SPOILERS! Scarlet & Violet Leaks Thread - Data/Mechanics

so, within a couple hours khu has already been proven wrong or actively misleading about:
  • terapagos's bst
  • the pkhex thing
  • hydrapple being in any way even close to resembling or related to volcarona (go ahead and pick up that phone because i fucking called it)
  • whatever nonsense he was going on about with archaludon being bw-related somehow
anything else i'm missing? can we finally agree this guy is not the all-informed oracle he makes himself out to be?
Was this the same guy that leaked Legends Arceus having a sizable DLC with Megas? Still a little bit mad about that
Trying to include Archaludon as a pseudo when Slaking is far and away more fitting to the theme and still doesn’t count itself, is quite a stretch.
Slaking has a very limiting "ability" that prevents it from being effective. Truant completely obliterates its viability and makes it too unconventional to not be called gimmick Pokémon.

You can argue Regigigas too, but Regigigas itself is gimmick Legendary Pokémon, making itself not straightforward like Slaking is for the purpose of the term.

To me, the bridge dragon guy seems straightforward enough for the convenient purpose of the term.
The biggest cope post I've ever seen in my life
Cope how, exactly?
What even is the cope here, how Psychic Noise works or the fact that is entirely screws over a banned Pokemon hard? Or how Stellar counters defensive Teras perfectly?
And better question is why don’t you contribute to the conversation instead of being a rude asshole for no reason? Would it kill you to actually explain your reasoning in a post for position you hold and not insult people who disagree with you.

I don't care if GF releases a move called "Anti-Annihilape Counterattack" and gives it to every single mon in the Dex, we're still not unbanning Annihilape, fuck that mon
Maybe if that “Anti-Annihilape counterattack” move was a signature move of Caterpie that requires a recharge, or if it’s exclusively in Arceus where it also has a 50% chance to give an omni-boost, and that was the only form of counterplay, I’d agree.
But it’s more than just 1 move on only a shitmon, and even goes beyond new moves.
Like 90% of what makes Annihilape broken is its longevity through healing to make Rage Fist stronger, and defensive Teras to juice out Rage Fist even more.
Psychic Noise, a TM move learned decent amount of Pokemon, hits Annihilape not only super effectively but also prevents it from healing for multiple turns.
Stellar Type, being the other major counterplay, is one of the best counters to defensive Teras. No matter what, Stellar type Tera Blast is guaranteed to be super effective against opposing Teras and at the very least neutral to everything else. Considering Annihilape pretty much only using Tera defensively, not exactly a speedster especially with its EV spreads, and most Pokemon can basically ignore Rage Fist until it starts Snowballing, it’s a pretty big nerf to Annihilape and almost entirely ruins its whole gameplan.
Then there are other little things that make Annihilape’s life harder, like a Fairy move that punishes Annihilape when it uses Bulk Up, or protect move that burns it.
It’s at least worth a look at.
1) Every future Pokémon inexplicably being robots, soft-killing the friendship theme of the series when all the pets of the future are just machines

2) Magneton, a man-made Pokémon, having a random ancestral Pokémon that looks just like it
I have to object to these two points. Firstly, I'm not seeing what about being a machine prevents a given mon from being friendly with a trainer. Just look at Steven talking about Beldum. Secondly, it is stated nowhere that the Magnemite line is man-made and it predates the modern era (we see it in the background of flashbacks to the Kalos war 3000 years ago).
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It is an official concept my dude, no need to pull the condescending corporativism approach.

I just can't see Archaludon holding Duraludon as a baby. If it got a preevolution then perhaps it will be embraced, but as is now, it is kinda different.

You may also argue Simisear to be a fire starter, but yeah...

"Late bloomers" is such a cooler denomination than "pseudo-legendary", holy shit

(Archaludon is a late nepo baby)
I generated a list of movepool additions from base sv. It's base because the npm version of showdown was last updated before dlc1, which also means that anything added in dlc1 isn't going to be included in this list. (Also deoxys is listed three times due to a separate bug on my end)

edit: uploaded a version that didn't skip every other pokemon lol

edit2: It also doesn't specify what moves were lost, blame my natdex bias if you want.

Lots of cool little things.

Gen4 fossils have nice gains. Rampardos getting supercell slam could be neat for the bulky water types(granted head smash will often be stronger, it's nice to have a chance to avoid recoil).
Bastiodon now gets reflect for its team, alongside its crazy defences, metal burst and tera.

Haxorus getting double edge as an option over outrage or dragon claw is scary - it now has a much stronger attack for general use that doesn't lock it in for three turns.

There were other things besides. Excited to try it all out!
I generated a list of movepool additions from base sv. It's base because the npm version of showdown was last updated before dlc1, which also means that anything added in dlc1 isn't going to be included in this list. (Also deoxys is listed three times due to a separate bug on my end)

edit: uploaded a version that didn't skip every other pokemon lol

edit2: It also doesn't specify what moves were lost, blame my natdex bias if you want.

Damn, does this mean excadrill seriously isnt getting ice spinner?
Pseudos have to be a three stage line.

Nope. Not 3 stages, doesn't start out at around 300 BST, has 2 stages, is a multi-gen line, evolves with an item...

Pseudos at the end of the day are a line as a concept. Not just an issue of the stat total of the final stage.

Duraludon won't be getting into the toyline alongside Dratini, Larvitar, Bagon, Beldum, Gible, Deino, Goomy, Jangmo-o, Dreepy and Frigibax.

Y'all act like this series hasn't broken its own trends before. Not everything is set in stone.
Y'all act like this series hasn't broken its own trends before. Not everything is set in stone.
not that i disagree, but maybe the only "trend" broken here is the notion that the late bloomers (love this term and will adopt it immediately btw) are the only non-special pokémon allowed to reach 600 BST without a drawback. i hardly see archaludon being considered the same concept as dragonite or baxcalibur. it's just a new strong mon meant to add to pokémon's rich kaiju-inspired scenery.
Cope how, exactly?
What even is the cope here, how Psychic Noise works or the fact that is entirely screws over a banned Pokemon hard? Or how Stellar counters defensive Teras perfectly?
And better question is why don’t you contribute to the conversation instead of being a rude asshole for no reason? Would it kill you to actually explain your reasoning in a post for position you hold and not insult people who disagree with you.

Maybe if that “Anti-Annihilape counterattack” move was a signature move of Caterpie that requires a recharge, or if it’s exclusively in Arceus where it also has a 50% chance to give an omni-boost, and that was the only form of counterplay, I’d agree.
But it’s more than just 1 move on only a shitmon, and even goes beyond new moves.
Like 90% of what makes Annihilape broken is its longevity through healing to make Rage Fist stronger, and defensive Teras to juice out Rage Fist even more.
Psychic Noise, a TM move learned decent amount of Pokemon, hits Annihilape not only super effectively but also prevents it from healing for multiple turns.
Stellar Type, being the other major counterplay, is one of the best counters to defensive Teras. No matter what, Stellar type Tera Blast is guaranteed to be super effective against opposing Teras and at the very least neutral to everything else. Considering Annihilape pretty much only using Tera defensively, not exactly a speedster especially with its EV spreads, and most Pokemon can basically ignore Rage Fist until it starts Snowballing, it’s a pretty big nerf to Annihilape and almost entirely ruins its whole gameplan.
Then there are other little things that make Annihilape’s life harder, like a Fairy move that punishes Annihilape when it uses Bulk Up, or protect move that burns it.
It’s at least worth a look at.

Thinking any of these changes, outside of maybe Stellar will do anything to impact Annihilape's viability in OU at all. All of this theorymonning assumes that Ape can't Tera out of its Psychic Noise weakness and use that as a free +1. Or acknowledging that everything that would run Psychic Noise is naturally weak to Rage Fist, and Tera'ing out won't save it long term. Alluring Voice is pretty good if it gets Dazzling Gleam levels of distribution, but if only things with Moonblast get it it would be very disadvantagous to drop MBlast just for an ape matchup. A Mon that is 100% immune to Apes only attacking moves it commonly used with access to Will O Wisp and SE Shadow Ball or Hex isn't enough to get this shot unbanned, I promise a few cheeky moves that slow down an Ape sweep until it just switches out rinses and repeats later won't get it in OU.

Also, saying your coping isn't rude nor being an asshole. You're just bitter
not that i disagree, but maybe the only "trend" broken here is the notion that the late bloomers (love this term and will adopt it immediately btw) are the only non-special pokémon allowed to reach 600 BST without a drawback. i hardly see archaludon being considered the same concept as dragonite or baxcalibur. it's just a new strong mon meant to add to pokémon's rich kaiju-inspired scenery.

The reason I feel it's in the same category is because Duruladon was said to be comparable to Tyranitar, another late bloomer, but it's stats didn't support that notion. Archuladon having the same BST finally puts it on par with Tyranitar like it's supposed to be.

Basically, Archuladon feels like it's fulfilling the purpose that Duruladon was initially supposed to serve.

Duruladon already had stats on par with fully evolved Pokemon, so Game Freak could have just redistributed the stats for Archuladon like they did with Scizor and Kleavor for Scyther, but they explicitly gave it the same BST as its rival.
While the terms "pseudo-legendary" and "600 club" are fanmade terms, they have always been used to address what is essentially a very clear and deliberate pattern of Pokemon that Game Freak has designed and implemented into the games. They have just never coined an official terminology for the particular group of Pokemon it addresses but the group of Dragonite, Tyranitar, Salamence, Metagross, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Goodra, Kommo-o, Dragapult, Hisuian Goodra (yeah I'm counting this separately), and Baxcalibur all align with a clear pattern with which at least one member is introduced each generation.

They clearly acknowledge those Pokemon as part of a specific group with each other with an official merchandise set called "Taiki-Bansei" (Late Bloomers) focused specifically on them. A pair of NPCs in Sun and Moon's Battle Tree has all of them as part of their potential roster alongside certain restricted legendaries. They are often version exclusives with each other, with Salamence and Tyranitar being version exclusives in Diamond and Pearl, Gible and Dratini being version-exclusive gifts in BW2, one special Trainer in USUM literally has Shelgon, Gabite, and Sliggoo as his team, Sword and Shield had Tyranitar and Hydreigon, Goodra and Kommo-o, and Salamence and Garchomp as version-exclusive pairs and four of them were in the Lake of Outrage alongside Dreepy as rare spawns. Scarlet and Violet has Tyranitar and Salamence as version exclusives once again alongside Hydreigon and Dragapult being direct version exclusive counterparts with each other. It's an implicitly acknowledged and intentional group of Pokemon.

The specific group in and of itself follow a distinct set of rules that all of them abide by:
- Three-stage evolutionary line
- Slow EXP Group (1,250,000 EXP to reach Level 100)
- Entire-line is self-contained in one generation
- Has the highest evolution level of all non-legendary Pokemon in that generation's roster.
- (Related to the above, evolution is entirely by level-up).

The evolution levels are actually a clear commonality, as you can see here when you put it like this, which is likely what inspired the term "Late Bloomer" for their merchandise set:


But yeah the group is part of a clear and deliberate pattern and there have been a pretty clear set of trends that they tended to follow.
there isnt enough pointless discussion about semantics in this thread for my liking. it is high time that we rename this thread "does archaludon is psuedo legendary??" instead of wasting everyone's time with matters that could be considered relevant to the average competitive pokemon player
there isnt enough pointless discussion about semantics in this thread for my liking. it is high time that we rename this thread "does archaludon is psuedo legendary??" instead of wasting everyone's time with matters that could be considered relevant to the average competitive pokemon player
Personally I think we should stop discussing it now but continue to bring it up sporadically over the next few years, and have a few pages worth of arguments that ultimately don’t end in a resolution. I think that would be really fun.

Anyways. I really like Hydrapple, such a fun design and I’m glad they gave it some decent coverage and a nice ability in Regenerator. Definitely adding it to my DLC team.

Robot Terrakion is boring, as predicted. I like Gouging Flame a lot, it’s a little clunky in the sprites but I love the colours on its headpiece.

Pecharunt is kinda creepy looking. I wonder what its deal is, I really thought there’d be some sort of Kieran related side quest for it but I guess it’ll just end up as a raid boss or something? I can’t really imagine them adding much in-game story if it’s gonna be an event mon.
there isnt enough pointless discussion about semantics in this thread for my liking. it is high time that we rename this thread "does archaludon is psuedo legendary??" instead of wasting everyone's time with matters that could be considered relevant to the average competitive pokemon player

"This is OI bitch, we clown in this muthafucka" etc

If you want to discuss competitive aspects, there's an entire subforum for that down below.