RU Stats: June 2013


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So after another 3 months we've experienced what is probably the final tier shift of BW, although this final tier shift isn't really big news tbh. As pretty much nothing happened! The only tier shift that happened this month was Mandibuzz finally dropping to NU after clinging to RU for a very long period of time. There were some close calls, with Golurk even being well above the RU cutoff for this month, but no tier shifts ended up happening in the 3 month stats. Anyways, here are the usage stats, and some of my comments on them!

Three-month usage for Standard RU
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| Rank | Pokemon            | Percent |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 1    | Slowking          | 22.841% |
| 2    | Entei              | 17.845% |
| 3    | Druddigon          | 17.605% |
| 4    | Sceptile          | 15.144% |
| 5    | Uxie              | 15.120% |
| 6    | Gallade            | 13.976% |
| 7    | Cinccino          | 13.926% |
| 8    | Spiritomb          | 13.885% |
| 9    | Amoonguss          | 12.686% |
| 10  | Kabutops          | 12.635% |
| 11  | Galvantula        | 11.768% |
| 12  | Sigilyph          | 11.377% |
| 13  | Hitmonchan        | 11.050% |
| 14  | Aerodactyl        | 10.516% |
| 15  | Tangrowth          | 10.504% |
| 16  | Rotom-Mow          | 10.349% |
| 17  | Clefable          | 10.154% |
| 18  | Cryogonal          |  9.770% |
| 19  | Sandslash          |  9.682% |
| 20  | Hitmonlee          |  9.679% |
| 21  | Absol              |  9.589% |
| 22  | Lanturn            |  9.559% |
| 23  | Accelgor          |  9.338% |
| 24  | Bouffalant        |  9.238% |
| 25  | Magmortar          |  9.209% |
| 26  | Steelix            |  9.130% |
| 27  | Typhlosion        |  8.957% |
| 28  | Qwilfish          |  8.824% |
| 29  | Manectric          |  8.339% |
| 30  | Aggron            |  8.329% |
| 31  | Durant            |  8.226% |
| 32  | Feraligatr        |  7.971% |
| 33  | Dusknoir          |  7.805% |
| 34  | Moltres            |  7.709% |
| 35  | Lilligant          |  7.610% |
| 36  | Archeops          |  6.929% |
| 37  | Emboar            |  6.923% |
| 38  | Crustle            |  6.911% |
| 39  | Omastar            |  6.882% |
| 40  | Rotom              |  6.754% |
| 41  | Electivire        |  6.671% |
| 42  | Drapion            |  6.633% |
| 43  | Escavalier        |  6.519% |
| 44  | Magneton          |  6.352% |
| 45  | Crawdaunt          |  6.259% |
| 46  | Ferroseed          |  6.147% |
| 47  | Quagsire          |  5.953% |
| 48  | Medicham          |  5.901% |
| 49  | Scyther            |  5.466% |
| 50  | Smeargle          |  5.029% |
| 51  | Mesprit            |  4.922% |
| 52  | Snover            |  4.850% |
| 53  | Whimsicott        |  4.550% |
| 54  | Hariyama          |  4.318% |
| 55  | Rhydon            |  4.272% |
| 56  | Poliwrath          |  4.259% |
| 57  | Klinklang          |  3.623% |
+ ---- + ------------------ + ------- +
| 58  | Golurk            |  3.398% |
| 59  | Mandibuzz          |  3.179% |
| 60  | Alomomola          |  3.148% |
| 61  | Walrein            |  2.246% |
| 62  | Glaceon            |  2.169% |
| 63  | Rotom-Frost        |  1.948% |
| 64  | Miltank            |  1.706% |
| 65  | Zangoose          |  1.491% |
| 66  | Liepard            |  1.432% |
| 67  | Ludicolo          |  1.400% |
| 68  | Braviary          |  1.395% |
| 69  | Drifblim          |  1.347% |
| 70  | Scolipede          |  1.340% |
| 71  | Ninjask            |  1.295% |
| 72  | Piloswine          |  1.268% |
| 73  | Eelektross        |  1.244% |
| 74  | Tauros            |  1.227% |
| 75  | Charizard          |  1.119% |
| 76  | Armaldo            |  1.075% |
| 77  | Swellow            |  1.070% |
| 78  | Roselia            |  1.050% |
| 79  | Ditto              |  1.022% |
| 80  | Jynx              |  1.002% |
| 81  | Munchlax          |  0.993% |
| 82  | Gardevoir          |  0.989% |
| 83  | Haunter            |  0.918% |
| 84  | Exeggutor          |  0.896% |
| 85  | Pinsir            |  0.855% |
| 86  | Marowak            |  0.847% |
| 87  | Altaria            |  0.827% |
| 88  | Primeape          |  0.817% |
| 89  | Musharna          |  0.812% |
| 90  | Sawsbuck          |  0.718% |
| 91  | Misdreavus        |  0.696% |
| 92  | Torterra          |  0.694% |
| 93  | Kangaskhan        |  0.688% |
| 94  | Flareon            |  0.654% |
| 95  | Volbeat            |  0.626% |
| 96  | Samurott          |  0.605% |
| 97  | Sawk              |  0.592% |
| 98  | Skuntank          |  0.578% |
| 99  | Seaking            |  0.575% |
| 100  | Regirock          |  0.554% |
| 101  | Torkoal            |  0.550% |
| 102  | Lapras            |  0.550% |
| 103  | Regice            |  0.530% |
| 104  | Floatzel          |  0.528% |
| 105  | Gorebyss          |  0.521% |
| 106  | Stunfisk          |  0.520% |
| 107  | Carracosta        |  0.500% |
| 108  | Linoone            |  0.498% |
| 109  | Lickilicky        |  0.484% |
| 110  | Ampharos          |  0.481% |
| 111  | Cradily            |  0.467% |
| 112  | Seismitoad        |  0.457% |
| 113  | Wartortle          |  0.440% |
| 114  | Natu              |  0.438% |
| 115  | Audino            |  0.435% |
| 116  | Kadabra            |  0.429% |
| 117  | Mightyena          |  0.427% |
| 118  | Weezing            |  0.420% |
| 119  | Serperior          |  0.418% |
| 120  | Camerupt          |  0.412% |
| 121  | Gurdurr            |  0.405% |
| 122  | Articuno          |  0.402% |
| 123  | Arbok              |  0.393% |
| 124  | Dragonair          |  0.382% |
| 125  | Fraxure            |  0.380% |
| 126  | Yanma              |  0.378% |
| 127  | Muk                |  0.374% |
| 128  | Gigalith          |  0.365% |
| 129  | Electrode          |  0.343% |
| 130  | Vileplume          |  0.323% |
| 131  | Tangela            |  0.318% |
| 132  | Rampardos          |  0.316% |
| 133  | Pineco            |  0.311% |
| 134  | Slaking            |  0.309% |
| 135  | Meganium          |  0.308% |
| 136  | Duosion            |  0.302% |
| 137  | Ursaring          |  0.294% |
| 138  | Victreebel        |  0.292% |
| 139  | Rapidash          |  0.292% |
| 140  | Butterfree        |  0.281% |
| 141  | Cacturne          |  0.280% |
| 142  | Simisear          |  0.277% |
| 143  | Riolu              |  0.271% |
| 144  | Golem              |  0.264% |
| 145  | Bastiodon          |  0.250% |
| 146  | Shuckle            |  0.249% |
| 147  | Hypno              |  0.248% |
| 148  | Rotom-Fan          |  0.242% |
| 149  | Swoobat            |  0.240% |
| 150  | Heatmor            |  0.236% |
| 151  | Beheeyem          |  0.230% |
| 152  | Murkrow            |  0.229% |
| 153  | Shedinja          |  0.228% |
| 154  | Persian            |  0.225% |
| 155  | Jumpluff          |  0.216% |
| 156  | Lopunny            |  0.215% |
| 157  | Raichu            |  0.215% |
| 158  | Leafeon            |  0.214% |
| 159  | Pikachu            |  0.213% |
| 160  | Probopass          |  0.209% |
| 161  | Golbat            |  0.205% |
| 162  | Basculin          |  0.199% |
| 163  | Dodrio            |  0.198% |
| 164  | Kingler            |  0.197% |
| 165  | Throh              |  0.197% |
| 166  | Tropius            |  0.194% |
| 167  | Garbodor          |  0.185% |
| 168  | Masquerain        |  0.181% |
| 169  | Shiftry            |  0.168% |
| 170  | Zebstrika          |  0.163% |
| 171  | Metang            |  0.162% |
| 172  | Zweilous          |  0.161% |
| 173  | Scraggy            |  0.155% |
| 174  | Combusken          |  0.153% |
| 175  | Banette            |  0.152% |
| 176  | Regigigas          |  0.151% |
| 177  | Vigoroth          |  0.149% |
| 178  | Vanilluxe          |  0.149% |
| 179  | Togetic            |  0.144% |
| 180  | Parasect          |  0.143% |
| 181  | Shelgon            |  0.141% |
| 182  | Luxray            |  0.138% |
| 183  | Golduck            |  0.137% |
| 184  | Emolga            |  0.131% |
| 185  | Gothorita          |  0.128% |
| 186  | Relicanth          |  0.121% |
| 187  | Grumpig            |  0.121% |
| 188  | Simipour          |  0.120% |
| 189  | Dewgong            |  0.119% |
| 190  | Noctowl            |  0.115% |
| 191  | Mantine            |  0.113% |
| 192  | Solosis            |  0.113% |
| 193  | Tentacool          |  0.111% |
| 194  | Dunsparce          |  0.110% |
| 195  | Illumise          |  0.109% |
| 196  | Beartic            |  0.108% |
| 197  | Monferno          |  0.107% |
| 198  | Exploud            |  0.105% |
| 199  | Spinda            |  0.101% |
| 200  | Mawile            |  0.101% |
| 201  | Whiscash          |  0.092% |
| 202  | Lampent            |  0.091% |
| 203  | Vespiquen          |  0.089% |
| 204  | Clamperl          |  0.089% |
| 205  | Machoke            |  0.089% |
| 206  | Sneasel            |  0.089% |
| 207  | Wailord            |  0.087% |
| 208  | Anorith            |  0.082% |
| 209  | Mr. Mime          |  0.081% |
| 210  | Electabuzz        |  0.081% |
| 211  | Leavanny          |  0.079% |
| 212  | Stantler          |  0.079% |
| 213  | Gabite            |  0.077% |
| 214  | Wynaut            |  0.075% |
| 215  | Glalie            |  0.074% |
| 216  | Simisage          |  0.072% |
| 217  | Frillish          |  0.071% |
| 218  | Bibarel            |  0.064% |
| 219  | Stoutland          |  0.063% |
| 220  | Magmar            |  0.063% |
| 221  | Octillery          |  0.062% |
| 222  | Kecleon            |  0.061% |
| 223  | Swanna            |  0.060% |
| 224  | Dustox            |  0.059% |
| 225  | Diglett            |  0.054% |
| 226  | Granbull          |  0.054% |
| 227  | Dwebble            |  0.053% |
| 228  | Huntail            |  0.051% |
| 229  | Seviper            |  0.051% |
| 230  | Ledian            |  0.049% |
| 231  | Castform          |  0.048% |
| 232  | Magcargo          |  0.047% |
| 233  | Purrloin          |  0.047% |
| 234  | Nidorino          |  0.047% |
| 235  | Bellossom          |  0.044% |
| 236  | Corsola            |  0.043% |
| 237  | Chimecho          |  0.043% |
| 238  | Wormadam-Sandy    |  0.042% |
| 239  | Girafarig          |  0.038% |
| 240  | Sandshrew          |  0.038% |
| 241  | Pidgeot            |  0.038% |
| 242  | Raticate          |  0.038% |
| 243  | Fearow            |  0.036% |
| 244  | Lairon            |  0.036% |
| 245  | Wigglytuff        |  0.034% |
| 246  | Trapinch          |  0.033% |
| 247  | Solrock            |  0.033% |
| 248  | Furret            |  0.032% |
| 249  | Unfezant          |  0.032% |
| 250  | Delcatty          |  0.030% |
| 251  | Cottonee          |  0.030% |
| 252  | Lunatone          |  0.029% |
| 253  | Porygon            |  0.028% |
| 254  | Swalot            |  0.028% |
| 255  | Maractus          |  0.028% |
| 256  | Abra              |  0.027% |
| 257  | Pelipper          |  0.027% |
| 258  | Ariados            |  0.026% |
| 259  | Beedrill          |  0.026% |
| 260  | Lickitung          |  0.025% |
| 261  | Farfetch'd        |  0.025% |
| 262  | Seadra            |  0.024% |
| 263  | Whirlipede        |  0.024% |
| 264  | Klang              |  0.023% |
| 265  | Mothim            |  0.023% |
| 266  | Croconaw          |  0.023% |
| 267  | Clefairy          |  0.022% |
| 268  | Yamask            |  0.022% |
| 269  | Marshtomp          |  0.022% |
| 270  | Aron              |  0.021% |
| 271  | Staryu            |  0.021% |
| 272  | Rattata            |  0.019% |
| 273  | Ivysaur            |  0.019% |
| 274  | Purugly            |  0.019% |
| 275  | Krokorok          |  0.019% |
| 276  | Chatot            |  0.018% |
| 277  | Pawniard          |  0.018% |
| 278  | Wormadam-Trash    |  0.018% |
| 279  | Meditite          |  0.017% |
| 280  | Graveler          |  0.015% |
| 281  | Cherrim            |  0.015% |
| 282  | Magnemite          |  0.015% |
| 283  | Magikarp          |  0.014% |
| 284  | Onix              |  0.014% |
| 285  | Nosepass          |  0.013% |
| 286  | Poliwhirl          |  0.013% |
| 287  | Nidoqueen          |  0.013% |
| 288  | Phione            |  0.013% |
| 289  | Drilbur            |  0.012% |
| 290  | Carnivine          |  0.012% |
| 291  | Delibird          |  0.012% |
| 292  | Sunflora          |  0.012% |
| 293  | Beautifly          |  0.012% |
| 294  | Cleffa            |  0.012% |
| 295  | Pignite            |  0.012% |
| 296  | Hippopotas        |  0.011% |
| 297  | Slowpoke          |  0.010% |
| 298  | Unown              |  0.010% |
| 299  | Herdier            |  0.010% |
| 300  | Luvdisc            |  0.009% |
| 301  | Numel              |  0.009% |
| 302  | Minun              |  0.008% |
| 303  | Mantyke            |  0.008% |
| 304  | Grovyle            |  0.008% |
| 305  | Koffing            |  0.008% |
| 306  | Watchog            |  0.008% |
| 307  | Sudowoodo          |  0.008% |
| 308  | Shroomish          |  0.008% |
| 309  | Lumineon          |  0.008% |
| 310  | Sealeo            |  0.007% |
| 311  | Kricketune        |  0.007% |
| 312  | Shellder          |  0.007% |
| 313  | Eevee              |  0.007% |
| 314  | Bidoof            |  0.007% |
| 315  | Pupitar            |  0.007% |
| 316  | Omanyte            |  0.006% |
| 317  | Mienfoo            |  0.006% |
| 318  | Duskull            |  0.006% |
| 319  | Snivy              |  0.006% |
| 320  | Staravia          |  0.005% |
| 321  | Bulbasaur          |  0.005% |
| 322  | Squirtle          |  0.005% |
| 323  | Servine            |  0.005% |
| 324  | Lileep            |  0.005% |
| 325  | Corphish          |  0.005% |
| 326  | Wooper            |  0.005% |
| 327  | Carvanha          |  0.005% |
| 328  | Wingull            |  0.005% |
| 329  | Bayleef            |  0.005% |
| 330  | Baltoy            |  0.005% |
| 331  | Minccino          |  0.004% |
| 332  | Tepig              |  0.004% |
| 333  | Houndour          |  0.004% |
| 334  | Oshawott          |  0.004% |
| 335  | Vulpix            |  0.004% |
| 336  | Zubat              |  0.004% |
| 337  | Charmeleon        |  0.004% |
| 338  | Sentret            |  0.004% |
| 339  | Zigzagoon          |  0.004% |
| 340  | Meowth            |  0.003% |
| 341  | Elekid            |  0.003% |
| 342  | Tirtouga          |  0.003% |
| 343  | Ralts              |  0.003% |
| 344  | Charmander        |  0.003% |
| 345  | Patrat            |  0.003% |
| 346  | Plusle            |  0.003% |
| 347  | Aipom              |  0.003% |
| 348  | Vanillish          |  0.003% |
| 349  | Jigglypuff        |  0.003% |
| 350  | Pachirisu          |  0.003% |
| 351  | Metapod            |  0.003% |
| 352  | Krabby            |  0.003% |
| 353  | Mudkip            |  0.003% |
| 354  | Gloom              |  0.003% |
| 355  | Swadloon          |  0.003% |
| 356  | Zorua              |  0.003% |
| 357  | Poliwag            |  0.003% |
| 358  | Palpitoad          |  0.002% |
| 359  | Gastly            |  0.002% |
| 360  | Chinchou          |  0.002% |
| 361  | Panpour            |  0.002% |
| 362  | Tyrogue            |  0.002% |
| 363  | Hoppip            |  0.002% |
| 364  | Chimchar          |  0.002% |
| 365  | Vibrava            |  0.002% |
| 366  | Skiploom          |  0.002% |
| 367  | Totodile          |  0.002% |
| 368  | Kirlia            |  0.002% |
| 369  | Quilava            |  0.002% |
| 370  | Bellsprout        |  0.002% |
| 371  | Kabuto            |  0.002% |
| 372  | Pansage            |  0.002% |
| 373  | Nuzleaf            |  0.002% |
| 374  | Skitty            |  0.002% |
| 375  | Growlithe          |  0.002% |
| 376  | Caterpie          |  0.002% |
| 377  | Archen            |  0.002% |
| 378  | Treecko            |  0.002% |
| 379  | Oddish            |  0.002% |
| 380  | Chikorita          |  0.002% |
| 381  | Grotle            |  0.002% |
| 382  | Cyndaquil          |  0.001% |
| 383  | Shuppet            |  0.001% |
| 384  | Marill            |  0.001% |
| 385  | Axew              |  0.001% |
| 386  | Timburr            |  0.001% |
| 387  | Loudred            |  0.001% |
| 388  | Eelektrik          |  0.001% |
| 389  | Pansear            |  0.001% |
| 390  | Pidgey            |  0.001% |
| 391  | Ponyta            |  0.001% |
| 392  | Darumaka          |  0.001% |
| 393  | Croagunk          |  0.001% |
| 394  | Roggenrola        |  0.001% |
| 395  | Foongus            |  0.001% |
| 396  | Weepinbell        |  0.001% |
| 397  | Togepi            |  0.001% |
| 398  | Larvesta          |  0.001% |
| 399  | Voltorb            |  0.001% |
| 400  | Cherubi            |  0.001% |
| 401  | Geodude            |  0.001% |
| 402  | Deino              |  0.001% |
| 403  | Blitzle            |  0.001% |
| 404  | Psyduck            |  0.001% |
| 405  | Boldore            |  0.001% |
| 406  | Starly            |  0.001% |
| 407  | Trubbish          |  0.001% |
| 408  | Taillow            |  0.001% |
| 409  | Dratini            |  0.001% |
| 410  | Exeggcute          |  0.001% |
| 411  | Happiny            |  0.001% |
| 412  | Glameow            |  0.001% |
| 413  | Mime Jr.          |  0.001% |
| 414  | Nidorina          |  0.001% |
| 415  | Grimer            |  0.001% |
| 416  | Weedle            |  0.001% |
| 417  | Kakuna            |  0.001% |
| 418  | Doduo              |  0.001% |
| 419  | Phanpy            |  0.001% |
| 420  | Snubbull          |  0.001% |
| 421  | Buizel            |  0.001% |
| 422  | Ekans              |  0.001% |
| 423  | Lombre            |  0.001% |
| 424  | Pidove            |  0.001% |
| 425  | Shinx              |  0.001% |
| 426  | Wormadam          |  0.001% |
| 427  | Drifloon          |  0.001% |
| 428  | Wailmer            |  0.001% |
| 429  | Cranidos          |  0.001% |
| 430  | Vullaby            |  0.001% |
| 431  | Gulpin            |  0.001% |
| 432  | Tynamo            |  0.001% |
| 433  | Ledyba            |  0.001% |
| 434  | Pichu              |  0.001% |
| 435  | Shieldon          |  0.001% |
| 436  | Woobat            |  0.001% |
| 437  | Teddiursa          |  0.001% |
| 438  | Machop            |  0.001% |
| 439  | Tranquill          |  0.001% |
| 440  | Lillipup          |  0.001% |
| 441  | Swinub            |  0.001% |
| 442  | Pidgeotto          |  0.001% |
| 443  | Dewott            |  0.001% |
| 444  | Prinplup          |  0.000% |
| 445  | Mankey            |  0.000% |
| 446  | Flaaffy            |  0.000% |
| 447  | Drowzee            |  0.000% |
| 448  | Bronzor            |  0.000% |
| 449  | Tympole            |  0.000% |
| 450  | Combee            |  0.000% |
| 451  | Spoink            |  0.000% |
| 452  | Sunkern            |  0.000% |
| 453  | Whismur            |  0.000% |
| 454  | Spheal            |  0.000% |
| 455  | Budew              |  0.000% |
| 456  | Cacnea            |  0.000% |
| 457  | Mareep            |  0.000% |
| 458  | Buneary            |  0.000% |
| 459  | Spinarak          |  0.000% |
| 460  | Petilil            |  0.000% |
| 461  | Chingling          |  0.000% |
| 462  | Piplup            |  0.000% |
| 463  | Cubone            |  0.000% |
| 464  | Shellos            |  0.000% |
| 465  | Rhyhorn            |  0.000% |
| 466  | Magby              |  0.000% |
| 467  | Seel              |  0.000% |
| 468  | Azurill            |  0.000% |
| 469  | Deerling          |  0.000% |
| 470  | Sewaddle          |  0.000% |
| 471  | Larvitar          |  0.000% |
| 472  | Elgyem            |  0.000% |
| 473  | Golett            |  0.000% |
| 474  | Venipede          |  0.000% |
| 475  | Gible              |  0.000% |
| 476  | Smoochum          |  0.000% |
| 477  | Torchic            |  0.000% |
| 478  | Feebas            |  0.000% |
| 479  | Rufflet            |  0.000% |
| 480  | Litwick            |  0.000% |
| 481  | Luxio              |  0.000% |
| 482  | Gothita            |  0.000% |
| 483  | Remoraid          |  0.000% |
| 484  | Swablu            |  0.000% |
| 485  | Beldum            |  0.000% |
| 486  | Bagon              |  0.000% |
| 487  | Wurmple            |  0.000% |
| 488  | NidoranF          |  0.000% |
| 489  | NidoranM          |  0.000% |
| 490  | Igglybuff          |  0.000% |
| 491  | Goldeen            |  0.000% |
| 492  | Ducklett          |  0.000% |
| 493  | Skorupi            |  0.000% |
| 494  | Shelmet            |  0.000% |
| 495  | Silcoon            |  0.000% |
| 496  | Paras              |  0.000% |
| 497  | Spearow            |  0.000% |
| 498  | Surskit            |  0.000% |
| 499  | Nincada            |  0.000% |
| 500  | Horsea            |  0.000% |
| 501  | Snorunt            |  0.000% |
| 502  | Cascoon            |  0.000% |
| 503  | Cubchoo            |  0.000% |
| 504  | Finneon            |  0.000% |
| 505  | Joltik            |  0.000% |
| 506  | Bonsly            |  0.000% |
| 507  | Venonat            |  0.000% |
| 508  | Turtwig            |  0.000% |
| 509  | Lotad              |  0.000% |
| 510  | Poochyena          |  0.000% |
| 511  | Makuhita          |  0.000% |
| 512  | Klink              |  0.000% |

stats for just this month:

RU 1850 stats:

RU lead stats:

RU metagame analysis:

RU moveset stats:

As for my comments: Slowking still stays as the #1 most used Pokemon in RU, even approaching 30% usage in the 1850 stats! which is pretty impressive. Cinccino is still in the top 10 of the usage stats, and as i've mentioned in previous months, although i don't think Cinccino is a bad Pokemon at all, i really don't think it deserves all the attention its getting, and the weighted stats show this, as it has a very below average weight. Hitmonchan took a really unexpected rise in the usage stats despite not being that great, which i find pretty strange, but there was a recent successful RMT using Hitmonchan, so i guess it does have some use (although if you ask me, it still doesn't deserve to be so high up :/.) Sandslash and Dusknoir still find themselves somewhat high in usage, which doesn't make much sense tbh, although it is nice to note both of them dropped in usage a little bit since last month iirc. Emboar and Escavalier still find themselves criminally underused for how good they are: sitting at #37 and #43 respectively. Seriously, i know there are some qualities about Emboar and Escavalier that might seem like turnoffs at first (speed, competition from other pokemon, 4x weaknesses), but they're definitely great Pokemon and really deserve more usage than they get, try them out! Snover (and therefore hail) find themselves not being used that much despite how powerful well built hail teams are in the metagame, but take a look at where snover is in the 1850 stats! quite a big jump. Lastly, Golurk doesn't make the RU cut by 0.2% usage despite being above the cutoff in the june stats, which is frustrating given just how much Golurk deserves its RU status, especially because another tier shift is quite unlikely.

So, what do you think about these new stats?
I can't really say that I'm disappointed nothing dropped, because hazard stacking Dusclops/Moxie Krookodile team looked pretty scary in my eyes at least. I would've liked to see how Mismagius turned out in the metagame though, but I didn't really care about it that much. It is a shame that Golurk didn't rise, since it really is such a great Pokemon, with Spin Blocking, Rocks, and a 100% accurate Dynamic Punch should you choose to use it. Not to mention its great coverage. Slowking is rocking the top as expected, since you really can't go wrong with putting it on your team, since it can do so many things well. Like Molk said, Cincinno is being used way way way too much. It should probably be about where Escavalier is now (And Escavalier should be where Cincinno is if not higher). Kabutops is being used a good bit, but it really deserves to be used more. It can spin away your hazards, counter the majority of Entei's, can be annoying for Ice types Blizzard spammers to deal with, and can even sweep a good bit of the time with SD, priority, and Weak Armor. Galvantula, Hitmonchan, Sandslash, Bouffalant, and Dusknope are all much too high. Galvantula, Hitmonchan, and Bouffalant are good Pokemon, don't get me wrong, but don't deserve top 20 in my eyes, since they're very easy to beat at the moment. Qwilfish should be being used much more with its fantastic ability, great support movepool, and its ability to wall many of the prominent physical attackers in the metagame at the moment. The two Pokemon I think will really break out and rise in usage in the next few months are Mesprit and Crustle. Mesprit should be a top 20, maybe even top 10 Pokemon, thanks to its versatility, wall breaking ability, and sweeping ability with its Calm Mind Set. It can set up on many of the top Pokes, or just flat out beat them. Crustle is literally the bane of hail teams. Thanks to sturdy and its nice bulk, it can set up on your lead Snover, then Rock Blast it into oblivion, then either get another KO or heavily dent another important part of your team. He is also very efficient at getting rocks up while threatening you with its STAB's. Hopefully, people will realize how good he is at beating down Hail teams and give him a try.
Guess share my thoughts:

Slowking being #1 doesn't surprise me. It's a great all-around Pokemon that has many uses on both defense and offense. Entei passing Druddigon for #2 is a bit surprising, but both are great physical attackers. I guess Entei got the nod over it for ExtremeSpeed. Gallade moving up to #6 doesn't surprise me much. It's a really solid Pokemon and is one of the hardest things to actually switch into. It's also one of the few offensive Pokemon that can actually tank a Blizzard without a resistance to it.

Moving on down the line, there are some other things I noticed. Although Hitmonchan is better than most people think it is (physical-based Mesprit in terms of coverage) it still doesn't deserve THAT much usage. Probably top 25 or top 30, but not top 15. Obligatory comment about how I can't understand Sandslash and Dusknoir being so high up. *shakes head and moves on* Good to see Aggron crack the top 30, but it's definitely a much better Pokemon than its usage stats indicate. CB Head Smash is just brutal right now as there are few viable resists to the move that can actually take it multiple times.

Threats that need more usage: Emboar is an obvious one. One of the best Scarfed Pokemon in the tier atm. Sure, it does receive quite a bit of competition from Entei (who is #2 right now) but Emboar is neutral to SR, has a great secondary Fighting STAB, and can more easily run Sleep Talk imo since it has everything covered in 3 moves for the most part whereas Entei has to choose between keeping the likes of Rhydon at bay or being able to handle Sleep users. Escavalier is another although Aggron does give it a lot of competition. The biggest boon for Escavalier here is its overall bulk and lack of weaknesses (outside of Fire of course)

Then there's Mesprit. It's sitting all the way down at #51 which just baffles me beyond belief. Mesprit is an amazing Pokemon right now and really needs more love. It is one of the very few offensive Pokemon that can actually check Gallade and usually come out on top. It can also serve as a solid check to the likes of Slowking, Druddigon, Sceptile, Amoonguss, and Kabutops; all of which are top 10 Pokemon right now. Yeah, I know it has issues with Steel- and Dark-types, but that's why you can use stuff like Emboar, Aggron, and Escavalier with it. Honestly, it performs well for me no matter the set I use with it. Defintely a top 20 Pokemon imo as it has power, bulk, versatility, and enough Speed to beat out most bulkier threats. Specs, offensive SR, Weather Support, (Sub)CM, Scarf, and Band. Try one of them out. They're all good. (though Scarf and Band are riskiest)

May edit with more stuff later.
Golurk doesn't make it and Evire has almost 7% usage? Lol ok, but seeing what the ladder uses and molk laddering with a joke team to 1900 this is not really surprising. For more details see the stats below:

| Magmortar | | Modest:252/0/0/252/4/0 19.645% |

It should be obvious a clearly offensive mon like this should not be running that much bulk, especially when it has no recovery, a not so great typing for taking a hit or two, and below average bulk.

| Durant | | Stone Edge 41.327% |
Hustle+ Stone Edge? Lol ok. Rock Slide gets the same kill if you really need to kill Moltres without sr. Also, Thunder Fang didnt make it in the usage stats for some random reason being used less than the mighty Crunch(why would you run that lol).

Absol |Sucker Punch 73.140%|
You see the only reason Absol is not another NU mon with a great attack but shit stab/outclassed by a fuckton of things (and the strongest unboosted priority move in the game) you should ignore it. While I'm at it, PLEASE DON'T USE SCARF. I get pursuiting shit like Jynx is cool and all, but except for her and maybe Gardevoir , no Psychic type or ghost mon should stay in absol . Scarf also means you can't its best move giving you an on par with Scarf Kingler mon with the chance of pursuiting a mon that you would have killed with a LO/Dread Plat eset anyway.

I can't really say that I'm disappointed nothing dropped, because hazard stacking Dusclops
Except for the part where Dusclops gets fucked beyond belief by spikes and gets 2hkoed by literally everything in the tier after taking a hit from them.
Well well, gonna post some thoughts.

Slowking being the king of the tier is certainly no surprise, since it's a really versatile glue Pokemon that can be a great pivot, which is what keeps it high in usage. Entei exceeding Druddigon was probably my doing, as with my latest RU RMT with Scolipede. Either way, both are truly top tier so it's nice to see them high. Uxie and Sceptile follow shortly behind, nothing particularly surprising, since the former is an amazing support Pokemon and the latter is an awesome cleaner. Gallade is certainly on a roll, given it's a great wallbreaker with an SD set. Cinccino is rather high, although as much as I love Cincy I think it should be down lower, great Pokemon, but only Top 20 material at best. Amoonguss is a tad overrated, I've often preferred Roselia on pure stall because of spiking, although it should only be Top 25. Hitmonchan should be Top 25 at best too, just as EonX said, it's a great offensive Pokemon and an okay spinner, but not Top 15 material. Nice to see Rotom-Mow getting the credit he deserves since he's an awesome revenge killer. Bouffalant is really high, wow, never saw that coming. Absol is doing well, good to see that. Sandslash usage went down, although it should be NU. Too bad it's here to stay now. Qwilfish should definitely be higher, Top 15 material at least. Dusknoir sucks too, but it sucks that it's here to stay.

Down the list, some underrated stuff I think should get more credit. Emboar should definitely be used more since he's arguably one of the best Choice Scarf users in the tier, with a useful typing allowing him to revenge a number of things. His great coverage also allows him to serve as an awesome wallbreaker with CB, so use that too. Escavalier should be Top 10 at least, it's got incredible power and a useful typing making it amazing, it's in S-Rank for a reason. Ferroseed is pretty useful, great typing and useful hazard setter and supporter. Mesprit, as previously stated, is fantastic in this metagame, being very versatile and balanced, and can check threats while accomplishing many roles. Mesprit's awesome stats and movepool make it one of the best Psychic-types in the tier, should definitely be Top 20 at least (and hell, it's cute as fuck and that should automatically give it a spot on your team). Smeargle and Snover are great leads. Down the list, there's Rhydon, Poliwrath, Klinklang, Golurk, Alomomola, Walrein, Glaceon, Rotom-Frost, and Scolipede (Scoli in particular is amazing in this meta, it never should've dropped).
My thoughts are as follows,

Slowking deserves its place, it's versatile, strong, bulky, great ability, etc. All this as already been touched on so I'll move on. I won't lie I kinda expected Druddigon to take the RU throne, though #3 certainly ain't bad. Both it and Slowking are definitely the best mons in RU atm, imo. The usual disappointment with mons such as Dusknoir and Sandslash being so high. I'm also not sure why Hitmonchan bumped up so high in usage?? If someone knows I'd like to know as well. Cinccino and Amoonguss are pretty 'hyped' mons but IDK if they really deserve their spots there? It's kinda sad to see some of the greater choice-users so low down, such as Escavalier (I'm a bit biased, I really like using this thing in RU), Emboar (as mentioned by ScraftyIsTheBest), and even Medicham deserves a higher spot than it currently holds. (Excuse the jumbled mess of thoughts that I just vomited into this post.)

some things are disappointing but overrall it isn't too bad :)
So, my usual 3-month top 3s (or at least will be usual now).

Top 3 in Weight
1. Snover
2. Rotom
3. Rotom-Mow

The top 2 are the same as last time, and Rotom-C was 4 or 5. Obviously Hail is still very effective, that much hasn't changed, and both Rotom formes are still somewhat underrated (I feel Rotom-C could be Top 10 worthy).

Bottom 3 in Weight
1. Whimsicott
2. Electivire
3. Aggron

Top 2 again remain unchanged, although their positions have been swapped. Aggron is really interesting, since I'm pretty sure it's a good Poke in this meta. It appears that it isn't really being used as effectively as it could, with Leftovers being used more than Choice Band and Stealth Rock being the fourth most used move.

Top 3 3-Month Risers
1. Entei +6.15855%
2. Bouffalant +4.47488%
3. Druddigon +3.7541%

Entei has always been a top threat, but he had a huge June. Bouffalant had an equally large jump in April to complement his impressive June, but I feel he may have overshot where he should be (I liked him at around 7%). Druddigon is obviously a huge gainer from the past 3 months, reaching number 2 at one point. Honorable mention to Hitmonchan, who has risen all three months but like Bouffalant I feel he has overshot his goal.

Top 3 3-Month Fallers
1. Hariyama -2.06943 %
2. Typhlosion -2.00073%
3. Sandslash -1.72819%

Hariyama really just had a big March, which set him up for this cycle's fall. Typhlosion is interesting, as he falls nicely into the "used wrong" category due to the prevalence of Scarf as the item of choice. While Specs hasn't quite surpassed Scarf, it is quite close now, which may indicate simply a drop off of Scarf users rather than an increase in Specs. For everyone who hates Sandslash's inexplicably high usage (myself included), it should be noted that this is the lowest he's been in a while, and maybe his first time out of the top 20. He has bounced back before, so we'll just have to watch for next month. Honorable mention to the Pokemon that fell last shift. They're mostly irrelevant now, with only Scolipede managing over 1%, but that's to be expected from losing the RU tag.

Bold Prediction of the Month: Golurk or Alomomola will have RU usage by end of September.

We're in a weird position right now, with 3 months before XY but no more tier shifts. I understand the rationale for this decision (I believe it has to do with suspect testing), but it doesn't mean irony won't strike us. I have a gut feeling that one of these two would have a 3-month stat that would place them in RU if we were to have a hypothetical tier shift. I also feel that something from UU would drop, but that's a different tier.
Amoonguss just doesn't seem Top 10 worthy, people want those Spores so badly. Sandslash and Dusknoir are still being foolishly used, they're both horribly outclassed and should've been NU. Qwilfish at 28 is just wrong, it deserves top 10.
1 | Slowking | 22.841% |
Makes sense really. Much like Scizor in OU, many team archetypes will appreciate Slowking. He has good bulk, power and lasting ability with regenerator. Even my main pokemon I use when I want to check Slowking (Spiritomb) is only shaky.

| 7 | Cinccino | 13.926% |
I agree with Molk here in that this guy really isn't all he is cracked up to be. Being able to Stop Smeargle/Sub users is a great boon and all but many times he really isn't as powerful as those high BP moves make him look. Not to mention priority and faster pokemon will destroy him due to how frail he is. His multi attacking ability, good speed and High BP coverage moves warrant him in a top 20 spot imo but 10 is stretching it.

| 13 | Hitmonchan | 11.050% |
If you want an offensive Rapid Spinner use Kabutops or even offensive Cyro. Foresight Spinning is nice on stall teams but taking 2 turns to spin just loses too much momentum for even balanced teams. No to mention pretty much every ghost is capable of handling him anyway, unlike Kabutops

| 30 | Aggron | 8.329% |
This guy really is quite good. Choice Band will dent anything with that decent 110 attack and amazing 150 BP STAB move. Top 20 worthy imo.

| 33 | Dusknoir | 7.805% |
| 34 | Moltres | 7.709% |
Brb gonna cry ;-;. Joking aside I really love Moltres at the moment. His Sheer Power and underrated Flying nuke make Moltres quite the force, it is the best special stallbraker in my opinion and can also run a mean SubRoost set. It also goes well with amazing rapid spinner Kabutops which helps somewhat migate his SR weakness. Dusknoir is just weak, has no usuable stab and isn't even bulky enough to withstand many stallbreakers. All he can do is Will O Wisp switch ins and even then he is outclassed by Spiritomb.

| 52 | Snover | 4.850% |
I need to make a hail team at some point. I have heard that Stallrein is a bitch to fight.

| 58 | Golurk | 3.398% |
Woah, that's pretty borderline there, I guess he'll probably return next month, he does fit well in the meta though so I can see why he is moving back up.

| 74 | Tauros | 1.227% |
I could go on all day about how Tauros has clinched me games and how he is top 20 worthy but I'll just keep it short, Good Speed, Nice Power with Sheer Force, Doesn't get easily worn down by LO, good coverage and a surprisingly powerful Fire Blast make this one of the best cleaners in the meta.

That's all for now as I'm getting tired.
Looking at the 1850 stats here are some interesting rises and drops that i've noticed.

Slowking isn't just #1 in RU's 1850 stats, it has some of the highest usage we've seen in a while, approaching 30% usage in the 1850 stats. It just goes to show how good slowking is in the metagame, although i think we're all pretty well aquainted with how powerful a good Slowking is =).

Rotom-C took a pretty dramatic boost in the 1850 stats, going from #15 all the way up to #5, this might be partially my fault, considering how much i suggest Rotom-C and use it myself :x. It totally deserves that big boost though, Rotom-C's an excellent Pokemon in the tier and makes a great lure, scout, revenge killer, and check to several offensive threats.

Sigilyph went up in usage in the 1850 stats too. I think some of this might be coming from people trying out that RMT santuga posted, which had a sigilyph on it, as well as people below 1500 using the Cosmic Power set not bogging down its weight as much, as people below that rating count even less in the 1850 stats. Seriously everyone, if you're looking for a good sigilyph set, try Calm Mind+Roost, 3 Attacks+roost, CM+3 attacks, or just all out attacker, Cosmic Power Sigilyph simply isn't that great :/.

Once again Qwilfish has quite a lot of usage in the 1850 stats, going from #28 to #14, and for good reason too! Qwilfish is easily one of the best spikers and utility Pokemon in the whole tier. Being able to reliably get multiple layers of hazards up while checking important threats such as Entei and Escavalier, and serving as an emergency stop to others with Intimidate and Thunder Wave even if its not an 100% counter. Well deserved, qwilfish.

As i mentioned in the OP Snover has quite a bit of usage in the 1850 stats, approaching 10% usage while its just barely clinging onto RU status in the regular stats. It just goes to show just how powerful a well built hail team can be in this metagame, hence the possibility of it being suspected in the near future. (nothing's confirmed yet!)

Cinccino Isn't used nearly as much in the 1850 stats as it is in the regular stats, going down from #7 to #17. As i mentioned in the OP i've always though Cinccino was a bit overrated. it definitely deserves to be RU, but going all the way up to #7 is a bit too far, especially when there are other options for good Normal-types such as Tauros and Zangoose rotting below the cutoff :(.

Galvantula took a dip in the 1850 stats, going from about 11% usage in the regular stats to around 8% in the 1850 stats. I mean, i know Galvantula isn't bad or anything, but i just see it as a bit overrated kinda like Cinccino. Its obviously pretty strong offensively, but its the absolute definition of a glass cannon, being hard to switch in, being Stealth Rock weak, and weak to common types. I never really thought Galvantula deserved the usage it got even in BW1, do you agree or disagree?

If we used the 1850 stats for tiering Golurk and Alomomola would've been solidly in RU by now. Although both of them are slightly below the cutoff in the regular stats, both of them are solidly RU in the 1850 stats, with Golurk reaching about 5% and Alomomola reaching about 4.3% As someone who uses both of these Pokemon quite a bit i can say that they really deserve Ru status, and its kinda annoying to see both of them get so close to moving up, especially when they're used so much in 1850. Give these two pokemon a shot imo, you won't be disappointed.
Other interesting 1850 stats that Molk missed in his post (as well as some he already covered!)

Emboar: This thing is getting the usage it deserves in 1850 stats. A fairly large jump from #37 all the way to #20. Big leap for sure and proof positive that Emboar is a very solid Pokemon. Much better than its usage in the regular stats suggest.

Escavalier: While not as big of a leap as Emboar, it still made a fairly sizable jump from #43 to #27. It may not have much in the way of coverage, but its resistance to Blizzard, ability in Overcoat, and brutal STAB Megahorn make it a threat to be reckoned with.

Snover: Hail is a whole lot better than the regular stats indicate and Snover's massive jump in the 1850 stats shed a lot of light on this. #52 all the way to #18 should show how potent Hail can truly be.

Golurk: To Molk's point about it, I can attest to how good Golurk is when you know its limitations. Sure, it may not handle the top spinners all that well, but it has a great defensive typing, solid bulk, and a great Attack stat. I've used it quite a bit as of late and it almost never lets me down. Give it a try. I'm sure you won't be disappointed.

Mesprit: I already made a big, huge, long post earlier about how good Mesprit is right now, so I'll try to stop short of that here. This is really the only instance of an underachieving Pokemon in the regular stats not making a well deserved jump in the 1850 stats. Mesprit's versatile, has solid bulk and power, and can fill a multitude of roles on a team. Try any one of its sets. As long as you know the limitations of each set and support it properly, Mesprit will not let you down. Like with Golurk, I've used Mesprit a lot lately and it rarely ever lets me down. It's even been the sole reason I've won some of my matches in the last month or so as well. Use it more. You'll be glad you did. And oh by the way. It gets Blizzard and beats most Fighting-types.