Project RU Research Week: Week 14 - Porygon-Z, Marowak-A & Reuniclus

The team:

The (low ladder) replays:

Alolawak is pretty neat for checking Xurkitree and non Snarl Toxtricity, lessening the need for a Ground to answer them, opening up some different avenues for teambuilding instead of Ground Rocker + mon that doesn't instadie to Toxt (or just running Lix for the 3rd time in a row). Additionally, it pressures Waters to both come in and stay in, as not much else really likes taking it on (bar Incineroar...once). Flame Charge is really cool, punishing choice locked moves (like fucking scarf Golurk, holy shit dude) and increasing the range of threats you scare out, potentially even getting another Flame Charge if the opponent expected Swords Dance or was pivoting around it. Rocks removal is pivotal, as trading favorably against Waters (or things in general) requires Alolawak to be at full, which I is why I opted for pressuring most rockers offensively + defog on the team.

Raikou last was because I imagine Seismi being chunked something fierce and Gastro has to pray for a Poltergeist miss to still check Kou later, though there are probably better candidates for that last slot to captilaze on Waters being near death. Toge scared me otherwise, though, so ech.

Apologies for the late post, life's been getting busy.