SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

One thing that's been very striking to me about Indigo Disk is how weirdly Alola-coded it is? The Coastal Biome is one giant Alola circlejerk with its Pokemon and trainers from there all over the place and even aside from that while most of the old starters get used by someone, Primarina and Incineroar feature most prominently on BB League member teams

If this is at all meant to insinuate that the increasingly inevitable BW3 is going to be featuring a great deal of Alola connections and fanservice I am already in hype overdrive
koraidon/ miraidon formes? arent they already paradox forms of cyclizar?

So this was rumoured when Teal Mask released. If you look up Ogerpon in the Dex it has a Tera shaped logo over the image. Most people assumed this was because it got Tera specific Formes - As far as I know, this same logo now appears on Koraidon and Miraidons Dex entries as well - I'm semi sure it didn't before the Teal Mask update but can't be sure unless someone has the original Dex images.

That on top of a Khu hint meant we believed the cover Legends were going to get additional formes like Ogerpon.
Just like Ogerpon, Terapagos's Tera Type cannot be changed. Also confirming that upon Terastallisation, Terapagos's HP will increase to match the stats of its Stellar form. Mine went from 274 HP (Level 85, base 90 HP, 31 IVs, no EV's) to 393 HP (this matches a Base 160 HP stat of its Stellar form).

So if Stellar-Form is ever banned, Terapagos will just straight up be unable to Tera period. Which would be incredibly funny given its the source of the mechanic to begin with.
why would you give expected value including a crit

I guess because that is how you calculate an expected value. You multiply each possible outcome by its probability and then sum everything up.

On another note, I am super excited for sun teams. Venusaur, Gouging Fire and Raging Bolt all seem like very strong additions. Technically, Roaring Moon is also coming back, but i feel like you don't want that many dragon types. My only concern is that Torkoal might be a bit of a liability with so many strong mons running around.
Malamar is able to learn Skill Swap now. This is great for raid battles since now raid bosses that spam set-up moves can be turned into jokes by Skill Swapping Contrary to them. Alternatively, you can give it to an ally that spams Superpower or similar moves.
I can't wait to see the amount of breakable stuff we can do in 7* with Stellar type and the new added Pokemon. Not just Terapagos, but even super chonky ubers like Ho-oh and Deoxys :Q_
I guess because that is how you calculate an expected value. You multiply each possible outcome by its probability and then sum everything up.
The main problem with that is that the total sum with crit chance included is useless, unless what it's comparing to includes crit chance as well. People don't say Blizzard is a 112 power move (78 including accuracy), they just say its 110. You're technically correct, but still got an F on the math test. (I don't blame you though. I'm someone that goes for the overly correct equation too much).

Without crit, Frickle Beam is a flat 104bp average for those wondering.
Just like Ogerpon, Terapagos's Tera Type cannot be changed. Also confirming that upon Terastallisation, Terapagos's HP will increase to match the stats of its Stellar form. Mine went from 274 HP (Level 85, base 90 HP, 31 IVs, no EV's) to 393 HP (this matches a Base 160 HP stat of its Stellar form).

Does this mean it isn’t possible to tier both forms separately? That sucks if so.

Is the stellar form only accessed when it terastalizes? I guess that does make it less scary than if it was able to access those stats normally.

I also highly doubt calm mind stored power is the move for it. That seems terrible on a Pokémon weak to status and lacking recovery. Not sure why yall keep bringing that up for this guy.
I can't wait to see the amount of breakable stuff we can do in 7* with Stellar type and the new added Pokemon. Not just Terapagos, but even super chonky ubers like Ho-oh and Deoxys :Q_
I think Tera Stellar is underrated, and all-out attackers such as Deoxys-A have a solid chance of preferring it over other Tera types. There's all the chat in the Battle Mechanics Research thread of Terapagos-Stellar effectively getting offensive STAB on everything - all-out attackers getting a 1.5x boost on each coverage move once each and maybe even a 4/3x boost on each STAB move once (each per type) looks comparable to Max moves (without the stat boosts, weather, etc.) to me.
I think Tera Stellar is underrated, and all-out attackers such as Deoxys-A have a solid chance of preferring it over other Tera types. There's all the chat in the Battle Mechanics Research thread of Terapagos-Stellar effectively getting offensive STAB on everything - all-out attackers getting a 1.5x boost on each coverage move once each and maybe even a 4/3x boost on each STAB move once (each per type) looks comparable to Max moves (without the stat boosts, weather, etc.) to me.
I am moderately confident that bar specific case where going monotype is better than the dual type you start with, Stellar will just be the best "raid tera" by default.

I am curious of how "stellar terablast" works in raids though, do you keep getting the -1 stats? Cause if you do, Serperior and Malamar stonks go up
Just like Ogerpon, Terapagos's Tera Type cannot be changed. Also confirming that upon Terastallisation, Terapagos's HP will increase to match the stats of its Stellar form. Mine went from 274 HP (Level 85, base 90 HP, 31 IVs, no EV's) to 393 HP (this matches a Base 160 HP stat of its Stellar form).

Shouldn't this be posted in the mechanics research thread instead? I think this post will get buried in this thread in at least a few hours.
Who are the best users of the new nonsignature moves?


Dragon Cheer --> :dragapult: and other DM spam mons (:latios:?)

Temper Flare --> :great_tusk: for maximum punishment against gholdengo spin block

Psychic Noise --> :primarina: guess what's psychic type immune mons worse nightmare? Moonblast spam. With that move :primarina: can always be making progress (unless against :slowking-galar:)

Alluring Voice --> :skeledirge: Koraidon will have to respect him so much more and in OU he will have more flexible snowball options (thanks to gaining Scorching Sand too). Some successful dirge sets carried fairy tera blast, gaining this new move is insane for him.

Upper Hand --> :spidops: becomes a DD dragonite check.
I'm 30 pages late, but Iron Boulder makes me want to link to the "IT'S SPHERICAL" scene from Drake and Josh.
Also, I'll continue to call Pecharunt "Easypeachy".
Also also, I guess Joe Merrick of Serebii misread Supercell Slam as "Supercharged Cell" in his preview. That means the 16-character limit on move names is still a thing.
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I believe :primarina: makes psychic noise fairy type, so moonblast would be redundant coverage.
Its ability makes voice moves (including psychic noise) water type. But it is a useless ability as Primarina doesn't learn BoomBurst and the type change isn't accompanied by a boost.
Therefore Primarina likes to have Torrent as its ability.