Facility Safari Zone: Mamoswindle

:muscle band:

"Did you know that was gonna happen?"
"Admitted I should have done"

Ice Shard ~ Ice Fang
Trek 2, Round 2

Florence :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: 47/100, EN: 22/100, Stats: 10/6/5/5/80, Typing: Ice / Ground, Abilities: Oblivious / Snow Cloak
Status: Defense Aid (Assist), +2 Atk (1 turn), Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:delcatty: OK
Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak past unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Saharaja :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
[ O O O ]
EP: 24/55 (43.6%), Stats: 8/8/5/9/78, Typing: Ground, Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Mood: Irritated, Status: Decoy (3 HP), +2 Atk (5 turns), Field: Clear​
Step 1
Saharaja used Protect!
Saharaja protected itself! (Protection)

Mamoswine used Ice Shard! (-4 EN)
Saharaja protected itself!
(Mamoswine's Attack stage returned to normal)

Step 2
Mamoswine used Ice Fang! (-5 EN)
Saharaja's substitute took damage! (3 - 7 = -4 HP)
Saharaja's substitute faded!

Saharaja used Earthquake!
Crit (1, d24): 5 (No)
(10 + 3 + (8 - 6) - 2)*1 + (2 - 0)*4 = 21

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:mamoswine: HP: -21
:mamoswine: EN: -4-5 = -9
:saharaja: EP: -0
Florence :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: 26/100, EN: 13/100, Stats: 10/6/5/5/80, Typing: Ice / Ground, Abilities: Oblivious / Snow Cloak
Status: Defense Aid (Assist), Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:delcatty: OK
Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak past unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Saharaja :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
[ O O O ]
EP: 24/55 (43.6%), Stats: 8/8/5/9/78, Typing: Ground, Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Mood: Irritated, Status: +2 Atk (3 turns), Field: Clear​
Mamoswindle up to order
:muscle band:

"I reckon I could have done it"
"I believe you don't worry, but you can still get it in range at least"

Ice Fang ~ Ice Fang
At beginning of turn IF Saharaja has a decoy THEN use Earthquake
At start of turn IF Saharaja has Protection THEN use Reflect
At the start of step IF Saharaja's HP is at or below 20% AND Saharaja's HP is above 10% THEN throw a Poké Ball
Trek 2, Round 3

Florence :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: 26/100, EN: 13/100, Stats: 10/6/5/5/80, Typing: Ice / Ground, Abilities: Oblivious / Snow Cloak
Status: Defense Aid (Assist), Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:delcatty: OK
Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak past unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Saharaja :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
[ O O O ]
EP: 24/55 (43.6%), Stats: 8/8/5/9/78, Typing: Ground, Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Mood: Irritated, Status: +2 Atk (3 turns), Field: Clear​
Step 1
Mamoswine used Ice Fang! (-5 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 21 (No), Flinch (1, d10): 7 (No), Frost (1, d10): 4 (No)
(7 + 3 + (10 - 8))*1.5 = 18

Saharaja used Earthquake!
Crit (1, d24): 20 (No)
(10 + 3 + (8 - 6) - 2)*1 + (2 - 0)*4 = 21

Step 2
:poke ball:
Mamoswindle threw a Poké Ball!
Poké Ball was added to Saharaja's Capture Tracker!

Saharaja used Earthquake!
Crit (1, d24): 10 (No)
(10 + 3 + (8 - 6) - 2)*1 + (2 - 0)*4 = 21
:reaper cloth: Mamoswine fainted!

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:mamoswine: HP: -21-21 = -42
:mamoswine: EN: -5
:saharaja: EP: -18
Florence :muscle band: Muscle Band
HP: 0/100, EN: 0/100, Stats: 9/6/5/5/80, Typing: Ice / Ground, Abilities: Oblivious / Snow Cloak
Status: Fainted, Field: Clear
:lucky egg: Lucky Egg
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:delcatty: OK
Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak past unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Saharaja :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
[ :poke ball: O O ]
EP: 6/55 (10.9%), Stats: 8/8/5/9/78, Typing: Ground, Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Mood: Threatened, Status: +2 Atk (1 turn), Field: Clear​
Mamoswindle to replace Mamoswine and equip
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When Saharaja sees Delcatty, it leaps about five feet into the air, stumbling backwards in a panic.

Earthquake - Earthquake
At the start of the step, IF Delcatty is to use Fake Out, THEN use Protect
At the start of your turn, IF Delcatty is under Protection, THEN use Swords Dance
Trek 2, Round 3

Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 85/85, EN: 100/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize
Status: Defense Aid (Assist), Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Field: Clear
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak past unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Saharaja :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
[ :poke ball: O O ]
EP: 6/55 (10.9%), Stats: 4/4/2/4/78, Typing: Ground, Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Mood: Threatened, Status: +2 Atk (1 turn), Field: Clear​
Step 1
:park ball:
Mamoswindle threw a Park Ball.
Park Ball was added to Saharaja's Capture Tracker.

Saharaja used Earthquake.
Crit (1, d24): 7 (No)
(10 + 3 + (4 - 2) - 2)*1 + (2 - 0)*4 = 21

Step 2
:safari ball:
Mamoswindle threw a Safari Ball.
Safari Ball was added to Saharaja's Capture Tracker.
Gotcha. Saharaja was caught.

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:delcatty: HP: -21
:delcatty: EN: -0
:saharaja: EP: -0
Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 64/85, EN: 100/100, Stats: 5/5/4/4/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize
Status: OK, Field: Clear
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Stealth
The Pokemon can help others move quietly through the environment and sneak past unwanted battles.
The explorer can Escape without discarding any items, once per Trek.​
Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Saharaja :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
[ :poke ball: :park ball: :safari ball: ]
EP: 6/55 (10.9%), Stats: 8/8/5/9/78, Typing: Ground, Abilities: Water Absorb / Serene Grace
Mood: Threatened, Status: OK, Field: Clear​
Mamoswindle to keep/release Saharaja, proceed/stay, and use/don't use Medicine
While healing up Delcatty, Saharaja deposits a :sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry into your Backpack. How nice.

Trek 3: Final Exam
The curriculum is drawing to a close. For your final exam, you have been tasked with going to the wild biomes surrounding the school and either battle or capture the Pokemon there. It has been presented as a test of endurance, and is a good way to put into practice all you've learned so far: EP, Ball types, Moods... It must all come together!

No arena effects.​
Secret Power: Inflict Dread on the defender.​

Conservation Reward: :point card:Battle Certificate (Release a Wayfinder caught in this Trek to obtain this.)​

Wild Items (unlimited supply):
  • :leftovers:Leftovers

The marked Snaelstrom appeared holding some Leftovers.
Level 1

Typing: Water/Bug
Abilities: Torrent Hidden Ability: Poison Heal (Locked)

Battle Assist: Tricky Assist
The Pokemon is willing to help prank or bedevil a hapless opponent.
While issuing orders in the first round of battle: The explorer may specify a non-attack move the Wayfinder knows.​
At the start of the round (before the first step): The Wayfinder attempts the specified move targeting a random Wild Pokemon, if able.​

Capture Tracker: [ O O O ]

EP: 80
Attack: 7
Defen.: 8
Sp.Atk: 6
Sp.Def: 7
Speed: 63
Size: 3
Weight: 5

Level 0:
Aqua Jet
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Dazzling Gleam
Hyper Voice
Ice Beam
Signal Beam
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Work Up

Level 1:
Acid Armor
Double Team
Dual Wingbeat
Echoed Voice
Heal Pulse
Helping Hand
Life Dew
Rain Dance
Rapid Spin
Spiky Shield
Stealth Rock
Sticky Web
Venom Drench
Water Gun
Water Pulse

Snaelstrom emerges from the waters.

Mamoswindle to send out, equip, and order
Sending out Anguish the Delcatty, holding a Lucky Egg

:sv/delcatty: @ :lucky egg:

"Nice work on that Saharaja"
"Alright I'll wind my neck in"​

Fake Out ~ Toxic
At start of step IF Snaelstrom is to use Protect THEN use Calm Mind and push back
At start of step IF Snaelstrom is to use Spiky Shield THEN use Thunder Wave and push back
At start of step IF Snaelstrom is to use Toxic THEN use Safeguard and push back
Snaelstrom sprays a bunch of poison everywhere. Good thing you're safe behind that Safeguard.

Swords Dance - Toxic
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Trek 3, Round 1

Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 64/85, EN: 100/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), Field: Clear
:super potion: Super Potion
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 80/80 (100.0%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/63, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Curious, Status: OK, Field: Clear​
:super potion:
Mamoswindle used a Super Potion on Delcatty.
Delcatty recovered HP. (+21 HP)

Step 1
Delcatty used Fake Out. (-4 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 17 (No)
(4 + 3 + (2 - 4) + 2)*1 = 7
Snaelstrom flinched. (Flinching)

Snaelstrom flinched and couldn't move.

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers. (+6 EP)

Step 2

Delcatty used Safeguard. (-10 EN)
Delcatty's team was protected from Status. (Safeguard, 4 rounds)

Snaelstrom used Toxic.
Delcatty was protected by the Safeguard.

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers. (+1 EP)

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:delcatty: HP: +21
:delcatty: EN: -4-10 = -14
:snaelstrom: EP: -7+6+1 = -0
Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 85/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), Field: Safeguard (3 rounds)
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 80/80 (100.0%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/63, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Irritated, Status: OK, Field: Clear​
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Snaelstrom summons a giant wave of water.

Surf - Surf
At the start of the step, IF Delcatty is to use Thunder Wave, THEN use Protect
At the start of the step, IF Delcatty is to use Toxic, THEN use Protect
At the start of your turn, IF Delcatty is under Protection, THEN use Work Up
Trek 3, Round 2

Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 85/85, EN: 86/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), Field: Safeguard (3 rounds)
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 80/80 (100.0%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/63, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Irritated, Status: OK, Field: Clear​
Step 1
Snaelstrom used Protect!
Snaelstrom protected itself! (Protection)

Delcatty used Thunder Wave! (-7 EN)
Snaelstrom protected itself!

Step 2
Delcatty used Thunder Wave! (-7 EN)
Miss (10, d10): 7 (No)
Snaelstrom was paralyzed! (Paralysis, 1 Strain)
Snaelstrom's endurance fell! (-20 EP)
(Snaelstrom's Speed is now 31)

Snaelstrom used Surf!
Crit (1, d24): 8 (No)
(9 + 3 + (3 - 2) - 1)*1 + 2 = 14
Delcatty's Stamina!
Delcatty's Defense rose! (+1 Def, next 2 turns)

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers! (+2 EP)

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:delcatty: HP: -14
:delcatty: EN: -7-7 = -14
:snaelstrom: EP: -20+2 = -18
Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 71/85, EN: 72/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), +1 Def (2 turns), Field: Safeguard (2 rounds)
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 62/80 (77.5%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/31, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Irritated, Status: Paralyzed (2), Field: Clear​
Mamoswindle to order
:sv/delcatty: @ :lucky egg:

"This might be a slow one"
*meow* ^^

Toxic ~ Thunderbolt
At start of step IF Snaelstrom is to use Protect THEN use Revive on Mamoswine and push back
At start of step IF Snaelstrom is to use Spiky Shield AND Snaelstrom is poisoned THEN use Calm Mind
Trek 3, Round 3

Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 71/85, EN: 72/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), +1 Def (2 turns), Field: Safeguard (2 rounds)
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 62/80 (77.5%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/31, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Irritated, Status: Paralyzed (2), Field: Clear​
Step 1
Delcatty used Toxic! (-7 EN)
Miss (10, d10): 6 (No)
Snaelstrom was badly poisoned! (Poison, Toxin)
Snaelstrom's endurance fell! (-20 EP)

Snaelstrom used Surf!
Crit (1, d24): 10 (No)
(9 + 3 + (3 - 2) - 1)*1 + 2 = 14
Delcatty's Stamina!
Delcatty's Defense rose! (+2 Def, next 2 turns)

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers! (+6 EP)

:snaelstrom::toxic orb:
Snaelstrom was hurt by the poison! (-1 EP)

Step 2

Delcatty used Thunderbolt! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 8 (No), Paralysis (No)
(9 + (2 - 3) + 1)*1.5 => 14

Snaelstrom used Surf!
Crit (1, d24): 18 (No)
(9 + 3 + (3 - 2) - 1)*1 + 4 = 16
Delcatty's Stamina!
Delcatty's Defense rose! (+3 Def, next 2 turns)

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers! (+2 EP)

:snaelstrom::toxic orb:
Snaelstrom was hurt by the poison! (-2 EP)

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:delcatty: HP: -14-16 = -30
:delcatty: EN: -7-7 = -14
:snaelstrom: EP: -20+6-1-14+2-2 = -29
Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 41/85, EN: 58/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), +3 Def (2 turns), Field: Safeguard (1 round)
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 33/80 (41.3%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/31, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Threatened, Status: Paralyzed (3), Poisoned (3), Toxin, Field: Clear​
Snaelstrom seems angry now. Time to wrap things up, and fast!

Surf - Surf
At the start of your turn, IF Delcatty is under Protection, THEN use Work Up
At the start of your turn, IF Delcatty has a Decoy, THEN use Dual Wingbeat
At the start of your turn, IF your Capture Tracker is not empty, THEN use Ball Reject
Trek 3, Round 4

Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 41/85, EN: 58/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), +3 Def (2 turns), Field: Safeguard (1 round)
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 33/80 (41.3%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/31, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Threatened, Status: Paralyzed (3), Poisoned (3), Toxin, Field: Clear​
Step 1
Delcatty used Thunderbolt! (-7 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 2 (No), Paralysis (No)
(9 + (2 - 3) + 1)*1.5 => 14

Snaelstrom used Surf!
Crit (1, d24): 15 (No)
(9 + 3 + (3 - 2) - 1)*1 + 4 = 16
Delcatty's Stamina!
Delcatty's Defense rose! (+4 Def, next 2 turns)

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers! (+6 EP)

:snaelstrom::toxic orb:
Snaelstrom was hurt by the poison! (-3 EP)

Step 2

:ultra ball:
Mamoswindle threw an Ultra Ball!
But it failed... (27.5% EP)

Snaelstrom used Surf!
Crit (1, d24): 13 (No)
(9 + 3 + (3 - 2) - 1)*1 + 4 = 16
Delcatty's Stamina!
Delcatty's Defense rose! (+5 Def, next 2 turns)

Snaelstrom munched on the Leftovers! (+2 EP)

:snaelstrom::toxic orb:
Snaelstrom was hurt by the poison! (-4 EP)

(Delcatty's Safeguard wore off)

:kangaskhan: Round Summary :kangaskhan:
:delcatty: HP: -16-16 = -32
:delcatty: EN: -7
:snaelstrom: EP: -14+6-3+2-4 = -13
Anguish :lucky egg: Lucky Egg
HP: 9/85, EN: 51/100, Stats: 2/2/2/2/90, Typing: Normal, Abilities: Cute Charm / Normalize + Stamina (Assist)
Status: Attack Aid (Lucky Egg), Defense Aid (Lucky Egg), +5 Def (2 turns), Field: Clear
:revive: Revive
:poke doll: Poke Doll
:sitrus berry: Sitrus Berry
:mamoswine: KO
Field Assist: Collector
The Pokemon keeps the area clean by picking up interesting human debris.
Between Treks: The explorer may select one of the prior Trek's Wild Items. Add a fresh copy of the selected item to their backpack.​
Battle Assist: Ground Boost
The Pokemon can teach other Pokemon the grit of Ground-types.
The explorer's active Pokemon have Stamina, in addition to their other abilities.​
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Snaelstrom :leftovers: Leftovers
[ O O O ]
EP: 20/80 (25.0%), Stats: 3/4/3/3/31, Typing: Water / Bug, Abilities: Torrent
Mood: Threatened, Status: Paralyzed (4), Poisoned (5), Toxin, Field: Clear​
Mamoswindle to order
:sv/delcatty: @ :lucky egg:

"oops, wrong ball"

Protect ~ Revive Mamoswine
Start of first step IF Snalestrom is to use Work Up THEN throw Great Ball
Start of first step IF Snaelstrom is to use Swords Dance THEN throw Great Ball
Seeing Delcatty protected by a shield, Snaelstrom takes the opportunity to make a trap of stones.

Stealth Rock - Surf