Round 2
Team TheEver
Samurott-Hisui ::
HP: 43/95 EN: 77/100
8/6/6/5/98 | 3/4
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
Scope Lens
Soft Sand
Heal Ball
Heal Ball
Super Potion
Hyper Potion
Fluffy Tail
Team TheEver
Samurott-Hisui ::
HP: 13/95 EN: 27/100
8/6/6/5/98 | 3/4
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc
Scope Lens
Soft Sand
Heal Ball
Heal Ball
Super Potion
Hyper Potion
Fluffy Tail
TheEver to order
fauna to order
Team TheEver

HP: 43/95 EN: 77/100
8/6/6/5/98 | 3/4
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc

Team fauna
EP: 49/70 FT: 2
7/10/5/10/45 | 4/5
-1 spe (1t)
frisked - everything
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Pressure, Frisk

EP: 49/70 FT: 2
7/10/5/10/45 | 4/5
-1 spe (1t)
frisked - everything
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Pressure, Frisk
dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect

Step 1:
taunting roar
-32 en
387 crit no
is taunted (3t)
(6 +6 + 3 - 10) * 1.5 = 8 damage
phantom force
31 crit no
(9 + 7 + 3 - 6) * 3/4 = 10 damage
Step 2:
-7 en
is badly poisoned(2) and takes 20 damage
phantom force
448 crit no
(9 + 7 + 3 - 6) * 3/4 = 10 damage
takes 2 damage
Step 3:
ceasless edge
-11 en
27 crit no
(7 + 8 + 3 + 3 - 10) * 1.5 = 17 damage
spikes scattered
phantom force
258 crit no
(9 + 7 + 3 - 6) * 3/4 = 10 damage
takes 2 damage
poison intensifies
greatball thrown, ft = 4

Step 1:

-32 en
387 crit no

(6 +6 + 3 - 10) * 1.5 = 8 damage

31 crit no
(9 + 7 + 3 - 6) * 3/4 = 10 damage
Step 2:

-7 en

448 crit no
(9 + 7 + 3 - 6) * 3/4 = 10 damage

Step 3:

-11 en
27 crit no
(7 + 8 + 3 + 3 - 10) * 1.5 = 17 damage
spikes scattered

258 crit no
(9 + 7 + 3 - 6) * 3/4 = 10 damage

poison intensifies
greatball thrown, ft = 4
Team TheEver

HP: 13/95 EN: 27/100
8/6/6/5/98 | 3/4
Type: Water/Dark
Abilities: Torrent, Sharpness
+10% Acc

Team fauna
EP: 7/70 FT: 4
7/10/5/10/45 | 4/5
bad poison(4)
frisked - everything
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Pressure, Frisk

EP: 7/70 FT: 4
7/10/5/10/45 | 4/5
bad poison(4)
frisked - everything
Type: Ghost
Abilities: Pressure, Frisk
TheEver to order
fauna to order