So after another 3 months we've experienced what is probably the final tier shift of BW, although this final tier shift isn't really big news tbh. As pretty much nothing happened! The only tier shift that happened this month was Mandibuzz finally dropping to NU after clinging to RU for a very long period of time. There were some close calls, with Golurk even being well above the RU cutoff for this month, but no tier shifts ended up happening in the 3 month stats. Anyways, here are the usage stats, and some of my comments on them!
stats for just this month:
RU 1850 stats:
RU lead stats:
RU metagame analysis:
RU moveset stats:
As for my comments: Slowking still stays as the #1 most used Pokemon in RU, even approaching 30% usage in the 1850 stats! which is pretty impressive. Cinccino is still in the top 10 of the usage stats, and as i've mentioned in previous months, although i don't think Cinccino is a bad Pokemon at all, i really don't think it deserves all the attention its getting, and the weighted stats show this, as it has a very below average weight. Hitmonchan took a really unexpected rise in the usage stats despite not being that great, which i find pretty strange, but there was a recent successful RMT using Hitmonchan, so i guess it does have some use (although if you ask me, it still doesn't deserve to be so high up :/.) Sandslash and Dusknoir still find themselves somewhat high in usage, which doesn't make much sense tbh, although it is nice to note both of them dropped in usage a little bit since last month iirc. Emboar and Escavalier still find themselves criminally underused for how good they are: sitting at #37 and #43 respectively. Seriously, i know there are some qualities about Emboar and Escavalier that might seem like turnoffs at first (speed, competition from other pokemon, 4x weaknesses), but they're definitely great Pokemon and really deserve more usage than they get, try them out! Snover (and therefore hail) find themselves not being used that much despite how powerful well built hail teams are in the metagame, but take a look at where snover is in the 1850 stats! quite a big jump. Lastly, Golurk doesn't make the RU cut by 0.2% usage despite being above the cutoff in the june stats, which is frustrating given just how much Golurk deserves its RU status, especially because another tier shift is quite unlikely.
So, what do you think about these new stats?
Three-month usage for Standard RU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1 | Slowking | 22.841% |
| 2 | Entei | 17.845% |
| 3 | Druddigon | 17.605% |
| 4 | Sceptile | 15.144% |
| 5 | Uxie | 15.120% |
| 6 | Gallade | 13.976% |
| 7 | Cinccino | 13.926% |
| 8 | Spiritomb | 13.885% |
| 9 | Amoonguss | 12.686% |
| 10 | Kabutops | 12.635% |
| 11 | Galvantula | 11.768% |
| 12 | Sigilyph | 11.377% |
| 13 | Hitmonchan | 11.050% |
| 14 | Aerodactyl | 10.516% |
| 15 | Tangrowth | 10.504% |
| 16 | Rotom-Mow | 10.349% |
| 17 | Clefable | 10.154% |
| 18 | Cryogonal | 9.770% |
| 19 | Sandslash | 9.682% |
| 20 | Hitmonlee | 9.679% |
| 21 | Absol | 9.589% |
| 22 | Lanturn | 9.559% |
| 23 | Accelgor | 9.338% |
| 24 | Bouffalant | 9.238% |
| 25 | Magmortar | 9.209% |
| 26 | Steelix | 9.130% |
| 27 | Typhlosion | 8.957% |
| 28 | Qwilfish | 8.824% |
| 29 | Manectric | 8.339% |
| 30 | Aggron | 8.329% |
| 31 | Durant | 8.226% |
| 32 | Feraligatr | 7.971% |
| 33 | Dusknoir | 7.805% |
| 34 | Moltres | 7.709% |
| 35 | Lilligant | 7.610% |
| 36 | Archeops | 6.929% |
| 37 | Emboar | 6.923% |
| 38 | Crustle | 6.911% |
| 39 | Omastar | 6.882% |
| 40 | Rotom | 6.754% |
| 41 | Electivire | 6.671% |
| 42 | Drapion | 6.633% |
| 43 | Escavalier | 6.519% |
| 44 | Magneton | 6.352% |
| 45 | Crawdaunt | 6.259% |
| 46 | Ferroseed | 6.147% |
| 47 | Quagsire | 5.953% |
| 48 | Medicham | 5.901% |
| 49 | Scyther | 5.466% |
| 50 | Smeargle | 5.029% |
| 51 | Mesprit | 4.922% |
| 52 | Snover | 4.850% |
| 53 | Whimsicott | 4.550% |
| 54 | Hariyama | 4.318% |
| 55 | Rhydon | 4.272% |
| 56 | Poliwrath | 4.259% |
| 57 | Klinklang | 3.623% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 58 | Golurk | 3.398% |
| 59 | Mandibuzz | 3.179% |
| 60 | Alomomola | 3.148% |
| 61 | Walrein | 2.246% |
| 62 | Glaceon | 2.169% |
| 63 | Rotom-Frost | 1.948% |
| 64 | Miltank | 1.706% |
| 65 | Zangoose | 1.491% |
| 66 | Liepard | 1.432% |
| 67 | Ludicolo | 1.400% |
| 68 | Braviary | 1.395% |
| 69 | Drifblim | 1.347% |
| 70 | Scolipede | 1.340% |
| 71 | Ninjask | 1.295% |
| 72 | Piloswine | 1.268% |
| 73 | Eelektross | 1.244% |
| 74 | Tauros | 1.227% |
| 75 | Charizard | 1.119% |
| 76 | Armaldo | 1.075% |
| 77 | Swellow | 1.070% |
| 78 | Roselia | 1.050% |
| 79 | Ditto | 1.022% |
| 80 | Jynx | 1.002% |
| 81 | Munchlax | 0.993% |
| 82 | Gardevoir | 0.989% |
| 83 | Haunter | 0.918% |
| 84 | Exeggutor | 0.896% |
| 85 | Pinsir | 0.855% |
| 86 | Marowak | 0.847% |
| 87 | Altaria | 0.827% |
| 88 | Primeape | 0.817% |
| 89 | Musharna | 0.812% |
| 90 | Sawsbuck | 0.718% |
| 91 | Misdreavus | 0.696% |
| 92 | Torterra | 0.694% |
| 93 | Kangaskhan | 0.688% |
| 94 | Flareon | 0.654% |
| 95 | Volbeat | 0.626% |
| 96 | Samurott | 0.605% |
| 97 | Sawk | 0.592% |
| 98 | Skuntank | 0.578% |
| 99 | Seaking | 0.575% |
| 100 | Regirock | 0.554% |
| 101 | Torkoal | 0.550% |
| 102 | Lapras | 0.550% |
| 103 | Regice | 0.530% |
| 104 | Floatzel | 0.528% |
| 105 | Gorebyss | 0.521% |
| 106 | Stunfisk | 0.520% |
| 107 | Carracosta | 0.500% |
| 108 | Linoone | 0.498% |
| 109 | Lickilicky | 0.484% |
| 110 | Ampharos | 0.481% |
| 111 | Cradily | 0.467% |
| 112 | Seismitoad | 0.457% |
| 113 | Wartortle | 0.440% |
| 114 | Natu | 0.438% |
| 115 | Audino | 0.435% |
| 116 | Kadabra | 0.429% |
| 117 | Mightyena | 0.427% |
| 118 | Weezing | 0.420% |
| 119 | Serperior | 0.418% |
| 120 | Camerupt | 0.412% |
| 121 | Gurdurr | 0.405% |
| 122 | Articuno | 0.402% |
| 123 | Arbok | 0.393% |
| 124 | Dragonair | 0.382% |
| 125 | Fraxure | 0.380% |
| 126 | Yanma | 0.378% |
| 127 | Muk | 0.374% |
| 128 | Gigalith | 0.365% |
| 129 | Electrode | 0.343% |
| 130 | Vileplume | 0.323% |
| 131 | Tangela | 0.318% |
| 132 | Rampardos | 0.316% |
| 133 | Pineco | 0.311% |
| 134 | Slaking | 0.309% |
| 135 | Meganium | 0.308% |
| 136 | Duosion | 0.302% |
| 137 | Ursaring | 0.294% |
| 138 | Victreebel | 0.292% |
| 139 | Rapidash | 0.292% |
| 140 | Butterfree | 0.281% |
| 141 | Cacturne | 0.280% |
| 142 | Simisear | 0.277% |
| 143 | Riolu | 0.271% |
| 144 | Golem | 0.264% |
| 145 | Bastiodon | 0.250% |
| 146 | Shuckle | 0.249% |
| 147 | Hypno | 0.248% |
| 148 | Rotom-Fan | 0.242% |
| 149 | Swoobat | 0.240% |
| 150 | Heatmor | 0.236% |
| 151 | Beheeyem | 0.230% |
| 152 | Murkrow | 0.229% |
| 153 | Shedinja | 0.228% |
| 154 | Persian | 0.225% |
| 155 | Jumpluff | 0.216% |
| 156 | Lopunny | 0.215% |
| 157 | Raichu | 0.215% |
| 158 | Leafeon | 0.214% |
| 159 | Pikachu | 0.213% |
| 160 | Probopass | 0.209% |
| 161 | Golbat | 0.205% |
| 162 | Basculin | 0.199% |
| 163 | Dodrio | 0.198% |
| 164 | Kingler | 0.197% |
| 165 | Throh | 0.197% |
| 166 | Tropius | 0.194% |
| 167 | Garbodor | 0.185% |
| 168 | Masquerain | 0.181% |
| 169 | Shiftry | 0.168% |
| 170 | Zebstrika | 0.163% |
| 171 | Metang | 0.162% |
| 172 | Zweilous | 0.161% |
| 173 | Scraggy | 0.155% |
| 174 | Combusken | 0.153% |
| 175 | Banette | 0.152% |
| 176 | Regigigas | 0.151% |
| 177 | Vigoroth | 0.149% |
| 178 | Vanilluxe | 0.149% |
| 179 | Togetic | 0.144% |
| 180 | Parasect | 0.143% |
| 181 | Shelgon | 0.141% |
| 182 | Luxray | 0.138% |
| 183 | Golduck | 0.137% |
| 184 | Emolga | 0.131% |
| 185 | Gothorita | 0.128% |
| 186 | Relicanth | 0.121% |
| 187 | Grumpig | 0.121% |
| 188 | Simipour | 0.120% |
| 189 | Dewgong | 0.119% |
| 190 | Noctowl | 0.115% |
| 191 | Mantine | 0.113% |
| 192 | Solosis | 0.113% |
| 193 | Tentacool | 0.111% |
| 194 | Dunsparce | 0.110% |
| 195 | Illumise | 0.109% |
| 196 | Beartic | 0.108% |
| 197 | Monferno | 0.107% |
| 198 | Exploud | 0.105% |
| 199 | Spinda | 0.101% |
| 200 | Mawile | 0.101% |
| 201 | Whiscash | 0.092% |
| 202 | Lampent | 0.091% |
| 203 | Vespiquen | 0.089% |
| 204 | Clamperl | 0.089% |
| 205 | Machoke | 0.089% |
| 206 | Sneasel | 0.089% |
| 207 | Wailord | 0.087% |
| 208 | Anorith | 0.082% |
| 209 | Mr. Mime | 0.081% |
| 210 | Electabuzz | 0.081% |
| 211 | Leavanny | 0.079% |
| 212 | Stantler | 0.079% |
| 213 | Gabite | 0.077% |
| 214 | Wynaut | 0.075% |
| 215 | Glalie | 0.074% |
| 216 | Simisage | 0.072% |
| 217 | Frillish | 0.071% |
| 218 | Bibarel | 0.064% |
| 219 | Stoutland | 0.063% |
| 220 | Magmar | 0.063% |
| 221 | Octillery | 0.062% |
| 222 | Kecleon | 0.061% |
| 223 | Swanna | 0.060% |
| 224 | Dustox | 0.059% |
| 225 | Diglett | 0.054% |
| 226 | Granbull | 0.054% |
| 227 | Dwebble | 0.053% |
| 228 | Huntail | 0.051% |
| 229 | Seviper | 0.051% |
| 230 | Ledian | 0.049% |
| 231 | Castform | 0.048% |
| 232 | Magcargo | 0.047% |
| 233 | Purrloin | 0.047% |
| 234 | Nidorino | 0.047% |
| 235 | Bellossom | 0.044% |
| 236 | Corsola | 0.043% |
| 237 | Chimecho | 0.043% |
| 238 | Wormadam-Sandy | 0.042% |
| 239 | Girafarig | 0.038% |
| 240 | Sandshrew | 0.038% |
| 241 | Pidgeot | 0.038% |
| 242 | Raticate | 0.038% |
| 243 | Fearow | 0.036% |
| 244 | Lairon | 0.036% |
| 245 | Wigglytuff | 0.034% |
| 246 | Trapinch | 0.033% |
| 247 | Solrock | 0.033% |
| 248 | Furret | 0.032% |
| 249 | Unfezant | 0.032% |
| 250 | Delcatty | 0.030% |
| 251 | Cottonee | 0.030% |
| 252 | Lunatone | 0.029% |
| 253 | Porygon | 0.028% |
| 254 | Swalot | 0.028% |
| 255 | Maractus | 0.028% |
| 256 | Abra | 0.027% |
| 257 | Pelipper | 0.027% |
| 258 | Ariados | 0.026% |
| 259 | Beedrill | 0.026% |
| 260 | Lickitung | 0.025% |
| 261 | Farfetch'd | 0.025% |
| 262 | Seadra | 0.024% |
| 263 | Whirlipede | 0.024% |
| 264 | Klang | 0.023% |
| 265 | Mothim | 0.023% |
| 266 | Croconaw | 0.023% |
| 267 | Clefairy | 0.022% |
| 268 | Yamask | 0.022% |
| 269 | Marshtomp | 0.022% |
| 270 | Aron | 0.021% |
| 271 | Staryu | 0.021% |
| 272 | Rattata | 0.019% |
| 273 | Ivysaur | 0.019% |
| 274 | Purugly | 0.019% |
| 275 | Krokorok | 0.019% |
| 276 | Chatot | 0.018% |
| 277 | Pawniard | 0.018% |
| 278 | Wormadam-Trash | 0.018% |
| 279 | Meditite | 0.017% |
| 280 | Graveler | 0.015% |
| 281 | Cherrim | 0.015% |
| 282 | Magnemite | 0.015% |
| 283 | Magikarp | 0.014% |
| 284 | Onix | 0.014% |
| 285 | Nosepass | 0.013% |
| 286 | Poliwhirl | 0.013% |
| 287 | Nidoqueen | 0.013% |
| 288 | Phione | 0.013% |
| 289 | Drilbur | 0.012% |
| 290 | Carnivine | 0.012% |
| 291 | Delibird | 0.012% |
| 292 | Sunflora | 0.012% |
| 293 | Beautifly | 0.012% |
| 294 | Cleffa | 0.012% |
| 295 | Pignite | 0.012% |
| 296 | Hippopotas | 0.011% |
| 297 | Slowpoke | 0.010% |
| 298 | Unown | 0.010% |
| 299 | Herdier | 0.010% |
| 300 | Luvdisc | 0.009% |
| 301 | Numel | 0.009% |
| 302 | Minun | 0.008% |
| 303 | Mantyke | 0.008% |
| 304 | Grovyle | 0.008% |
| 305 | Koffing | 0.008% |
| 306 | Watchog | 0.008% |
| 307 | Sudowoodo | 0.008% |
| 308 | Shroomish | 0.008% |
| 309 | Lumineon | 0.008% |
| 310 | Sealeo | 0.007% |
| 311 | Kricketune | 0.007% |
| 312 | Shellder | 0.007% |
| 313 | Eevee | 0.007% |
| 314 | Bidoof | 0.007% |
| 315 | Pupitar | 0.007% |
| 316 | Omanyte | 0.006% |
| 317 | Mienfoo | 0.006% |
| 318 | Duskull | 0.006% |
| 319 | Snivy | 0.006% |
| 320 | Staravia | 0.005% |
| 321 | Bulbasaur | 0.005% |
| 322 | Squirtle | 0.005% |
| 323 | Servine | 0.005% |
| 324 | Lileep | 0.005% |
| 325 | Corphish | 0.005% |
| 326 | Wooper | 0.005% |
| 327 | Carvanha | 0.005% |
| 328 | Wingull | 0.005% |
| 329 | Bayleef | 0.005% |
| 330 | Baltoy | 0.005% |
| 331 | Minccino | 0.004% |
| 332 | Tepig | 0.004% |
| 333 | Houndour | 0.004% |
| 334 | Oshawott | 0.004% |
| 335 | Vulpix | 0.004% |
| 336 | Zubat | 0.004% |
| 337 | Charmeleon | 0.004% |
| 338 | Sentret | 0.004% |
| 339 | Zigzagoon | 0.004% |
| 340 | Meowth | 0.003% |
| 341 | Elekid | 0.003% |
| 342 | Tirtouga | 0.003% |
| 343 | Ralts | 0.003% |
| 344 | Charmander | 0.003% |
| 345 | Patrat | 0.003% |
| 346 | Plusle | 0.003% |
| 347 | Aipom | 0.003% |
| 348 | Vanillish | 0.003% |
| 349 | Jigglypuff | 0.003% |
| 350 | Pachirisu | 0.003% |
| 351 | Metapod | 0.003% |
| 352 | Krabby | 0.003% |
| 353 | Mudkip | 0.003% |
| 354 | Gloom | 0.003% |
| 355 | Swadloon | 0.003% |
| 356 | Zorua | 0.003% |
| 357 | Poliwag | 0.003% |
| 358 | Palpitoad | 0.002% |
| 359 | Gastly | 0.002% |
| 360 | Chinchou | 0.002% |
| 361 | Panpour | 0.002% |
| 362 | Tyrogue | 0.002% |
| 363 | Hoppip | 0.002% |
| 364 | Chimchar | 0.002% |
| 365 | Vibrava | 0.002% |
| 366 | Skiploom | 0.002% |
| 367 | Totodile | 0.002% |
| 368 | Kirlia | 0.002% |
| 369 | Quilava | 0.002% |
| 370 | Bellsprout | 0.002% |
| 371 | Kabuto | 0.002% |
| 372 | Pansage | 0.002% |
| 373 | Nuzleaf | 0.002% |
| 374 | Skitty | 0.002% |
| 375 | Growlithe | 0.002% |
| 376 | Caterpie | 0.002% |
| 377 | Archen | 0.002% |
| 378 | Treecko | 0.002% |
| 379 | Oddish | 0.002% |
| 380 | Chikorita | 0.002% |
| 381 | Grotle | 0.002% |
| 382 | Cyndaquil | 0.001% |
| 383 | Shuppet | 0.001% |
| 384 | Marill | 0.001% |
| 385 | Axew | 0.001% |
| 386 | Timburr | 0.001% |
| 387 | Loudred | 0.001% |
| 388 | Eelektrik | 0.001% |
| 389 | Pansear | 0.001% |
| 390 | Pidgey | 0.001% |
| 391 | Ponyta | 0.001% |
| 392 | Darumaka | 0.001% |
| 393 | Croagunk | 0.001% |
| 394 | Roggenrola | 0.001% |
| 395 | Foongus | 0.001% |
| 396 | Weepinbell | 0.001% |
| 397 | Togepi | 0.001% |
| 398 | Larvesta | 0.001% |
| 399 | Voltorb | 0.001% |
| 400 | Cherubi | 0.001% |
| 401 | Geodude | 0.001% |
| 402 | Deino | 0.001% |
| 403 | Blitzle | 0.001% |
| 404 | Psyduck | 0.001% |
| 405 | Boldore | 0.001% |
| 406 | Starly | 0.001% |
| 407 | Trubbish | 0.001% |
| 408 | Taillow | 0.001% |
| 409 | Dratini | 0.001% |
| 410 | Exeggcute | 0.001% |
| 411 | Happiny | 0.001% |
| 412 | Glameow | 0.001% |
| 413 | Mime Jr. | 0.001% |
| 414 | Nidorina | 0.001% |
| 415 | Grimer | 0.001% |
| 416 | Weedle | 0.001% |
| 417 | Kakuna | 0.001% |
| 418 | Doduo | 0.001% |
| 419 | Phanpy | 0.001% |
| 420 | Snubbull | 0.001% |
| 421 | Buizel | 0.001% |
| 422 | Ekans | 0.001% |
| 423 | Lombre | 0.001% |
| 424 | Pidove | 0.001% |
| 425 | Shinx | 0.001% |
| 426 | Wormadam | 0.001% |
| 427 | Drifloon | 0.001% |
| 428 | Wailmer | 0.001% |
| 429 | Cranidos | 0.001% |
| 430 | Vullaby | 0.001% |
| 431 | Gulpin | 0.001% |
| 432 | Tynamo | 0.001% |
| 433 | Ledyba | 0.001% |
| 434 | Pichu | 0.001% |
| 435 | Shieldon | 0.001% |
| 436 | Woobat | 0.001% |
| 437 | Teddiursa | 0.001% |
| 438 | Machop | 0.001% |
| 439 | Tranquill | 0.001% |
| 440 | Lillipup | 0.001% |
| 441 | Swinub | 0.001% |
| 442 | Pidgeotto | 0.001% |
| 443 | Dewott | 0.001% |
| 444 | Prinplup | 0.000% |
| 445 | Mankey | 0.000% |
| 446 | Flaaffy | 0.000% |
| 447 | Drowzee | 0.000% |
| 448 | Bronzor | 0.000% |
| 449 | Tympole | 0.000% |
| 450 | Combee | 0.000% |
| 451 | Spoink | 0.000% |
| 452 | Sunkern | 0.000% |
| 453 | Whismur | 0.000% |
| 454 | Spheal | 0.000% |
| 455 | Budew | 0.000% |
| 456 | Cacnea | 0.000% |
| 457 | Mareep | 0.000% |
| 458 | Buneary | 0.000% |
| 459 | Spinarak | 0.000% |
| 460 | Petilil | 0.000% |
| 461 | Chingling | 0.000% |
| 462 | Piplup | 0.000% |
| 463 | Cubone | 0.000% |
| 464 | Shellos | 0.000% |
| 465 | Rhyhorn | 0.000% |
| 466 | Magby | 0.000% |
| 467 | Seel | 0.000% |
| 468 | Azurill | 0.000% |
| 469 | Deerling | 0.000% |
| 470 | Sewaddle | 0.000% |
| 471 | Larvitar | 0.000% |
| 472 | Elgyem | 0.000% |
| 473 | Golett | 0.000% |
| 474 | Venipede | 0.000% |
| 475 | Gible | 0.000% |
| 476 | Smoochum | 0.000% |
| 477 | Torchic | 0.000% |
| 478 | Feebas | 0.000% |
| 479 | Rufflet | 0.000% |
| 480 | Litwick | 0.000% |
| 481 | Luxio | 0.000% |
| 482 | Gothita | 0.000% |
| 483 | Remoraid | 0.000% |
| 484 | Swablu | 0.000% |
| 485 | Beldum | 0.000% |
| 486 | Bagon | 0.000% |
| 487 | Wurmple | 0.000% |
| 488 | NidoranF | 0.000% |
| 489 | NidoranM | 0.000% |
| 490 | Igglybuff | 0.000% |
| 491 | Goldeen | 0.000% |
| 492 | Ducklett | 0.000% |
| 493 | Skorupi | 0.000% |
| 494 | Shelmet | 0.000% |
| 495 | Silcoon | 0.000% |
| 496 | Paras | 0.000% |
| 497 | Spearow | 0.000% |
| 498 | Surskit | 0.000% |
| 499 | Nincada | 0.000% |
| 500 | Horsea | 0.000% |
| 501 | Snorunt | 0.000% |
| 502 | Cascoon | 0.000% |
| 503 | Cubchoo | 0.000% |
| 504 | Finneon | 0.000% |
| 505 | Joltik | 0.000% |
| 506 | Bonsly | 0.000% |
| 507 | Venonat | 0.000% |
| 508 | Turtwig | 0.000% |
| 509 | Lotad | 0.000% |
| 510 | Poochyena | 0.000% |
| 511 | Makuhita | 0.000% |
| 512 | Klink | 0.000% |
stats for just this month:
RU 1850 stats:
RU lead stats:
RU metagame analysis:
RU moveset stats:
As for my comments: Slowking still stays as the #1 most used Pokemon in RU, even approaching 30% usage in the 1850 stats! which is pretty impressive. Cinccino is still in the top 10 of the usage stats, and as i've mentioned in previous months, although i don't think Cinccino is a bad Pokemon at all, i really don't think it deserves all the attention its getting, and the weighted stats show this, as it has a very below average weight. Hitmonchan took a really unexpected rise in the usage stats despite not being that great, which i find pretty strange, but there was a recent successful RMT using Hitmonchan, so i guess it does have some use (although if you ask me, it still doesn't deserve to be so high up :/.) Sandslash and Dusknoir still find themselves somewhat high in usage, which doesn't make much sense tbh, although it is nice to note both of them dropped in usage a little bit since last month iirc. Emboar and Escavalier still find themselves criminally underused for how good they are: sitting at #37 and #43 respectively. Seriously, i know there are some qualities about Emboar and Escavalier that might seem like turnoffs at first (speed, competition from other pokemon, 4x weaknesses), but they're definitely great Pokemon and really deserve more usage than they get, try them out! Snover (and therefore hail) find themselves not being used that much despite how powerful well built hail teams are in the metagame, but take a look at where snover is in the 1850 stats! quite a big jump. Lastly, Golurk doesn't make the RU cut by 0.2% usage despite being above the cutoff in the june stats, which is frustrating given just how much Golurk deserves its RU status, especially because another tier shift is quite unlikely.
So, what do you think about these new stats?