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Resource Scarlet and Violet CAP Reservation Index

I would like to reserve Bulk Up Hemogoblin. This is my first time so I hope I do well. I have plenty of questions, like which section of the site would I put my W.I.P. and when should I do it by?

:sv/hemogoblin: + Bulk Up + Pixilate Extreme Speed = stronk

Edit: NVM I’ve found CAP W.I.P. area. But still when should I do it by?

Quz Edit: Do it
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I know Chromera isn't in the list but could I make a C&C about him?

spoo: no sorry, we are prioritizing the high viability mons first
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Reserving Venomicon

Quz Edit: Going to deny this one for now until we're happy with Equilibra. You're free to ask again in a few weeks if noone has taken it by then.
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Since all the prioritized CAPs are taken up, can I do some viable non-CAPs, like Dragapult and Gliscor?
Can I revamp the Hemogoblin analysis I made since it’s been outdated for quite a while since the nerf? Also, with the loss of Bitter Blade, I believe Bulk Up is not the clear best set as it used to be and the Choice Band is more than an Other Option now, so can I revamp it so that it is now two sets, one Bulk Up and the other Choice Band?

dpm edit: Let's hold off on this for now. We're discussing a batch of mons to put up for grabs right now and will let you know what's on it soon.
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Give me Mollux por favor

dpm: We're gonna hold off on this, as we would like to see you finish Krill before taking on another analysis.
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I need to be perennially online. I wanted to reserve Venom and Mollux ;-;. I’ll take Stratagem instead.

dpm: Approved for Stratagem. Let us know if you still want to take Mollux.
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ghold and glisc please?

dpm: approved for one of these two, but we are gonna want you to hold off on the other for now. Just let us know which one you take.

edit: I would prefer gliscor :333

dpm: :blobthumbsup:
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dpm: who disables role icons lol. Approved btw
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