the end of the 9th round as the collective crowd groans and slowly disperses. Before spinning the slots again out of reflex, Zeiol slowly realizes that despite the loss, he has a bit over two thousand coins, more than he'd be able to earn if he spent all his money! There wasn't a need to continue and risk losing this huge profit. This was a win in his book, but he did wonder, what prize was the crowd talking about? [tm64 / tm64explosion]
27) 99. Done with the game corner for now, Zeiol's slightly sad to leave the upbeat atmosphere behind but realizes he has an adventure to get back to. He goes to the prize exchange corner and is astonished to see that his huge earnings don't get him anywhere near the top prizes. He purchases two things from there, both of which would greatly assist his Ninjask when using Fury Cutter. What did he buy? [metronome widelens]
28) 100. Zeiol feels that rushing to take on Veilstone's gym wasn't a great idea for the time being. Upon further exploration of the city, he meets an ace trainer who theorizes Mt. Coronet is what divides Sinnoh into two halves. This makes sense to Zeiol, as the east and west of Sinnoh seem quite different, given what he's seen of them. What Pokemon makes her think this theory is correct? [shellos]
29) 101. The Department Store nearby, Zeiol enters and is overwhelmed by the range on offer, despite only having 2 badges; Revives, Max Potions, Ultra Balls and more were for sale. After thinking for a while, he starts from the first floor, buying 20 Super Repels, 2 Poke Dolls, 5 Great Balls and 3 Ultra Balls. Ascending to the third floor as he remembers the ad for Flash, he's taken aback by the range of TMs. He buys one of Flash, Natural Gift, Solarbeam and Fire Blast. Zeiol was sure the basement sold Poffins, but it was currently inaccessible. As the second and fourth floors offer nothing useful, Zeiol takes stock of his purchases at the fifth floor's food court. How much money did he spend in total at the Department Store? [30100]
30) 102. Most of his money now expended, Zeiol is happy he made the purchases. "Now I'll be even more prepared!", he thought. Solarbeam is taught to Skiploom, and Fire Blast to Houndoom. Through exploration, he hears that the nearby city, Pastoria is home to a huge variety of Pokemon, and feels this will help prepare him for Veilstone. With that, he proceeded to Route 214 to encounter this trainer class that he hadn't seen before. Assume every trainer before this point has been encountered. [pi]
31) 103. The journey through the route was challenging but doable, a sign to Zeiol that he was proceeding along the right track. Though he was taken aback by PI Carlos' Horn Drill Goldeen, threatening to knock out his Pokemon at any time. He also learnt a bit more about Shedinja's strange properties, as an opposing Kadabra's Psybeam bounced right off it, and it wasn't like Houndoom's immunity to the move. Zeiol theorized this was due to Shedinja's ability, Wonder Guard. Further testing against wild Pokemon, Zeiol realized that only super-effective and indirect damage could knock it out. Since the testing was relatively basic, he didn't realize that these damaging moves could also damage an opposing Pokemon with Wonder Guard, no matter what ability the user had, or what type the foe was. [beatup doomdesire firefang futuresight]

Part 3b was successfully hosted on August 20, at 21:30 CST.
The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: BubidaJeffery! [01:39:43].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [01:40:56].
3rd place: Menace02 [01:46:35].
4th place: blazeofvictory [02:29:01].
5th place: Teutonic✠Squire! [04:18:10].

1) 104. As he cycles onto Valor Lakefront, a calm and tranquil breeze from the ocean blows over him. He remembers that he hasn't checked the Pokeradar at all in over 30 questions. Sadly, he sees a silhouette of Nidorino, which he's already obtained. The prior route also seemed home to Houndoom, so Zeiol decided to push forth with no new encounters for the time being. The lake itself was closed to visitors, so Zeiol paid a visit to the luxurious Seven Stars Restaurant, which was also unfortunately closed. Resolving to visit it again, he also notices the rocky terrain of the area. "Perhaps I'll be able to reach those areas someday?", he wonders. As he sees a young woman stranded outside her suite, he uses this Poketch app to help find her key. [dowsingmachine]
2) 105. After returning the key, Zeiol heads to an unspecified location and encounters a Pokemon with a strange held item. Out of all of Zeiol's Pokemon, only Baltoy would have been able to make the Pokemon consume its held item. Assume that unless Zeiol's Pokemon have been specifically stated to have evolved, they have not. What item could the encountered wild Pokemon be holding if this situation occurred? Answer with all possible items. [chartiberry shucaberry]
3) 106. As luck would have it, the Charti Berry holder was Zeiol's next encounter, Swellow. This seemed like an apt counter to Maylene's fighting types, and one Great Ball later, it was captured. Since Pastoria was nearby, Zeiol decided to head there for some rest. After adding the Brave Swellow to his team, he heads to the Great Marsh. He's confused to see no response from the Pokeradar, indicating he can't capture any Pokemon here, but still decides to explore it. Before he enters, he heads to the observatory and talks to a middle-aged man, who recommends this mode of transport within the marsh. [quick trams / quick tram]
4) 107. Zeiol's able to survey the Great Marsh through the observatory's binoculars, and charts out a general route to follow. After being gifted the Defog HM by a kindly Ace Trainer, he encounters a variety of Pokemon, and is saddened that he can't catch them thanks to the Pokeradar's jamming. He makes another mental note to return to the marsh after obtaining the Magma Stone. After some exploration, he finds out something interesting about the Pokemon that can be found here. These two Pokemon are tied for the lowest (non-zero) possible encounter rate in certain areas of the Great Marsh. [azurill bidoof]
5) 108. With the Great Marsh explored, Zeiol decides to explore more of Pastoria city. He encounters the Move Maniac, who offers to re-teach his Pokemon moves for the price of one Heart Scale. Zeiol remembers how he found one of those from his time in the Underground. These two Pokemon that Zeiol owns can each be tutored a damaging move that are identical to each other in all aspects besides type. [ninjask swellow]
6) 109. Consulting with the Maniac, Zeiol realizes that a decent few of his team members can learn fabulous moves. He heads back to the Underground to mine more, but cannot find any more. Paying a visit to one of the houses in Pastoria, he receives an item that might help against incoming Electric type attacks. What item did Zeiol get? [wacanberry]
7) 110. Zeiol also pays a visit to the Scarf Guy, having heard him to be a connoisseur of fashion. However, he didn't think any of Zeiol's Pokemon were worthy of a scarf as is. Making a note to return after he baked more poffins, Zeiol decided to try challenging Pastoria's gym. His current party consists of Skiploom, Swellow, Mareep, Shedinja, Ninjask and Stantler. Mareep being on the verge of evolving, Zeiol uses it to defeat the gym trainers. Before reaching Crasher Wake, he now has a Flaaffy with Discharge. By a Gym trainer using this move, they're able to halve the power of an incoming super-effective attack without affecting stat modifiers. [raindance]
8) 111. Zeiol's surprised by this counter-play to Solarbeam, but is still confident in his victory with both Skiploom and Flaaffy, and challenges Wake to battle. His Gyarados lead doesn't faze Zeiol anymore, who leads with Flaaffy and can already see his victory. Gyarados' Brine does a pittance, and Discharge is a searing OHKO in return. With Quagsire sent in next, Skiploom is up. All Quagsire could do was use Tail Whip while it was scorched by Solarbeam, also knocked out in a single hit. Zeiol's on a roll, and decides to try something new. He realized that while in the gym, a decent few trainers couldn't hit Shedinja. Feeling that Wake would also lack a super-effective move, Shedinja pivots in but falls to Pursuit. This didn't pose an issue, as Flaaffy pivots back in to obliterate Floatzel in a single hit, who could also not deal much damage. This was Zeiol's easiest gym badge yet, and he's thankful that he waited for Mareep to learn Discharge before evolving. Zeiol obtains this badge for defeating Wake. [fen / fenbadge]
9) 112. A surprising consequence of doing the badges out-of-order like this is that Zeiol is unable to battle a certain trainer in Pastoria if he does not meet certain criteria, and returns to the city later. Assume Zeiol does not travel to any new locations. What is this trainer's name (exclude trainer class)? [tinston]
10) 113. Zeiol looks at his Trainer Card, and laughs at this humorous turn of events as he has the Coal, Forest and Fen badges, but not the Cobble badge. "Type advantages really do everything, huh? Guess I'm ready for Maylene now", he wondered as he began the long walk back to Veilstone, not before swapping Flaaffy for Kirlia. He notices a small hut by the seaside on Route 213, and enters it to find an eccentric man titled Dr. Footstep. The doctor asks to analyze Stantler's footprint, to which Zeiol agreed. He's overcome with happiness and relief as he hears Stantler regarding him as a remarkable human and trainer, and one to whom he can attribute his success. Dr. Footstep is also impressed by Stantler's views, and decides to gift it with this item. [footprint ribbon]
11) 114. As he passes by the Valor Lakefront, Zeiol remembered that he found and returned a woman's suite key to her. She had offered him a Lava Cookie for doing so. As he left the suite, he saw an item ball shining in the sunlight, and what looked to be a TM inside. It seemed particularly novel, and the TM had its name very faintly visible from the distance. Zeiol felt this move had some unique applications. These are all the Pokemon that Zeiol owns that can learn this move via TM and successfully use it in battle without the assistance of any other Pokemon or TMs, even if they can't do so at their current levels. [kirlia slowpoke stantler]
12) 115. Since the night draws late, Zeiol spends the night at the lodge near the Lakefront. As the next day dawns, he decides to head to the Seven Stars Restaurant. Since Shedinja hasn't seen too much action, he decides to give it a shot but is taken aback to see that quite a few trainers there are prepared for it. "Is this the power of high society?", he wondered. He also found out a surprising facet to Wonder Guard, that status moves pass through it. These two Pokemon he battled in the restaurant used a Status move matching their own type(s) which knocked out Shedinja. [roselia stunky]
13) 116. He's confident Shedinja will eventually get his chance at the spotlight, and explores the parts of Route 214 that were passed by on his way to Pastoria. He eventually comes up against a Ruin Maniac using a Shieldon and realizes that he's consistently had issues with taking down Steel types. "First the Bronzor, now this? The one time I wish I had Houndoom with me...", he mutters. Out of the Pokemon currently in Zeiol's party, this move with a fixed base power would deal the most damage to Shieldon. [solarbeam]
14) 117. Skiploom's Solarbeam scorches Shieldon, securing a victory for Zeiol. However, Stantler seems to be having bad luck with hitting its moves, despite holding an item purchased from the Game Corner, which draws out battles quite a while. What is the percentage chance that Stantler misses Take Down, given its held item? [6.5%]
15) 118. With the prior exploration now finished, Zeiol returns to Veilstone to notice Team Galactic has a sizable presence. He tries entering their main building, but the doors don't seem to lead anywhere yet. Grunts outside the warehouse also prevent his entry, so Zeiol's confused. He's able to get intel from another grunt that upon proving himself as worthy, this item inside the warehouse will be made available to him. [hm02 / hm02fly]
16) 119. Unsure of how to be classified as "worthy enough", Zeiol heals up his team and enters the gym. Pushing the barricades to solve the puzzle was quite the exhausting endeavor. Running was a no-go, as the gym trainers immediately turned to face Zeiol if he ran within their range. Each of the gym trainers seemed to have a personality of their own; all of them are part of this group. [karate quads]
17) 120. Swellow's presence made the battles speed by, as Zeiol's happy he took the time to find it. He confidently walks up to Maylene and challenges her to battle, leading with Kirlia as she sends out Meditite. Confusions being traded on both sides, Meditite falls with Kirlia at half health. Machoke is sent out next, and a critical hit Brick Break takes out Kirlia. Swellow is up next, and a pair of Wing Attacks KO Machoke. With Maylene's ace, Lucario, up next, Zeiol switches into Stantler to lower its attack by Intimidate. Deciding to take another gamble, he switches into Shedinja after taking a Drain Punch. To his delight, Lucario lacks any coverage for it! Conversely, Shedinja can't do very much damage in return. Coupled with Maylene's use of a Hyper Potion, Zeiol switches to Skiploom as Fury Cutter runs low on PP. The combination of Stun Spore, Leech Seed and Synthesis seals the game given Lucario's lowered attack. Maylene is now defeated, and Zeiol has four out of the eight badges. He also acquires the TM for Drain Punch. Holding either of these two items and using Drain Punch will cause the holder to see a 30% increase in the HP they regain, compared to using the move with no held item. [bigroot lifeorb]
18) 121. The Cobble Badge now in hand, Zeiol exits the gym to see a concerned Dawn, who asks for his help. Apparently, Team Galactic stole her Pokedex, so he tags along with her after healing up at the Pokemon Center to get it back. He challenges the Grunts who stole it to a 2-on-2 battle. Assume the VS. Seeker was not used, and all trainers on the routes explored before have been battled. Ignoring Metronome and any moves called by it, the battle described here was the first time Zeiol was seeing these moves used in battle. [gravity moonlight morningsun psychocut slash]
19) 122. The Grunts scurry away upon defeat, not before declaring that the package was at Pastoria already. Dawn's Pokedex is returned to her and she bids a sincere farewell. As Zeiol contemplates his next move, he realizes that the duo was guarding the warehouse he wanted to explore earlier. Sure enough, he collectly the Fly HM and after teaching it to Swellow, heads to Pastoria to investigate what the Grunt was talking about. However as he attempts to tail the grunt, Tinston challenges him to a battle! Kirlia takes out his Starly, switching to Skiploom who takes out Buizel, then to Stantler who takes out Monferno and finally to Swellow who takes out Roselia. All in all, this was a decisive victory compared to their last battle that made Zeiol proud of his Pokemon. After a quick heal, he continues pursuit of the grunt, who runs as far as the Lakefront. As he's doing so, he hears from the Grunt that Team Galactic obtained the energy to power the device he was carrying from this location. [valleywindworks]
20) 123. Soon after defeating the Grunt, Cynthia spots Zeiol and exchanges pleasantries. She gives Zeiol an item that would help him get past the Psyduck on Route 210, with the promise of delivering an Old Charm to her grandmother in Celestic Town. Where is this item from? [cianwood city]
21) 124. Zeiol's slowly starting to realize his team is pretty full, and he decides to only catch a few more Pokemon. He checks his Town Map, and chooses to Fly to Solaceon Town, since it seems the closest. Not in a rush, he decides to re-explore the surrounding areas and comes across the Hallowed Tower, but it looks more like a pile of rubble than any tower. Upon hearing the legend of Spiritomb from a passerby, he wonders how to encounter it, as the passerby continues to explain. If Zeiol stole one flag from every (different) person he met in the underground, then after battling Spiritomb, what's the minimum amount his score would increase by? You can assume he did nothing else to increase his score. [1090]
22) 125. Zeiol feels that this might be too much effort, and decides to not go through with it, selling the Odd Keystone at a nearby Pokemart. He heads north, dispelling the Psyduck as his Pokeradar reacts. Checking his Pokedex makes him realize there's a really rare Pokemon now available for capture. What is it? [bagon]
23) 126. Before rushing headlong into the route, Zeiol chooses to wait at the Cafe for a while, and ponders his next move. He remembers everything he's observed and heard over the adventure, and decides to compile a definitive set of notes on the Pokeradar, found at After this compilation he pauses for a bit on rule 7; something feels missing. The tiles that can rustle are chosen from a selection of grass patches depending on how close they are to Zeiol. What is the maximum number of tiles that can be selected from?? [80]
24) 127. Zeiol feels it's a good idea to stop by Solaceon's Pokemart to stock up on items. There, he remembers that in another Pokemart he visited, he saw a wood carving of a Pokemon, which looked very quaint and fit in with its locale. What Pokemon was the carving representing? [croagunk]
25) 128. Zeiol decides it's better to take a gamble, selling a decent few of his items, then spending all of his money on Pokeballs of various types and even more Repels. He heads onto the north part of Route 210 and thanks to Swellow using Defog, he can clearly navigate the area despite the setting sun. He shudders to think what a nightmare using the Pokeradar in the fog would be. He sensed that battles here would be long-drawn, unlikely to ever end on the first turn. In such a case, what is the most effective Pokeball Zeiol could use? [dusk / dusk ball]
26) 129. At some point in the chain, Zeiol notices the Pokemon History app on his Poketch, all filled with icons of Bagon. Assuming he had an unbroken chain, what is the lowest chain number which he is guaranteed to have reached? [12 / twelve]
27) 130. Trying to build large chains became harder the more Zeiol tried. Sometimes a Meditite, sometimes a Bibarel, and worst of all, Noctowl broke the chain multiple times, frustrating Zeiol to no end. He wanted to give up. Chains of varying lengths - 6, 12, 21, 14, 30, 22, 32, 25, 16, 9, 26, 35 and more all lay broken as Zeiol's hope dwindled. Every time he failed a chain, the world seemed to change, reverting him to the time before he started, along with all of his supplies restored. This seemed almost like Groundhog day as he retained memories each time. He thought back to the time just before he started; he looked at the Pokeradar one last time and noticed a number faintly embossed on the back, surrounded by the icon of a few stars. which he interpreted to be the minimum chain number he should aim for. Maybe that number has some relation to finding those stars most optimally? What number did he notice? [40]
28) 131. After over a week of real-time with thousands of steps taken, Zeiol is graced with the magical 40th Bagon. Soon after, he sees sparkles in the grass, an unfamiliar sight. Walking into that area, he's blinded by a shimmer as a green Bagon faces him! Zeiol's eyes sparkle as he's in awe of the shiny Pokemon's glittering green. "So that's what this Pokeradar's purpose is. Amazing!", he exclaims. Taking absolute care not to damage it too much, a couple of Nest Balls seal the deal and the new Hasty Bagon, now nicknamed Emerald, is captured. While the Pokeradar rustles again, Zeiol is in no mood to continue and flies back to Solaceon on Swellow for a long and well deserved rest. Any of the wild Bagon Zeiol encountered had a non-zero chance to raise the damage they dealt if they used any of these status moves. [focus energy leer]
29) 132. Before deciding to unwind for a long, long time, Zeiol takes a look at all 39 of his captures; as two of the 41 were knocked out by a critical Discharge. Four of them were holding a strange item, which seemed to give off a menacing aura - just like the Pokemon holding it. What was this item? [dragon fang]
30) 133. As he's relaxing, Zeiol takes a look at a nearby TV. He notices a commercial about TMs, and decides to check his bag. The newly caught Emerald is taught Rock Tomb. The next commercial advertises a place as a nature preserve where exotic Pokemon roam. But as he continues watching, Zeiol realizes he's been to the place and wasn't able to capture anything thanks to the Pokeradar. What location was this? [greatmarsh]
31) 134. Thank you again for making your way through Part 3! As I’m sure you expect, Part 4 will be coming your way sometime soon! Spending more time in Solaceon to recover, Zeiol pays another visit to the news press. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the Pokemon they're looking to write an article about but the chief does mention a reward for him if he's able to do so, a reward that can't be obtained anywhere else in Sinnoh. This intrigues Zeiol, even if he's presently unable to catch the desired Pokemon. After getting the Magma Stone and deactivating the Pokeradar, he could return and obtain it as needed. What is this reward? [diveball]

Part 4 was successfully hosted on September 2, at 21:00 CST
The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [54:07].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [01:02:39].
3rd place: BubidaJeffery! [01:29:37].
4th place: Teutonic✠Squire [01:30:01].
5th place: Menace02 [01:47:38].
Consolation Prize: AbuBatata [03:08:29], TokenSnack [04:02:35]

1) 135. Part 4, Pokeradar Pearl. Use alphabetical order if a question has multiple answers, PS formatting for Pokemon names, or nicknames if a Pokemon was given one instead. To recap, the team is here: - Slowpoke and Baltoy are still in the daycare. The events of Part 3 culminate in Zeiol obtaining the Fen and Cobble badges, as well as learning how to effectively utilize the Pokeradar, and using it to obtain a shiny Bagon nicknamed Emerald. Zeiol takes Emerald to the Ruins, who finds it surprisingly calming. Emerald also seems to have a fascination for the writing on the wall, just like Nincada did. After this, Zeiol decides that rushing back onto Route 210 would not be a good idea, and he looks at his Town Map. He notices that he hasn't explored the routes connecting Hearthome to Pastoria, and notices a landmark near a mansion owned by one Mr. Backlot, rumored to be home to exotic Pokemon. Marking that landmark as his next point of interest, as it's a short journey away. Where does Zeiol decide to go to? [trophy garden]
2) 136. As he heads to the Trophy Garden from Solaceon, Zeiol's challenged by somebody he doesn't expect. This trainer class can only be battled at night. [policeman]
3) 137. Despite being challenged to a battle out of nowhere, Zeiol is easily victorious. He continues exploring Route 212. Here, Emerald's first trainer battle is against a Pokemon that can KO Shedinja with at least one of its moves. this trainer's Pokemon has the highest BST out of all Pokemon on this route that can do so. Answer with [trainer class] [name] (Exclude any trainers that need travelling more than half the route to battle) [Pokemon Ranger Jeffrey / pkmn ranger jeffrey]
4) 138. Exploring along the route and battling even more wild Pokemon and trainers allows Zeiol to observe the effects of Houndoom's ability for the first time, the Pokeradar staying unused in his bag for the time being. What are all the Pokemon he could be battling? [chatot hoothoot kricketune]
5) 139. Zeiol is surprised to see trainers here using items on their Pokemon, as it draws out the battles a considerable amount. What are all the items used by this route's trainers? [full restore]
6) 140. Zeiol also learns some surprising info from a youngster on the route, who narrates "The owner of [...] also owns the Pokemon Mansion!". Zeiol realizes that the youngster's words were cut off by a flock of approaching Starly. Even though Zeiol didn't quite hear what was said, he was able to piece together the details and realized that he knows what the youngster was saying. What words did Zeiol not hear? [amity square]
7) 141. Feeling hopeful that he could negotiate entry into Amity Square, Zeiol enters the mansion and is taken aback by the luxury and grandeur. The red carpet, antique statues and being fully staffed with butlers and maids alike was a sight to behold. The east of the mansion was blocked off from access, which Zeiol was disappointed to hear; he was sure he'd heard rare berries grew there. He heads over to Mr. Backlot's room, who is all too glad to brag about his Pokemon, and nothing else. It didn't seem like Zeiol could get a word in edgewise, and he decided to give up on his dreams of Amity Square. Mr. Backlot described a Pokemon that was fully evolved, but only in its debut generation. What Pokemon could he be talking about? [chansey porygon]
8) 142. Zeiol decides to take a look at his Pokedex to see if he can capture anything in the Trophy Garden, and to his dismay, nothing showed up. As he was about it put it down, he noticed that he did have two encounters available; one on this route, and another should he journey all the way to Pastoria. What are they? [grimer smeargle]
9) 143. Having never heard of Smeargle before, Zeiol decides to see what it's all about. Finding one is comically easy compared to the recent 40 Bagon chain. One Dusk Ball later, it's captured. He notices that it has only one move, Sketch, and it having only 1 PP is strange. He decides to recon back to Hearthome for some rest and to plan his next move. He remembers how the Day-Care couple were very knowledgeable when it came to moves with their recommendation on Mareep, and a quick flight to Solaceon later, he pays them a visit. Of course, both of them are happy to see Zeiol after quite a while. After catching up on pleasantries and checking up on Slowpoke and Baltoy, they explain how Sketch works, being able to permanently copy a foe's move, and how Smeargle gets a new Sketch every so often. After this, they also mention a strange fact. If Sketch is used to copy some other moves, then during battle Smeargle will always end up with a move that has a maximum of 5 PP, regardless of opponent - but neither move normally has 5 PP. Of course, this is assuming none of Smeargle's moves ever fail or are used more than once. This sounds absolutely bizarre to Zeiol, as he's unable to figure it out. What moves could Smeargle Sketch that would make this situation possible? [mimic transform]
10) 144. Before continuing further south onto Route 212, Zeiol decides to fly back to Hearthome to plan, as the route looks to be his toughest expedition yet. With Fantina still not at her Gym, getting the Relic Badge isn't an option presently. Smeargle seems like it'd be a great Pokemon to use, but Zeiol has absolutely no clue how to make it work. He remembers the Day-Care couple's warning that Sketch permanently copies a move, which is why he had to put even greater thought into deciding. After a long time, he's unable to come up with anything and temporarily boxes it. Suddenly, a flash of inspiration strikes him. He remembers two moves; one that he saw a trainer's Pokemon using on Route 214, and another that he remembered Nincada learning. On their own, the two moves seemed situational at best, but Zeiol considered that if they could be combined, he'd have a brilliant way to achieve victory against a vast majority of Pokemon. What are these two moves? [horndrill mindreader]
11) 145. Zeiol's positively giggling with excitement, remembering his battle with PI Carlos and Horn Drill's terrifying threat. If it could be guaranteed to hit, then he'd have a very strong team member. Of course, since neither Ninjask or Shedinja still knows Mind Reader, there's only one Pokemon Zeiol could encounter and thereby Sketch from at this time. What is it? [meditite]
12) 146. After a relatively painless encounter, Smeargle now knows Mind Reader and Zeiol flies to Veilstone, heading down to Route 214 after making sure Smeargle has another Sketch available. If he wants to Sketch Horn Drill, he'd have to use this Key item. [vs seeker]
13) 147. Without much trouble, Horn Drill is successfully Sketched. The questionably sure-fire strategy all set up, Zeiol's excited to try it out on some of the (same) route's trainers using his VS Seeker. However it's here that he realizes a flaw with it! For whatever reason, some opponents seem unaffected by Horn Drill whenever Smeargle uses it. It's not a situation as if the move misses, it simply doesn't affect the foes. Zeiol's confused, and wonders what the issue might be, but then notices his Smeargle's level is notably lower than the opponent's. Concluding that to be the cause, Zeiol makes sure to level it up and upon testing it out on wild Pokemon obtains odd findings. It works on some Pokemon but not others, all the more puzzling. What are all the Pokemon that Horn Drill could fail against on this route (excluding type-based immunities), regardless of Smeargle's level? [geodude graveler shieldon sudowoodo]
14) 148. Flying back to Hearthome, Zeiol changes his party lineup to Ninjask, Kirlia, Swellow, Shedinja, Smeargle and Skiploom. He remembers something he didn't quite do at the Backlot Mansion; exploring the left wing. Unfortunately, there's no five-maid challenge waiting for him as he's denied entry. A bit disappointed, he decides to continue all the way to Pastoria along the route. He comes across a woman offering TMs in exchange for ten shards of the same color. One such TM caught Zeiol's fancy, as it activated the ability of one of his party Pokemon. 10 shards seemed like a lot, so Zeiol decided to return at a later time. What move was this? [sunnyday]
15) 149. With a surprisingly uneventful route, Zeiol returns to Pastoria with his team still in good condition, forgetting to catch Grimer entirely. He feels that maybe it's time to take the trek to Celestic Town. Challenged by a pair of Ace Trainers, Zeiol faces his toughest battle yet. The combo of Raichu and Gyarados using Thunderbolt and Bite without Zeiol's strongest team members seems like a recipe for disaster, and that's what it is. However, Skiploom's combination of Stun Spore and Leech Seed allowed Swellow to just barely take the win, using Fly to stall for extra recovery. Zeiol realizes that he'd easily have lost this battle, and returns to Solaceon to regroup. With a switched up party, he's able to better navigate the route. The route was Zeiol's first meeting with this trainer class. [doubleteam]
16) 150. With some difficulty, Zeiol makes it to Celestic Town in no small part thanks to Paleo and Flaaffy's efforts. After a quick rest at the Pokemon Center, he looks around the town. It gave off a rustic and quaint atmosphere, similar to Eterna. The shrine in the town center also reminded him of the one in Johto's Ilex Forest he saw on TV a long time ago. Returning back to the Center to swap out his party, he meets a man who's intrigued by Zeiol's Pokemon. Upon noticing that Zeiol's Pokemon seems to adore him, he gifts this item. [greatball]
17) 151. Before continuing into the ruins, Zeiol visits one of the houses and obtains the Analog Watch for his Poketch. In that house, he sees an intriguing Pokemon outside of its Pokeball. Zeiol could have obtained this Pokemon at some point before his third badge by talking to a NPC, but he hadn't noticed their presence and so didn't obtain it. What Pokemon is this? [happiny]
18) 152. Exploring even more of the town lets him learn more of Mt. Coronet's history and importance, being so close to the town. He looks at his town map and was startled by the distance he's covered up to this point, moving around most of Sinnoh. In one of the buildings, he sees the picture of a Pokemon that greatly resembles the one on the PC box wallpaper he unlocked many questions ago. What Pokemon is this? [dialga]
19) 153. As he approaches the shrine, an elderly woman alerts Zeiol about a green spaceman threatening to blow the town up with a bomb. Concerned, Zeiol heads over only to notice a Galactic Grunt. "Ah Galactic, when will you ever learn?", he wispfully says. As the Grunt refuses to leave without a fight, Zeiol quickly defeats him. With this, Cynthia's grandmother approaches him and he hands over the Old Charm. Zeiol is invited into the Celestic Ruins, which seem to give off the same ethereal feel as Solaceon's did, but no Unown are in sight. At the cave's end, he sees a painting describing three strange figures forming a triangle, surrounding a shining sphere. While the explanation he heard made sense, he chose to talk with more elders of the town to confirm his understanding. One such elder was able to identify a Pokemon relevant to this legend upon hearing where Zeiol came from. What Pokemon is this? [mesprit]
20) 154. Zeiol finally obtains the HM for Surf, as Cynthia's grandmother explains what it does. She bids him a farewell and slowly walks out, leaving Zeiol to take in the atmosphere. He decides to check if Fantina is back at the Hearthome gym, as having Surf would possibly be a great benefit should he continue exploration. As he leaves the ruins, he meets this character. [cyrus]
21) 155. Unnerved by his demeanor and the perfect world Cyrus speaks of creating, Zeiol nervously waits till he finishes talking. As Cyrus departs, Zeiol couldn't help but think that they'd almost have battled here, and didn't feel that was an opponent that could be beaten. Since Eterna city is nearby, Zeiol decides to go through Mt. Coronet to get there. On the nearby route, he obtains these four berries. [aspear grepa iapapa pecha / aspear berry grepa berry iapapa berry pecha berry]
22) 156. Zeiol sees that Swablu is now available for capture on Route 211, but decides not to capture it, his team's getting quite full at this point. Unfortunately, a gray boulder blocks the path to Eterna. Another one blocks a path leading deeper into the mountain. It seems impossible to break with Rock Smash, but Zeiol makes a mental note of this. Without collecting any items here, he flies back to Hearthome, confident that Houndoom will decimate the gym. Math was never his strong suit, so he got some of the questions wrong. However, he was quite surprised by some of the gym trainers who used the strongest possible normal type move that didn't KO the user. What Pokemon could he have been battling? [drifblim drifloon]
23) 157. With the Stockpile and Spit Up combo dealing great damage to Skiploom and Flaaffy, Zeiol decides to heal his team using the multitude of Sitrus Berries he has before challenging Fantina. But before he heads into the final chamber, he thinks back to his battles with the gym trainers; some of them seemed to be using exceptionally powerful Pokemon and he's sure Fantina would have them too. These gym trainers share at least one Pokemon with Fantina. Answer as [trainer class] [name] for each trainer. [ace trainer allen ace trainer catherine]
24) 158. A few minutes later, he's face to face with the mauve maiden who he first met exactly a hundred (!!!) questions ago. Fantina is, of course, delighted to see a familiar face after so long, and accepts the challenge. Zeiol leads Houndoom against her Drifblim, and uses Howl to set up twice, taking little damage from Gust. Drifblim falls to the next Bite, but its Aftermath leaves Houndoom at low health. Her Gengar is up next, and it's able to take out Houndoom via Confuse Ray. Swellow switches in, and takes a strong Poison Jab, leaving it at low HP and poisoning it in the process. Fortuitously, this activates Swellow's Guts ability, as it cleanly OHKOs Gengar with a Fly. Lastly, her ace Mismagius is up. A towering level 36, more than 7 higher than Zeiol's highest. Swellow is able to land a Wing Attack before falling to Poison damage, as Flaaffy's up next, using Thunder Wave to slow the malevolent macabre down. However, its held Sitrus Berry allows it to survive the Charge + Discharge combo as Flaaffy falls to a Magical Leaf. Skiploom lands a Leech Seed, through Synthesis, SolarBeam and paralysis luck is able to take out Mismagius. A tough battle well defeated, Zeiol now holds the Relic Badge. At some point in this battle, Fantina used an item on one of her Pokemon. What item was this? [hyperpotion]
25) 159. At the end of the long-fought battle, Zeiol is greeted by a dazzling light to see Skiploom evolve into Jumpluff! As he's reminded that he can now Surf outside of battle, he realizes that he needs to find a Pokemon that can do so. None of the Pokemon in his party can do so, but then he remembers that he actually does have two such Pokemon. If he were to use one item in his bag, he'd be able to obtain another one as well! What are these Pokemon that can learn Surf? [nidoking sentret slowpoke]
26) 160. As Zeiol heads out of the gym, he's glad that he doesn't have to do any more math for gym puzzles. He realizes that if he can cross water, then a lot of new locations become accessible. He meets Cynthia outside the Gym, who recommends visiting the library in Canalave as it contains a wealth of knowledge on legends. Feeling this relates to the Magma Stone, he makes a mental note of it. As next course of action, he flies to Solaceon and withdraws Slowpoke from the daycare, who's now grown to an astonishing Level 34, the highest by far among all his team. He decides to walk back from Solaceon and observe where he can use this new move, rather than flying back. Heading back to Route 209 for the first time in a while, Zeiol notices an item ball blocking a certain area on the route. If he doesn't pick that item up, then this other item on the route will be permanently inaccessible to him. [tm19 / tm19gigadrain]
27) 161. Surfing was exhilarating, the water streaking by him as warm winds surrounded Zeiol. It truly felt like a new frontier had opened up. While other badges field moves were neat, Surf was on a whole new level. Feeling that he might encounter tough Pokemon on the waters, Zeiol checks his TM case and is pleasantly surprised to notice something. If a specific TM was used on one of Zeiol's Pokemon, then it would not have to wait until Level 38 to get a damaging STAB move for one of its types. What move could be contained in this TM? [shadowball shadowclaw]
28) 162. Shedinja now knowing Shadow Claw, Zeiol continues the trek back to Eterna. It felt refreshing to pass by familiar locales of Mt. Coronet and Cycling Road. Before he knew it, he was already there. As he was about to leave from the east, he remembered that he hadn't visited the Underground Man in ages. For all the treasure he obtained there, he felt it was worth catching up with him. After briefing him on the details, he was mightily impressed and decided to award Zeiol with exactly one item. Because Zeiol was able to obtain the Wobbuffet Doll, he would receive this item as a reward. [digger drill]
29) 163. "Secret bases, my boy! You'd be surprised how fun it is to have a retreat of your own, and with so many places to choose from. The lads in Hoenn had to deal with Secret Power and limited choice, but the Underground is where it's at!", the Underground man exclaims. As Zeiol makes his Secret Base, he notices that it's filled with a lot of boulders, limiting how much he can effectively use it. However, if only a few of them were removed, then the others could blend into the background. If Zeiol removed exactly six boulders from his secret base, then his flag would be this color. [gold]
30) 164. Done with the Underground for now, Zeiol makes sure to bury a variety of Spheres so that they grow, allowing him more trading options in future. He realizes that he can now leave Eterna from the west, and decides to replace Slowpoke with Nidorino, who hasn't seen action for a long time. Entering Eterna Forest after so long, the somber atmosphere puts him at ease. He remembered a large mansion blocked off by trees, and with Nidorino's help is able to cut them down to enter it. The mansion terrifies Zeiol as he enters it. There's not a soul to be seen, and not a sound to be heard but a faint echo of static in the distance. Trepidly, he ventures forth but is confident that his Pokemon will protect him. The statues looked as if they were glaring, which didn't help matters.** With this Pokemon of his in the lead slot, Zeiol has the highest chance to successfully run from any wild encounters, no matter what level they were.** [sentret]
31) 165. Unfortunately, Sentret’s ability didn’t cross his mind so Zeiol chose to lead with Ninjask instead. Its acrobatic speed allowed it to confound the ghosts that slowly surrounded Zeiol, who had long since run out of Repels. He was glad that he'd brought Ninjask with him. The central room contains a massive dining table, but it looked so worn down and decrepit that Zeiol was taken aback. "What...what happened here? This place seems abandoned, but something's here. I can feel it, and it's not good. I should get out of here soon.", he resolves. In a room to the left of this one, Zeiol obtains this item, which sheds even more mystery on the location. [old gateau]
32) 166. "Old Gateau? Was this place known for cakes or something? It might look old, but something seems to still keep that edible.", Zeiol wonders. He proceeds to the central chamber on the top floor. Even though all he encounters is Gastly, he's certain that something else is lurking in the shadows. Some paintings seemed to be staring at him, but faded their gaze if he observed them closely. As Zeiol explored the rooms more and more, shivers went down his spine. The route he took, the room layout, the decor, everything was far too similar to the Backlot mansion! Fearful, he decides to quickly finish exploration and head out. One of the rooms seemed to have a working TV, which was very strange as the place otherwise appeared to have no electricity. Having taken a cursory look at all the rooms, Zeiol decided to take a second look. Something didn't add up, he sensed there was something hiding nearby. If the conditions were met, Zeiol could encounter these two Pokemon here. [gengar rotom]
33) 167. As his exploration wraps up, Zeiol decides to take another look at the Dining room. Scary as it was, it left an unmistakable sense of grandeur. However as he did so, he saw a butler standing in the room, on the opposite end of the table. This was strange, as no footsteps were heard - by all accounts there should be no way for someone else to be there. As Zeiol cautiously observed him, the butler appeared to float away to the west as his legs did not move. This promptly spooked Zeiol, and he bolted for the door, which was thankfully not locked. Thus concluded his exploration of the Old Chateau, not a moment too soon. Being back in the forest calmed him down, and he decided to take a look at all the items he found there to better get a clue of what just happened. One such item had a faint description talking about two beings and an original one. For the purposes of this question assume that he has not used the Dowsing Machine to find any items, and that the only items found Underground were Heart Scales. If Zeiol sees this specific description, then what other items is he guaranteed to have obtained along his journey? [fistplate mindplate]
34) 168. As he exits the forest from the entrance near Eterna, Zeiol notices a thin path leading around the forest. Curious, he follows it and realizes that it's a shortcut! Along the path, he's gifted this accessory from a kindly Aroma Lady. [bigtree]
35) 169. Zeiol makes a mental note to use this path if he ever needs to make the trek from Eterna to Floaroma. As he pops out onto Route 205, he notices a huge body of water to the west. Remembering that he can now Surf, he decides to go to Floaroma's Pokemon Center to withdraw Slowpoke. As he does so, he similarly notices the large water stretch near the windworks. He remembers his first encounter with the Pokerus there, and cycles along. Before depositing Nidorino, he decides to explore the route to the south as he vaguely remembers something. Sure enough, a tree blocked the path, and it was promptly cut down. As a result of this, Zeiol now has access to this TM. [captivate / tm78 / tm78captivate]
36) 170. Thank you, once again for experiencing the journey of Part 4. Logic might say this is the halfway point, but this series didn’t start logically, did it? Part 5, coming to you soon! With Slowpoke back in his party, Zeiol takes a quick trip to the windworks and obtains a TM for Thunderbolt. If he continued surfing along the water from Route 205, then he'd reach this new location. [fuego ironworks]

Link to future parts:
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Hosting a fish this Sunday, August 28th at 13:00 UTC (06:00 PDT, 09:00 EDT, 15:00 CEDT, 18:30 IST)

thanks to Computerwizard8800 and PartMan for their QCs!

The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: WarriorGallade [02:31].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [03:06].
3rd place: blazeofvictory [03:12].
4th place: Teutonic✠Squire [05:48].
5th place: Sabby60>!!> [08:46].
Consolation Prize: fuzzyfoam [16:54], Purple Gummi [19:00]

2) Sprites of formes of these Pokémon could be found in the Shadows of Almia files, but cannot be found in the game proper. List alphabetically, only give the name of the Pokémon (so without the forme). [Burmy, Cherrim, Gastrodon, Shellos, Wormadam]
3) Art in the files of Pokémon Conquest portrays these two Pokémon that cannot be found in the final version of the game. List alphabetically. [Growlithe, Moltres]
4) In Blue Rescue Team, these two items, which are referred to in game but can never be obtained as an item, have the same effect as a Link Box if they were used from the bag. List alphabetically. [Mime Jr. Fig, Weavile Fig]
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Hosting another fish on August 31st, 15:00 UTC (08:00 PDT, 11:00 EDT, 17:00 CEDT, 20:30 IST)

Thanks to PartMan and dot Comfey for their QCs!

The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [43:05].

1) These TCG Abilities have also been a Pokémon power and a Poké-POWER. List alphabetically. [Drive Off, Emerge, Energy Evolution, Fragrance Trap]
2) These TCG Abilities have also been a Pokémon power and a Poké-BODY. List alphabetically. [Energy Burn, Retreat Aid, Submerge]
3) This Poké-POWER has also been a Poké-BODY. [Supreme Command]
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Do you remember? Another cycle of Scavengers?

We once again have the same three users in our top 3, though the order has shaken up a bit!
First place is once again Blazeofvictory with 222 points!
Second place is yeet dab xd with 212 points!
And third place is Teutonic✠Squire with 146 points!

2yeet dab xd212
6GrassyStorm ✿❁80
10arcavee ˙︵˙54
13dot Comfey41
15Soft Flex35
25Chris ☭ tmas??18
29bro torterra ㅴ17
36Purple Gummi13
39Tapler ❀12
39Thunder! Emerald?12
45Qui-Gon the Flygon8
50Gwynt ^-^7
50carryt64 <7
54tl the legend??6
65toxic boosted5
65linnea gaming5
65Kia we lol5
73Dratios ☭4
73ShinyTurtlez ツ4
73The Benz Mafia4
73Gumbearball ?4
73Praise Bid o3o f4
85a pple~sauce?thing3
94I love pink cat2
94hu tao sweat2
94Dorron ☆2
94Zip It!2
94lilac flower2
110Dasocks (^~^)☂1
110Flying Pichu1
110Tis i me1
110Lucas Ranger~1
110PikachuSean ^~^1

Our September Twist is Scavengers Feud: After finishing an official, you can PM the host an answer for each question that you think will be the most common incorrect answer given by other players. You get 2 points for each one that you guess correctly. This twist does not apply to odysseys.

And we have some positive news alongside it! pants has returned to the Moderator position once again, both in the room and globally! Oh, and I got Gmod too.

Someday you'll be remembered here in September if you start making hunts and finishing first!
Mini roundup!

The mini scavenger hunt by TheAura was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [11:14].
2nd place: Teutonic✠Squire [15:01].
3rd place: Zipzapadam [50:34].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [56:46], TokenSnack [01:31:08], blazeofvictory [01:35:32], Menace02 [03:57:39]

QC: Computerwizard8800
The mini scavenger hunt by deftinwolf was ended automatically.
1st place: dot Comfey [01:53].
2nd place: 111ace111 [02:07].
3rd place: Chris ☭ tmas?? [02:12].
Consolation Prize: p^_^okemonvortex. [03:10], bubidajeffery [04:37], GrassyStorm ✿❁ [05:06], blazeofvictory [13:14], boredcollegegort [16:33], notbuddha [19:08], WarriorGallade [01:24:23], lukethedumbass [01:56:44], TokenSnack [02:31:00]

QC: Computerwizard8800

Last mini roundup can be found here.
And to commemorate the new cycle, I'm hosting another official on Sunday, September 4th at 17:00 UTC (10AM PDT, 1PM EDT, 19:00 CEDT, 22:30 IST)

QCs by the lovely dot Comfey and deftinwolf

The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: BubidaJeffery! [26:19].
2nd place: TheAura [28:35].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [30:14].
4th place: blazeofvictory [39:24].
5th place: jojja [50:12].

thanks all for playing! Sadly, no twist because it is not ready yet.

1) These moves could be any type. List alphabetically. [Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance / Judgment, Multi-Attack, Natural Gift, Revelation Dance, Tera Blast]
2) This Pokémon has a TCG card that could be any (TCG) type thanks to a move on its card. [Arceus]
3) Without copying or stealing moves or abilities from other Pokémon, these five Fully Evolved Pokémon can be all but exactly four types. List alphabetically. [Dragalge, Galvantula, Leavanny, Malamar, Mothim]
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Hosting a Collab Official on Saturday, September 3 at 12:00 EST with Computerwizard8800!

Thanks to deftinwolf and WarriorGallade for QCing

Additionally, this hunt used the twist from the previous cycle, Time Trial!

1st place: Teutonic✠Squire [14:36].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [18:36].
3rd place: AbuBatata [30:25].
4th place: boredcollegegort [45:47].

1) Do /scavenge start to start the hunt [start]
2) You can be gifted special icons and patterns if you say something that can make this game character chuckle [Walda]
3) The Japanese games reveal this item is a milk based product but this is not kept consistent with the English version of the games [Lemonade]
4) In these anime episodes, a certain part of a Pokemon incorrectly looked like this: instead of this: while attacking. (alpha) [A Different Kind of Misty!, All in a Day's Wurmple, Taming of the Shroomish / AG009, AG014, AG038]
5) This character that first appeared in RSE has a Pokémon introduced after generation III in his ORAS design (exclude trainer class) [Ty]
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The first cycle of September has ended and we have a familiar looking top 3 with blazeofvictory in first with 243 points, and Teutonic✠Squire and yeet dab xd tying for second with 137 points. The full ladder is below.

2yeet dab xd137
9Soft Flex48
14Gr. as Systorm32
20dot Comfey24
31Eina Tulle~✽19
33Zipzapadam ✔︎˙︵˙18
41working on this9
42Hazen Angel-Seeker7
48Cupcake Collector5
48but im stan lee5
48canele & wolf5
56Tapler ❀4
56ShinyTurtlez ツ4
56lilac flower4
56The Benz Mafia4
56Wan the Avatar4
65Gwynt ^-^3
65Gumbearball ♡3
80Flying Pichu2
80toxic boosted2
80Tis i me2
80Chris ☭ tmas??2
91sly mav1
91Smii is stupud1
91Pepsi Man 21
91Too much of a nerd1
91Praise Bid o3o f1
91Dratios ☭1
91Rory Mercury1
91majide sugoi1
The twist has finally been merged, stick around for some scavengers feud fish coming up soon. Thus concludes my job for the month. Wake me up when September ends.
ran a fish (using twist :o) on Monday, Sept. 19th at 8pm Eastern Time - big thanks to computerwizard8800 and celesteeal for the QC!

1st place: Teutonic✠Squire! [13:09].
2nd place: Chris ☭ tmas?? [13:28].
3rd place: yeet dab xd [16:53].
4th place: WarriorGallade [28:54].
5th place: 111ace111 [36:51].
Consolation Prize: Menace02 [51:21], TurtalKatThing [51:24], p^_^okemonvortex. [56:23], boredcollegegort [01:04:59], lukethedumbass [01:08:54]

1. This is the only pokemon that doesn’t use its normal front sprite in Pokemon Musicals. | Mawile
2. These trainers have back sprites in the games, but not front sprites (give the name as they appear on bulbapedia, without the region. alpha) | dude, old man, primo
3. In Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, this Pokemon seems to have a Poke Assist that is the same as one of its types on its capture screen, but its assist is not actually of that type (Only consider the poke assists in the present.) | Forretress
Scavenger Feud incorrect answers:
Q1: meloetta - christmas
Q2: dudeoldman - No one guessed correctly!
Q3: pichu - teutonicsquire, christmas
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More hunts, more characters, and inevitably more Pokeradar. How long will this series last? Stay tuned to find out!

Link to prior parts:

Part 5 was successfully hosted on September 23, at 20:00 CST.
The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [01:09:44].
2nd place: BubidaJeffery! [01:45:43].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire! [01:49:27].
4th place: blazeofvictory [01:51:11].
5th place: AbuBatata [01:57:40].

1) 171. Welcome back to Part 5 of Pokeradar Pearl! To recap, the team is here: If any question has multiple answers, use alphabetical order and nicknames if a Pokemon has one. Part 4 ended with obtaining the Relic Badge, and Zeiol exploring new areas with the power of Surf, but still wondering how to get past the gray boulders he’s seen so often. Entranced by the sight of large-scale automation at Fuego Ironworks, Zeiol had no idea he'd missed this place his first time through Route 205. "It's large, noisy, gives off smoke, how could I not notice it?!", he thought to himself. Reflexively, he checks the Pokeradar again but is disappointed to see no new encounters. As he enters the ironworks, he instantly spots the mechanical atmosphere. Not just that, the workers there seem to have Pokemon with a notably higher level than Zeiol's own! Fortunately, he's able to hold his own, with Shedinja carrying his team. One Pokemon there takes him by surprise; it's the heaviest he's seen so far. What is this Pokemon? [steelix]
2) 172. With Emerald's Ember coming in handy, the Steelix is roasted, albeit very very slowly. Zeiol's taken aback as Steelix is able to strike back with DragonBreath, dealing great damage. With no option left, he switches into Slowpoke and its Surf quenches Steelix, leaving it nice and rusted. The last trainer he faced used a Rapidash with Fire Spin. If its Fire Spin dealt 5 damage at the end of the turn, what is the most maximum HP that a Pokemon hit by it could have? [95]
3) 173. At the centre of the mechanical marvel stands Mr. Fuego, next to a furnace. He's pleasantly surprised to see Zeiol, as he doesn't get visitors often. As he's gifted a Fire Stone, Zeiol heads out, but not before picking up the nearby Flamethrower TM. For whatever reason, it didn't seem like Mr. Fuego wanted to exchange Star Pieces for Shards. While the Ironworks were on the north, there seemed to be a shrubbery to the south, which Zeiol chose to investigate. What location did Zeiol go to? [floaroma meadow]
4) 174. Zeiol's pretty happy that he could explore the completeness of Floaroma Meadow, now he knew what was on the other side of the ledge. Here, his Dowsing Machine came in handy. If Zeiol were to purchase all the items he found here in this way at a Pokemart or another person, then how much would it cost him? [8800 / 600+3000+200+2500+1200+700+300+100+200]
5) 175. The heavy gray boulder still weighed on Zeiol's mind. He was sure that being able to get around it would lead to even greater exploration. He estimated that since Surf, such a valuable field move was usable after getting a gym badge, surely the way around the boulders would be another gym badge. With that in mind, he charts a course for Canalave city; both for the badge and the library, as per Cynthia’s advice. After flying to Jubilife, his first steps onto Route 218 are exciting. He explores the nearby grass only to be taken aback by one of the Pokemon on the route with the highest effective speed stat. This was quite the surprise because the Pokemon didn't look very fast at all. What item was this Pokemon holding? [quickpowder]
6) 176. As luck would have it, Ditto was Zeiol's Pokeradar encounter for the route. Like Smeargle, he hadn't heard of it before either and was taken aback by its ability to morph into his Pokemon. Since he led with Swellow, it was an exercise switching back and forth from Stantler to Slowpoke to finally defeat it via Intimidate cycling. At this point, Zeiol gets a brilliant idea. "What if I can use my opponent's power against them, just like this? Now that I think, that plan would be doable even if I didn't catch this Ditto", he thinks. As such, Zeiol makes a note that when Smeargle reaches Level 31 and learns a new Sketch, it will be used to Sketch this move. [transform]
7) 177. As Zeiol passes through the Canalave gate, he encounters Dawn's father, who upgrades his Pokedex with the ability to display gender differences. This quite intrigues Zeiol, as he wonders if the Pokemon he owns would look different if they were a different gender. What are all such Pokemon? [houndoom paleo]
8) 178. Zeiol steps into Canalave and is greeted by a warm ocean breeze. The city's quite a sight to behold. As he crosses the drawbridge, his rival Tinston appears to challenge him to a battle. Flaaffy dispatches his Staravia with Discharge, Swellow takes out Heracross and Monferno with Fly. As Buizel's sent out, Zeiol fears that his Swellow is at risk of getting KO'ed, at only 15 HP. Depending on what happened, by using either of these moves, Tinston's Buizel can guarantee that Swellow faints that turn before it moves, if neither uses Quick Attack. [aquajet pursuit]
9) 179. Taken aback by Pursuit, a move he should've known to expect but didn't, Swellow falls. Stantler’s sent out next and it's able to retaliate and KO Buizel with Stomp. Tinston's last Pokemon, Roselia, is up next. Stantler misses both of its Hypnosis attempts and is taken to red as the third lands. With no other team member well equipped to defeat Roselia, Stantler uses Take Down to secure a 1 for 1 KO giving Zeiol the victory. He's surprised with how much closer this battle ended up being, compared to their last. As he returns to the Pokemon Center, he spots a Lass talking about her Psyduck, as she mentions that it can use this move, which would inflict more damage the closer it was to her. [return]
10) 180. This seems quite intriguing, as Zeiol did in fact have the Return TM with him. However, he was unsure on whom to use it, being a one-time use. He also remembered that his Poketch could help determine his Pokemon's happiness. He notices that Smeargle had no hearts and stayed at the same place when he tapped on its icon in the Poketch. If Smeargle was to use Return in this state, what would its maximum power be? [59]
11) 181. Deciding to conserve the TM for now, Zeiol walks up to challenge the gym, but groans when he sees the sign. "Steel types? Oh, those resistances are not going to be fun to fight." He feels that he isn't ready for this yet, and decides to leisurely scope out the library. There isn't a pressing rush like an evil team bombing a nearby lake, anyhow. The Canalave library has a looming presence, and a sense of scale is apparent as Zeiol enters it. Many bookshelves containing heavily read books populate all the floors. However, everything he sees on the first and second floor seems a bit too complicated to make sense of, possibly aimed at academics. When the receptionist is asked about the Magma Stone, she suggests the third floor, as Sinnoh's Mythology is vast and it would be likely to have something about it. Zeiol goes there and reads all the books he can see. He reads a sorrowful tale about a myth regarding a city he's been to in the past. At the end of the story, this weapon is denounced and forsaken by the story's protagonist. [sword]
12) 182. The green bookshelves seem most relevant, as he spots some books containing the "Original One". He vaguely recalls similar writing on the Plates that he found. It seemed like this Pokemon was a one defying logic, an all pervasive entity if he ever had to fight it, but it seemed unrelated to the Magma Stone. He also comes across a horrific myth, describing that certain Pokemon had the power to instantly take away one's memory, drain away all emotions, and make one entirely immobile! As he puts this last book away, he's disappointed. Not an iota of information on the Magma Stone. With no idea where to look next, he decides to sit down and just read a few leisurely books to relax. This book describes a story of how wild Pokemon appeared should one walk into tall grass. [sinnoh region's mythology]
13) 183. His work at the library finished for the time being, Zeiol chooses to contemplate his next plan of action. An elderly gentleman notices him deep in thought, and asks what the problem is. Upon hearing his concerns about the gym being too difficult, the man recommends training at Iron Island as most people of the city, including the Gym Leader, go to train there. He recommends taking the local ferry, as it's not a distance one can just Surf. Zeiol feels like this training is just what he needs to prepare himself for the Gym. Thanking the man, he heads off to talk to this sailor, who agrees to take him to Iron Island. [eldritch]
14) 184. Before heading to Iron Island, Zeiol trains Smeargle up to Level 31 and Sketches Transform from a wild Ditto. He also remembers the time Horn Drill failed to affect Shieldon. In case he fought Shieldon at the Gym, he wanted to be prepared for this. He flew to Pastoria, and used a Heart Scale to teach Smeargle another Sketch. With the intention of being able to KO Shieldon with Horn Drill, he sought out this wild Pokemon, to sketch a move from. [budew]
15) 185. Worry Seed now successfully Sketched, Zeiol feels that there's something he should do before the trip to Iron Island. He sees a collector near the entrance to Canalave, who notices Zeiol's clothes still being a bit damp from the Surf. He asks if he's been at the beach near Sandgem, to which Zeiol says no. This gets him thinking, as he'd never noticed Sandgem had a beach at all! He unfurls his Town Map and takes a look. Perhaps the Pal Park would also be home to rare Pokemon? These new frontiers might need new strength to explore, and as such Nidorino is evolved with a Moon Stone, and taught Surf in place of Cut (via Move Deleter). Zeiol's party lineup consists of Emerald, Ninjask, Shedinja, Jumpluff, Kirlia and Nidoking as he heads onto Route 219. As he does so, he's challenged by some trainers, one of whom has an amusing name. By changing one letter in this Route 219/220/221 trainer's name, you get the name of the Pokemon they use. Answer as [trainer class] [name] [tuber mariel]
16) 186. Further exploration along the triplet routes yielded another interesting observation. A trainer-owned Pokemon was able to miss a 100% accurate move, with no stat modifiers or items in play. What move did it use? [bullet seed]
17) 187. Kirlia hasn't battled for quite a while as well, so Zeiol uses its combo of Calm Mind and Magical Leaf to decimate a large fraction of the trainers he found. However, battling Gyarados still presents a large problem without Smeargle or Flaaffy. Both Shedinja and Kirlia have fainted by the time Zeiol gets to Route 221, picking up a Splash Plate in the process. As Zeiol sees land for the first time in quite a while, he joyfully disembarks. He's quite impressed by the strategies used by the route's trainers. While he did win against all of them, it's only because he was prepared. Exclude STAB for this question. This is this move with the highest non-variable base power used by any of the triplet route's trainer's Pokemon. [doubleedge]
18) 188. Zeiol notices a nearby patch of grass and joyfully checks his Pokedex. Unfortunately, he sees Nidorino and Nidorina yet again. "Unfortunate, I'd hoped there was something new I could catch, but not today.", he says. Deciding to venture forth to Pal Park, he comes across a lone house, surrounded by trees. He wondered why such a place would be out in the middle of nowhere. He was greeted by an old man, who upon seeing him, immediately asked for Zeiol to show him a Pokemon that was Level 93. Of course, he didn't have anywhere near that level, as the old man was disappointed, saying that there'd be a reward if he could actually show it to him. Zeiol was intrigued, and spotted a poster in the house detailing the rewards. What were they? [blackbelt expertbelt focussash]
19) 189. "Was that guy a retired martial artist or something?", Zeiol wondered as he left the house, continuing onward to Pal Park, whose orange roof was now easily visible. He saw a Sudowoodo in the grass, which seemed like it'd be neat to catch, but the Pokeradar was as obstinate as ever, and didn't let him throw a Pokeball at it. As he approached it, it seemed as if Pal Park was still under construction, but there weren't a pair of workers blocking the entrance. Before he walks in, he's challenged by a trainer who uses three of the same Pokemon. What are all the moves known by Zeiol's party Pokemon that can hit this opponent for super-effective damage? [magicalleaf solarbeam surf]
20) 190. While battling with another trainer en route to Pal Park, Zeiol notices something strange as well. An opposing Lopunny takes no recoil damage upon failing to connect with its Jump Kick. What Pokemon was this opposing Lopunny targeting? [shedinja]
21) 191. With the battles finished, as Zeiol enters the Pal Park, he's astonished to see an elderly man looking around, whose face brightens as he approaches Zeiol. "Ah, you're Zeiol, aren't you? My dear friend Prof. Rowan told me about you and the Pokeradar, and I figured I'd explore this place a bit before checking in with him at Sandgem. While I'd love to catch up on the details, I am on a strict schedule and do need to attend a conference soon.", he says, departing. Zeiol's confused, but then realizes that this must be Prof. Oak, possibly the most well known Pokemon researcher for his catalogue of the original 151 Pokemon. He's invited to visit Prof. Oak at his house for further discussion, or if he'd like his Pokedex evaluated. Where is Prof. Oak's house? [eterna city]
22) 192. Zeiol talks with the head clerk at Pal Park and learns that it's for transferring Pokemon from other regions, like Kanto and Hoenn. Unfortunately for him, he doesn't know anyone from either place, so it's a bust. Seeing his downcast expression, the clerk offers to give him a run-down of Pal Park's system. "So! It's basically the quicker, rarer, and more different Pokemon get caught, the higher score you get. The more score you get, the rarer berries you get awarded! It's a win-win, the spectators get to witness skilled trainers and rare Pokemon in action and the trainers get better rewards!", he described. After this explanation, he poses a question. "Let's say I'd want to maximize only my catching points for a given show. I don't suppose you'd know all the Pokemon I'd need to catch for that?" [celebi deoxys jirachi mew]
23) 193. "Nicely done! Aren't you the smart trainer. In any case, that's the funny thing about Pal Park here. Nobody in Sinnoh has seen those four Pokemon in decades! They're well and truly the stuff of legends.", the clerk laughs. "That's part of why we've given them the top bounty, rewarding the trainer who manages to find them. So! Here's my next challenge to you. Let's say I chose to encounter two Mew, two Celebi, one Deoxys and one Jirachi in a catching show. What's the percentage chance that I find Jirachi if I stepped into a patch of grass in the mountain?" (round down to 2 decimal places) [4.54]
24) 194. The clerk is very impressed with Zeiol's knowledge and continues, "It's a pity, I'd love to have as skilled a person as you in our catching show. Unfortunately, rules are rules and you need someone from Kanto or Hoenn to supply the 6 Pokemon to play. So! To celebrate your skill, here's a scoop I can trust you with. This has happened only once, in fact only a few days before you got here. Nobody believes me when I try to tell them, but it really did happen! A mysterious person with an intense look in their eyes came up one day wanting to play a catching show, and supplied the six Pokemon - all of them seemed to radiate a rainbow-hued legendary aura, which none of us had seen before. Course, there was no reason we could refuse them just for that aura. Something seemed strange, as if time and space was warping around the person. As they entered the Pal Park, the world seemed to freeze, nobody was capable of moving, seeing, or feeling anything! As I was the only one watching them then I'd know, but nobody else was. It went back to normal soon after with the aura completely gone, but nobody had any idea who he was - even our database records of him were wiped clean. From what I could gather, it seems the Pokemon he was leading with could hit the capture targets super-effectively with its singular type, even though we don't battle here. Man, I wish somebody believed me!", he laments. “You know, you look a lot like them now that I size you up, but that can’t have been you, that person seemed to be carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, nearly in tears!”, he concludes. What Pokemon was this mysterious entity leading with, and what are the items it could have been holding? [arceus splashplate stoneplate zapplate]
25) 195. Zeiol's very confused by this story and has no clue what to make of these ramblings, but decides to change the topic. He’d rather enjoy spending time with his team in the moment, rather than worry about some strange doppelganger. As his last question, Zeiol asks what prizes are on offer, and is told about a multitude of berries. What are all these prize berries that when turned into poffins, would have a flavor that Stantler likes with no dislikes? (refer to the Pokepaste included earlier in the hunt if you're stuck here) [aguav lum nanab pomeg rawst]
26) 196. His conversation with the clerk done, Zeiol chooses to explore the observatory and sees a Lass deep in thought. Upon asking her, it seems she was looking for a large Pokemon that did nothing but eat and sleep. Delighted, he mentions that it's likely to be Snorlax. She's happy to know about this, and asks about a Pokemon that changes color. This doesn't ring a bell, as Zeiol leaves her still in thought. Zeiol gets the feeling that he wouldn't be able to find such a Pokemon no matter how hard he looked. As it turns out, because this challenge is based in Pokemon Pearl, and not Diamond or Platinum, there's exactly one Poketch app that Zeiol cannot obtain here without trading. What is it? [color changer]
27) 197. With his exploration of Pal Park completed, Zeiol decides to travel back for a quick rest. Noticing Pal Park's PC, he can easily swap out his party as needed. These are all the moves that he could use outside of battle to immediately go to Sandgem Town. [fly teleport]
28) 198. Zeiol flies over to Eterna, but Prof. Oak is nowhere to be seen. He assumes he's at the conference, and decides to fly back. At this point, he contemplates getting Nidoking to forget Rock Smash at the move deleter, as 40 Power doesn't seem to be cutting it any more. However, he thinks back to the first time where he had to use Rock Smash to proceed to a new location. That place seemed to have more unbreakable boulders, so that's where Zeiol went. Assume Zeiol collected all the items he could when he first visited that location. With his stock of 5 HM moves at the ready, he was able to find these two new items. [luck incense tm03 / luckincense tm03 waterpulse]
29) 199. Revisiting Ravaged Path was the right choice, as Zeiol now has a way to earn more money, should he ever decide to go on another Pokeradar chain. He flies over to Solaceon, and swaps Paleo with Nidoking in the Daycare. He also pays another visit to the Department Store to restock on supplies. He looks at all of his Pokemon, and notices that three of them seem close to evolution; all of them naturally evolve at the exact same level. What are they? [emerald flaaffy kirlia]
30) 200. Making a mental note to let the trio evolve together if possible, Zeiol finishes shopping and flies back to Canalave, ready to begin the Iron Island infiltration. As he gets there, he senses that the area was probably used for mining, like the Ironworks but looks to be long since abandoned. He spots a house with an unfamiliar purple-haired miner watching the news inside, who gruffly commends Zeiol on his dedication to training, and mentions that despite his son training as hard as Zeiol, he still treats him like a child. He goes on to talk more about his son, and then realizes how much time has passed. To thank Zeiol for his time, he hands him a Metal Coat and leaves, without introducing himself. What is the name of this person's son? [roark]
31) 201. Unsure as to who that might be, Zeiol decides to venture forth into Iron Island, his party now consisting of Stantler, Kirlia, Ninjask, Shedinja, Swellow and Emerald. The first item he finds seems oddly spherical and heavy; if there was a way to throw it at the foe it'd surely deal great damage. What item did Zeiol find? [ironball]
32) 202. As he proceeds deeper into the cave, he comes across a mysterious man with blue hair, who introduces himself as Riley. He mentions that the area's Pokemon have been agitated, and asks to team up to investigate the cause. Zeiol accepts, and is quite impressed by Riley's Lucario, as it seems much stronger than Maylene's. One Pokemon used by Iron Island's trainers surprises him, it's the same one that used Dragonbreath against Emerald at Fuego Ironworks. What trainer was he battling? Answer as [trainer class] [name] [worker brendon]
33) 203. Zeiol wishes he brought along Houndoom, as Lucario bails him out of the Steel matchup with a critical Force Palm. Riley is quite surprised to see Zeiol's assortment of Pokemon not native to Sinnoh, and asks about them. Zeiol feels a kind aura emanating from him, and describes the Pokeradar plight to him. "Ah, that's quite an experience you have. I can't say I've heard of this situation before", Riley replies. " But I do believe I know something that'll help you, as I've heard of this Magma Stone while traveling Sinnoh. As the name implies, it's often linked to areas of high heat where magma can form. If this place, Iron Island, was a volcano, there's a good chance you'd see it here given all the mineral deposits. That being said, there's presently one location you're really likely to find it, namely Sinnoh's only volcano." Zeiol's excited to hear this news, as it's the first solid lead he's gotten. What location is Riley talking about? [stark mountain]
34) 204. Zeiol's excitement can't be contained, and he enthusiastically asks for details on how to get there. At this point, Riley's face looks a bit uncertain as he continues, "I'd love nothing more than to help you get there. But Stark Mountain is in Sinnoh's Battle Zone, an area low on resources and restricted to only the toughest of trainers. Even though I have clearance to go there, I don't quite feel you're strong enough to navigate those lands just yet." Noticing Zeiol's crestfallen face, he continues, "Oh, but there's nothing to worry about! If you're able to challenge the Pokemon League, you can ask the Champion for entry into the Battle Zone! And I'm sure you'll be able to do that, so don't give up!", he cheerfully replies. Zeiol now has a redoubled goal to aim for, as he continues exploring the cavern with determination, finding an Iron Plate among other items. Through this, Zeiol realizes that some Pokemon are more common than others. In certain areas of Iron Island, this Pokemon has a 69% (nice) encounter rate. [graveler]
35) 205. As he reaches the end, Zeiol notices Team Galactic's presence. Riley believes them to be responsible for the Pokemon's uproar, and challenges them to battle. These grunts put up a challenge, as Riley's Lucario falls early on to confusion and Zeiol struggles with the 1v2. A close battle fought, Zeiol is victorious. As the battle concluded, Kirlia was surrounded in a white light, but this faded. The refusal to evolve seemed quite strange to Zeiol, but he accepted it all the same, reminding Kirlia to evolve whenever it feels comfortable, as it gladly smiles back. At this point, if Kirlia chose to evolve, it would be unable to learn these moves if it hadn't already, even if a Heart Scale was used on the newly-evolved Pokemon. [charm lucky chant]
36) 206. With this, part 5 concludes, great work in getting this far! Part 6 will be here before you know it, with more Pokeradar goodness! You might be wondering how many more parts are left, and to that I’ll say that we aren’t even at the halfway point of question count~ Zeiol was so preoccupied with Kirlia's evolution, that he didn't notice Emerald gleaming in a shiny green light, evolving into a Shelgon! He hugs the green blob, who's enthralled with its new endurance. As the Galactic Grunts scurry away, Riley thanks Zeiol for his assistance, but says that he'd prefer to stay in the mine for some more time. Zeiol bids farewell, and decides to finish up his exploration. The coast and sun were a sight for sore eyes as Zeiol exited the mine, happy to be done. Taking the boat back to Canalave, he decides to rest for a while. After a relaxing night, he checks on his party in the PC. He found it amusing that he's been training exactly 15 Pokemon, and decided to change up his team, leaving his lowest leveled Pokemon in the PC, while the second lowest and second highest leveled Pokemon (at the start of this part) were placed in the daycare. Swapping out his team members for the six who didn't go to Iron Island. If one Pokemon in Zeiol's party was Paleo, what were the other five? [flaaffy houndoom jumpluff slowpoke smeargle]

Part 6a was successfully hosted on October 14, at 21:00 CST.
The official scavenger hunt by WispfearGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet stab xd [01:15:12].
2nd place: Chthonic✠Squire [01:22:57].
3rd place: BubidaJeffery! [01:29:44].
4th place: notbuddha [03:04:34].

1) 207. Welcome back to Part 6 of Pokeradar Pearl! At the end of Part 5, Zeiol finished exploring Iron Island and Pal Park, and was ready to take on the Canalave gym for his 6th badge.To recap, the team is here: Confident with the positive type matchups, Zeiol enters the gym. Houndoom and Slowpoke are able to carry the team, but something seems amiss. Some gym trainers aren't even using Steel type Pokemon! This of course, forces Zeiol to change tactics but otherwise pose minimal challenge. What are all of these Pokemon? [azumarill onix skorupi]
2) 208. En route to the leader, Flaaffy evolves into Ampharos. Another of his Pokemon also levels up and learns the move that can have the highest chance to activate a held King's Rock. What move is this? [beat up]
3) 209. With his team restored from another serving of Sitrus Berries, Zeiol walks up to the leader's podium and sees a familiar face - it's the purple haired miner from earlier. He smiles as he sees Zeiol approaching, and introduces himself as Byron, the gym leader. Recognizing Oreburgh's gym badge as that of his son's, he's glad to accept the challenge. Byron sends out Bronzor, as Zeiol leads with Houndoom. Fire Blast isn't enough to seal the deal, but Bronzor can't really do much in return. It faints, as Byron expends a Hyper Potion to send out Steelix next. Fire Blast is enough to cleanly knock out Steelix, as Zeiol's ecstatic. Byron's down to his last Pokemon, a Bastiodon. This brought back painful memories of Zeiol's time with Shieldon, and here was a bigger wall to take down. He goes for another Fire Blast, but the iron wall being 10 levels higher takes minimal damage, bringing Houndoom into the red with AncientPower. As Houndoom used Flamethrower to bring Bastiodon to half health, he's surprised at the strategy as Bastiodon uses a move to activate its held item! Answer with the move and item, in that order. [rest chesto berry]
4) 210. With Bastiodon fully recovered and Houndoom low on health, Zeiol switches it out for Paleo. This was because Bastiodon had revealed all of its attacking moves, and they were Special. Two Mirror Coats later, Bastiodon falls. A flawless two-Pokemon victory made this take the crown for Zeiol's easiest gym conquest, as he claims the Mine Badge and the Flash Cannon TM. He's told by Byron that he now has the ability to use Strength outside of battle, which gladens him. Before he leaves the gym, Byron calls out to him. "Oh Zeiol? One last thing. Think about when you started your adventure. There were probably some areas you couldn't explore completely, right? That might change now that you have both Strength and Surf usable, among other HMs. Investigating these places might be good training!", he jovially exclaims. Zeiol is intrigued by this, thanks him and heads out. What is the earliest reachable location was Byron talking about, where both Surf and Strength would be usable? [oreburgh gate]
5) 211. As he leaves the gym, he encounters his rival Tinston, who invites him to Canalave's library. Zeiol mentioned that he had somewhere to go, as Tinston told him to be at the library as soon as he can, before dashing off. Zeiol's plan was to find out if he could explore more of Mt. Coronet now that he had Strength. His party now consists of Houndoom, Smeargle, Ampharos, Jumpluff, Kirlia and Nidoking. As he proceeded forth, he realized it was getting increasingly difficult to navigate. What Pokemon could he have brought with him to alleviate this? [ninjask swellow]
6) 212. Thankful, the foggy room is small and Zeiol quickly navigates out by following the walls. However, the room he just passed through had significance, because it's the only location this Pokemon can be encountered. [feebas]
7) 213. To his delight, there weren't any pesky Galactic Grunts blocking the path! As Zeiol sees light at the end of the tunnel, he decides to heal up his team with more Sitrus Berries. As he does so, he realizes that since he entered the Celestic Entrance of Mt. Coronet, and travelled to this exit he sees now, he's obtained two of the same item without moving the central boulder between the Celestic and Eterna entrances. What item is this? [rare candy]
8) 214. With his team healed, Zeiol steps out and is bedazzled by the white wilderness that awaits him. Snow and frost as far as the eye can see. Greeted by an Ace Trainer wanting to test Zeiol's skill, he's shocked at how the opposing Ambipom decimates his team through its use of Sand Attack and Double Hit. Zeiol's victorious, but is shivering from both the cold and the intimidating battle. Fortunately, he spots a house labelled "Snowbound Lodge" nearby and decides to go there to conserve warmth. As he spends time there, he realizes that he might be able to find a new Pokemon to encounter! However, the snow hinders visibility so he decides to not chain like Bagon. At the lounge, the kindly Hiker in charge lends him a pair of wool gloves and a snow hat, to help keep him warm on the long journey ahead. Zeiol's thankful to him, and heads out. This route is the first location where Zeiol can currently encounter these wild Pokemon. [sneasel snorunt snover]
9) 215. Zeiol realizes that Smeargle's strengths aren't quite what he anticipated it to be. It didn't really have the bulk to reliably transform into an opponent, and its level was too low to reliable execute the OHKO strategy. At this point, Houndoom and Ampharos were the only team members able to hold their own. He decides to change plans, and spend a short time getting used to the cold, staying near the lodge so that he can recover if he feels too chilly. Kirlia feels what its fellow team members are going through, and makes up its mind to evolve. Activating the Pokeradar, Zeiol decides to capture this mysterious Snow Hat Pokemon. One Ultra Ball later, it's captured and sent to the PC. What was the percentage chance that Zeiol caught Snorunt with his first Ultra Ball, assuming it was at full HP? (round down to 2 decimal places) [50.28]
10) 216. The intense snowfall made it hard to walk, let alone run. It wasn't easy to navigate either, with no walls to use for reference Zeiol was well and truly exploring blind. After some time, he found another house in the wilderness, and upon knocking was let in for a brief rest. The only inhabitant was a woman inside, who gave him an item, hoping it was of use. As Zeiol thanked her and left, he realized he forgot his gloves, and went back inside, only to realize that the door was unlocked, and the woman was nowhere to be seen! This sent more than one chill down his spine as he feared for what happened there. What item did Zeiol receive? [spell tag]
11) 217. Zeiol chalks this up to being a mirage, the cold must be affecting him. He exits the house and looks around, to see an odd rock encrusted in ice. He feared that touching it would well fuse his hands to the rock surface, and left it alone after noticing the dead end. Travelling was intensely difficult, so Kirlia felt the time was right. It lets Zeiol know, and upon its request, was fed a Rare Candy to evolve it into Gardevoir, who was able to help Zeiol navigate through the snow with its telepathy. Proceeding west, he came across another house where he hoped to ask for directions. Near that house, these two items were found in item balls. [hm08 tm07 / hm08 rock climb tm07 hail]
12) 218. As he enters the house, he's greeted by another Hiker. After refreshing himself, Zeiol strikes up a conversation and hears that the hiker lost his Rock Climb HM in the snow. He realizes that what he found must be what the hiker owned, and decides to tell him. Pleased with his honesty, the Hiker lets him keep the HM, gives him an Icicle Plate and tells him to aim for the Acuity Lakefront up north, as it's quite close to Snowpoint. As Zeiol departs, the Hiker mentions how that plate was likely ancient in origin, given the deep layer of snow he found it under. This being the sixth plate obtained so far, Zeiol notices that like the others, this one also had some writing on it. What was this inscription? [the original one breathed alone before the universe came]
13) 219. Very thankful to the Snowbound lodge owner, Zeiol feels quite the frostbite on his arms and legs. He really wasn't well equipped for this, and retraces his steps to the house where he found the Spell Tag to spend the night. Despite now seeming abandoned, it's well stocked with food, a heater and a bed. The next day, Zeiol and his Pokemon are well rested to tackle the remainder of the route, which is easily navigated. Zeiol notices the snowfall reducing as he progresses, and sees a sign nearby reading "Acuity Lakefront". This was a good omen as he was near Snowpoint according to the Hiker, and he pressed onward. Throughout exploration, these are all the trainers on Route 217 that had to be defeated for Zeiol to reach Acuity Lakefront. You can assume that trainers don’t spin in place. answer as [trainer class] [name] [ace trainer dalton ace trainer olivia]
14) 220. Zeiol also encounters wild Medicham in the Lakefront's grass, which are deceptively powerful thanks to their ability, Pure Power. If he was able to capture one of these Medicham, a woman in Snowpoint would be willing to trade one of them for her Pokemon. What is her Pokemon's nickname? [gaspar]
15) 221. He decides to explore the lake, and is finally given a break from the ceaseless snow. Lake Acuity seems to have a lower water level than normal, so it's impossible to explore it presently. Still, Zeiol relaxes there and plays in the snow with his Pokemon for a while. He remembers his time back at Lake Verity, and how his meeting with Paleo there kick-started this whole adventure. With Snowpoint in sight, Zeiol heads there and is captivated by the atmosphere. It seems frozen in time, but still progressing in its own manner- as if humanity was able to coexist with nature in its most raw form. He decides to spend a while resting at the Pokemon center. As he remembers he had to meet up with Tinston, he sends him a message over the PC saying that he'd be a few days late. Tinston, of course, demands a fine for this tardiness but accepts it, mentioning that a certain someone at Canalave wanted to talk to him. Zeiol's intrigued, but the expanse of snow came first. Who was this person? [prof rowan / professor rowan / rowan]
16) 222. A towering monolith stood tall above the city, grabbing Zeiol's attention. He went closer to investigate, but an Ace Trainer denied him entry. She mentioned that only the chosen could enter, and that Snowpoint Temple was a sacred place. Zeiol was disappointed but understood, and left to explore the rest of the city. In another house, he encountered an eccentric old man, who told him a trendy saying. Of course, Zeiol had absolutely no clue what he was talking about, as the man ignored his request to elaborate. Zeiol makes up his mind to ask someone else what that word meant. If the word Zeiol heard contained a hyphen (-), what are all the words he could have heard? [cross-stitch two-step]
17) 223. After getting used to the cold, Zeiol decides to challenge the gym with his strongest team for the job. Two of his team members resist the gym's type, one matches it. Two others are his most two recent evolutions, and his last is Paleo. If no Pokemon was described twice, what five Pokemon did Zeiol add to his team? [ampharos gardevoir houndoom slowpoke snorunt]
18) 224. Gym time! Totally, definitely no content was skipped over because I want to sequence break or anything~! Zeiol's time on Routes 216 and 217 made the Gym's temperature much more bearable. Even though the gym trainers notably outlevel his Pokemon, Zeiol believes in his team. After all, he's undefeated upto this point! Yet again, the same trend from Canalave gym repeats itself but in full force, quite a lot of gym trainers don't use Ice type Pokemon at all! What are all such dual-type Pokemon? [pelipper quagsire steelix tentacruel]
19) 225. The snowball puzzle successfully navigated, Zeiol challenged Candice to battle. She's quite surprised to see a challenger so soon, but gladly accepts, stating her dedication to focus. Zeiol leads with Gardevoir against her Snover. Calm Mind and Psychic combine to KO it, as Gardevoir's down to half HP from Snover's Avalanche. Up next is her Sneasel. Fearing a Pursuit, Gardevoir goes for Magical Leaf, dealing about half before fainting to another Avalanche. Zeiol's surprised that Gardevoir could execute Magical Leaf at all, given how fast he's seen Sneasel to be. He remembers an interaction where something similar was observed, with the opponent successfully able to hit through Ninjask's increased evasion reliably. What move was he thinking of? [vital throw]
20) 226. Ampharos is sent out next, and dispatches Sneasel with Discharge, but not before Candice expends a Hyper Potion. Hail damage slowly racking up along with Avalanche leaves Ampharos notably damaged. Candice sends out her ace, Abomasnow at a whopping Level 42. It cleanly seizes the KO on Ampharos with Wood Hammer. Houndoom switches in next to roast the christmas tree with Flamethrower, despite being 11 levels below. Her last Pokemon up, Zeiol's taken aback to see Medicham, and not another Ice type Pokemon. Was this perhaps a token of goodwill from Veilstone's leader? Regardless, it takes out Houndoom with a single Force Palm, as Zeiol decides to give Slowpoke a chance to shine. Slowpoke is able to land a Yawn on Medicham, surviving two Force Palms, and is able to batter it down with repeated Surfs, securing Zeiol the Icicle Badge. Not too easy, not too hard. Perhaps it was the right choice to take this gym on early? He's awarded the Avalanche TM as well as reminded of his ability to now use Rock Climb outside of battle. Out of Zeiol's entire Pokemon, only two can learn Rock Climb via HM. What are they? [ampharos nidoking]
21) 227. Zeiol's unsure of where to go next. While he remembers he had to meet Tinston, that's not a rush. He remembered Mt. Coronet had some rock faces that seemed scalable now. Entering from the Hearthome side, Ninjask's speed with the Cleanse Tag kept most wild Pokemon away. As he went deeper into the mountain, he realized that the cave just abruptly ended, with no further tunnels. The only point of interest was a painting of some sort at the north end of the room, where the wall seemed discolored. Perhaps, if one had explosives, it could be broken down. As a disappointed Zeiol prepares to leave, he feels like he's seen this exact painting somewhere else, what with the three figures around a shining sphere. Where did Zeiol first see this painting? [celestic town]
22) 228. Zeiol doesn't remember any other rock faces, but before he decides to head to Canalave, recalls Byron's words, as Oreburgh Gate comes to mind. He's able to find some TMs in here, and wonders how different the adventure might be if he found them the first time he visited this place. What are all the baby Pokemon that can learn the moves contained in these TMs? [elekid mimejr]
23) 229. Zeiol obtains an Earth Plate, he wonders what all of these plates do. He's found seven of them now, and realizes that they each have something in common with a type. Perhaps something would happen if he collected all of them? He made a mental note of this, and flies to Canalave. Tinston's annoyed to see him this late, and demands a $100 million fine, as Zeiol apologizes for the delay. Tinston dashed off, and returned with Prof. Rowan and Dawn, who were glad to see him. "Well, it's been a few days later than planned, but I'm glad I can catch up with the two of you", Prof. Rowan remarks, as he continues, "What makes Pokemon that evolve different from those that don't? That's the subject of my research. Now, you might remember that yours and Tinston's began with the quest to find a mirage Pokemon? As such, I'd like if each of you went on a journey to a certain place investigate this." In order, Zeiol, Tinston and Dawn are assigned to visit these places on their own. [lakevalor lakeacuity lakeverity]
24) 230. As the discussion concludes, the building rumbles violently. As the aftershocks stop, everyone rushes out of the building only to hear from a sailor that a large explosion had occurred at Lake Valor. This worries everyone, as Tinston rushes off. While the explosion does concern Zeiol, he's more worried about Tinston. He makes sure to head to Lake Acuity after he's done with Lake Valor. Flying over, he realizes that the scientists blocking the lake for research were no longer there. As he entered, he was surprised by the devastation caused. Barely any water was left in the lake at all, rocks strewn about and Team Galactic was exerting their presence. Even the Pokemon of the lake were being herded around to clear a path. What Pokemon was seen? [magikarp]
25) 231. The Galactic Grunts are quickly dealt with, as Zeiol notices the central monolith, Valor Cavern. He enters it and is entranced by the mystic atmosphere inside; but that soon fades thanks to the Galactic interference. He sees an unfamiliar person with blue hair standing in the Cavern's center, seemingly communicating with someone else wirelessly. Seeing Zeiol approaching, the man faces him and breaks into an annoyed scowl, recognizing him as the one who defeated Jupiter and halted Galactic's Eterna operation. He challenges Zeiol to battle, leading off with Kadabra as Zeiol leads Snorunt. Crunch quickly dispatches it, as Saturn sends out Bronzor. With a flurry of Iron Defenses, it becomes nigh unbreakable. As such, Zeiol hopes to inflict a status on it, and uses this non-TM move on it repeatedly. You can assume Snorunt has not visited the move relearner. [icefang]
26) 232. His plan to Freeze Bronzor came through, rendering it immobile. With this, Zeiol switched into Nidoking and used Surf to take down Bronzor's weaker special side. Enraged, Saturn sends out his ace, Toxicroak. Nidoking lands a flurry of Rock Climbs, forcing it to expend its Sitrus Berry as it faints to a Revenge. Swellow is sent out next, and Fly cleanly knocks it out. Saturn was annoyed that even he, as a commander, could only buy time, before not-so-subtly mentioning Mars' likely success at Lake Verity. If Zeiol was somehow able to reach Lake Valor before Team Galactic'c bomb, then he would be unable to obtain this item. [hp up]
27) 233. Concerned for Dawn and Prof. Rowan, Zeiol flies over to Sandgem and bikes to Lake Verity after swapping around his party. He's taken aback by the galactic presence, as the duo are surrounded. For the first time, Zeiol is enraged that they'd dare to invade the place where he first met Paleo. Making up his mind to not lose to them, he charges ahead, dispatching the grunts and confronts Mars, who is equally revolted to see him again after so long. With a bid to make up for her past failure, she challenges him to battle. She leads with Golbat, as Zeiol leads with Emerald. Toxic and Bite heavily damage Emerald, as Zeiol swaps it into Swellow, who falls to confusion. Ninjask takes the KO, as she sends out Bronzor. Sensing a chance, Zeiol commands Ninjask to go for Swords Dance, and a pair of Bug Bites knock it out. Mars sends out Purugly, who is downed in a critical Bug Bite. Despite the win, Mars confidently says that her mission was accomplished, and runs off, not before saying Jupiter was also successful at Lake Acuity. This battle was the first time that Zeiol noticed Bug Bite's effect. Under certain conditions, Bug Bite can fail to eat these consumable berries if held by the foe, regardless of what ability it has. Assume Substitute/Embargo has not been used. [jaboca tanga / jabocaberry tangaberry]
28) 234. A quick flight to Snowpoint later, Zeiol hopes he isn't too late to help Tinston. Unfortunately for him, he arrives just a bit too late as Tinston loses to Jupiter. She leaves, telling him an assault on Galactic's Veilstone HQ is useless. As Zeiol tries to check on Tinston, he's met with an angry reply, "I wasn't strong enough to save Uxie, who looked like it was in pain. What use is my strength for? If you hadn't been that busy or got to Canalave on time, maybe we could've saved it!". Tinston leaves soon after, and Zeiol's left to ponder the consequences of his decision. His indecision and flights of fancy were responsible for this, no matter how quickly the journey was made. Feeling remorseful, he charts a plan to mount an assault on the Galactic HQ and free the Lake Pokemon. After spending more time at the snowy lake and calming down, he heads back to Snowpoint to swap up his team. Here, he learns that a ship can take him to the Battle Zone, but only if he's acknowledged by the Pokemon League. What is the name of this ship? [ss sinnoh]
29) 235. Zeiol remembers that while battling four or five grunts is an easy task, any more at a stretch would be difficult, especially if he had to face any of the admins. Given he'd be infiltrating their HQ, a large gauntlet was not impossible. As such after flying back to Veilstone, he decided to survey the galactic HQ from the outside. "Surely going through the main door is something they'd expect, right?", he thought to himself as he walked up to the door. As he did, he noticed a very shifty eyed grunt observing the large antennae. As the grunt accidentally let slip that he knew about a certain item, he dashed away, but in classic Galactic fashion, left the item behind. Zeiol was dumbfounded at this incompetence and just picked up the item. What was it? [storage key]
30) 236. Since Zeiol had raided the Galactic warehouse before, he knew where the Storage Key went, and headed there. "If it's just the warehouse, surely it can't be filled with too many grunts, right?", he thought, as he headed there. The key stuck fast, but opened the door to the warehouse depths. As he descended, a sinister atmosphere surrounded him. The grunts were also somewhat challenging, as Zeiol's team was still around 7 levels below. Soon, the scenery changes and Zeiol realizes that this is a path into the HQ. Out of all Pokemon that can be fought in the warehouse, answer with all that can KO Shedinja with one of their moves. [golbat stunky]
31) 237. With less and less opponents able to hurt Shedinja, Zeiol gets some confidence in his team to make up for the level disadvantage. Despite that, he remembers what happened when finding Houndoom and makes sure to check how his team's doing every so often. They did seem a bit tired, so Zeiol decided to switch tracks, and not take on the main Galactic HQ just yet. "Perhaps I shouldn't rush and make the same mistake; I did overhear some grunts say that their plan was delayed for a few days, something about having to lay low from the International Police? Maybe these are the few days I need to spend more time with my team, relax, adventure and prepare well", Zeiol thinks to himself. As part of this, he heads back into the Underground and looks at the vast, sprawling map. However, the area in the centre seemed completely isolated, with no way to get there? The same could be said for the areas at the North-West and South-East corners of the map. At what locations would Zeiol have to use his Explorer Kit to reach those parts of the Underground? [celestic town fullmoon island newmoon island sunyshore city]
32) 238. Before his Underground expedition, Zeiol notices that Emerald seems to like him the least out of all the Pokemon he frequently uses. As such, a Soothe Bell is given to Emerald. If Emerald didn't have maximum happiness at some point in time, it would never be able to learn this move. [draco meteor]
33) 239. Zeiol has much more luck this time around, finding Heart Scales and Shards aplenty. For whatever reason, Spheres aren't as common as they once were. This item obtainable in the Underground from a trader can exchange a good for the largest and rarest Sphere Zeiol can obtain. [healing machine]
34) 240. With his time in the Underground done now, Zeiol decides to take a comprehensive look of his Pokedex with the Town Map and see what areas he hasn't caught a Pokemon in. He realizes that he's completely glossed over the Route 212, specifically the Eterna side. The Pokedex lists Tyrogue, so Zeiol decides to acquire at least one of each Pokeball so that he's not spoilt for choice. However at this point, unless he gets lucky with the news press, he's unable to buy one Pokeball, but would be able to buy it eventually. What is it? [luxuryball]
35) 241. With more money to spare, Zeiol ends up purchasing a lot more Super Repels and Dusk Balls, in addition to an assortment of other supplies. At this point, he remembers how battling a multitude of Bagon in quick succession had caused Flaaffy to faint at times. To prepare for this situation, he teaches Shedinja False Swipe in preparation, replacing Fury Cutter. On the west side of Route 211, what are all the Pokemon Zeiol could encounter that would be unable to damage Shedinja no matter what level they were encountered at? [meditite ponyta tyrogue]
36) 242. Memories of the Bagon chain resurface, as the time loop all so familiar repeats itself. Zeiol's astonished how he could've forgotten this. Chains of 8, 15, 12, 23, 29, 32, 27, 17 and more lay broken yet again, because Zeiol was dealing with less grass than before. Lady Luck shined upon him within three days, as he was able to encounter a Shiny at chain #36! Zeiol's entranced by the sparkles yet again, and captures it in a Net Ball, as the blue hue matches its color. It's given the nickname Sapphire. Finding it at an odd-numbered level, he considers further chaining, but thinks that it's best not to be greedy, and heads back to Eterna; this was a win any way he looked at it. Back at Eterna, he takes a look at his newest capture, while it bravely looks back at him, yet simultaneously seeming often lost in thought - a nature and characteristic quite unlike most of his other Pokemon. He notices its stats, and their pattern seems very identical to that of Snorunt! Though he did wonder, how exactly did stats work to begin with..? For this question, assume that only Rare Candies (and no other item) exist and that they were the only means of Tyrogue gaining experience. If the Attack and Defense stats of this Tyrogue were 15 and 16 respectively, what would their maximum value at Level 100 be? [89 97]

Link to future parts:
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Someone wake up Green Day, September ended.

Our top 3 has remained unchanged, with blazeofvictory in first with 171 points, Teutonic✠Squire breaking away from yeet dab xd in second place, with 151 points, and the aforementioned +yeet dab xd in third place with 135 points.

3yeet dab xd135
8Chris ☭ tmas??42
10Soft Flex37
11The Aura ˙~_~˙35
20Zipzapadam ˙︵˙20
33but im stan lee14
36dot Comfey11
38Tapler ❀10
44Eina Tulle~✽8
48canele & wolf7
48Flying Pichu7
55toxic boosted5
59The Benz Mafia4
65D Ratios3
65ShinyTurtlez ツ3
65Praise Bid o3o f3
81Tis i me2
81Pepsi Man 22
81Cupcake Collector2
81Kiawe lol2
81A Phantom2
81Asxier but Spooky2
81One-Hex Knock Off2
100Qui-Gon the Flygon1
100Snow Forme Shaymin1
100Luminous Spring1
100Spooky Dratios1
100tl the legend1
100Dasocks (^~^)☂1
100Heenrie's Spirit1

The twist for October is TBD.

You may have noticed a + in front of our third place finisher. That's right, Yeet dab xd has become Scavengers' newest voice!

The spooky season is upon us. Maybe you can scare off our top 3 and finish first by making hunts and scavenging well! Good Luck
Mini roundup!

The mini scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [07:46].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [08:58].
3rd place: GrassyStorm [38:40].
Consolation Prize: aegii [39:59], TokenSnack [40:44], AbuBatata [44:02]

QC: Computerwizard8800
The mini scavenger hunt by TheAura ˙︵˙ was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [03:39].
2nd place: Teutonic✠Squire [05:16].
3rd place: Yveltalray [08:43].
Consolation Prize: Devoxys [09:14], Zipzapadam ˙︵˙ [09:32], ProfSapling [13:22], BubidaJeffery! [13:24], arcavee˙︵˙ [16:43], yeet dab xd [18:21], lilac flower [39:59], Dontl0se2536 [49:07], p^_^okemonvortex. [03:27:25], scoobydoobydrew [03:40:15], boredcollegegort [03:48:05], Menace02 [06:20:55], WarriorGallade [06:54:13]

QC: Computerwizard8800
The mini scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [05:34].
2nd place: Computerwizard8800 [06:14].
3rd place: yeet dab xd [07:30].
Consolation Prize: WarriorGallade [16:02], fuzzyfoam [19:24], notbuddha [43:02], boredcollegegort [01:20:47], Menace02 [01:21:13]

QC: dot Comfey
1st place: blazeofvictory [06:16].
2nd place: Yveltalray [48:30].
3rd place: TokenSnack [01:07:56].
Consolation Prize: Discordual [01:13:22], p^_^okemonvortex. [01:34:34], yeet dab xd [01:43:34]

QC: Computerwizard8800
1st place: Teutonic✠Squire [03:32].
2nd place: Gargoyle31 [04:36].
3rd place: blazeofvictory [05:05].
Consolation Prize: fearfire22 [06:20], Computerwizard8800 [06:45], Chris ☭ tmas?? [08:09], TokenSnack [10:04], yeet dab xd [20:39], The Aura ˙~_~˙ [34:29], carryt64 [01:31:56]

QC: WarriorGallade

Last mini roundup can be found here
Hosted a fish on Saturday 8th October, 12pm EST (4pm UTC).

Thanks to ComputerWizard8800 and turtalkatthing for QCing the hunt!

1st place: BubidaJeffery [01:01:33].
2nd place: yeet stab xd [02:00:08].
3rd place: WarriorGallade [02:24:48].
4th place: p˅_˅okemonvortex [02:44:08].

1) This was the largest berry that would produce a Purple Pokeblock when blended with the NPCs at Slateport's contest hall in Pokemon Ruby/Sapphire. Kuo Berry / Kuo
2) This main series game NPC uses three Pokemon that have the same Pokedex color and the same held item that has no in-battle effect. Answer with their trainer class followed by their name. Lass Yoko / Lass Youko / Lass Yōko
3) A certain NPC in a side series game uses a team of six Pokemon, all of which have a held item that share a word. Name the only Pokemon on said NPC's team that has a held item with an in-battle effect followed by its held item. Delcatty Silk Scarf

Grats to everyone who finished!
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Spooky season is about to blow in in full force, and we have our mid-month results to show for it!
A familiar challenger has approached. First place is ChthonicSquire with 174 points, yeet stab xd in second with 145 points, and BubidaJeffery in third place with 87 points!

2yeet stab xd145
4My Sleep Schedule81
9Soft Flex30
9dot Comfey/Suspicious Lady30
11The Haurar29
14Zipzapadam ˙︵˙20
15Eina Tulle~✽19
20Chris ☭ tmas??17
25Asxier but Spooky15
25Heenrie's Spirit15
31carryt64 ⫘11
37bro torterror7
37toxic boosted7
41Finneon & Ferb ˙︵˙5
41Luminous Spring5
49Gallant Spear4
57Stygian Stapler ❀3
57canele & wolf3
66BloodFins ˙︵˙2
66Thunder! Emerawr?2
66D Ratios2
66Jack o Diino2
66aerial gundam2
82Dasocks (^~^)☂1
82Praise Bid o3o f1
82Tis I ME1
82Herr Geuze1
82but im stan lee1
Our twist for the month remains Close Call: If you finish an official within 1 minute of the first finisher, you get equal points to first place!

Also a big congratz to our newest roommod and global driver: WarriorGallade!

Show of your spooky scary scavenging and hunt making and aim for a high placement again this cycle!
In what's completely unsurprising at this point, the character limit is broken yet again. When will this series end? Not for quite a while, that's for sure. One more for you!

Link to prior parts:

Part 6b was successfully hosted on October 22, at 10:30 CST. (delayed by half an hour because I overslept)
The official scavenger hunt by warriorgallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet stab xd [56:59].
2nd place: blazeofvictory [01:13:01].
3rd place: BubidaJeffery! [01:15:10].
4th place: Chthonic✠Squire [01:32:33].

1) 243. Zeiol also takes some time to feed some of the new berries he's grown to his team. Emerald seems to have a fascination, and guzzles plenty of them down before the rest of the team, quite like its Hasty nature. Soon after, Sapphire gleams in an all too familiar light and evolves into Hitmonchan! Zeiol's pleased, but feels that a Pokemon of that stature likely knew some moves a long time ago. He goes to the Move Reminder, and gets it to relearn two moves. The types of the moves match the types of Pokemon used by the person Zeiol met at Iron Island and told about the Pokeradar plight. What moves can these be? [bulletpunch machpunch revenge]
2) 244. As Zeiol continues visiting various routes in Sinnoh to train Sapphire, he realizes something intriguing. Usually, trainers challenge him once he walks into their line of sight. However, there is one non-unique trainer class to which this doesn't apply! To challenge them, he'd have to talk to them first to initiate battle. Not only that, he remembers them using Pokemon from different evolution lines, all of which shared a type. Considering only trainer classes that can be battled at this point, what trainer class is this? [fisherman]
3) 245. Before Zeiol gets too carried away, he thinks back to what he might have forgotten. "Oh right, I had a Galactic conquest to attend to. Well, let's see if they can put up a challenge now that my team's a bit weaker", he smirks as he flies back to Veilstone, boldly walking through the Galactic HQ's front door with a parry of Hitmomchan, Smeargle, Houndoom, Stantler, Shedinja and Paleo. Nobody stopped him as he used the Galactic Key to access the staircase behind the locked door. Here, he realizes that Transform is much more powerful than he expected; transforming into Zeiol's own Houndoom during Double Battles incinerated the grunts with a 1-2-Flamethrower assault. During the exploration, Zeiol's Dowsing Machine seemed to activate very, very frequently. If Zeiol chose to sell all the items obtainable here up to this point, through the Dowsing Machine, how much money would he get? [12700 / 4900+1500+300+600+1500+2400+1500]
4) 246. Zeiol ascends a grand looking staircase to see another barricade. This too is quickly dispatched with the Galactic Key, and the face seen beyond the door scares Zeiol. It's Cyrus, back looking at him with his scarily blank expression. His expression barely changes as he acknowledges Zeiol's part in standing up to Team Galactic, and his efforts against the Commanders. He realizes that Zeiol's goal is freeing the Lake Pokemon, and gives him permission to do so. However, as he continues, his voice becomes all the more enraged, challenging Zeiol to battle, to rid him of the sentiment that made him want to rescue the trio. Pressure surmounting, as Cyrus leads Murkrow, with Zeiol leading Paleo. Its Drill Peck deals sizable damage, but Counter cleanly knocks it out. Up next is Cyrus' Golbat, who Paleo takes down via Destiny Bond. The odds seeming in Zeiol's favor, he sends out Stantler, as Cyrus goes to Sneasel. A critical hit Ice Punch cleanly knocks out Stantler as Sapphire is up next. Thanks to the Intimidate, it's able to survive the Ice Punch and take the KO with Revenge. All in all, Cyrus' imposing presence was a far greater obstacle to tackle than his Pokemon. After the victory, Zeiol is given this item by Cyrus. [master ball]
5) 247. Cyrus continues the tale of how he's abandoned emotions, but seeing Zeiol's confused expression realizes that none of his message got through. Still, he commends Zeiol's courage and heads off to Mt. Coronet, telling him that the Lake Pokemon lie deeper within the base. At this point, Zeiol senses a trap. Were he to proceed with saving the Lake Pokemon, Cyrus could easily use that time to do whatever evil things he wanted at Mt. Coronet. However, there's no telling what could be happening to the trio. Reluctantly, Zeiol chooses to search for them. Perhaps what Cyrus said had some weight, even if it wasn't entirely right? Before doing so, he looks around Cyrus' room and spots a laptop with some information. According to it, capturing a certain Pokemon with a Pokeball would prevent it from using its full power. However if this item was used instead, that Pokemon's power could be used without restraint. [redchain / Fun fact: if you choose to go to mt coronet at this point, you will still be blocked off at the lake trio’s painting until you rescue them]
6) 248. The laptop entries chill Zeiol to the bone; he knows that the Lake Pokemon carry priority now. "If the Lake Pokemon were needed for this Red Chain, then surely whatever that unshackles is so much stronger! I have to hurry!", Zeiol exclaims. The scientists he meets along the way all regret their decisions and what they did to the trio, which scares them all the more. The laptop's notes remind Zeiol of the statue in Eterna city, which had the figure of an imposing Pokemon and an inscription lost to time. Wondering how that Pokemon was relevant to Galactic's goal to create a new world without strife, all the pieces clicked into place. He vaguely recalled the details, and a chill ran down his spine. According to that inscription, it said that the Pokemon depicted in the statue was the creator of this. [parallel dimensions]
7) 249. Before entering the final lab chamber, Zeiol restores his team. As he checks his items, he realizes something intriguing. If a certain item was used on Shedinja, it would have exactly the same effect as another item. However, this wouldn't hold true if the items were used on any other Pokemon. Assuming that neither item can be bought prior to reaching Veilstone City and that both items have some non-zero effect, what are these two items? [max revive revive]
8) 250. Zeiol sees large machines surrounding him as the pressure builds even further. The Lake Pokemon are squeezed shut into tiny containers, in pain as the machines sap their energy. Fearful though he may be, courage wells up in Zeiol as he walks up to the central command prompt, sees Saturn and demands a battle. Saturn groans upon seeing Zeiol, wondering why the boss let him go as he pleased, disrupting Galactic plans, as he grudgingly accepts the challenge. Zeiol leads Houndoom, as Saturn leads Kadabra. Bite cleans it up, as Saturn sends out Toxicroak, revenge KOing with Brick Break. With nine lives and a dream, Smeargle's up next to try Transforming and succeeds. Smeargle lands a Swagger, but this backfires in spectacular fashion. Toxicroak breaks out of confusion on the second turn, looking more menacing than ever, knocking Smeargle out. However, this gave Zeiol very crucial info on its moves. Poison Jab, Brick Break, X-Scissor and Swagger. It could not touch Shedinja! Saturn realized this and swapped to Bronzor, but it fell to Confuse Ray and Shadow Claw. As Toxicroak returned to use Swagger, Shedinja broke through the confusion to deal massive damage, knocking Toxicroak out in two hits. Quite the intense battle! With the plan to head back, Zeiol takes stock of all his team members. What Pokemon are currently in the daycare? [baltoy nidoking / (i love this q because it is absolutely pure bs unless you’ve been paying attention to the last part)]
9) 251. As Zeiol swaps his party a bit and cycles to Solaceon from Veilstone, Emerald pops out of its Pokeball. It seems to be directing Zeiol to something deeper along Route 210. Quite confused and in a rush, Zeiol wants to ignore the prod but realizes the last time he acted in the interest of time, his team suffered. As he heads north, he realizes how difficult the route seemed to be without Defog. Alas, he'd made Swellow forget it at the Move Deleter and didn't want to teach it the move again. With Emerald leading the way, it stops at one of the highest points, pointing down the rock face. Zeiol couldn't see anything through the fog, but decided to feel the rock face, if anything let him climb down, instantly feeling pain against a jagged edge. He realized what had to be done, and a quick trip to the Daycare later, Nidoking is back in the party. It uses Rock Climb to easily scale the sharp rocks, as Zeiol sees a part of the route he hadn't explored before. A lone house containing this person is found. [grandma wilma]
10) 252. As Zeiol enters, he's greeted by an old lady who introduces herself as Grandma Wilma. Before anything else is said, she remarks that one of his Pokeballs radiates draconic energy, and that if he's found this house, it's likely because that Pokemon trusted him enough to guide him there. She offers to teach Emerald the move Draco Meteor, to which it gladly accepts. Before Zeiol leaves, Wilma invites him to relax by watching some TV, as he seems very nervous, and that rushing won't solve anything. Zeiol sees the point, and decides to tune in. He remembers that an interviewer had interviewed him twice before, and that he was on TV! It seemed as if the program was describing a personality type, and the MC was discussing how well it applied to Zeiol. The first airing of the program mentioned something about being smart but quite modest, tending to come up with solutions first in groups. The second airing mentioned something about being self-motivated, but having trouble deciding when a job is done well enough. What were Zeiol's responses when he was interviewed for this program? [flying grass]
11) 253. Zeiol thanks the elderly lady for her time, and is resolved to conquer Mt. Coronet with Emerald's new power. He gives it the Luck Incense, in hope that it made the journey a lucky one. Cycling back to Hearthome, he heads to the same place he saw the mural obstructing the path. This time however, the blockade is gone and Zeiol ventures forth. Galactic Grunts swarm the area, and Zeiol loses considerable time dealing with them. The heavy snow is quite the sight to behold. Old habits die hard, and upon seeing grass scaling the mountain, Zeiol checks his Pokedex. Unfortunately, the screen is a bit too frosted over to read, so he proceeds forth. At some point, he comes across a wall of crashing water. This is the first time he's seen something like this, and is mesmerized. If certain circumstances were met, this specific room of Mt. Coronet would be the only place to encounter some Pokemon in the wild in Sinnoh. What are they? [dragonair dratini]
12) 254. Even though Houndoom, his currently fastest team member leads the party, some wild Medicham can't be escaped, further wearing down his team. Zeiol wishes he brought Ninjask along for exactly this purpose. He even comes across a grunt blocking a pathway deeper into the mountain, refusing to move. Annoyed, Zeiol proceeds another way as even he's feeling the strain. His team is notably outmatched at this point as he finally sees some light. Having used up a large portion of his supplies, Zeiol enters the Spear Pillar to find a sinister atmosphere brewing. With difficulty, he takes out the two elite grunts blocking his path. As he does so, he sits down in a slump, positively exhausted both physically and mentally. All of his team is still Level 31, with only Nidoking and Ampharos standing out at 36 and 33. He thinks back to the journey from the bottom of Mt. Coronet, Sapphire's tactic of using Fake Out to flinch opponents and buy time didn't work on a decent few Pokemon used by the grunts. What were they? [dustox golbat wurmple]
13) 255. Zeiol's not really in a condition to face Mars and Jupiter, who he sees up ahead, let alone Cyrus. With trepidation, he heals up his team the best he can and charges forth, realizing he'll likely lose the battle. "What else can I do? I can't let them take control of that Pokemon I read of! No- it couldn't be the Original One, could it?" Zeiol thinks. Cyrus invokes the Red Chain to summon a strange being called Palkia, who looked eerily similar to the one depicted in Eterna's statue, hoping to create a new universe. Its power oozed forth, heavily distorting space. Straight lines became curved, and telling distance became a challenge. Through the distortions, Zeiol saw visions of the areas he'd travelled to and made such fond memories, and was determined to protect them. After all, he's the only one in a position to do so. Mars and Jupiter laugh at his weakened state, and challenge him to battle to buy time for Cyrus. In the nick of time, Tinston rushes up to lend a hand. "We left on a sour note, but now's not the time for that. I've got your back, let's defeat them!", he exclaims. Zeiol's surprised with the Pokemon Tinston leads with, but asking now would take away both of their attention from the battle. What Pokemon is this? [munchlax]
14) 256. With Tinston's Munchlax using Screech, Ampharos was able to deal notable damage via Thunderpunch before falling, its Static paralyzes both Purugly and Skuntank. Emerald's up next, but deals little damage with Draco Meteor thanks to Bronzor's Light Screen. As it falls, the ally Staraptor offers support through Intimidate. Sapphire soon falls too, but not before seizing the KO on Mars' last Pokemon, Golbat. Emerald does notable damage to Skuntank but is switched out into Houndoom who takes the final KO and is victorious. Zeiol obtains this much money for his victory. [14560]
15) 257. The admins step aside as Cyrus draws closer to creating his utopia. Tinston quickly heals Zeiol's team and stays on standby, as his Pokemon were tired too. Zeiol looks back, and sees Palkia creating a spiral galaxy out of nothing! Speechless, he just watches for some time. A familiar sound rings the air as Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit apparate into the vicinity, using their powers to dispel Palkia's, and vanishing soon after. The creation of the new universe is halted, as there isn't another deity of time in the way, and Cyrus is rightfully enraged. Before Zeiol heads up to face him, he feels something strange on his bag. "Did..the Pokeradar react to the Red Chain? No time for this now!", he thinks as Cyrus sends out his Honchkrow, Zeiol leading Ampharos, whom he switches to Houndoom. The opponent used Embargo, preventing Houndoom from using items. If Honchkrow knew Fling and was holding a certain item, then using Fling on Houndoom would confuse it. However, this would not happen if Embargo was used first. What item is this? [iapapa berry]
16) 258. Honchkrow is down to around half health as Cyrus swaps it into Gyarados. Zeiol recognizes it from the time Wake and many Fishermen used one of their own, and took a gamble that this one didn't know Bite or Crunch. He swaps to Shedinja, and this gamble pays off as it's immune to anything Gyarados has. Preemptively, he switches back into Houndoom as Cyrus sends out Honchkrow, fainting it with Flamethrower. Using Shedinja as a pivot each time, Zeiol gains a huge upper hand despite the drastic level difference. The foe Crobat's hit with confusion and Ampharos' Charge + Discharge deals with it. Cyrus' Weavile decimates Zeiol's team, but Ampharos' Static paralyzing it allows Houndoom to deal major damage before fainting to a Brick Break, as does Emerald. Cyrus using a Full Restore lessens Zeiol's chances, but Weavile never seems to go for Ice Punch with Nidoking on the field! Thanks to a lucky Poison Point activation, the two combatants take each other out, and all but one Pokemon of Zeiol's has fainted. However, the last Pokemon seals the deal and is able to whittle down Gyarados' remaining HP with ease. Cyrus is bewildered in his loss, but departs, declaring his goal to be a deity spearheading a new world one day. Soon after, two people show up to talk to Zeiol. Who are they? [dawn professor rowan / dawn rowan / dawn prof rowan]
17) 259. Zeiol sees Palkia, the overseer of space looking down at him. Prof. Rowan suggests that Palkia was entrusting Zeiol with stopping itself, after being dragged out by the Red Chain and forced to use its power. With nervousness, Zeiol uses up the last of his supplies to heal up and restore his team, but not all of his team can be. The Pokeradar was deactivated at this point, but that was the last thing on Zeiol's mind at the moment, as he understood the gravity of the situation. He led with Ampharos, and a critical Dragon Claw cleanly knocks it out. Static does activate, worrying Zeiol a bit as he only has three other non-fainted Pokemon. One of them knows a move from a Tutor, the other survived the Cyrus battle without fainting, and the other knew only HMs. What were they? [emerald nidoking shedinja]
18) 260. Nidoking was sent out next, dealing about a third of damage with Rock Climb before falling to Spacial Rend, an attack that warped reality. Emerald was sent out next, landing a strong Draco Meteor to bring Palkia to around a quarter of its health, surviving the incoming Water Pulse. Deciding to play it safe, Zeiol pivots back to Shedinja to reset the Special Attack drop, and it's taken out by AncientPower. With Emerald being Zeiol's last Pokemon, it's commanded to use Draco Meteor again, raining down holy projectiles to assault Palkia. The paralysis prevents it from moving first, and it accepts defeat, bowing its head. It uses the remainder of its strength to launch a strange red orb at Zeiol, but it didn't seem to be an attack. After this, it opens up a portal to another world, and returns there to recover. Zeiol's still in shock of what just happened, and just stares at the area Palkia was just at. As Palkia vanishes, the Pokeradar springs back to life, but something seems odd about it. A strange item seems to materialize at the opposite end of the Spear Pillar. What is this item? [lustrous orb]
19) 261. With the Galactic presence resolved, Zeiol decides to take his time going back through Mt. Coronet because he's sure he's never returning to this terrifying mountain ever again. With Shedinja still holding a Smoke Ball, he's able to escape the wild Pokemon quite easily. He also realizes that the snow has let up, and that he can now take a look at his Pokeradar; but a perilous place like this was not one to investigate such a mystery in. At this point, the Pokeradar seems to be back to normal functionality. A few activations later, Zeiol has acquired his latest capture, Loudred. Soon after, he heads to the area of Mt. Coronet that the lone grunt was blocking earlier, sensing that to be a safe spot to rest for a while. Oddly enough, he spots a passageway leading deeper within. Soon after, he encounters a low level Geodude and is positively perplexed. "Wasn't I battling high level Medicham and Bronzong? This doesn't seem to make sense." An item was only accessible in this place if Zeiol entered through the entrance mentioned in this question. What is it? [tm02 / tm02dragonclaw]
20) 262. Zeiol realizes he's back in the weaker area of Mt. Coronet and breathes a sigh of relief. This was a safe place to take stock of things. Zeiol looks more closely at the Pokeradar and notices an odd red blob stuck to it. It seems to behave the same as normal, jamming Pokeballs for a non-radar encounter, but something feels strange about it, almost as if it's warping the fabric of reality very slightly, just as the Red Chain did. The blob seems welded tight to the Radar, and there's no way to remove it even if he wanted to. Zeiol hopes that this wouldn't be an issue, and continues on his way out of the mountain, back onto Route 211. As he enters Eterna City, an old couple walks up to him and asks Zeiol if he knows what happened at Mt. Coronet, as they'd noticed a commotion up there. Zeiol had no idea who they were, but told them the story. Familiar with the legend of Eterna's statue and the myths around Mt. Coronet, they were shocked that the Red Chain truly came into existence, and that Palkia was as fearsome as depicted. They offered Zeiol some herbal medicine, insisting it would help him despite the strong taste. Reluctantly, Zeiol took some and was positively reviled by the taste; it was sour, bitter and stinky! However he couldn't just refuse it, and somehow drank the mixture. He stayed with the couple for a few hours, discussing more of the legends of Sinnoh, but they didn't seem to have heard of the Magma Stone either. After that, he felt a lot better as his stamina returned! He thanked the old couple, who were all too glad to give him some more herbal medicine to carry along, as thanks for his efforts. If Zeiol chose to buy 1 of each herbal medicine, how much would he spend? [4550]
21) 263. Before he left, the old woman had a funny and strange story to tell him. "You see dearie, just last week our Bibarel seemed to have an odd reaction after trying one of our experimental medicines with Combee Honey. Soon after, a rogue Munchlax entered our shop, lured by the Honey. As it was battling the intruder, Bibarel ran to the shelf, and ate all the medicine on it, that was 6 Energy Powders, 2 Heal Powders, 8 Energy Roots, and 4 Revival Herbs I believe. We thought Bibarel was done after all that, but no! It used Quick Attack to grab the 1 Energy Root and 3 Heal Powders I was carrying and guzzled them down, all in that order, and finally defeated that Munchlax with Headbutt, then took a long nap after. Somehow, it felt completely fine and pleased as punch when it woke up! Soon after, my husband had to go foraging at Eterna Forest and took Bibarel along. There, he encountered some wild Pokemon and realized that Bibarel's Return attack was exactly as strong as its Headbutt! I wonder why that was the case, but I’m glad to know both of them are fine!", she happily concludes. What was this Bibarel's happiness before it consumed any of the medicine? [139 / 175 is the new anew]

Part 7 was successfully hosted on November 12, at 21:00 CST. (DST is a mood, amirite?)
The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended by Soft Flex.
1st place: acetomic [01:50:33].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [02:11:25].
3rd place: blazeofvictory [02:17:19].

1) 264. Welcome back to the seventh part of Pokeradar Pearl! As a general reminder, use a Pokemon’s nickname to answer if it has one, and alphabetical order unless specified otherwise. At the end of Part 6, Zeiol had dealt with the events at Spear Pillar, defeating both Cyrus and Palkia, as an odd red blob affixed itself to the Pokeradar, seeming to distort the space around it. Soon after, he went to Eterna City and spent some time recuperating. To recap, the team is here: With the Galactic threat finally averted, Zeiol decides to take one last precaution before deciding to finally relax. He stakes out the Eterna and Veilstone Galactic buildings a second time to make sure they aren't being used. Eterna's seems vacant, so a quick flight to Veilstone later, Zeiol notices a sparse amount of grunts in the building, but they didn't seem up to anything. However, he was taken aback by the presence of one person in the lobby. Who was this? [saturn]
2) 265. Saturn sighs when he sees Zeiol. "So, it's you? I've heard what happened at the Spear Pillar. I wanted to see the new world our boss would create and followed him as did many others, but now that it's over, the decision of what to do with Team Galactic rests with me. Extremism isn't the solution...", he wistfully trails off. Zeiol senses that Saturn's words are genuine, and that he has no plans to resurrect Galactic. Finally glad that the herculean task is accomplished, he decides to celebrate. Since the Department store is now nearby, he buys one of all items sold there that go to his PC, and not his bag upon purchase. How much money did he spend doing so? [25000]
3) 266. Zeiol decides now is the time to look into developing his secret base more, it'd be great to have a retreat of his own since there didn't seem to be anyone handing over their villas like candy. Of course, he'd need more accessories first and buried a lot of spheres to barter with. Surprisingly, he realized that after planting a certain amount of spheres, the earliest one he planted seemed to have vanished into the ground, unrecoverable. What is the minimum number of spheres Zeiol could have buried to notice this? [100]
4) 267. Zeiol wants to continue the secret base development, but feels that he should focus on getting the Magma Stone. He looks at his Town Map to see Sunyshore City as the only unexplored settlement on the mainland. He decides to get his last badge and see how well his strongest team can deal with the strongest gym. He flies over to Pastoria since it's nearby, and walks past the Seven Stars Restaurant. It felt nostalgic to be back here after so long. Zeiol now realizes that he can scale the odd rock faces he saw earlier, thanks to Rock Climb! In one of the nearby areas, he obtains a Max Revive. What area is this? [grand lake]
5) 268. Zeiol thinks back to his journey, were there places that he could now access now that he had these many HMs at quick access? He remembers one location in particular, and investigates it. Using only Surf, he's able to obtain a berry with a unique growth time. What location did Zeiol go to? [route 212]
6) 269. Zeiol decides to pay another visit to the Trophy Garden and relax in the verdure, something he neglected to do this time around. He felt somewhat uncertain about challenging the last gym leader after how difficult his last few battles were. He thinks back intensely, were there any areas that stood out even a little bit, meriting further exploration? Here, he finally remembers that Route 206 did seem a bit too vast, and that due to Cycling Road's presence he never really explored much of it after finding Wayward Cave and the Rawst Berries. He decides to head there, but most importantly, take his time. There's nothing rushing him now! As he's looking around the areas directly below Cycling road, some ground feels oddly sloped. Looking up, a strange indent is seen, which Zeiol chooses to explore. That area was special, as it's the only place in Sinnoh where this Pokemon can be encountered. [gible]
7) 270. Since Zeiol had a Repel active, he hadn't noticed the Gible scurrying about. Not that encountering them would help, what with the Pokeradar's presence. Here, he finds an item that would boost the effect of certain moves when held. Excluding Smeargle, what are all the Pokemon that can learn the highest power move affected by this item? [heatran]
8) 271. The bicycle slope puzzles catch Zeiol off guard, as he's got to smartly swap between third and fourth gears to wheelie over the boulders blocking his path. This is a doable task and one he quite enjoyed, as he navigated to the final chamber. Here, he found the TM for Earthquake, which made him giggle with delight. "Volkner won't stand a chance now! All of his Electric types will be grounded!", he thought. A quick Escape Rope later, he's back outside the cave. With this, he decides to head to Sunyshore along the new route. As he's exploring, he sees two houses, each with a signpost outside. What were they called? [pikachu fan club pokemon size contest]
9) 272. Zeiol enters the Pikachu Fan Club and is quite taken aback by how many Pikachu he sees. As he plays with them for a bit, he's taken aback. One of them isn't a Pikachu at all! The impostor challenges him to battle, using more Pikachu of her own. What are all the Pokemon that Zeiol owns that would not take any damage if they were battling this trainer's Pikachu? Assume no movesets have changed unless specified. [baltoy nidoking shedinja]
10) 273. The Poke Kid apologizes, but does say her disguise is quite good if it caught him off guard. Zeiol agrees, complimenting her on how she looked exactly like a Pikachu. She invites him to stay some time longer and watch TV, which he accepts. Zeiol sees a TV personality talking about Snowpoint City, and that it was too cold thanks to the snow there. They said something about wanting to snuggle up with their Pokemon as soon as they got home. What Pokemon did this personality have? [clefairy]
11) 274. Soon after, Zeiol bids farewell and heads out to explore the next house. The Pokemon Size Contest house is home to a single Fisherman, looking for a certain giant Pokemon. Of course, while Zeiol has encountered this Pokemon before he hasn't been able to catch it before. He spends some time with the Fisherman, who delightedly explains his fascination with giant Pokemon after seeing a giant Tentacruel in Kanto many years ago. After a while, Zeiol says goodbye and heads out again. What Pokemon was the Fisherman looking for? [remoraid]
12) 275. On the entirety of this route, there is only one trainer that needs to be battled in order to gain access to Sunyshore city. Assume this trainer did not evolve any of their Pokemon, or trade with anyone else. Answer with all locations where this trainer has visited to catch their team members in the wild. If any Pokemon has multiple locations, only use the location with the highest % chance to encounter it. [mt coronet route221 victoryroad]
13) 276. Zeiol makes a mental note to train up his team on the rest of Route 222's trainers, but he's really not in the mood to battle. He enters the gate to Sunyshore city and sees an unfamiliar face. The person acknowledges the aura of toughness radiated by Zeiol's team, and tells him that Volkner, the local gym leader has lost his enthusiasm thanks to very few good challengers. They leave, encouraging Zeiol to take him on and ignite Volkner's passion for battling. Who did Zeiol meet? [flint]
14) 277. Instantly, Zeiol's breathtaken by the sight of Sinnoh's last city. Large transparent roads dot the skies, quite unlike anything he's ever seen before. The coastal air is fresh and salty, bringing the place to life amidst its bustling marketplace to the north. He just spends some time looking around, admiring all that's there to see. At some point, he sees a sign and understands what the strange black roads were. What did the sign describe Sunyshore as? [solar powered]
15) 278. As Zeiol's exploring the rest of the city, he sees two elderly people with a very slight blue tinge to their hair, both seeming to be in deep thought. It seemed to remind Zeiol of somebody he'd met in the past, and asked what was about. The man speaks up, "Ah, it's nothing my dear child. It's just that seeing someone as young as you reminded us of the young boy in our care many years ago. We vividly remembered his fondness for machines and being a brilliant student. Though we haven't heard back from him in ages, I do wish he'd visit or call us sometime. But he did shun others even then, so I suppose it's to be expected", he glumly says. This description finally matches the idea Zeiol has and he realizes who the old couple are talking of. Who is it? [cyrus]
16) 279. In an adjacent house, Zeiol came across a young woman called Julia, who was glad to invite him in for a chat. She described how her husband was a Sailor working far away, and waiting for his return did get boring. The TV did only help so much, after all. Since Zeiol was a trainer, perhaps he'd have stories of his adventures to regale her with, as her husband's stories kept her entertained for days on end. Zeiol's unsure what to pick as the subject for his first story. His mind flashes back to his interview in Hearthome, where an interviewer gave him a list of phrases titled "Group Mode". For whatever reason, he seemed to remember the longest word in the "Lifestyle" category (spaces and hyphens don't count towards length) and mentioned it, which quite surprised Julia. Her day spiced up, she gives his lead Pokemon a ribbon to commemorate the event. What words could Zeiol have mentioned? [conversation kindergarten]
17) 280. In yet another house (geez, how big is this place?), Zeiol comes across a scientist working on something new. He asks to see a Pokemon of a certain nature. If Zeiol had this Pokemon (that he owns) in his party, he'd be able to obtain something the scientist was working on. [smeargle]
18) 281. Zeiol continues exploration and can't contain his excitement when he sees Pokemon Rock. It's a monolith looking exactly like Munchlax! He spends a long time looking at it, admiring how its sand-red hue tinted with the water and wind, various Pokemon rested on it, and how the sunlight glimmered to give it a near golden aura. The evening drew near and the sun set soon after, with Pokemon Rock changing color as time passed. Soon after it struck midnight, Zeiol looked below the water's surface to see multiple strange pulsing red lights, looking almost like the stars in the sky. The illuminated ocean floor was a spectacular sight to behold, moreso with very few observers. Zeiol wondered if that was a Pokemon, a machine, or something else, as the lights abruptly stopped after a few minutes, leaving the water's surface as tranquil and opaque as ever. What did Zeiol see? [staryu]
19) 282. Zeiol spots the Vista Lighthouse, an impressively tall building that was noticeable from anywhere within town. He decides to explore it. As he reaches the observatory, he sees a face all too familiar from his Trainer Card; it's Volkner. Upon approaching, he turns around expressionlessly and says "So, you're the latest challenger? I want to have thrilling battles, and if I find you weak, I'm challenging the Pokemon League. As the toughest gym leader, I'm unleashing everything I have on you", as he departs. Zeiol's geared up to fight, but wants to spend more time exploring. He notices a pair of binoculars in the observatory, and decides to look through them. The view was enchanting, he saw a castle atop a waterfall in the far, far distance. He took a quick look at his Town Map to confirm that yes, what he was looking at was indeed the Pokemon League. It excited him to no end to actually see the conclusion of what he wanted to conquer all this time. As he watches the sunrise on the glorious vista, he remembers something. He's used binoculars like these before, though not to look at something that far away. What location did he do so? [great marsh]
20) 283. With that done, on the next day, Zeiol decides to check out Sunyshore's Market and see how different it was from Veilstone's Department Store. He notices the Seal Merchant, who advertises his products as giving an extra flair when a Pokemon's sent out. The demonstration impresses Zeiol, but upon hearing that Pokemon who have their Pokeball Capsules decorated with seals can't be placed in the PC without removing it, he saddens a bit. Still, he stocks up on some seals from the merchant and tries experimenting with them. Theoretically but not practically, it would be possible for Zeiol to obtain these many distinct seals for his Seal Case. [80]
21) 284. Zeiol decides to buy exactly one of each seal sold at the market that day. If his total expenditure was $450, what possible ribbons could Julia have given his lead Pokemon? (-ribbon) [careless downcast shock]
22) 285. With the city's exploration now wrapped up, Zeiol feels now is a good time to take on the Gym. He withdraws Baltoy and Paleo from the daycare, and is geared for battle. Before he heads to the gym, he spends a few minutes relaxing on the beach with all of his Pokemon, as they talk with each other about recent happenings. Snorunt hears a few details and thinks deeply for a while. With its mind made up, it charged up to Zeiol with a Headbutt, knocking his bag down. Zeiol wondered where this outburst was coming from as Snorunt had never seemed annoyed with him at all, as a few items fell out of the bag. Snorunt grabbed one of them, which seemed to sparkle with a light blue hue and glowed in a white light, evolving into Froslass! Zeiol's promptly taken aback, and the new Froslass assures him that the new strength will give him the power he needs. Where did Zeiol find this item? [mt coronet]
23) 286. Similarly, Loudred who is Zeiol's newest capture is overcome with emotion after hearing what his compatriots have been through. It decides to spend some time training at the beach, and soon evolves into Exploud! Zeiol's sense of wonderment remains, as now his team seems much better prepared for the gym. In this challenge, excluding Hyper Beam and Giga Impact, Exploud can be taught these moves by TM or HM, but not Loudred. [avalanche focusblast rockclimb surf]
24) 287. Froslass is taught Wake-up Slap, Emerald Dragon Claw and Exploud Avalanche. With this, Zeiol enters the gym. Yet again, he notices the same trend of gym trainers not using Pokemon matching the gym's type! He's positively confused why this would be the case, but his diverse team is easily able to deal with them. What are all such Pokemon? [bibarel kadabra medicham mrmime steelix]
25) 288. As he's battling the gym trainers, Baltoy evolves into Claydol, further boosting Zeiol's confidence. With relative ease, Zeiol walks up to Volkner to begin his final gym battle. Volkner leads Raichu against Zeiol's Claydol. Brick Break seems to be the only thing it's got, and confusion from Psybeam lets Claydol take it out at low health, but not before the foe uses a Hyper Potion. As Octillery is sent out, Zeiol takes an all-or-northing approach and commands Selfdestruct, leaving Octillery on the brink of fainting. Exploud finishes it off with Stomp. As Volkner's Luxray takes to the field, an electrifying aura is felt. It lands a Screech before falling to Charge Beam. Emerald lowers its speed with Rock Tomb and takes it to the red with two Dragon Claws, but Volkner uses a Full Restore, and Emerald falls to Crunch. Nidoking's up next, and a pair of Rock Climbs KO the Gleam Eyes Pokemon with Confusion. Last up is Volkner's Ambipom, who's unable to hit Nidoking! Zeiol's tension subsides into laughter as he sees it go for Nasty Plot and Agility many times, only to fall to Rock Smash. He's finally awarded the Beacon Badge, and that makes all eight. Before leaving, Volkner reminds him that Waterfall is now usable to him outside of battle. Who could Zeiol claim the HM from? [jasmine]
26) 289. Soon after, Zeiol gets the Waterfall HM from Jasmine, who mentions that the HM is vital to reaching the Pokemon League. Back at the beach, he takes a look at all of his Pokemon to see who to teach it to. His face grows pale as he realizes that absolutely none of his team can learn it, not even Slowpoke who was a water type! His dreams of the Magma Stone slowly started falling apart, but Ampharos gives Zeiol a light zap before he fell completely into despair. It takes out the Town Map from his bag, and points to Hearthome, to Ninjask and then to the Lucky Egg in quick succession. After some time, it points to Stantler, and a Repel the same way. Zeiol's a bit unsure what Ampharos is trying to tell him, but then he gets it. There was one person in a prior part who advised Zeiol about something relevant to his Pokemon's abilities. Who was Ampharos trying to tell Zeiol to visit? [bebe / Fun fact! The reason I chose pearl was because I assumed that Slowbro, a pearl exclusive could learn waterfall, as no other Pokeradar Pokemon is a water type. Imagine my shock when I realized diamond would've been as viable a game u_u]
27) 290. Hopeful but yet uncertain, Zeiol flies back to Hearthome to ask Bebe for any advice she might have. She's glad to see him after so long, and congratulates him on getting all eight badges, but is confused about why the impromptu visit. Zeiol explains the entire Pokeradar situation to her as she patiently listens. After he finishes, she pipes up, "Well, if you can't catch any Pokemon, I could assist with that front as you've been a great help with the PC feedback you provided. Since you have the National Pokedex, I could lend you one of my Eevee. If you've got a Water Stone, you can evolve it and teach it Waterfall, it's quite eager to evolve as well. Only tiny issue there, my Eevee really doesn't like battling, so it's probably not going to battle alongside your other Pokemon. Course, I'd prefer if you return it to me as soon as you can, because it doesn't like spending much time away from me. Sounds good?" Zeiol's ecstatic that there's a way out, and gladly thanks her, agreeing to the condition. He receives the Eevee, who is happy to evolve with a Water Stone. Zeiol realizes that he's been finding Water Stones pretty commonly through his underground trips. Excluding evolution stones, what underground items would also be more common than normal for him? [damprock dome fossil rootfossil smoothrock]
28) 291. Before continuing forth, Zeiol puts Paleo and Claydol back into the Daycare. Zeiol heads onto Route 223 and is surprised by the differing tactics here, despite being used to water types. He even noticed that Sapphire hitting itself in confusion cleanly knocked it out, even with most of its HP! This seemed to happen to even more of his team, as all but two fell. There's one Pokemon that Zeiol owns that would not KO itself from over half its health, if any of this route's trainers were to recreate the situation. What is it? [exploud]
29) 292. A quick heal later, he approaches the wall of crashing water, an obstacle that'd be impossible to overcome without Bebe's help. He ascends it and is glad to see a Pokemon Center. He decides to make this his temporary base of operations as he trains up his team a bit more. Zeiol chooses to train in the area of Victory Road closest to Route 223, making sure to never go beyond the first bridge until his team is ready. During some of this training, Smeargle reaches Level 41 and is prompted to learn another Sketch. Zeiol hesitates, but realizes that he's never really needed to use Worry Seed, and lets Smeargle forget that for its Sketch. Now the question remains, what move would Zeiol use this Sketch on? He remembered his battle with Saturn, and his transformed Smeargle using Swagger seemed useful in theory, but backfired on him. Excluding any new parties that trainers use due to the VS Seeker, what trainers that Zeiol can still battle in some capacity own a Pokemon at level 30 or higher that Smeargle can Sketch this move from? (To clarify, consider only the parties used when first battling these trainers, and not parties of any subsequent rematches) If there are ties for the highest, include all those trainers. Answer as [trainer class] [name] for each trainer. [blackbeltluke ninjaboyantonio richboytrey skierbradley skiershawn]
30) 293. Zeiol debates whether getting Smeargle to Sketch Swagger from his own Pokemon would be easier, but he didn't want to expend the TM. He flew back to Sunyshore, and met up with Rich Boy Trey, who was eager for a rematch. Swagger is successfully sketched, and Zeiol flies back to Victory Road to resume training. As he was training up one Pokemon, he noticed that even though he wasn't fighting wild Graveler, he was up against a wild Pokemon that KOed itself on the first turn of battle, even if his Pokemon moved second. What Pokemon was Zeiol battling with? [paleo]
31) 294. Zeiol flew back to Solaceon for a while to grow some more berries and rematch the nearby trainers for even further training. As he finishes up training, he makes sure his entire team is Level 43 or higher. Notably, Jumpluff learns Giga Drain, which replaces Solarbeam. Some of the berries he grew nearby looked quite intriguing, as Zeiol wondered what locales they naturally grew in. From left to right, what are all these berries? [chople yache wacan passho / chople berry, yache berry, wacan berry, passho berry]
32) 295. With bated breath, he flies back and enters the veritable victory road, party consisting of Smeargle, Nidoking, Sapphire, Gardevoir and Exploud, with Vaporeon brought along for HM purposes. Despite the level boost, he faces significant challenges. Smeargle, his fastest team member, is unable to run from certain Kadabra and Floatzel, which forces Zeiol to expend supplies in healing up. Despite this, he's more geared than ever as the trainers here seem to use very powerful and exotic Pokemon. En route, he realized that Nidoking speed tied with a trainer used Pokemon. The Pokemon in question could've hit Nidoking for super effective damage with one of its STAB moves, but instead chose to go for the other, which was neutral. Assume no stat stages or items were involved. What Pokemon is this? [gabite]
33) 296. Thanks to his training, Zeiol's team can still hold their own through Victory Road. Some Pokemon stood out to him, exuding an aura of their own. Considering all trainers that Zeiol can presently battle, these trainers own fully evolved versions of the Sinnoh starters. Answer as [trainer class] [name]. [acetrainer sydney veteran edgar]
34) 297. While battling one of the trainers as the answer to the previous question, Zeiol noticed that one of them seemed to use an odd move. What are all the moves that the relevant Pokemon referenced in the last question cannot learn by level up, but any of their pre-evolutions can? [bide pound watersport]
35) 298. As he's exploring, Zeiol is taken aback by the huge range of TMs that he can find here. "Surely these will serve as great coverage to Pokemon not of these types! They seem to be pretty strong moves too, or have surprising utility. I wonder if any Pokemon could be taught all of these TMs?", he wonders. Answer with all non-legendary Pokemon fitting this criteria. [gyarados steelix tyranitar]
36) 299. After a relatively quick exploration, Zeiol sees light shining from an exit to the cave. He exits, and is greeted with a lush verdant garden surrounding him, the roar of a waterfall nearby quite audible. "Is this perhaps the end of Victory Road?", he wonders. As he does so, his Dowsing Machine begins reacting to something in the area. What item does Zeiol pick up as a result of this? [skyplate / the rightful bearer of a plate ...]
37) 300. Zeiol quickly ascends the waterfall, one far grander and larger than any he'd scaled before. As he disembarked onto the fresh land, the sight was nothing short of marvelous. The grand castle of the Pokemon League was right there, in all its glory. Zeiol fell to his knees and shed a few tears. "Finally, after so long! It's taken an eon, but my team's really pulled through. Truly, I'd like to keep venturing with my team regardless of what happens with the Pokeradar!", he declares. He steps into the building, heals up his team, and restocks supplies. Assume Zeiol bought exactly one of every item sold here, except for Full Restores, which he bought 24 of. How much did he spend? [91250]
38) 301. As he decides to ask the Ace Trainer guarding the doorway leading within for details, he senses an approaching presence as Tinston charges into him from behind. He challenges Zeiol to a battle, and the winner of their bout would be worthy of challenging the League. Zeiol came prepared, leading Ampharos as Tinston lead Staraptor, who's downed in a single Discharge. Tinston's Snorlax is up next, and Zeiol gasps. This is the first trainer he's seen use one! Intimidated by its power, he swaps to Paleo who uses Destiny Bond to take it down with itself. Ninjask and Heracross battle, Ninjask knows no Flying moves but is able to bring Heracross to the red before falling. Froslass snipes the KO with Ice Shard, and foe Floatzel takes to the field, revenging with Crunch. Ampharos seals the deal with a retaliatory Discharge. and the incoming Roserade with three Fire Punches. Last up is his Infernape, felling Ampharos with Focus Blast. Slowbro's up next, and thanks to its item activating deals massive damage before getting hit, but this brings the foe into Blaze range, retaliating with a scorching Flamethrower twice in a row, bringing Slowbro to the red as the foe falls on the next turn. A victory well fought, it's quite a close one. What item was Slowbro holding? [quickclaw]
39) 302. Tinston's annoyed at his loss, but resolves to get tougher and challenge the Pokemon League later when he's ready, to eventually be the Champion. He apologizes for his harsh words at Lake Acuity, and that he could've simply told Zeiol the details over the PC, given that he was near Snowpoint at the time. Zeiol accepts the apology and promises to be more considerate of his feelings in future. On that note, Tinston departs as Zeiol heals up his team. Remembering the battle that just happened, Zeiol decided to use the Aerial Ace TM on Ninjask, just in case it fought any other Heracross. The warm respite of a Pokemon Center is one unlikely to be seen for a while, but before planning his next move, Zeiol realized that he should probably return Vaporeon to Bebe. A quick flight later, Bebe thanks Zeiol for being considerate to return Vaporeon on time. Seeing how happy Vaporeon was to be reunited with Bebe, Zeiol decides to spend time with all 18 of his Pokemon, no matter how little he has in the past. As he's doing so, he notices that two of his Pokemon seem to share a lot in common- they have the exact same typing and generation, even sharing a level up move! What move is this? [mefirst]
40) 303. Finally, Zeiol's team is fully assembled. He decides to head into the league with a carefully chosen squad of six. One Pokemon secured the KO on Tinston's Infernape, another knew three status moves and a physical move with no listed base power, one gleamed with sparkles, one had all its 4 moves share the same type and contest type, and the last was Zeiol's fastest team member. If Zeiol brought along Emerald in addition to these 5 Pokemon, what are they? Answer in the order mentioned here. [slowbro smeargle sapphire jumpluff ninjask]
41) 304. Thank you for being with Pokeradar Pearl upto this point! Look forward to the next part, where Zeiol takes on the league! Lastly, Zeiol equipped each team member with items. Slowbro still kept the Quick Claw, Jumpluff got one to make it less likely to miss Leech Seed when it went first, Hitmonchan and Ninjask got a flat tablet to boost the power of moves of their own type; Ninjask’s in particular would be helpful, given its most recently learnt move, Emerald got the same item that wild Bagon were holding, and Smeargle got an item to restore the most HP if it dropped below half. In the order mentioned, what are all these items? [widelens fistplate skyplate dragonfang sitrusberry]

Link to future parts:
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Goodbye Spooky Month!

1st place is blazeofvictory with 108 points, 2nd place is yeet stab xd with 100 points and in 3rd place we have Chthonic Squire with 95 points!
2yeet stab xd100
4My Sleep Schedule53
7The Haurar ?36
9Soft Flex32
11dot Comfey24
14Stygian Stapler ❀20
15Zipzapadam ˙︵˙19
25b rot or terror9
25Dying Pichu9
29Dratios ˙͜˙8
33void spearow7
36lilac flower6
48Lady Monita ☽4
54Daspooks (^~^)☂3
54tl the legend??3
54ShinyTurtlez ツ3
64The Benz Mafia2
64keeping it goodly2
64aerial gundam2
64Peak o boo2
64Spring of Resolve2
64The Aura2
84notcollintan (¶_¶)1
84Artemy ㋡ Burakh1
84vanilla latte1
84Spoopy Poops1
84Ashbie The Aspie1

The twist for November will be Mini-it-Yourself: Every Friday (resetting at midnight server time), you can get 2 points for every regular (non-puzzle) hunt you make. You can also get 10 additional points for making the best hunt of the day (as decided on by staff)!

Also a big congratulations to Warrior Gallade on becoming Scavs moderator :D
Last edited by a moderator:
Mini roundup!

The mini scavenger hunt by My sleep schedule was ended automatically.
1st place: Menace02 [36:13].
2nd place: 111ace111 [53:52].
3rd place: FORTNlTE [01:43:58].
Consolation Prize: yeet stab xd [02:20:26], WarriorGallade [02:55:57]

QC: TeutonicSquire
The mini scavenger hunt by The Haurar was ended automatically.
1st place: Chthonic✠Squire [12:52].
2nd place: Zipzapadam ˙︵˙ [13:00].
3rd place: yeet stab xd [13:26].
Consolation Prize: Yveltalrat [15:24], AndrewThePenguin [17:26], canele & wolf [17:33], Chris ☭ tmas?? [21:23], arcavee˙︵˙ [01:41:31]

QC: Computerwizard8800
The mini scavenger hunt by WispfearGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: Chthonic✠Squire [11:54].
2nd place: yeet stab xd [15:44].
3rd place: Chris ☭ tmas?? [20:01].
Consolation Prize: BubidaJeffery! [27:06], Devoxys [35:13], lukethedumbass [35:48], My Sleep Schedule [49:00], Menace02 [02:46:18], The Haurar [05:53:19], Grassyolantern [06:08:30], TokenSnack [06:28:07]

QC: dot Comfey
The mini scavenger hunt by dot Comfey was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [12:40].
2nd place: Devoxys [21:23].
3rd place: Chthonic✠Squire [38:38].
Consolation Prize: WispfearGallade [02:48:37]

QC: aQrator
The mini scavenger hunt by WispfearGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet stab xd '^' [01:15:36].
2nd place: My Sleep Schedule [03:11:43].
3rd place: acetomic [04:07:38].
Consolation Prize: The Haurar ? [07:28:00], Merlee [08:40:24]

QC: TeutonicSquire
The mini scavenger hunt by Chthonic✠Squire was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [05:14].
2nd place: BubidaJeffery! [14:38].
3rd place: acetomic [35:26].
Consolation Prize: WispfearGallade [36:02], yeet stab xd [51:29]

QC: Computerwizard8800

Last mini roundup can be found here.
I don't know about you, but I've been having trouble holding a candle to the new top 3 with how much it's been raining lately.

Our newest top 3 shows a new face! First place is Blazeofvictory with 163 points, followed closely by acetomic with 153 points. yeet dab xd managed a third place with 102 points.

3yeet dab xd '^'102
7The Aura ˙͜~˙58
9toxic boosted43
14arcavee ˙͜~˙25
16Zipzapadam ˙͜~˙20
16Soft Flex20
25gallant"s pear10
27dot Comfey9
31Artemy ㋡ Burakh8
35Eina Tulle~✽7
35Tapler ❀7
35sIang 翔7
41Water Hoe6
53D + Ratios3
59The Benz Mafia2
59Gwynt ^-^2
59Dying Pichu2
75Nalsei ♫1
75Thunder! Emerald?1
75Pepsi Man 21
75canele & wolf1
75Drop a Leaf v21
75ShinyTurtlez ツ1
75Tis I Me1
75Praise Bid o3o f1
75Yuuma Tokogaya II1
75behind you! look1
75Gui ☭ darma1
75tl the legend??1
75Qui-Gon the Flygon1
75lilac flower1
75100 gecs fan1

Our twist this month remains MIY: Mini-It-Yourself: Every Friday (resetting at midnight server time), you can get 2 points for every regular (non-puzzle) hunt you make. You can also get 10 additional points for making the best hunt of the day (as decided on by staff)!

Though their name is no longer in the top 3 this cycle, TeutonicSquire still makes a cameo in this post. Why? Because she is Scavengers' newest moderator!

Show of your mini making skills with our new twist and make it to first place this cycle!
Hosted a fish!!

It started at Wednesday, Nov 23, 2022, at 6:30 PM UTC (1:30 PM EST)
with thanks to dot Comfey and aQrator for QCing :D

1st place: blazeofvictory [14:05].
2nd place: acetomic [22:22].
3rd place: TeutonicSquire [30:48].
4th place: Bert122 [33:59].
5th place: Computerwizard8800 [01:02:52].
Consolation Prize: yeet dab xd [02:09:57].

1. [THIS HUNT IS OLDER THAN SV] This Pokemon has a name in a foreign language which uses the Latin script that starts with a lowercase letter. (Answer with English name) | Noibat
2. These Pokemon have names in foreign languages which use the Latin script that consist of more characters than the longest English-language Pokemon name. (Form names don't count; answer with English names in alphabetical order) | Primeape Unown Vileplume
3. This Pokemon's name has been translated into the second-most languages (after Pikachu; answer with English name; according to the "In other languages" section of Bulbapedia) | Type: Null
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I'm pleased to report we've passed the supermajority point of questions! However, Pokeradar Pearl is here to stay for quite a while longer. Stay tuned!

Link to previous parts:

Part 8 was successfully hosted on November 23, 20:00 CST

The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd '^' [01:11:05].
2nd place: skybounds [01:17:04].
3rd place: acetomic [01:47:08].

1) 305. Welcome back to Pokeradar Pearl! As always, answer in alphabetical order unless specified otherwise, and answer with a Pokemon’s nickname if it has one. To recap, the team is here: The events of the last part ended with Zeiol prepping his team and getting ready to challenge the league. With bated breath, Zeiol enters the hallowed chamber. He's first greeted by Aaron of the Elite Four, who accepts the challenge, leading Dustox as Zeiol leads Ninjask. Dustox goes for Double Team while Ninjask uses Swords Dance twice. Zeiol smirks, and instantly obliterates the Poison Moth with a perfect-accuracy Aerial Ace. Ninjask's momentum carries forth, similarly OHKO'ing the incoming Vespiquen. Aaron senses danger and goes to his ace, Drapion. Bug Bite mitigates its berry, dealing around half, as Ninjask is brought to the red with Ice Fang. Zeiol's giggling in anticipation and calls for Ninjask to use Baton Pass! Sapphire receives the large attack and speed boosts, taking minimal damage from X-Scissor. Sky Uppercut seals the deal, as does Fire Punch on the incoming Beautifly and Heracross. Zeiol's had a very decisive victory, and he's elated. This move is the most common to Aaron's Pokemon. [bug buzz]
2) 306. Zeiol proceeds to the next chamber to be greeted by an elderly woman called Bertha, also accepting his challenge as the second Elite Four. She leads Quagsire as Zeiol leads Jumpluff. It's first put to sleep and Giga Drain knocks it out easily. Next up is Sudowoodo. It's put to sleep, and Jumpluff’s Leech Seed and Giga Drain fell the opponent while taking minimal damage itself. The next contender is Golem, who is also put to sleep and annihilated with two Giga Drains. Zeiol is chuckling a bit as he never expected Jumpluff to be this overpowering. Up next is another 4x grass weak Whiscash, who, surprise surprise, is ALSO put to sleep and taken out with Giga Drain and Leech Seed. Finally, Bertha's Hippowdon is up, a behemoth summoning a sandstorm to go along with it. And wouldn't you know it, it's too put to sleep and seeded, but since Giga Drain is low on PP, Zeiol swaps to Slowbro as the foe stays asleep. A double Surf quenches the sand hippo, giving Zeiol his second decisive Elite Four win. Despite that, Zeiol did wonder about Hippowdon, as he wanted to catch one some day. If Zeiol wanted to obtain its pre-evolution in the wild at the highest possible encounter rate, this is the minimum amount of money he'd need to spend; assume he has no overworld, gift or underground items and an empty bag. [5000 / 2000->11(11 unown), 4000->22(11 unown) 1000->27(4 unown+hippo)]
3) 307. Third up is Elite Four Flint, who's happy to see Zeiol again. He's happy that Volkner is energized to battle again and accepts the challenge, sending out Rapidash as Zeiol leads Slowbro. Thanks to Slack Off to keep Slowbro healthy, it's able to survive Rapidash's attacks and KO it with all of its health remaining. Next up is Flint's Drifblim, dealing massive damage with Ominous Wind and getting the omniboost. Zeiol swaps into Ninjask as it falls asleep from Yawn, setting up two Swords Dances and passing the baton to Sapphire. The still asleep Drifblim falls to Thunderpunch, and Sky Uppercut fells Lopunny. However, Flint's Infernape is still faster and dispatches Sapphire with Flare Blitz(must have EVs, no neutral 31 ape can outspeed). Emerald's up next, lowering its speed with Rock Tomb before falling as well. Jumpluff's able to put it to sleep thanks to this, and Zeiol swaps to Smeargle, who transforms into the baleful blaze, felling it with two Earthquakes. Steelix is last, but it can't damage the transformed Smeargle and it falls to Flare Blitz. All in all, quite a close battle that could've gone either way. As Flint mentions his plan to use Baton Pass with Drifblim to pass boosts earlier in the match Zeiol couldn't help but wonder how that would have been, even if he'd have lost to the tactic. If a Pokemon was to receive all the possible boosts that Flint's Drifblim could pass to it (consider Zeiol’s team as well), and was then hit by Punishment, it'd take a lot of damage. If Punishment's base power was not capped at 200, what would its base power be in this scenario? (exclude STAB) [700]
4) 308. The last of the Elite Four is Lucian, who puts down his book and accepts the battle. He leads Mr. Mime as Zeiol again trusts Jumpluff. By now, he's developed a strategy to use it and Ninjask in sync, and switches to it, setting up two Swords Dances as the mime stays asleep. It's downed by Bug Bite, the incoming Medicham by Aerial Ace, and the subsequent Girafarig and Alakazam by Bug Bite. Before Lucian knows it, he's down to his last Pokemon, Bronzong. Bug Bite scores a critical, dealing massive damage as Bronzong simply goes for Calm Mind. Lucian bails it out of KO range with a Full Restore, as Bronzong unleashes Psychic, KOing Ninjask. At this point, Sapphire swaps in and roasts the Iron Bell with a Fire Punch. Victory is claimed over the Elite four! Lucian picks his book up again, and wishes Zeiol a good fight with the Champion. as he returns to read. This sole devotion to reading impresses Zeiol, as he wonders if Lucian's Pokemon have rubbed off on him. Out of all the possible abilities that Lucian's team in this game could have, this is the most common ability. [inner focus]
5) 309. Finally, Zeiol ascends the last elevator to see who the champion is. This is finally his chance to ask for passage into the Battle Zone. With bated breath, he enters the chamber to find Cynthia! She thanks him for his actions on Mt. Coronet, and accepts his challenge. The stakes have never been higher. She leads Spiritomb, as Zeiol leads Jumpluff. It's put to sleep, but Zeiol's uncertain about repeating the same tactics as before since it seems to be a ghost type with some bulk, quite the strange combo. He decides to weaken it with Leech Seed and Giga Drain, as Spiritomb can't do much in return. He decides to swap out to Ninjask to set up some Swords Dances on the asleep ghost. He's able to pass +4 Attack and +2 Speed to Emerald, who fells Spiritomb at half health. Sensing danger, Cynthia sends out her ace, Garchomp. A towering level 66 frightened Zeiol, higher than even his highest Ninjask at 48 as it cleanly knocked out Emerald with Earthquake. Slowbro's up next and tanks a Brick Break to put it to Sleep with Yawn. Smeargle swaps in next, uses Swagger then Transform to acquire the terrifying draconic powers, felling it with Dragon Rush and levelling up in the process. Dragon Rush was a powerful but inaccurate move; if it could consistently hit, damage would be aplenty. If this move was used on the prior turn, Dragon Rush would see the largest possible boost to its accuracy if used on the next turn, excluding Lock-On and Mind Reader. [gravity]
6) 310. The gravity of the situation intensifying, Smeargle just barely survives the incoming Lucario's Earthquake, but the retaliatory EQ does barely anything! This is because upon levelling up, Smeargle's stats were no longer the powerful Garchomp's, but its own! This caught Zeiol off guard as Lucario outsped, cleanly OHKOing Smeargle. He'd never seen anything like this bewildering interaction before. From there, while Sapphire deals with Lucario, none of his team can muscle up to Cynthia's Milotic, netting Zeiol his first loss as a trainer as he whites out. He rushes back to the Pokemon Center in the league to heal up. After making sure his team's fine, he feels like no training is needed, but rather just giving Smeargle a few Rare Candies beforehand would solve the issue; he'd easily have won if not for the level up. How much money did he lose from the white out? [5760]
7) 311. Still pumped with adrenaline, Zeiol charges forth after healing his team. The Elite Four who were watching the battle sympathize with him, acknowledging how hard an opponent Cynthia is to beat and just this once, let him pass without a battle. Soon, Zeiol's back to face her using the exact same strategy as before. Before he rushes back, he stops for a while to ponder the consequences; losing here means he'd have to beat the Elite Four for good. He sits down near the elevator and looks at his team and supplies, reviewing the last few battles. To ensure that he didn't lose to Cynthia in the same fashion, Smeargle ate a few Rare Candies and this item was given to Ninjask, to help reduce the Experience that Smeargle received. [exp share / fun fact! This setup might seem odd, but it’s an in-game way to incorporate resets, there’s no way I would battle the elite four again after as asinine a thing as this]
8) 312. The battle proceeds in exactly the same way as the previous one, but now that Smeargle is a higher level, it doesn't level up upon defeating Garchomp. From that point on, it takes until Cynthia's last Pokemon, Roserade for Smeargle to level up, by which point it's dealt more than enough damage, fainting every Pokemon thus far besides Spritomb. At that point, Ninjask uses all of its power landing a critical Aerial Ace to cleanly OHKO it, granting Zeiol the win! Cynthia's impressed by the tenacity of his team, and takes Zeiol to the Hall of Fame. On the way, she asks about Zeiol's team, as none of the Sinnoh challengers she's seen have used Pokemon like that. Zeiol delightedly explains the entire story to her and why he needs access to the Battle Zone and Stark Mountain, as Cynthia's intently listens. Prof. Rowan appears soon after, congratulating Zeiol on becoming a real Champion. Before any further talk, they're at the Hall of Fame and Zeiol registers his team, proud of them all. With that, he prepares to head back to Twinleaf for a long, well deserved rest. Before he departs, Cynthia gives him a letter, telling him to open it when he's back. As the credits roll, images of Pokemon he's captured along the way flash in Zeiol's mind. However, even if he didn't obtain these three Pokemon, they'd always be the first silhouettes seen. [chimchar piplup turtwig]
9) 313. A small celebration is held back at Zeiol's home as his mother congratulates him on the League conquest. He's also glad to be back in his own room for the first time in ages, and before he heads to sleep, opens Cynthia's letter. He punches the air in delight, it's the Battle Zone clearance he wanted for so long! It details how a ferry from Snowpoint will get him there. Happily, he falls asleep, reminiscing about his journey. The next day, he unfurls his Town Map and takes a look at where to go next. He's sure that if he heads to the Battle Zone, he wouldn't want to explore any other new areas. With that in mind, he decides to explore the last few areas in Sinnoh. What locations can Zeiol visit now, that are not part of the Battle Zone, and can't be walked into directly from a city? [fullmoonisland route224 sendoffspring springpath turnbackcave]
10) 314. Zeiol sets a course for one of them, remembering an unexplored path from Victory Road. He feels that it would be a good idea to not spend long periods of time chaining on the Battle Zone, and decides to make this the last location he'd do so. What are all the radar-exclusive Pokemon Zeiol could hunt? [dusclops duskull]
11) 315. Before heading out, he sends out all of his Pokemon League team, and asks them if they'd like a reward for their efforts. All of them discuss, and nominate Smeargle, as it was pivotal to victory in the champion battle, despite every Pokemon playing a part. Smeargle steps forward, and draws a caricature of wanting to become stronger. Zeiol understands, and lets Smeargle have its fill of Rare Candies, consuming seven of them to reach Level 55. It's prompted to learn another Sketch, which Zeiol replaces Swagger with. Since damage is what Smeargle wants to deal and its stats don't match up, Zeiol gets an idea to teach it a move which doesn't inflict damage based on Smeargle's attack or special attack, especially not a move reliant on what the foe does. Answer with all such moves, excluding Dragon Rage and Sonicboom. [nightshade psywave seismictoss superfang]
12) 316. Zeiol decides to pick Night Shade, and wants to Sketch it from the lowest BST wild Pokemon he can, without exploring any new areas. To that end, he could go to any of these three locations. [losttower oldchateau route209]
13) 317. A long while later, Night Shade is Sketched and Zeiol flies to the Pokemon League, stocking up on supplies. He spends over half his savings since this is the last chain, and he wants to go big. As he navigates through the new area of Victory Road, in a foggy room he comes across a girl in black and white, introducing herself as Marley. She asks to accompany Zeiol to the end as the fog makes navigation hard, which he agrees to. To reach this point, Zeiol needed to have at least two Pokemon in his party. If Zeiol still had Bebe's Vaporeon with him, answer with all Pokemon fitting this criteria (exclude Smeargle). [ampharos exploud nidoking sapphire]
14) 318. Thankfully, Zeiol brought Swellow with him and felt that this was a good place to re-teach it Defog, replacing Quick Attack and the room's rendered visible within minutes. The trainers here don't seem to use stronger pokemon per se, but more refined tactics, for example combining Sweet Kiss and Super Fang to deal massive damage over time. One of these trainers even owned a Blissey with Hyper Beam, which caught Zeiol off guard. Jumpluff was able to land a Leech Seed and recovered 42 HP at the end of the turn, quite a staggering amount! For this to be possible, the Blissey could only have some specific values for its maximum HP. Answer with the highest of these values. [343]
15) 319. As he's adventuring, Zeiol realizes that he isn't able to explore as much of this new area as he'd hoped, due to Marley's presence. With another person tagging along, these HM moves become unusable in the overworld. [rockclimb surf waterfall]
16) 320. Since the fog is cleared, Zeiol can survey the area from the elevated starting point and chart a route with the least possible trainers on the way. However, some battles were a must. Along the way, he came across one trainer with a name ringing a bell. After the battle, he realized that their name was very similar to the son of Norman, a gym leader in the far away region of Hoenn who he'd seen on TV. What Pokemon did the trainer Zeiol just battled use? [golbat graveler purugly]
17) 321. Soon after that battle, Marley spots the exit and thanks Zeiol for his pathfinding skills. She mentions that she's here to investigate an odd stone tablet found near the exit of the cave. With that, she heads off as Zeiol follows soon after. The lush vista of Route 224 is a sight for sore eyes as the light hits him. He's glad to be out of Victory Road. However his objective isn't to explore, that's for a later time as his team's still very underlevelled. He checks his Pokedex and notices that both Duskull and Dusclops are available. Choosing to chain the latter, he begins. By now, he's accumulating a lot more experience on chaining and is more intelligently able to choose the grass patches he enters. Within around three days, a shiny Dusclops makes its entry, mesmerizing Zeiol with its red hue and sparkles. He throws a Luxury ball and nicknames it Ruby. With that out of the way, Zeiol flies back to Solaceon for a rest. Now that this is his third ghost type, he thinks of how they'd perform if they battled each other, given the type matchups. Though, he wonders how exactly they’d battle, given that he had no plans to trade either Pokemon away. Excluding STAB and TM moves, this is the strongest move that Ruby could use to KO opposing Shedinja. [futuresight]
18) 322. After he recovers, he flies over to Snowpoint. Before he talks to the ferry owner, he decides to check out the temple, even though he was denied entry earlier. As he's about to be denied entry by the ace trainer guarding it, a person who he's met before talks to them, saying that Zeiol could be let in, and that the temple would have many rare Pokemon to discover. Who was this person? [candice]
19) 323. After thanking her and catching up on recent events, Zeiol heads into the temple. As chilly as it was, it gave off an oddly calming atmosphere, and he was sure he'd felt this way before. What was the first location Zeiol had visited that shared its theme with that of Snowpoint Temple? [eterna forest]
20) 324. The further Zeiol descended, the more temperatures dropped as he could see his breath. "How's this place colder than what's outside?", he wonders. Eventually, he gets to a point where the floor itself has crystallized into solid, sheet ice. While sliding around seems fun, there's nothing to break momentum and he ends up crashing into a few walls before he can navigate to the lower floor. At the bottom, he sees a statue encased in both mold and ice, looking frozen in time. He slides over to it and reads the inscription. If Zeiol had these three Pokemon in his party, then something special would happen when interacting with the statue. [regice regirock registeel]
21) 325. Nothing Zeiol did to the statue seemed to have any effect, so he headed back up, and with a last look at Snowpoint, boarded the Ship to head to the Battle Zone with a hopeful heart. He saw turbulent waters and stormy weather, which made him realize surfing there was a bad idea, thankful he didn't try that. As he hops off the ship, he sees Tinston waiting for him, who was also given clearance for reaching the League. He mentioned that he was here to toughen up and find a person close to him. Zeiol's glad to hear, and decides to explore more of the area at his own pace. As they're talking, another boy claims that he's the greatest trainer ever, and decides that he's planning to conquer the volcano to prove it. As the boy mentions treasure, Zeiol's geared up, as he knows that must be the Magma Stone. What was this boy's name? [buck]
22) 326. As he explores the Fight Area, the locals are pleasantly surprised to see Zeiol’s diversity in Pokemon; from Kanto, Johto and Hoenn as most people they see used ones native to Sinnoh. He takes a look around, but feels like he should dash to the volcano before Buck. However, some tough-looking trainers block both paths out of the town. They recommend that he should finish completing his Sinnoh Pokedex - seeing all 151 of them before proceeding forth. Despite Zeiol's Pokemon not being Sinnoh Natives, he wasn't let through. At this point, Zeiol's Sinnoh Pokedex was very nearly complete, as he’d recorded every Pokemon Weavile and before, as seen, so he got an idea as to what had to be done. Of course, he hadn’t forgotten about what he saw at Spear Pillar or Celestic Town. As a result of this, exactly three Pokemon were not registered as seen. What are they?. [azelf mesprit uxie]
23) 327. As he's still flustered, Houndoom pops out of its Pokeball and shakes its head. Zeiol remembers what it's trying to say - the last time he rushed with that much fervor intensity, both him and his Pokemon suffered. He thought to himself, "The Magma Stone itself wasn't really important even if Buck got it first; after all I've had so much fun adventuring with his team. Does it really matter if I can't get it? Er, speaking of which, what happened with the Radar? I get the feeling that if it's building up the Red Chain from residual energy, then I'd best be careful when battling them, can’t have another world-ending cataclysm, can we?." With this in mind, he finishes cursory exploration of every area in the Battle Zone he can access at this point. He's able to find these berries. [grepa hondew kelpsy pomeg / grepaberry hondewberry kelpsyberry pomegberry]
24) 328. At this point, Zeiol chooses to fly back to Sandgem. As he walks up to Verity Cavern, with the water level allowing him to Surf the way there, he sees Mesprit waiting for him in the center. As his Pokedex scanned it, it teleported out of the cave with Zeiol being very puzzled. He consulted with Prof. Rowan, who advised him to use this Poketch app to track it down in the wild. [marking map]
25) 329. Before starting out on the Mesprit chase, Zeiol checks on the Acuity and Valor caverns and estimates that Azelf and Uxie will not flee, as they assume a battle-ready stance. With this in mind, Zeiol chooses three of his Pokemon to face each guardian in a one-on-one battle. The first Pokemon has a STAB super-effective priority move on one of them, chosen for Mesprit, as well as a way to prevent it from escaping. The second can be hit super-effectively by the foe but could inflict a myriad of status effects through only level-up moves, chosen for Uxie, and the last one was not fully evolved and knows 4 moves, chosen against Azelf. If no Pokemon was described twice, in this order, what Pokemon did Zeiol choose? [ruby sapphire emerald / fun fact: the nicknames yes they were all leading upto this i'm a genius hahahahahahahahaha]
26) 330. With this in mind, Zeiol chooses to battle Uxie first, with Sapphire. It's happy to see its rescuer again, and graciously accepts the battle. The atmosphere grew charged as the battle commenced. Zeiol knew to fear the strength of his opponent, and commanded Hitmonchan to repeatedly use a move, which had a chance of rendering Uxie unable to attack for the rest of the battle. What moves could it have been? [icepunch thunderpunch]
27) 331. Sapphire could have held one of three items to be immediately cured from a status that Uxie could inflict. What are they? [chestoberry lumberry persimberry]
28) 332. Ice Punch didn't seem to do very much. As Sapphire was on the verge of fainting to the Future Sight expected next turn, it scores a critical hit, defeating Uxie. It bows its head in defeat, and uses its psychic powers to launch a small red orb at Zeiol's bag. It didn't seem to be an attack of any sort, which puzzled him. With that, Uxie smiled and teleported away. Zeiol was promptly confused, as nothing seemed different. Perhaps this would be resolved after all three of them were battled? With that done, he flies back to Hearthome to swap out his party. En route to Lake Valor, he noticed that a particular location was experiencing heavy rain, which was quite the first because it'd seen clear weather any other time he'd been there. What location is this? [route 213]
29) 333. With that observation, Zeiol heads to Lake Valor with Emerald now in his party. Valor Cavern has a much sharper atmosphere, as Azelf throws down the gauntlet. While its Confusion did large damage, it chose to go for Future Sight on the next turn. With that, Emerald was able to cleanly 2KO it with Dragon Claw as it accepted defeat, a bit of an annoyed look in its eyes. Like with Uxie, it launched a similar red orb at Zeiol's bag and with a quick hand wave, also teleported away. Even now, Zeiol's intrigued by that battle. It seemed Azelf would've been able to resist the effects of sleep with one of its moves. Had he used a different Pokemon to battle Azelf, that strategy wouldn't work. What are all of Zeiol's Pokemon that could learn or currently know a sleep-inducing (status) move, excluding Smeargle? [gardevoir jumpluff slowbro stantler]
30) 334. As Zeiol kept track of the Marking Map, he slowly gained an idea on Mesprit's travel patterns, encountering it near Jubilife after many minutes of trial, observation and error. The atmosphere this time was neither charged nor calm, as if a mid-ground between Azelf and Uxie. Sensing it'd teleport away before Ruby had a chance to Mean Look, it used Shadow Sneak to deal around a quarter as Mesprit fled. The second time around was much quicker, as Mesprit didn't heal in between encounters. Since Shadow Sneak didn't deal too much damage, Ruby held an item to increase the damage it dealt by the highest possible amount, with no negative effects. Zeiol hadn’t visited the Battle Tower at all, and wanted this boost to be consistent, as long as it damaged any opponent. Consider only items obtainable at this point in time.What was this item? [spelltag]
31) 335. The Spell Tag was crucial, as its damage increase turned the expected 4KO into an expected 3KO, and Zeiol was confident he'd be able to defeat Mesprit within no time. Catching it was out of the question, as the Pokeradar was still jamming the signal. A few minutes later, he finds Mesprit for the last time near Hearthome and defeats it with one last Shadow Sneak. How much experience did Ruby get for defeating Mesprit? [1500]
32) 336. At each of the lakes, because the water level was now higher, Zeiol found TMs for these three moves. [blizzard fireblast thunder]
33) 337. Before Mesprit teleports away, it beams with a smile, and launches a final red orb at Zeiol's bag. Before teleporting away, it flies close to him and points at the Pokeradar, which seems to look very different. It also waves goodbye as it teleports in a flash. Zeiol's in a daze as to what just happened. He heads to Hearthome's Pokemon Center to look at the Radar. While the radar itself was unchanged, the red blob from earlier was quite different. No longer was it shapeless and small, but now a deep blood-red, resembling a chain more closely now. Despite the Pokeradar’s jamming properties still being retained, it felt as this would be the key to something undiscovered. While Zeiol was concerned, he trusted the guardians' power and knew that the artefact would surely not be used for plans as evil as Cyrus'...right? With that, he headed back to the Fight Area, but the locals advised him to check out the Battle Tower before granting him further access. Zeiol checked his Pokedex and chuckled a bit. In the Sinnoh Pokedex, he'd caught this many Pokemon. [0 / [lol meme q]]
34) 338. Before heading to the Battle Tower, Zeiol chats with a few more locals who also seem to use exotic, never before seen Pokemon. An old couple in a house here own this Pokemon, which can be seen outside its Pokeball. [torchic]
35) 339. As he heads into the Battle Park, Zeiol's gifted a Point Card, which tracks his progress there. The receptionists there give him a run-down of how the area works. As he enters, he's taken aback by the grandeur of the castle looming right above him. What was this castle called? [exchange service corner]
36) 340. After a quick survey, Zeiol heads into the Battle Tower. As he does so, a blond man who’s quite tall bumps into him. Something about him and his demeanor felt almost nostalgic, as he recognized Zeiol from Twinleaf Town, and wished him the best of luck at the Battle Tower. Soon after, Tinston charged up to Zeiol in a similar fashion, and thought he recognized that man. He concluded by declaring intent to prove his worth at the battle tower before Stark Mountain, and also dashed off in hot pursuit. This interaction did puzzle Zeiol. What was the name of the man? [palmer]
37) 341. Zeiol wanted to explore the Battle Zone before challenging the tower, as he was intimidated by the number of skilled trainers he saw. Still, the locals wouldn't let him proceed without trying it out. He went with Froslass, Paleo and Nidoking. His first opponent...used a Shedinja. Zeiol was infuriated when he saw that Froslass simply fell to a critical Shadow Sneak, leaving his team helpless to fight back, before he had the chance to do anything and simply forfeited. "I hate it here, what kind of a battle was that! Rigged from the start...", he mutters as he heads out. By now, the locals let him pass forth. Zeiol was overjoyed to do so, and set forth onto the unexplored frontier. **Depending on which route he chose to enter, these were his Pokeradar encounters. ** [mankey primeape togepi. / Fun Fact! The blockades from the Fight Area are dependent on the cutscene with Rowan, when he gives you the national dex, and not on anything else. Therefore, even if you already have the national dex/battle tower, you can't leave the Fight Area to the north or east!]
38) 342. Before he sets forth, Zeiol believes this is the time for Sentret to shine, having levelled up a decent amount. He decides to capture both a Primeape and a Togepi from the nearby areas, without exploring them too much. He decides to fly back to the mainland to train Togepi up, since its Hustle ability seemed novel to use. By the time it evolved into Togekiss, these are the two strongest STAB moves it could know for each of its types. TM moves can be ignored. [lastresort skyattack]
39) 343. Sentret is trained up a bit more but isn't interested in evolving for the time being. But with this training, Togepi evolves into Togetic. Since the archipelago of Route 230 seemed more appealing than the crags of Route 225, Zeiol chose to head east from the Fight Area. This decision was also because proceeding eastward seemed a quicker route to the volcano. The ripple tide water cascaded by as the sun had fully set, and navigating the seas this late at night was quite the experience. Unfortunately, as soon as he started to have fun with marine battles, land is sighted and Zeiol disembarks, the weather still clear. Here, he sees some Trainers but thought nothing of it as he battled them, despite their Pokeballs emanating a familiar aura. As it turned out, this area had trainers using quite a lot of Pokeradar Pokemon or their evolutions! What Pokemon fit this description? [dusclops kecleon kirlia mightyena salamence]
40) 344. With the lack of sunlight making exploration risky, Zeiol notices a sign and heads south to rest for the night at the Resort Area. As the new day dawns, he's surprised by the laid back atmosphere he feels around himself, a refreshing contrast to what he's been seeing all this time. "This place could well be where I could retreat to to have a relaxing time; if only it had a villa here. Of course, there's no way anyone would just gift one to me, right?", he wonders. Before wrapping up, quickly heads to the north which isn't navigable due to the Sandstorm, but Nidoking helps provide cover. He wants to head to the next area to grab his final Pokeradar encounter from an area near the volcano, without a sandstorm, and then would head back to the Resort Area for a very long rest. What Pokemon is this? [torkoal]

Part 9 was successfully hosted on December 7, 21:00 CST.
The official scavenger hunt by WinterwindGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [44:50].
2nd place: sleet dab xd '^' [01:06:56].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:32:25].
4th place: acetomic [03:06:38].

1) 345. Last time on Dragon Ball Z…our hero Zeiol defeated the League and started cursory exploration of the Battle Zone, stopping to rest at the Resort Area, which is where we are now. Wait, this isn’t Dragon Ball Z? Could’ve fooled me. Anyhow, use alphabetical order unless specified otherwise, and answer with a Pokemon’s nickname if it has one. To recap, (god how many times have I said that, when can i be done with this) the team is here: On the route plagued by eternal sandstorms, Ampharos was battling a Pokemon which was able to damage it and lower its defense in the same turn. However, Ampharos' Signal Beam missed. What Pokemon is this? [sandslash]
2) 346. The sandstorms were perilous to fully explore, even if a path from start to end was mapped out, were one to go off it, there's a chance they'd lose their way. In this house, he came across an old man with the capacity to teach the ultimate moves to some Pokemon. However, none of the Pokemon Zeiol owned qualified for the tutelage, as the man scoffed at him. The man used a different word to describe the grass types, then the fire types, and then the water types. What are all these words? (alpha) [blazing quiet restless]
3) 347. On this route, Zeiol's caught off guard by a Black Belt training under the sand and challenging him to battle. While the battle itself wasn't hard, Zeiol grew concerned that he'd have lost if challenged when weakened. But then he remembers that this isn't his first time seeing something like this. A member of this trainer class also hides underground, and will challenge the player if they walk within a 1-tile distance from them. [ninjaboy]
4) 348. As Zeiol headed back to the Resort Area to heal, he was challenged by Ace Trainer Felix. Emerald leaped with joy at the sight of his Salamence, and wanted to train more to evolve soon as well, to which Zeiol agreed, happy at the enthusiasm. However as he was doing so, he was thinking back to his battle with the Sandslash from a few questions ago. Was strength really everything? The quest for power might be a bit unviable at times, moreso if an attack never landed. If Togetic were to use Giga Impact, the strongest move it could know against that Pokemon, what accuracy would it have? [57.6%]
5) 349. More discussions with the locals of the Resort Area surprise Zeiol, as he hears most people adventuring to Stark Mountain choose to head to the Survival Area, since it has a Pokemart available for restocking purposes and gets you used to the volcanic terrain. Of course, Zeiol was fine with these risks. He decided to check out the fancy building in town, the Ribbon Syndicate. However, he was denied entry for his pokemon not being "stylish enough", which was annoying - they sounded just like that snobbish Scarf guy. Making a note to return later, he proceeds north. If he didn't have this key item, it'd be impossible to reach Stark Mountain. [bicycle]
6) 350. Volcanic ash now surrounding him, Zeiol's invigorated. The goal's so close! As he proceeds further, he sees two characters who he's met before in conversation. Who are they? [crasherwake tinston]
7) 351. The trio have a fun chat about old times, as Tinston declares his aim to get the Magma stone, hoping it'll give him luck of a 21-win streak at the battle tower. He rushes off, and Zeiol continues behind. He also sees Buck, who reaffirms his intentions to claim the Magma Stone first. This kind of fiery personality is something Zeiol's seen before, perhaps he's met with a relative of his in the past? As it turns out, Buck mentions his brother and Zeiol realizes that he has met him before; he's even battled him in the past! Who are they talking about? [flint]
8) 352. As he saw Stark Mountain visible from a distance, Zeiol felt the pressure from the skilled trainers around him. One trainer was able to inflict damage and confuse Primeape on the same turn. What Pokemon was Primeape battling? [machamp]
9) 353. Since Zeiol didn't have a Rock Climb user on hand, a decent bit of the mountain stays currently unexplored. He makes a note to do so later on. He takes one final look at the Pokeradar, now pulsing with an eerie red glow. Nervously, he steps into the mountain's entrance. He's able to navigate the basic Strength puzzle, and sees Tinston tending to his team. He mentions that he lost to Buck, and Zeiol cautiously proceeds forth. To his surprise, Buck is waiting for him! As he braces for battle, Buck simply asks to tag along as the Pokemon of the area offer quite the challenge, which Zeiol reluctantly accepts. Zeiol was quite surprised by the Pokemon Buck used. Assuming Buck met this Pokemon in Sinnoh, what location did he catch it at? [route206]
10) 354. Against one of the trainers using a Baltoy, Emerald was able to knock it out in a single hit despite no critical hit or held item. What move did Baltoy use on the prior turn? [powertrick]
11) 355. Unfortunately, Zeiol was a tiny bit underlevelled. He came across two trainers, who engaged him in a double battle, both of whom led with Kanto Pokemon and were able to decimate his team, giving him his second loss as a trainer. He blacked out to the Resort Area, and resolved to change up his team layout. Of course, Stark Mountain wasn't going to be a cakewalk. There was a reason access to it and the Battle Zone was restricted. What were the trainers Zeiol blacked out against? Answer as [trainer class] [name] [acetrainer abel acetrainer monique]
12) 356. The last defeat weighed heavily on his mind. It wasn't rushing, it wasn't a flaw in his Pokemon. No, Zeiol himself was to blame for the last defeat. He made sure to put Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald into his party, among three others. One was borrowed from another trainer in a prior part, the other knew Heat Wave, and the other Wake-up Slap. In order, what were these Pokemon? [vaporeon torkoal froslass]
13) 357. Zeiol returns to Stark Mountain still deep in thought, wondering how to beat the ace duo. Now that he's got Rock Climb, he explores a bit more of the mountain. Using that move around Stark Mountain and its connecting route is required to obtain these items. [charcoal fullheal lifeorb protein]
14) 358. Zeiol entered Stark Mountain, reconvened with Buck and resumed exploration. Another trainer within Stark Mountain had a name very similar to the person who gave him the Waterfall HM was battled - in fact it was one letter off. After defeating that trainer, it was possible to obtain this item. [tm50 / tm50overheat]
15) 359. Finally, as the deepest chamber of Stark Mountain could be seen, Zeiol could hear his own heartbeat; he was very nervous. However, his nervousness didn't distract him from the white light surrounding Emerald, as it evolved into Salamence! It was roaring with ecstasy, ready to raze the world to nothing with its power. Zeiol was confident that this power boost would be all that was needed to conquer whatever lies within. As Emerald evolved, it learnt a new move upon evolution. What is the only other Pokemon to learn this move by level up? [rayquaza]
16) 360. As Buck sees the final chamber, his eyes light up and he dashes ahead of Zeiol, claiming the Magma Stone for himself. Zeiol's annoyed that Buck simply used him, and prepares to do battle. However, these thoughts are interrupted as the cavern rumbles, with Buck dashing out before Zeiol can regain his footing. He uses an Escape Rope to retreat and plan his next move. Due to the route he's taken, there's only one settlement he hasn't reached, and suspects that Buck might be there. What is it? [survival area]
17) 361. Still quite annoyed, Zeiol exits the volcano and heads westward. Here, he sees a small house curiously located on an island, with nothing else in sight. He enters as a Hiker inside introduces himself as Meister. The house has nothing of note aside from a poster listing Meister's favorite Pokemon. As it turns out, Zeiol owns some of these Pokemon or their evolutions! What are they? [houndoom paleo]
18) 362. A quick and cheery chat with Meister later, Zeiol calms down. Meister mentions, "Bienvenue! Your query is about the Magma Stone? Worry not! If the Magma Stone goes a bye-bye as you say, the volcano erupts like the storms of my home country, but they are only temporary! The tremors slowly stop, and the mountain, she becomes calm again. My friends, treasure hunters at heart, they observe this and gone inside after the calm to see that the Magma Stone, it has come back magically! The mountain is a forger, and I say she is a skilled one at that. I too, am one such humble forger. Comprendo?". With this, he upgrades Zeiol's Pokedex and says something in an epiphany, "Ciao, before you leave this humble abode, would you not happen upon a certain Pokemon? If you did, un c’est pas, a special Magikarp is for you!" Zeiol doesn't have it, and apologizes, but it's no worry to Meister who happily waves goodbye. What Pokemon was Meister looking for? [finneon]
19) 363. Zeiol finally reaches the Survival Area and spots Buck, nonchalantly discussing with an elderly man. As he runs up to him, Buck says in an epiphany, "Oh, this thing was keeping the Legendary Pokemon in check? Got it, returning!", and dashes off before Zeiol can catch him. Annoyed, he quickly heals up at the Pokemon Center and heads back to Stark Mountain. Before doing so, he swaps Ruby for Paleo. As his oldest Pokemon, it deserves the chance to see this Pokeradar peril come to a close, forging fate with its own power. Thanks to having just traversed the route, he's back at the final chamber in no time, but Buck isn't anywhere to be seen. With bated breath, he enters it. What he sees is no stone but a Pokemon, radiating intense heat. Zeiol realized that this must be what the elderly man meant, and it didn't seem like the Pokemon was willing to back down. With Paleo ready to battle, the beast roars as Zeiol's penultimate battle begins with the Level 70 Heatran, towering over his team. As the battle started, Zeiol told Paleo that he trusted in its judgment, it looked back to him with a smile. It raised its hand in salute the same way it did all the way back at Lake Verity. "Wobb-ba!", it exclaimed. And in the same indomitable fashion as always, was able to use Mirror Coat to retaliate, cleanly knocking the flame behemoth out in a single hit. What move did Heatran use? [lavaplume]
20) 364. Heatran roared in pain, causing further tremors, and conjured a sphere of magma, into which it began to retreat. Zeiol was scared, with the Stone nowhere to be seen and his chance at it vanishing, but got a flash of inspiration. If Heatran's crystallized energy formed the Magma Stone, then surely this fresh magma would do the trick? Before the sphere absorbed itself into the mountain walls, Zeiol brought the Pokeradar very close to it and heard a faint but distinctly audible crackling of sparks. With that, the final room started to collapse as Zeiol used an Escape Rope to quickly retreat. The rest of the mountain was normal, so Zeiol sat down outside the entrance, and breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the Pokeradar and noticed that it was no longer stuck to his bag! He also noticed the features of the Red Chain forming on the radar; it was still missing two fragments, but it looked more resplendent than ever. As he was wondering what would fill this in, he realized an ominous figure was standing behind him! It roared out loud, swiping the radar with its claws and vanishing almost instantly! Zeiol was in disbelief; sure, he'd wanted to disable the radar but this wasn't any closure to the issue! He had to get it back and look more closely. Zeiol was both scared and puzzled as to the identity of this intruder. He'd never seen something like that before. It was certainly taller and more massive than Palkia, and that was one of the tallest Pokemon he'd encountered so far. What Pokemon was this? [giratina]
21) 365. Zeiol decided to head back to the Resort Area to calm his nerves and analyze the situation. After a relaxing dip in the pool and spa there, he begins brainstorming. "The Red Chain aggregate on the radar was formed by the powers of four Pokemon; Palkia, Uxie, Azelf and Mesprit. If a Pokemon wanted that power, surely it'd have some relation to one or more of them. It would probably make sense to look around the three lakes first, to see if anything's after them. I'd hope not! If they're good, I shudder to head back to Spear Pillar...". With that in mind, he swaps up his team, flies back to Twinleaf and checks on Lake Verity, which was as tranquil as ever. Next, he headed to Veilstone to check on Lake Valor. As he cycles along Route 214, he felt like something's changed on the route. Something not quite right. He backtracks to see a path where there'd been none before! "So. That's where the intruder's been..", he ominously says, proceeding along. The atmosphere quickly grew sinister, just like the Old Chateau. It seemed as if enemies were hiding in the trees, waiting to ambush Zeiol. Where did this path lead to? [sendoff spring]
22) 366. As he proceeded forth, Zeiol noticed a rock wall blocking his path, which Sapphire scaled, but reaching the top made his jaw drop. A crystalline clear body of water, enveloped in an eerie white mist reflecting the light of the midday sun, gave off a malevolent vibe. He was unsure what to make of this. Ruby and Froslass popped out of their Pokeballs and a sad expression fell over their faces. From their actions, Zeiol inferred that this lake apparently had something to do with the souls of the dead passing on. He paid his respects and proceeded to the alcove of the lake, the only way out. This is the rarest Pokemon by encounter rate in the time and place Zeiol was currently at. [chimecho / this is a certified chimcho moment]
23) 367. With that, Zeiol entered Turnback cave and the familiar atmosphere he'd felt when the Pokeradar was stolen returned. Now, he was sure that journeying deeper would lead him to the thief. As he grew more determined, Ruby and Froslass again popped out of their Pokeballs, discouraging Zeiol from rushing. With their worried looks, Zeiol took their advice and investigated the central pillar. It seemed to be very cryptic, mentioning three pillars, so Zeiol made a general note of the path he took. Surprisingly, this was useless. After some exploration, Zeiol realized he was back in the central room as the fog had cleared up. It seemed to be like a never ending maze, like the Lost Woods in a distant universe. The second exploration around, luck was on his side as he carefully made a journey to the second pillar, carefully analyzing his choices, Rock Smash boulders littered the path, forcing detours but it was never mandatory to break them, which was odd. First 1 3 then 2 6 were seen on the pillars. Zeiol realized that he might be nearby, as he'd seen two pillars already. What's the maximum number of rooms Zeiol could explore before being sent back to the entrance? [24]
24) 368. Within ten rooms, Zeiol saw the third pillar. He'd almost felt something nearby as his Dowsing Machine reacted, and that an item would be nearby if not for the malevolent presence that was distinctly nearby. What item was this? [rarebone]
25) 369. The fog may have rendered sight useless, but the menacing aura was overpowering yet sorrowful; it wasn't focussed akin to a tactician, like Palkia or explosive in the vein of a commander, like Heatran. No, it was the aura of a fallen king. Following it let Zeiol notice the familiar shadow all too soon. Leading with Jumpluff, he demanded his Pokeradar back, as the beast roared in denial. The Pokedex identified it as Giratina, and at Level 70 it seemed another formidable foe. Giratina used this move, which didn't allow Jumpluff to regain any health. [healblock]
26) 370. The shadows grew denser as Giratina vanished mid battle! Zeiol was terrified at this point, fearing Giratina might just attack him. He swapped to Emerald, whose Intimidate seemed to have an effect on the unseen foe. Despite this, it barely hung on from the incoming Shadow Force, as Giratina struck with intensity from the nether. Emerald's keen eyes let it rain down Draco Meteor onto the enemy through the fog, but Giratina did not fall! Despite this, Leech seed sapped its remaining health and Giratina fell. It refused to admit defeat, and began summoning up all its power, creating a portal to a new universe - just as Cyrus had done so long ago. However, it seemed as if its powers were somehow sealed away, as the new universe faded very soon. It did look quite strange from what little Zeiol saw, as it had exotic plants of blue, twisted lands and waterfalls defying gravity. What was this place called? [distortion world]
27) 371. With Giratina having no recourse to victory, it retracts one of its claws to reveal the Pokeradar, which is thrown at Zeiol, as it vanishes into nothingness. Zeiol quickly grabbed it and headed out, not wanting to do battle with it again. He quickly retreats back to Veilstone, looking back to see if anything's after him. After a quick heal at the Pokemon Center, he looked very closely at the Pokeradar. Now, another slot of the red chain had been filled in, leaving only one until it was complete, seeming to have an odd purple tint to it. The Pokeradar too, took on a resplendent scarlet hue from the residual energy. It was also glistening in a way quite unlike Cyrus' - was this the authentic one? It seemed the Pokeradar still retained its function as a normal radar. That being said, the jamming was the most vital! With bated breath, he went into battle with a wild Buizel, readied his Pokeball..and there was no jamming! After the excitement had calmed down, Zeiol investigated more. The lock was well and truly gone! With that in mind, he charted up a plan to catch this Pokemon as his first capture; since it would evolve into the Pokemon he'd dreamt of having ever since the first part. [munchlax]
28) 372. Refer to the earliest part if there's insufficient info for this question. Since Zeiol hasn't looked into the IVs of his Pokemon, any information that relies on that is currently unavailable to him. He quickly flies over to Floaroma, and the flowers had never smelt sweeter in the scent of victory from two tough battles. The Honey salesman mentioned that each person seemed to have different luck with the trees; even if one person finds Munchlax in a tree there's no guarantee another person will. This gets Zeiol thinking, perhaps there are some trees that he'd feel luckiest with? Honey trees in these two locations have a chance to spawn Munchlax for Zeiol. [route206 route214]
29) 373. Honey Trees seemed to be taking hours to lure anything, so Zeiol decided to find something else to do in the downtime. He wondered what would be necessary to complete the Red Chain on the Pokeradar. He remembered that through his readings at the Canalave Library, the Plate items held some significance to the Original One- this was made more evident through their inscriptions. "Perhaps collecting all the plates will let me see the Original one, and they'd have the power to tell me about the Red Chain?", he thought. With that in mind, he looked at the Pokeradar again to see a new button embossed on it, near where the red chain was attached. Pressing it generated a smattering of sparkles as sixteen icons popped up. As Zeiol watched, he could make out that each icon referred to a plate, based on the color. Soon, some icons faded away and Zeiol recognized those to be the plates he had in his bag. With that in mind, he clicks on an icon and follows the arrow that pops up on the screen, navigating through a previously travelled area to obtain an item matching the type of a Pokemon afflicted by Heal Block in the Giratina Battle. Where did Zeiol go? [route210]
30) 374. After collecting the Meadow Plate, the icon seemed to point to an area that Zeiol couldn’t go to, so he was confused. He decided to check in with Prof. Rowan and Dawn for advice. Rowan was attending a conference, but Dawn was happy to see him after so long. After catching up, she told him about her recent discovery of swarming Pokemon, and how they hadn’t been seen in Sinnoh before. Zeiol heartily congratulates her on this, and she mentions a few Pokemon that she’d love to catch if she could travel Sinnoh freely. Soon after, Zeiol heads back, still deep in thought. As he does so, he continues on his quest to find the remainder of the plates. He remembers the first time that he found some plates across his journey, they didn't seem that noteworthy. He's caught up in happy nostalgia as he cycles along. Using the info from prior parts, these were the first three plates that Zeiol found. (in chronological order) [fistplate mindplate dreadplate / fist mind dread]
31) 375. As Zeiol was tackling the other plates, he noticed that pressing the strange button again turned the Pokeradar back to normal; the jamming was gone for good. Still, he wanted his first normal capture to be something special, a Munchlax. He tapped on another icon and was quite surprised with where it seemed to be indicating the next plate to be. To access this location while keeping with the prior rules of the Pokeradar (only Pokemon encountered through use of the Pokeradar and not normally native to their routes can be caught), he'd need to catch one Pokemon. In light of what Dawn recently said, Zeiol felt that catching a specific Pokemon seemed like a good plan. To this end, where could Zeiol go to catch it? [route222 / the pokemon is skitty]
32) 376. Zeiol also remembered his time in the underground where shards seemed to combine, forming plates very similar to the ones he found. If he could've also obtained these plates at Sunyshore City, Eterna City and Oreburgh Gate, what did he find? [zapplate dracoplate earthplate / zap draco earth]
33) 377. The plate collection seems to be going along quite well! As he's doing so, the arrow on the radar points in the direction of Mt. Coronet and Zeiol groans; he never wanted to return there if he could. However, this time his team was much stronger and felt that it might be enough for the short journey. To reach the area containing the Stone Plate, Pokemon knowing these HM moves need to be with Zeiol. [rockclimb surf waterfall]
34) 378. In a short amount of time, Zeiol is able to collect 15 of the 16 plates. However, before he heads towards the last one, he pauses. The Red Chain fragments were obtained after meeting with powerful beings. If collecting the last plate led to a meeting with another strong Pokemon, he wanted to make sure that he'd spent enough fun times with his Pokemon before that happened; should he never be able to return. As such, he returns to his schedule of slathering various honey trees across Sinnoh in hopes of encountering his dear Munchlax. The Serene Grace of Jirachi shines down upon him, and Zeiol's able to finally encounter the embodiment of sloth on his fourth day of slatherings. It lazily hangs from the tree, but upon seeing Zeiol its eyes focus, as it assumes a battle stance. Zeiol's dream Pokemon drawing near, he throws a Pokeball at it, which none of his other Pokemon have been captured in. What Pokeballs could he have thrown? [diveball masterball quickball / dive master quick]
35) 379. Yo, you've done well getting this far. If you've reached this point I'm once again grateful for taking the time and effort, as well as any prior parts you might've played. There are only three more parts (it was originally two, writer's block is painful) to go at this point, stay tuned! I bet you're wondering how this will conclude, and the finale will notably surprise you! Well, probably. Clues have been left and all that jazz. After hundreds of questions, Zeiol's goal is now met. What logical choice was there other than throwing the Master Ball? Zeiol snags it and dances a jig in delight. Now, he gets to focus on doing other things, like spending time with his protege. That does remind him, he's had a nickname planned for it. All the Pokemon he's given nicknames to seem to have something in common with the currency of Sinnoh's Underground. By that logic, only one has not been used as the basis for any nickname. What is it? [prism sphere]

Link to future parts:
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It's beginning to look a lot like scav results.

First place goes to Acetomic with 113 points! They were followed by Yeet dab xd with 100, and TeutonicSquire with 82 points!

2yeet dab xd '^'100
13The Aura ˙͜~~~˙19
14dot Comfey18
15Tapler ❀16
20Soft Flex13
23toxic boosted11
40the dangerous nose5
402soltg kaif5
46100 gecs fan4
46Wan the Avatar4
55lilac flower3
61Qui-Gon the Flygon2
61Dying Pichu2
61BlueFins ˙︵˙2
61Zipzapadam ˙͜~˙2
77Gwynt ^-^1
77uber sg1
77Unchained Specter1
77hugin the wings1
77Omega Toad171
771soltx wolf1
77negsalt cure1
77notcollintan (._.)1
77Praise Bid o3o f1
77Artemy ㋡ Burakh1
77canele & wolf1
77sIang 翔1
77Water Hoe1

The December twist is On a (Christmas) Roll: finishing in consecutive officials will award one additional bonus points per official!

Now let's see those hunt making and solving skills that warm our hearts!
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Mini roundup!

The mini scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [12:14].
2nd place: acetomic [22:12].
3rd place: yeet dab xd '^' [26:48].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire [27:56]

QC: Computerwizard8800

Last mini roundup can be found here.