1) 1. This odyssey and all its questions involve a playthrough of Pokemon Pearl, with some artistic liberty. More details will be included along the way! If any question has multiple answers, use alphabetical order, and use PS formatting for Pokemon names. For now, the only rules in place are set mode and no items in battle. It seems like it's been ages since I went on an adventure of my own, without my brother, but I finally awaken to a lilac background and see an elderly man welcoming me to the world of Pokemon. I paid attention and listened to him introduce himself as Prof. Rowan. What Pokemon did he send out during this introduction? [
2) 2. Seeing Munchlax brightens my day; after all I did remember Ash's Snorlax being the peak of power and the goal of this adventure was to train one of my own eventually. As I'm asked for my name, I type in Zeiol, and choose to play as a boy. As I see the figure of a blonde-haired boy, Prof. Rowan asks me for his name. Caught off guard, I go to enter a new name only to enter nothing at all. What does Prof. Rowan think I named my Rival? [
3) 3. With more time to think, Zeiol enters his rival's name, Tinston, a memory from a time long past. With that, Zeiol leaps into the world of Pokemon. The first thing he sees is a TV broadcast, and it seems like they're talking about something familiar. The broadcast seems to be mentioning a Pokemon and an exploration team's efforts to find it, but they ended in failure. What location is this specific Pokemon guaranteed to be found at? [
Lake of Rage]
4) 4. With the broadcast over, Zeiol takes a look at his trainer card; a trainer ID of 65036, pretty close to the theoretical maximum of 65535. Of course, Zeiol doesn't care much about his score yet, as it's a clean 0. However, Zeiol notices something strange in the Key Items pocket of his bag; a flat device with a white-colored grip, gray buttons, blue screen and a red bezel. He has no clue what to make of this, and decides to experiment but upon trying to use it, he hears a voice that there's a time and place for everything, but not now. This confuses him even more, but he brushes the thought aside, after all he's got to meet with his friend Tinston! What item did Zeiol find? [
5) 5. Zeiol visits Tinston, who promptly dashes out of Twinleaf town, not before mentioning that he'll be fined for $ 11 million. They meet at the entrance to Route 201, with him declaring his plans to capture a mirage Pokemon from the local lake, similar to the Red Gyarados from the broadcast earlier. With that said, the two of them tag along, and Tinston's eager personality to head to the lake made it impossible to investigate the odd item from earlier. As Zeiol arrives near the entrance to this lake, he sees a signpost. Having never actually explored the lake he decides to give it a read so he knows what to expect. What does the sign describe the lake as? [
The Lake of Emotions]
6) 6. The duo is filled with determination as they enter the lake, but Zeiol doesn't see anyone in blue hair..? Perhaps it's deja vu, but it doesn't seem like he'll meet that person for now. In any case, he sees an old man and young girl discussing something, and leave passing them by. They seem to leave a suitcase behind in the grass, which Tinston jumps at the chance to investigate. However Zeiol is cautious, and stays at the edge of the grass and watches. As Tinston reaches the case, a pair of Starly surround both Zeiol and him! Frantic and unarmed, he opens the suitcase, and sees a trio of Pokeballs. He tosses two towards Zeiol, and sends out a Chimchar from the third, ready to do battle. As Zeiol catches the Pokeballs, he realizes both of them were empty; no Pokemon at all! Taking a gamble, he throws one at the Starly, who promptly breaks out, angrier than ever and in no mood to back down. With only one Pokeball to spare, Zeiol scrambles for the device from earlier in hope that it'll save him, presses its buttons at random and hears an odd ringing, followed by the silhouette of a Pokemon almost as tall as himself appearing nearby. What Pokemon is this? [
7) 7. Desperate for assistance, and with no idea what that emerging Pokemon was, Zeiol pleads with the wild Pokemon to be his ally. "Wobb-ba!" the Pokemon exclaims, raising its arm in the form of a handshake. Relieved, he throws the Pokeball at it, and it's a successful capture. By now, the Starly is charging towards Zeiol, as he recoils in fear, sending out his fresh capture to defend him. Without any scientific devices to tell him what the Pokemon is or what moves it knows, Zeiol trusts the blue blob's judgment. As Wobbuffet takes the Tackle, it seems to fall on its back, but is able to swing its body back around to retaliate! However something seems strange; neither Wobbffet or the Starly seem to be very damaged as a result of this! Still, Zeiol was sure that the altercation did something and continues to watch. After what seemed like forever, the Starly is defeated and the Wobbffet turns back to Zeiol, the same smile plastered on its face, and it's greeted by a hug from the wailing Zeiol, who of course had never been in a Pokemon battle nor captured a Pokemon before. As Tinston was finishing up his battle as well, he looked over and was quite confused; the movements he saw from the blue blob were strange indeed. What move did Wobbuffet use to land the finishing blow? [
8) 8. As they revel in the post-battle glory, the girl from earlier returns, and mentions that the suitcase belonged to Prof. Rowan. Without leaving room for explanation, she grabs the suitcase and bolts back, scolding Zeiol and Tinston for rashly using the Pokemon within. However, both of them are still unnerved, and decide to head back to Twinleaf. Prof. Rowan and the girl from earlier meet the duo at the mouth of the route. He's quite surprised to see Zeiol's Pokemon in particular, and tells them to visit his lab in Sandgem. As Zeiol narrates the recent events to his mother, she gives him a gift to help with the visit to Sandgem town. What is it? [
Running Shoes]
9) 9. Zeiol narrates the events yet again to Prof. Rowan, and he's blown aback, recognizing Wobbuffet as a Pokemon not native to Sinnoh, and was more shocked to hear that it could be found at the lake he was just at. After more discussion, Zeiol is given the National Pokedex to better catalogue Pokeradar mysteries, and chooses to give Wobbuffet the nickname Paleo, to which it gladly accepts. Prof. Rowan also says that he'll mention the details to Prof. Oak, one of his colleagues about this anomaly. If any Pokemon is given a nickname during this playthrough, use that nickname if it's ever an answer. If it has no nickname, use its species name. Soon after this discourse, he heads to the Pokemart, buys 10 Pokeballs, 2 Potions, 1 Antidote and 1 Paralyz Heal. How much money did he spend? [
10) 10. Well stocked, Zeiol heads back home to discuss with his mother about going on an adventure. On the way, he uses the Pokedex to look at Paleo's summary, and makes a note that it's got a Jolly nature with a characteristic for good perseverance. Another wild Starly is encountered, and Zeiol aims to throw a Pokeball at it. However, the Pokeradar from earlier seems to be jamming the signal! As it turns out, only Pokemon not normally native to the route, and encountered through use of the Pokeradar can be caught throughout this playthrough! With the radar somehow stuck to Zeiol's bag, removing it seems impossible, and so he accepts it, letting the Starly go. Dawn initially attempts to demonstrate catching, but sees there's no need to with Paleo's presence. Zeiol senses another team member might lurk nearby on this route, and activates the radar. What Pokemon is his encounter? [
11) 11. Sentret is successfully captured. Since it's not a Sinnoh native, Zeiol checks the Pokedex, however a quick look at it makes it evident that the strange Pokeradar has affected the Pokedex too; now it indicates what Pokemon can be encountered with it in the nearby areas. Upon reaching Jubilife city, Zeiol makes up his mind to find the rarest possible Pokemon by encounter rate, without battling any more trainers. What Pokemon is this? [
12) 12. A few hours later, Zeiol encounters an all too unfamiliar cry. Thankfully, thanks to Paleo's presence as well another factor, the wild Kirlia was unable to flee, which was a relief. With the successful capture, Zeiol heads back to the closest Pokemon Center for a well deserved rest. He checks its summary to notice that the Kirlia is quiet-natured, and re-reads his journal to relive the last hour. The last entry "Kirlia was caught (Evening)" seemed normal enough, but the second-last entry was notable, reading "Warped to Jubilife City." He found it strange that such a thing would be logged, but puts the journal back into his bag. What move was used at some point to trigger this entry? [
13) 13. All rested up, Zeiol heads to the Trainer's school, defeats two school kids to earn the Hidden Power TM and returns the Parcel to Tinston. It contained two Town Maps, one of which Zeiol took. Before leaving, he makes sure to study a bit so that he's extra prepared. Upon leaving the building, he speaks to three clowns and receives tickets, which are redeemed for a Poketch. The Pokeradar sparks with electricity - similar to how it did when jamming Pokeballs, and unlocks the app most relevant to itself on the Poketch. What app is it? [
Chain counter / Trainer Counter]
14) 14. With some time on his hands, Zeiol heads to the Jubilife Condos to spend some time looking even more carefully at the Pokeradar; surely normal ones don't go around unlocking hidden features of other devices. He notices strange writing in fine print on the back of the Pokeradar, reading "Conquer the Magma Stone to deactivate." Of course, Zeiol has no clue what to make of this, after all how does one conquer a stone? In any case, it doesn't seem like there's any way to discard or turn off the Pokeradar with what he has, so Zeiol ignores it and moves on. As per the writing, after defeating this Pokemon and thereby acquiring the Magma Stone, the Pokeradar will return to normal. [
15) 15. Zeiol heads east to Route 203, and easily defeats Tinston. Route 203 also has Ralts and Kirlia as the Pokeradar encounters, so he passes it by. Next destination being Oreburgh, he passes through the Oreburgh Gate. The cave seems to hold more secrets than it seems, but Zeiol can't quite explore it fully at this point in time. These HM moves need to be usable to fully explore it. [
RockSmash Strength Surf]
16) 16. Zeiol thinks it worthwhile to see if any nearby routes react to the Pokeradar, as he's heard the Gym Leader to be quite strong. It's here that Zeiol notices a property of the Pokeradar, after a Pokemon encountered using it is caught or defeated, the grass nearby rustles again. He feels this might be something intriguing. Walking into one of the newly rustling patches initiates an encounter with another Pokemon. Since the last battle was close, he runs from it, and there's no more rustling. He concludes thinking that it's strange, but there's no need to investigate it presently. This Pokemon is newly added to the team. [
17) 17. Here, Zeiol takes more time to analyze how the Pokeradar works, over another hour. He makes note that any Pokeradar exclusive Pokemon could not be found with lightly rustling grass. The battle with Stantler was long-drawn, expending 12 Pokeballs before it was caught, possibly due to its careful nature. He heads to the Oreburgh Condos to talk with some locals, and sees a fun TV program. If Zeiol wants his friends to appear on TV, then according to the program he needs to do this thing in a Union Room. [
mix records / record mixing / mixing records]
18) 18. A young boy in Oreburgh talks about certain Pokemon being differently colored than normal, giving orange-colored Pikachu as an example. This also sounds neat, but it didn't seem presently relevant so Zeiol ignores this and heads to Oreburgh Mine. Multiple of this Pokemon are seen working in the mine. [
19) 19. A quick meeting with Roark in the mine later, Zeiol heads to the gym. Of course, because this is his first challenge he felt it was a good idea to train in the nearby areas. "Rock types are resistant to hits, so if I make sure they can't attack while I keep hitting them, I can take them down!", he thought. With this in mind, Stantler reached Level 10 with Kirlia and Paleo trailing behind at Level 9, and Sentret at level 3. This was the most recently learnt move by any of Zeiol's Pokemon. [
20) 20. Nervous but determined, Zeiol begins his gym battle. Stantler's Intimidate combined with Hypnosis allow it to get out of the exchange with Roark's Geodude relatively painlessly. Roark's Onix was up next, and Zeiol took another gamble, outspeeding it to land another Hypnosis. Onix seemed menacing, so playing it safe, the next action was switching out to Kirlia, then to Sentret, and back into Stantler for another Intimidate as Onix kept using Screech. Winning the speed tie via a Rock Throw miss, Stantler crucially landed another Hypnosis allowing for a pivot back into Kirlia. Out of all the moves guaranteed to be known by Zeiol's Pokemon at this point, two of them would always fail if used in this battle. What are they? [
Mirror Coat Teleport]
21) 21. Onix wakes up and goes into red health from the Confusion, but Roark uses a Potion, allowing it to survive and retaliate. Zeiol pivots back into Sentret, and this is where he realizes the deviousness of Stealth Rock. Each time he does this, his Pokemon get damaged and closer to being KOed! He's shocked he didn't realize this earlier, and makes a split-second decision. Deciding to let Sentret faint, he brings back Stantler in to take the KO with Astonish. As Roark's ace takes to the field, Zeiol notices that it's likely to be really strong. "If Paleo's power didn't do much against a weak Starly, could it possibly deal more damage against a strong Cranidos?", he wonders. Landing a Hypnosis against the Leer, he switches to Paleo and chooses to keep using Counter, hoping the Cranidos doesn't know any status or special moves. The strategy pays off marvellously, Cranidos wakes up and attacks with a vicious Pursuit, but is cleanly knocked out from the retaliatory counter. Zeiol's now got his first gym badge, the Coal Badge, and is over-the-moon excited. He got this much money from defeating Roark. [
22) 22. Upon obtaining the badge, Zeiol passes back through Oreburgh gate and the Hiker who gave him the Rock Smash HM congratulates him on the victory. That does remind him, can any of his Pokemon actually use it? He boots up the HM to see none of them can, and decides to find a Pokemon that can. Since the Pokeradar's jamming is still active(refer to Q10), and having heard from TV broadcasts that Eterna city is home to a grass-type leader, Zeiol checks his Pokedex and chooses to encounter this Pokemon, that can learn Rock Smash via HM and hit a monotype grass Pokemon for super-effective damage using only moves known at the level it's encountered at. [
23) 23. With a Nidoran-M successfully caught and taught Rock Smash, Zeiol walks back into Jubilife city, heading north this time. He meets up with Prof. Rowan, who also congratulates him on the badge. However, both him and Dawn seem to be hassled by oddballs with green hair. He engages the two in battle with Dawn, who is using a Piplup. The opponents seem to be using an odd variety of moves, and Zeiol wonders what kind of Pokemon they want to defeat, with that kind of coverage. This is the Pokemon with the highest BST that is weak to all damaging non-normal moves used by the Galactic Grunts. [
24) 24. A few Counters from Paleo and Pounds from Piplup, and the Grunts scurry away in retreat. When asked about the Magma Stone, Prof. Rowan says that he knows nothing, but that the champion of the Pokemon League might, and collecting all the badges would be a good way to find them. After parting ways with them, Zeiol heads north through Ravaged Path, glad he took the time to find a Rock Smash user as fragile rocks blocked the way. Before he knew it, he was at Floaroma town. The smell of the berries was captivating, so he stopped by the local flower shop, "Pick a Peck of Colors". Talking to one of the ladies there, he got a Sprayduck to water berries with. Another one in the shop exchanged accessories for berries, but some of the exchange rates seemed ridiculously high. "Tough luck, I might like berries but these are just too many to grow", he thought. In terms of how many berries are needed, these are the two most expensive accessories available to exchange for here. [
cape mirrorball]
25) 25. Heading east to Route 205, a young girl pleads with Zeiol to rescue her father from the Windworks. With the rest of the route blocked off by Team Galactic, Zeiol proceeds there. For whatever reason, the air near the Windworks seems oddly electrified and this forcefully activates the Pokeradar. Zeiol is very confused by this, but rushes into the newly rustling grass. "Perhaps it's a rare Pokemon?", he thought. Zeiol decides to check his Pokedex. He's surprised to find a Mareep, which his lead Kirlia is able to whittle down and is easily captured. What nature is this Mareep most likely to have? [
26) 26. As the capture is successful, Zeiol encounters a wild Pachirisu, which is quickly defeated. However, something feels very, very strange after that battle. Concerned, Zeiol checks the summary of his party. The newly caught Quiet Mareep seems fine, nothing to worry about there. He checks the other Pokemon, and eerily enough every other Pokemon has something strange visible on each of their summary screens, and looks to be a status condition of sorts despite Kirlia being the only one sent into battle for quite some time. What is this status? [
pkrs / pokerus]
27) 27. Scared for his companions, Zeiol dashes to Floaroma's Pokemon Center, only to be told that the strange, extremely rare virus of sorts is beneficial to his Pokemon, and not to worry as they will recover naturally in a few days. "Is this a result of that current? Is it the Pokeradar? I hope getting the Magma Stone answers this for me. If the Pokeradar does turn out to be harmful for my team, I don't know what I'd do.", he wonders aloud. Just to be safe, he decides to wait at the Pokemon Center for a few more hours until he's sure his Pokemon are good to go. Heading back to the Windworks and steering clear of the grass, he battles the Galactic Grunt to gain entry, but the door is promptly locked shut from within upon the Grunt's defeat. This item is needed to unlock the door. [
Works Key]
28) 28. Still uncertain, Zeiol heads to Floaroma Meadow and dispatches the grunts, obtaining the Works Key. The man rescued from the grunts offers to sell him some Honey in exchange, detailing some of the rare Pokemon only lured by Honey, such as Heracross, Aipom, and most elusive of all, Munchlax. This reminds Zeiol of the main reasons he started the hunt - Snorlax, and he asks for details. The man tells him to look out for shaking trees once honey is slathered onto them, as they have better odds of finding rare Pokemon. If a honey tree has Munchlax on it, what's the percentage chance that tree shakes thrice? [
29) 29. Unfortunately, the Pokeradar once again prevented the Honey from being used by launching a current at the newly-slathered bark, rendering it useless as a Pokemon lure. Annoyed, Zeiol convinces himself that it's only a matter of time till he finds the Magma Stone to deactivate it and gets his beloved Snorlax. Heading back to the Windworks, it seems he has to take down the commander Mars, to rescue the girl's father. A daunting prospect, seeing as how they took over the Windworks. However he needn't have worried, as Mars' Zubat fell in two ThunderShocks from Mareep, and two Counters from Paleo dealt with her Purugly, landing him a victory. With this, a new team member, Hoppip is captured. Since it knows no attacking moves, this TM matching one of its types is taught to it. [
Bullet Seed]
30) 30. Deciding to head back to Jublife city to relax from all the Galactic Craziness, Zeiol also wants to train up his new team members. So far, Zeiol has chosen not to capture these three Pokemon that he had the chance to, without exploring any new areas. [
Nidoran-F Ralts Sunkern]
31) 31. Zeiol was not prepared for what happened next. A trainer within Jubilife city challenged him to a battle and he thought nothing of it, but their sole Pokemon proved decisive, being at a level higher than anything he'd seen before, including Mars' Purugly. Its Fury Attack was the perfect counter to Paleo's Counter, as it only countered an individual hit of damage. Paleo seemed to be on the verge of fainting, so it's switched out into Stantler, who's successfully able to land a Hypnosis. From then on, Mareep makes quick work of it. What Pokemon was Zeiol battling? [
32) 32. Exploring more of the Jubilife TV building, he came across a TV producer asking him for his opinions on TV. The strange nature of this question made him certain that correctly guessing a password would lead to a reward of some sort, and he was right! Upon a correct guess Zeiol was given a wallpaper for his PC boxes with some very powerful-looking Pokemon on it, almost as if they were legendary. Despite that, he felt there was more to this than the first glance revealed. If Zeiol mentioned some other custom phrases, he’d be able to obtain these wallpapers, containing a Pokemon on them. [
Pikapika Torchic Trio]
33) 33. The TV building had many more things to do, including dress-up! This was very fun, and Zeiol had a blast playing dress-up with Hoppip. He finally decided on the look here (
https://imgur.com/a/C6bGcHC), with the photo of it being titled "Energetic". There's exactly one accessory that's used more than once in this image; assume no accessory has been obscured by another. What contest themes does this accessory score well at? [
colorful flexible natural relaxed]
34) 34. Satisfied by his accomplishment, Zeiol figured it was as good a time as any to finish his relaxing tour around the city and go back to his main goal. He trekked to Floaroma Town and continued north, hoping to unravel more about the immaculate device stuck in his bag.
Thanks for playing the first part of Pokeradar Pearl! Look forward to the next part, coming soon! As Zeiol continues his journey, he remembers something funny he saw on TV featuring Jubilife’s GTS. Of course, having read the sign outside, he knew that it stood for Global Trade Station. However, a personality on the program says that GTS stands for this phrase. [
gross and terribly stunky]