CAP Saharaja


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OMPL Champion
Saharaja @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Diamond Storm
- Rapid Spin

The CAP project's newest creation has finally released; meet Saharaja! Diamond Storm nicely complements its Ground typing and makes it incredibly tricky to safely switch into, as it threatens many Pokemon immune to Ground like Zapdos, Venomicon, and Tornadus-T. Further amplifying its offensive presence is Swords Dance, as it finds many opportunities to set up thanks to its excellent natural bulk and immunity to two types thanks to Water Absorb. Rapid Spin lets clear its side of the field from entry hazards, which teammates such as Venomicon-E and Tapu Lele appreciate and also lets teammates like Zapdos and Tornadus-T opt for more offensive sets. The Speed boost granted by Rapid Spin also makes it more threatening, as it outspeeds Dragapult and Zeraora at +1 and every Choice Scarf user at +2. Physical walls that can stomach EdgeQuake coverage such as Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and Equilibra give Saharaja troubles, so teammates that can overwhelm them, like Tapu Lele and Melmetal, are greatly appreciated.

Want to see Saharaja in action? Here's a replay from Week 2 of CAPPL!
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Saharaja @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Diamond Storm
- Rapid Spin

The CAP project's(AA) newest creation has finally released, meet Saharaja! It's access to Diamond Storm nicely complements its Ground typing(RH and fixed spacing) and makes it incredibly tricky to safely switch into, threatening many ground immunes like Zapdos, Venomicon, and Tornadus-T. Further amplifying its offensive presence is its access to Swords Dance, where it finds many opportunities to set-up thanks to its excellent natural bulk and two immunities, thanks to Water Absorb. Rapid Spin lets clear its side of the field from entry hazards, which teammates such as Venomicon-E, Weavile, and Tapu Lele appreciate. The speed boost granted by Rapid Spin also bolsters its threat level, being able to outspeed Dragapult and Zeraora at +1, and the entire tier at +2(rain, change to "most Choice Scarf users"). Physical walls that can stomach an Earthquake such as Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and Equilibra give Saharaja troubles, so teammates (learn2spell) that can help break through these, like Tapu Lele, Victini, and Weavile are greatly appreciated. (this teammate section is genuinely bad, remove Weavile at the bare minimum and add stuff like Heatran which also provides Rocks and Zapdos which doesn't need to run Defog so it can run a more offensive set)

Want to see Saharaja in action? Here's a replay from Week 2 of CAPPL!

lmk when implemented
this is fine with just lasen's stamp but figured i'd add a couple things that stand out to me

The CAP project's newest creation has finally released, meet Saharaja takes the metagame by storm! It's Saharaja's access to Diamond Storm nicely complements...
not necessary at all to implement, but i think it makes for a more fun opening sentence w/ the diamond storm reference/pun

Rapid Spin lets Saharaja clear its side of the field from entry hazards, which teammates such as Venomicon-E, Weavile, and Tapu Lele appreciate, also letting teammates like Zapdos and Tornadus-T opt for more offensive sets.
your last sentence fits better here imo + i removed weavile since it runs boots 95% of the time

Physical walls that can stomach an Earthquake EdgeQuake coverage such as Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and Equilibra give Saharaja troubles, so teammates that can help break through these overwhelm them, like Tapu Lele and Melmetal are greatly appreciated.
just nitpicking word choice, but imo "overwhelms" is more clear for what you were going for?

Entry hazard support from teammates like Heatran and Astrolotl is also greatly appreciated.
why? pretty much every mon loves entry hazard support so either axe this sentence or expand on it
Saharaja @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Diamond Storm
- Rapid Spin

The CAP project's newest creation has finally released, meet Saharaja! It's access to Diamond Storm nicely complements its Ground typing and makes it incredibly tricky to safely switch into, threatening many ground immunes like Zapdos, Venomicon, and Tornadus-T. Further amplifying its offensive presence is its access to Swords Dance, where it finds many opportunities to set-up thanks to its excellent natural bulk and two immunities, thanks to Water Absorb. Rapid Spin lets clear its side of the field from entry hazards, which teammates such as Venomicon-E, Weavile, and Tapu Lele appreciate, also letting teammates like Zapdos and Tornadus-T opt for more offensive sets. The speed boost granted by Rapid Spin also bolsters its threat level, being able to outspeed Dragapult and Zeraora at +1, and every Choice Scarf user at +2. Physical walls that can stomach EdgeQuake coverage such as Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and Equilibra give Saharaja troubles, so teammates that can overwhelm them, like Tapu Lele and Melmetal are greatly appreciated. Rapid Spin lets Saharaja clear its side of the field from entry hazards, which teammates such as Venomicon-E, and Tapu Lele appreciate, also letting teammates like Zapdos and Tornadus-T opt for more offensive sets.

Want to see Saharaja in action? Here's a replay from Week 2 of CAPPL!
i know it's a good sentence but u don't have to say it twice it's okay

stamping in Lasen's stead cuz i know he prob forgot about this by now

add remove conjecture
Saharaja @ Leftovers
Ability: Water Absorb
EVs: 88 HP / 252 Atk / 168 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Swords Dance
- Earthquake
- Diamond Storm
- Rapid Spin

The CAP project's newest creation has finally released,; make this a semi-colon meet Saharaja! It's access to Diamond Storm nicely complements its Ground typing and makes it incredibly tricky to safely switch into, threatening many ground immunes as it threatens many Pokemon immune to Ground like Zapdos, Venomicon, and Tornadus-T. Further amplifying its offensive presence is its access to Swords Dance, where as it finds many opportunities to set-up set up thanks to its excellent natural bulk and two immunities, immunity to two types thanks to Water Absorb. Rapid Spin lets clear its side of the field from entry hazards, which teammates such as Venomicon-E, (comma) and Tapu Lele appreciate, also letting and also lets teammates like Zapdos and Tornadus-T opt for more offensive sets. The Speed boost granted by Rapid Spin also bolsters its threat level makes it more threatening, being able to outspeed as it outspeeds Dragapult and Zeraora at +1, (comma) and every Choice Scarf user at +2. Physical walls that can stomach EdgeQuake coverage such as Ferrothorn, Corviknight, and Equilibra give Saharaja troubles, so teammates that can overwhelm them, like Tapu Lele and Melmetal, (comma) are greatly appreciated.

Want to see Saharaja in action? Here's a replay from Week 2 of CAPPL!
GP 1/1!


GP Team done