Scavenger Hunts

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19/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
ashiemore [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan The Avatar
Third Place: Spieky
Consolation Prize to: TheMightyRaven, Magnetonium, ImKoof, The Real Red, Spheals, Maxelus.
Solution: icicle crash, RBG, Vacate

In PokeStar Studios what is the only physical move that "Transport" has?
Which smogon user has claimed to be the first to like Smogon's Facebook Page?
Which is the only global mod with V as the first letter in their name?

Source of Q2:
(20/07/14) (GMT +0)
Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Catacomb [BLITZ]
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Meteordash
Consolation Prize to: TheMightyRaven, Raymon the Mailman
Solution: Not Available, about 20 hunts. If not more.

Yay Scavenger Games official!
Catacomb got BLITZ as he got his position when there were more than 1 other person competing.
20/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: Angels2002.
Third place: Cyllage.
Consolation prize to: Sylennt.
Solution: seismitoad, floette, vineonsbattlingretirementthread.

(no blitz)

1) Which is the only fully evolved Water-type Pokemon with a unique base stat total?
2) Which Pokemon is the only one to have a greater than 50% change of showing up in a Friend Safari?
3) The 123rd user to join Smogon has his most recent post in which thread?
21/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: The Immortal
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: Regime, Wan the Avatar
Solution: magnemite, 7414873, Articuno

(no blitz)


1) Which Smogon user is described as a "horrific procrastinator"?
2) Multiply Mauville City's population by the number of moves Ash's Torkoal has been seen using. Now cube this number and subtract two.
3) Letter + Indicator of correctness + Single

1) R + Tick + Uno = Articuno

Looks like I've had a short hiatus from doing officials; I'll get back into hosting them on a more regular basis :]
22/7/14 GMT+8

ls, 9556, bite.

the 3rd user that's still registered on smogon
How much Exp do you get from fighting Drasna's entire team?
move that has the most change of damage category

[16:01:29] Dylas: I already lost..
[16:01:41] Kyorem forfeited the hunt, Xylenn won the battle!
[16:02:43] Dylas: I don't like Xylenn hunts Anymore
[16:04:47] Dylas: how can u find 1. HOW!
[16:05:06] +antemortem: question one is bs
[16:05:09] +antemortem: because I found it :<
[16:07:24] Dylas: Q1 is impossible how do u find the answer
[16:11:02] Ss1234: Xylenn i went on that ages ago
[16:11:12] Ss1234: but how the hell do you check reg dates
[16:14:58] Kyorem: I fkn hate smogon
[16:15:01] Kyorem: I know nothing
[16:20:52] @Xylenn: Ss1234, this hunt is actually easily doable
[16:21:02] Kyorem: It's naht :(
[16:36:59] +Wan the Avatar: i really hate q1

22/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: The Immortal
Consolation prize to: AmpharosTheBeast, Archiac, MukUsedDrillPeck, AgentCronos~
Solution: skateboard, pokemonpuzzleleague, absorbbulb

(no blitz)


1) Pokémon Gold and Silver were originally going to include which mode of transportation?
2) What is the only Pokémon game not officially released in Japan (Format Pokémon as "pokemon")
3) Muscles + Circle + Household item (The answer is a hold item)


3) Abs + Orb + Bulb = Absorb Bulb

scavengers screenshot.png
23/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck
Third place: Spheals 3.
Consolation prize to: ss1234, specmence, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: 18, boulognesurmer, platinum.

(no blitz)

1) What was the initial envisaged run-time for the pokemon anime? (in months)
2) According to some sources Laverre City most plausibly parallels which real city?
3) Name the character in the pokemon world that only appears in the manga that has a butler named Sebastian

Hunt by Cyllage again :>
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23/07/14 (GMT +0)

The Real Red.
Second place:
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Fayaz_hopper, Wan the Avatar, ajhockeystar, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: julian, ovalcharm, tcg.

(no blitz)

1) Who did Scene give his custom avatar to on Pokemon Showdown?
2) What item do you get from Professor Sycamore for completing all three Kalos Pokedexes
3) Name a 'Previously Suggested Room' that was denied in the past but is currently an existing Public room with the EXACT same name as the one shown on the post by Royalty.(Answer is the one with the shortest name)

[23:05] Zodiax: I hate this hunt
[23:06] #Darnell: such salty users
[23:06] • #Darnell pours Zodiax on his chips

[23:04] ~The Immortal: i'm not even going to finish it
[23:04] ~The Immortal: it's not worthy of me
*leaves room*

[23:09] +Wan the Avatar: does it bring you joy darnell when TI ragequits?
[23:09] #Darnell: yes
[23:09] #Darnell: :]

[23:09] Maximanz: who the fuck is julian o_o
Julian LOL
23/07/14 (GMT +0)

The Real Red.
Second place:
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Fayaz_hopper, Wan the Avatar, ajhockeystar, GoodMorningEspeon.
Solution: julian, ovalcharm, tcg.

(no blitz)

1) Who did Scene give his custom avatar to on Pokemon Showdown?
2) What item do you get from Professor Sycamore for completing all three Kalos Pokedexes
3) Name a 'Previously Suggested Room' that was denied in the past but is currently an existing Public room with the EXACT same name as the one shown on the post by Royalty.(Answer is the one with the shortest name)

[23:05] Zodiax: I hate this hunt
[23:06] #Darnell: such salty users
[23:06] • #Darnell pours Zodiax on his chips

[23:04] ~The Immortal: i'm not even going to finish it
[23:04] ~The Immortal: it's not worthy of me
*leaves room*

[23:09] +Wan the Avatar: does it bring you joy darnell when TI ragequits?
[23:09] #Darnell: yes
[23:09] #Darnell: :]

[23:09] Maximanz: who the fuck is julian o_o
Julian LOL

I feel like this would be a perfect opportunity for me to dislike this post. Hated this hunt...
24/7/14 GMT+8

Second place: Dylas.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: specmence, heypokemon.
Solution: lightball, memoric, meteorite.

What is the entry price prize of Pikachu Tournamentchu?
Which user won the latest Tutor Tutee tournament?
this thing will detect when kyurem will come out according to a legend of a town
24/7/14 GMT+8

Second place: Dylas.
Third place: AnonymouzLSB.
Consolation prize to: specmence, heypokemon.
Solution: lightball, memoric, meteorite.
What is the entry price prize of Pikachu Tournamentchu?
Which user won the latest Tutor Tutee tournament?
this thing will detect when kyurem will come out according to a legend of a town

I hate this hunt lol especially the third question
24/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: MukUsedDrillPeck.
Third place: Spheals.
Consolation prize to: Magnetonium.
Solution: thatsright, thesuperherosecret, mechamew2.

(no blitz)

1) What is the English translation of the phrase that Wobbuffet's Korean name sounds like?
2) In this episode a spider-like creature appeared which is not a Pokemon
3) According to Giovanni this is the most powerful Pokemon existing

Hunt (mostly) by Snaquaza, except I changed Q1
25/07/14 (GMT +8)

Wan the Avatar.
Second place: Angels2002.
Third place:
Consolation prize to: iloverandbats, Pandon.
Solution: route8, deckknight, mtcoronet.

This location in Pokemon X/Y has the most variety of wild pokemon

This user was the creator of Smogon's ASB
Sinnoh was created around this location
25/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
The Unmortal Immortal
Second place: TheMightyRaven
Third place: Spheals
Consolation prize to: Weebl, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: 3, psychoboost, 9

(no blitz)


1) A recurring artefact in the Pokémon anime has appeared in how many different series?
2) Expression of exasperation + Company + Increase (The answer is a move)
3) How many species of Pokémon appear in Gold and Silver's introductory sequence?

2) Sigh + Co. + Boost = Psycho Boost

Nice work all! I'm off to France tomorrow and won't be back until the 2nd of August, so no more Psywaves hunts until then ;_;
Also, if NU analyses go up for reservation in my absence, I will cri
26/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Second place: Wan the Avatar.
Third place: Queez.
Consolation prize to: Lavi04, Coronis.
Solution: conkeldurr, fireworkmaster9, xact.

(no blitz)

1) In Generation V this Pokemon will cause a graphical glitch if it faints while its cry is playing
2) The Pokemon Showdown server that has been offline the longest is owned by who?
3) Which Smogon admin alumnus has not logged in for the longest amount of time?
26/07/14 (GMT +0)

Winner of Scavenger Hunt:
Wan the Avatar.
Second place: TheMightyRaven.
Third place: iloverandbats.
Consolation prize to: Queez, Phantom Darknut.
Solution: shadowblast, evade, diancie.

(no blitz)

1) Which high critical-hit ratio move cannot be obtained by any Pokemon in the main series games?
2) What was the evasiveness stat referred to as in the Generation I games?
3) What is the last Pokemon in the National Pokedex whose dex number is a prime number?
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