S0L1D G0LD vs MK Ultra

Now that both teams have been sent, I can start this.

2v2 LC Singles
All Abilities
Training Items
ASB Arena
Infinite Chills
2 Recoveries
2 Subs
Switch = Fuck This no switching in 2v2 doubles ya dummy.

S0L1D G0LD's team:

Nidoran♂ (Tyrannus Mactator) (Male)
Nature: Rash
: Poison STAB; immunity to Poison/Toxic, see and breathe through smog/smokescreens/haze uninhibited - Ignore Fog's accuracy reduction. Able to use Wrap and Bind without losing focus. Superior senses in urban settings.
Poison Point
Type: Toggle
By default, this Pokemon's spikes/quills/thorns are coated in poison, and there is a 30% chance of poisoning any foe that uses a contact attack on this Pokemon. When toggled, this Pokemon's natural toxins are more potent. As a result, all of this Pokemon's attacks that inflict regular poison will inflict Toxic poison instead (with the same chance of effect).
Rivalry :
Type: Passive
This Pokemon has a primal response to competition and mating, increasing the Base Attack Power of all its attacks by two (2) when it attacks an opponent of the same gender, and decreasing the power of all its attacks by two (2) when it attacks an opponent of the opposite gender.
Hustle (DW locked):
Type: Toggle
No default effect. When toggled, this Pokemon puts immense force and speed into its physical attacks, increasing the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by three (3), but the haste used lowers their accuracy to 80% of normal.
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 2
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3(+)
SpD: Rank 1(-)
Spe: 50
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 1
Base Rank Total: 12
EC: 3/9
MC: 0
DC: 3/5
KOC: 0

Focus Energy
Horn Attack
Double Kick
Poison Sting
Fury Attack
Helping Hand
Horn Drill
Head Smash
Sucker Punch
Ice Beam
Sludge Bomb


Larvitar (RAAM) (Male)
Nature: Quiet
Rock STAB; reduced damage from all special attacks by two (2) Base Attack Power during Sandstorm. Able to use Sand Tomb without losing focus.
Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Type: Passive
This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the Base Attack Power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.
Sand Veil (DW locked):
Type: Passive
This Pokemon is used to reacting in desert conditions and gets a 20% evasion boost during Sandstorms. Pokemon with this ability are immune to Sandstorm damage.
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 3
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 3(+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 35 (-15% spe, -10 Evasion)
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 13
MC: 0
DC: 1/5

Chip Away
Rock Slide
Scary Face
Dragon Dance
Stealth Rock
Focus Energy
Stone Edge


Golett (01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101) [-]
Nature: Brave
Type: Ground/Ghost
Summary: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 6 per action Energy Cost to 5 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.
Summary: Ghost STAB; brief intangibility that nullifies Normal and Fighting-type attacks. Can move through walls for a brief period of time but must remain in motion. Superior senses in low light and inside dark buildings. Have no vision reduction in hazes.
Iron Fist:

Type: Passive
The Base Attack Power of this Pokemon’s “Punch” attacks is increased by two (2). (Known attacks affected: Bullet Punch, Comet Punch, Dizzy Punch, Drain Punch, DynamicPunch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Hammer Arm, Ice Punch, Mach Punch, Mega Punch, Meteor Mash, Shadow Punch, Sky Uppercut, ThunderPunch)
Type: Toggle
The Pokemon moves in a rare style of battling that uses an unpredictable, clumsy looking manner. The accuracy of its attacks is increased by 10% (flat). While engaging in this style it cannot use a hold item, though an item is necessary to pull it off. When toggled, there is no effect.
No Guard (DW Locked):
Type: Passive
This Pokemon has an immense confidence from perfecting each of its attacks, giving them all perfect accuracy. As a result, it feels it can weather every strike, and will not dodge an attack even if ordered to. Only when an OHKO move is issued by the opponent does sense return, and the Pokemon acts normally. Additionally, even with their extra skill, the power and exhaustion involved in using OHKO moves prevents them from being benefited by No Guard; they will have their normal accuracy.
HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 30 (29.75, rounded. - 15% speed, - 10 evasion flat.)
Size Class: 2
Weight Class: 4
Base Rank Total: 13
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5


Defense Curl
Mud Slap
Shadow Sneak
Iron Defense
Mega Punch

Shadow Ball
Rock Slide

Drain Punch
Fire Punch
Ice Punch

MK Ultra's team:

Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
Nature: Naughty (+Atk, -SDef)
Type: Fighting
Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions on Circle Throw, Seismic Toss, Sky Drop, Storm Throw, Submission, and Vital Throw. Superior reaction time in close quarters.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4 (+)
Def: Rank 2
SpA: Rank 2
SpD: Rank 1 (-)
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Steadfast: (Innate) If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases Speed by one (1) stage to make up the difference. This Speed boost is maintained at the end of each round.
Inner Focus: (Innate) When an opponent attempts to flinch this Pokemon, it stands firm and continues its attack. If it has another ability that would be activated by flinching, that ability activates.
Prankster (DW Locked): (Innate) The Pokemon is always prepared for engaging in sneaky tactics and trickery, giving its non-damaging attacks an increase in priority level.

Quick Attack
Force Palm

Blaze Kick
Hi Jump Kick

Rock Slide

Bullet Punch

Monohm [Zephyr] (F)
Nature: Modest (+Spa, -Atk)
Type: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain. Superior senses in power plant environments.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; More in touch with legendary or special auras in arenas. Able to use Hyper Beam and Giga Impact without losing focus.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 1 (-)
Def: Rank 3
SpA: Rank 4 (+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 60
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 14

EC: 1/9
MC: 0
DC: 1/5

Shield Dust: (Innate) This pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave).
Static: (Innate) This pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this pokemon.
Overcoat (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon has a sturdy exterior that rebuffs the elements, making it immune to damage inflicted by bad weather. If the Pokemon is already immune to at least one (1) kind of weather by typing or a different ability, Overcoat reduces the Base Attack Power of all oncoming attacks by one (1).

Dragon Rage
Rain Dance

Hydro Pump
Heal Bell
Power Gem


Dragon Dance
Dragon Rush
Hone Claws
Dragon Claw
Slack Off
Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
Nature: Mild (+Spa, -Def)
Type: Ground
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, can Dig through almost any substance, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings.

HP: 90
Atk: Rank 4
Def: Rank 1 (-)
SpA: Rank 3 (+)
SpD: Rank 2
Spe: 10
Size Class: 1
Weight Class: 2
Base Rank Total: 13

EC: 0/9
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Levitate: (Trait) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading the Ground moves Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude. Earth Power will have three (3) less Base Attack Power. Dig and Dive can strike a Levitating Pokemon if their user is over Size Class 4, has Levitate, is 3.5m or larger, or is a Flying-type. Otherwise Dig and Dive will miss. Ground moves can still hit. Levitate Pokemon will retain the Levitate trait when they use Skill Swap on an enemy, and will steal the opponent's ability (the user can specify if they want a foe or ally to gain Levitate from a Skill Swap.) If a Pokemon with Levitate uses Role Play, they will copy the opponent's abilities and retain Levitate.
Levitate (DW Locked): (Trait) This Pokemon naturally floats above the earth when released or easily takes flight, evading the Ground moves Bulldoze, Earthquake, Fissure, and Magnitude. Earth Power will have three (3) less Base Attack Power. Dig and Dive can strike a Levitating Pokemon if their user is over Size Class 4, has Levitate, is 3.5m or larger, or is a Flying-type. Otherwise Dig and Dive will miss. Ground moves can still hit. Levitate Pokemon will retain the Levitate trait when they use Skill Swap on an enemy, and will steal the opponent's ability (the user can specify if they want a foe or ally to gain Levitate from a Skill Swap.) If a Pokemon with Levitate uses Role Play, they will copy the opponent's abilities and retain Levitate.

Faint Attack
Sand Tomb

Bug Bite
Quick Attack

Rock Slide

Earth Power
Hidden Power Ice 7

S0L1D G0LD sends out/equips.
MK Ultra sends out/equips/orders.
S0L1D G0LD orders.
I ref.

Also, S0L1D G0LD, you stated this this was a singles match when you sent out the challenge, but then said:
Switch = Fuck This no switching in 2v2 doubles ya dummy.
(Bold added by me.)

So...a bit of clarification would be nice as to what you really meant.


Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 90
Energy: 100
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: None


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 90
Energy: 100
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: None

The battle begins as S0L1D G0LD sends out Tyrannus Mactator-Nidoran, followed by MK Ultra sending out Mojave-Trapinch. Nidoran starts off the round by firing a Beam of Icy energy at its foe, although it isn't quite eager to, given that Trapinch is the opposite gender of it. Trapinch then attacks it with a blast of light that erupts from the Earth before Nidoran creates a small doll in its own image to Substitute for it, blocking the vortex of Sand that Trapinch attempts to trap it in. Nidoran then locks eyes with Trapinch and uses telepathic powers to Disable the use of one of its attacks, leaving Trapinch bewildered when it tries and then promptly fails to use said attack.
Action 1:
Nidoran used Ice Beam
[to crit <625] 921 no
[to freeze <1000] 8653 no
[(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) * 1.5] = 14.25 damage
-7 energy

Trapinch used Earth Power
[to crit <625] 2567 no
[to lower special defense <1000] 8070 no
[(9 + 3 + 4.5 - 1.5) * 1.5] = 22.5 damage
-6 energy

Action 2:
Nidoran used Substitute
Nidoran created a substitute (-20 HP)
-18 energy

Trapinch used Sand Tomb
[to hit <8500] 9616 yes
[to crit <625] 2855 no
[(4 + 3 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 15 damage
-4 energy

Action 3:
Nidoran used Disable
Trapinch's Earth Power was disabled
-6 energy

Trapinch used Earth Power



Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 57
Energy: 69
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: Substitute (5 HP)


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 82
Energy: 90
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Earth Power) (5 actions)
Keep the pressure on, Nidoran. Well win this one yet

Ice Beam - Flamethrower - Ice Beam

If Sand Tomb in/out of a combo is used, switch action to Counter and push back.*
If successful p/e move is used, focus energy the first instance, and chill on the others.

* = if this would count as two subs instead of one, switch that sub to if sand tomb is used use counter and push back.


Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 57
Energy: 69
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: Substitute (5 HP)


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 82
Energy: 90
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Earth Power) (5 actions)

Nidoran starts this round the same way that it started the last one: by firing a Beam of Icy energy at Trapinch, who doesn't repeat the last round and causes a Rock Slide above its foe, shattering its substitute. Nidoran then uses a beam of Flames to attack, but Trapinch weathers the strike and digs up Sand into its attacker's face, although Nidoran still manages to aim properly and hits its target with another Ice-cold energy Beam before getting another Rock Slide dropped on it.
Action 1:
Nidoran used Ice Beam
[to crit <625] 8384 no
[to freeze <1000] 6851 no
[(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) * 1.5] = 15.25 damage
-7 energy

Trapinch used Rock Slide
[to hit <9000] 2591 yes
[to crit <625] 4006 no
(8 + 6 - 3) = 11 damage
The substitute disappeared
-6 energy

Action 2:
Nidoran used Flamethrower
[to crit <625] 9031 no
[to burn <1000] 7619 no
(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) = 9.5 damage
-7 energy

Trapinch used Sand Attack
Nidoran's Accuracy fell (-1 Accuracy)
-4 energy

Action 3:
Nidoran used Ice Beam
[to hit <7500] 5752 yes
[to crit <625] 5533 no
[to freeze <1000] 9153 no
[(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) * 1.5] = 15.25 damage
-7 energy

Trapinch used Rock Slide
[to hit <9000] 4655
[to crit <625] 7607 no
(8 + 6 - 3) = 11 damage
-6 energy



Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 46
Energy: 48
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: -1 Accuracy


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 42
Energy: 74
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Earth Power) (2 actions)

MK Ultra orders.
S0L1D G0LD orders.
I ref.
Sorry, I've been sick lately.

Fa**** all the things. I can't live the .... No wait I can.

Substitute (20 Hp) - Counter (go ahead, I dare you) - Disable (Sand Tomb)

If sand tomb misses a1, then switch a2 to Ice Beam
If Sand tomb crits a1 switch a2 to ice beam and a3 to flamethrower

Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 46
Energy: 48
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: -1 Accuracy


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 42
Energy: 74
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Earth Power) (2 actions)

Nidoran, sensing danger, creates another doll to Substitute for it just in time to avoid the vortex of Sand that Trapinch attempts to trap it in. Trapinch then starts to cause a rock slide, but notices that Nidoran seems to be anticipating this, and instead tosses Sand at it, which is blocked by Nidoran's substitute as Nidoran moves in to Counter the attack but fails, as Trapinch didn't actually attack it. Nidoran then locks eyes with Trapinch a second time, this time using telepathy to Disable its ability to create sand vortexes, causing Trapinch to fail to summon one of said vortexes, and instead stand confused as to what happened.
Action 1:
Nidoran used Substitute
Nidoran created a Substitute (-20 HP)
-18 energy

Trapinch used Sand Tomb
[to hit <8500] 3300 yes
[to crit <625] 1334 no
[(4 + 3 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 15 damage
-4 energy

Action 2:
Trapinch used Sand Attack
The substitute blocked the attack
-4 energy

Nidoran used Counter
-6 energy

Action 3:
Nidoran used Disable
Trapinch's Sand Tomb was disabled
-6 energy

Trapinch used Sand Tomb


Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 26
Energy: 20
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: Substitute (5 HP)


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 42
Energy: 66
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Sand Tomb) (5 actions)

S0L1D G0LD orders.
MK Ultra orders.
I ref.
(Sorry for the delay)

"Go go go go fight till the end.' "You may have won this battle, but the war is far from over. You did great Nidoran, try to take him down with you."



Poison point ON

Ice Beam - Ice Beam - Ice Beam

If endure
is used and trapinch is not frozen, then chill that action and push back, but only once.
If successful p/e move is used, switch that action to chill and push back.

Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 26
Energy: 20
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: Substitute (5 HP)


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: 42
Energy: 66
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Sand Tomb) (5 actions)

Safe from behind its substitute, Nidoran fires a Beam of Icy energy at its foe, who retaliates with an Attack that shatters Nidoran's substitute. Nidoran then fires a second energy Beam at Trapinch, but Trapinch hangs on and strikes its attacker with a burst of light that emerges from the Earth beneath it. Nidoran, getting desperate, then fires one last Beam of energy at its foe, knocking it unconscious, but Nidoran, who is utterly exhausted from this last attack, falls unconscious as well.
Action 1:
Nidoran used Ice Beam
[to crit <625] 7805 no
[to freeze <1000] 4780 no
[(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) * 1.5] = 14.25 damage
-7 energy

Trapinch used Faint Attack
[to crit <625] 9137 no
(6 + 6 - 3) = 9 damage
The substitute disappeared
-4 energy

Action 2:
Nidoran used Ice Beam
[to crit <625] 7192 no
[to freeze <1000] 2424 no
[(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) * 1.5] = 14.25 damage
-11 energy

Trapinch used Earth Power
[to crit <625] 4868 no
[to lower special defense <1000] 5376 no
[(9 + 3 + 4.5 - 1.5) * 1.5] = 22.5 damage
-6 energy

Action 3:
Nidoran used Ice Beam
[to crit <625] 4039 no
[(10 + 4.5 - 3 - 2) * 1.5] = 14.25 damage
Trapinch fainted
-15 energy
Nidoran fainted


Nidoran♂ [Tyrannus Mactator] (M)
HP: 3
Energy: -13
Stats: 2/2/3/1/50
Abilities: Poison Point / Rivalry
Other: Fainted


Trapinch [Mojave] (F)
HP: -1
Energy: 56
Stats: 4/1/3/2/10
Abilities: Arena Trap
Other: Disable (Sand Tomb) (3 actions). Fainted

(Note: I'm not really sure how this works if all combatants have fainted; let me know if I'm wrong.)
MK Ultra sends out/equips.
S0L1D G0LD sends out/equips.
MK Ultra orders.
S0L1D G0LD orders.
I ref.
Shadow Punch - Drain Punch - Drain Punch

Have fun countering a ghost.

IF counter would somehow hit, then switch a3 to Shadow Punch


Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 90
Energy: 100
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 90
Energy: 100
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

At this point, both trainers send in new Pokemon, MK Ultra choosing Tuscany-Riolu, and S0L1D G0LD choosing The one thing that is more annoying to type than his username-Golett. Riolu starts off the round by leaping at Golett and Biteing it in a weak point, causing it to flinch back in surprise. Golett then Punches its attacker, Draining its energy with an odd energy as Riolu moves in to Counter the attack...and phases straight through Golett, rendering the attack completely ineffective, leaving it open to a second Draining Punch from Golett, which in turn prompts another failed Counter attack by Riolu.
Action 1:
Riolu used Bite
[to crit <625] 82 yes
[to flinch <3000] 788 yes
[(6 + 3 + 6 - 3) * 1.5] = 18 damage
-4 energy

Golett flinched

Action 2:
Golett used Drain Punch
[to crit <625] 468 yes
(8 + 3 + 2 + 6 - 3) = 16 damage
Golett regained some health (+8 HP)
-12 energy

Riolu used Counter
(16 * 1.5) = 24 damage
It doesn't affect Golett...
-14 energy

Action 3:
Golett used Drain Punch
[to crit <625] 3501 no
(8 + 2 + 6 - 3) = 13 damage
Golett restored some health (+6.5 HP)
-16 energy

Riolu used Counter
(13 * 1.5) = 19.5 damage
It doesn't affect Golett...
-16.5 energy



Golett [01000011 01101000 01110010 01101111 01101101 01100101] (-)
: 85
Energy: 72
Stats: 4/2/2/2/29
Abilities: Iron Fist / Klutz
Other: -10% Evasion


Riolu [Tuscany] (M)
: 71
Energy: 65
Stats: 4/2/2/1/60
Abilities: Steadfast / Inner Focus
Other: None

S0L1D G0LD orders.
MK Ultra orders.
I ref.
"Keep on the offensive, Golett."

Shadow Punch - Drain Punch - Shadow Punch
If counter is used AND you are under the effects of foresight, switch that action to Shadow Ball and push back.
If successful p/e move is used, chill that action and push back.