S0L1D G0LD vs MK Ultra



Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 85
Energy: 72
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 71
Energy: 65
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

Riolu, attempting to make up for the last round, lunges at Golett and Bites it, causing it to flinch back, which gives Riolu the opportunity to trigger an Earthquake that shakes the arena as Golett recovers from the previous attack and Punches Riolu, Draining its energy. Riolu then Bites Golett once again, and the automaton flinches again as well.
Action 1:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 5777 no
[to flinch <3000] 1070 yes
[(6 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 13.5 damage
-4 energy

Golett flinched

Action 2:
Riolu used Earthquake
[to crit <625] 1483 no
(10 + 6 - 3) = 13 damage
-7 energy

Golett used Drain Punch
[to crit <625] 7645 no
(8 + 2 + 6 - 3) = 13 damage
Golett restored some health (+6.5 HP)
-12 energy

Action 3:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 5406 no
[to flinch <3000] 54 yes
[(6 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 13.5 damage
-4 energy

Golett flinched



Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 51
Energy: 60
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 58
Energy: 50
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

MK Ultra orders.
S0L1D G0LD orders.
I ref.
As shall we.

Drain Punch - Shadow Punch - Drain Punch
If bite flinches a1 or a3 push back.
If flinching does not erase the consecutive energy penalty, Go punch a cat (jk). don't get mad, get glad.


Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 51
Energy: 60
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 58
Energy: 50
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

Riolu decides to deploy the same strategy as it had in the previous round, Biting Golett, who doesn't flinch this time and Punches its attacker and Drains its health. Riolu then causes an Earthquake in retaliation, but Golett withstands the attack and delivers a Shadowy Punch to its opponent before being Bit by Riolu one more time, prompting Golett to strike its foe with another Punch; however, this one lands in a vulnerable area, scoring a heavy blow that Drains Riolu's health.
Action 1:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 8921 no
[to flinch <3000] 6295 no
[(6 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 13.5 damage
-8 energy

Golett used Drain Punch
[to crit <625] 5751 no
(8 + 2 + 6 - 3) = 13 damage
Golett restored some health (+6.5 HP)
-12 energy

Action 2:
Riolu used Earthquake
[to crit <625] 1932 no
(10 + 6 - 3) = 13 damage
-6 energy

Golett used Shadow Punch
[to crit <625] 2503 no
(6 + 2 + 3 + 6 - 3) = 14 damage
-3 energy

Action 3:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 9213 no
[to flinch <3000] 6179 no
[(6 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 13.5 damage
-4 energy

Golett used Drain Punch
[to crit <625] 453 yes
(8 + 3 + 2 + 6 - 3) = 16 damage
Golett restored some health (+8 HP)
-12 energy



Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 25
Energy: 37
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 15
Energy: 32
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

S0L1D G0LD orders.
MK Ultra orders.
I ref.
Just posting to say I will try to have my actions up by later tonight to early to or row, but I am really busy and have to go now.

Please no dq.
Nether Fist (Shadow Punch + Shadow Punch) - Cooldown (Nether Fist) - Shadow Sneak
If damaging dark-type combination is used use Substitute 15 Hp and push back that action.
If successful p/e move is used, then switch that action to chill and push back.

I know this isn't airtight, but let's see what we can do. Plus I really want this over. I tend to take way too long with my battles and are trying to remedy that.

Lol please don't do what I think you'll do.


Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 25
Energy: 37
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 15
Energy: 32
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

Golett decides to finish the fight, but Riolu senses this and braces itself as unleashes an incredibly powerful Shadowy Punch that brings Riolu to its knees, but it manages to Endure the attack and strikes its foe with a quick Bite, causing Golett to flinch back as Riolu delivers a second Bite that strikes a weak point and knocks Golett unconscious.
Action 1:
Riolu used Endure
Riolu braced itself
-15 energy

Golett used Nether Fist
[to crit <625] 7541 no
(13.5 + 2 + 3 + 6 - 3) = 21.5 damage
Riolu endured the attack
-20 energy

Action 2:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 3290 no
[to flinch <3000] 1236 yes
[(6 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 13.5 damage
-4 energy

Golett flinched

Action 3:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 72 yes
[to flinch <3000] 7728 no
[(6 + 3 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 18 damage
Golett fainted
-8 energy



Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 32
Energy: 17
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion. Fainted


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 1
Energy: 5
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None


S0L1D G0LD: 2 CC
Nidoran: 1 EC / 2 MC / 1 DC / 1 KOC
Golett: 1 EC / 2 MC / 1 DC

MK Ultra: 2 CC
Riolu: 1 EC / 3 MC / 1 DC / 1 KOC
Trapinch: 1 EC / 3 MC / 1 DC / 1 KOC

P2X7: 4 UC